
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
Tremolo Effect AU
#include "AUEffectBase.h"
#include "TremoloUnitVersion.h"
    #include "AUDebugDispatcher.h"
#ifndef __TremoloUnit_h__
#define __TremoloUnit_h__
// Constants for parameters and  factory presets
#pragma mark ____TremoloUnit Parameter Constants
// Provides the user interface name for the Frequency parameter.
static CFStringRef kParamName_Tremolo_Freq      = CFSTR ("Frequency");
// Defines a constant for the default value for the Frequency parameter, anticipating a 
//  unit of Hertz to be defined in the implementation file.
static const float kDefaultValue_Tremolo_Freq   = 2.0;
// Defines a constant for the minimum value for the Frequency parameter.
static const float kMinimumValue_Tremolo_Freq   = 0.5;
// Defines a constant for the maximum value for the Frequency parameter.
static const float kMaximumValue_Tremolo_Freq   = 20.0;
static CFStringRef kParamName_Tremolo_Depth     = CFSTR ("Depth");
static const float kDefaultValue_Tremolo_Depth  = 50.0;
static const float kMinimumValue_Tremolo_Depth  = 0.0;
static const float kMaximumValue_Tremolo_Depth  = 100.0;
static CFStringRef kParamName_Tremolo_Waveform  = CFSTR ("Waveform");
static const int kSineWave_Tremolo_Waveform     = 1;
static const int kSquareWave_Tremolo_Waveform   = 2;
static const int kDefaultValue_Tremolo_Waveform = kSineWave_Tremolo_Waveform;
// Defines menu item names for the waveform parameter
static CFStringRef kMenuItem_Tremolo_Sine       = CFSTR ("Sine");
static CFStringRef kMenuItem_Tremolo_Square     = CFSTR ("Square");
// Defines constants for identifying the parameters; defines the total number 
//  of parameters.
enum {
    kParameter_Frequency    = 0,
    kParameter_Depth        = 1,
    kParameter_Waveform     = 2,
    kNumberOfParameters     = 3
#pragma mark ____TremoloUnit Factory Preset Constants
// Defines a constant for the frequency value for the "Slow & Gentle" factory preset.
static const float kParameter_Preset_Frequency_Slow = 2.0;
// Defines a constant for the frequency value for the "Fast & Hard" factory preset.
static const float kParameter_Preset_Frequency_Fast = 20.0;
// Defines a constant for the depth value for the "Slow & Gentle" factory preset.
static const float kParameter_Preset_Depth_Slow     = 50.0;
// Defines a constant for the depth value for the "Fast & Hard" factory preset.
static const float kParameter_Preset_Depth_Fast     = 90.0;
// Defines a constant for the waveform value for the "Slow & Gentle" factory preset.
static const float kParameter_Preset_Waveform_Slow  = kSineWave_Tremolo_Waveform;
// Defines a constant for the waveform value for the "Fast & Hard" factory preset.
static const float kParameter_Preset_Waveform_Fast  = kSquareWave_Tremolo_Waveform;
enum {
    // Defines a constant for the "Slow & Gentle" factory preset.
    kPreset_Slow    = 0,
    // Defines a constant for the "Fast & Hard" factory preset.
    kPreset_Fast    = 1,
    // Defines a constant representing the total number of factory presets.
    kNumberPresets  = 2
// Defines an array containing two Core Foundation string objects. The objects contain 
//  values for the menu items in the user interface corresponding to the factory presets.
static AUPreset kPresets [kNumberPresets] = {
    {kPreset_Slow, CFSTR ("Slow & Gentle")},
    {kPreset_Fast, CFSTR ("Fast & Hard")}
// Defines a constant representing the default factory preset, in this case the 
//  "Slow & Gentle" preset.
static const int kPreset_Default = kPreset_Slow;
// TremoloUnit class
#pragma mark ____TremoloUnit
class TremoloUnit : public AUEffectBase {
    TremoloUnit (AudioUnit component);
    virtual ~TremoloUnit () {delete mDebugDispatcher;}
    virtual AUKernelBase *NewKernel () {return new TremoloUnitKernel(this);}
    virtual ComponentResult GetParameterValueStrings (
        AudioUnitScope          inScope,
        AudioUnitParameterID    inParameterID,
        CFArrayRef              *outStrings
    virtual ComponentResult GetParameterInfo (
        AudioUnitScope          inScope,
        AudioUnitParameterID    inParameterID,
        AudioUnitParameterInfo  &outParameterInfo
    virtual ComponentResult GetPropertyInfo (
        AudioUnitPropertyID     inID,
        AudioUnitScope          inScope,
        AudioUnitElement        inElement,
        UInt32                  &outDataSize,
        Boolean                 &outWritable
    virtual ComponentResult GetProperty (
        AudioUnitPropertyID     inID,
        AudioUnitScope          inScope,
        AudioUnitElement        inElement,
        void                    *outData
    // report that the audio unit supports the 
    //  kAudioUnitProperty_TailTime property
    virtual bool SupportsTail () {return true;}
    // provide the audio unit version information
    virtual ComponentResult Version () {return kTremoloUnitVersion;}
    // Declaration for the GetPresets method (for setting up the factory presets), 
    //  overriding the method from the AUBase superclass.
    virtual ComponentResult GetPresets (
        CFArrayRef  *outData
    ) const;
    // Declaration for the NewFactoryPresetSet method (for setting a factory preset 
    //  when requested by the host application), overriding the method from the 
    //  AUBase superclass.
    virtual OSStatus NewFactoryPresetSet (
        const AUPreset  &inNewFactoryPreset
    class TremoloUnitKernel : public AUKernelBase {
            TremoloUnitKernel (AUEffectBase *inAudioUnit);
            // *Required* overides for the process method for this effect
            // processes one channel of interleaved samples
            virtual void Process (
                const Float32   *inSourceP,
                Float32         *inDestP,
                UInt32          inFramesToProcess,
                UInt32          inNumChannels, // equal to 1
                bool            &ioSilence
        virtual void Reset ();
            enum    {kWaveArraySize = 2000};    // The number of points in the wave table.
            float   mSine [kWaveArraySize];     // The wave table for the tremolo sine wave.
            float   mSquare [kWaveArraySize];   // The wave table for the tremolo square wave.
            float   *waveArrayPointer;          // Points to the wave table to use for the current audio input buffer.
            Float32 mSampleFrequency;           // The "sample rate" of the audio signal being processed
            long    mSamplesProcessed;          // The number of samples processed since the audio unit
                                                //   started rendering or since this variable was last
                                                //   reset to 0. We have to keep track of this because
                                                //   we vary the tremolo continuously and independently
                                                //   of the input buffer size.
            enum    {sampleLimit = (int) 10E6}; // To keep the value of mSamplesProcessed within a 
                                                //   reasonable limit. 10E6 is equivalent to the number   
                                                //   of samples in 100 seconds of 96 kHz audio.
            float   mCurrentScale;              // There are two scaling factors to allow the audio unit
                                                //   to switch to a new scaling factor at the beginning
                                                //   of the tremolo waveform, no matter when the user
                                                //   changes the tremolo frequency. mCurrentScale is 
                                                //   the scaling factor in use.
            float   mNextScale;                 // The scaling factor that the user most recently requested
                                                //   by moving the tremolo frequency slider