
#include "SlamPixels.proto.h"
typedef struct {
    char        *packedImage;
    short       *code;
} pixiZAM;
void CIconToPixiZAM(CIconHandle cicn, pixiZam *pz)
    char    *srcImagePtr;
    char    *maskImagePtr;
    char    *dstImagePtr;
    short   *dstCodePtr;
    long    imageMemSize;
    long    imageCodeSize;
    srcImagePtr = (**cicn).iconPMap.baseAddr;
    maskImagePtr = (**cicn).iconPMap.maskImagePtr;
    imageMemSize = ((**cicn).iconPMap.bounds.bottom - 
                (**cicn) * (**cicn).iconPMap.rowBytes;
    dstImagePtr = NewPtrClear(imageMemSize);
    imageCodeSize = (**cicn).iconPMap.bounds.bottom - 
                (**cicn) * (**cicn).iconPMap.rowBytes / 2);
    dstCodePtr = NewPtrClear();
void BlitPixie(PixMapHandle srcPixMapH, PixMapHandle dstPixMapH, Rect *pixRect)
    long *srcPixP;                                      // pointer to video memory
    long *dstPixP;                                      // pointer to video memory
    register long numRowsToCopy;            // rows we are going to copy
    long srcStripRowBytes;                      // to clear high bit of rowbytes
    long dstStripRowBytes;                      // to clear high bit of rowbytes
    register long srcRowLongsOffset;    // rowBytes converted to long
    register long dstRowLongsOffset;    // rowBytes converted to long
    long numRowLongs;                                   // number of long words per row
    Rect blitRect;                                      // area to blit
    char mmuMode;                                           // 32-bit mode required
        // make a local copy so we can make some adjustments
    blitRect = *pixRect;
        // long word align the left edge
    blitRect.left &= ~3;
        // is the right edge long word aligned?
    if (blitRect.right & 3)
            // long word align the right edge
        blitRect.right &= ~3;       // we could combine these into one line but THINK C
        blitRect.right += 4;        // generates half as many instructions this way
        // clip off the top so we dont write into random memory
    if ( < (**dstPixMapH)
        { = (**dstPixMapH);
        if ( >= blitRect.bottom)
        // clip off the left so we dont write into random memory
    if (blitRect.left < (**dstPixMapH).bounds.left)
        blitRect.left = (**dstPixMapH).bounds.left;
        if (blitRect.left >= blitRect.right)
        // clip off the bottom so we dont write into random memory
    if (blitRect.bottom > (**dstPixMapH).bounds.bottom)
        blitRect.bottom = (**dstPixMapH).bounds.bottom;
        if (blitRect.bottom <=
        // clip off the right so we dont write into random memory
    if (blitRect.right > (**dstPixMapH).bounds.right)
        blitRect.right = (**dstPixMapH).bounds.right;
        if (blitRect.right <= blitRect.left)
        // high bit of pixMap rowBytes must be cleared
    srcStripRowBytes = (**srcPixMapH).rowBytes & 0x7FFF;
        // high bit of pixMap rowBytes must be cleared
    dstStripRowBytes = (**dstPixMapH).rowBytes & 0x7FFF;
        // calculate the address of the first byte of the source
    srcPixP = (long *)(GetPixBaseAddr(srcPixMapH) + ((long)srcStripRowBytes * + blitRect.left);
        // calculate the address of the first byte of the destination
    dstPixP = (long *)(GetPixBaseAddr(dstPixMapH) + ((long)dstStripRowBytes * + blitRect.left);
        // calculate the number of rows to copy
    numRowsToCopy = blitRect.bottom -;
        // calculate the number of long words in a row
    numRowLongs = (blitRect.right - blitRect.left) >> 2;
        // calculate the long word offset from the end of one row to the start of the next
    srcRowLongsOffset = (srcStripRowBytes >> 2) - numRowLongs;
        // calculate the long word offset from the end of one row to the start of the next
    dstRowLongsOffset = (dstStripRowBytes >> 2) - numRowLongs;
        // change to 32-bit addressing mode to access video memory
        // the previous addressing mode is returned in mmuMode for restoring later
    mmuMode = true32b;
        // blit the pixels
        // this is so sick, but it works!
    switch (numRowLongs)
        case 32:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 31:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 30:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 29:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 28:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 27:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 26:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 25:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 24:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 23:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 22:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 21:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 20:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 19:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 18:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 17:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 16:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 15:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 14:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 13:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 12:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 11:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 10:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 9:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 8:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 7:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 6:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 5:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 4:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 3:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
        case 2:
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
            *dstPixP++ = *srcPixP++;
            // bump to start of next row
        srcPixP += srcRowLongsOffset;
        dstPixP += dstRowLongsOffset;
        } while (--numRowsToCopy);
        // restore addressing mode back to what it was