
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
Instrument AU
    This is a subclass of SinSynth that demonstrates how to use the midi output properties kAudioUnitProperty_MIDIOutputCallbackInfo,
    and kAudioUnitProperty_MIDIOutputCallback defined in AudioUnitProperties.h.
    Using these properties, the SinSynthWithMidi simply passes through the midi data it receives. Use of these properties requires host support.
    To build a version of the SinSynth with this functionality, activate the "SinSynth with MIDI Output" target in Xcode.
#include "SinSynth.h"
#include <CoreMIDI/CoreMIDI.h>
#include <vector>
typedef struct MIDIMessageInfoStruct {
    UInt8   status;
    UInt8   channel;
    UInt8   data1;
    UInt8   data2;
    UInt32  startFrame;
} MIDIMessageInfoStruct;
class MIDIOutputCallbackHelper 
    enum  { kSizeofMIDIBuffer = 512 };
                                mMIDIMessageList.reserve (64); 
                                mMIDICallbackStruct.midiOutputCallback = NULL;
                                mMIDIBuffer = new Byte[kSizeofMIDIBuffer];
                                delete [] mMIDIBuffer;
    void                    SetCallbackInfo (AUMIDIOutputCallback & callback, void *userData) 
                                mMIDICallbackStruct.midiOutputCallback = callback; 
                                mMIDICallbackStruct.userData = userData;
    void                    AddMIDIEvent (UInt8     status,
                                        UInt8       channel,
                                        UInt8       data1,
                                        UInt8       data2, 
                                        UInt32      inStartFrame );
    void                    FireAtTimeStamp(const AudioTimeStamp &inTimeStamp);
    MIDIPacketList        * PacketList() 
                                return (MIDIPacketList *)mMIDIBuffer; 
    Byte *                      mMIDIBuffer;
    AUMIDIOutputCallbackStruct  mMIDICallbackStruct;
    typedef std::vector<MIDIMessageInfoStruct> MIDIMessageList;
    MIDIMessageList             mMIDIMessageList;
class SinSynthWithMidi : public SinSynth {
                                SinSynthWithMidi(AudioUnit inComponentInstance);
    virtual                     ~SinSynthWithMidi();
    virtual OSStatus            GetPropertyInfo(        AudioUnitPropertyID             inID,
                                                        AudioUnitScope                  inScope,
                                                        AudioUnitElement                inElement,
                                                        UInt32 &                        outDataSize,
                                                        Boolean &                       outWritable);
    virtual OSStatus            GetProperty(            AudioUnitPropertyID             inID,
                                                        AudioUnitScope                  inScope,
                                                        AudioUnitElement                inElement,
                                                        void *                          outData);
    virtual OSStatus            SetProperty(            AudioUnitPropertyID             inID,
                                                        AudioUnitScope                  inScope,
                                                        AudioUnitElement                inElement,
                                                        const void *                    inData,
                                                        UInt32                          inDataSize);
            OSStatus            HandleMidiEvent(        UInt8                           status, 
                                                        UInt8                           channel, 
                                                        UInt8                           data1, 
                                                        UInt8                           data2, 
                                                        UInt32                          inStartFrame);
            OSStatus            Render(                 AudioUnitRenderActionFlags &    ioActionFlags,
                                                        const AudioTimeStamp &          inTimeStamp,
                                                        UInt32                          inNumberFrames);
    MIDIOutputCallbackHelper    mCallbackHelper;
    TestNote                    mTestNotes[kNumNotes];
#pragma mark MIDIOutputCallbackHelper Methods
void MIDIOutputCallbackHelper::AddMIDIEvent(UInt8   status, 
                                        UInt8       channel,
                                        UInt8       data1, 
                                        UInt8       data2, 
                                        UInt32      inStartFrame) 
    MIDIMessageInfoStruct info = {status, channel, data1, data2, inStartFrame}; 
void MIDIOutputCallbackHelper::FireAtTimeStamp(const AudioTimeStamp &inTimeStamp) 
    if (!mMIDIMessageList.empty())
        if (mMIDICallbackStruct.midiOutputCallback) 
            // synthesize the packet list and call the MIDIOutputCallback
            // iterate through the vector and get each item
            MIDIPacketList *pktlist = PacketList();
