Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
dru_burning.c |
Part of the Disc Recording Utility sources for command-line tools. This |
code provides an example of handling progress during a burn. |
*/ |
#include <DiscRecording/DiscRecording.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <unistd.h> |
#include <sys/ioctl.h> |
#include <sys/fcntl.h> |
#include <sys/ttycom.h> |
#include "dru_burning.h" |
#include "dru_progress.h" |
typedef struct druBurnStatus druBurnStatus; |
struct druBurnStatus |
{ |
int success; |
CFStringRef lastState; |
CFNumberRef lastTrack; |
CFDictionaryRef completionStatus; |
char stage[80]; |
dru_progress_t progressBar; |
}; |
void druProgressCallback(DRNotificationCenterRef center,void *observer,CFStringRef name,DRTypeRef object,CFDictionaryRef info); |
#pragma mark - |
/* |
druBurn |
Called to do a burn. Burning is a long async process, so this function mostly |
handles providing appropriate progress and completion information to the user. |
*/ |
int |
druBurn(DRBurnRef burn, CFTypeRef layout) |
{ |
DRNotificationCenterRef notificationCenter = NULL; |
CFRunLoopSourceRef source = NULL; |
druBurnStatus status = {0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {0}, 0}; |
/* Create a progress bar. */ |
status.progressBar = druProgressBarCreate(); |
/* Sign up for notifications from the burn object. */ |
notificationCenter = DRNotificationCenterCreate(); |
source = DRNotificationCenterCreateRunLoopSource(notificationCenter); |
CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), source, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); |
DRNotificationCenterAddObserver(notificationCenter,&status,druProgressCallback, kDRBurnStatusChangedNotification, burn); |
/* Okay, kick off the burn. */ |
DRBurnWriteLayout(burn, layout); |
/* Enter a runloop until the burn finishes. */ |
CFRunLoopRun(); |
/* Clean up memory and exit. */ |
CFRunLoopSourceInvalidate(source); |
if (notificationCenter != NULL) CFRelease(notificationCenter); |
if (source != NULL) CFRelease(source); |
if (status.progressBar != NULL) druProgressBarDispose(status.progressBar,status.success); |
if (status.success) |
printf("Burn completed.\n"); |
else |
druPrintFailureMessage("Burn", status.completionStatus); |
if (status.completionStatus != NULL) CFRelease(status.completionStatus); |
return status.success; |
} |
/* |
druErase |
Called to do a erase. Pass in the device and a flag to indicate a full or quick erase. |
*/ |
int |
druErase(DRDeviceRef device, int fullErase) |
{ |
DREraseRef erase = NULL; |
DRNotificationCenterRef notificationCenter = NULL; |
CFRunLoopSourceRef source = NULL; |
druBurnStatus status = {0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {0}, 0}; |
CFMutableDictionaryRef properties; |
erase = DREraseCreate(device); |
if (erase != NULL) |
{ |
/* Create a progress bar. */ |
status.progressBar = druProgressBarCreate(); |
/* Sign up for notifications from the erase object. */ |
notificationCenter = DRNotificationCenterCreate(); |
source = DRNotificationCenterCreateRunLoopSource(notificationCenter); |
CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), source, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); |
DRNotificationCenterAddObserver(notificationCenter,&status,druProgressCallback,kDREraseStatusChangedNotification, erase); |
/* setup erase properties for type of erase to be performed */ |
properties = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL,0,&kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,&kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); |
if (fullErase) |
CFDictionaryAddValue(properties,kDREraseTypeKey,kDREraseTypeComplete); |
else |
CFDictionaryAddValue(properties,kDREraseTypeKey,kDREraseTypeQuick); |
DREraseSetProperties(erase, properties); |
/* Okay, start the erase. */ |
DREraseStart(erase); |
/* Enter a runloop until the burn finishes. */ |
CFRunLoopRun(); |
/* Clean up memory and exit. */ |
CFRunLoopSourceInvalidate(source); |
if (notificationCenter != NULL) CFRelease(notificationCenter); |
if (source != NULL) CFRelease(source); |
if (status.progressBar != NULL) druProgressBarDispose(status.progressBar,status.success); |
CFRelease(erase); |
} |
if (status.success) |
printf("Erase completed.\n"); |
else |
druPrintFailureMessage("Erase", status.completionStatus); |
if (status.completionStatus != NULL) CFRelease(status.completionStatus); |
