Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
#include <glob.h> |
#include "dru_devices.h" |
#include "dru_burning.h" |
#import <fcntl.h> |
#include <dirent.h> |
#include <sys/types.h> |
#include <sys/uio.h> |
#include <unistd.h> |
typedef struct AIFFFileInfo |
{ |
int fd; // The file descriptor of the open file |
unsigned numChannels; // The number of channels of audio |
unsigned sampleFreq; // the sampling frequency. We're only going to support 44.1KHz. |
unsigned sampleBits; // bits/sample |
unsigned sampleBytes; // number of bytes for each sample. Calculated value |
unsigned long dataStart; // Where the sound data starts in the file |
unsigned long dataEnd; // Where the sound data ends in the file. |
unsigned long cursor; // where in the file we're at |
int mask; // channel mixing mask |
} AIFFFileInfo; |
int main(int argc, char *argv[]); |
/* Creating the audio tracks */ |
CFArrayRef createTracks(); |
CFMutableDictionaryRef |
createAudioTrackProperties(uint32_t trackLength); |
/* track production callback functions */ |
OSStatus sampleTrackProducerCallback(DRTrackRef track, DRTrackMessage message, void* ioParam); |
OSStatus preBurnCallback(DRTrackRef track); |
OSStatus productionCallback(DRTrackRef track, DRTrackProductionInfo* prodInfo); |
OSStatus postBurnCallback(DRTrackRef track); |
/* utility routines */ |
void expandPathname(char *path); |
AIFFFileInfo* parseFile(char* filepath); |
char* promptForFolder(const char *prompt, const char *defaultPath, char* folderPath, int folderPathLen); |
void trackRefConDestructor(const void* refCon); |
#pragma mark - |
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) |
{ |
#pragma unused(argc, argv) |
DRDeviceRef device = NULL; |
DRBurnRef burn = NULL; |
CFArrayRef trackLayout = NULL; |
/* Hello world! */ |
printf("Welcome to the audio burn sample code!\n\n"); |
/* First, let's use DRU to prompt the user to |
pick a device. If there's only one device to |
choose, the selection is automatic. */ |
device = druPromptForDevice(NULL,druFilter_AnyBurner); |
/* We know we're going to burn to this device - acquire blank media |
reservations just in case the user inserts something. |
Just because we ask for a shot at blank media doesn't mean that |
we'll get it. Some other app might not be willing to give |
up the blank media for our use. */ |
DRDeviceAcquireMediaReservation(device); |
/* create the AIFF tracks we'll be burning to CD. */ |
trackLayout = createTracks(); |
/* Next, use DRU to prompt the user to insert blank media. */ |
druPromptForBlankMediaInDevice(device); |
/* Check to see if we have the media reservation. If we don't |
have it that means that some other application has it and |
won't give it up. We might not get it if, for instance, if |
the Finder has claimed the media for it's CD proxy and the user |
has placed files onto that proxy image. In this case the |
Finder wouldn't want to unmount the proxy image since the |
user's intention is to burn that information to the inserted |
disc. */ |
if (druMediaIsReserved(device)) |
{ |
/* We've got blank media, and a folder to burn ... |
now set up the burn objects. */ |
burn = DRBurnCreate(device); |
/* Use DRU to run the burn and report progress. */ |
druBurn(burn,trackLayout); |
} |
else |
{ |
printf("The media in the selected device is reserved for use by another application.\n"); |
} |
/* Clean up after ourselves. */ |
if (burn != NULL) |
CFRelease(burn); |
if (trackLayout != NULL) |
CFRelease(trackLayout); |
if (device != NULL) |
{ |
DRDeviceReleaseMediaReservation(device); |
CFRelease(device); |
} |
return 0; |
} |
CFArrayRef createTracks() |
{ |
