Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
////////// |
// |
// File: VRMakePano.c |
// |
// Contains: Code for creating a QuickTime VR panoramic movie from a panoramic image. |
// |
// Written by: Tim Monroe |
// Based largely on MakeQTVRPanorama code by Ed Harp (and others?). Cubic projection code |
// based on SampleMakeCubic.cp code by Ken Doyle. |
// |
// Copyright: © 1996-2000 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
// |
// Change History (most recent first): |
// |
// <18> 10/25/00 rtm added VRPano_FlattenMovieForStreaming; fixed VRPano_CreateQTVRMovieVers1x0 |
// so it works even if there is no hot spot track |
// <17> 10/18/00 rtm fixed bug in VRPano_ImportVideoTrack (had a hard-coded number of frames) |
// <16> 09/27/00 rtm modified VRPano_AddStr255ToAtomContainer so it doesn't add a null byte to |
// the string in the atom container; also added some bullet-proofing |
// <15> 06/14/00 rtm modified VRPano_ImportVideoTrack as per Ken Doyle's changes in MakeCubicPPC |
// <14> 03/23/00 rtm added code to handle new cubic file format |
// <13> 03/21/00 rtm made changes to get things running under CarbonLib |
// <12> 11/24/99 rtm reworked file opening and saving to avoid using Standard File Package |
// on Macintosh (for Carbonization effort) |
// <11> 02/01/99 rtm reworked prompt and filename handling to remove "\p" sequences |
// <10> 10/19/98 rtm added check in VRPano_CreatePanoTrack to make sure we were passed a |
// valid hot spot file spec (otherwise no panorama is created!); added |
// the default movie progress procedure |
// <9> 09/30/98 rtm tweaked call to AddMovieResource to create single-fork movies; |
// tweaked call to FlattenMovieData to enable FastStart option |
// <8> 08/06/98 rtm added VRPano_MakeHotSpotVers2x0 (based loosely on code from John Mott) |
// to support version 2.0 hot spot atoms; sketched out preliminary |
// support for 1.0 hot spots, but that's left as an exercise for the reader |
// <7> 08/05/98 rtm added support for hot spots image tracks (both version 1.0 and 2.0) |
// <6> 08/26/98 rtm added support for pan/tilt/field-of-view constraint atoms |
// <5> 08/18/98 rtm added support for version 1.0 panoramic movies |
// <4> 08/16/98 rtm final clean-up before initial release |
// <3> 08/15/98 rtm reworked the image file handling using QuickTime graphics importers; |
// added tile-display window for debugging purposes; |
// now we run fine under both MacOS and Windows. Ta da! |
// <2> 01/14/98 rtm further work; added Endian* macros; got working on MacOS |
// <1> 01/12/98 rtm first file from CMovieMaker.cp in MakeQTVRPanorama 2.0b |
// |
// This file contains functions that convert a panoramic image into a QuickTime VR movie. The image |
// can be a picture (of type 'PICT') or any other kind of image for which QuickTime has a graphics |
// importer component. Here, we can create both version 1.0 and version 2.0 QTVR panoramic movies. |
// We can also create hot spot image tracks and (for version 2.0 only) assemble the various hot spot |
// atoms. |
// |
// This file also contains a function that constructs a QuickTime VR movie that uses the new cubic |
// projection. In the following notes, we'll call such movies "cubic movies" or "cubic panoramas". |
// |
// |
// The definitive source of information about creating QTVR 2.0 panoramic movies is Chapter 3 of the |
// book "Virtual Reality Programming With QuickTime VR 2.0". (This information is also available |
// online, at <>.) Here is |
// a condensed version of the info in that chapter, as pertains to panoramas: |
// |
// A panoramic movie is a QuickTime movie that contains at least three tracks: a QTVR track, a panorama |
// track, and a panorama image track. In addition, a QuickTime VR movie must contain some special user data |
// that specifies the QuickTime VR movie controller. A QuickTime VR movie can also contain other kinds of |
// tracks, such as hot spot image tracks and even sound tracks. |
// |
// A QuickTime VR movie contains a single "QTVR track", which maintains a list of the nodes in the movie. |
// Each individual sample in the QTVR track's media contains information about a single node, such as the |
// node's type, ID, and name. Since we are creating a single-node movie here, our QTVR track will contain |
// a single media sample. |
// |
// Every media sample in a QTVR track has the same sample description, whose type is QTVRSampleDescription. |
// The data field of that sample description is a "VR world", an atom container whose child atoms specify |
// information about the nodes in the movie, such as the default node ID and the default imaging properties. |
// We'll spend a good bit of time putting things into the VR world. |
// |
// A panoramic movie also contains a single "panorama track", which contains information specific to the |
// panorama. A panorama track has a media sample for each media sample in the QTVR track. As a result, |
// our panorama track will have one sample. The QTVRPanoSampleAtom structure defines the media sample data. |
// |
// The actual image data for a panoramic node is contained in a "panorama image track". The individual |
// frames in that track are the diced (and also perhaps compressed) tiles of the original panoramic image. |
// There may also be a "hot spot image track" that contains the diced (and also perhaps compressed) tiles |
// of the hot spot panoramic image. |
// |
// So, our general strategy, given a panoramic image, is as follows (though perhaps not in the order listed): |
// |
// (1) Create a movie containing a video track whose frames are the compressed tiles of the panoramic |
// image. Call this movie the "tile movie". Create a similar movie for the hot spot image. Call |
// this movie the "hot spot tile movie". |
// (2) Create a new, empty movie. Call this movie the "QTVR movie". |
// (3) Create a QTVR track and its associated media. |
// (4) Create a VR world atom container; this is stored in the sample description for the QTVR track. |
// (5) Create a node information atom container for each node; this is stored as a media sample |
// in the QTVR track. |
// (6) Create a panorama track and add it to the movie. |
// (7) Create a panorama image track by copying the video track from the tile movie to the QTVR movie. |
// (8) Create a hot spot image track by copying the video track from the hot spot tile movie to the QTVR movie. |
// (9) Set up track references from the QTVR track to the panorama track, and from the panorama track |
// to the panorama image track and the hot spot image track. |
// (A) Add a user data item that identifies the QTVR movie controller. |
// (B) Flatten the QTVR movie into the final panoramic movie. |
// |
// |
// |
// The definitive source of information about creating QTVR 1.0 panoramic movies is Technote 1035, |
// "QuickTime VR 1.0 Panorama Movie File Format" released in March 1996, available online at the address |
// <>. Here is a condensed version of the info |
// in that technote: |
// |
// For version 1.0 panoramic movies, the file format is somewhat simpler. A single-node panoramic movie |
// contains a "scene track" and a "panorama track". The scene track is an inactive video track that contains |
// the diced (and also perhaps compressed) tiles of the original panoramic image. A version 1.0 scene track |
// is essentially a version 2.0 panorama image track. |
// |
// A panoramic movie also contains a single "panorama track", which contains information specific to the |
// panorama. The panorama track in version 1.0 differs significantly from the panorama track in version 2.0, |
// so don't let the names confuse you. |
// |
// A "panorama track" in version 1.0 contains one media sample for each node in the movie. Every media sample |
// in a panorama track has the same sample description, whose type is PanoramaDescription. This structure |
// contains information about how the panoramic image was diced, along with information about any hot spot |
// and low-resolution scene tracks that might be contained in the movie file. |
// |
// Each individual sample in the panorama track's media contains information about a single node, |
// such as the node's default view angles, pan and zoom constraints, and hot spot information. |
// Since we are creating a single-node movie here, our panorama track will contain a single media sample. |
// The data in a panorama track sample is organized as a sequence of "atom data structures"; each such |
// structure begins with size and type fields, so you can easily read thru the atom data structures by |
// starting at the beginning of the sample data and hopping over each structure. The atoms can appear in |
// any order in the panorama track sample data. |
// |
// -> IMPORTANT: The "atom data structures" that comprise a panorama track sample are *not* QTAtoms, and the |
// -> panorama track sample itself is *not* a QTAtomContainer. The version 1.0 panorama file format predates |
// -> QuickTime 2.1, which introduced the atom data routines. As a result, you cannot use the atom data routines |
// -> to read or write version 1.0 panorama track samples. |
// |
// A panorama track sample must contain a "panorama header atom", whose structure is PanoSampleHeaderAtom. |
// The sample may contain other atoms as well, such as a string table atom (which contains strings, such as |
// node names) and a hot spot table atom (which lists all of the hot spots in a node). In this sample code, |
// we add a hot spot image track to the VR movie, but we do not (yet) build a hot spot atom table; as a result, |
// our panorama track sample will need to contain only a panorama header atom. |
// |
// So, our general strategy, given a panoramic image, is as follows (though perhaps not in the order listed): |
// |
// (1) Create a movie containing a video track whose frames are the compressed tiles of the panoramic |
// image. Call this movie the "tile movie". Create a similar movie for the hot spot image. Call |
// this movie the "hot spot tile movie". |
// (2) Create a new, empty movie. Call this movie the "QTVR movie". |
