
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
Filter Effect AU
#include "AUEffectBase.h"
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioUnitUtilities.h>
#include "FilterVersion.h"
#include "Filter.h"
#include <math.h>
#pragma mark ____FilterKernel
class FilterKernel : public AUKernelBase        // the actual filter DSP happens here
    FilterKernel(AUEffectBase *inAudioUnit );
    virtual ~FilterKernel();
    // processes one channel of non-interleaved samples
    virtual void        Process(    const Float32   *inSourceP,
                                    Float32         *inDestP,
                                    UInt32          inFramesToProcess,
                                    UInt32          inNumChannels,
                                    bool &          ioSilence);
    // resets the filter state
    virtual void        Reset();
    void                CalculateLopassParams(  double inFreq, double inResonance );
    // used by the custom property handled in the Filter class below
    double              GetFrequencyResponse( double inFreq );
    // filter coefficients
    double  mA0;
    double  mA1;
    double  mA2;
    double  mB1;
    double  mB2;
    // filter state
    double  mX1;
    double  mX2;
    double  mY1;
    double  mY2;
    double  mLastCutoff;
    double  mLastResonance;
#pragma mark ____Filter
class Filter : public AUEffectBase
    Filter(AudioUnit component);
    virtual OSStatus            Version() { return kFilterVersion; }
    virtual OSStatus            Initialize();
    virtual AUKernelBase *      NewKernel() { return new FilterKernel(this); }
    // for custom property
    virtual OSStatus            GetPropertyInfo(    AudioUnitPropertyID     inID,
                                                    AudioUnitScope          inScope,
                                                    AudioUnitElement        inElement,
                                                    UInt32 &                outDataSize,
                                                    Boolean &               outWritable );
    virtual OSStatus            GetProperty(        AudioUnitPropertyID     inID,
                                                    AudioUnitScope          inScope,
                                                    AudioUnitElement        inElement,
                                                    void                    * outData );
    virtual OSStatus            GetParameterInfo(   AudioUnitScope          inScope,
                                                    AudioUnitParameterID    inParameterID,
                                                    AudioUnitParameterInfo  &outParameterInfo );
    // handle presets:
    virtual OSStatus            GetPresets( CFArrayRef  *outData    )   const;    
    virtual OSStatus            NewFactoryPresetSet (   const AUPreset & inNewFactoryPreset );
    // we'll report a 1ms tail.   A reverb effect would have a much more substantial tail on
    // the order of several seconds....
    virtual bool                SupportsTail () { return true; }
    virtual Float64             GetTailTime() {return 0.001;}
    // we have no latency
    // A lookahead compressor or FFT-based processor should report the true latency in seconds
    virtual Float64             GetLatency() {return 0.0;}
//  Standard DSP AudioUnit implementation
AUDIOCOMPONENT_ENTRY(AUBaseProcessFactory, Filter)
    kFilterParam_CutoffFrequency = 0,
    kFilterParam_Resonance = 1
static CFStringRef kCutoffFreq_Name = CFSTR("cutoff frequency");
static CFStringRef kResonance_Name = CFSTR("resonance");
const float kMinCutoffHz = 12.0;
const float kDefaultCutoff = 1000.0;
const float kMinResonance = -20.0;
const float kMaxResonance = 20.0;
const float kDefaultResonance = 0;
// Factory presets
static const int kPreset_One = 0;
static const int kPreset_Two = 1;
static const int kNumberPresets = 2;
static AUPreset kPresets[kNumberPresets] = 
        { kPreset_One, CFSTR("Preset One") },       
        { kPreset_Two, CFSTR("Preset Two") }        
//static const int kPresetDefault = kPreset_One;
//static const int kPresetDefaultIndex = 0;
#pragma mark ____Construction_Initialization
//  Filter::Filter
Filter::Filter(AudioUnit component)
    : AUEffectBase(component)
    // all the parameters must be set to their initial values here
    // these calls have the effect both of defining the parameters for the first time
    // and assigning their initial values
