Feature Files/VR3DObjects.c

//  File:       VR3DObjects.c
//  Contains:   QuickDraw 3D support for QuickTime VR movies.
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//              Parts modeled on BoxMoov code by Nick Thompson, Rick Evans, and Robert Dierkes
//              and on code in QD3D book (by yours truly!).
//  Copyright:  © 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <37>     03/28/00    rtm     changed ((**myPixMap).rowBytes & 0x3fff) to QTGetPixMapHandleRowBytes(myPixMap)
//     <36>     07/29/99    rtm     set polyhedronAttributeSet to NULL in VR3DObjects_EnlistRectangle; now
//                                  the Set3DObjColor command works on rectangles as well as other objects
//     <35>     09/28/98    rtm     added Q3InteractiveRenderer_ calls to VR3DObjects_CreateView
//     <34>     04/22/98    rtm     used GetGWorldPixMap instead of gw->portPixMap in VR3DObjects_PrescreenRoutine
//     <33>     03/18/98    rtm     minor cleanup to make things a little more structured
//     <32>     03/09/98    rtm     removed VR3DObjects_GetEmbeddedPicture; moved code into VR3DTexture.c from
//                                  VR3DObjects_LoadEmbeddedMovie and VR3DObjects_LoopEmbeddedMovie
//     <31>     02/19/98    rtm     changed default chroma key color to prevent transparency problems
//     <30>     01/28/98    rtm     changed NewGWorld calls to QTNewGWorld
//     <29>     01/27/98    rtm     fixed pixel depth problems: QD3D's GWorlds should all be 32-bit
//     <28>     10/13/97    rtm     added VR3DObjects_CreateDefaultGroup call to VR3DObjects_GetModelFromFile
//                                  to provide default lighting for 3DMF files
//     <27>     10/03/97    rtm     removed UPDATE_GWORLD_BROKEN symbol
//     <26>     09/23/97    rtm     added endian adjustment to VR3DObjects_GetEmbeddedPicture
//     <25>     09/15/97    rtm     added UPDATE_GWORLD_BROKEN symbol; should be removed later
//                                  when UpdateGWorld is fixed
//     <24>     09/12/97    rtm     added Windows support to VR3DObjects_GetModelFromFile
//     <23>     07/17/97    rtm     added VR3DObjects_DoIdle
//     <22>     05/05/97    rtm     more work on geometry specifications;
//                                  added Set calls for styles, colors, etc.
//     <21>     05/04/97    rtm     reworked geometry specifications; added Enlist_ functions
//     <20>     05/02/97    rtm     made sound in texture movies directional
//     <19>     04/10/97    rtm     added call to Q3View_Sync to prevent tearing
//     <18>     04/02/97    rtm     copied file for integration with VRScript; removed support for object nodes
//     <17>     02/21/97    rtm     added support for multi-node, mixed-type movies;
//                                  fixed window resizing for object nodes
//     <16>     02/10/97    rtm     fixed up-vector; fixed pan/tilt granularity in object nodes
//                                  (now QD3D camera doesn't update until object view changes)
//     <15>     02/04/97    rtm     begun implementing support for object nodes
//     <14>     01/24/97    rtm     slight adjustment to camera-setting algorithm
//     <13>     01/23/97    rtm     reworked camera-setting algorithm; now it works fine!
//                                  (replaced VR3DObjects_RotateCamera[XY] with VR3DObjects_SetCamera)
//     <12>     01/20/97    rtm     various small tweaks; nothing major 
//     <11>     01/17/97    rtm     further work on tilting; still unable to fix it entirely 
//     <10>     01/16/97    rtm     added VR3DObjects_SetCameraAspectRatio 
//                                  and VR3DObjects_UpdateDrawContext to handle window resizing
//     <9>      01/14/97    rtm     added polyhedron object to VR3DObjects_CreateModel; added static texture support
//     <8>      01/13/97    rtm     added some object types to VR3DObjects_CreateModel
//     <7>      01/10/97    rtm     added VR3DObjects_MCActionFilterProc (later merged into ApplicationMCActionFilterProc)
//     <6>      01/09/97    rtm     fixed jittering on pan/tilt/zoom; fixed VR3DObjects_RotateCameraX for correct tilting
//     <5>      01/03/97    rtm     added animation (that is, rotation) support for 3D objects
//     <4>      12/23/96    rtm     further work on 3D overlay; fixed some jitters
//     <3>      12/20/96    rtm     added zooming support; implemented 3D overlay instead of 3D test window
//     <2>      12/16/96    rtm     added 3D test window, intercept procedure
//                                  added QuickTime movie texture mapping support
//     <1>      12/13/96    rtm     first file
// This file provides functions to display 3D objects at specific locations in a panorama.
// Our strategy: QuickDraw 3D is a "slave" to VR: whenever the VR environment changes,
// we change the QuickDraw 3D camera accordingly and render a new image to our view.
// All this occurs in the prescreen buffer imaging complete procedure.
// TODO:
//  + add lighting calls (create new light, move light, set light color/intensity etc.)
// header files
#include "VR3DObjects.h"
// global variables
extern Boolean          gHasQuickDraw3D;                            // is QuickDraw 3D available?
extern Boolean          gHasQuickDraw3D15;                          // is QuickDraw 3D version 1.5 (or greater) available?
// constants
const TQ3Point3D        kCameraOrigin = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
const TQ3Point3D        kPointOfInterest = {0.0, 0.0, -1000.0};
const TQ3ColorRGB       k3DObjColor = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5};              // default 3D object color
const RGBColor          k3DChromaColor = {0x1111, 0x2222, 0x3333};  // the default chroma key color
// VR3DObjects_Init
// Initialize for QuickDraw 3D.
void VR3DObjects_Init (void)
    // make sure that QuickDraw 3D is available
    gHasQuickDraw3D = VR3DObjects_IsQD3DAvailable() ? true : false;
    // now perform any initialization
    if (gHasQuickDraw3D) {
        unsigned long       myMajor, myMinor;
        // see which version of QD3D is installed; version 1.5 provides some useful new geometries
        Q3GetVersion(&myMajor, &myMinor);
        gHasQuickDraw3D15 = ((myMajor >= 0x0001) && (myMinor >= 0x0005));
// VR3DObjects_Stop
// Clean up for QuickDraw 3D.
void VR3DObjects_Stop (void)
    // perform any QD3D-related shutdown operations
    if (gHasQuickDraw3D)
// VR3DObjects_IsQD3DAvailable
// Is QuickDraw 3D available in the present operating environment?