// (3) Create a scene track by copying the video track from the tile movie to the QTVR movie. |
// (4) Create a hot spot image track by copying the video track from the hot spot tile movie to the QTVR movie. |
// (5) Create a panorama track and add it to the movie. |
// (6) Add a user data item that identifies the QTVR movie controller. |
// (7) Flatten the QTVR movie into the final panoramic movie. |
// |
// |
// |
// QuickTime VR version X.Y introduces "cubic panoramas", which store the panoramic image as 6 separate images that |
// are (during playback) projected onto the sides of a cube. This allows the user to look straight up and straight |
// down. The file format for cubic panoramas is identical with the Version 2.0 cylindrical file format, with these |
// exceptions: |
// |
// The image track (and any associated hot spot and preview tracks) must contain exactly 6 samples (frames); the first |
// sample is the front cube face, the second is the right-hand cube face, and so on; sample 5 is the top of the cube |
// and sample 6 is the bottom of the cube. (You can change this default orientation, but doing so is not currently |
// recommended.) The frames are oriented horizontally, not rotated as with cylindrical panoramas. |
// |
// For cubic panoramas, some of the fields in the panorama sample atom should be asigned special values that allow |
// the file to be displayed with the cylindrical engine if the cubic engine is not available. The cubic engine ignores |
// those values, instead using values stored in the new "cubic view atom". See the function VRPano_CreatePanoTrack for |
// the special values you should use. |
// |
// |
// NOTES: |
// |
// *** (1) *** |
// This code is based largely on the existing MakeQTVRPanorama sample code written by Ed Harp (and others?). |
// MakeQTVRPanorama is a full-featured application written in C++ using Metrowerks' PowerPlant, a Mac-only |
// application framework. Here I've uncoupled the central portion of that code, contained in the file CMovieMaker.cp, |
// and converted it into straight C. I have taken the liberty of reworking that code as necessary to make it run |
// also on Windows platforms and to bring it into line with the other QuickTime code samples. So far the biggest |
// changes involve using graphics importers instead of the original PICT-reading code and inserting all those |
// Endian macros. |
// |
// *** (2) *** |
// All data in QTAtom structures must be in big-endian format. We use macros like EndianU32_NtoB to convert |
// values into the proper format before inserting them into atoms. See VRPano_CreateVRWorld for some examples. |
// |
// *** (3) *** |
// This sample code prompts the user for a panoramic image file (which is required) and a hot spot image file |
// (which is optional). If the user hits the Cancel button while being prompted for a hot spot image file, no |
// hot spot image track will be added to the resulting VR movie file. If the user does select a hot spot image |
// file, this sample code builds the hot spot info atoms (version 2.0) or the hot spot table atom (version 1.0) |
// required to attach names and other information to the individual hot spots. |
// |
////////// |
////////// |
// |
// header files |
// |
////////// |
#include "VRMakePano.h" |
////////// |
// |
// global variables |
// |
////////// |
UInt32 gVersionToCreate = kQTVRVersion2; // the version of the file format we create; default to version 2.0 |
extern Handle gValidFileTypes; // the list of file types that our application can open |
extern long gFirstGITypeIndex; // the index in gValidFileTypes of the first graphics importer file type |
////////// |
// |
// VRPano_PromptUserForImageFileAndMakeMovie |
// Let the user select a panoramic image file, then make a (cylindrical) panoramic movie from it. |
// |
////////// |
void VRPano_PromptUserForImageFileAndMakeMovie (void) |
{ |
OSType myTypeList = kQTFileTypeQuickTimeImage; // any image file readable by GetGraphicsImporterForFile |
short myNumTypes = 1; |
FSSpec myPictSpec; |
FSSpec myHSPictSpec; |
FSSpec myTileSpec; |
FSSpec myDestSpec; |
StringPtr myTilePrompt = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kPanoSaveTilePrompt); |
StringPtr myTileFileName = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kPanoSaveTileFileName); |
StringPtr myMoviePrompt = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kPanoSaveMoviePrompt); |
StringPtr myMovieFileName = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kPanoSaveMovieFileName); |
Boolean myIsSelected; |
Boolean myIsReplacing; |
QTFrameFileFilterUPP myFilterUPP = QTFrame_GetFileFilterUPP((ProcPtr)VRPano_FileFilterFunction); |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
myNumTypes = 0; |
#endif |
// have the user select an image file |
myErr = QTFrame_GetOneFileWithPreview(myNumTypes, (QTFrameTypeListPtr)&myTypeList, &myPictSpec, myFilterUPP); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
// have the user select a hot spot image file |
myErr = QTFrame_GetOneFileWithPreview(myNumTypes, (QTFrameTypeListPtr)&myTypeList, &myHSPictSpec, myFilterUPP); |
if (myErr != noErr) { |
// we allow the user to cancel, to indicate no hot spot image |
myHSPictSpec.vRefNum = 0; |
myHSPictSpec.parID = 0; |[0] = 0; // set length to 0 |
} |
// have the user select the name of the new tile movie file |
myErr = QTFrame_PutFile(myTilePrompt, myTileFileName, &myTileSpec, &myIsSelected, &myIsReplacing); |
if (!myIsSelected) |
goto bail; |
// have the user select the name of the new panoramic movie file |
myErr = QTFrame_PutFile(myMoviePrompt, myMovieFileName, &myDestSpec, &myIsSelected, &myIsReplacing); |
if (!myIsSelected) |
goto bail; |
// just do it... |
VRPano_MakePanorama(&myPictSpec, &myHSPictSpec, &myTileSpec, &myDestSpec, kPanoramaWidth, kPanoramaHeight, kCinepakCodecType, codecHighQuality, gVersionToCreate); |
// ...and let the user know we're done |
QTFrame_Beep(); |
// now clean up after ourselves |
DeleteMovieFile(&myTileSpec); |
bail: |
DisposeNavObjectFilterUPP(myFilterUPP); |
free(myTilePrompt); |
free(myTileFileName); |
free(myMoviePrompt); |
free(myMovieFileName); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// VRPano_PromptUserForFacesFileAndMakeCubic |
// Let the user select a 6-frame movie file, then make a cubic panorama from it. |
// |
// Currently we do not support adding a hot spot track. |
// |
////////// |
void VRPano_PromptUserForFacesFileAndMakeCubic (void) |
{ |
OSType myTypeList = kQTFileTypeMovie; |
short myNumTypes = 1; |
FSSpec myFacesSpec; |
FSSpec myHSFacesSpec = {0, 0, 0}; |
FSSpec myDestSpec; |
Movie myMovie = NULL; |
Track myTrack = NULL; |
Media myMedia = NULL; |
short myRefNum = kInvalidFileRefNum; |
StringPtr myMoviePrompt = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kPanoSaveMoviePrompt); |
StringPtr myMovieFileName = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kPanoSaveMovieFileName); |
Boolean myIsSelected; |
Boolean myIsReplacing; |
QTFrameFileFilterUPP myFilterUPP = QTFrame_GetFileFilterUPP((ProcPtr)VRPano_FileFilterFunction); |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
myNumTypes = 0; |
#endif |
// have the user select a 6-frame movie file |
myErr = QTFrame_GetOneFileWithPreview(myNumTypes, (QTFrameTypeListPtr)&myTypeList, &myFacesSpec, myFilterUPP); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
// verify that the selected movie has a video track with exactly 6 samples |
// (which are the six faces of the cube) |
myErr = OpenMovieFile(&myFacesSpec, &myRefNum, fsRdPerm); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
// now fetch the first movie from the file |
myErr = NewMovieFromFile(&myMovie, myRefNum, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myTrack = GetMovieIndTrackType(myMovie, 1, VideoMediaType, movieTrackMediaType); |
myMedia = GetTrackMedia(myTrack); |
if (GetMediaSampleCount(myMedia) != 6) { |
QTFrame_ShowWarning("\pMovie doesn't have exactly 6 frames. Exiting.", myErr); |
#endif |
#endif |
goto bail; |
} |
// have the user select the name of the new cubic movie file |
myErr = QTFrame_PutFile(myMoviePrompt, myMovieFileName, &myDestSpec, &myIsSelected, &myIsReplacing); |
if (!myIsSelected) |
goto bail; |
// just do it... |
VRPano_CreateCubicQTVRMovie(&myDestSpec, &myFacesSpec, &myHSFacesSpec, kPanoramaHeight, kPanoramaWidth); |
// ...and let the user know we're done |
QTFrame_Beep(); |
bail: |
if (myMovie != NULL) |
DisposeMovie(myMovie); |
DisposeNavObjectFilterUPP(myFilterUPP); |
free(myMoviePrompt); |
free(myMovieFileName); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// VRPano_CreateVRWorld |
// Create a VR world atom container and add the basic required atoms to it. Also, create a |
// node information atom container and add a node header atom to it. Return both atom containers. |
// |
// The caller is responsible for disposing of the VR world and the node information atom |
// (by calling QTDisposeAtomContainer). |
// |
// This function assumes that the scene described by the VR world contains a single node whose |
// type is specified by the theNodeType parameter. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr VRPano_CreateVRWorld (QTAtomContainer *theVRWorld, QTAtomContainer *theNodeInfo, OSType theNodeType) |
{ |
QTAtomContainer myVRWorld = NULL; |
QTAtomContainer myNodeInfo = NULL; |
QTVRWorldHeaderAtom myVRWorldHeaderAtom; |
QTAtom myImagingParentAtom; |
QTAtom myNodeParentAtom; |
QTAtom myHSParentAtom; |
QTAtom myNodeAtom; |
QTVRPanoImagingAtom myPanoImagingAtom; |
QTVRNodeLocationAtom myNodeLocationAtom; |
QTVRNodeHeaderAtom myNodeHeaderAtom; |
UInt32 myIndex; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
////////// |
// |
// create a VR world atom container |
// |
////////// |
myErr = QTNewAtomContainer(&myVRWorld); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// add a VR world header atom to the VR world |
// |
////////// |
myVRWorldHeaderAtom.majorVersion = EndianU16_NtoB(kQTVRMajorVersion); |
myVRWorldHeaderAtom.minorVersion = EndianU16_NtoB(kQTVRMinorVersion); |
