
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
Instrument AU
    This is a test implementation of a sin wave synth using AUInstrumentBase classes
    It illustrates a basic usage of these classes
    It artificially limits the number of notes at one time to 12, so the note-stealing 
    algorithm is used - you should know how this works!
    Most of the work you need to do is defining a Note class (see TestNote). AUInstrument manages the
    creation and destruction of notes, the various stages of a note's lifetime.
    Alot of printfs have been left in (but are if'def out)
    These can be useful as you figure out how this all fits together. This is true in the AUInstrumentBase
    classes as well; simply define DEBUG_PRINT to 1 and this turns all this on
    The project also defines CA_AUTO_MIDI_MAP (OTHER_C_FLAGS). This adds all the code that is needed
    to map MIDI messages to specific parameter changes. This can be seen in AU Lab's MIDI Editor window
    CA_AUTO_MIDI_MAP is implemented in AUMIDIBase.cpp/.h
#include "SinSynth.h"
static const UInt32 kMaxActiveNotes = 8;
const double twopi = 2.0 * 3.14159265358979;
inline double pow5(double x) { double x2 = x*x; return x2*x2*x; }
#pragma mark SinSynth Methods
AUDIOCOMPONENT_ENTRY(AUMusicDeviceFactory, SinSynth)
static const AudioUnitParameterID kGlobalVolumeParam = 0;
static const CFStringRef kGlobalVolumeName = CFSTR("global volume");
//  SinSynth::SinSynth
// This synth has No inputs, One output
SinSynth::SinSynth(AudioUnit inComponentInstance)
    : AUMonotimbralInstrumentBase(inComponentInstance, 0, 1)
    Globals()->UseIndexedParameters(1); // we're only defining one param
    Globals()->SetParameter (kGlobalVolumeParam, 1.0);
//  SinSynth::~SinSynth
void SinSynth::Cleanup()
OSStatus SinSynth::Initialize()
    SetNotes(kNumNotes, kMaxActiveNotes, mTestNotes, sizeof(TestNote));
    return noErr;
AUElement* SinSynth::CreateElement( AudioUnitScope                  scope,
                                    AudioUnitElement                element)
    switch (scope)
        case kAudioUnitScope_Group :
            return new SynthGroupElement(this, element, new MidiControls);
        case kAudioUnitScope_Part :
            return new SynthPartElement(this, element);
        default :
            return AUBase::CreateElement(scope, element);
OSStatus            SinSynth::GetParameterInfo(     AudioUnitScope                  inScope,
                                                        AudioUnitParameterID            inParameterID,
                                                        AudioUnitParameterInfo &        outParameterInfo)
    if (inParameterID != kGlobalVolumeParam) return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter;
    if (inScope != kAudioUnitScope_Global) return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidScope;
    outParameterInfo.flags = SetAudioUnitParameterDisplayType (0, kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplaySquareRoot);
    outParameterInfo.flags += kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable;
    outParameterInfo.flags += kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsReadable;
    AUBase::FillInParameterName (outParameterInfo, kGlobalVolumeName, false);
    outParameterInfo.unit = kAudioUnitParameterUnit_LinearGain;
    outParameterInfo.minValue = 0;
    outParameterInfo.maxValue = 1.0;
    outParameterInfo.defaultValue = 1.0;
    return noErr;
#pragma mark TestNote Methods
void            TestNote::Release(UInt32 inFrame)
    printf("TestNote::Release %p %d\n", this, GetState());
void            TestNote::FastRelease(UInt32 inFrame) // voice is being stolen.
    printf("TestNote::Release %p %d\n", this, GetState());
void            TestNote::Kill(UInt32 inFrame) // voice is being stolen.
    printf("TestNote::Kill %p %d\n", this, GetState());
OSStatus        TestNote::Render(UInt64 inAbsoluteSampleFrame, UInt32 inNumFrames, AudioBufferList** inBufferList, UInt32 inOutBusCount)
    float *left, *right;
/* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  
    Changes to this parameter (kGlobalVolumeParam) are not being de-zippered; 
    Left as an exercise for the reader
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ */
    float globalVol = GetGlobalParameter(kGlobalVolumeParam);
    // TestNote only writes into the first bus regardless of what is handed to us.
    const int bus0 = 0;
    int numChans = inBufferList[bus0]->mNumberBuffers;
    if (numChans > 2) return -1;
    left = (float*)inBufferList[bus0]->mBuffers[0].mData;
    right = numChans == 2 ? (float*)inBufferList[bus0]->mBuffers[1].mData : 0;
    double sampleRate = SampleRate();
    double freq = Frequency() * (twopi/sampleRate);
    printf("TestNote::Render %p %d %g %g\n", this, GetState(), phase, amp);
    switch (GetState())
        case kNoteState_Attacked :
        case kNoteState_Sostenutoed :
        case kNoteState_ReleasedButSostenutoed :
        case kNoteState_ReleasedButSustained :
                for (UInt32 frame=0; frame<inNumFrames; ++frame)
                    if (amp < maxamp) amp += up_slope;
                    float out = pow5(sin(phase)) * amp * globalVol;
                    phase += freq;
                    if (phase > twopi) phase -= twopi;
                    left[frame] += out;
                    if (right) right[frame] += out;
        case kNoteState_Released :
                UInt32 endFrame = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                for (UInt32 frame=0; frame<inNumFrames; ++frame)
                    if (amp > 0.0) amp += dn_slope;
                    else if (endFrame == 0xFFFFFFFF) endFrame = frame;
                    float out = pow5(sin(phase)) * amp * globalVol;
                    phase += freq;
                    left[frame] += out;
                    if (right) right[frame] += out;
                if (endFrame != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
                    printf("TestNote::NoteEnded  %p %d %g %g\n", this, GetState(), phase, amp);
        case kNoteState_FastReleased :
                UInt32 endFrame = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                for (UInt32 frame=0; frame<inNumFrames; ++frame)
                    if (amp > 0.0) amp += fast_dn_slope;
                    else if (endFrame == 0xFFFFFFFF) endFrame = frame;
                    float out = pow5(sin(phase)) * amp * globalVol;
                    phase += freq;
                    left[frame] += out;
                    if (right) right[frame] += out;
                if (endFrame != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
                    printf("TestNote::NoteEnded  %p %d %g %g\n", this, GetState(), phase, amp);
        default :
    return noErr;