
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This file contains the DataExtension class. The DataExtension class is a sub-class of NEFilterDataProvider, and implements a network content filter.
import NetworkExtension
import SimpleTunnelServices
/// A NEFilterDataProvider sub-class that implements a simple network content filter.
class DataExtension: NEFilterDataProvider {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// A record of where in a particular flow the filter is looking.
    var flowOffSetMapping = [URL: Int]()
    /// The list of flows that should be blocked after fetching new rules.
    var blockNeedRules = [String]()
    /// The list of flows that should be allowed after fetching new rules.
    var allowNeedRules = [String]()
    // MARK: NEFilterDataProvider
    /// Handle a new flow of data.
    override func handleNewFlow(_ flow: NEFilterFlow) -> NEFilterNewFlowVerdict {
        var result = NEFilterNewFlowVerdict.allow()
        simpleTunnelLog("handleNewFlow called for flow: \(flow)")
        // Look for a matching rule in the current set of rules.
        let (ruleType, hostname, hostNameRule) = FilterUtilities.getRule(flow)
        switch ruleType {
            case .block:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to be blocked")
                result = NEFilterNewFlowVerdict.drop()
            case .remediate:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set for remediation")
                if let remediationKey = hostNameRule["kRemediateKey"], let remediateButtonKey = hostNameRule["kRemediateButtonKey"] {
                    result = NEFilterNewFlowVerdict.remediateVerdict(withRemediationURLMapKey: remediationKey as! String, remediationButtonTextMapKey: remediateButtonKey as! String)
                else {
                    result = NEFilterNewFlowVerdict.remediateVerdict(withRemediationURLMapKey: "Remediate1", remediationButtonTextMapKey: "RemediateButton1")
            case .allow:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to be Allowed")
                result = NEFilterNewFlowVerdict.allow()
            case .redirectToSafeURL:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to the redirected")
                if let redirectKey = hostNameRule["kRedirectKey"] {
                    simpleTunnelLog("redirect key is \(redirectKey)")
                    result = NEFilterNewFlowVerdict.urlAppendStringVerdict(withMapKey: redirectKey as! String)
                else {
                    simpleTunnelLog("Falling back to default redirect key")
                    result = NEFilterNewFlowVerdict.urlAppendStringVerdict(withMapKey: "SafeYes")
            case .needMoreRulesAndBlock, .needMoreRulesAndAllow, .needMoreRulesFromDataAndAllow, .needMoreRulesFromDataAndBlock:
                simpleTunnelLog("Setting the need rules verdict")
                result = NEFilterNewFlowVerdict.needRules()
                simpleTunnelLog("rule number \(ruleType) doesn't match with the current ruleset")
        return result
    /// Filter an inbound chunk of data.
    override func handleInboundData(from flow: NEFilterFlow, readBytesStartOffset offset: Int, readBytes: Data) -> NEFilterDataVerdict {
        var result = NEFilterDataVerdict.allow()
        simpleTunnelLog("handleInboundDataFromFlow called for flow \(flow)")
        // Look for a matching rule in the current set of rules.
        let (ruleType, hostname, hostNameRule) = FilterUtilities.getRule(flow)
        switch ruleType {
            case .block:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to be blocked")
            case .needMoreRulesAndBlock:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to need rules and blocked")
            case .needMoreRulesAndAllow:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to need rules and allow")
            case .needMoreRulesFromDataAndAllow:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to need rules and let the data provider allow")
                if let hostnameIndex = allowNeedRules.index(of: hostname) {
                    allowNeedRules.remove(at: hostnameIndex)
                    simpleTunnelLog("Allowing \(hostname) since need rules response returned")
                else {
                    simpleTunnelLog("Need rules verdict set")
                    result = NEFilterDataVerdict.needRules()
            case .needMoreRulesFromDataAndBlock:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to need rules and let the data provider block")
                if let hostnameIndex = blockNeedRules.index(of: hostname) {
                    blockNeedRules.remove(at: hostnameIndex)
                    simpleTunnelLog("Blocking \(hostname) since need rules response returned")
                    result = NEFilterDataVerdict.drop()
                else {
                    result = NEFilterDataVerdict.needRules()
            case .examineData:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to check for more data")
            case .redirectToSafeURL:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set for URL redirection")
            case .remediate:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set for remediation")
                if let remediationKey = hostNameRule["kRemediationKey"] as? String {
                    result = NEFilterDataVerdict.remediateVerdict(withRemediationURLMapKey: remediationKey, remediationButtonTextMapKey: remediationKey)
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set for unknown rule type")
        return result
    /// Handle the event where all of the inbound data for a flow has been filtered.
    override func handleInboundDataComplete(for flow: NEFilterFlow) -> NEFilterDataVerdict {
        var result = NEFilterDataVerdict.allow()
        simpleTunnelLog("handleInboundDataCompleteForFlow called for \(flow)")
        // Look for a matching rule in the current set of rules.
        let (ruleType, hostname, hostNameRule) = FilterUtilities.getRule(flow)
        switch ruleType {
            case .block:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to be blocked")
            case .needMoreRulesAndBlock:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to need rules and blocked")
            case .needMoreRulesAndAllow:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to need rules and allow")
            case .needMoreRulesFromDataAndAllow:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to need rules and let the data provider allow")
            case .needMoreRulesFromDataAndBlock:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to need rules and let the data provider block")
            case .examineData:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to check for more data")
                if let dataComplete = hostNameRule["kDataComplete"]?.boolValue {
                    result = dataComplete ? NEFilterDataVerdict.allow() : NEFilterDataVerdict.drop()
                    simpleTunnelLog("\(result.description) for \(hostname)")
            case .redirectToSafeURL:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set for URL redirection")
            case .remediate:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set for remediation")
                if let remediationKey = hostNameRule["kRemediationKey"] as? String {
                    result = NEFilterDataVerdict.remediateVerdict(withRemediationURLMapKey: remediationKey, remediationButtonTextMapKey: remediationKey)
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set for unknonw rules")
        return result
    /// Filter an outbound chunk of data.
