Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Common Files/WiredSpriteUtilities.h
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// |
// File: WiredSpriteUtilities.h |
// |
// Contains: Utilities for creating wired sprite media. |
// |
// Written by: Sean Allen |
// Revised by: Chris Flick and Tim Monroe |
// |
// Copyright: © 1998-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
// |
// <1> 03/02/01 rtm cosmetic fixes to parallel changes in WiredSpriteUtilities.c |
// |
// |
////////// |
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// |
// header files |
// |
////////// |
#include "EndianUtilities.h" |
#endif |
#ifndef __ENDIAN__ |
#include <Endian.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __MOVIES__ |
#include <Movies.h> |
#endif |
////////// |
// |
// constants |
// |
////////// |
enum { |
kFirstParam = 1, |
kSecondParam = 2, |
kThirdParam = 3, |
kFourthParam = 4, |
kFifthParam = 5, |
kSixthParam = 6, |
kSeventhParam = 7, |
kEighthParam = 8, |
kNinthParam = 9, |
kTenthParam = 10 |
}; |
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// |
// wired sprite utilities |
// |
////////// |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddQTEventAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theActionAtoms, QTAtomID theQTEventType, QTAtom *theNewQTEventAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddActionAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theEventAtom, long theActionConstant, QTAtom *theNewActionAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddActionParameterAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theActionAtom, long theParameterIndex, long theParamDataSize, void *theParamData, QTAtom *theNewParamAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddActionParameterOptions (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theActionAtom, QTAtomID theParamID, long theFlags, long theMinValueSize, void *theMinValue, long theMaxValueSize, void *theMaxValue); |
// target-setting utilities |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddMovieNameActionTargetAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theActionAtom, Str255 theMovieName, QTAtom *theNewTargetAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddMovieIDActionTargetAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theActionAtom, long theMovieID, QTAtom *theNewTargetAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddTrackNameActionTargetAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theActionAtom, Str255 theTrackName, QTAtom *theNewTargetAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddTrackIDActionTargetAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theActionAtom, long theTrackID, QTAtom *theNewTargetAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddTrackTypeActionTargetAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theActionAtom, OSType theTrackType, QTAtom *theNewTargetAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddTrackIndexActionTargetAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theActionAtom, long theTrackIndex, QTAtom *theNewTargetAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddSpriteNameActionTargetAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theActionAtom, Str255 theSpriteName, QTAtom *theNewTargetAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddSpriteIDActionTargetAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theActionAtom, QTAtomID theSpriteID, QTAtom *theNewTargetAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddSpriteIndexActionTargetAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theActionAtom, short theSpriteIndex, QTAtom *theNewTargetAtom); |
// high-level utilities |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddQTEventAndActionAtoms (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theAction, QTAtom *theActionAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddMovieTargetAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theActionAtom, long theMovieTargetType, void *theMovieTarget); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddTrackTargetAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theActionAtom, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddSpriteTargetAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theActionAtom, long theSpriteTargetType, void *theSpriteTarget); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddTrackAndSpriteTargetAtoms (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theActionAtom, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, long theSpriteTargetType, void *theSpriteTarget); |
// movie action utilities |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddMovieSetVolumeAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, short theVolume); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddMovieSetRateAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, Fixed theRate); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddMovieSetLoopingFlagsAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theLoopingFlags); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddMovieGoToTimeAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, TimeValue theTime); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddMovieGoToTimeByNameAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, Str255 theTimeName); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddMovieGoToBeginningAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddMovieGoToEndAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddMovieStepForwardAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddMovieStepBackwardAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddMovieSetSelectionAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, TimeValue theStartTime, TimeValue theEndTime); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddMovieSetSelectionByNameAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, Str255 theStartTimeName, Str255 theEndTimeName); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddMoviePlaySelectionAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, Boolean theSelectionOnly); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddMovieSetLanguage (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theLanguage); |
