
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
Part of Core Audio AUBase Classes
#ifndef __AUScopeElement_h__
#define __AUScopeElement_h__
#include <map>
#include <vector>
    #include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h>
    #include <AudioUnit.h>
#include "ComponentBase.h"
#include "AUBuffer.h"
class AUBase;
// ____________________________________________________________________________
// represents a parameter's value (either constant or ramped)
/*! @class ParameterMapEvent */
class ParameterMapEvent
/*! @ctor ParameterMapEvent */
        : mEventType(kParameterEvent_Immediate), mBufferOffset(0), mDurationInFrames(0), mValue1(0.0f), mValue2(0.0f), mSliceDurationFrames(0) 
/*! @ctor ParameterMapEvent */
    ParameterMapEvent(AudioUnitParameterValue inValue)
        : mEventType(kParameterEvent_Immediate), mBufferOffset(0), mDurationInFrames(0), mValue1(inValue), mValue2(inValue), mSliceDurationFrames(0) 
    // constructor for scheduled event
/*! @ctor ParameterMapEvent */
    ParameterMapEvent(  const AudioUnitParameterEvent   &inEvent,
                        UInt32                          inSliceOffsetInBuffer,
                        UInt32                          inSliceDurationFrames )
        SetScheduledEvent(inEvent, inSliceOffsetInBuffer, inSliceDurationFrames );
/*! @method SetScheduledEvent */
    void SetScheduledEvent( const AudioUnitParameterEvent   &inEvent,
                            UInt32                          inSliceOffsetInBuffer,
                            UInt32                          inSliceDurationFrames )
        mEventType = inEvent.eventType;
        mSliceDurationFrames = inSliceDurationFrames;
        if(mEventType == kParameterEvent_Immediate )
            // constant immediate value for the whole slice
            mValue1 = inEvent.eventValues.immediate.value;
            mValue2 = mValue1;
            mDurationInFrames = inSliceDurationFrames;
            mBufferOffset = 0;
            mDurationInFrames   =   inEvent.eventValues.ramp.durationInFrames;
            mBufferOffset       =   inEvent.eventValues.ramp.startBufferOffset - inSliceOffsetInBuffer; // shift over for this slice
            mValue1             =   inEvent.eventValues.ramp.startValue;
            mValue2             =   inEvent.eventValues.ramp.endValue;
/*! @method GetEventType */
    AUParameterEventType        GetEventType() const {return mEventType;};
/*! @method GetValue */
    AudioUnitParameterValue     GetValue() const {return mValue1;}; // only valid if immediate event type
/*! @method GetEndValue */
    AudioUnitParameterValue     GetEndValue() const {return mValue2;};  // only valid if immediate event type
/*! @method SetValue */
    void                        SetValue(AudioUnitParameterValue inValue) 
                                    mEventType = kParameterEvent_Immediate; 
                                    mValue1 = inValue; 
                                    mValue2 = inValue;
    // interpolates the start and end values corresponding to the current processing slice
    // most ramp parameter implementations will want to use this method
    // the start value will correspond to the start of the slice
    // the end value will correspond to the end of the slice
/*! @method GetRampSliceStartEnd */
    void                    GetRampSliceStartEnd(   AudioUnitParameterValue &   outStartValue,
                                                    AudioUnitParameterValue &   outEndValue,
                                                    AudioUnitParameterValue &   outValuePerFrameDelta )
        if (mEventType == kParameterEvent_Ramped) {
            outValuePerFrameDelta = (mValue2 - mValue1) / mDurationInFrames;
            outStartValue = mValue1 + outValuePerFrameDelta * (-mBufferOffset); // corresponds to frame 0 of this slice
            outEndValue = outStartValue +  outValuePerFrameDelta * mSliceDurationFrames;
        } else {
            outValuePerFrameDelta = 0;
            outStartValue = outEndValue = mValue1;
    // Some ramp parameter implementations will want to interpret the ramp using their
    // own interpolation method (perhaps non-linear)
    // This method gives the raw ramp information, relative to this processing slice
    // for the client to interpret as desired
/*! @method GetRampInfo */
    void                    GetRampInfo(    SInt32  &                   outBufferOffset,
                                            UInt32  &                   outDurationInFrames,
                                            AudioUnitParameterValue &   outStartValue,
                                            AudioUnitParameterValue &   outEndValue )
        outBufferOffset = mBufferOffset;
        outDurationInFrames = mDurationInFrames;
        outStartValue = mValue1;
        outEndValue = mValue2;
    void                    Print()
        printf("ParameterEvent @ %p\n", this);
        printf("    mEventType = %d\n", (int)mEventType);
        printf("    mBufferOffset = %d\n", (int)mBufferOffset);
        printf("    mDurationInFrames = %d\n", (int)mDurationInFrames);
        printf("    mSliceDurationFrames = %d\n", (int)mSliceDurationFrames);
        printf("    mValue1 = %.5f\n", mValue1);
        printf("    mValue2 = %.5f\n", mValue2);
    AUParameterEventType        mEventType;