// insert the scene name string, if we have one; if not, set nameAtomID to 0 |
if (false) { |
Str255 myStr = "\pMy Scene"; |
QTAtomID myID; |
myErr = VRPano_AddStr255ToAtomContainer(myVRWorld, kParentAtomIsContainer, myStr, &myID); |
myVRWorldHeaderAtom.nameAtomID = EndianU32_NtoB(myID); |
} else |
myVRWorldHeaderAtom.nameAtomID = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
myVRWorldHeaderAtom.defaultNodeID = EndianU32_NtoB(kDefaultNodeID); |
myVRWorldHeaderAtom.vrWorldFlags = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
myVRWorldHeaderAtom.reserved1 = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
myVRWorldHeaderAtom.reserved2 = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
// add the atom to the atom container (the VR world) |
myErr = QTInsertChild(myVRWorld, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTVRWorldHeaderAtomType, 1, 1, sizeof(QTVRWorldHeaderAtom), &myVRWorldHeaderAtom, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// add an imaging parent atom to the VR world and insert imaging atoms into it |
// |
// imaging atoms describe the default imaging characteristics for the different types of nodes in the scene; |
// currently, only the panorama imaging atoms are defined, so we'll include those (even in object movies) |
// |
////////// |
myErr = QTInsertChild(myVRWorld, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTVRImagingParentAtomType, 1, 1, 0, NULL, &myImagingParentAtom); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
// fill in the fields of the panorama imaging atom structure |
myPanoImagingAtom.majorVersion = EndianU16_NtoB(kQTVRMajorVersion); |
myPanoImagingAtom.minorVersion = EndianU16_NtoB(kQTVRMinorVersion); |
myPanoImagingAtom.correction = EndianU32_NtoB(kQTVRFullCorrection); |
myPanoImagingAtom.imagingValidFlags = EndianU32_NtoB(kQTVRValidCorrection | kQTVRValidQuality | kQTVRValidDirectDraw); |
for (myIndex = 0; myIndex < 6; myIndex++) |
myPanoImagingAtom.imagingProperties[myIndex] = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
myPanoImagingAtom.reserved1 = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
myPanoImagingAtom.reserved2 = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
// add a panorama imaging atom for kQTVRMotion state |
myPanoImagingAtom.quality = EndianU32_NtoB(codecLowQuality); |
myPanoImagingAtom.directDraw = EndianU32_NtoB(true); |
myPanoImagingAtom.imagingMode = EndianU32_NtoB(kQTVRMotion); |
myErr = QTInsertChild(myVRWorld, myImagingParentAtom, kQTVRPanoImagingAtomType, 0, 0, sizeof(QTVRPanoImagingAtom), &myPanoImagingAtom, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
// add a panorama imaging atom for kQTVRStatic state |
myPanoImagingAtom.quality = EndianU32_NtoB(codecHighQuality); |
myPanoImagingAtom.directDraw = EndianU32_NtoB(false); |
myPanoImagingAtom.imagingMode = EndianU32_NtoB(kQTVRStatic); |
myErr = QTInsertChild(myVRWorld, myImagingParentAtom, kQTVRPanoImagingAtomType, 0, 0, sizeof(QTVRPanoImagingAtom), &myPanoImagingAtom, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// add a node parent atom to the VR world and insert node ID atoms into it |
// |
////////// |
myErr = QTInsertChild(myVRWorld, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTVRNodeParentAtomType, 1, 1, 0, NULL, &myNodeParentAtom); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
// add a node ID atom |
myErr = QTInsertChild(myVRWorld, myNodeParentAtom, kQTVRNodeIDAtomType, kDefaultNodeID, 0, 0, NULL, &myNodeAtom); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
// add a single node location atom to the node ID atom |
myNodeLocationAtom.majorVersion = EndianU16_NtoB(kQTVRMajorVersion); |
myNodeLocationAtom.minorVersion = EndianU16_NtoB(kQTVRMinorVersion); |
myNodeLocationAtom.nodeType = EndianU32_NtoB(theNodeType); |
myNodeLocationAtom.locationFlags = EndianU32_NtoB(kQTVRSameFile); |
myNodeLocationAtom.locationData = EndianU32_NtoB(0); |
myNodeLocationAtom.reserved1 = EndianU32_NtoB(0); |
myNodeLocationAtom.reserved2 = EndianU32_NtoB(0); |
// insert the node location atom into the node ID atom |
myErr = QTInsertChild(myVRWorld, myNodeAtom, kQTVRNodeLocationAtomType, 1, 1, sizeof(QTVRNodeLocationAtom), &myNodeLocationAtom, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// create a node information atom container and add a node header atom to it |
// |
////////// |
myErr = QTNewAtomContainer(&myNodeInfo); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myNodeHeaderAtom.majorVersion = EndianU16_NtoB(kQTVRMajorVersion); |
myNodeHeaderAtom.minorVersion = EndianU16_NtoB(kQTVRMinorVersion); |
myNodeHeaderAtom.nodeType = EndianU32_NtoB(theNodeType); |
myNodeHeaderAtom.nodeID = EndianU32_NtoB(kDefaultNodeID); |
myNodeHeaderAtom.commentAtomID = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
myNodeHeaderAtom.reserved1 = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
myNodeHeaderAtom.reserved2 = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
// insert the node name string into the node info atom container |
if (false) { |
Str255 myStr = "\pMy Node"; |
QTAtomID myID; |
myErr = VRPano_AddStr255ToAtomContainer(myNodeInfo, kParentAtomIsContainer, myStr, &myID); |
myNodeHeaderAtom.nameAtomID = EndianU32_NtoB(myID); |
} else |
myNodeHeaderAtom.nameAtomID = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
// insert the node header atom into the node info atom container |
myErr = QTInsertChild(myNodeInfo, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTVRNodeHeaderAtomType, 1, 1, sizeof(QTVRNodeHeaderAtom), &myNodeHeaderAtom, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// add a hot spot parent atom to the node information atom container and insert hot spot atoms into it |
// |
////////// |
// insert the hot spot parent atom into the node info atom container |
myErr = QTInsertChild(myNodeInfo, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTVRHotSpotParentAtomType, 1, 1, 0, NULL, &myHSParentAtom); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
// the following loop adds all possible hot spot atoms to the hot spot parent atom; |
// we do this because we don't know how many hot spots are in the hot spot image or |
// what their color-table indices are; you will want to handle a real hot spot image |
// differently, no doubt.... |
for (myIndex = 1; myIndex < 255; myIndex++) { |
char myHSName[100]; |
char myURL[] = ""; |
sprintf(myHSName, "Hot Spot Index %d", myIndex); |
myErr = VRPano_MakeHotSpotVers2x0(myNodeInfo, myHSParentAtom, myURL, myHSName, myIndex); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
bail: |
// return the atom containers that we've created and configured here |
*theVRWorld = myVRWorld; |
*theNodeInfo = myNodeInfo; |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// VRPano_CreatePanoTrack |
// Create a (version 2.0) panorama track. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr VRPano_CreatePanoTrack (Movie theMovie, FSSpec *theSrcFile, FSSpec *theHSSrcFile, Track theQTVRTrack, Track thePanoTrack, Media thePanoMedia, long theWidth, long theHeight) |
{ |
Track myImageTrack = NULL; |
Track myHSImageTrack = NULL; |
TimeValue myDuration = 7200; |
Movie mySrcMovie = NULL; |
Movie myHSSrcMovie = NULL; |
long myRefIndex = 0; |
long myHSRefIndex = 0; |
short mySrcRefNum = 0; |
short myHSSrcRefNum = 0; |
short myResID = 0; |
short myHSResID = 0; |
SampleDescriptionHandle mySampleDesc = NULL; |
QTAtomContainer myPanoSample; |
QTVRPanoSampleAtom myPanoSampleData; |
int myNumFramesX = 1; |
int myNumFramesY = kNumTilesInPanoFile; |
double myTheta; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
////////// |
// |
// create a panorama image track; a reference to it is contained in the pano track |
// |
////////// |
// open the source file |
myErr = OpenMovieFile(theSrcFile, &mySrcRefNum, fsRdPerm); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myErr = NewMovieFromFile(&mySrcMovie, mySrcRefNum, &myResID, 0, 0, 0); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myErr = VRPano_ImportVideoTrack(mySrcMovie, theMovie, myDuration, &theWidth, &theHeight, &myImageTrack); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// create a hot spot image track, if the user has previously selected a hot spot image; |
// a reference to the hot spot image track is contained in the pano track |
// |
////////// |
if (theHSSrcFile->name[0] != 0) { |
// open the source file |
myErr = OpenMovieFile(theHSSrcFile, &myHSSrcRefNum, fsRdPerm); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myErr = NewMovieFromFile(&myHSSrcMovie, myHSSrcRefNum, &myHSResID, 0, 0, 0); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myErr = VRPano_ImportVideoTrack(myHSSrcMovie, theMovie, myDuration, &theWidth, &theHeight, &myHSImageTrack); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
////////// |
// |
// create track references from QTVR track to panorama track, |
// and from the panorama track to the panorama image track and the hot spot image track |
// |
////////// |
if (thePanoTrack != NULL) |
AddTrackReference(theQTVRTrack, thePanoTrack, kQTVRPanoramaType, NULL); |
if (myImageTrack != NULL) |
AddTrackReference(thePanoTrack, myImageTrack, kQTVRImageTrackRefType, &myRefIndex); |
if (myHSImageTrack != NULL) |
AddTrackReference(thePanoTrack, myHSImageTrack, kQTVRHotSpotTrackRefType, &myHSRefIndex); |
////////// |
// |
// add a media sample to the panorama track |
// |
////////// |
// create a sample description; this contains no real info, but AddMediaSample requires it |
mySampleDesc = (SampleDescriptionHandle)NewHandleClear(sizeof(SampleDescription)); |
myErr = QTNewAtomContainer(&myPanoSample); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myPanoSampleData.majorVersion = EndianU16_NtoB(kQTVRMajorVersion); |
myPanoSampleData.minorVersion = EndianU16_NtoB(kQTVRMinorVersion); |
// fill in the track reference indices |
myPanoSampleData.imageRefTrackIndex = EndianU32_NtoB(myRefIndex); |
myPanoSampleData.hotSpotRefTrackIndex = EndianU32_NtoB(myHSRefIndex); |
if (gVersionToCreate == kQTVRVersion2) { |
// we're building a version 2.0 cylindrical panorama |
myPanoSampleData.minPan = 0.0f; |