CFMutableArrayRef trackArray = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); |
char path[PATH_MAX]; |
int pathLen; |
/* Prompt the user to pick a folder of AIFF's to burn. */ |
promptForFolder(NULL,"~/Music", path, PATH_MAX); |
pathLen = strlen(path); |
// Remove trailing slashes, if any. |
if (pathLen>0 && path[pathLen-1] == '/') pathLen--; |
// Open the directory. |
DIR *dirfd = opendir((const char*)path); |
if (dirfd == NULL) return 0; |
while (1) |
{ |
CFMutableStringRef fileStr; |
CFStringRef aStr; |
AIFFFileInfo* info; |
char filepath[PATH_MAX]; |
DRRefConCallbacks callbacks; |
CFMutableDictionaryRef properties; |
/* Get the next child. This is threadsafe, because the struct dirent* is |
not global; it's actually pointing to a buffer that was malloc'ed |
inside the DIR structure. */ |
struct dirent *childPtr = readdir(dirfd); |
if (childPtr == NULL) break; |
int nameLength = childPtr->d_namlen; |
char *name = childPtr->d_name; |
if (childPtr->d_type == DT_DIR) |
continue; |
/* Skip "." and ".." entries, and AppleDouble "._" entries which |
we treat as one file. */ |
if (name[0] == '.' && (nameLength == 1 || name[1] == '_' || (name[1] == '.' && nameLength == 2))) |
continue; |
/* skip all non-AIFF files by looking at the extension. */ |
if (strncmp(".aiff", &name[nameLength-5], 5) != 0 && strncmp(".aif", &name[nameLength-4], 4) != 0) |
continue; |
aStr = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, path, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); |
fileStr = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, aStr); |
CFRelease(aStr); |
CFStringAppendCString(fileStr, "/", kCFStringEncodingUTF8); |
CFStringAppendCString(fileStr, name, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); |
/* parse out the file information and construct an information structure |
to hold this info for use when we start the burn and start producing data. */ |
CFStringGetCString(fileStr, filepath, PATH_MAX, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); |
info = parseFile(filepath); |
/* Create the properties dictionary describing this track. */ |
properties = createAudioTrackProperties(((info->dataEnd - info->dataStart) / (info->sampleBytes * info->numChannels) * 4) / 2352); |
/* Add the file path for this file to the track properties. This will |
be used by the producer callback later. */ |
CFDictionarySetValue(properties, CFSTR("kTrackSourceFilePath"), fileStr); |
CFRelease(fileStr); |
/* Create a track that is described by properties and whose data is |
produced by sampleTrackProducerCallback */ |
DRTrackRef track = DRTrackCreate(properties, sampleTrackProducerCallback); |
/* stuff the info structure pointer into the refCon of the track object. Each object in |
DiscRecording has a refCon associated with it. */ |
callbacks.version = 0; |
callbacks.retain = NULL; |
callbacks.release = trackRefConDestructor; /* we just need to destroy it when the track is released */ |
DRSetRefCon(track, info, &callbacks); |
/* Put the track into the array for burning */ |
CFArrayAppendValue(trackArray, track); |
CFRelease(properties); |
CFRelease(track); |
} |
closedir(dirfd); |
if (CFArrayGetCount(trackArray) == 0) |
{ |
printf("No AIFF files were located! Aborting.\n"); |
exit(1); |
} |
return trackArray; |
} |
CFMutableDictionaryRef createAudioTrackProperties(uint32_t trackLength) |
{ |
CFMutableDictionaryRef properties = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); |
CFNumberRef value; |
uint32_t temp; |
/* Create a properties dictionary for all of the tracks. This dictionary |
is common to each since each will be an audio track and other than the size |
will be identical. */ |
temp = kDRBlockSizeAudio; |
value = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &temp); |
CFDictionaryAddValue(properties, kDRBlockSizeKey, value); |
CFRelease(value); |
temp = kDRBlockTypeAudio; |
value = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &temp); |
CFDictionaryAddValue(properties, kDRBlockTypeKey, value); |
CFRelease(value); |
temp = kDRDataFormAudio; |
value = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &temp); |
CFDictionaryAddValue(properties, kDRDataFormKey, value); |
CFRelease(value); |
temp = kDRSessionFormatAudio; |
value = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &temp); |
CFDictionaryAddValue(properties, kDRSessionFormatKey, value); |
CFRelease(value); |
temp = kDRTrackModeAudio; |
value = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &temp); |
CFDictionaryAddValue(properties, kDRTrackModeKey, value); |
CFRelease(value); |
value = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &trackLength); |
CFDictionarySetValue(properties, kDRTrackLengthKey, value); |
CFRelease(value); |
return properties; |
} |
/* This is a dispatcher to take the message and callout to different |
functions to handle the messages we handle. */ |
OSStatus sampleTrackProducerCallback(DRTrackRef track, DRTrackMessage message, void* ioParam) |
{ |
switch (message) |
{ |
case kDRTrackMessagePreBurn: |
return preBurnCallback(track); |
break; |
case kDRTrackMessageProduceData: |
return productionCallback(track, (DRTrackProductionInfo*)ioParam); |
break; |
case kDRTrackMessagePostBurn: |
return postBurnCallback(track); |
break; |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
/* This callback is called before the burn is to begin. It it we open up the AIFF file to read |
from and make sure it's valid (this could have been done before we started also). We also |
set up the final length of the track */ |
OSStatus preBurnCallback(DRTrackRef track) |
{ |
CFDictionaryRef properties = DRTrackGetProperties(track); |
CFStringRef fileStr = CFDictionaryGetValue(properties, CFSTR("kTrackSourceFilePath")); |
char filepath[PATH_MAX]; |
AIFFFileInfo* info = (AIFFFileInfo*)DRGetRefCon(track); |
/* Get the file string from the properties dictionary and get the c string from that |
to open the file using open */ |
CFStringGetCString(fileStr, filepath, PATH_MAX, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); |
info->fd = open(filepath, O_RDONLY, 0); |
if (info->fd == -1) return kDRDataProductionErr; |
fcntl(info->fd, F_NOCACHE, 1); /* Don't cache the file in the UBC */ |
lseek(info->fd, info->dataStart, SEEK_SET); /* put the file pointer at the start of the sound data */ |
info->mask = ((int)-0x10000) >> info->sampleBits; /* set up the mask to do channel mixing */ |
info->cursor = info->dataStart; |
return noErr; |
} |
/* The meat of the producer code. This callback is called repeatedly during a burn. |
It's this function's job to write data into the passed in buffer each time it's |
called. It's best if you can fill up the buffer completely. The buffer is |
a multiple of the track's block size in length. */ |
OSStatus productionCallback(DRTrackRef track, DRTrackProductionInfo* prodInfo) |
{ |
unsigned long expectedFrames = (prodInfo->reqCount / 4); |
unsigned long readSize, readLen; |
char* tempBuffer; |
char* outBuffer = prodInfo->buffer; |
unsigned long outLength; |
unsigned long i; |
unsigned long step; |
AIFFFileInfo* info = (AIFFFileInfo*)DRGetRefCon(track); |
readSize = (info->sampleBytes * info->numChannels) * expectedFrames; |
step = info->sampleBytes*info->numChannels; |
if (readSize + info->cursor > info->dataEnd) |
readSize = info->dataEnd - info->cursor; |
tempBuffer = (char*)malloc(readSize); |
