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Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Environment and Utilities /
Chapter 7 - QuickDraw GX Stream Format / Using QuickDraw GX Stream Format

Analyzing the Data Streams of Flattened Shapes

This section first uses sample code to generate a picture with seven shapes. Each of the seven shapes is then flattened using the procedure described in the section "Flattening Shapes With GraphicsBug" beginning on page 7-54. The section "Analyzing the Data Streams of Flattened Shapes" beginning on page 7-56 describes how to use GraphicsBug to interpret the data for each of the seven shapes. The GraphicsBug data stream output is provided for each flattened shape in Listing 7-4 through Listing 7-10. The byte-by-byte analysis of the data stream for each flattened shape is provided in Table 7-14 through Table 7-20.

Creating a Picture With Seven Shapes

Listing 7-3 creates seven primitive shapes and adds them to a window's page shape to form the picture shown in Figure 7-12. This picture contains (from left to right and top to bottom) a line, rectangle, curve, path, text, polygon and bitmap shape.

Listing 7-3 A picture with seven shapes

void CreateSampleImage(WindowPtr wind)
gxShape thePage;
gxShape theLine;
line lineData = {ff(25), ff(25), ff(125), ff(125)};
gxShape theRect;
gxRectangle rectData = {ff(25), ff(25), ff(75), ff(75)};
gxShape theCurve;
gxCurve curveData = {ff(25), ff(25), ff(275), ff(75), ff(125), 
gxShape thePath;
long tripleEightData[] = {1/* # of contours */, 6 /* # of points 
*/, 0xff000000,
   0, 0, 
   ff(75),  0, 
   ff(5), ff(50),
   ff(75), ff(100),
   0, ff(100), 
   ff(75), ff(50)};
gxShape theText;
gxRectangle theTextBounds;
gxColor textColor;
fixed x,y;
short loop;
gxShape thePolygon;
long starData[] = {1,  /* number of contours */ 5, /* number of 
points */
   ff(60), 0, ff(90), ff(90),  ff(0), ff(30),  ff(120), ff(30),
   ff(0), ff(90)}; /* the points */
   gxShape theBitmap;

/* retrieve the page shape so we can add to it */
thePage = GetDocShape(wind);

/* Create a line shape*/

   theLine = GXNewLine (&lineData);
   GXSetShapePen(theLine, ff(9));
   GXAddToShape(thePage, theLine);

/* create a rectangle; the color of the rectangle is red */

theRect = GXNewRectangle(&rectData); 
   {gxColor redColor =
      {gxRGBSpace, nil,{
GXSetShapeColor(theRect, &redColor);
GXSetShapeFill (theRect, closedFrameFill);
GXMoveShapeTo (theRect,  ff(150), ff(25));
GXAddToShape(thePage, theRect);

/* create a curve shape; the shape has a pen thickness of 3.25 */
theCurve = GXNewCurve(&curveData); 
GXSetShapePen(theCurve, fl(3.25));
GXMoveShapeTo (theCurve,  ff(210), ff(25));
GXAddToShape(thePage, theCurve);

/* create a path shape; the shape's color is green and the pen 
thickness is 2 */

thePath = GXNewPaths((paths *) tripleEightData);
GXSetShapeFill (thePath, closedFrameFill);
   GXSetShapePen(thePath, ff(2));
GXSetShapeCommonColor (thePath, green);
GXMoveShapeTo (thePath,  ff(390), ff(25));
GXAddToShape(thePage, thePath);

/* create a text shape; the shape is the characters GX colored 
in hsv space and rotated 90 degrees */

/* create the text, set the font size, and set the font name */

theText = NewText(2,(unsigned char*)"GX",  nil);
GXSetShapeCommonFont(theText, timesFont);
GXSetShapeTextSize(theText, ff(135));
GXMoveShapeTo (theText,  ff(25), ff(230));
GXSetShapeAttributes (theText,  gxMapTransformShape);

/* create an hsv color space and set up the initial colors */

textColor.space = hsvSpace;
textColor.profile = nil;
textColor.element.hsv.hue = 0x7400;
textColor.element.hsv.saturation = 0xFFFF;
textColor.element.hsv.value = 0xFFFF;

/* get the bounds of "theText" and determine the coordinates of 
the bottom left corner */
GXGetShapeBounds(theText, 0L, &theTextBounds);
x = theTextBounds.left;
y = theTextBounds.bottom;

