
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Filter Effect AU
#define kNumberOfResponseFrequencies 512
// Here we define a custom property so the view is able to retrieve the current frequency
// response curve.  The curve changes as the filter's cutoff frequency and resonance are
// changed...
// custom properties id's must be 64000 or greater
// see <AudioUnit/AudioUnitProperties.h> for a list of Apple-defined standard properties
    kAudioUnitCustomProperty_FilterFrequencyResponse = 65536
// We'll define our property data to be a size kNumberOfResponseFrequencies array of structs
// The UI will pass in the desired frequency in the mFrequency field, and the Filter AU
// will provide the linear magnitude response of the filter in the mMagnitude field
// for each element in the array.
typedef struct FrequencyResponse
    Float64     mFrequency;
    Float64     mMagnitude;
} FrequencyResponse;