Boolean VR3DObjects_IsQD3DAvailable (void)
    return((Ptr)Q3Initialize != (Ptr)kUnresolvedCFragSymbolAddress);
    // the following code should work cross-platform, but currently it returns -5551 (gestaltUndefSelectorErr) on Windows
//  Boolean     myQD3DAvail = false;
//  long        myAttrs;
//  OSErr       myErr = noErr;
//  myErr = Gestalt(gestaltQD3D, &myAttrs);
//  if (myErr == noErr)
//      if (myAttrs & (1L << gestaltQD3DPresent))
//          myQD3DAvail = true;
//  return(myQD3DAvail);
// VR3DObjects_InitWindowData
// Initialize the window-specific 3D data.
void VR3DObjects_InitWindowData (WindowObject theWindowObject)
    ApplicationDataHdl  myAppData;
    Rect                myRect;
    OSErr               myErr = noErr;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData != NULL) {
        // lock the application data handle
        // get the size of the destination window
        if ((**theWindowObject).fMovie != NULL)
            GetMovieBox((**theWindowObject).fMovie, &myRect);
        // create an offscreen GWorld that is the size of the window area
        // (this GWorld is our draw context buffer)
        myErr = QTNewGWorld(&(**myAppData).fQD3DDCGWorld, kOffscreenPixelType, &myRect, NULL, NULL, kICMTempThenAppMemory);
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
        // create a new view attached to the offscreen GWorld
        (**myAppData).fView = VR3DObjects_CreateView((**myAppData).fQD3DDCGWorld);
        // set the FOV vertical orientation flag to ON
        (**myAppData).fQD3DFOVIsVert = true;
        // set the default 3D chroma key color
        (**myAppData).fQD3DKeyColor = k3DChromaColor;
        // initialize QD3D camera's aspect ratio                                 
        // initialize QD3D camera's point-of-interest and FOV
        // unlock the application data handle
// VR3DObjects_DumpWindowData
// Dump the window-specific 3D data.
void VR3DObjects_DumpWindowData (WindowObject theWindowObject)
    ApplicationDataHdl  myAppData;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData != NULL) {
        // dispose of the view object
        if ((**myAppData).fView)
        // dispose of GWorld used by this window object
        if ((**myAppData).fQD3DDCGWorld != NULL)
// VR3DObjects_DoIdle
// Do any 3D-related processing that can or should occur at idle time.
// Returns true if the caller should call QTVRUpdate, false otherwise.
Boolean VR3DObjects_DoIdle (WindowObject theWindowObject)
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    VRScript3DObjPtr        myPointer;
    Boolean                 myNeedUpdate = false;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    // if any currently visible 3D object is animated or has a movie texture,
    // we need to update window
    myPointer = (VRScript3DObjPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_QD3DObject];
    while ((myPointer != NULL) && !myNeedUpdate) {
        if (myPointer->fModelIsVisible)
            if ((myPointer->fModelIsAnimated) || (myPointer->fTextureIsMovie))
                myNeedUpdate = true;
        myPointer = myPointer->fNextEntry;
// VR3DObjects_EnlistBox
// Add a box to the list of 3D objects.
void VR3DObjects_EnlistBox (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryID, float theX, float theY, float theZ, float theXSize, float theYSize, float theZSize, UInt32 theOptions)
    TQ3BoxData              myBoxData;
    TQ3GeometryObject       myObject;
    TQ3GroupObject          myGroup;
    myBoxData.boxAttributeSet = NULL;
    myBoxData.faceAttributeSet = NULL;
    Q3Point3D_Set(&myBoxData.origin, theXSize / -2.0, theYSize / -2.0, theZSize / -2.0);
    Q3Vector3D_Set(&myBoxData.orientation, 0.0, theYSize, 0.0);
    Q3Vector3D_Set(&myBoxData.majorAxis, 0.0, 0.0, theZSize);   
    Q3Vector3D_Set(&myBoxData.minorAxis, theXSize, 0.0, 0.0);   
    myObject = Q3Box_New(&myBoxData);   
    if (myObject != NULL) {
        myGroup = VR3DObjects_CreateDefaultGroup(myObject);
        if (myGroup != NULL)
            VRScript_Enlist3DObject(theWindowObject, myGroup, theEntryID, theX, theY, theZ, theOptions);
// VR3DObjects_EnlistCone
// Add a cone to the list of 3D objects.
void VR3DObjects_EnlistCone (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryID, float theX, float theY, float theZ, float theMajRad, float theMinRad, float theHeight, UInt32 theOptions)
    TQ3ConeData             myConeData;
    TQ3GeometryObject       myObject;
    TQ3GroupObject          myGroup;
    myConeData.coneAttributeSet = NULL;
    myConeData.interiorAttributeSet = NULL;
    myConeData.faceAttributeSet = NULL;
    myConeData.bottomAttributeSet = NULL;
    myConeData.caps = kQ3EndCapMaskBottom;
    Q3Point3D_Set(&myConeData.origin, 0.0, theHeight / -2.0, 0.0);
    Q3Vector3D_Set(&myConeData.orientation, 0.0, theHeight, 0.0);
    Q3Vector3D_Set(&myConeData.majorRadius, 0.0, 0.0, theMajRad);   
    Q3Vector3D_Set(&myConeData.minorRadius, theMinRad, 0.0, 0.0);   
    myObject = Q3Cone_New(&myConeData);
    if (myObject != NULL) {
        myGroup = VR3DObjects_CreateDefaultGroup(myObject);
        if (myGroup != NULL) {
            VR3DObjects_SetSubdivisionStyle(myGroup, 20);   // set a finer subdivision style
            VRScript_Enlist3DObject(theWindowObject, myGroup, theEntryID, theX, theY, theZ, theOptions);
// VR3DObjects_EnlistCylinder
// Add a cylinder to the list of 3D objects.