    override func handleOutboundData(from flow: NEFilterFlow, readBytesStartOffset offset: Int, readBytes: Data) -> NEFilterDataVerdict {
        var result = NEFilterDataVerdict.allow()
        simpleTunnelLog("handleOutboundDataFromFlow called for \(flow)")
        // Look for a matching rule in the current set of rules.
        let (ruleType, hostname, hostNameRule) = FilterUtilities.getRule(flow)
        switch ruleType {
            case .block:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to be blocked")
            case .needMoreRulesAndBlock:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to need rules and blocked")
            case .needMoreRulesAndAllow:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to need rules and allow")
            case .needMoreRulesFromDataAndAllow:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to need rules and let the data provider allow")
                if let hostnameIndex = allowNeedRules.index(of: hostname) {
                    allowNeedRules.remove(at: hostnameIndex)
                    simpleTunnelLog("Allowing \(hostname) since need rules response returned")
                    result = NEFilterDataVerdict.allow()
                else {
                    simpleTunnelLog("Need rules verdict set")
                    result = NEFilterDataVerdict.needRules()
            case .needMoreRulesFromDataAndBlock:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to need rules and let the data provider block")
                if let hostnameIndex = blockNeedRules.index(of: hostname) {
                    blockNeedRules.remove(at: hostnameIndex)
                    simpleTunnelLog("Blocking \(hostname) since need rules response returned")
                    result = NEFilterDataVerdict.drop()
                else {
                    result = NEFilterDataVerdict.needRules()
            case .examineData:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to check for more data")
            case .redirectToSafeURL:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set for URL redirection")
            case .remediate:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set for remediation")
                if let remediationKey = hostNameRule["kRemediationKey"] as! String? {
                    return NEFilterDataVerdict.remediateVerdict(withRemediationURLMapKey: remediationKey, remediationButtonTextMapKey: remediationKey)
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set for unknonw rules")
        return result
    /// Handle the event where all of the outbound data for a flow has been filtered.
    override func handleOutboundDataComplete(for flow: NEFilterFlow) -> NEFilterDataVerdict {
        var result = NEFilterDataVerdict.allow()
        simpleTunnelLog("handleOutboundDataCompleteForFlow called for \(flow)")
        // Look for a matching rule in the current set of rules.
        let (ruleType, hostname, hostNameRule) = FilterUtilities.getRule(flow)
        switch ruleType {
            case .block:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to be blocked")
            case .needMoreRulesAndBlock:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to need rules and blocked")
            case .needMoreRulesAndAllow:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to need rules and allow")
            case .needMoreRulesFromDataAndAllow:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to need rules and let the data provider allow")
                if let hostnameIndex = allowNeedRules.index(of: hostname) {
                    allowNeedRules.remove(at: hostnameIndex)
                    simpleTunnelLog("Allowing \(hostname) since need rules response returned")
                    result = NEFilterDataVerdict.allow()
                else {
                    simpleTunnelLog("Need rules verdict set")
                    result = NEFilterDataVerdict.needRules()
            case .needMoreRulesFromDataAndBlock:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to need rules and let the data provider block")
                if let hostnameIndex = blockNeedRules.index(of: hostname) {
                    blockNeedRules.remove(at: hostnameIndex)
                    simpleTunnelLog("Blocking \(hostname) since need rules response returned")
                    return NEFilterDataVerdict.drop()
                else {
                    result = NEFilterDataVerdict.needRules()
            case .examineData:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set to check for more data")
                if let maxPeekBytes = (hostNameRule["kMaxPeekBytes"] as! NSNumber?)?.intValue,
                    let maxPassBytes = (hostNameRule["kMaxPassBytes"] as! NSNumber?)?.intValue,
                    let peekInterval = (hostNameRule["kPeekInterval"] as! NSNumber?)?.intValue,
                    let url = flow.url,
                    let peekOffset = flowOffSetMapping[url]
                    simpleTunnelLog("peek offset is \(peekOffset)")
                    let newPeekOffset = peekOffset + peekInterval
                    flowOffSetMapping[url] = newPeekOffset
                    simpleTunnelLog("new peek offset is \(newPeekOffset)")
                    let dataPassBytes = ((maxPeekBytes >= 0 && maxPassBytes < peekOffset) ? maxPassBytes : peekOffset)
                    let dataPeekBytes = ((maxPeekBytes >= 0 && maxPeekBytes < newPeekOffset) ? maxPeekBytes : newPeekOffset)
                    result = NEFilterDataVerdict(passBytes: dataPassBytes, peekBytes: dataPeekBytes)
            case .redirectToSafeURL:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set for URL redirection")
            case .remediate:
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set for remediation")
                if let remediationKey = hostNameRule["kRemediationKey"] as? String {
                    result = NEFilterDataVerdict.remediateVerdict(withRemediationURLMapKey: remediationKey, remediationButtonTextMapKey: remediationKey)
                simpleTunnelLog("\(hostname) is set for unknonw rules")
        return result
    /// Handle the user tapping on the "Request Access" link in the block page.
    override func handleRemediation(for flow: NEFilterFlow) -> NEFilterRemediationVerdict {
        simpleTunnelLog("handleRemediationForFlow called: Allow verdict")
        return NEFilterRemediationVerdict.allow()