
    File:       MakePano.h
    Contains:   Code for creating a QuickTime VR panoramic movie from a panoramic image.
                These should work fine, but the API's are currently in flux.
                A later version will be more streamlined and consistent.
    Written by: Ken Turkowski
                Based largely on MakeQTVRPanorama code by Tim Monroe, Ed Harp (and others?).
    Copyright:  © 1996-2000 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.    
    Change History (most recent first):
       <2>      11/24/99    rtm     minor clean-up
       <1>      12/01/98    rtm     first file
    To Do:
#ifndef __MAKEPANO__
#define __MAKEPANO__
#ifndef __MOVIES__
# include <Movies.h>
#endif /* __MOVIES__ */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
typedef struct MakeQTVRParams {
    long        tilesH;             /* The number of tiles horizontally ... */
    long        tilesV;             /* ... and vertically */
    CodecType   tileCodec;          /* Codec to be used if compression is needed */
    CodecQ      tileQuality;        /* Quality of compression to be used */
    char        *sceneName;         /* Optional name to give to the whole scene */
    char        *nodeName;          /* Optional name to give to this node */
    CodecQ      dynamicQuality;     /* Rendering quality to use during panning */
    CodecQ      staticQuality;      /* Rendering quality to use after  panning */
    TimeValue   trackDuration;      /* 7200, 3600, or other suitable number */
    /* Media limits - in degrees */
    long        wraps;              /* The panorama wraps around - or not */
    float       minPan;
    float       maxPan;
    float       minTilt;
    float       maxTilt;
    float       minFieldOfView;
    float       maxFieldOfView;
    /* Initial view */
    float       defaultPan;         /* Pan angle at center of window */
    float       defaultTilt;
    float       defaultFieldOfView;
    long        windowWidth;        /* Width  of the desired viewing window */
    long        windowHeight;       /* Height of the desired viewing window */
} MakeQTVRParams;
 ***        Cylindrical movies to cylindrical panorama movies
 * Cylindrical movie to cylindrical panorama movie version 1
 * NOT RECOMMENDED - Use VRMovieToQTVRCylPano2v0 or VRMovieToQTVRCylPano2h0 instead.
OSErr   VRMovieToQTVRCylPano1x0(
            MakeQTVRParams  *qtvrParams,        /* Parameters used to create the movie */
            FSSpec          *srcTileSpec,   /* Cylindrical tile movie for the panoramic image */
            FSSpec          *srcHSTileSpec, /* Cylindrical tile movie for the hot spot image */
            FSSpec          *dstMovieSpec   /* Destination movie */
 * Cylindrical movie to cylindrical panorama movie version 2V - rotated source and tiles
 * This converts a tile movie to a cylindrical QuickTime VR movie.
 * An optional hot spot tile movie and/or fast start movie can also be specified.
 * The window dimensions, tiling, track duration, compression codec,
 * compression qualities and rendering qualities (static and dynamic) are mandatory.
 * The tiles are assumed to be rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise (i.e. up is to the left).
 * For a wrapping panoramic image of VFOV < 145 degrees, this means that the vertical
 * dimension (circumference) is larger than the horizontal (axis).
OSErr   VRMovieToQTVRCylPano2v0(
            MakeQTVRParams  *qtvrParams,    /* Parameters used to create the movie */
            FSSpec          *srcTileSpec,   /* Cylindrical tile movie for the panoramic image */
            FSSpec          *srcHSTileSpec, /* Cylindrical tile movie for the hot spot image */
            FSSpec          *srcFSTileSpec, /* Cylindrical tile movie for the fast start image */
            FSSpec          *dstMovieSpec   /* Destination movie */
 * Cylindrical movie to cylindrical panorama movie  version 2H - non-rotated source and tiles
 * This converts a tile movie to a cylindrical QuickTime VR movie.
 * An optional hot spot tile movie and/or fast start movie can also be specified.
 * The window dimensions, tiling, track duration, compression codec,
 * compression qualities and rendering qualities (static and dynamic) are mandatory.
 * The images are assumed to be in normal orientation (i.e. up is toward the top - not rotated).
 * For a wrapping panoramic image of VFOV < 145 degrees, this means that the horizontal
 * dimension (circumference) is larger than the vertical (axis).