void VR3DObjects_EnlistCylinder (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryID, float theX, float theY, float theZ, float theMajRad, float theMinRad, float theHeight, UInt32 theOptions)
    TQ3CylinderData         myCylinderData;
    TQ3GeometryObject       myObject;
    TQ3GroupObject          myGroup;
    myCylinderData.cylinderAttributeSet = NULL;
    myCylinderData.interiorAttributeSet = NULL;
    myCylinderData.topAttributeSet = NULL;
    myCylinderData.faceAttributeSet = NULL;
    myCylinderData.bottomAttributeSet = NULL;
    myCylinderData.caps = kQ3EndCapMaskTop | kQ3EndCapMaskBottom;
    Q3Point3D_Set(&myCylinderData.origin, 0.0, theHeight / -2.0, 0.0);
    Q3Vector3D_Set(&myCylinderData.orientation, 0.0, theHeight, 0.0);
    Q3Vector3D_Set(&myCylinderData.majorRadius, 0.0, 0.0, theMajRad);   
    Q3Vector3D_Set(&myCylinderData.minorRadius, theMinRad, 0.0, 0.0);   
    myObject = Q3Cylinder_New(&myCylinderData);
    if (myObject != NULL) {
        myGroup = VR3DObjects_CreateDefaultGroup(myObject);
        if (myGroup != NULL) {
            VR3DObjects_SetSubdivisionStyle(myGroup, 20);   // set a finer subdivision style
            VRScript_Enlist3DObject(theWindowObject, myGroup, theEntryID, theX, theY, theZ, theOptions);
// VR3DObjects_EnlistEllipsoid
// Add an ellipsoid to the list of 3D objects.
void VR3DObjects_EnlistEllipsoid (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryID, float theX, float theY, float theZ, float theMajRad, float theMinRad, float theHeight, UInt32 theOptions)
    TQ3EllipsoidData        myEllipsoidData;
    TQ3GeometryObject       myObject;
    TQ3GroupObject          myGroup;
    myEllipsoidData.ellipsoidAttributeSet = NULL;
    myEllipsoidData.interiorAttributeSet = NULL;
    myEllipsoidData.caps = 0L;
    Q3Point3D_Set(&myEllipsoidData.origin, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    Q3Vector3D_Set(&myEllipsoidData.orientation, 0.0, theHeight, 0.0);
    Q3Vector3D_Set(&myEllipsoidData.majorRadius, 0.0, 0.0, theMajRad);  
    Q3Vector3D_Set(&myEllipsoidData.minorRadius, theMinRad, 0.0, 0.0);  
    myObject = Q3Ellipsoid_New(&myEllipsoidData);
    if (myObject != NULL) {
        myGroup = VR3DObjects_CreateDefaultGroup(myObject);
        if (myGroup != NULL) {
            VR3DObjects_SetSubdivisionStyle(myGroup, 20);   // set a finer subdivision style
            VRScript_Enlist3DObject(theWindowObject, myGroup, theEntryID, theX, theY, theZ, theOptions);
// VR3DObjects_EnlistTorus
// Add a torus to the list of 3D objects.
void VR3DObjects_EnlistTorus (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryID, float theX, float theY, float theZ, float theMajRad, float theMinRad, float theHeight, float theRatio, UInt32 theOptions)
    TQ3TorusData            myTorusData;
    TQ3GeometryObject       myObject;
    TQ3GroupObject          myGroup;
    myTorusData.torusAttributeSet = NULL;
    myTorusData.interiorAttributeSet = NULL;
    myTorusData.caps = 0L;
    myTorusData.ratio = theRatio;
    Q3Point3D_Set(&myTorusData.origin, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    Q3Vector3D_Set(&myTorusData.orientation, 0.0, theHeight, 0.0);
    Q3Vector3D_Set(&myTorusData.majorRadius, 0.0, 0.0, theMajRad);  
    Q3Vector3D_Set(&myTorusData.minorRadius, theMinRad, 0.0, 0.0);  
    myObject = Q3Torus_New(&myTorusData);
    if (myObject != NULL) {
        myGroup = VR3DObjects_CreateDefaultGroup(myObject);
        if (myGroup != NULL) {
            VR3DObjects_SetSubdivisionStyle(myGroup, 20);   // set a finer subdivision style
            VRScript_Enlist3DObject(theWindowObject, myGroup, theEntryID, theX, theY, theZ, theOptions);
// VR3DObjects_EnlistRectangle
// Add a rectangle to the list of 3D objects.
// This is intended to serve as a "screen" for texture-mapped movies or pictures.
void VR3DObjects_EnlistRectangle (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryID, float theX, float theY, float theZ,
                                    float theX1, float theY1, float theZ1, 
                                    float theX2, float theY2, float theZ2, 
                                    float theX3, float theY3, float theZ3, 
                                    float theX4, float theY4, float theZ4, UInt32 theOptions)
    TQ3PolyhedronData           myPolyData;
    static TQ3Vertex3D          myVertices[4];
    static TQ3Param2D           myUVParams[4] = {
                                    {0.0, 0.0},
                                    {0.0, 1.0},
                                    {1.0, 1.0},
                                    {1.0, 0.0}
    TQ3PolyhedronTriangleData   myTriangles[2] = {
                                    { { 0, 1, 3 }, kQ3PolyhedronEdge01 | kQ3PolyhedronEdge20, NULL },
                                    { { 1, 2, 3 }, kQ3PolyhedronEdge01 | kQ3PolyhedronEdge12, NULL }
    unsigned long               myIndex;
    TQ3GeometryObject           myObject;
    TQ3GroupObject              myGroup;
    // set up vertices, edges, and triangular faces
    Q3Point3D_Set(&myVertices[0].point, theX1, theY1, theZ1);
    Q3Point3D_Set(&myVertices[1].point, theX2, theY2, theZ2);
    Q3Point3D_Set(&myVertices[2].point, theX3, theY3, theZ3);
    Q3Point3D_Set(&myVertices[3].point, theX4, theY4, theZ4);
    myVertices[0].attributeSet = NULL;
    myVertices[1].attributeSet = NULL;
    myVertices[2].attributeSet = NULL;
    myVertices[3].attributeSet = NULL;
    myPolyData.numVertices = 4;
    myPolyData.vertices = myVertices;   
    myPolyData.numEdges = 0;
    myPolyData.edges = NULL;
    myPolyData.numTriangles = 2;
    myPolyData.triangles = myTriangles;
    // add uv parameterization to the polyhedron
    for (myIndex = 0; myIndex < myPolyData.numVertices; myIndex++) {                    
        myVertices[myIndex].attributeSet = Q3AttributeSet_New();
        Q3AttributeSet_Add(myVertices[myIndex].attributeSet, kQ3AttributeTypeSurfaceUV, &myUVParams[myIndex]);
    myPolyData.polyhedronAttributeSet = NULL;       // inherit the attribute set from the current state
    myObject = Q3Polyhedron_New(&myPolyData);
    if (myObject != NULL) {
        myGroup = VR3DObjects_CreateDefaultGroup(myObject);
        if (myGroup != NULL)
            VRScript_Enlist3DObject(theWindowObject, myGroup, theEntryID, theX, theY, theZ, theOptions);
// VR3DObjects_Enlist3DMFFile
// Open a 3DMF file and add it to the list of 3D objects.
