
    @header     ApertureExportPlugIn.h
    @copyright  2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.  
    @abstract   Protocol declaration for implementing an Aperture export plug-in.
    @discussion Version 1.5. 
/*Copyright: 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.*/
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <PluginManager/PROAPIAccessing.h>
#import "ApertureExportManager.h"
    @typedef        ApertureExportProgress
    @abstract       Provides values for UI progress display during export.
    @field          currentValue Current progress
    @field          totalValue Total to do.
    @field          message Progress message.
    @field          indeterminateProgress Set to YES to display an indeterminate progress bar.
    @discussion     Aperture uses the values in this structure to display the export progress in the 
                    UI. Aperture starts calling this method after a plug-in calls -shouldBeginExport
                    and stops calling this method after the plug-in calls -shouldFinishExport or 
typedef struct
    unsigned long   currentValue;
    unsigned long   totalValue;
    NSString        *message;
    BOOL            indeterminateProgress;  
} ApertureExportProgress;
    @protocol       ApertureExportPlugIn
    @abstract       Specifies the methods that all Aperture export plug-ins must implement.
    @discussion     Any plug-in that does not implement the entire protocol fails when a user 
                    selects the plug-in. 
@protocol ApertureExportPlugIn
    @method         initWithAPIManager:
    @abstract       Brokers version management between a plug-in and the host application.
    @param          apiManager The ProPlug plug-in manager object.
    @result         An initialized plug-in controller object.
    @discussion     The apiManager object is the protocol broker between a plug-in and the host. It 
                    ensures that a plug-in supporting a particular version of the API is given the host 
                    objects that correspond to this version. A plug-in should call -apiForProtocol on 
                    the apiManager object to obtain a reference to the host export manager for use 
                    throughout the export process. If the plug-in fails to obtain a reference to the 
                    host export manager, it should fail to initialize. 
 - (id)initWithAPIManager:(id<PROAPIAccessing>)apiManager;
    @method         settingsView
    @abstract       Creates an NSBox for plug-in controls.
    @result         The subclass of NSBox that contains all of the plug-ins UI and controls.
    @discussion     Aperture currently limits the size of the export window to 1100px wide by 750px 
                    tall. If the size of the window plus the settings view is too large, Aperture 
                    places the view in the window and then resizes to the maximum. For best results,
                    make sure your settings view can resize if necessary. (This is also useful if 
                    future versions of Aperture change the maximum size.) Visually, plug-ins should 
                    attempt to separate their controls from the items Aperture provides. Placing                    
                    plug-in controls inside an NSBox is generally the best way to do this.
- (NSView *)settingsView;
    @method     firstView
    @abstract   Returns a reference to first item of settingsView.
    @result     Returns a reference to the first item in the tab order of settingsView.
- (NSView *)firstView;
    @method     lastView
    @abstract   Returns a reference to the last item of settingsView.
    @result     Returns a reference to the last item in the tab order of settingsView.   
- (NSView *)lastView;
    @method     willBeActivated
    @abstract   Called when the user displays a plug-in's export UI, or when the export window 
                becomes the active window. 
- (void)willBeActivated;
    @method     willBeDeactivated
    @abstract   Called when a plug-in's export UI is no longer the active view.      
- (void)willBeDeactivated;
    @method     allowsOnlyPlugInPresets
    @abstract   Controls visibility of presets.
    @result     If a plug-in includes a file called "Export Presets.plist" in the Resources folder 
                of its bundle and if this file contains valid definitions for one or more export 
                presets, then these presets are included in the user's export preset list when the 
                plug-in is active and when the user is exporting Versions. If the plug-in also 
                returns YES from this method, then only the supplied presets are visible in the
                list. If the plug-in returns NO from this method, then all the user's existing 
                presets are visible in addition to the plug-in presets. If the plug-in does not 
                provide an "Export Presets.plist" file, or if the file does not contain any 
                valid preset definitions, then the return value of this method  has no effect and 
                Aperture displays the users existing list.   
- (BOOL)allowsOnlyPlugInPresets;
    @method     allowsMasterExport
    @abstract   Controls type of export.
    @result     Returning YES allows the user to export Master images that contain the original, unmodified camera data in its original format. Returning NO allows only Version export.
- (BOOL)allowsMasterExport;
    @method     allowsVersionExport
    @abstract   Controls type of export.
    @result     Returning YES allows the user to export Version images. (Versions contain all modifications and adjustments to an image and are processed with the options contained in the currently-selected Export Preset.) Returning NO means Aperture only allows the export of Master images.
- (BOOL)allowsVersionExport;
    @method     wantsFileNamingControls
    @abstract   Controls visibility of File Naming Policy options.
    @result     Returning YES allows the user to use Aperture's File Naming Policy options to specify the file name and folder hierarchy for exported images. Returning NO hides the File Naming Policy controls on the export window. The UI elements affected include the Export Name Format popup menu, the Custom Name field, and the Example Name field.
- (BOOL)wantsFileNamingControls;
    @method     exportManagerExportTypeDidChange
    @abstract   Alerts plug-in that user has switched type of export.
    @discussion This method indicates that the user has switched between Master and Version export. The plug-in can use -isMasterExport to ask the export manager for the type of export now being used. Because several version images may be based on a single master, the total count of images, along with the properties for each image, may have changed. The plug-in can use -imageCount to get the new image count before calling any other methods on the export manager.
- (void)exportManagerExportTypeDidChange;
    @method     wantsDestinationPathPrompt
    @abstract   Controls user prompt for destination path.