/* rotate "theText"; add each letter to the picture */
for (loop = 0; loop < 6; loop++) {
   GXSetShapeColor(theText, &textColor);
   GXRotateShape(theText, ff(90), x, y);
   GXAddToShape(thePage, theText);
   textColor.element.hsv.hue += 0x0940;
/* create a polygon shape; the shape's color is yellow, the pen 
size is 3, and it is skewed in the vertical direction by a 
factor of 0.5 */

thePolygon = GXNewPolygons((gxPolygons *) starData);
GXSetShapeFill(thePolygon, gxEvenOddFill);
GXSetShapePen (thePolygon, ff(3));
GXSetShapeCommonColor (thePolygon, yellow);
GXMoveShapeTo (thePolygon,  ff(240), ff(110));
GXSkewShape(thePolygon, 0, fl(0.5), 0, 0);
GXAddToShape(thePage, thePolygon);
/* create a bitmap by retrieving a bitmap from the resource fork 
and skewing it in the horizontal direction by a factor of .*/
   theBitmap = GXGetPixMapShape(128);
   GXValidateShape (theBitmap);

   GXSkewShape(theBitmap, ff(2), 0, 0, 0);
   GXMoveShapeTo (theBitmap,  ff(290), ff(190));
   GXAddToShape(thePage, theBitmap);
Figure 7-12 A picture with seven shapes

Analyzing a Flattened Line Shape

The function described in the section "Creating a Picture With Seven Shapes" beginning on page 7-56 was first used to draw the picture shown in Figure 7-12 containing the line shape shown in Figure 7-13.

The line shape is created with a pen size of 9 and a default color of black. The pen is moved from the point (25.0, 25.0) to point (125.0, 125.0).

Figure 7-13 The line shape drawn

The procedure described in the section "Flattening Shapes With GraphicsBug" beginning on page 7-54 was then used to generate the GraphicsBug output shown in Listing 7-4. The first line of the output shows the use of the fl command on the memory address that contained the line shape. The flattened line shape data stream is the sequential byte data that appears in parentheses. For example, the first four bytes of the data stream in Listing 7-4 are (06) (80) (01 03). All other annotation is provided by GraphicsBug.

Since the flattened line shape is the first shape in the data stream, this first part of the GraphicsBug output shows the data stream header. The GraphicsBug output for the other flattened shapes described in this section correspond to the data stream that describes that specific shape. These shape-specific sections are presented in QuickDraw GX drawing order.

Listing 7-4 GraphicsBug analysis of a flattened line

fl 0c79090
owners            1) 
newObject; size: #2 (03) 
headerType; byte compression (80) 
version == 1.0; flags == fontListFlatten | fontGlyphsFlatten 
(01 03) 
newObject; size: #6 (07) [1] 
fontNameType; no compression (2f) 
(04 02 01 01 00 00)  
newObject; size: #0 (01) [1] 
styleType; no compression (28) 
setData; size: #1 (42) 
stylePen; byte compression (83) 
newObject; size: #0 (01) [1]
inkType; no compression (29) 
newObject; size: #0 (01) [1] 
transformType; no compression (2a)
newObject; size: #4 (05) 
lineType; byte compression (83)
(19 19 7d 7d) 
newObject; size: #0 (01) 
trailerType; no compression (3f) 
Table 7-14 shows the data stream analysis of the flattened line shape. The stream data is obtained from the GraphicsBug output in Listing 7-4. This table provides a description of each byte of the data stream for this shape
Table 7-14 Analysis of the data stream of a flattened line shape
Values in data stream
Type of informationValueDescription
New header
(00 000011)
Operation opcode

Record size



New object

Record size is 3 bytes

(10 000000)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



Byte compression


Data1.0QuickDraw GX Version 1.0
gxFontListFlatten constant from the gxFlattenFlags enumeration is 0x01

gxFontGlyphsFlatten constant from the gxFlattenFlags enumeration is 0x02

New font name for the style object
(00 000111)
Operation opcode

Record size



New object

Record size is 7 bytes

(00 101111)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



No compression

Font name

0x04Data4The gxUniqueFontName constant of the gxFontName enumeration
0x02Data2The gxMacintoshPlatform constant of the gxFontPlatform enumeration
0x01Data1The gxMacintoshRomanScript constant of the gxMacintoshScripts enumeration
0x01Data1The gxEnglishLanguage constant of the gxFontLanguage enumeration

0x41 70 70 6C 65 20 43 6F 6D 70 75 74 65 72 20 54 69 6D 65 73 20 52 6F 6D 61 6E

Data26The length field (short) of the gxFontName is 26 bytes.