void VR3DObjects_Enlist3DMFFile (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryID, float theX, float theY, float theZ, UInt32 theOptions, char *thePathName)
    TQ3GroupObject          myGroup;
    myGroup = VR3DObjects_GetModelFromFile(thePathName);
    if (myGroup != NULL) 
        VRScript_Enlist3DObject(theWindowObject, myGroup, theEntryID, theX, theY, theZ, theOptions);
// VR3DObjects_CreateDefaultGroup
// Return a default model containing the specified object.
TQ3GroupObject VR3DObjects_CreateDefaultGroup (TQ3GeometryObject theObject)
    TQ3GroupObject          myGroup;
    // create a new display group
    myGroup = Q3DisplayGroup_New();
    if (myGroup != NULL) {
        TQ3ShaderObject         myIlluminationShader;
        // create an illumination shader    
        myIlluminationShader = Q3PhongIllumination_New();
        if (myIlluminationShader != NULL) {
            TQ3AttributeSet         myAttributeSet;
            // add the illumination shader to our display group 
            Q3Group_AddObject(myGroup, myIlluminationShader);
            // add the default diffuse color to the group
            myAttributeSet = Q3AttributeSet_New();
            Q3AttributeSet_Add(myAttributeSet, kQ3AttributeTypeDiffuseColor, &k3DObjColor);
            Q3Group_AddObject(myGroup, myAttributeSet);
            // add the geometry object to the group
            Q3Group_AddObject(myGroup, theObject);
            // dispose of the objects we've added to the group
            if (myIlluminationShader != NULL) 
    if (theObject != NULL) 
// VR3DObjects_CreateView
// Return a view object for the QD3D objects in our model.
TQ3ViewObject VR3DObjects_CreateView (GWorldPtr theGWorld)
    TQ3Status               myStatus;
    TQ3ViewObject           myView;
    TQ3DrawContextObject    myDrawContext;
    TQ3RendererObject       myRenderer;
    TQ3CameraObject         myCamera;
    TQ3GroupObject          myLights;
    // create a new view object
    myView = Q3View_New();
    if (myView == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // create and set draw context
    myDrawContext = VR3DObjects_CreateDrawContext(theGWorld);
    if (myDrawContext == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myStatus = Q3View_SetDrawContext(myView, myDrawContext);
    if (myStatus == kQ3Failure)
        goto bail;
    // create and set renderer
    myRenderer = Q3Renderer_NewFromType(kQ3RendererTypeInteractive);
    if (myRenderer == NULL) {
        myRenderer = Q3Renderer_NewFromType(kQ3RendererTypeWireFrame);
    } else {
        // these two lines allow us to use the best possible renderer,
        // including hardware if it is installed.
        Q3InteractiveRenderer_SetDoubleBufferBypass(myRenderer, kQ3True);                       
        Q3InteractiveRenderer_SetPreferences(myRenderer, kQAVendor_BestChoice, 0);
    if (myRenderer == NULL) 
        goto bail;
    myStatus = Q3View_SetRenderer(myView, myRenderer);
    if (myStatus == kQ3Failure)
        goto bail;
    // create and set camera
    myCamera = VR3DObjects_CreateCamera(theGWorld);
    if (myCamera == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myStatus = Q3View_SetCamera(myView, myCamera);
    if (myStatus == kQ3Failure)
        goto bail;
    // create and set lights
    myLights = VR3DObjects_CreateLights();
    if (myLights == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myStatus = Q3View_SetLightGroup(myView, myLights);
    if (myStatus == kQ3Failure)
        goto bail;
    // if any of the above creations failed, don't return a view
// VR3DObjects_CreateLights
// Return a light group object for the QD3D objects in our model.
// For displaying embedded movies, we need just the ambient light.
TQ3GroupObject VR3DObjects_CreateLights (void)
    TQ3GroupPosition            myGroupPosition;
    TQ3GroupObject              myLightList;
    TQ3LightData                myLightData;
    TQ3PointLightData           myPointLightData;
    TQ3DirectionalLightData     myDirectionalLightData;
    TQ3LightObject              myAmbientLight, myPointLight, myFillLight;
    TQ3Point3D                  myPointLocation =   {-10.0, 0.0, 10.0};
    TQ3Vector3D                 myFillDirection =   {10.0, 0.0, 10.0};
    TQ3ColorRGB                 myWhiteLight =      {1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F};
    // create the ambient light
    myLightData.isOn = kQ3True;
    myLightData.color = myWhiteLight;
    myLightData.brightness = 1.0F;
    myAmbientLight = Q3AmbientLight_New(&myLightData);
    if (myAmbientLight == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // create a point light
    myLightData.brightness = 1.0F;
    myPointLightData.lightData = myLightData;
    myPointLightData.castsShadows = kQ3False;
    myPointLightData.attenuation = kQ3AttenuationTypeNone;
    myPointLightData.location = myPointLocation;
    myPointLight = Q3PointLight_New(&myPointLightData);
    if (myPointLight == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // create a directional light for fill
    myLightData.brightness = 0.2F;
    myDirectionalLightData.lightData = myLightData;
    myDirectionalLightData.castsShadows = kQ3False;
    myDirectionalLightData.direction = myFillDirection;
    myFillLight = Q3DirectionalLight_New(&myDirectionalLightData);
    if (myFillLight == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // create a light group and add each of the lights to the group
    myLightList = Q3LightGroup_New();
    if (myLightList == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myGroupPosition = Q3Group_AddObject(myLightList, myAmbientLight);
    if (myGroupPosition == 0)
        goto bail;
    myGroupPosition = Q3Group_AddObject(myLightList, myPointLight);
    if (myGroupPosition == 0)
        goto bail;
    myGroupPosition = Q3Group_AddObject(myLightList, myFillLight);
    if (myGroupPosition == 0)
        goto bail;
    // if any of the above creations failed, don't return a light group
// VR3DObjects_CreateDrawContext
// Return a draw context object for the QD3D objects in our model.