    SInt32                      mBufferOffset;      // ramp start offset relative to start of this slice (may be negative)
    UInt32                      mDurationInFrames;  // total duration of ramp parameter
    AudioUnitParameterValue     mValue1;                // value if immediate : startValue if ramp
    AudioUnitParameterValue     mValue2;                // endValue (only used for ramp)
    UInt32                  mSliceDurationFrames;   // duration of this processing slice 
// ____________________________________________________________________________
class AUIOElement;
/*! @class AUElement */
class AUElement {
/*! @ctor AUElement */
                                AUElement(AUBase *audioUnit) : mAudioUnit(audioUnit),
                                    mUseIndexedParameters(false), mElementName(0) { }
/*! @dtor ~AUElement */
    virtual                     ~AUElement() { if (mElementName) CFRelease (mElementName); }
/*! @method GetNumberOfParameters */
    virtual UInt32              GetNumberOfParameters()
        if(mUseIndexedParameters) return static_cast<UInt32>(mIndexedParameters.size()); else return static_cast<UInt32>(mParameters.size());
/*! @method GetParameterList */
    virtual void                GetParameterList(AudioUnitParameterID *outList);
/*! @method HasParameterID */
    bool                        HasParameterID (AudioUnitParameterID paramID) const;
/*! @method GetParameter */
    AudioUnitParameterValue     GetParameter(AudioUnitParameterID paramID);
/*! @method SetParameter */
    void                        SetParameter(AudioUnitParameterID paramID, AudioUnitParameterValue value, bool okWhenInitialized = false);
    // Only set okWhenInitialized to true when you know the outside world cannot access this element. Otherwise the parameter map could get corrupted. 
    // interpolates the start and end values corresponding to the current processing slice
    // most ramp parameter implementations will want to use this method
/*! @method GetRampSliceStartEnd */
    void                        GetRampSliceStartEnd(   AudioUnitParameterID    paramID,
                                                    AudioUnitParameterValue &   outStartValue,
                                                    AudioUnitParameterValue &   outEndValue,
                                                    AudioUnitParameterValue &   outValuePerFrameDelta );
/*! @method GetEndValue */
    AudioUnitParameterValue     GetEndValue(    AudioUnitParameterID        paramID);
/*! @method SetRampParameter */
    void                        SetScheduledEvent(  AudioUnitParameterID            paramID,
                                                    const AudioUnitParameterEvent   &inEvent,
                                                    UInt32                          inSliceOffsetInBuffer,
                                                    UInt32                          inSliceDurationFrames,
                                                    bool                            okWhenInitialized = false );
    // Only set okWhenInitialized to true when you know the outside world cannot access this element. Otherwise the parameter map could get corrupted. 
/*! @method GetAudioUnit */
    AUBase *                    GetAudioUnit() const { return mAudioUnit; };
/*! @method SaveState */
    void                        SaveState(AudioUnitScope scope, CFMutableDataRef data);
/*! @method RestoreState */
    const UInt8 *               RestoreState(const UInt8 *state);
/*! @method GetName */
    CFStringRef                 GetName () const { return mElementName; }
/*! @method SetName */
    void                        SetName (CFStringRef inName);
/*! @method HasName */
    bool                        HasName () const { return mElementName != 0; }
/*! @method UseIndexedParameters */
    virtual void                UseIndexedParameters(int inNumberOfParameters);
/*! @method AsIOElement*/
    virtual AUIOElement*        AsIOElement () { return NULL; }
    inline ParameterMapEvent&   GetParamEvent(AudioUnitParameterID paramID);
    typedef std::map<AudioUnitParameterID, ParameterMapEvent, std::less<AudioUnitParameterID> > ParameterMap;
/*! @var mAudioUnit */
    AUBase *                        mAudioUnit;
/*! @var mParameters */
    ParameterMap                    mParameters;
/*! @var mUseIndexedParameters */
    bool                            mUseIndexedParameters;
/*! @var mIndexedParameters */
    std::vector<ParameterMapEvent>  mIndexedParameters;
/*! @var mElementName */
    CFStringRef                     mElementName;
// ____________________________________________________________________________
/*! @class AUIOElement */
class AUIOElement : public AUElement {
/*! @ctor AUIOElement */
                                AUIOElement(AUBase *audioUnit);
/*! @method GetStreamFormat */
    const CAStreamBasicDescription &GetStreamFormat() const { return mStreamFormat; }
/*! @method SetStreamFormat */
    virtual OSStatus            SetStreamFormat(const CAStreamBasicDescription &desc);
/*! @method AllocateBuffer */
    virtual void                AllocateBuffer(UInt32 inFramesToAllocate = 0);
/*! @method DeallocateBuffer */
    void                        DeallocateBuffer();
/*! @method NeedsBufferSpace */
    virtual bool                NeedsBufferSpace() const = 0;