readLen = read(info->fd, tempBuffer, readSize); |
if (readSize != readLen) return kDRDataProductionErr; |
outLength = 0; |
for (i=0; i<readSize; i += step) |
{ |
unsigned short leftSample = 0, rightSample = 0; |
unsigned const char* sampleFrame = tempBuffer + i; |
#define READ_SAMPLE_POINT(frame,index) \ |
((*(uint16_t*)(frame + info->sampleBytes*index)) & info->mask) |
#define MIX(a,b) \ |
(((a * 2) / 3) + ((b * 2) / 3)) |
/* Handle our wonderful multichannel logic. Yeah, it's almost certainly unnecessary, |
but it took an extra 2 minutes to write it this way since I was already thinking |
about how to parse the AIFF properly. Maybe it'll make someone's world a better place. */ |
if (info->numChannels == 2) |
{ |
leftSample = READ_SAMPLE_POINT(sampleFrame,0); |
rightSample = READ_SAMPLE_POINT(sampleFrame,1); |
} |
else if (info->numChannels == 1) |
{ |
leftSample = READ_SAMPLE_POINT(sampleFrame,0); |
rightSample = leftSample; |
} |
else if (info->numChannels == 3) |
{ |
unsigned short centerSample = READ_SAMPLE_POINT(sampleFrame,2); |
leftSample = MIX(READ_SAMPLE_POINT(sampleFrame,0),centerSample); |
rightSample = MIX(READ_SAMPLE_POINT(sampleFrame,1),centerSample); |
} |
else if (info->numChannels == 4) |
{ |
/* The spec is unclear on how to distinguish quadrophonic vs 4 ch surround AIFFs, as |
they both have four channels. Since surround seems to be the winner of these |
ancient audio wars, for now I'm going to assume 4 channels means surround. |
unsigned short that it matters. */ |
UInt16 centerSample = MIX(READ_SAMPLE_POINT(sampleFrame,1),READ_SAMPLE_POINT(sampleFrame,3)); |
leftSample = MIX(READ_SAMPLE_POINT(sampleFrame,0),centerSample); |
rightSample = MIX(READ_SAMPLE_POINT(sampleFrame,2),centerSample); |
} |
else if (info->numChannels == 6) |
{ |
unsigned short centerSample = MIX(READ_SAMPLE_POINT(sampleFrame,2),READ_SAMPLE_POINT(sampleFrame,5)); |
leftSample = MIX(MIX(READ_SAMPLE_POINT(sampleFrame,0),READ_SAMPLE_POINT(sampleFrame,1)),centerSample); |
rightSample = MIX(MIX(READ_SAMPLE_POINT(sampleFrame,3),READ_SAMPLE_POINT(sampleFrame,4)),centerSample); |
} |
else |
return kDRDataProductionErr; |
#undef MIX |
// Dump the samples into the output. |
((unsigned short*)outBuffer)[0] = ((leftSample & 0xFF00) >> 8) + ((leftSample & 0x00FF) << 8); |
((unsigned short*)outBuffer)[1] = ((rightSample & 0xFF00) >> 8) + ((rightSample & 0x00FF) << 8); |
outBuffer += 4; |
outLength += 4; |
} |
free(tempBuffer); |
info->cursor += outLength; |
prodInfo->actCount = outLength; |
return noErr; |
} |
/* This callback comes in after the burn is finished and all data has been written |
to disc and optionally verified. All we need to do is to close the file opened in |
preBurn. */ |
OSStatus postBurnCallback(DRTrackRef track) |
{ |
AIFFFileInfo* info = (AIFFFileInfo*)DRGetRefCon(track); |
close(info->fd); |
info->fd = 0; |
return noErr; |
} |
void trackRefConDestructor(const void* refCon) |
{ |
AIFFFileInfo* info = (AIFFFileInfo*)refCon; |
if (info->fd != 0) |
{ |
close(info->fd); |
info->fd = 0; |
} |
free(info); |
} |
char* promptForFolder(const char *prompt, const char *defaultPath, char* folderPath, int folderPathLen) |
{ |
char path[PATH_MAX]; |
OSStatus err; |
Boolean isDirectory; |
int len; |
FSRef ref; |
/* Display the prompt. */ |
if (prompt == NULL) |
prompt = "Please enter the path to a folder:"; |
printf("%s ", prompt); |
if (defaultPath != NULL) |
printf("[%s] ",defaultPath); |
fflush(stdout); |
/* Get user input, and trim trailing newlines. */ |
fgets(path,sizeof(path),stdin); |
for (len = strlen(path); len > 0 && path[len-1] == '\n';) |
path[--len] = 0; |
if (path[0] == 0) |
strcpy(path,defaultPath); |