OSErr   VRMovieToQTVRCylPano2h0(
            MakeQTVRParams  *qtvrParams,    /* Parameters used to create the movie */
            FSSpec          *srcTileSpec,   /* Cylindrical tile movie for the panoramic image */
            FSSpec          *srcHSTileSpec, /* Cylindrical tile movie for the hot spot image */
            FSSpec          *srcFSTileSpec, /* Cylindrical tile movie for the fast start image */
            FSSpec          *dstMovieSpec   /* Destination movie */
 ***        Cylindrical image files to cylindrical panorama movies
 * Cylindrical image to vertical (rotated) QuickTime VR
 * This converts a cylindrical image file to a cylindrical QuickTime VR movie.
 * An optional hot spot image file and/or fast start image file can also be specified.
 * The window dimensions, tiling, track duration, compression codec,
 * compression qualities and rendering qualities (static and dynamic) are mandatory.
 * The images are assumed to be rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise (i.e. up is to the left).
 * For a wrapping panoramic image of VFOV < 145 degrees, this means that the vertical
 * dimension (circumference) is larger than the horizontal (axis).
OSErr   VRPictToQTVRCylPano2v0(
            MakeQTVRParams  *qtvrParams,    /* Parameters used to create the movie */
            FSSpec          *srcPictSpec,   /* Source     image, rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise (classic orientation) */
            FSSpec          *srcHSPictSpec, /* Hot spot   image, rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise (classic orientation) */
            FSSpec          *srcFSPictSpec, /* Fast start image, rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise (classic orientation) */
            FSSpec          *dstMovieSpec   /* Destination movie */
 * Cylindrical image to horizontal QuickTime VR
 * This converts a cylindrical image file to a cylindrical QuickTime VR movie.
 * An optional hot spot image file and/or fast start image file can also be specified.
 * The window dimensions, tiling, track duration, compression codec,
 * compression qualities and rendering qualities (static and dynamic) are mandatory.
 * The images are assumed to be in normal orientation (i.e. up is toward the top - not rotated).
 * For a wrapping panoramic image of VFOV < 145 degrees, this means that the horizontal
 * dimension (circumference) is larger than the vertical (axis).
OSErr   VRPictToQTVRCylPano2h0(
            MakeQTVRParams  *qtvrParams,    /* Parameters used to create the movie */
            FSSpec          *srcPictSpec,   /* Source     image, non-rotated (modern orientation) */
            FSSpec          *srcHSPictSpec, /* Hot spot   image, non-rotated (modern orientation) */
            FSSpec          *srcFSPictSpec, /* Fast start image, non-rotated (modern orientation) */
            FSSpec          *dstMovieSpec   /* Destination movie */
 ***        Cylindrical GWorlds to cylindrical panorama movies
 * Cylindrical GWorld to vertical (rotated) QuickTime VR
 * This converts a cylindrical GWorld to a cylindrical QuickTime VR movie.
 * An optional hot spot GWorld and/or fast start GWorld can also be specified.
 * The window dimensions, tiling, track duration, compression codec,
 * compression qualities and rendering qualities (static and dynamic) are mandatory.
 * The images are assumed to be rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise (i.e. up is to the left).
 * For a wrapping panoramic image of VFOV < 145 degrees, this means that the vertical
 * dimension (circumference) is larger than the horizontal (axis).
OSErr   VRGWorldToQTVRCylPano2v0(
            MakeQTVRParams  *qtvrParams,    /* Parameters used to create the movie */
            GWorldPtr       srcGW,          /* Source GWorld, rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise (classic orientation) */
            GWorldPtr       srcHSGW,        /* Source hot spot GWorld, rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise (classic orientation) */
            GWorldPtr       srcFSGW,        /* Source fast start GWorld, rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise (classic orientation) */
            FSSpec          *dstMovieSpec   /* Destination movie */
 * Cylindrical GWorld to horizontal QuickTime VR
 * This converts a cylindrical GWorld to a cylindrical QuickTime VR movie.
 * An optional hot spot GWorld and/or fast start GWorld can also be specified.
 * The window dimensions, tiling, track duration, compression codec,
 * compression qualities and rendering qualities (static and dynamic) are mandatory.
 * The images are assumed to be in normal orientation (i.e. up is toward the top - not rotated).