/*! @method SetWillAllocateBuffer */
    void                        SetWillAllocateBuffer(bool inFlag) { 
                                    mWillAllocate = inFlag; 
/*! @method WillAllocateBuffer */
    bool                        WillAllocateBuffer() const { 
                                    return mWillAllocate; 
/*! @method UseExternalBuffer */
    void                        UseExternalBuffer(const AudioUnitExternalBuffer &buf) {
                                    mIOBuffer.UseExternalBuffer(mStreamFormat, buf);
/*! @method PrepareBuffer */
    AudioBufferList &           PrepareBuffer(UInt32 nFrames) {
                                    if (mWillAllocate)
                                        return mIOBuffer.PrepareBuffer(mStreamFormat, nFrames);
                                    throw OSStatus(kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue);
/*! @method PrepareNullBuffer */
    AudioBufferList &           PrepareNullBuffer(UInt32 nFrames) {
                                    return mIOBuffer.PrepareNullBuffer(mStreamFormat, nFrames);
/*! @method SetBufferList */
    AudioBufferList &           SetBufferList(AudioBufferList &abl) { return mIOBuffer.SetBufferList(abl); }
/*! @method SetBuffer */
    void                        SetBuffer(UInt32 index, AudioBuffer &ab) { mIOBuffer.SetBuffer(index, ab); }
/*! @method InvalidateBufferList */
    void                        InvalidateBufferList() { mIOBuffer.InvalidateBufferList(); }
/*! @method GetBufferList */
    AudioBufferList &           GetBufferList() const { return mIOBuffer.GetBufferList(); }
/*! @method GetChannelData */
    AudioUnitSampleType *       GetChannelData(int ch) const {
                                    if (mStreamFormat.IsInterleaved())
                                        return static_cast<AudioUnitSampleType *>(mIOBuffer.GetBufferList().mBuffers[0].mData) + ch;
                                        return static_cast<AudioUnitSampleType *>(mIOBuffer.GetBufferList().mBuffers[ch].mData);
    Float32 *                   GetFloat32ChannelData(int ch) const {
                                    if (mStreamFormat.IsInterleaved())
                                        return static_cast<Float32 *>(mIOBuffer.GetBufferList().mBuffers[0].mData) + ch;
                                        return static_cast<Float32 *>(mIOBuffer.GetBufferList().mBuffers[ch].mData);
    SInt32 *                    GetSInt32ChannelData(int ch) const {
                                    if (mStreamFormat.IsInterleaved())
                                        return static_cast<SInt32 *>(mIOBuffer.GetBufferList().mBuffers[0].mData) + ch;
                                        return static_cast<SInt32 *>(mIOBuffer.GetBufferList().mBuffers[ch].mData);
    SInt16 *                    GetInt16ChannelData(int ch) const {
                                    if (mStreamFormat.IsInterleaved())
                                        return static_cast<SInt16 *>(mIOBuffer.GetBufferList().mBuffers[0].mData) + ch;
                                        return static_cast<SInt16 *>(mIOBuffer.GetBufferList().mBuffers[ch].mData);
/*! @method CopyBufferListTo */
    void                        CopyBufferListTo(AudioBufferList &abl) const {
/*! @method CopyBufferContentsTo */
    void                        CopyBufferContentsTo(AudioBufferList &abl) const {
/*  UInt32                      BytesToFrames(UInt32 nBytes) { return nBytes / mStreamFormat.mBytesPerFrame; }
    UInt32                      BytesToFrames(AudioBufferList &abl) {
                                    return BytesToFrames(abl.mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize);
    UInt32                      FramesToBytes(UInt32 nFrames) { return nFrames * mStreamFormat.mBytesPerFrame; }*/
/*! @method IsInterleaved */
    bool                        IsInterleaved() const { return mStreamFormat.IsInterleaved(); }
/*! @method NumberChannels */
    UInt32                      NumberChannels() const { return mStreamFormat.NumberChannels(); }
/*! @method NumberInterleavedChannels */
    UInt32                      NumberInterleavedChannels() const { return mStreamFormat.NumberInterleavedChannels(); }
/*! @method GetChannelMapTags */
    virtual UInt32              GetChannelLayoutTags (AudioChannelLayoutTag *outLayoutTagsPtr);
/*! @method GetAudioChannelLayout */
    virtual UInt32              GetAudioChannelLayout (AudioChannelLayout   *outMapPtr, Boolean &outWritable);
/*! @method SetAudioChannelLayout */
    virtual OSStatus            SetAudioChannelLayout (const AudioChannelLayout &inData);
/*! @method RemoveAudioChannelLayout */
    virtual OSStatus            RemoveAudioChannelLayout ();
/*! @method AsIOElement*/
    virtual AUIOElement*        AsIOElement () { return this; }
/*! @var mStreamFormat */
    CAStreamBasicDescription    mStreamFormat;
/*! @var mIOBuffer */
    AUBufferList                mIOBuffer;  // for input: input proc buffer, only allocated when needed
                                            // for output: output cache, usually allocated early on
/*! @var mWillAllocate */
    bool                        mWillAllocate;
// ____________________________________________________________________________
// AUScopeDelegates are a way to get virtual scopes.
