
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
Part of Core Audio Public Utility Classes
#if !defined(__CAAudioChannelLayout_h__)
#define __CAAudioChannelLayout_h__
//  Includes
//  System Includes
    #include <CoreAudio/CoreAudioTypes.h>
    #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
    #include <CoreAudioTypes.h>
    #include <CoreFoundation.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "CADebugMacros.h"
#include "CAAutoDisposer.h"
#if !HAL_Build
    #include "CAReferenceCounted.h"
//  CAAudioChannelLayout
bool    operator== (const AudioChannelLayout &x, const AudioChannelLayout &y);
bool    operator!= (const AudioChannelLayout &x, const AudioChannelLayout &y);
extern "C" void     CAShowAudioChannelLayout (FILE* file, const AudioChannelLayout *layout);
class CAAudioChannelLayout
//  static Construction/Destruction
    static AudioChannelLayout*  Create(UInt32 inNumberChannelDescriptions);
    static void                 Destroy(AudioChannelLayout* inChannelLayout);
    static UInt32               CalculateByteSize(UInt32 inNumberChannelDescriptions) { 
                                    return SizeOf32(AudioChannelLayout) - SizeOf32(AudioChannelDescription) + (inNumberChannelDescriptions * SizeOf32(AudioChannelDescription));
    static void                 SetAllToUnknown(AudioChannelLayout& outChannelLayout, UInt32 inNumberChannelDescriptions);
    static UInt32               NumberChannels(const AudioChannelLayout& inLayout);
#if !HAL_Build
// object methods   
                                CAAudioChannelLayout ();
                                CAAudioChannelLayout (UInt32 inNumberChannels, bool inChooseSurround);
                                    // if inChooseSurround is false, then symmetrical speaker arrangements
                                    // are chosen in place of surround layouts if there is a choice
                                    // This call chooses layouts based on the expected defaults in 
                                    // AudioUnit usage
                                CAAudioChannelLayout (AudioChannelLayoutTag inTag);
                                CAAudioChannelLayout (const CAAudioChannelLayout &c);
                                CAAudioChannelLayout (const AudioChannelLayout* inChannelLayout);
    CAAudioChannelLayout&       operator= (const AudioChannelLayout* inChannelLayout);
    CAAudioChannelLayout&       operator= (const CAAudioChannelLayout& c);
    bool                        operator== (const CAAudioChannelLayout &c) const;
    bool                        operator!= (const CAAudioChannelLayout &c) const;
    void                        SetWithTag(AudioChannelLayoutTag inTag);
    bool                        IsValid() const { return NumberChannels() > 0; }
    UInt32                      Size() const { return mLayout ? mLayout->Size() : 0; }
    UInt32                      NumberChannels() const { return mLayout ? mLayout->NumberChannels() : 0; }
    AudioChannelLayoutTag       Tag() const { return Layout().mChannelLayoutTag; }
    const AudioChannelLayout&   Layout() const { return mLayout->Layout(); }
    operator const AudioChannelLayout *() const { return &Layout(); }
    void                        Print () const { Print (stdout); }
    void                        Print (FILE* file) const;
    OSStatus                    Save (CFPropertyListRef *outData) const;
    OSStatus                    Restore (CFPropertyListRef &inData);
    class RefCountedLayout : public CAReferenceCounted {
        void *  operator new(size_t /* size */, size_t aclSize)
            return CA_malloc(sizeof(RefCountedLayout) - sizeof(AudioChannelLayout) + aclSize);
        void    operator delete(void *mem)
        RefCountedLayout(UInt32 inDataSize) :
            memset(&mACL, 0, inDataSize);
        static RefCountedLayout *CreateWithNumberChannelDescriptions(unsigned nChannels) {
                                size_t size = CAAudioChannelLayout::CalculateByteSize(nChannels);
                                return new(size) RefCountedLayout((UInt32)size);
        static RefCountedLayout *CreateWithLayout(const AudioChannelLayout *layout) {
                                size_t size = CAAudioChannelLayout::CalculateByteSize(layout->mNumberChannelDescriptions);
                                RefCountedLayout *acl = new(size) RefCountedLayout((UInt32)size);
                                memcpy(&acl->mACL, layout, size);
                                return acl;
        static RefCountedLayout *CreateWithLayoutTag(AudioChannelLayoutTag layoutTag) {
                                RefCountedLayout *acl = CreateWithNumberChannelDescriptions(0);
                                acl->mACL.mChannelLayoutTag = layoutTag;
                                return acl;
        const AudioChannelLayout &  Layout() const { return mACL; }
        UInt32                      Size () const { return mByteSize; }
        UInt32                      NumberChannels() { return CAAudioChannelLayout::NumberChannels(Layout()); }
        const UInt32        mByteSize;
        AudioChannelLayout  mACL;
        // * * * mACL is variable length and thus must be last * * *
            // only the constructors can change the actual state of the layout
        friend CAAudioChannelLayout::CAAudioChannelLayout (UInt32 inNumberChannels, bool inChooseSurround);
        friend OSStatus CAAudioChannelLayout::Restore (CFPropertyListRef &inData);
        friend CAAudioChannelLayout& CAAudioChannelLayout::operator= (const AudioChannelLayout* inChannelLayout);
        friend void CAAudioChannelLayout::SetWithTag(AudioChannelLayoutTag inTag);
        AudioChannelLayout *    GetLayout() { return &mACL; }
        // prohibited methods: private and unimplemented.
        RefCountedLayout(const RefCountedLayout& c);
        RefCountedLayout& operator=(const RefCountedLayout& c);
    RefCountedLayout        *mLayout;
#endif  //  HAL_Build