myPanoSampleData.maxPan = 360.0f; |
myTheta = 180.0 * (atan((theWidth * myNumFramesX) * 3.14159 / (theHeight * myNumFramesY))) / 3.14159; |
myPanoSampleData.minTilt = -myTheta; |
myPanoSampleData.maxTilt = myTheta; |
myPanoSampleData.minFieldOfView = 0.0f; |
myPanoSampleData.maxFieldOfView = myTheta * 2; |
myPanoSampleData.defaultPan = 0.0f; |
myPanoSampleData.defaultTilt = 0.0f; |
myPanoSampleData.defaultFieldOfView = (myTheta * 2) * .8; |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanoSampleData.minPan); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanoSampleData.maxPan); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanoSampleData.minTilt); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanoSampleData.maxTilt); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanoSampleData.minFieldOfView); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanoSampleData.maxFieldOfView); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanoSampleData.defaultPan); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanoSampleData.defaultTilt); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanoSampleData.defaultFieldOfView); |
myPanoSampleData.imageSizeX = EndianU32_NtoB(theWidth * myNumFramesX); |
myPanoSampleData.imageSizeY = EndianU32_NtoB(theHeight * myNumFramesY); |
myPanoSampleData.imageNumFramesX = EndianU16_NtoB(myNumFramesX); |
myPanoSampleData.imageNumFramesY = EndianU16_NtoB(myNumFramesY); |
myPanoSampleData.hotSpotSizeX = EndianU32_NtoB(theWidth * myNumFramesX); |
myPanoSampleData.hotSpotSizeY = EndianU32_NtoB(theHeight * myNumFramesY); |
myPanoSampleData.hotSpotNumFramesX = EndianU16_NtoB(myNumFramesX); |
myPanoSampleData.hotSpotNumFramesY = EndianU16_NtoB(myNumFramesY); |
myPanoSampleData.flags = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
myPanoSampleData.panoType = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
myPanoSampleData.reserved2 = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
} else { |
// we're building a cubic panorama |
// note that the following fields in the QTVRPanoSampleAtom structure are not used by the cubic engine; |
// they are set here to values that will allow this panorama to be displayed by the cylindrical engine |
// under QuickTime VR 2.2 (pre-cubic); in particular, the imageNumFramesX field is set to 4, so that the |
// cylinder engine will display the four sides of the cube (albeit somewhat distorted) |
myPanoSampleData.minPan = 0.0f; |
myPanoSampleData.maxPan = 360.0f; |
myPanoSampleData.minTilt = -45.0f; |
myPanoSampleData.maxTilt = 45.0f; |
myPanoSampleData.minFieldOfView = 5.0f; |
myPanoSampleData.maxFieldOfView = 90.0f; |
myPanoSampleData.defaultPan = 0.0f; |
myPanoSampleData.defaultTilt = 0.0f; |
myPanoSampleData.defaultFieldOfView = 45.0f; |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanoSampleData.minPan); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanoSampleData.maxPan); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanoSampleData.minTilt); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanoSampleData.maxTilt); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanoSampleData.minFieldOfView); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanoSampleData.maxFieldOfView); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanoSampleData.defaultPan); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanoSampleData.defaultTilt); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanoSampleData.defaultFieldOfView); |
myPanoSampleData.imageSizeX = EndianU32_NtoB(theWidth * 4); |
myPanoSampleData.imageSizeY = EndianU32_NtoB(theHeight); |
myPanoSampleData.imageNumFramesX = EndianU16_NtoB(4); |
myPanoSampleData.imageNumFramesY = EndianU16_NtoB(1); |
myPanoSampleData.hotSpotSizeX = EndianU32_NtoB(theWidth * 4); |
myPanoSampleData.hotSpotSizeY = EndianU32_NtoB(theHeight); |
myPanoSampleData.hotSpotNumFramesX = EndianU16_NtoB(4); |
myPanoSampleData.hotSpotNumFramesY = EndianU16_NtoB(1); |
// set the horizontal flag so that pre-cubic QTVR engine can at least display the four sides of the cube; |
// also, we are using reserved1 to indicate the panorama type |
myPanoSampleData.flags = EndianU32_NtoB(kQTVRPanoFlagHorizontal); |
myPanoSampleData.panoType = EndianU32_NtoB(kQTVRCube); |
myPanoSampleData.reserved2 = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
} |
// insert the pano sample atom into the pano sample atom container |
myErr = QTInsertChild(myPanoSample, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTVRPanoSampleDataAtomType, 1, 1, sizeof(QTVRPanoSampleAtom), &myPanoSampleData, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
// set the values that the cubic engine uses; this atom will be ignored in pre-cubic versions of QTVR |
if (gVersionToCreate == kCubicQTVR) { |
QTVRCubicViewAtom myCubicViewAtom; |
myCubicViewAtom.minPan = 0.0f; |
myCubicViewAtom.maxPan = 360.0f; |
myCubicViewAtom.minTilt = -90.0f; |
myCubicViewAtom.maxTilt = 90.0f; |
myCubicViewAtom.minFieldOfView = 5.0f; |
myCubicViewAtom.maxFieldOfView = 120.0f; |
myCubicViewAtom.defaultPan = 0.0f; |
myCubicViewAtom.defaultTilt = 0.0f; |
myCubicViewAtom.defaultFieldOfView = 45.0f; |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myCubicViewAtom.minPan); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myCubicViewAtom.maxPan); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myCubicViewAtom.minTilt); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myCubicViewAtom.maxTilt); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myCubicViewAtom.minFieldOfView); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myCubicViewAtom.maxFieldOfView); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myCubicViewAtom.defaultPan); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myCubicViewAtom.defaultTilt); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myCubicViewAtom.defaultFieldOfView); |
myErr = QTInsertChild(myPanoSample, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTVRCubicViewAtomType, 1, 1, sizeof(QTVRCubicViewAtom), &myCubicViewAtom, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
// add pan constraint, tilt constraint, and field-of-view constraint atoms here |
// [left as an exercise for the reader; here's the basic idea:] |
if (false) { |
QTVRAngleRangeAtom myPanRangeAtom; |
myPanRangeAtom.minimumAngle = 0.0; |
myPanRangeAtom.maximumAngle = 270.0; |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanRangeAtom.minimumAngle); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myPanRangeAtom.maximumAngle); |
myErr = QTInsertChild(myPanoSample, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTVRPanConstraintAtomType, 1, 1, sizeof(QTVRAngleRangeAtom), &myPanRangeAtom, NULL); |
} |
// create the media sample |
BeginMediaEdits(thePanoMedia); |
myErr = AddMediaSample(thePanoMedia, (Handle)myPanoSample, 0, GetHandleSize((Handle)myPanoSample), myDuration, (SampleDescriptionHandle)mySampleDesc, 1, 0, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
EndMediaEdits(thePanoMedia); |
// add the media to the track |
myErr = InsertMediaIntoTrack(thePanoTrack, 0, 0, myDuration, fixed1); |
bail: |
if (mySrcMovie != NULL) |
DisposeMovie(mySrcMovie); |
if (mySrcRefNum != 0) |
CloseMovieFile(mySrcRefNum); |
if (myHSSrcMovie != NULL) |
DisposeMovie(myHSSrcMovie); |
if (myHSSrcRefNum != 0) |
CloseMovieFile(myHSSrcRefNum); |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// VRPano_CreateTileMovie |
// Create a QuickTime movie containing tiles from the specified image file. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr VRPano_CreateTileMovie (GraphicsImportComponent theImporter, FSSpec *theTileSpec, CodecType theCodec, CodecQ theQuality, short theDepth) |
{ |
Rect myPictRect; |
Rect myTileRect; |
long myTileHeight, myTileWidth; |
GWorldPtr myGWorld = NULL; |
PixMapHandle myPixMap = NULL; |
Movie myMovie = NULL; |
short myResRefNum = -1; |
short myResID = movieInDataForkResID; |
Track myTrack = NULL; |
Media myMedia = NULL; |
ImageDescriptionHandle myImageDesc = NULL; |
Handle myData = NULL; |
Ptr myDataPtr = NULL; |
long myFlags = createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | createMovieFileDontCreateResFile; |
long myFrameSize; |
TimeValue myDuration = 300; |
UInt16 myIndex; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
WindowRef myWindow; |
#endif |
////////// |
// |
// create a GWorld to draw the uncompressed tiles into |
// |
////////// |
myErr = GraphicsImportGetBoundsRect(theImporter, &myPictRect); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myTileRect = myPictRect; |
myTileHeight = myTileRect.bottom -; |
myTileWidth = myTileRect.right - myTileRect.left; |
myTileRect.bottom = + (myTileHeight / kNumTilesInPanoFile); |
myTileHeight = myTileRect.bottom -; // since we just changed myTileRect.bottom |
MacOffsetRect(&myTileRect, 20, 100); |
myWindow = NewCWindow(NULL, &myTileRect, "\pUncompressed tiles", true, noGrowDocProc, (WindowPtr)-1L, true, 0); |
MacOffsetRect(&myTileRect, -20, -100); |
#endif |
myErr = NewGWorld(&myGWorld, theDepth, &myTileRect, NULL, NULL, 0L); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// create a new movie to contain the compressed tiles as video samples |
// |
////////// |
// create a movie file for the tile movie |
myErr = CreateMovieFile(theTileSpec, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'), smCurrentScript, myFlags, &myResRefNum, &myMovie); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// create the tile movie track and media |
// |
////////// |
myTrack = NewMovieTrack(myMovie, FixRatio(myTileWidth, 1), FixRatio(myTileHeight, 1), kNoVolume); |
myMedia = NewTrackMedia(myTrack, VideoMediaType, 600, NULL, 0); |
if ((myTrack == NULL) || (myMedia == NULL)) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// dice the picture into pieces, compress them, and add the compressed tiles as video samples to the movie |
// |
////////// |
// create an image description handle; this is resized and filled in below by FCompressImage |
myImageDesc = (ImageDescriptionHandle)NewHandleClear(4); |
if (myImageDesc == NULL) |
goto bail; |