return status.success; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
/* |
druProgressCallback |
DRNotificationCallback to handle burn or erase progress. |
*/ |
void |
druProgressCallback(DRNotificationCenterRef center,void *observer,CFStringRef name,DRTypeRef object,CFDictionaryRef taskStatus) |
{ |
#pragma unused(center, name, object) |
druBurnStatus *status = (druBurnStatus*)observer; |
CFStringRef currentState = NULL; |
CFNumberRef progressRef = NULL; |
CFNumberRef currentTrackRef = NULL; |
float progress = 0.0; |
int currentTrack = 0; |
char buffer[sizeof(status->stage)]; |
/* Get information from the status dictionary. */ |
currentState = CFDictionaryGetValue(taskStatus,kDRStatusStateKey); |
progressRef = CFDictionaryGetValue(taskStatus,kDRStatusPercentCompleteKey); |
currentTrackRef = CFDictionaryGetValue(taskStatus,kDRStatusCurrentTrackKey); |
/* Fetch values from CFNumbers. */ |
if (progressRef != NULL) |
CFNumberGetValue(progressRef,kCFNumberFloatType,&progress); |
if (currentTrackRef != NULL) |
CFNumberGetValue(currentTrackRef,kCFNumberIntType,¤tTrack); |
/* Check to see if primary burn state has changed. (Preparing, Writing, Verifying, etc) */ |
if (status->lastState == NULL || |
!CFEqual(status->lastState,currentState) || |
((currentTrackRef != NULL) && !CFEqual(status->lastTrack,currentTrackRef))) |
{ |
/* Yes - did we have a previous state? */ |
if (status->lastState != NULL) |
{ |
/* Forget about the old state. */ |
if (status->lastState) CFRelease(status->lastState); |
if (status->lastTrack) CFRelease(status->lastTrack); |
} |
/* If the burn was successful, stop the runloop. */ |
if (CFEqual(currentState,kDRStatusStateDone)) |
{ |
status->completionStatus = (CFDictionaryRef)CFRetain(taskStatus); |
status->success = 1; |
CFRunLoopStop(CFRunLoopGetCurrent()); |
return; |
} |
/* If the burn was unsuccessful, print a failure message (localized) |
and stop the runloop. */ |
if (CFEqual(currentState,kDRStatusStateFailed)) |
{ |
status->completionStatus = (CFDictionaryRef)CFRetain(taskStatus); |
status->success = 0; |
CFRunLoopStop(CFRunLoopGetCurrent()); |
return; |
} |
/* Remember the new state. */ |
status->lastState = CFStringCreateCopy(NULL,currentState); |
if (currentTrackRef) status->lastTrack = CFRetain(currentTrackRef); |
/* Translate the stage into a user-visible string. |
We only display a few of the possible states - the others are |
brief and the user doesn't really care about them. |
*/ |
buffer[0] = 0; |
if (CFEqual(currentState,kDRStatusStatePreparing)) |
{ |
if (currentTrack == 0) |
snprintf(buffer,sizeof(buffer),"Preparing..."); |
else |
snprintf(buffer,sizeof(buffer),"Preparing track %d ...", currentTrack); |
} |
else if (CFEqual(currentState,kDRStatusStateTrackWrite)) |
{ |
if (currentTrack != 0) |
snprintf(buffer,sizeof(buffer),"Writing track %d ...", currentTrack); |
} |
else if (CFEqual(currentState,kDRStatusStateSessionClose) || |
CFEqual(currentState,kDRStatusStateTrackClose)) |
{ |
snprintf(buffer,sizeof(buffer),"Closing..."); |
} |
else if (CFEqual(currentState,kDRStatusStateVerifying)) |
{ |
if (currentTrack != 0) |
snprintf(buffer,sizeof(buffer),"Verifying..."); |
} |
else if (CFEqual(currentState,kDRStatusStateErasing)) |
{ |
snprintf(buffer,sizeof(buffer),"Erasing..."); |
} |
/* Change the stage string - the progress bar will catch this. */ |
if (buffer[0] != 0 && strcmp(status->stage,buffer)) |
strncpy(status->stage, buffer, sizeof(status->stage)); |
} |
/* Update the progress bar. */ |
druProgressBarUpdate(status->progressBar,status->stage,progress); |
} |
/* |
druPrintFailureMessage |
Prints out a localized burn failure message from the burn engine. |
*/ |
void |
druPrintFailureMessage(const char *task, CFDictionaryRef status) |
{ |
CFDictionaryRef errorStatus = CFDictionaryGetValue(status,kDRErrorStatusKey); |
UInt8 message[256]; |
CFIndex len = 0; |
strncpy(message,"no error message available.",sizeof(message)); |
if (errorStatus != NULL) |
{ |
CFStringRef errorString = CFDictionaryGetValue(errorStatus,kDRErrorStatusErrorStringKey); |
if (errorString != NULL) |
{ |
CFStringGetBytes(errorString, CFRangeMake(0,CFStringGetLength(errorString)), kCFStringEncodingASCII, |
'.', false, (UInt8*)message, sizeof(message)-1, &len); |
message[len] = 0; |
} |
} |
printf("%s failed: %s\n", task, message); |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14