    @result     If this method returns YES, Aperture prompts the user for a destination path for an exported image or images. If this method returns NO, Aperture assumes a valid path is provided by -destinationPath.
- (BOOL)wantsDestinationPathPrompt;
    @method     defaultDirectory
    @abstract   Returns starting directory.
    @return     If the user is prompted for a destination path (-wantsDestinationPathPrompt return YES), this method should return the starting directory for the dialog box.
- (NSString *)defaultDirectory;
    @method     destinationPath
    @abstract   Returns a valid destination path for writing the file.
    @result     A valid destination path when Aperture is writing the file (-exportManagerShouldWriteImageData: returns YES) and when no user prompt is requested (-wantsDestinationPathPrompt returns NO). If nil is returned, and if the plug-in asks Aperture to write image data, it will be written to ~/Pictures/Aperture Exports/.
- (NSString *)destinationPath;
    @method     exportManagerShouldBeginExport
    @abstract   Alerts plug-in that user has clicked Export button.
    @discussion Aperture calls this plug-in method when the user clicks the Export button. The plug-in should perform any UI validations here. When the plug-in is ready to begin the export process, it should call Aperture's -shouldBeginExport method to begin the export process.
- (void)exportManagerShouldBeginExport;
    @method     exportManagerWillBeginExportToPath:
    @abstract   Indicates the base directory where images will be written.
    @param      path The base file system path where images will be written. 
    @discussion The path designations for each image will be relative to this path. The path is provided by the plug-in or by the user, depending on whether the plug-in asked Aperture to display a destination prompt or not. Because the File Naming Policy controls allow the user to specify a hierarchy of export directories based on image data, other export calls may specify a series of subdirectories. The plug-in should retain a reference to this path in order to build the full destination path.
- (void)exportManagerWillBeginExportToPath:(NSString *)path;
    @method     exportManagerShouldExportImageAtIndex:
    @abstract   Gives the plug-in the option to selectively export an image.
    @param      index The index of an image.
    @result     Returning YES causes Aperture to export the image at the specified index. Returning NO does nothing.
    @discussion Aperture generates image data for the specified image, either reading Master data from disk or generating the Version data based on the currently-selected options.
- (BOOL)exportManagerShouldExportImageAtIndex:(unsigned)index;
    @method     exportManagerWillExportImageAtIndex:
    @abstract   Confirms indexed image to be exported.
    @param      index The index of an image.
    @discussion This method confirms the index value that the plug-in returned to -exportManagerShouldExportImageAtIndex:.
- (void)exportManagerWillExportImageAtIndex:(unsigned)index;
    @method     exportManagerShouldWriteImageData:toRelativePath:forImageAtIndex:
    @abstract   Provides option for plug-in itself to handle image data.
    @param      imageData An object containing all the data for an image and the specified index.
    @param      path The relative path where the object should be written. (The base path is set in -exportManagerWillBeginExportToPath:.) The file name is the last component of this parameter.
    @param      index The index for the image.
    @result     Returning YES instructs Aperture to write the image data. Returning NO means the plug-in itself retains the data object and can process the image as appropriate. 
    @discussion This method is called every time the plug-in asks Aperture to export and image. NOTE: This method may be called on a secondary thread.
- (BOOL)exportManagerShouldWriteImageData:(NSData*)imageData 
    @method     exportManagerDidWriteImageDataToRelativePath:forImageAtIndex:
    @abstract   Confirms that Aperture has written an image.
    @param      path The relative path where the object was written.
    @param      index   The index of the specified image.
    @discussion This method is only called if the plug-in returned YES from the -exportManagerShouldWriteImageData: method. NOTE: This method may be called on a secondary thread.
- (void)exportManagerDidWriteImageDataToRelativePath:(NSString *)path 
    @method     exportManagerDidFinishExport
    @abstract   Confirms that Aperture has completed processing all export images.
    @discussion Aperture calls this method once if it has completed generating and (optionally) writing data for the export images requested by the plug-in. Aperture assumes that the plug-in is still performing export operations until the plug-in calls either -shouldCancelExport or -shouldFinishExport. NOTE: This method may be called on a secondary thread.
- (void)exportManagerDidFinishExport;
    @method     exportManagerShouldCancelExport
    @abstract   Indicates that export should be cancelled.
    @discussion Indicates that Aperture has encountered an error, or that the user has clicked the Cancel button. Aperture has stopped exporting image data but waits for the plug-in to signal that it is ready to cancel by calling -shouldCancelExport.  Aperture then cleans up the export or progress windows.
- (void)exportManagerShouldCancelExport;
    @method     progress
    @abstract   Displays progress information.
    @result     A pointer to a valid ApertureExportProgress structure.
    @discussion Aperture uses the values in this structure to display the progress UI. Aperture begins calling this method after the plug-in calls -shouldBeginExport and stops calling this method after the plug-in calls -shouldFinishExport or -shouldCancelExport. 
- (ApertureExportProgress *)progress;
    @method     lockProgress
    @abstract   Locks ApertureExportProgress structures.
    @discussion The plug-in should maintain an NSLock or similar object and perform any necessary locking here. Aperture will always call this method from the main thread before calling -progress.
- (void)lockProgress;
    @method     unlockProgress
    @abstract   Alerts plug-in to unlock objects.
    @discussion The plug-in should maintain an NSLock or similar object and perform any necessary unlocking here. Aperture will always call this method from the main thread after calling -progress.
- (void)unlockProgress;