    SetParameter(kFilterParam_CutoffFrequency, kDefaultCutoff);
    SetParameter(kFilterParam_Resonance, kDefaultResonance);
    // kFilterParam_CutoffFrequency max value depends on sample-rate
//  Filter::Initialize
OSStatus            Filter::Initialize()
    OSStatus result = AUEffectBase::Initialize();
    if(result == noErr)
        // in case the AU was un-initialized and parameters were changed, the view can now
        // be made aware it needs to update the frequency response curve
        PropertyChanged(kAudioUnitCustomProperty_FilterFrequencyResponse, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0 );
    return result;
#pragma mark ____Parameters
//  Filter::GetParameterInfo
OSStatus            Filter::GetParameterInfo(   AudioUnitScope          inScope,
                                                AudioUnitParameterID    inParameterID,
                                                AudioUnitParameterInfo  &outParameterInfo )
    OSStatus result = noErr;
    outParameterInfo.flags =    kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable
                        +       kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsReadable;
    if (inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global) {
            case kFilterParam_CutoffFrequency:
                AUBase::FillInParameterName (outParameterInfo, kCutoffFreq_Name, false);
                outParameterInfo.unit = kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Hertz;
                outParameterInfo.minValue = kMinCutoffHz;
                outParameterInfo.maxValue = GetSampleRate() * 0.5;
                outParameterInfo.defaultValue = kDefaultCutoff;
                outParameterInfo.flags += kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsHighResolution;
                outParameterInfo.flags += kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayLogarithmic;
            case kFilterParam_Resonance:
                AUBase::FillInParameterName (outParameterInfo, kResonance_Name, false);
                outParameterInfo.unit = kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Decibels;
                outParameterInfo.minValue = kMinResonance;
                outParameterInfo.maxValue = kMaxResonance;
                outParameterInfo.defaultValue = kDefaultResonance;
                outParameterInfo.flags += kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsHighResolution;
                result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter;
    } else {
        result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter;
    return result;
#pragma mark ____Properties
//  Filter::GetPropertyInfo
OSStatus            Filter::GetPropertyInfo (   AudioUnitPropertyID             inID,
                                                AudioUnitScope                  inScope,
                                                AudioUnitElement                inElement,
                                                UInt32 &                        outDataSize,
                                                Boolean &                       outWritable)
    if (inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global)
        switch (inID)
            case kAudioUnitProperty_CocoaUI:
                outWritable = false;
                outDataSize = sizeof (AudioUnitCocoaViewInfo);
                return noErr;
            case kAudioUnitCustomProperty_FilterFrequencyResponse:  // our custom property
                if(inScope != kAudioUnitScope_Global ) return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidScope;
                outDataSize = kNumberOfResponseFrequencies * sizeof(FrequencyResponse);
                outWritable = false;
                return noErr;
    return AUEffectBase::GetPropertyInfo (inID, inScope, inElement, outDataSize, outWritable);
//  Filter::GetProperty
OSStatus            Filter::GetProperty (   AudioUnitPropertyID         inID,
                                            AudioUnitScope              inScope,
                                            AudioUnitElement            inElement,
                                            void *                      outData)
    if (inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global)
        switch (inID)
            // This property allows the host application to find the UI associated with this
            // AudioUnit
            case kAudioUnitProperty_CocoaUI:
                // Look for a resource in the main bundle by name and type.
                CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier( CFSTR("") );
                if (bundle == NULL) return fnfErr;
                CFURLRef bundleURL = CFBundleCopyResourceURL( bundle, 
                    CFSTR("CocoaFilterView"),   // this is the name of the cocoa bundle as specified in the CocoaViewFactory.plist
                    CFSTR("bundle"),            // this is the extension of the cocoa bundle
                if (bundleURL == NULL) return fnfErr;
                CFStringRef className = CFSTR("AppleDemoFilter_ViewFactory");   // name of the main class that implements the AUCocoaUIBase protocol
                AudioUnitCocoaViewInfo cocoaInfo = { bundleURL, { className } };
                *((AudioUnitCocoaViewInfo *)outData) = cocoaInfo;
                return noErr;
            // This is our custom property which reports the current frequency response curve
            case kAudioUnitCustomProperty_FilterFrequencyResponse:
                if(inScope != kAudioUnitScope_Global)   return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidScope;
                // the kernels are only created if we are initialized
                // since we're using the kernels to get the curve info, let
                // the caller know we can't do it if we're un-initialized
                // the UI should check for the error and not draw the curve in this case
                if(!IsInitialized() ) return kAudioUnitErr_Uninitialized;
                FrequencyResponse *freqResponseTable = ((FrequencyResponse*)outData);
                // each of our filter kernel objects (one per channel) will have an identical frequency response
                // so we arbitrarilly use the first one...
                FilterKernel *filterKernel = dynamic_cast<FilterKernel*>(mKernelList[0]);
                double cutoff = GetParameter(kFilterParam_CutoffFrequency);
                double resonance = GetParameter(kFilterParam_Resonance );
                float srate = GetSampleRate();
                cutoff = 2.0 * cutoff / srate;
                if(cutoff > 0.99) cutoff = 0.99;        // clip cutoff to highest allowed by sample rate...
                filterKernel->CalculateLopassParams(cutoff, resonance);
                for(int i = 0; i < kNumberOfResponseFrequencies; i++ )
                    double frequency = freqResponseTable[i].mFrequency;
                    freqResponseTable[i].mMagnitude = filterKernel->GetFrequencyResponse(frequency);
                return noErr;
    // if we've gotten this far, handles the standard properties
    return AUEffectBase::GetProperty (inID, inScope, inElement, outData);
#pragma mark ____Presets
//  Filter::GetPresets
OSStatus            Filter::GetPresets (        CFArrayRef *        outData) const
        // this is used to determine if presets are supported 
        // which in this unit they are so we implement this method!
    if (outData == NULL) return noErr;
    CFMutableArrayRef theArray = CFArrayCreateMutable (NULL, kNumberPresets, NULL);
    for (int i = 0; i < kNumberPresets; ++i) {
        CFArrayAppendValue (theArray, &kPresets[i]);
    *outData = (CFArrayRef)theArray;    // client is responsible for releasing the array
    return noErr;
//  Filter::NewFactoryPresetSet
OSStatus    Filter::NewFactoryPresetSet (const AUPreset & inNewFactoryPreset)
    SInt32 chosenPreset = inNewFactoryPreset.presetNumber;
    for(int i = 0; i < kNumberPresets; ++i)
        if(chosenPreset == kPresets[i].presetNumber)
            // set whatever state you need to based on this preset's selection
            // Here we use a switch statement, but it would also be possible to
            // use chosenPreset as an index into an array (if you publish the preset
            // numbers as indices in the GetPresets() method)
                case kPreset_One:
                    SetParameter(kFilterParam_CutoffFrequency, 200.0 );
                    SetParameter(kFilterParam_Resonance, -5.0 );
                case kPreset_Two:
                    SetParameter(kFilterParam_CutoffFrequency, 1000.0 );
                    SetParameter(kFilterParam_Resonance, 10.0 );
            SetAFactoryPresetAsCurrent (kPresets[i]);
            return noErr;
    return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue;
#pragma mark ____FilterKernel
//  FilterKernel::FilterKernel()
FilterKernel::FilterKernel(AUEffectBase *inAudioUnit )
    : AUKernelBase(inAudioUnit)
//  FilterKernel::~FilterKernel()
FilterKernel::~FilterKernel( )
//  FilterKernel::Reset()
//      It's very important to fully reset all filter state variables to their
//      initial settings here.  For delay/reverb effects, the delay buffers must
//      also be cleared here.