/* Expand magic characters just like a shell (mostly so ~ will work) */ |
expandPathname(path); |
/* Convert the path into an FSRef, which is what the burn engine needs. */ |
err = FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8*)path,&ref,&isDirectory); |
if (err != noErr) |
{ |
printf("Bad path. Aborting. (%d)\n", (int)err); |
exit(1); |
} |
if (!isDirectory) |
{ |
printf("That's a file, not a directory! Aborting.\n"); |
exit(1); |
} |
return strncpy(folderPath, path, folderPathLen); |
} |
void expandPathname(char *path) |
{ |
char original[PATH_MAX]; |
int i; |
glob_t g = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; |
/* Preserve the incoming path */ |
strcpy(original,path); |
/* Call glob to expand it. */ |
if (g.gl_matchc == 1) |
strcpy(path,g.gl_pathv[0]); |
else |
{ |
printf("Bad path! "); |
if (g.gl_matchc == 0) |
printf("Not found. "); |
else |
{ |
printf("%d matches found:\n",g.gl_matchc); |
for (i=0; i<g.gl_matchc; ++i) |
printf(" %s\n", g.gl_pathv[i]); |
} |
printf("Aborted.\n"); |
exit(1); |
} |
globfree(&g); |
} |
#pragma options align=mac68k |
#pragma pack(push, 2) |
#pragma pack(2) |
#endif |
typedef struct IFFChunkHeader IFFChunkHeader; |
typedef struct AIFFHeader AIFFHeader; |
typedef struct AIFFChunk AIFFChunk; |
typedef struct AIFFCommonChunk AIFFCommonChunk; |
typedef struct AIFFSoundChunk AIFFSoundChunk; |
struct IFFChunkHeader |
{ |
UInt32 chunkID; // id for this chunk |
UInt32 chunkSize; // size of this chunk not including header |
}; |
struct AIFFChunk |
{ |
UInt32 chunkID; // id for this chunk |
UInt32 chunkSize; // size of this chunk not including header |
UInt32 data[1]; // streamed data |
}; |
struct AIFFHeader |
{ |
UInt32 form; // 'FORM' |
UInt32 formChunkSize; // largely ignored, but it should be (filesize - 8) |
UInt32 aiff; // 'AIFF' |
AIFFChunk chunk[1]; // packed array of chunks |
}; |
struct AIFFCommonChunk |
{ |
UInt32 comm; // 'COMM' |
UInt32 commChunkSize; // size of this chunk not including header (18 bytes) |
UInt16 numChannels; // number of sound channels |
UInt32 numSampleFrames; // number of sample frames - probably incorrect! |
UInt16 sampleSize; // sample size in bits (eg, 16) |
UInt32 sampleFreq; // sample frequency |
UInt8 zeroes[6]; // AIFF defines the preceding as an 80-bit IEEE 754 fp number... most folks seem to use only 4 bytes |
}; |
struct AIFFSoundChunk |
{ |
UInt32 ssnd; // 'SSND' |
UInt32 ssndChunkSize; // size of this chunk not including header (8 bytes + samples) |
UInt32 offset; // used for aligning, usually zero |
UInt32 blockSize; // used for aligning, usually zero |
}; |
const UInt32 AIFF_SAMPLE_RATE_44_1 = 0x400EAC44; |
const UInt32 AIFF_SAMPLE_RATE_44_0 = 0x400DAC44; |
#pragma options align=reset |
#pragma pack(pop) |
#pragma pack() |
#endif |
AIFFFileInfo* parseFile(char* filepath) |
{ |
AIFFFileInfo* info = (AIFFFileInfo*)malloc(sizeof(AIFFFileInfo)); |
AIFFHeader aiffHeader; |
AIFFCommonChunk commonChunk; |
AIFFSoundChunk soundChunk; |
IFFChunkHeader chunkHeader; |
ssize_t readLen; |
off_t filepos; |
/* Initialize our file info to reasonable values. */ |
info->numChannels = 0; |
info->sampleFreq = 0; |
info->sampleBits = 0; |
info->sampleBytes = 0; |
info->dataStart = 0; |
info->dataEnd = 0; |
info->cursor = 0; |
info->mask = 0; |
/* Get a c string of the file path so we can open up the file */ |
info->fd = open(filepath, O_RDONLY, 0); |
if (info->fd == -1) |
{ |
printf("file '%s' could not be opened. Aborting\n", filepath); |
exit(1); |
} |
/* Read in what should be the aiff file FORM header. Check for valid values. */ |
readLen = read(info->fd, &aiffHeader, sizeof(aiffHeader)); |
if (sizeof(aiffHeader) != readLen) |
{ |