BeginMediaEdits(myMedia); |
for (myIndex = 0; myIndex < kNumTilesInPanoFile; myIndex++) { |
////////// |
// |
// draw the picture into the tile GWorld |
// |
////////// |
// draw the picture into the window we've created |
if (myWindow != NULL) { |
GraphicsImportSetGWorld(theImporter, (CGrafPtr)myWindow, NULL); |
GraphicsImportSetBoundsRect(theImporter, &myPictRect); |
GraphicsImportDraw(theImporter); |
} |
#endif |
// draw the picture into the uncompressed tile GWorld |
GraphicsImportSetGWorld(theImporter, myGWorld, NULL); |
GraphicsImportSetBoundsRect(theImporter, &myPictRect); |
GraphicsImportDraw(theImporter); |
// offset the picture rectangle for next time thru the loop |
MacOffsetRect(&myPictRect, 0, -myTileHeight); |
////////// |
// |
// compress the tile |
// |
////////// |
myPixMap = GetGWorldPixMap(myGWorld); |
LockPixels(myPixMap); |
// find out how big a compressed frame will be |
myErr = GetMaxCompressionSize(myPixMap, &myTileRect, theDepth, theQuality, theCodec, (CompressorComponent)anyCodec, &myFrameSize); |
UnlockPixels(myPixMap); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myData = NewHandleClear(myFrameSize); |
if (myData == NULL) |
goto bail; |
HLock(myData); |
#if TARGET_CPU_68K |
myDataPtr = StripAddress(*myData); |
#else |
myDataPtr = *myData; |
#endif |
// compress the tile |
LockPixels(myPixMap); |
myErr = FCompressImage(myPixMap, &myTileRect, theDepth, theQuality, theCodec, (CompressorComponent)anyCodec, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, myImageDesc, myDataPtr); |
UnlockPixels(myPixMap); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// add the tile to the movie |
// |
////////// |
myErr = AddMediaSample(myMedia, myData, 0, (**myImageDesc).dataSize, myDuration, (SampleDescriptionHandle)myImageDesc, 1L, 0, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
DisposeHandle(myData); |
myData = NULL; |
} |
EndMediaEdits(myMedia); |
// add the media to the track, at time 0 |
myErr = InsertMediaIntoTrack(myTrack, 0, 0, GetMediaDuration(myMedia), fixed1); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
// add the movie resource |
myErr = AddMovieResource(myMovie, myResRefNum, &myResID, NULL); |
bail: |
if (myGWorld != NULL) |
DisposeGWorld(myGWorld); |
if (myResRefNum != -1) |
CloseMovieFile(myResRefNum); |
if (myData != NULL) |
DisposeHandle(myData); |
if (myImageDesc != NULL) |
DisposeHandle((Handle)myImageDesc); |
if (myMovie != NULL) |
DisposeMovie(myMovie); |
if (myWindow != NULL) |
DisposeWindow(myWindow); |
#endif |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// VRPano_CreateQTVRMovieVers1x0 |
// Create a single-node panoramic QTVR movie from the specified tile movie(s). |
// |
// NOTE: This function builds a movie that conforms to version 1.0 of the QuickTime VR file format. |
// |
// The newly-created movie contains references to the original tile movie, not the actual movie data. |
// We do this because we assume that the caller will flatten the movie into a third movie, which will |
// contain the movie data. Also, the interim file is much smaller than it would be if we copied the data, |
// thus saving time and disk space. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr VRPano_CreateQTVRMovieVers1x0 (FSSpec *theMovieSpec, FSSpec *theTileSpec, FSSpec *theHSTileSpec, long theHeight, long theWidth) |
{ |
PanoramaDescriptionHandle myPanoDesc = NULL; |
PanoSampleHeaderAtomHandle myPanoHeader = NULL; |
HotSpotTableAtomHandle myHotSpotTable = NULL; |
StringTableAtomHandle myStringTable = NULL; |
short myResRefNum = -1; |
short myResID = movieInDataForkResID; |
short myHSResRefNum = -1; |
short myTilResRefNum = -1; |
short myHSTilResRefNum = -1; |
Movie myMovie = NULL; |
Movie myTileMovie = NULL; |
Movie myHSTileMovie = NULL; |
Track myPanoTrack; |
Media myPanoMedia; |
Track myImageTrack; |
Track myHSImageTrack; |
long myFlags = createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | createMovieFileDontCreateResFile; |
TimeValue myDuration = 7200; |
short myNumFramesX = 1; |
short myNumFramesY = kNumTilesInPanoFile; |
float myTheta; |
UInt16 myIndex; |
short myHeight = theHeight; |
short myWidth = theWidth; |
Boolean myGotHS = false; |
ComponentResult myErr = paramErr; |
if ((theMovieSpec == NULL) || (theHSTileSpec == NULL)) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// create a new movie |
// |
////////// |
// create a movie file for the destination movie |
myErr = CreateMovieFile(theMovieSpec, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'), smCurrentScript, myFlags, &myResRefNum, &myMovie); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// copy the video track from the tile movie to the new movie; this is the "scene track" |
// |
////////// |
// open the tile movie file |
myErr = OpenMovieFile(theTileSpec, &myTilResRefNum, fsRdPerm); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myErr = NewMovieFromFile(&myTileMovie, myTilResRefNum, NULL, 0, 0, 0); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
SetMoviePlayHints(myTileMovie, hintsHighQuality, hintsHighQuality); |
myErr = VRPano_ImportVideoTrack(myTileMovie, myMovie, myDuration, &theWidth, &theHeight, &myImageTrack); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// copy the hot spot image track from the tile movie to the new movie |
// |
////////// |
myGotHS = theHSTileSpec->name[0] != 0; |
if (myGotHS) { |
// open the source file |
myErr = OpenMovieFile(theHSTileSpec, &myHSTilResRefNum, fsRdPerm); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myErr = NewMovieFromFile(&myHSTileMovie, myHSTilResRefNum, &myHSResRefNum, 0, 0, 0); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myErr = VRPano_ImportVideoTrack(myHSTileMovie, myMovie, myDuration, &theWidth, &theHeight, &myHSImageTrack); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
////////// |
// |
// create a panorama track and add it to the movie |
// |
////////// |
// create a panorama track and media |
myPanoTrack = NewMovieTrack(myMovie, FixRatio(myWidth, 1), FixRatio(myHeight, 1), 0); |
myPanoMedia = NewTrackMedia(myPanoTrack, kQTVROldPanoType, kQTVRStandardTimeScale, NULL, 0); |
if ((myPanoTrack == NULL) || (myPanoMedia == NULL)) |
goto bail; |
// create a panorama sample description |
myPanoDesc = (PanoramaDescriptionHandle)NewHandleClear(sizeof(PanoramaDescription)); |
if (myPanoDesc == NULL) |
goto bail; |
// fill in the panorama sample description; |
// all the data in this sample description that follows the first 4 long words must be in big-endian format; |
// the first four long words are used by AddMediaSample and must therefore be in native-endian format |
(**myPanoDesc).size = sizeof(PanoramaDescription); |
(**myPanoDesc).type = kPanDescType; |
(**myPanoDesc).reserved1 = 0L; |
(**myPanoDesc).reserved2 = 0L; |
(**myPanoDesc).majorVersion = EndianU16_NtoB(0); |
(**myPanoDesc).minorVersion = EndianU16_NtoB(0); |
(**myPanoDesc).sceneTrackID = EndianU32_NtoB(GetTrackID(myImageTrack)); |
(**myPanoDesc).loResSceneTrackID = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); // no lo-res video track |
for (myIndex = 1; myIndex < 6; myIndex++) { |
(**myPanoDesc).reserved3[myIndex] = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
(**myPanoDesc).reserved4[myIndex] = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
} |
if (myGotHS) |
(**myPanoDesc).hotSpotTrackID = EndianU32_NtoB(GetTrackID(myHSImageTrack)); |
(**myPanoDesc).loResHotSpotTrackID = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); // no lo-res hot spot track |
myTheta = 180.0 * (atan((theWidth * myNumFramesX) * 3.14159 / (theHeight * myNumFramesY))) / 3.14159; |
(**myPanoDesc).hPanStart = EndianS32_NtoB(0L); |
(**myPanoDesc).hPanEnd = EndianS32_NtoB(360 << 16); |
(**myPanoDesc).vPanTop = EndianS32_NtoB((Fixed)(myTheta * 65536)); |
(**myPanoDesc).vPanBottom = EndianS32_NtoB((Fixed)(-myTheta * 65536)); |
(**myPanoDesc).minimumZoom = EndianS32_NtoB(0L); |
(**myPanoDesc).maximumZoom = EndianS32_NtoB(0L); |
(**myPanoDesc).sceneSizeX = EndianU32_NtoB((long)(theWidth * myNumFramesX)); |
(**myPanoDesc).sceneSizeY = EndianU32_NtoB((long)(theHeight * myNumFramesY)); |
(**myPanoDesc).numFrames = EndianU32_NtoB((long)myNumFramesY); |
(**myPanoDesc).sceneNumFramesX = EndianU16_NtoB(myNumFramesX); |
(**myPanoDesc).sceneNumFramesY = EndianU16_NtoB(myNumFramesY); |
(**myPanoDesc).sceneColorDepth = EndianU16_NtoB(32); |
(**myPanoDesc).hotSpotSizeX = EndianU32_NtoB((long)(theWidth * myNumFramesX)); |
(**myPanoDesc).hotSpotSizeY = EndianU32_NtoB((long)(theHeight * myNumFramesY)); |
(**myPanoDesc).hotSpotNumFramesX = EndianU16_NtoB(myNumFramesX); |
(**myPanoDesc).hotSpotNumFramesY = EndianU16_NtoB(myNumFramesY); |
(**myPanoDesc).hotSpotColorDepth = EndianU16_NtoB(8); |
// create a panorama header atom; |
// the data in this atom (which is *not* a QTAtom) must be in big-endian format |
myPanoHeader = (PanoSampleHeaderAtomHandle)NewHandleClear(sizeof(PanoSampleHeaderAtom)); |
if (myPanoHeader == NULL) |
goto bail; |
(**myPanoHeader).size = EndianU32_NtoB(sizeof(PanoSampleHeaderAtom)); |
(**myPanoHeader).type = EndianU32_NtoB(kPanHeaderType); |
(**myPanoHeader).nodeID = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
// set the default pan, tilt, and zoom |
(**myPanoHeader).defHPan = EndianS32_NtoB(0L); |
(**myPanoHeader).defVPan = EndianS32_NtoB(0L); |
(**myPanoHeader).defZoom = EndianS32_NtoB((Fixed)(1.5 * myTheta * 65536)); |
// set constraints for this node; use 0 for the default constraints |
(**myPanoHeader).minHPan = EndianS32_NtoB(0L); |
(**myPanoHeader).minVPan = EndianS32_NtoB(0L); |
(**myPanoHeader).maxHPan = EndianS32_NtoB(0L); |
(**myPanoHeader).maxVPan = EndianS32_NtoB(0L); |
(**myPanoHeader).maxZoom = EndianS32_NtoB(0L); |
(**myPanoHeader).nameStrOffset = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); // no name or comment |
(**myPanoHeader).commentStrOffset = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
// create a string table atom; |
// the data in this atom (which is *not* a QTAtom) must be in big-endian format |
myStringTable = (StringTableAtomHandle)NewHandleClear(sizeof(StringTableAtom)); |