 Data Each of the 26 bytes is one glyph code. The font name is "Apple Computer Times ROman."
New style object
(00 000001)
Operation opcode

Record size



New object

Record size is 1 byte

(00 101000)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



No compression

New style

(01 000010)
Operation opcode

Record size



Set data

Record size is 1 byte

(10 000011)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



No compression

gxStylePenOpcode constant of the gxStyleDataOpcode enumeration

Data9.0The pen width parameter for the GXSetShapePen function is 9.0
New ink object
(00 000001)
Operation opcode

Record size



New object

Record size is 1 byte

(00 101001)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



No compression

New ink

New transform
(00 000001)
Operation opcode

Record size



New object

Record size is 1 byte

(00 101001)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



No compression

New transform

New shape object
(00 000101)
Operation opcode

Record size



New object

Record size is 5 bytes

(10 000011)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



Byte compression

gxLineType constant of the gxShapeTypes enumeration

0x19Data25.0x coordinate of the first point is 25.0
0x19Data25.0y coordinate of the first point is 25.0
0x7DData125.0x coordinate of the last point is 125.0
0x7DData125.0y coordinate of the last point is 125.0

Analyzing a Flattened Rectangle Shape

The function described in section "Creating a Picture With Seven Shapes" beginning on page 7-56 was first used to draw the picture shown in Figure 7-12 containing the rectangle shape shown in Figure 7-14.

The red rectangle shape is created with its frame. The size and shape of the rectangle is defined by its upper-left boundary point (25.0, 25.0) and its lower-right boundary point (75.0, 75.0). The fill type is closed-frame. Once the rectangle is drawn, it is moved to the point (150.0, 25.0) to position it in the picture.

Figure 7-14 The rectangle shape drawn

The procedure described in the section "Flattening Shapes With GraphicsBug" beginning on page 7-54 was then used to generate the GraphicsBug output shown in Listing 7-5. The flattened rectangle shape data stream is the sequential data that appears in parentheses.

Listing 7-5 GraphicsBug analysis of a flattened rectangle shape

inkType; no compression (29) 
  space        gxRGBSpace 
  profile           nil 
  value(s)       1.0000 (ffff)  0.0000 0x0000  0.0000 0x0000  
setData; size: #4 (45) 
inkColor; no compression (02)
(fe ff 00 00) 
newObject; size: #8 (09) 
rectangleType; word compression (45)
(00 96 00 19 00 c8 00 4b)
setData; size: #1 (42) 
shapeFill; byte compression (82)
Table 7-15 shows the data stream analysis of the flattened rectangle shape. The stream data is obtained from the GraphicsBug output in Listing 7-5. This table provides a description of each byte of the data stream for this shape. Data format sequences that are identical to previously described data sequences in the stream are not shown..
Table 7-15 Analysis of the data stream of a flattened rectangle shape
Values in
data stream
Type of informationValueDescription
New ink object
(00 000001)
Operation opcode

Record size



New object

Record size is 1 byte.

(00 101001)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



No compression

New ink

Set data for ink color
(01 000101)
Operation opcode

Record size



Set data

Record size is 5 bytes.

(00 000010)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



No compression

gxInkColorOpcode constant of the gxInkDataOpcode enumeration

(11 11 1110)
Omit byte-The gxOmitColorsMask and gxOmitColorsShift enumerations are used to interpret this byte. Data1, color space, is omitted so the default RGB color space properties are applied to the current object. Data2, color profile, is omitted so the default color profile is applied to the current object. Data3, color components, uses only bits 3, 2, and 1 for RGB. The compression for each of the red, green, and blue color components is byte compression.
Since color components are 2-byte values, the byte is replicated to the value 0xFFFF or 65,535. The RGB value for the red field of the gxRgbColor structure is 65,535.
0x00Data0x0000Since color components are 2-byte values, the byte is replicated to the value 0x0000 or 0. The RGB value for the green field of the gxRgbColor structure is 0.
0x00Data0x0000Since color components are 2-byte values, the byte is replicated to the value 0x0000 or 0. The RGB value for the blue field of the gxRgbColor structure is 0.
New rectangle object
(00 001001)
Operation opcode

Record size



New object

Record size is 9 bytes.

(01 000101)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



Word compression

gxRectangleType constant of the gxShapeTypes enumeration

0x00 96Data150.0x-coordinate of the left top corner point is 150.0
0x00 19Data25.0y-coordinate of the left top corner point is 25.0
0x00 C8Data200.0x-coordinate of the right bottom corner point is 200.0
0x00 4BData125.0y-coordinate of the right bottom corner point is 75.0
Set data for shape fill
(01 000010)
Operation opcode

Record size



Set data

Record size is 2 bytes.

(10 000010)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



Byte compression

gxShapeFillOpcode constant of the gxShapeDataOpcode enumeration

0x02Data2gxClosedFrameFill constant of the gxShapeFills enumeration. The shape fill constant is a long number so the byte is expanded to a long.