printf("file '%s' is an invalid AIFF. Aborting\n", filepath); |
exit(1); |
} |
if (aiffHeader.form != 'FORM' || aiffHeader.aiff != 'AIFF') |
{ |
printf("file '%s' is an invalid AIFF. Aborting\n", filepath); |
exit(1); |
} |
/* OK, it's a valid AIFF file, search through for the common chunk. We do this |
by reading in the "header" (my terminology) of a chunk. This will give us the |
chunkID and the size of the chunk. If it's not the chunk we want, we'll skip over |
it to the next one. If the file's corrupted, we'll eventually hit EOF and |
fall out. */ |
filepos = lseek(info->fd, 12, SEEK_SET); |
chunkHeader.chunkSize = 0; |
do |
{ |
filepos = lseek(info->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); |
filepos = lseek(info->fd, filepos + chunkHeader.chunkSize, SEEK_SET); |
readLen = read(info->fd, &chunkHeader, sizeof(chunkHeader)); |
if (sizeof(chunkHeader) != readLen) |
{ |
printf("file '%s' is an invalid AIFF. Aborting\n", filepath); |
exit(1); |
} |
} |
while (chunkHeader.chunkID != 'COMM'); |
filepos = lseek(info->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); |
filepos = lseek(info->fd, filepos-sizeof(chunkHeader), SEEK_SET); |
readLen = read(info->fd, &commonChunk, sizeof(commonChunk)); |
if (sizeof(commonChunk) != readLen) |
{ |
printf("file '%s' is an invalid AIFF. Aborting\n", filepath); |
exit(1); |
} |
if (commonChunk.numSampleFrames == 0) { |
return noErr; /* It's valid, just nothing we can really read from. We'll get a zero length track if we try. */ |
} |
info->numChannels = commonChunk.numChannels; |
info->sampleFreq = commonChunk.sampleFreq; |
info->sampleBits = commonChunk.sampleSize; |
info->sampleBytes = (info->sampleBits + 7) / 8; |
if ((info->numChannels == 0) || (info->numChannels == 5) || (info->numChannels > 6)) |
{ |
printf("file '%s' is an invalid AIFF - wrong number of channels. Aborting\n", filepath); |
exit(1); |
} |
if (info->sampleFreq != AIFF_SAMPLE_RATE_44_1 && info->sampleFreq != AIFF_SAMPLE_RATE_44_0) |
{ |
printf("file '%s' is an invalid AIFF - wrong sample rate. Aborting\n", filepath); |
exit(1); |
} |
if ((info->sampleBits < 1) || (info->sampleBits > 128)) |
{ |
printf("file '%s' is an invalid AIFF - sample bits are wrong. Aborting\n", filepath); |
exit(1); |
} |
/* go back the start of the file (remember chunks in an IFF file don't have to be in any order) |
and look for the Sound chunk the same way we did the Common chunk. */ |
filepos = lseek(info->fd, 12, SEEK_SET); |
chunkHeader.chunkSize = 0; |
do |
{ |
filepos = lseek(info->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); |
filepos = lseek(info->fd, filepos + chunkHeader.chunkSize, SEEK_SET); |
readLen = read(info->fd, &chunkHeader, sizeof(chunkHeader)); |
if (sizeof(chunkHeader) != readLen) |
{ |
printf("file '%s' is an invalid AIFF. Aborting\n", filepath); |
exit(1); |
} |
} |
while (chunkHeader.chunkID != 'SSND'); |
filepos = lseek(info->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); |
filepos = lseek(info->fd, filepos-sizeof(chunkHeader), SEEK_SET); |
readLen = read(info->fd, &soundChunk, sizeof(soundChunk)); |
if (sizeof(soundChunk) != readLen) |
{ |
printf("file '%s' is an invalid AIFF. Aborting\n", filepath); |
exit(1); |
} |
info->dataStart = lseek(info->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR) + soundChunk.offset; |
info->dataEnd = lseek(info->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR) + soundChunk.ssndChunkSize - 8; |
if ((soundChunk.ssndChunkSize < 8) || (info->dataEnd > lseek(info->fd, 0, SEEK_END))) |
info->dataEnd = lseek(info->fd, 0, SEEK_END); |
close(info->fd); |
return info; |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14