if (myStringTable == NULL) |
goto bail; |
(**myStringTable).size = EndianU32_NtoB(sizeof(StringTableAtom)); |
(**myStringTable).type = EndianU32_NtoB(kStringTableType); |
(**myStringTable).bunchOstrings[0] = EndianU32_NtoB(0); |
// create a hot spot table atom and expand the string table atom to include the |
// hot spot names and comments |
myHotSpotTable = VRPano_MakeHotSpotVers1x0(myStringTable); |
// append the hot spot table atom and the string table atom to the panorama header atom |
// [left as an exercise for the reader] |
// add the media sample to the panorama track |
BeginMediaEdits(myPanoMedia); |
myErr = AddMediaSample(myPanoMedia, (Handle)myPanoHeader, 0, GetHandleSize((Handle)myPanoHeader), myDuration, (SampleDescriptionHandle)myPanoDesc, 1, 0, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
EndMediaEdits(myPanoMedia); |
// add the media to the track |
myErr = InsertMediaIntoTrack(myPanoTrack, 0, 0, myDuration, fixed1); |
////////// |
// |
// add a user data item that identifies the QTVR movie controller |
// |
////////// |
myErr = VRPano_SetControllerType(myMovie, kQTVROldPanoType); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// add the movie resource to the panorama movie |
// |
////////// |
myErr = AddMovieResource(myMovie, myResRefNum, &myResID, NULL); |
bail: |
if (myPanoDesc != NULL) |
DisposeHandle((Handle)myPanoDesc); |
if (myPanoHeader != NULL) |
DisposeHandle((Handle)myPanoHeader); |
if (myResRefNum != -1) |
CloseMovieFile(myResRefNum); |
if (myHSResRefNum != -1) |
CloseMovieFile(myHSResRefNum); |
if (myMovie != NULL) |
DisposeMovie(myMovie); |
if (myTilResRefNum != -1) |
CloseMovieFile(myTilResRefNum); |
if (myHSTilResRefNum != -1) |
CloseMovieFile(myHSTilResRefNum); |
if (myTileMovie != NULL) |
DisposeMovie(myTileMovie); |
if (myHSTileMovie != NULL) |
DisposeMovie(myHSTileMovie); |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// VRPano_CreateQTVRMovieVers2x0 |
// Create a single-node panoramic QTVR movie from the specified tile movie(s). |
// |
// NOTE: This function builds a movie that conforms to version 2.0 of the QuickTime VR file format. |
// |
// The newly-created movie contains references to the original tile movie, not the actual movie data. |
// We do this because we assume that the caller will flatten the movie into a third movie, which will |
// contain the movie data. Also, the interim file is much smaller than it would be if we copied the data, |
// thus saving time and disk space. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr VRPano_CreateQTVRMovieVers2x0 (FSSpec *theMovieSpec, FSSpec *theTileSpec, FSSpec *theHSTileSpec, long theHeight, long theWidth) |
{ |
Handle myHandle = NULL; |
SampleDescriptionHandle mySampleDesc = NULL; |
QTVRSampleDescriptionHandle myQTVRDesc = NULL; |
short myResRefNum = -1; |
Movie myMovie = NULL; |
Track myQTVRTrack; |
Media myQTVRMedia; |
Track myPanoTrack; |
Media myPanoMedia; |
long mySize; |
long myFlags = createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | createMovieFileDontCreateResFile; |
TimeValue myDuration = 7200; |
QTAtomContainer myVRWorld; |
QTAtomContainer myNodeInfo; |
ComponentResult myErr = paramErr; |
if (theMovieSpec == NULL) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// create a new movie |
// |
////////// |
// create a movie file for the destination movie |
myErr = CreateMovieFile(theMovieSpec, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'), smCurrentScript, myFlags, &myResRefNum, &myMovie); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// create the QTVR movie track and media |
// |
////////// |
myQTVRTrack = NewMovieTrack(myMovie, FixRatio(theWidth, 1), FixRatio(theHeight, 1), kFullVolume); |
myQTVRMedia = NewTrackMedia(myQTVRTrack, kQTVRQTVRType, kQTVRStandardTimeScale, NULL, 0); |
if ((myQTVRTrack == NULL) || (myQTVRMedia == NULL)) |
goto bail; |
SetMovieTimeScale(myMovie, kQTVRStandardTimeScale); |
// create a VR world atom container and a node information atom container; |
// remember that the VR world becomes part of the QTVR sample description, |
// and the node information atom container becomes the media sample data |
myErr = VRPano_CreateVRWorld(&myVRWorld, &myNodeInfo, kQTVRPanoramaType); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
if ((myVRWorld == NULL) || (myNodeInfo == NULL)) |
goto bail; |
// create a QTVR sample description |
mySize = sizeof(QTVRSampleDescription) + GetHandleSize((Handle)myVRWorld) - sizeof(long); |
myQTVRDesc = (QTVRSampleDescriptionHandle)NewHandleClear(mySize); |
if (myQTVRDesc == NULL) |
goto bail; |
(**myQTVRDesc).descSize = mySize; |
(**myQTVRDesc).descType = kQTVRQTVRType; |
(**myQTVRDesc).reserved1 = 0; |
(**myQTVRDesc).reserved2 = 0; |
(**myQTVRDesc).dataRefIndex = 0; |
// copy the VR world atom container into the data field of the QTVR sample description |
BlockMove(*((Handle)myVRWorld), &((**myQTVRDesc).data), GetHandleSize((Handle)myVRWorld)); |
// create the media sample |
BeginMediaEdits(myQTVRMedia); |
myErr = AddMediaSample(myQTVRMedia, (Handle)myNodeInfo, 0, GetHandleSize((Handle)myNodeInfo), myDuration, (SampleDescriptionHandle)myQTVRDesc, 1, 0, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
EndMediaEdits(myQTVRMedia); |
// add the media to the track |
InsertMediaIntoTrack(myQTVRTrack, 0, 0, myDuration, fixed1); |
////////// |
// |
// create a panorama track and add it to the movie |
// |
////////// |
// create panorama track and media |
myPanoTrack = NewMovieTrack(myMovie, FixRatio(theWidth, 1), FixRatio(theHeight, 1), kNoVolume); |
myPanoMedia = NewTrackMedia(myPanoTrack, kQTVRPanoramaType, kQTVRStandardTimeScale, NULL, 0); |
if ((myPanoTrack == NULL) || (myPanoMedia == NULL)) |
goto bail; |
// create the panorama image track and configure the panorama track |
myErr = VRPano_CreatePanoTrack(myMovie, theTileSpec, theHSTileSpec, myQTVRTrack, myPanoTrack, myPanoMedia, theWidth, theHeight); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// add a user data item that identifies the QTVR movie controller |
// |
////////// |
myErr = VRPano_SetControllerType(myMovie, kQTVRQTVRType); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// add the movie resource to the panorama movie |
// |
////////// |
myErr = AddMovieResource(myMovie, myResRefNum, NULL, NULL); |
bail: |
if (mySampleDesc != NULL) |
DisposeHandle((Handle)mySampleDesc); |
if (myQTVRDesc != NULL) |
DisposeHandle((Handle)myQTVRDesc); |
if (myResRefNum != -1) |
CloseMovieFile(myResRefNum); |
if (myVRWorld != NULL) |
QTDisposeAtomContainer(myVRWorld); |
if (myNodeInfo != NULL) |
QTDisposeAtomContainer(myNodeInfo); |
if (myMovie != NULL) |
DisposeMovie(myMovie); |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// VRPano_CreateCubicQTVRMovie |
// Create a single-node cubic panoramic QTVR movie from the specified 6-frame movie. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr VRPano_CreateCubicQTVRMovie (FSSpec *theMovieSpec, FSSpec *theFramesSpec, FSSpec *theHSFramesSpec, long theHeight, long theWidth) |
{ |
FSSpec myTempSpec; |
Handle myHandle = NULL; |
SampleDescriptionHandle mySampleDesc = NULL; |
QTVRSampleDescriptionHandle myQTVRDesc = NULL; |
short myResRefNum = -1; |
Movie myMovie = NULL; |
Track myQTVRTrack; |
Media myQTVRMedia; |
Track myPanoTrack; |
Media myPanoMedia; |
long mySize; |
long myFlags = createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | createMovieFileDontCreateResFile; |
TimeValue myDuration = 3600; |
QTAtomContainer myVRWorld; |
QTAtomContainer myNodeInfo; |
Movie myPanoMovie = NULL; |
ComponentResult myErr = noErr; |
////////// |
// |
// create a temporary version of the panorama movie file, |
// located in the same directory as the destination panorama movie file |
// |
////////// |
// to create a new file name, we'll just change the last character of the destination movie file name |
// (no doubt you could do a better job here!) |
myTempSpec = *theMovieSpec; |
if ([[0]] == 't') |[[0]] = '@'; |
else |[[0]] = 't'; |
////////// |
// |
// create a new movie |
// |
////////// |
// create a movie file for the temporary movie |
myErr = CreateMovieFile(&myTempSpec, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'), smCurrentScript, myFlags, &myResRefNum, &myMovie); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// create the QTVR movie track and media |
// |
////////// |
myQTVRTrack = NewMovieTrack(myMovie, FixRatio(theWidth, 1), FixRatio(theHeight, 1), kFullVolume); |
myQTVRMedia = NewTrackMedia(myQTVRTrack, kQTVRQTVRType, kQTVRStandardTimeScale, NULL, 0); |
if ((myQTVRTrack == NULL) || (myQTVRMedia == NULL)) |
goto bail; |
SetMovieTimeScale(myMovie, kQTVRStandardTimeScale); |
// create a VR world atom container and a node information atom container; |
// remember that the VR world becomes part of the QTVR sample description, |
// and the node information atom container becomes the media sample data |
myErr = VRPano_CreateVRWorld(&myVRWorld, &myNodeInfo, kQTVRPanoramaType); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
if ((myVRWorld == NULL) || (myNodeInfo == NULL)) |
goto bail; |
// create a QTVR sample description |
mySize = sizeof(QTVRSampleDescription) + GetHandleSize((Handle)myVRWorld) - sizeof(long); |
myQTVRDesc = (QTVRSampleDescriptionHandle)NewHandleClear(mySize); |
if (myQTVRDesc == NULL) |
goto bail; |
(**myQTVRDesc).descSize = mySize; |
(**myQTVRDesc).descType = kQTVRQTVRType; |
(**myQTVRDesc).reserved1 = 0; |
(**myQTVRDesc).reserved2 = 0; |
(**myQTVRDesc).dataRefIndex = 0; |
// copy the VR world atom container into the data field of the QTVR sample description |
BlockMove(*((Handle)myVRWorld), &((**myQTVRDesc).data), GetHandleSize((Handle)myVRWorld)); |
// create the media sample |
BeginMediaEdits(myQTVRMedia); |
myErr = AddMediaSample(myQTVRMedia, (Handle)myNodeInfo, 0, GetHandleSize((Handle)myNodeInfo), myDuration, (SampleDescriptionHandle)myQTVRDesc, 1, 0, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
EndMediaEdits(myQTVRMedia); |
// add the media to the track |
InsertMediaIntoTrack(myQTVRTrack, 0, 0, myDuration, fixed1); |
////////// |
// |
// create a panorama track and add it to the movie |
