
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This file contains the OnDemandRuleAddEditController class, which controls a view that is used to create or edit a Connect On Demand rule.
import UIKit
import NetworkExtension
// MARK: Extensions
/// Make NEOnDemandRuleAction convertible to a string
extension NEOnDemandRuleAction: CustomStringConvertible {
    public var description: String {
        switch self {
            case .connect: return "Connect"
            case .disconnect: return "Disconnect"
            case .ignore: return "Maintain"
            case .evaluateConnection: return "Evaluate Connection"
/// Make NEOnDemandRuleInterfaceType convertible to a string
extension NEOnDemandRuleInterfaceType: CustomStringConvertible {
    public var description: String {
        switch self {
            case .any: return "Any"
            case .wiFi: return "Wi-Fi"
            case .cellular: return "Cellular"
            default: return ""
/// A view controller object containing input fields used to create or edit a Connect On Demand rule.
class OnDemandRuleAddEditController: ConfigurationParametersViewController {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// A table view cell that when tapped allows the user to select the rule action.
    @IBOutlet weak var actionCell: UITableViewCell!
    /// A table view cell that when tapped allows the user to define the DNS Search Domains match condition.
    @IBOutlet weak var DNSSearchDomainsCell: UITableViewCell!
    /// A table view cell that when tapped allows the user to define the DNS Server match condition.
    @IBOutlet weak var DNSServersCell: UITableViewCell!
    /// A table view cell that when tapped allows the user to define the network interface type match condition.
    @IBOutlet weak var interfaceTypeCell: UITableViewCell!
    /// A table view cell that when tapped allows the user to define the SSID match condition.
    @IBOutlet weak var SSIDsCell: UITableViewCell!
    /// A table view cell that when tapped allows the user to define the URL probe match condition.
    @IBOutlet weak var URLProbeCell: TextFieldCell!
    /// A table view cell that when tapped allows the user to define the connection match rules.
    @IBOutlet weak var connectionRulesCell: UITableViewCell!
    /// The Connect On Demand rule being added or edited.
    var targetRule: NEOnDemandRule = NEOnDemandRuleEvaluateConnection()
    /// The block to execute when the user finishes editing the rule.
    var addRuleHandler: (NEOnDemandRule) -> Void = { rule in return }
    // MARK: UIViewController
    /// Handle the event when the view is loaded into memory.
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Set up the table cells.
        cells = [
        ].flatMap { $0 }
        URLProbeCell.valueChanged = {
            if let enteredText = self.URLProbeCell.textField.text {
                self.targetRule.probeURL = URL(string: enteredText)
            else {
                self.targetRule.probeURL = nil
    /// Handle the event when the view is being displayed.
    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        // Set the cell contents per the current rule settings.
        actionCell.detailTextLabel?.text = targetRule.action.description
        DNSSearchDomainsCell.detailTextLabel?.text = getDescriptionForStringList(targetRule.dnsSearchDomainMatch, itemDescription: "domain")
        DNSServersCell.detailTextLabel?.text = getDescriptionForStringList(targetRule.dnsServerAddressMatch, itemDescription: "server")
        interfaceTypeCell.detailTextLabel?.text = targetRule.interfaceTypeMatch.description
        SSIDsCell.detailTextLabel?.text = getDescriptionForStringList(targetRule.ssidMatch, itemDescription: "SSID")
        if let evaluateRule = targetRule as? NEOnDemandRuleEvaluateConnection {
            connectionRulesCell.detailTextLabel?.text = getDescriptionForListValue(evaluateRule.connectionRules, itemDescription: "rule", placeHolder: "Required")
        URLProbeCell.textField.text = targetRule.probeURL?.absoluteString ?? nil
    /// Set up the destination view controller of a segue away from this view controller.
    override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
        guard let identifier = segue.identifier else { return }
        switch identifier {
            case "edit-ssids":
                // The user tapped on the SSIDs cell.
                guard let stringListController = segue.destination as? StringListController else { break }
                stringListController.setTargetStrings(targetRule.ssidMatch, title: "Match SSIDs", addTitle: "Add a SSID...") { newSSIDs in
                    self.targetRule.ssidMatch = newSSIDs
            case "edit-interface-type-match":
                // The user tapped on the Interface Type cell.
                guard let enumController = segue.destination as? EnumPickerController else { break }
                let enumValues: [NEOnDemandRuleInterfaceType] = [ .any, .wiFi, .cellular ],
                    stringValues = enumValues.flatMap { $0.description },
                    currentSelection = enumValues.index { $0 == targetRule.interfaceTypeMatch }
                enumController.setValues(stringValues, title: "Interface Type", currentSelection: currentSelection) { newRow in
                    self.targetRule.interfaceTypeMatch = enumValues[newRow]
            case "edit-dns-servers":
                // The user tapped on the DNS Servers cell.