 * For a wrapping panoramic image of VFOV < 145 degrees, this means that the horizontal
 * dimension (circumference) is larger than the vertical (axis).
OSErr   VRGWorldToQTVRCylPano2h0(
            MakeQTVRParams  *qtvrParams,    /* Parameters used to create the movie */
            GWorldPtr       srcGW,          /* Source GWorld, non-rotated (modern orientation) */
            GWorldPtr       srcHSGW,        /* Source hot spot GWorld, non-rotated (modern orientation) */
            GWorldPtr       srcFSGW,        /* Source fast start GWorld, non-rotated (modern orientation) */
            FSSpec          *dstMovieSpec   /* Destination movie */
 ***        Cubic movies/pictures/GWorlds to cubic panorama movies
 * Cubic movies to cubic panorama movies
 * This converts a movie with 6 frames into a cubic QuickTime VR panorama movie.
 * An optional hot spot movie and/or fast start movie can also be specified.
 * The window dimensions, tiling, track duration, compression codec,
 * compression qualities and rendering qualities (static and dynamic) are mandatory.
OSErr   VRMovieToQTVRCubicPano(
            MakeQTVRParams  *qtvrParams,        /* Parameters used to create the movie */
            FSSpec          *srcFramesSpec,     /* Source movie with the panorama faces */
            FSSpec          *srcHSFramesSpec,   /* Source movie with the hot spot faces */
            FSSpec          *srcFSFramesSpec,   /* Source movie with the fast start faces */
            FSSpec          *dstMovieSpec       /* Destination movie */
 * Cubic picture files to cubic panorama movies
 * This converts a set of 6 picture files to a cubic QuickTime VR panorama movie.
 * An optional hot spot picture files and/or fast start picture files can also be specified.
 * The window dimensions, tiling, track duration, compression codec,
 * compression qualities and rendering qualities (static and dynamic) are mandatory.
 * There are certain restrictions on sizes for tiling:
 * Adjacent tiles duplicate their edges, therefore the GW size should be evenly
 * divisible into tiles, taking this overlap into account. Tile size is:
 *      t = (f + n - 1) / n,     where
 * t is the tile size (width or height),
 * f is the face size (width or height - same as above),
 * n is the number of tiles in that dimension (width or height)
 * e.g. a 767x767 face is divided into 4=2x2 tiles of size 384x384
 *      a 766x766 face is divided into 9=3x3 tiles of size 256x256.
OSErr   VRPictsToQTVRCubicPano(
            MakeQTVRParams  *qtvrParams,        /* Parameters used to create the movie */
            FSSpec          **srcPictSpecs,     /* Source     images */
            FSSpec          **srcHSPictSpecs,   /* Hot spot   images */
            FSSpec          **srcFSPictSpecs,   /* Fast start images */
            FSSpec          *dstMovieSpec       /* Destination movie */
 * Cubic GWorlds to cubic panorama movies
 * This converts a set of 6 GWorlds to a cubic QuickTime VR panorama movie.
 * An optional hot spot GWorlds and/or fast start GWorlds can also be specified.
 * The window dimensions, tiling, track duration, compression codec,
 * compression qualities and rendering qualities (static and dynamic) are mandatory.
 * There are certain restrictions on sizes for tiling:
 * Adjacent tiles duplicate their edges, therefore the GW size should be evenly
 * divisible into tiles, taking this overlap into account. Tile size is:
 *      t = (f + n - 1) / n,     where
 * t is the tile size (width or height),
 * f is the face size (width or height - same as above),
 * n is the number of tiles in that dimension (width or height)
 * e.g. a 767x767 face is divided into 4=2x2 tiles of size 384x384
 *      a 766x766 face is divided into 9=3x3 tiles of size 256x256.
OSErr   VRGWorldsToQTVRCubicPano(
            MakeQTVRParams  *qtvrParams,    /* Parameters used to create the movie */
            GWorldPtr       *srcGWs,        /* Source GWorlds - in standard order */
            GWorldPtr       *srcHSGWs,      /* Source hot spot GWorlds - in standard order */
            GWorldPtr       *srcFSGWs,      /* Source fast start GWorlds - in standard order */
            FSSpec          *dstMovieSpec   /* Destination movie */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __MAKEPANO__ */