            MIDIPacket *pkt = MIDIPacketListInit(pktlist);
            for (MIDIMessageList::iterator iter = mMIDIMessageList.begin(); iter != mMIDIMessageList.end(); iter++) 
                const MIDIMessageInfoStruct & item = *iter;
                Byte midiStatusByte = item.status +;
                const Byte data[3] = { midiStatusByte, item.data1, item.data2 };
                UInt32 midiDataCount = ((item.status == 0xC || item.status == 0xD) ? 2 : 3);
                pkt = MIDIPacketListAdd (pktlist, 
                if (!pkt)
                        // send what we have and then clear the buffer and then go through this again
                    // issue the callback with what we got
                    OSStatus result = (*mMIDICallbackStruct.midiOutputCallback) (mMIDICallbackStruct.userData, &inTimeStamp, 0, pktlist);
                    if (result != noErr)
                        printf("error calling output callback: %d", (int) result);
                    // clear stuff we've already processed, and fire again
                    mMIDIMessageList.erase (mMIDIMessageList.begin(), iter);
            // fire callback
            OSStatus result = (*mMIDICallbackStruct.midiOutputCallback) (mMIDICallbackStruct.userData, &inTimeStamp, 0, pktlist);
            if (result != noErr)
                printf("error calling output callback: %d", (int) result);
#pragma mark SinSynthWithMidi Methods
AUDIOCOMPONENT_ENTRY(AUMusicDeviceFactory, SinSynthWithMidi)
//  SinSynthWithMidi::SinSynthWithMidi
// This synth has No inputs, One output
SinSynthWithMidi::SinSynthWithMidi(AudioUnit inComponentInstance)
    : SinSynth(inComponentInstance)
//  SinSynthWithMidi::~SinSynthWithMidi
OSStatus            SinSynthWithMidi::GetPropertyInfo(      AudioUnitPropertyID             inID,
                                                    AudioUnitScope                  inScope,
                                                    AudioUnitElement                inElement,
                                                    UInt32 &                        outDataSize,
                                                    Boolean &                       outWritable)
    if (inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global) {
        if (inID == kAudioUnitProperty_MIDIOutputCallbackInfo) {
            outDataSize = sizeof(CFArrayRef);
            outWritable = false;
            return noErr;
        } else if (inID == kAudioUnitProperty_MIDIOutputCallback) {
            outDataSize = sizeof(AUMIDIOutputCallbackStruct);
            outWritable = true;
            return noErr;
    return SinSynth::GetPropertyInfo (inID, inScope, inElement, outDataSize, outWritable);
OSStatus            SinSynthWithMidi::GetProperty(  AudioUnitPropertyID     inID,
                                            AudioUnitScope          inScope,
                                            AudioUnitElement        inElement,
                                            void *                  outData)
    if (inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global) 
        if (inID == kAudioUnitProperty_MIDIOutputCallbackInfo) {
            CFStringRef strs[1];
            strs[0] = CFSTR("MIDI Callback");
            CFArrayRef callbackArray = CFArrayCreate(NULL, (const void **)strs, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
            *(CFArrayRef *)outData = callbackArray;
            return noErr;
    return SinSynth::GetProperty (inID, inScope, inElement, outData);
OSStatus            SinSynthWithMidi::SetProperty(  AudioUnitPropertyID             inID,
                                                    AudioUnitScope                  inScope,
                                                    AudioUnitElement                inElement,
                                                    const void *                    inData,
                                                    UInt32                          inDataSize)
    if (inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global) 
        if (inID == kAudioUnitProperty_MIDIOutputCallback) {
            if (inDataSize < sizeof(AUMIDIOutputCallbackStruct)) return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue;
            AUMIDIOutputCallbackStruct *callbackStruct = (AUMIDIOutputCallbackStruct *)inData;
            mCallbackHelper.SetCallbackInfo(callbackStruct->midiOutputCallback, callbackStruct->userData);
            return noErr;
    return SinSynth::SetProperty(inID, inScope, inElement, inData, inDataSize);
OSStatus    SinSynthWithMidi::HandleMidiEvent(UInt8 status, UInt8 channel, UInt8 data1, UInt8 data2, UInt32 inStartFrame) 
    // snag the midi event and then store it in a vector    
    mCallbackHelper.AddMIDIEvent(status, channel, data1, data2, inStartFrame);
    return AUMIDIBase::HandleMidiEvent(status, channel, data1, data2, inStartFrame);
OSStatus    SinSynthWithMidi::Render(   AudioUnitRenderActionFlags &        ioActionFlags,
                                            const AudioTimeStamp &          inTimeStamp,
                                            UInt32                          inNumberFrames) 
    OSStatus result = AUInstrumentBase::Render(ioActionFlags, inTimeStamp, inNumberFrames);
    if (result == noErr) {
    return result;