TQ3DrawContextObject VR3DObjects_CreateDrawContext (GWorldPtr theGWorld)
    TQ3DrawContextObject        myDrawContext;
    TQ3PixmapDrawContextData    myPixMapDrawContextData;
    TQ3DrawContextData          myDrawContextData;
    PixMapHandle                myPixMap;
    Rect                        myRect;
    TQ3ColorARGB                myClearColor;
    float                       myFactor = 0xffff;
    if (theGWorld == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // set the background color;
    // note that RGBColor is defined in the range 0-65535,
    // while TQ3ColorARGB is defined in the range 0.0-1.0; hence the division....
    myClearColor.a = 0.0;
    myClearColor.r = k3DChromaColor.red / myFactor;
    myClearColor.g = k3DChromaColor.green / myFactor;
    myClearColor.b = k3DChromaColor.blue / myFactor;
    // fill in draw context data
    myDrawContextData.clearImageMethod = kQ3ClearMethodWithColor;
    myDrawContextData.clearImageColor = myClearColor;
    myDrawContextData.paneState = kQ3False;
    myDrawContextData.maskState = kQ3False;
    myDrawContextData.doubleBufferState = kQ3False;
    myPixMapDrawContextData.drawContextData = myDrawContextData;
    // the pixmap must remain locked in memory for as long as it exists
    myPixMap = GetGWorldPixMap(theGWorld);
    myRect = theGWorld->portRect;
    myPixMapDrawContextData.pixmap.width = myRect.right - myRect.left;
    myPixMapDrawContextData.pixmap.height = myRect.bottom - myRect.top;
    myPixMapDrawContextData.pixmap.rowBytes = (unsigned long)QTGetPixMapHandleRowBytes(myPixMap)
    myPixMapDrawContextData.pixmap.pixelType = kQ3PixelTypeRGB32;
    myPixMapDrawContextData.pixmap.pixelSize = 32;
    myPixMapDrawContextData.pixmap.bitOrder = kQ3EndianBig;
    myPixMapDrawContextData.pixmap.byteOrder = kQ3EndianBig;
    myPixMapDrawContextData.pixmap.image = GetPixBaseAddr(myPixMap);
    // create draw context and return it
    myDrawContext = Q3PixmapDrawContext_New(&myPixMapDrawContextData);
// VR3DObjects_CreateCamera
// Return a camera object for the QD3D objects in our model.
// Note that some of the initial values are wrong and will soon be reset (in InitApplicationWindowObject).
TQ3CameraObject VR3DObjects_CreateCamera (CGrafPtr thePort)
    TQ3CameraObject                 myCamera;
    TQ3ViewAngleAspectCameraData    myCameraData;
    TQ3Point3D                      myFrom      = kCameraOrigin;
    TQ3Point3D                      myTo        = kPointOfInterest;
    TQ3Vector3D                     myUp        = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0};
    float                           myFOV       = 1.00;             // initial FOV really depends on QTVR instance, so we reset this later
    float                           myHither    = (float)0.01;
    float                           myYon       = 1000.0;
    myCameraData.cameraData.placement.cameraLocation = myFrom;
    myCameraData.cameraData.placement.pointOfInterest = myTo;
    myCameraData.cameraData.placement.upVector = myUp;
    myCameraData.cameraData.range.hither = myHither;
    myCameraData.cameraData.range.yon = myYon;
    // the default camera view port
    myCameraData.cameraData.viewPort.origin.x = -1.0F;
    myCameraData.cameraData.viewPort.origin.y = 1.0F;
    myCameraData.cameraData.viewPort.width = 2.0F;
    myCameraData.cameraData.viewPort.height = 2.0F;
    // some default FOV and aspect ratio values
    myCameraData.fov = myFOV;
    myCameraData.aspectRatioXToY =
        (float)(thePort->portRect.right - thePort->portRect.left) / 
        (float)(thePort->portRect.bottom - thePort->portRect.top);
    myCamera = Q3ViewAngleAspectCamera_New(&myCameraData);
// VR3DObjects_GetModelAttributeSet
// Get the attribute set of a 3D model.
TQ3AttributeSet VR3DObjects_GetModelAttributeSet (VRScript3DObjPtr thePointer)
    TQ3AttributeSet     myAttributeSet = NULL;
    if ((thePointer != NULL) && (thePointer->fModel != NULL)) {
        TQ3GroupPosition    myPosition;
        // get the position of the attribute set in the group
        Q3Group_GetFirstPositionOfType(thePointer->fModel, kQ3SetTypeAttribute, &myPosition);
        if (myPosition != 0)        // get the attribute set
            Q3Group_GetPositionObject(thePointer->fModel, myPosition, &myAttributeSet);
// VR3DObjects_SetSubdivisionStyle
// Create a subdivision style and add it to the specified group.
void VR3DObjects_SetSubdivisionStyle (TQ3GroupObject theGroup, short theNumDivisions)
    TQ3SubdivisionStyleData     myStyleData;
    TQ3StyleObject              myStyleObject;
    TQ3GroupPosition            myPosition;
    // get the position of the geometry object in the group
    Q3Group_GetFirstPositionOfType(theGroup, kQ3ShapeTypeGeometry, &myPosition);
    // set a subdivision style
    myStyleData.method = kQ3SubdivisionMethodConstant;
    myStyleData.c1 = theNumDivisions;
    myStyleData.c2 = theNumDivisions;
    myStyleObject = Q3SubdivisionStyle_New(&myStyleData);
    Q3Group_AddObjectBefore(theGroup, myPosition, myStyleObject);
// VR3DObjects_SetColor
// Set the diffuse color of a 3D object.
void VR3DObjects_SetColor (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryID, float theRed, float theGreen, float theBlue, UInt32 theOptions)
#pragma unused(theOptions)
    VRScript3DObjPtr    myPointer;
    TQ3AttributeSet     myAttributeSet;
    myPointer = (VRScript3DObjPtr)VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID(theWindowObject, kVREntry_QD3DObject, theEntryID);
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myAttributeSet = VR3DObjects_GetModelAttributeSet(myPointer);
        if (myAttributeSet != NULL) {
            TQ3ColorRGB             myColor;
            // remove the existing diffuse color attribute
            Q3AttributeSet_Clear(myAttributeSet, kQ3AttributeTypeDiffuseColor);
            Q3ColorRGB_Set(&myColor, theRed, theGreen, theBlue);
            Q3AttributeSet_Add(myAttributeSet, kQ3AttributeTypeDiffuseColor, &myColor);
// VR3DObjects_SetTransparency
// Set the transparency level of a 3D object.