// |
////////// |
// create panorama track and media |
myPanoTrack = NewMovieTrack(myMovie, FixRatio(theWidth, 1), FixRatio(theHeight, 1), kNoVolume); |
myPanoMedia = NewTrackMedia(myPanoTrack, kQTVRPanoramaType, kQTVRStandardTimeScale, NULL, 0); |
if ((myPanoTrack == NULL) || (myPanoMedia == NULL)) |
goto bail; |
// create the panorama image track and configure the panorama track |
myErr = VRPano_CreatePanoTrack(myMovie, theFramesSpec, theHSFramesSpec, myQTVRTrack, myPanoTrack, myPanoMedia, theWidth, theHeight); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// add a user data item that identifies the QTVR movie controller |
// |
////////// |
myErr = VRPano_SetControllerType(myMovie, kQTVRQTVRType); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// add the movie resource to the panorama movie |
// |
////////// |
myErr = AddMovieResource(myMovie, myResRefNum, NULL, NULL); |
////////// |
// |
// create the final, flattened movie |
// |
////////// |
SetMovieProgressProc(myMovie, (MovieProgressUPP)-1, 0L); |
// flatten the temporary file into a new movie file; |
// put the movie resource first so that FastStart is possible |
myErr = VRPano_FlattenMovieForStreaming(myMovie, theMovieSpec); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
myPanoMovie = FlattenMovieData(myMovie, flattenDontInterleaveFlatten | flattenAddMovieToDataFork | flattenForceMovieResourceBeforeMovieData, theMovieSpec, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'), smSystemScript, createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | createMovieFileDontCreateResFile); |
bail: |
if (mySampleDesc != NULL) |
DisposeHandle((Handle)mySampleDesc); |
if (myQTVRDesc != NULL) |
DisposeHandle((Handle)myQTVRDesc); |
if (myResRefNum != -1) |
CloseMovieFile(myResRefNum); |
if (myVRWorld != NULL) |
QTDisposeAtomContainer(myVRWorld); |
if (myNodeInfo != NULL) |
QTDisposeAtomContainer(myNodeInfo); |
if (myMovie != NULL) |
DisposeMovie(myMovie); |
if (myPanoMovie != NULL) |
DisposeMovie(myPanoMovie); |
DeleteMovieFile(&myTempSpec); |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// VRPano_MakePanorama |
// Create a single-node QuickTime VR panoramic movie from the specified image file. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr VRPano_MakePanorama (FSSpec *thePictSpec, FSSpec *theHSPictSpec, FSSpec *theTileSpec, FSSpec *theDestSpec, long theWidth, long theHeight, CodecType theCodec, CodecQ theQuality, long theVersion) |
{ |
long myPictHeight, myPictWidth; |
GraphicsImportComponent myImporter = NULL; |
Rect myRect; |
FSSpec myTileSpec = *theTileSpec; |
FSSpec myDestSpec = *theDestSpec; |
FSSpec myTempSpec; |
FSSpec myHSTileSpec; |
Movie myTempMovie = NULL; |
Movie myPanoMovie = NULL; |
short myTempResRefNum = -1; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
////////// |
// |
// get a graphics importer for the image file and determine the natural size of the image |
// |
////////// |
myErr = GetGraphicsImporterForFile(thePictSpec, &myImporter); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myErr = GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds(myImporter, &myRect); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myPictHeight = myRect.bottom -, |
myPictWidth = myRect.right - myRect.left; |
////////// |
// |
// verify the orientation and dimensions of the picture |
// |
////////// |
// check for correct orientation: the image must be taller than wide; |
// if not, we cannot continue |
if (myPictHeight < myPictWidth) |
goto bail; |
// check for correct dimensions: height must be divisible by 96 and width by 4; |
// if not, we'll adjust the dimensions |
if (((myPictHeight % 96) != 0) || ((myPictWidth % 4) != 0)) { |
// make sure height is divisible by 96 |
if ((myPictHeight % 96) != 0) { |
UInt16 myNewHeight; |
UInt16 myNewWidth; |
double myScale; |
myNewHeight = myPictHeight - (myPictHeight % 96); |
myScale = (double)myNewHeight / (double)myPictHeight; |
myNewWidth = (UInt16)((double)myPictWidth * myScale); |
myNewWidth = myNewWidth - (myNewWidth % 4); |
} |
// make sure width is divisible by 4 |
if ((myPictWidth % 4) != 0) { |
UInt16 myNewWidth; |
myNewWidth = myPictWidth - (myPictWidth % 4); |
} |
} |
////////// |
// |
// dice the panoramic image into compressed tiles and put the tiles into a movie |
// |
////////// |
myErr = VRPano_CreateTileMovie(myImporter, theTileSpec, theCodec, theQuality, 0); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
CloseComponent(myImporter); |
////////// |
// |
// dice the hot spot image into compressed tiles and put the tiles into a movie, |
// if the user has selected a hot spot image file |
// |
////////// |
if (theHSPictSpec->name[0] != 0) { |
// get a graphics importer for the hot spot image file |
myErr = GetGraphicsImporterForFile(theHSPictSpec, &myImporter); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
// create a file specification for the hot spot tile file |
myHSTileSpec = *theDestSpec; |
// to create a new file name, we'll just change the last character of the destination movie file name |
// (no doubt you could do a better job here!) |
if ([[0]] == 's') |[[0]] = '#'; |
else |[[0]] = 's'; |
// a hot spot image track must be compressed with a lossless compressor and must be 8 bits deep |
myErr = VRPano_CreateTileMovie(myImporter, &myHSTileSpec, kGraphicsCodecType, codecLosslessQuality, 8); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} else { |
// if no hot spot image, clear out myHSTileSpec |
myHSTileSpec.vRefNum = 0; |
myHSTileSpec.parID = 0; |[0] = 0; // set length to 0 |
} |
////////// |
// |
// create a temporary version of the panorama movie file, |
// located in the same directory as the destination panorama movie file |
// |
////////// |
// to create a new file name, we'll just change the last character of the destination movie file name |
// (no doubt you could do a better job here!) |
myTempSpec = *theDestSpec; |
if ([[0]] == 't') |[[0]] = '@'; |
else |[[0]] = 't'; |
// create a single node panoramic movie in the temp file |
if (theVersion == kQTVRVersion1) |
myErr = VRPano_CreateQTVRMovieVers1x0(&myTempSpec, theTileSpec, &myHSTileSpec, theHeight, theWidth); |
else if (theVersion == kQTVRVersion2) |
myErr = VRPano_CreateQTVRMovieVers2x0(&myTempSpec, theTileSpec, &myHSTileSpec, theHeight, theWidth); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// create the final, flattened movie |
// |
////////// |
myErr = OpenMovieFile(&myTempSpec, &myTempResRefNum, fsRdPerm); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myErr = NewMovieFromFile(&myTempMovie, myTempResRefNum, NULL, 0, 0, 0); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
SetMovieProgressProc(myTempMovie, (MovieProgressUPP)-1, 0L); |
// flatten the temporary file into a new movie file; |
// put the movie resource first so that FastStart is possible |
myErr = VRPano_FlattenMovieForStreaming(myTempMovie, &myDestSpec); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
myPanoMovie = FlattenMovieData(myTempMovie, flattenDontInterleaveFlatten | flattenAddMovieToDataFork | flattenForceMovieResourceBeforeMovieData, &myDestSpec, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'), smSystemScript, createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | createMovieFileDontCreateResFile); |
bail: |
if (myImporter != NULL) |
CloseComponent(myImporter); |
if (myPanoMovie != NULL) |
DisposeMovie(myPanoMovie); |
if (myTempMovie != NULL) |
DisposeMovie(myTempMovie); |
if (myTempResRefNum != -1) |
CloseMovieFile(myTempResRefNum); |
DeleteMovieFile(&myTempSpec); |
DeleteMovieFile(&myHSTileSpec); |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// VRPano_ImportVideoTrack |
// Copy a video track from one movie (the source) to another (the destination). |
// |
// We assume that we want the first video track in theSrcMovie. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr VRPano_ImportVideoTrack (Movie theSrcMovie, Movie theDstMovie, TimeValue theDuration, long *theTrackWidth, long *theTrackHeight, Track *theTrack) |
{ |
Track mySrcTrack = NULL; |
Media mySrcMedia = NULL; |
Track myDstTrack = NULL; |
Media myDstMedia = NULL; |
Fixed myWidth, myHeight; |
OSType myType; |
SampleDescriptionHandle mySampleDesc = (SampleDescriptionHandle)NewHandle(0); |
Handle mySampleData = NewHandle(0); |
long myDataSize; |
short myIndex; |
short myNumFrames = 0; |
TimeValue myMediaTime = 0; |
TimeValue mySampleDuration; |
ClearMoviesStickyError(); |
// get the first video track in the source movie |
mySrcTrack = GetMovieIndTrackType(theSrcMovie, 1, VideoMediaType, movieTrackMediaType); |
if (mySrcTrack == NULL) |
return(paramErr); |
// count the number of frames in the source movie |
myNumFrames = (short)GetMediaSampleCount(GetTrackMedia(mySrcTrack)); |
if (myNumFrames <= 0) |
return(paramErr); |
// get the track's media and dimensions |
mySrcMedia = GetTrackMedia(mySrcTrack); |
GetTrackDimensions(mySrcTrack, &myWidth, &myHeight); |
// create a destination track |
myDstTrack = NewMovieTrack(theDstMovie, myWidth, myHeight, GetTrackVolume(mySrcTrack)); |
if (theTrackWidth != NULL) |
*theTrackWidth = myWidth >> 16; |
if (theTrackHeight != NULL) |
*theTrackHeight = myHeight >> 16; |
if (theTrack != NULL) |
*theTrack = myDstTrack; |
// create a destination media |
GetMediaHandlerDescription(mySrcMedia, &myType, NULL, NULL); |
myDstMedia = NewTrackMedia(myDstTrack, myType, kQTVRStandardTimeScale, 0, 0); |
BeginMediaEdits(myDstMedia); |
// extract samples one at a time |
for (myIndex = 0; myIndex < myNumFrames; myIndex++) { |
GetMediaSample(mySrcMedia, mySampleData, 0, &myDataSize, myMediaTime, NULL, &mySampleDuration, mySampleDesc, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL); |
myMediaTime += mySampleDuration; |
AddMediaSample(myDstMedia, mySampleData, 0, myDataSize, theDuration / myNumFrames, mySampleDesc, 1, 0, NULL); |
} |
DisposeHandle((Handle)mySampleDesc); |
DisposeHandle(mySampleData); |
EndMediaEdits(myDstMedia); |
InsertMediaIntoTrack(myDstTrack, 0, 0, GetMediaDuration(myDstMedia), fixed1); |
// a panorama image track should always be disabled |