// track action utilities |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddTrackSetVolumeAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, short theVolume); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddTrackSetBalanceAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, short theBalance); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddTrackSetEnabledAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, Boolean theEnabled); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddTrackSetMatrixAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, MatrixRecordPtr theMatrix, QTAtom *theActionAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddTrackSetLayerAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, short theLayer); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddTrackSetClipAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, RgnHandle theClip); |
// sprite action utilities |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetMatrixAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, long theSpriteTargetType, void *theSpriteTarget, MatrixRecordPtr theMatrix, QTAtom *theActionAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetImageIndexAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, long theSpriteTargetType, void *theSpriteTarget, short theImageIndex, QTAtom *theActionAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetVisibleAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, long theSpriteTargetType, void *theSpriteTarget, short theVisible, QTAtom *theActionAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetLayerAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, long theSpriteTargetType, void *theSpriteTarget, short theLayer); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetGraphicsModeAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, long theSpriteTargetType, void *theSpriteTarget, ModifierTrackGraphicsModeRecord *theGraphicsMode, QTAtom *theActionAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddSpriteTranslateAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, long theSpriteTargetType, void *theSpriteTarget,Fixed theX, Fixed theY, Boolean theRelative, QTAtom *theActionAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddSpriteScaleAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, long theSpriteTargetType, void *theSpriteTarget, Fixed theXScale, Fixed theYScale, QTAtom *theActionAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddSpriteRotateAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, long theSpriteTargetType, void *theSpriteTarget, Fixed theDegrees, QTAtom *theActionAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddSpriteStretchAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, long theSpriteTargetType, void *theSpriteTarget, Fixed p1x, Fixed p1y, Fixed p2x, Fixed p2y, Fixed p3x, Fixed p3y, Fixed p4x, Fixed p4y, QTAtom *theActionAtom); |
// QuickTime VR utilities |
static OSErr WiredUtils_AddQTVRSetAngleAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, float theAngle, QTAtom *theActionAtom, long theActionConstant); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddQTVRSetPanAngleAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, float theAngle, QTAtom *theActionAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddQTVRSetTiltAngleAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, float theAngle, QTAtom *theActionAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddQTVRSetFieldOfViewAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, float theAngle, QTAtom *theActionAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddQTVRShowDefaultViewAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, QTAtom *theActionAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddQTVRGoToNodeIDAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, UInt32 theNodeID, QTAtom *theActionAtom); |
// music action utilities |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddMusicPlayNoteAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, long theSampleDescIndex, long thePartIndex, long thePitch, long theVelocity, long theDuration); |
// sprite track action utilities |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddSpriteTrackSetVariableAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, QTAtomID theVariableID, float theValue, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex); |
// system action utilities |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddGoToURLAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, Handle theURL); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddSendQTEventAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, QTEventRecordPtr theEventRec, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, long theSpriteTargetType, void *theSpriteTarget); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddDebugStrAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, Str255 theString); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddPushCurrentTimeAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddPushCurrentTimeWithLabelAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, Str255 theLabel); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddPopAndGotoTopTimeAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddPopAndGotoLabeledTimeAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, Str255 theLabel); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddApplicationNumberAndStringAction (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, long theEvent, long theNumber, Str255 theString); |
// expression and flow-control utilities |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddOperandAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theOperatorAtom, QTAtomType theOperandType, short theOperandIndex, QTAtomContainer theOperandAtoms, float theConstantValue); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddVariableOperandAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theOperatorAtom, short theOperandIndex, long theTrackTargetType, void *theTrackTarget, long theTrackTypeIndex, QTAtomID theVariableID); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddOperatorAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theExpressionAtom, QTAtomID theOperatorType, QTAtom *theOperatorAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddExpressionContainerAtomType (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, QTAtom *theExpressionAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddConditionalAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, short theConditionIndex, QTAtom *theConditionalAtom); |
OSErr WiredUtils_AddActionListAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theAtom, QTAtom *theActionListAtom); |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-02-25