/* |
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
Part of Core Audio AUBase Classes |
*/ |
#ifndef __ComponentBase_h__ |
#define __ComponentBase_h__ |
#include <new> |
#include "CADebugMacros.h" |
#include "CAXException.h" |
#include <CoreAudio/CoreAudioTypes.h> |
#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h> |
#include <CoreServices/../Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Headers/Components.h> |
#define AudioComponentInstance ComponentInstance |
#define AudioComponentDescription ComponentDescription |
#define AudioComponent Component |
#endif |
Handle CMgr_GetComponentInstanceStorage(ComponentInstance aComponentInstance); |
void CMgr_SetComponentInstanceStorage(ComponentInstance aComponentInstance, Handle theStorage); |
#endif |
typedef Float32 AudioUnitParameterValue; |
#endif |
typedef Float32 AudioUnitSampleType; |
#endif |
#if !TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
#include <pthread.h> |
#endif |
#include "CAGuard.h" |
#endif |
#else |
#include "CoreAudioTypes.h" |
#include "ComponentManagerDependenciesWin.h" |
#endif |
#include "AudioUnit.h" |
#include "CAGuard.h" |
#endif |
#define COMPONENT_THROW(throw_err) \ |
do { DebugMessage(#throw_err); throw static_cast<OSStatus>(throw_err); } while (0) |
#else |
#define COMPONENT_THROW(throw_err) \ |
throw static_cast<OSStatus>(throw_err) |
#endif |
#endif |
catch (const CAXException &ex) { result = ex.mError; } \ |
catch (std::bad_alloc &) { result = kAudio_MemFullError; } \ |
catch (OSStatus catch_err) { result = catch_err; } \ |
catch (OSErr catch_err) { result = catch_err; } \ |
catch (...) { result = -1; } |
/*! @class ComponentBase */ |
class ComponentBase { |
public: |
// classic MacErrors |
enum { noErr = 0}; |
/*! @ctor ComponentBase */ |
ComponentBase(AudioComponentInstance inInstance); |
/*! @dtor ~ComponentBase */ |
virtual ~ComponentBase(); |
/*! @method PostConstructor */ |
virtual void PostConstructor(); |
/*! @method PreDestructor */ |
virtual void PreDestructor(); |
/*! @method Version */ |
virtual OSStatus Version(); |
/*! @method ComponentEntryDispatch */ |
static OSStatus ComponentEntryDispatch(ComponentParameters *p, ComponentBase *This); |
/*! GetSelectorForCanDo */ |
static SInt16 GetSelectorForCanDo(ComponentParameters *params); |
#endif |
/*! @method GetComponentInstance */ |
AudioComponentInstance GetComponentInstance() const { return mComponentInstance; } |
/*! @method GetComponentDescription */ |
AudioComponentDescription GetComponentDescription() const; |
// This global variable is so that new instances know how they were instantiated: via the Component Manager, |
// or as AudioComponents. It's ugly, but preferable to altering the constructor of every class in the hierarchy. |
// It's safe because construction is protected by ComponentInitLocker. |
enum EInstanceType { kComponentMgrInstance, kAudioComponentInstance }; |
static EInstanceType sNewInstanceType; |
/*! @method IsPluginObject */ |
bool IsPluginObject () const { return mInstanceType == kAudioComponentInstance; } |
/*! @method IsCMgrObject */ |
bool IsCMgrObject () const { return mInstanceType == kComponentMgrInstance; } |
/*! @method AP_Open */ |
static OSStatus AP_Open(void *self, AudioUnit compInstance); |
/*! @method AP_Close */ |
static OSStatus AP_Close(void *self); |
protected: |
/*! @var mComponentInstance */ |
AudioComponentInstance mComponentInstance; |
EInstanceType mInstanceType; |
}; |
class ComponentInitLocker |
{ |
public: |
ComponentInitLocker() |
{ |
pthread_once(&sOnce, InitComponentInitLocker); |
pthread_mutex_lock(&sComponentOpenMutex); |
mPreviousNewInstanceType = ComponentBase::sNewInstanceType; |
} |
~ComponentInitLocker() |
{ |
ComponentBase::sNewInstanceType = mPreviousNewInstanceType; |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&sComponentOpenMutex); |
} |
// There are situations (11844772) where we need to be able to release the lock early. |
class Unlocker { |
public: |
Unlocker() |
{ |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&sComponentOpenMutex); |
} |
~Unlocker() |
{ |
pthread_mutex_lock(&sComponentOpenMutex); |
} |
}; |
private: |
static pthread_mutex_t sComponentOpenMutex; |
static pthread_once_t sOnce; |
static void InitComponentInitLocker(); |
#elif TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
public: |
bool sNeedsUnlocking; |
ComponentInitLocker() { sNeedsUnlocking = sComponentOpenGuard.Lock(); } |
~ComponentInitLocker() { if(sNeedsUnlocking) { sComponentOpenGuard.Unlock(); } } |
private: |
static CAGuard sComponentOpenGuard; |
#endif |
private: |
ComponentBase::EInstanceType mPreviousNewInstanceType; |
}; |
/*! @class AudioComponentPlugInInstance */ |
struct AudioComponentPlugInInstance { |
AudioComponentPlugInInterface mPlugInInterface; |
void * (*mConstruct)(void *memory, AudioComponentInstance ci); |
void (*mDestruct)(void *memory); |
void * mPad[2]; // pad to a 16-byte boundary (in either 32 or 64 bit mode) |
UInt32 mInstanceStorage; // the ACI implementation object is constructed into this memory |
// this member is just a placeholder. it is aligned to a 16byte boundary |
