
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
Part of Core Audio Public Utility Classes
#include "CAAUMIDIMap.h"
#include <pthread.h>
struct AllMidiTransformers
    MIDILinearTransformer linearTrans; 
    MIDILogTransformer logTrans;
    MIDIExpTransformer expTrans;
    MIDISqrtTransformer sqrtTrans;
    MIDISquareTransformer squareTrans;
    MIDICubeRtTransformer cubeRtTrans;
    MIDICubeTransformer cubeTrans;
AllMidiTransformers* gAllMidiTransformers = NULL;
static pthread_once_t sOnce = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
static void InitAllMidiTransformers()
    gAllMidiTransformers = new AllMidiTransformers();
static void CheckInitAllMidiTransformers()
    pthread_once(&sOnce, InitAllMidiTransformers);
MIDIValueTransformer *  CAAUMIDIMap::GetTransformer (UInt32 inFlags)
    if (gAllMidiTransformers == NULL) 
    if (gAllMidiTransformers == NULL) 
        gAllMidiTransformers = new AllMidiTransformers();
    if (AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsLogarithmic(inFlags))
        return &gAllMidiTransformers->logTrans;
    else if (AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsExponential(inFlags))
        return &gAllMidiTransformers->expTrans;
    else if (AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsSquareRoot(inFlags))
        return &gAllMidiTransformers->sqrtTrans;
    else if (AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsSquared(inFlags))
        return &gAllMidiTransformers->squareTrans;
    else if (AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsCubed(inFlags))
        return &gAllMidiTransformers->cubeTrans;
    else if (AudioUnitDisplayTypeIsCubeRoot(inFlags))
        return &gAllMidiTransformers->cubeRtTrans;
        return &gAllMidiTransformers->linearTrans;
// The CALLER of this method must ensure that the status byte's MIDI Command matches!!!
bool    CAAUMIDIMap::MIDI_Matches (UInt8 inChannel, UInt8 inData1, UInt8 inData2, Float32 &outLinear) const
    // see if the channels match first
    SInt8 chan = Channel();
    // channel matches (if chan is less than zero, "Any Channel" flag is set)
    if (chan >= 0 && chan != inChannel)
        return false;
    // match the special cases first
    if (IsKeyEvent()) {
        // we're using this key event as an on/off type switch
        if (IsBipolar()) {
            if (IsKeyPressure()){
                if (IsBipolar_OnValue()) {
                    if (inData2 > 63) {
                        outLinear = 1;
                        return true;
                } else {
                    if (inData2 < 64) {
                        outLinear = 0;
                        return true;
                return false;
            else {
                if (IsBipolar_OnValue()) {
                    if (inData1 > 63) {
                        outLinear = 1;
                        return true;
                } else {
                    if (inData1 < 64) {
                        outLinear = 0;
                        return true;
                return false;
        if (IsAnyNote()) {
// not quite sure how to interpret this...
            if (IsKeyPressure())
                outLinear = inData2 / 127.0;
                outLinear = inData1 / 127.0;
            return true;
        if (mData1 == inData1) {
            if (IsKeyPressure())
                outLinear = inData2 / 127.0;
                outLinear = 1;
            return true;
        return false;
    else if (IsControlChange()) {
        // controller ID matches
        if (mData1 == inData1) {
            if (IsBipolar()) {
                if (IsBipolar_OnValue()) {
                    if (inData2 > 63) {
                        outLinear = 1;
                        return true;
                } else {
                    if (inData2 < 64) {
                        outLinear = 0;
                        return true;
                return false;
            //printf("this in midi matches %X with ", this); 
            outLinear = inData2 / 127.; 
            return true;
        return false;
        // this just matches on the patch change value itself...
    if (IsPatchChange()) {
        if (mData1 == inData1) {
            outLinear = 1;
            return true;
        return false;
    // finally, for the other two, just check the bi-polar matching conditions
    // pitch bend and after touch
    if (IsBipolar()) {
        if (IsBipolar_OnValue()) {
            if (inData1 > 63) {
                outLinear = 1;
                return true;
        } else {
            if (inData1 < 64) {
                outLinear = 0;
                return true;
        return false;
    if (IsPitchBend()) {
        UInt16 value = (inData2 << 7) | inData1;
        outLinear = value / 16383.;
    else if (IsChannelPressure()) {
        outLinear = inData1 / 127.0;
    return true;
void        CAAUMIDIMap::Print () const
    printf ("CAAUMIDIMap:%p, (%u/%u), mParamID %d, IsValid:%c, Status:0x%X, mData1 %d, Flags:0x%X\n", this, (unsigned int)mScope, (unsigned int)mElement, (int)mParameterID, (IsValid() ? 'T' : 'F'), mStatus, mData1, (int)mFlags);