void        FilterKernel::Reset()
    mX1 = 0.0;
    mX2 = 0.0;
    mY1 = 0.0;
    mY2 = 0.0;
    // forces filter coefficient calculation
    mLastCutoff = -1.0;
    mLastResonance = -1.0;
//  FilterKernel::CalculateLopassParams()
//      inFreq is normalized frequency 0 -> 1
//      inResonance is in decibels
void FilterKernel::CalculateLopassParams(   double inFreq,
                                            double inResonance )
    double r = pow(10.0, 0.05 * -inResonance);      // convert from decibels to linear
    double k = 0.5 * r * sin(M_PI * inFreq);
    double c1 = 0.5 * (1.0 - k) / (1.0 + k);
    double c2 = (0.5 + c1) * cos(M_PI * inFreq);
    double c3 = (0.5 + c1 - c2) * 0.25;
    mA0 = 2.0 *   c3;
    mA1 = 2.0 *   2.0 * c3;
    mA2 = 2.0 *   c3;
    mB1 = 2.0 *   -c2;
    mB2 = 2.0 *   c1;
//  FilterKernel::GetFrequencyResponse()
//      returns scalar magnitude response
double FilterKernel::GetFrequencyResponse( double inFreq /* in Hertz */ )
    float srate = GetSampleRate();
    double scaledFrequency = 2.0 * inFreq / srate;
    // frequency on unit circle in z-plane
    double zr = cos(M_PI * scaledFrequency);
    double zi = sin(M_PI * scaledFrequency);
    // zeros response
    double num_r = mA0*(zr*zr - zi*zi) + mA1*zr + mA2;
    double num_i = 2.0*mA0*zr*zi + mA1*zi;
    double num_mag = sqrt(num_r*num_r + num_i*num_i);
    // poles response
    double den_r = zr*zr - zi*zi + mB1*zr + mB2;
    double den_i = 2.0*zr*zi + mB1*zi;
    double den_mag = sqrt(den_r*den_r + den_i*den_i);
    // total response
    double response = num_mag  / den_mag;
    return response;
//  FilterKernel::Process(int inFramesToProcess)
//      We process one non-interleaved stream at a time
void FilterKernel::Process( const Float32   *inSourceP,
                            Float32         *inDestP,
                            UInt32          inFramesToProcess,
                            UInt32          inNumChannels,  // for version 2 AudioUnits inNumChannels is always 1
                            bool &          ioSilence)
    double cutoff = GetParameter(kFilterParam_CutoffFrequency);
    double resonance = GetParameter(kFilterParam_Resonance );
    // do bounds checking on parameters
    if(cutoff < kMinCutoffHz) cutoff = kMinCutoffHz;
    if(resonance < kMinResonance ) resonance = kMinResonance;
    if(resonance > kMaxResonance ) resonance = kMaxResonance;
    // convert to 0->1 normalized frequency
    float srate = GetSampleRate();
    cutoff = 2.0 * cutoff / srate;
    if(cutoff > 0.99) cutoff = 0.99;        // clip cutoff to highest allowed by sample rate...
    // only calculate the filter coefficients if the parameters have changed from last time
    if(cutoff != mLastCutoff || resonance != mLastResonance )
        CalculateLopassParams(cutoff, resonance);
        mLastCutoff = cutoff;
        mLastResonance = resonance;     
    const Float32 *sourceP = inSourceP;
    Float32 *destP = inDestP;
    int n = inFramesToProcess;
    // Apply the filter on the input and write to the output
    // This code isn't optimized and is written for clarity...
        float input = *sourceP++;
        float output = mA0*input + mA1*mX1 + mA2*mX2 - mB1*mY1 - mB2*mY2;
        mX2 = mX1;
        mX1 = input;
        mY2 = mY1;
        mY1 = output;
        *destP++ = output;