void VR3DObjects_SetTransparency (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryID, float theRed, float theGreen, float theBlue, UInt32 theOptions)
#pragma unused(theOptions)
    VRScript3DObjPtr    myPointer;
    TQ3AttributeSet     myAttributeSet;
    myPointer = (VRScript3DObjPtr)VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID(theWindowObject, kVREntry_QD3DObject, theEntryID);
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        myAttributeSet = VR3DObjects_GetModelAttributeSet(myPointer);
        if (myAttributeSet != NULL) {
            TQ3ColorRGB             myColor;
            // remove the existing transparency color attribute
            Q3AttributeSet_Clear(myAttributeSet, kQ3AttributeTypeTransparencyColor);
            Q3ColorRGB_Set(&myColor, theRed, theGreen, theBlue);
            Q3AttributeSet_Add(myAttributeSet, kQ3AttributeTypeTransparencyColor, &myColor);
// VR3DObjects_SetInterpolation
// Set the interpolation style of a 3D object.
void VR3DObjects_SetInterpolation (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryID, UInt32 theStyle, UInt32 theOptions)
#pragma unused(theOptions)
    VRScript3DObjPtr    myPointer;
    myPointer = (VRScript3DObjPtr)VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID(theWindowObject, kVREntry_QD3DObject, theEntryID);
    if (myPointer != NULL) 
        Q3InterpolationStyle_Set(myPointer->fInterpolation, (TQ3InterpolationStyle)theStyle);
// VR3DObjects_SetBackfacing
// Set the backfacing style of a 3D object.
void VR3DObjects_SetBackfacing (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryID, UInt32 theStyle, UInt32 theOptions)
#pragma unused(theOptions)
    VRScript3DObjPtr    myPointer;
    myPointer = (VRScript3DObjPtr)VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID(theWindowObject, kVREntry_QD3DObject, theEntryID);
    if (myPointer != NULL) 
        Q3BackfacingStyle_Set(myPointer->fBackFacing, (TQ3BackfacingStyle)theStyle);
// VR3DObjects_SetFill
// Set the fill style of a 3D object.
void VR3DObjects_SetFill (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryID, UInt32 theStyle, UInt32 theOptions)
#pragma unused(theOptions)
    VRScript3DObjPtr    myPointer;
    myPointer = (VRScript3DObjPtr)VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID(theWindowObject, kVREntry_QD3DObject, theEntryID);
    if (myPointer != NULL) 
        Q3FillStyle_Set(myPointer->fFillStyle, (TQ3FillStyle)theStyle);
// VR3DObjects_SetLocation
// Set the location of a 3D object.
void VR3DObjects_SetLocation (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryID, float theX, float theY, float theZ, UInt32 theOptions)
    VRScript3DObjPtr    myPointer;
    myPointer = (VRScript3DObjPtr)VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID(theWindowObject, kVREntry_QD3DObject, theEntryID);
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        if (theOptions == kVRValue_Relative) {
            myPointer->fGroupCenter.x -= theX;
            myPointer->fGroupCenter.y += theY;
            myPointer->fGroupCenter.z -= theZ;
        } else {
            myPointer->fGroupCenter.x = -1 * theX;
            myPointer->fGroupCenter.y = theY;
            myPointer->fGroupCenter.z = -1 * theZ;
// VR3DObjects_SetRotation
// Set the rotation factors of a 3D object.
void VR3DObjects_SetRotation (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryID, float theX, float theY, float theZ, UInt32 theOptions)
    VRScript3DObjPtr    myPointer;
    myPointer = (VRScript3DObjPtr)VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID(theWindowObject, kVREntry_QD3DObject, theEntryID);
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        if (theOptions == kVRValue_Relative) {
            myPointer->fRotateFactors.x += theX;
            myPointer->fRotateFactors.y += theY;
            myPointer->fRotateFactors.z += theZ;
        } else {
            myPointer->fRotateFactors.x = theX;
            myPointer->fRotateFactors.y = theY;
            myPointer->fRotateFactors.z = theZ;
// VR3DObjects_SetRotationState
// Set the rotation state (on or off) of a 3D object.
void VR3DObjects_SetRotationState (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryID, Boolean theState, UInt32 theOptions)
#pragma unused(theOptions)
    VRScript3DObjPtr    myPointer;
    myPointer = (VRScript3DObjPtr)VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID(theWindowObject, kVREntry_QD3DObject, theEntryID);
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        if (theState == kVRState_Toggle)
            theState = !(myPointer->fModelIsAnimated);
        myPointer->fModelIsAnimated = theState;
// VR3DObjects_SetVisibleState
// Set the visibility state (on or off) of a 3D object.
void VR3DObjects_SetVisibleState (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryID, Boolean theState, UInt32 theOptions)
#pragma unused(theOptions)
    VRScript3DObjPtr    myPointer;
    myPointer = (VRScript3DObjPtr)VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID(theWindowObject, kVREntry_QD3DObject, theEntryID);
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        if (theState == kVRState_Toggle)
            theState = !(myPointer->fModelIsVisible);
        myPointer->fModelIsVisible = theState;
// VR3DObjects_SetTexture
// Set the texture of a 3D object.
void VR3DObjects_SetTexture (WindowObject theWindowObject, UInt32 theEntryID, Boolean isMovie, UInt32 theOptions, char *thePathName)
#pragma unused(theOptions)
    VRScript3DObjPtr    myPointer;
    myPointer = (VRScript3DObjPtr)VRScript_GetObjectByEntryID(theWindowObject, kVREntry_QD3DObject, theEntryID);
    if (myPointer != NULL) {
        // delete any existing texture structure, since we'll soon create another one   
        if (myPointer->fTexture != NULL) {
            myPointer->fTexture = NULL;
        myPointer->fTextureIsMovie = isMovie;
        myPointer->fTexture = VR3DTexture_New(thePathName, isMovie);
        if (myPointer->fTexture != NULL)
            VR3DTexture_AddToGroup(myPointer->fTexture, myPointer->fModel);
// VR3DObjects_AnimateModel
// Animate the QuickDraw 3D model.