/*! @class AUScopeDelegate */
class AUScopeDelegate {
/*! @ctor AUScopeDelegate */
                    AUScopeDelegate() : mCreator(NULL), mScope(0) { }   
/*! @dtor ~AUScopeDelegate */
                    virtual ~AUScopeDelegate() {}
/*! @method Initialize */
    void                    Initialize( AUBase *creator, 
                                        AudioUnitScope scope, 
                                        UInt32 numElements)
        mCreator = creator;
        mScope = scope;
/*! @method SetNumberOfElements */
    virtual void            SetNumberOfElements(UInt32 numElements) = 0;
/*! @method GetNumberOfElements */
    virtual UInt32          GetNumberOfElements()    = 0;
/*! @method GetElement */
    virtual AUElement *     GetElement(UInt32 elementIndex) = 0;
    AUBase *            GetCreator() const { return mCreator; }
    AudioUnitScope      GetScope() const { return mScope; }
/*! @var mCreator */
    AUBase *                    mCreator;
/*! @var mScope */
    AudioUnitScope              mScope;
// ____________________________________________________________________________
/*! @class AUScope */
class AUScope {
/*! @ctor AUScope */
                    AUScope() : mCreator(NULL), mScope(0), mDelegate(0) { } 
/*! @dtor ~AUScope */
/*! @method Initialize */
    void            Initialize(AUBase *creator, 
                                AudioUnitScope scope, 
                                UInt32 numElements)
        mCreator = creator;
        mScope = scope;
        if (mDelegate)
            return mDelegate->Initialize(creator, scope, numElements);
/*! @method SetNumberOfElements */
    void            SetNumberOfElements(UInt32 numElements);
/*! @method GetNumberOfElements */
    UInt32          GetNumberOfElements()   const   
        if (mDelegate)
            return mDelegate->GetNumberOfElements();
        return static_cast<UInt32>(mElements.size());
/*! @method GetElement */
    AUElement *     GetElement(UInt32 elementIndex) const
        if (mDelegate)
            return mDelegate->GetElement(elementIndex);
        ElementVector::const_iterator i = mElements.begin() + elementIndex;
            // catch passing -1 in as the elementIndex - causes a wrap around
        return (i >= mElements.end() || i < mElements.begin()) ? NULL : *i;
/*! @method SafeGetElement */
    AUElement *     SafeGetElement(UInt32 elementIndex)
        AUElement *element = GetElement(elementIndex);
        if (element == NULL)
        return element;
/*! @method GetIOElement */
    AUIOElement *   GetIOElement(UInt32 elementIndex) const
        AUElement *element = GetElement(elementIndex);
        AUIOElement *ioel = element ? element->AsIOElement () : NULL;
        if (!ioel)
            COMPONENT_THROW (kAudioUnitErr_InvalidElement);
        return ioel;
/*! @method HasElementWithName */
    bool            HasElementWithName () const;
/*! @method AddElementNamesToDict */
    void            AddElementNamesToDict (CFMutableDictionaryRef & inNameDict);
    bool            RestoreElementNames (CFDictionaryRef& inNameDict);
    AudioUnitScope      GetScope() const { return mScope; }
    void SetDelegate(AUScopeDelegate* inDelegate) { mDelegate = inDelegate; }
/*! @method SaveState */
    void            SaveState(CFMutableDataRef data);
/*! @method RestoreState */
    const UInt8 *   RestoreState(const UInt8 *state);
    typedef std::vector<AUElement *> ElementVector;
/*! @var mCreator */
    AUBase *                    mCreator;
/*! @var mScope */
    AudioUnitScope              mScope;
/*! @var mElements */
    ElementVector               mElements;
/*! @var mDelegate */
    AUScopeDelegate *           mDelegate;
#endif // __AUScopeElement_h__