}; |
/*! @class APFactory */ |
template <class APMethodLookup, class Implementor> |
class APFactory { |
public: |
static void *Construct(void *memory, AudioComponentInstance compInstance) |
{ |
return new(memory) Implementor(compInstance); |
} |
static void Destruct(void *memory) |
{ |
((Implementor *)memory)->~Implementor(); |
} |
// This is the AudioComponentFactoryFunction. It returns an AudioComponentPlugInInstance. |
// The actual implementation object is not created until Open(). |
static AudioComponentPlugInInterface *Factory(const AudioComponentDescription * /* inDesc */) |
{ |
AudioComponentPlugInInstance *acpi = |
(AudioComponentPlugInInstance *)malloc( offsetof(AudioComponentPlugInInstance, mInstanceStorage) + sizeof(Implementor) ); |
acpi->mPlugInInterface.Open = ComponentBase::AP_Open; |
acpi->mPlugInInterface.Close = ComponentBase::AP_Close; |
acpi->mPlugInInterface.Lookup = APMethodLookup::Lookup; |
acpi->mPlugInInterface.reserved = NULL; |
acpi->mConstruct = Construct; |
acpi->mDestruct = Destruct; |
acpi->mPad[0] = NULL; |
acpi->mPad[1] = NULL; |
return (AudioComponentPlugInInterface*)acpi; |
} |
// This is for runtime registration (not for plug-ins loaded from bundles). |
static AudioComponent Register(UInt32 type, UInt32 subtype, UInt32 manuf, CFStringRef name, UInt32 vers, UInt32 flags=0) |
{ |
AudioComponentDescription desc = { type, subtype, manuf, flags, 0 }; |
return AudioComponentRegister(&desc, name, vers, Factory); |
} |
}; |
/*! @class ComponentEntryPoint |
* @discussion This is only used for a component manager version |
*/ |
template <class Class> |
class ComponentEntryPoint { |
public: |
/*! @method Dispatch */ |
static OSStatus Dispatch(ComponentParameters *params, Class *obj) |
{ |
OSStatus result = noErr; |
try { |
if (params->what == kComponentOpenSelect) { |
// solve a host of initialization thread safety issues. |
ComponentInitLocker lock; |
ComponentBase::sNewInstanceType = ComponentBase::kComponentMgrInstance; |
ComponentInstance ci = (ComponentInstance)(params->params[0]); |
Class *This = new Class((AudioComponentInstance)ci); |
This->PostConstructor(); // allows base class to do additional initialization |
// once the derived class is fully constructed |
CMgr_SetComponentInstanceStorage(ci, (Handle)This); |
} else |
result = Class::ComponentEntryDispatch(params, obj); |
} |
return result; |
} |
/*! @method Register */ |
static Component Register(OSType compType, OSType subType, OSType manufacturer) |
{ |
ComponentDescription description = {compType, subType, manufacturer, 0, 0}; |
Component component = RegisterComponent(&description, (ComponentRoutineUPP) Dispatch, registerComponentGlobal, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
if (component != NULL) { |
SetDefaultComponent(component, defaultComponentAnyFlagsAnyManufacturerAnySubType); |
} |
return component; |
} |
}; |
// NOTE: The Carbon Component Manager is deprecated in Mountain Lion (10.8). |
// This macro should not be used with new audio components. |
// It is only for backwards compatibility with Lion and Snow Leopard. |
// This macro registers both an Audio Component plugin and a Carbon Component Manager version. |
#define AUDIOCOMPONENT_ENTRY(FactoryType, Class) \ |
extern "C" OSStatus Class##Entry(ComponentParameters *params, Class *obj); \ |
extern "C" OSStatus Class##Entry(ComponentParameters *params, Class *obj) { \ |
return ComponentEntryPoint<Class>::Dispatch(params, obj); \ |
} \ |
extern "C" void * Class##Factory(const AudioComponentDescription *inDesc); \ |
extern "C" void * Class##Factory(const AudioComponentDescription *inDesc) { \ |
return FactoryType<Class>::Factory(inDesc); \ |
} |
// the only component we still support are the carbon based view components |
// you should be using this macro now to exclusively register those types |
#define VIEW_COMPONENT_ENTRY(Class) \ |
extern "C" OSStatus Class##Entry(ComponentParameters *params, Class *obj); \ |
extern "C" OSStatus Class##Entry(ComponentParameters *params, Class *obj) { \ |
return ComponentEntryPoint<Class>::Dispatch(params, obj); \ |
} |
/*! @class ComponentRegistrar */ |
template <class Class, OSType Type, OSType Subtype, OSType Manufacturer> |
class ComponentRegistrar { |
public: |
/*! @ctor ComponentRegistrar */ |
ComponentRegistrar() { ComponentEntryPoint<Class>::Register(Type, Subtype, Manufacturer); } |
}; |
#define COMPONENT_REGISTER(Class,Type,Subtype,Manufacturer) \ |
static ComponentRegistrar<Class, Type, Subtype, Manufacturer> gRegistrar##Class |
#else |
#define COMPONENT_ENTRY(Class) |
// This macro is used to generate the Entry Point for a given Audio Component. |
// You should be using this macro now. |
#define AUDIOCOMPONENT_ENTRY(FactoryType, Class) \ |
extern "C" void * Class##Factory(const AudioComponentDescription *inDesc); \ |
extern "C" void * Class##Factory(const AudioComponentDescription *inDesc) { \ |
return FactoryType<Class>::Factory(inDesc); \ |
} |
#endif // __ComponentBase_h__ |
Copyright © 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2016-02-19