                guard let stringListController = segue.destination as? StringListController else { break }
                stringListController.setTargetStrings(targetRule.dnsServerAddressMatch, title: "Match DNS Servers", addTitle: "Add a server address...") { newAddresses in
                    self.targetRule.dnsServerAddressMatch = newAddresses
            case "edit-dns-search-domains":
                // The user tapped on the DNS Search Domains cell.
                guard let stringListController = segue.destination as? StringListController else { break }
                stringListController.setTargetStrings(targetRule.dnsSearchDomainMatch, title: "Match DNS Search Domains", addTitle: "Add a search domain...") { newStrings in
                    self.targetRule.dnsSearchDomainMatch = newStrings
            case "edit-on-demand-action":
                // The user tapped on the Action cell.
                guard let enumController = segue.destination as? EnumPickerController else { break }
                let enumValues: [NEOnDemandRuleAction] = [ .evaluateConnection, .disconnect, .connect, .ignore ],
                    stringValues = enumValues.flatMap { $0.description },
                    currentSelection = enumValues.index { $0 == targetRule.action }
                enumController.setValues(stringValues, title: "Action", currentSelection: currentSelection) { newRow in
            case "edit-connection-rules":
                // The user tapped on the Connection Rules cell.
                guard let connRuleListController = segue.destination as? ConnectionRuleListController,
                    let rule = targetRule as? NEOnDemandRuleEvaluateConnection
                    else { break }
                if rule.connectionRules == nil {
                    rule.connectionRules = []
                connRuleListController.targetRule = rule
    /// Set the target rule to add or edit, the title of the view, and the block to execute when the user is finished editing the rule.
    func setTargetRule(_ rule: NEOnDemandRule?, title: String, saveRuleHandler: @escaping (NEOnDemandRule) -> Void) {
        if let newRule = rule {
            // Edit a copy of the given rule.
            targetRule = newRule.copy() as! NEOnDemandRule
        } else {
            targetRule = NEOnDemandRuleEvaluateConnection()
        navigationItem.title = title
        addRuleHandler = saveRuleHandler
    /// Set the target rule to a new rule with all the same match conditions as the current target rule, but with a different action.
    func changeTargetRuleType(_ newAction: NEOnDemandRuleAction) {
        guard targetRule.action != newAction else { return }
        let newRule: NEOnDemandRule
        switch newAction {
            case .evaluateConnection:
                newRule = NEOnDemandRuleEvaluateConnection()
            case .connect:
                newRule = NEOnDemandRuleConnect()
            case .disconnect:
                newRule = NEOnDemandRuleDisconnect()
            case .ignore:
                newRule = NEOnDemandRuleIgnore()
        newRule.dnsSearchDomainMatch = targetRule.dnsSearchDomainMatch
        newRule.dnsServerAddressMatch = targetRule.dnsServerAddressMatch
        newRule.interfaceTypeMatch = targetRule.interfaceTypeMatch
        newRule.ssidMatch = targetRule.ssidMatch
        newRule.probeURL = targetRule.probeURL
        targetRule = newRule
    /// Show or hide the connection rules cell based on the action of the target rule.
    func updateConnectionRulesCell() {
        guard let actionIndexPath = self.getIndexPathOfCell(actionCell) else { return }
        if let rulesIndexPath = self.getIndexPathOfCell(connectionRulesCell) {
            // The connection rules cell is being displayed. If the action is not "Evaluate Connection", then remove the connection rules cell.
            if targetRule.action != .evaluateConnection {
                cells.remove(at: (rulesIndexPath as NSIndexPath).row)
                self.tableView.deleteRows(at: [ rulesIndexPath ], with: .bottom)
        } else {
            // The connection rules cell is not being displayed. If the action is "Evaluate Connection", then insert the connection rules cell.
            if targetRule.action == .evaluateConnection {
                cells.insert(connectionRulesCell, at: (actionIndexPath as NSIndexPath).row + 1)
                let indexPaths = [ IndexPath(row: (actionIndexPath as NSIndexPath).row + 1, section: (actionIndexPath as NSIndexPath).section) ]
                self.tableView.insertRows(at: indexPaths, with: .bottom)
    /// Handle the user tapping on the "Done" button.
    @IBAction func saveTargetRule(_ sender: AnyObject) {
        // Transition back to the Connect On Demand rule list view.
        self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "save-on-demand-rule", sender: sender)