void VR3DObjects_AnimateModel (VRScript3DObjPtr thePointer)
    TQ3Matrix4x4        myMatrix;
    TQ3Vector3D         myVector;
    if (thePointer != NULL) {       
        // rotate the object around the local x axis
        Q3Vector3D_Set(&myVector, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        Q3Matrix4x4_SetRotateAboutAxis(&myMatrix, &(thePointer->fGroupCenter), &myVector, thePointer->fRotateFactors.x);
        Q3Matrix4x4_Multiply(&(thePointer->fRotation), &myMatrix, &(thePointer->fRotation));
        // rotate the object around the local y axis
        Q3Vector3D_Set(&myVector, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
        Q3Matrix4x4_SetRotateAboutAxis(&myMatrix, &(thePointer->fGroupCenter), &myVector, thePointer->fRotateFactors.y);
        Q3Matrix4x4_Multiply(&(thePointer->fRotation), &myMatrix, &(thePointer->fRotation));
        // rotate the object around the local z axis
        Q3Vector3D_Set(&myVector, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
        Q3Matrix4x4_SetRotateAboutAxis(&myMatrix, &(thePointer->fGroupCenter), &myVector, thePointer->fRotateFactors.z);
        Q3Matrix4x4_Multiply(&(thePointer->fRotation), &myMatrix, &(thePointer->fRotation));
// VR3DObjects_DrawModel
// Draw any QuickDraw 3D models into the (offscreen GWorld) pixmap draw context.
// This routine is called only in the prescreen buffer imaging complete procedure.
TQ3Status VR3DObjects_DrawModel (WindowObject theWindowObject)
    ApplicationDataHdl  myAppData;
    TQ3Status           myStatus = kQ3Failure;
    TQ3ViewObject       myView;
    VRScript3DObjPtr    myPointer;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);    
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myView = (**myAppData).fView;
    if (myView == NULL)
    // if the camera needs to be updated, do so now
    if ((**myAppData).fViewHasChanged)
    // our rendering loop
    myStatus = Q3View_StartRendering(myView);
    if (myStatus != kQ3Failure)
        do {
            // walk our linked list of 3D objects and render any visible objects,
            // after updating any object-specific properties 
            myPointer = (VRScript3DObjPtr)(**myAppData).fListArray[kVREntry_QD3DObject];
            while (myPointer != NULL) {
                if (myPointer->fModelIsVisible) {
                    // if there is an active movie texture, advance the movie to the next frame
                    if (myPointer->fTexture)
                        if (myPointer->fTextureIsMovie)
                    // if animation is active, animate the model
                    if (myPointer->fModelIsAnimated)
                    // submit the model
                    VR3DObjects_SubmitModel(myPointer, myView);
                myPointer = myPointer->fNextEntry;
        } while (Q3View_EndRendering(myView) == kQ3ViewStatusRetraverse);
    // wait until the rendering is completed...
// VR3DObjects_SubmitModel
// Submit a QuickDraw 3D model for rendering, picking, bounding, or writing.
TQ3Status VR3DObjects_SubmitModel (VRScript3DObjPtr thePointer, TQ3ViewObject theView)
    TQ3Vector3D     myTranslate;
    TQ3Vector3D     myScale;
    if (thePointer != NULL) {
        myTranslate = *(TQ3Vector3D *) &(thePointer->fGroupCenter);
        myScale.x = myScale.y = myScale.z = thePointer->fGroupScale;
        Q3Style_Submit(thePointer->fInterpolation, theView);
        Q3Style_Submit(thePointer->fBackFacing, theView);
        Q3Style_Submit(thePointer->fFillStyle, theView);
        Q3MatrixTransform_Submit(&(thePointer->fRotation), theView);
        Q3TranslateTransform_Submit(&myTranslate, theView);
        Q3ScaleTransform_Submit(&myScale, theView);
        Q3DisplayGroup_Submit(thePointer->fModel, theView);
// VR3DObjects_GetModelFromFile
// Open a model contained in a 3DMF file.
TQ3GroupObject VR3DObjects_GetModelFromFile (char *thePathName)
    TQ3StorageObject    myStorage;
    TQ3GroupObject      myModel;
    OSErr               myErr = noErr;
    FSSpec              myFSSpec;
    short               myRefNum;
    // for Macintosh, open the file and create a Mac storage object
    FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0L, c2pstr(thePathName), &myFSSpec);
    myErr = FSpOpenDF(&myFSSpec, fsRdPerm, &myRefNum);
    if (myErr == noErr)
        myStorage = Q3MacintoshStorage_New(myRefNum);
    // for Windows, create a UNIX pathname storage object (Q3UnixPathStorage_New calls fopen internally)
    myStorage = Q3UnixPathStorage_New(thePathName);
    if (myStorage != NULL) {
        TQ3FileObject       myFile;
        TQ3Status           myStatus;
        TQ3Object           myObject;
        TQ3Boolean          isEOF;
        // create a file object
        myFile = Q3File_New();
        if (myFile == NULL)
        // associate the storage with the file
        Q3File_SetStorage(myFile, myStorage);
        // read the drawable objects from the file object into a new group
        myModel = Q3DisplayGroup_New();
        if (myModel != NULL) {
            myStatus = Q3File_OpenRead(myFile, NULL);
            if (myStatus == kQ3Success) {
                do {
                    myObject = Q3File_ReadObject(myFile);
                    // if object read is not NULL, then process object
                    if (myObject != NULL) {
                        if (Q3Object_IsDrawable(myObject))
                            Q3Group_AddObject(myModel, myObject);
                    // check to see whether we've reached the end of file yet
                    isEOF = Q3File_IsEndOfFile(myFile);
                } while (isEOF == kQ3False);
        // close the file object
    // apply illumination shader to model
    myModel = VR3DObjects_CreateDefaultGroup(myModel);
    // close the file, since we've got the data we need
    // no action required for UNIX pathname storage
// VR3DObjects_PrescreenRoutine
// Draw the 3D objects into the current graphics world.