SetTrackEnabled(myDstTrack, false); |
return(GetMoviesStickyError()); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// VRPano_MakeHotSpotVers1x0 |
// Create a hot spot table atom with atoms for a single hot spot; also, if necessary, |
// resize the string table handle theStringTable to contain a name and comment for the |
// hot spot. |
// |
// NOTE: This function builds hot spots that conform to version 1.0 of the QuickTime VR file format. |
// |
////////// |
HotSpotTableAtomHandle VRPano_MakeHotSpotVers1x0 (StringTableAtomHandle theStringTable) |
{ |
#pragma unused(theStringTable) |
HotSpotTableAtomHandle myHandle = NULL; |
// [left as an exercise for the reader] |
return(myHandle); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// VRPano_MakeHotSpotVers2x0 |
// Create the necessary atoms inside of theNodeInfo to configure the specified hot spot |
// as a URL hot spot linked to the specified URL. |
// |
// NOTE: This function builds hot spots that conform to version 2.0 of the QuickTime VR file format. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr VRPano_MakeHotSpotVers2x0 (QTAtomContainer theNodeInfo, QTAtom theHSParent, char *theURL, char *theHSName, UInt32 theIndex) |
{ |
QTAtom myHSAtom; |
QTVRHotSpotInfoAtom myHSInfoAtom; |
Str255 myHSName; |
QTAtomID myHSNameID; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
////////// |
// |
// add a hot spot atom to the specified node info atom |
// |
// a hot spot atom contains two children: |
// a hot spot information atom, which contains general info about the hot spot, |
// and (for URL hot spots) a URL hot spot atom |
// |
////////// |
// the atom ID should be the same as the hot spot ID, which is an index in a 8-bit color table |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theNodeInfo, theHSParent, kQTVRHotSpotAtomType, theIndex, 0, 0, NULL, &myHSAtom); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// add a hot spot information atom |
// |
////////// |
// fill in the fields of the hot spot information atom data structure |
myHSInfoAtom.majorVersion = EndianU16_NtoB(kQTVRMajorVersion); |
myHSInfoAtom.minorVersion = EndianU16_NtoB(kQTVRMinorVersion); |
myHSInfoAtom.hotSpotType = EndianU32_NtoB(kQTVRHotSpotURLType); |
// the published documentation says that the hot spot name is contained in a string atom |
// that is a sibling of the hot spot atom (that is, a child of the hot spot parent atom); |
// some other documents indicate that a string atom is always a sibling of the atom that |
// contains the reference (in this case, a sibling of the hot spot information atom, and |
// hence a child of the hot spot atom); I'd recommend coding to the latter.... |
// add the hot spot name atom |
myHSName[0] = strlen(theHSName); |
strcpy((char *)&myHSName[1], theHSName); |
myErr = VRPano_AddStr255ToAtomContainer(theNodeInfo, myHSAtom, myHSName, &myHSNameID); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myHSInfoAtom.nameAtomID = EndianU32_NtoB(myHSNameID); |
// add the hot spot comment atom; 0 means that no comment atom exists |
myHSInfoAtom.commentAtomID = EndianU32_NtoB(0L); |
// set the custom cursor IDs; 0 means that no custom cursors exist |
myHSInfoAtom.cursorID[0] = 0; |
myHSInfoAtom.cursorID[1] = 0; |
myHSInfoAtom.cursorID[2] = 0; |
// set viewing hints |
myHSInfoAtom.bestPan = 0.0; |
myHSInfoAtom.bestTilt = 0.0; |
myHSInfoAtom.bestFOV = 0.0; |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myHSInfoAtom.bestPan); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myHSInfoAtom.bestTilt); |
VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian(&myHSInfoAtom.bestFOV); |
myHSInfoAtom.bestViewCenter.x = 0.0; |
myHSInfoAtom.bestViewCenter.y = 0.0; |
// set hot spot bounding rectangle; apparently unused | = 0; |
myHSInfoAtom.hotSpotRect.left = 0; |
myHSInfoAtom.hotSpotRect.bottom = 0; |
myHSInfoAtom.hotSpotRect.right = 0; |
myHSInfoAtom.flags = 0L; |
myHSInfoAtom.reserved1 = 0L; |
myHSInfoAtom.reserved2 = 0L; |
// insert the hot spot information atom into the hot spot atom |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theNodeInfo, myHSAtom, kQTVRHotSpotInfoAtomType, 1, 0, sizeof(myHSInfoAtom), &myHSInfoAtom, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// add a URL hot spot atom as a child of the hot spot atom |
// |
////////// |
// the atom data is the URL text |
// (not a Pascal or C string, but just the characters themselves) |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theNodeInfo, myHSAtom, kQTVRHotSpotURLType, 1, 0, strlen(theURL), theURL, NULL); |
bail: |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// VRPano_SetControllerType |
// Set the controller type of the specified movie. |
// |
// This function adds an item to the movie's user data; |
// the updated user data is written to the movie file when the movie is next updated |
// (by calling AddMovieResource or UpdateMovieResource). |
// |
////////// |
OSErr VRPano_SetControllerType (Movie theMovie, OSType theType) |
{ |
UserData myUserData; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
// make sure we've got a movie |
if (theMovie == NULL) |
return(paramErr); |
// get the movie's user data list |
myUserData = GetMovieUserData(theMovie); |
if (myUserData == NULL) |
return(paramErr); |
theType = EndianU32_NtoB(theType); |
myErr = SetUserDataItem(myUserData, &theType, sizeof(theType), kQTControllerType, 0); |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// VRPano_AddStr255ToAtomContainer |
// Add a Pascal string to the specified atom container; return (through theID) the ID of the new string atom. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr VRPano_AddStr255ToAtomContainer (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theParent, Str255 theString, QTAtomID *theID) |
{ |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
if ((theContainer == NULL) || (theParent == 0) || (theID == NULL)) |
return(paramErr); |
*theID = 0; // initialize the returned atom ID |
if (theString[0] != 0) { |
QTAtom myStringAtom; |
UInt16 mySize; |
QTVRStringAtomPtr myStringAtomPtr = NULL; |
mySize = sizeof(QTVRStringAtom) - 4 + theString[0]; |
myStringAtomPtr = (QTVRStringAtomPtr)NewPtrClear(mySize); |
if (myStringAtomPtr != NULL) { |
myStringAtomPtr->stringUsage = EndianU16_NtoB(1); |
myStringAtomPtr->stringLength = EndianU16_NtoB(theString[0]); |
BlockMove(theString + 1, myStringAtomPtr->theString, theString[0]); |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theContainer, theParent, kQTVRStringAtomType, 0, 0, mySize, (Ptr)myStringAtomPtr, &myStringAtom); |
DisposePtr((Ptr)myStringAtomPtr); |
if (myErr == noErr) |
QTGetAtomTypeAndID(theContainer, myStringAtom, NULL, theID); |
} |
} |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian |
// Convert the specified floating-point number to big-endian format. |
// |
////////// |
void VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian (float *theFloat) |
{ |
unsigned long *myLongPtr; |
myLongPtr = (unsigned long *)theFloat; |
*myLongPtr = EndianU32_NtoB(*myLongPtr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// VRPano_FileFilterFunction |
// Filter files for a file-opening dialog box. |
// |
////////// |
PASCAL_RTN Boolean VRPano_FileFilterFunction (AEDesc *theItem, void *theInfo, void *theCallBackUD, NavFilterModes theFilterMode) |
{ |
#pragma unused(theCallBackUD, theFilterMode) |
Boolean myIsOkay = true; |
NavFileOrFolderInfo *myInfo = (NavFileOrFolderInfo *)theInfo; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
if (gValidFileTypes == NULL) |
QTFrame_BuildFileTypeList(); |
if (theItem->descriptorType == typeFSS) |
if (!myInfo->isFolder) { |
myIsOkay = false; |
if (gVersionToCreate == kCubicQTVR) { |
if (myInfo->fileAndFolder.fileInfo.finderInfo.fdType == kQTFileTypeMovie) |
myIsOkay = true; |
} else { |
OSType myType = myInfo->fileAndFolder.fileInfo.finderInfo.fdType; |
OSType *myTypes = (OSType *)*gValidFileTypes; |
short myCount; |
short myIndex; |
// see whether the file type is in the list of image file types that QuickTime can open |
myCount = GetHandleSize(gValidFileTypes) / sizeof(OSType); |
for (myIndex = gFirstGITypeIndex; myIndex < myCount; myIndex++) |
if (myType == myTypes[myIndex]) |
myIsOkay = true; |
} |
} |
return(myIsOkay); |
} |
#endif |
PASCAL_RTN Boolean VRPano_FileFilterFunction (CInfoPBPtr thePBPtr) |
{ |
#pragma unused(thePBPtr) |
return(false); |
} |
#endif |
////////// |
// |
// VRPano_FlattenMovieForStreaming |
// Export the specified a QuickTime VR movie, using the QTVR flattener movie export component. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr VRPano_FlattenMovieForStreaming (Movie theMovie, FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr) |
{ |
ComponentDescription myCompDesc; |
MovieExportComponent myExporter = NULL; |
long myFlags = createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | showUserSettingsDialog | movieFileSpecValid; |
ComponentResult myErr = badComponentType; |
// find and open a movie export component that can flatten a QuickTime VR movie file |
myCompDesc.componentType = MovieExportType; |
myCompDesc.componentSubType = MovieFileType; |
myCompDesc.componentManufacturer = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('vrwe'); |
myCompDesc.componentFlags = 0; |
myCompDesc.componentFlagsMask = 0; |
myExporter = OpenComponent(FindNextComponent(NULL, &myCompDesc)); |
if (myExporter == NULL) |
goto bail; |
// use the default progress procedure |
SetMovieProgressProc(theMovie, (MovieProgressUPP)-1L, 0); |
// export the movie into a file |
myErr = ConvertMovieToFile( theMovie, // the movie to convert |
NULL, // all tracks in the movie |
theFSSpecPtr, // the output file |
MovieFileType, // the output file type |
sigMoviePlayer, // the output file creator |
smSystemScript, // the script |
NULL, // no resource ID to be returned |
myFlags, // conversion flags |
myExporter); // QTVR flattener movie export component |
bail: |
// close the movie export component |
if (myExporter != NULL) |
CloseComponent(myExporter); |
return((OSErr)myErr); |
} |
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