
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
Part of Core Audio Public Utility Classes
#if !defined(__CADebugPrintf_h__)
#define __CADebugPrintf_h__
//  Includes
    #include <CoreAudio/CoreAudioTypes.h>
    #include "CoreAudioTypes.h"
//  Macros to redirect debugging output to various logging services
//#define   CoreAudio_UseSideFile   "/CoreAudio-%d.txt"
#if DEBUG || CoreAudio_Debug
    #if TARGET_OS_WIN32
        #if defined(__cplusplus)
        extern "C"
        extern int CAWin32DebugPrintf(char* inFormat, ...);
        #define DebugPrintfRtn          CAWin32DebugPrintf
        #define DebugPrintfFile
        #define DebugPrintfLineEnding   "\n"
        #define DebugPrintfFileComma
        #define DebugPrintf(inFormat, ...) CAWin32DebugPrintf(informat "\n", ## __VA_ARGS__)
        #if CoreAudio_UseSysLog
            #include <sys/syslog.h>
            #define DebugPrintfRtn  syslog
            #define DebugPrintfFile LOG_NOTICE
            #define DebugPrintfLineEnding   ""
            #define DebugPrintfFileComma    DebugPrintfFile,
            #define DebugPrintf(inFormat, ...)  DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma inFormat DebugPrintfLineEnding, ## __VA_ARGS__)
        #elif defined(CoreAudio_UseSideFile)
            #include <stdio.h>
            #if defined(__cplusplus)
            extern "C"
            void OpenDebugPrintfSideFile();
            extern FILE* sDebugPrintfSideFile;
            #define DebugPrintfRtn  fprintf
            #define DebugPrintfFile ((sDebugPrintfSideFile != NULL) ? sDebugPrintfSideFile : stderr)
            #define DebugPrintfLineEnding   "\n"
            #define DebugPrintfFileComma    DebugPrintfFile,
            #define DebugPrintf(inFormat, ...)  DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma inFormat DebugPrintfLineEnding, ## __VA_ARGS__)
        #elif CoreAudio_UseCALog
            #include "CALog.h"
            /* We cannot use 'LOG' for 'DebugPrintfRtn' because it is a concatenating macro itself.  So we have to use syslog here. */
            #include <sys/syslog.h>
            #define DebugPrintfRtn syslog
            #define DebugPrintfFile LOG_NOTICE
            #define DebugPrintfLineEnding ""
            #define DebugPrintfFileComma DebugPrintfFile,
            /* Direct calls to 'DebugPrintf' use the new CALog system */
            #define DebugPrintf(inFormat, ...)  LOG(kLogPriority_Notice, 0, inFormat, ## __VA_ARGS__)
            #include <stdio.h>
            #define DebugPrintfRtn  fprintf
            #define DebugPrintfFile stderr
            #define DebugPrintfLineEnding   "\n"
            #define DebugPrintfFileComma    DebugPrintfFile,
            #define DebugPrintf(inFormat, ...)  DebugPrintfRtn(DebugPrintfFileComma inFormat DebugPrintfLineEnding, ## __VA_ARGS__)
    #define DebugPrintfRtn  
    #define DebugPrintfFile 
    #define DebugPrintfLineEnding   
    #define DebugPrintfFileComma
    #define DebugPrintf(inFormat, ...)