void VR3DObjects_PrescreenRoutine (QTVRInstance theInstance, WindowObject theWindowObject)
#pragma unused(theInstance)
    ApplicationDataHdl  myAppData;
    CGrafPtr            myGWorld;
    GDHandle            myGDevice;
    PixMapHandle        mySrcPixMap;
    PixMapHandle        myDstPixMap;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    // render any objects into the pixmap draw context
    // get the current graphics world
    // (on entry, the current graphics world is set to the prescreen buffer)
    GetGWorld(&myGWorld, &myGDevice);
    mySrcPixMap = GetGWorldPixMap((**myAppData).fQD3DDCGWorld);
    myDstPixMap = GetGWorldPixMap(myGWorld);
    // we don't need to lock the source pixel map, since it was locked when the draw context was created
    // copy the rendered image to the current graphics world
             srcCopy | transparent, 
// VR3DObjects_SetCamera
// Set the FOV of the 3D camera associated with the specified window object;
// then set the point-of-interest and the location of the 3D camera.
void VR3DObjects_SetCamera (WindowObject theWindowObject)
    ApplicationDataHdl      myAppData;
    TQ3ViewObject           myView;
    TQ3CameraObject         myCamera;
    TQ3CameraPlacement      myCameraPos;
    QTVRInstance            myInstance;
    if (theWindowObject == NULL)
    // get the QTVR instance associated with the specified window
    myInstance = (**theWindowObject).fInstance;
    if (myInstance == NULL)
    // get the view object associated with the specified window
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);    
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    myView = (**myAppData).fView;
    // get the camera associated with the view object
    Q3View_GetCamera(myView, &myCamera);
    if (myCamera != NULL) {
        float               myFOV, myPan, myTilt;
        TQ3Point3D          myPoint;
        TQ3Vector3D         myUpVector;
        // set the camera's field of view
        myFOV = QTVRGetFieldOfView(myInstance);
        if ((**myAppData).fQD3DFOVIsVert) {
            Q3ViewAngleAspectCamera_SetFOV(myCamera, myFOV);
        } else {
            float           myRatio;
            Q3ViewAngleAspectCamera_GetAspectRatio(myCamera, &myRatio);
            Q3ViewAngleAspectCamera_SetFOV(myCamera, myFOV * myRatio);
        // get the camera's current pan and tilt angles
        myPan = QTVRGetPanAngle(myInstance);
        myTilt = QTVRGetTiltAngle(myInstance);
        // calculate the new point-of-interest
        myPoint.x = sin(myPan) * cos(myTilt) * k3DObjectDistance;
        myPoint.y = sin(myTilt) * k3DObjectDistance;
        myPoint.z = cos(myPan) * cos(myTilt) * k3DObjectDistance;
        // calculate the new up vector of the camera
        myUpVector.x = -sin(myTilt) * sin(myPan);
        myUpVector.y = +cos(myTilt);
        myUpVector.z = -sin(myTilt) * cos(myPan);
        Q3Vector3D_Normalize(&myUpVector, &myUpVector);
        Q3Camera_GetPlacement(myCamera, &myCameraPos);
        myCameraPos.upVector = myUpVector;
        myCameraPos.pointOfInterest = myPoint;
        myCameraPos.cameraLocation = kCameraOrigin;
        Q3Camera_SetPlacement(myCamera, &myCameraPos);
        // update the QD3D camera
        Q3View_SetCamera(myView, myCamera);
// VR3DObjects_SetCameraAspectRatio
// Adjust the aspect ratio of the QuickDraw 3D camera based on current window shape.
void VR3DObjects_SetCameraAspectRatio (WindowObject theWindowObject)
    ApplicationDataHdl              myAppData;
    TQ3ViewObject                   myView;
    TQ3CameraObject                 myCamera;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);    
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    // get the window's view and camera objects
    myView = (**myAppData).fView;
    Q3View_GetCamera(myView, &myCamera);
    // adjust the aspect ratio of the camera
    if (myCamera != NULL) {
        Rect                        myRect;
        float                       myRatio;
        // get the size of the specified window
        if ((**theWindowObject).fMovie != NULL)
            GetMovieBox((**theWindowObject).fMovie, &myRect);
        // calculate the aspect ratio of the movie rectangle
        myRatio = (float)(myRect.right - myRect.left) / (float)(myRect.bottom - myRect.top);
        // determine whether QD3D FOV is horizontal or vertical
        (**myAppData).fQD3DFOVIsVert = (myRatio >= 1.0);
        // adjust camera's aspect ratio
        Q3ViewAngleAspectCamera_SetAspectRatio(myCamera, myRatio);
// VR3DObjects_UpdateDrawContext
// Delete current QD3D draw context and create a new one based on current window size.
void VR3DObjects_UpdateDrawContext (WindowObject theWindowObject)
    ApplicationDataHdl              myAppData;
    TQ3ViewObject                   myView;
    TQ3DrawContextObject            myDrawContext;
    CGrafPtr                        mySavedPort;
    GDHandle                        mySavedDevice;
    Rect                            myRect;
    OSErr                           myErr = noErr;
    myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject);    
    if (myAppData == NULL)
    // lock the application data handle
    // get the size of the movie in the specified window
    if ((**theWindowObject).fMovie != NULL)
        GetMovieBox((**theWindowObject).fMovie, &myRect);
    // get the current drawing environment
    GetGWorld(&mySavedPort, &mySavedDevice);
    // update the pixmap draw context GWorld: dispose of the existing one and then allocate a new one
    (**myAppData).fQD3DDCGWorld = NULL;
    myErr = QTNewGWorld(&(**myAppData).fQD3DDCGWorld, kOffscreenPixelType, &myRect, NULL, NULL, kICMTempThenAppMemory);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // get the window's view and draw context objects
    myView = (**myAppData).fView;
    Q3View_GetDrawContext(myView, &myDrawContext);
    // associate the new GWorld with the QD3D draw context
    if (myDrawContext != NULL) {
        // get rid of existing draw context 
        // create and set new draw context
        myDrawContext = VR3DObjects_CreateDrawContext((**myAppData).fQD3DDCGWorld);
        Q3View_SetDrawContext(myView, myDrawContext);
    // restore the original drawing environment
    SetGWorld(mySavedPort, mySavedDevice);
// VR3DObjects_DumpEntryMem
// Release any memory associated with the specified list entry.
void VR3DObjects_DumpEntryMem (VRScript3DObjPtr theEntry)
    if (theEntry != NULL) {
        if (theEntry->fModel)
        if (theEntry->fInterpolation)
        if (theEntry->fBackFacing)
        if (theEntry->fFillStyle)
#endif  // QD3D_AVAIL