Direct To Web
- Packages:
- com.webobjects.directtoweb
The Direct to Web class hierarchy has two roots. Most of the classes descend from the WebObjects WOComponent class. The remaining objects descend from the Java Object class. Some classes and interfaces in this framework are private but are declared public and appear in the Java Browser. You should not use, subclass, or replace them.
The public classes within the Direct to Web framework can be grouped as follows:
- Application Level Classes. D2W creates Direct to Web pages and manages application-level settings.
- Component Superclasses. D2WComponent is the superclass of every Direct to Web component that resolves keys using a Direct to Web context, including the Direct to Web pages and the property-level components. D2WPage is the superclass of every Direct to Web page, specifically the Direct to Web template implementation classes.
- Direct to Web Context Class. D2WContext resolves the keys, often with the help of the rule system, for Direct to Web template components and property-level components.
- Direct to Web Template Implementation Classes. D2WConfirmPage, D2WErrorPage, D2WInspectPage, D2WListPage, D2WMasterDetailPage, D2WPlainListPage, D2WQueryAllEntitiesPage, D2WQueryPage, and D2WTabInspectPage, implement the behaviors of the respective Direct to Web templates. Note that the Direct to Web template classes inherit directly from the implementation classes and define no additional variables or methods.
- Miscellaneous Components. D2WHead contains the HTML between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags that is generated for every Direct to Web page. DefaultHeader defines the behavior of the application's menu header. You can also find this code in your project's
The public interfaces can be grouped as follows:
- Page Creation Interfaces. ConfirmPageInterface, EditPageInterface, EditRelationshipPageInterface, ErrorPageInterface, InspectPageInterface, ListPageInterface, QueryAllPageInterface, QueryPageInterface, and SelectPageInterface allow you to initialize newly-created Direct to Web pages.
- Next Page Delegate Interface. NextPageDelegate provides a way to provide customized behavior when a the user exits a Direct to Web page.
In addition to the specifications to the public classes, this reference provides:
- Direct to Web Reusable Component binding specifications. D2WEdit, D2WInspect, D2WList, D2WQuery, and D2WSelect can be embedded in a WebObjects component to display a Direct to Web page. An introduction is also included. You never need to use the classes directly.
- Property-Level Components class descriptions. The property-level components display, edit, or query for a single property of an entity. Although you never use the classes directly, you can use the Web Assistant to configure your Direct to Web pages to use particular property-level components.
For more information about using the Direct to Web framework, refer to Developing WebObjects Applications With Direct to Web.