Analyzing a Flattened Curve Shape

The function described in the section "Creating a Picture With Seven Shapes" beginning on page 7-56 was first used to draw the picture shown in Figure 7-12 containing the curve shape shown in Figure 7-15.

The curve has a pen thickness of 3.25. The size and shape of the curve are defined by its first point (210.0), control point (460.0, 75.0), and last point (310.0, 125.0). Once the curve is drawn, it is moved to the point (210.0, 25.0) to position it in the picture.

Figure 7-15 The curve shape drawn

The procedure described in the section "Flattening Shapes With GraphicsBug" beginning on page 7-54 was then used to generate the GraphicsBug output shown in Listing 7-6. The flattened curve shape data stream is the sequential data that appears in parentheses.

Listing 7-6 GraphicsBug analysis of a flattened curve shape

newObject; size: #6 (07) [1] 
fontNameType; no compression (2f) 
(04 02 01 01 00 00) 
newObject; size: #0 (01) [1] 
styleType; no compression (28) 
setData; size: #4 (45) 
stylePen; no compression (03) 
(00 03 40 00) 
newObject; size: #12 (0d) 
curveType; word compression (44) 
(00 d2 00 19 01 cc 00 4b 01 36 00 7d)
newObject; size: #0 (01) 
trailerType; no compression (3f) 
Table 7-16 shows the data stream analysis of the flattened rectangle shape. The stream data is obtained from the GraphicsBug output in Listing 7-6. This table provides a description of each byte of the data stream for this shape. Data format sequences that are identical to previously described data sequences in the stream are not shown and are not analyzed here.
Table 7-16 Analysis of the data stream of a flattened curve shape
Values in
data stream
Type of informationValueDescription
(01 000101)
Operation opcode

Record size



Set data.

Record size is 5 bytes.

(00 000011)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



No compression

gxStylePenOpcode constant of the gxStyleDataOpcode enumeration






Data3.25The pen width parameter for the GXSetPen function is 3.25.
(00 01101)
Operation opcode

Record size



New object

Record size is 13 bytes.

(01 000100)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



Word compression

gxCurveType constant of the gxShapeTypes enumeration

0x00 D2Data210.0x-coordinate of the first point is 210.0.
0x00 19Data25.0y-coordinate of the first point is 25.0.
0x00 CCData460.0x-coordinate of the control point is 460.0.
0x00 4BData75.0y-coordinate of the control point is 75.0.
0x00 36Data310.0x-coordinate of the last point is 310.0.
0x00 7DData125.0x-coordinate of the last point is 125.0.

Analyzing a Flattened Path Shape

The function described in the section "Creating a Picture With Seven Shapes" beginning on page 7-56 was first used to draw the picture shown in Figure 7-12 containing the path shape shown in Figure 7-16.

A path is created with a pen thickness of 2.0 and a color of green. The size and shape of the curve are defined by the points (0.0, 0.0), (75.0, 0.0), (5.0, 50.0), (75.0, 100.0), (0.0, 100.0), and (75.0, 50.0). Once the path is drawn, it is moved to the point (290.0, 25.0) to position it in the picture. The line is not on any of the points.

Figure 7-16 The path shape drawn

The procedure described in the section "Flattening Shapes With GraphicsBug" beginning on page 7-54 was then used to generate the GraphicsBug output shown in Listing 7-7. The flattened path shape data stream is the sequential data that appears in parentheses.

Listing 7-7 GraphicsBug analysis of a flattened path shape

newObject; size: #0 (01) [1] 
transformType; no compression (2a) 
newObject; size: #19 (14) 
pathType; byte compression (87) 
(01 06 ff 2a 01 73 40 00 19 b5 00 46 ce ba ce 4b 00 b5 32) 
setData; size: #1 (42) 
shapeFill; byte compression (82) 
Table 7-17 shows the data stream analysis of the flattened path shape. The stream data is obtained from the GraphicsBug output in Listing 7-7. This table provides a description of each byte of the data stream for this shape. Data format sequences that are identical to previously described data sequences in the stream are not shown and are not analyzed here.
Table 7-17 Analysis of the data stream of a flattened path shape
Values in data stream
Type of informationValueDescription
New path object
(00 010100)
Operation opcode

Record size



New object

Record size is 14 bytes.

(10 000111)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



Byte compression

gxPathType constant of the gxShapeTypes enumeration

0x01Data1The number of contours is 1.
0x06Data6The number of points in the contour is 6.
(111111 11)
Control byte-Each of the 6 points is assigned a control bit from the control byte. Points having a 0 bit are on the line. Points having a 1 bit are off the line. All 6 points are off the line. The final 2 bits are unused.
(00 10 10 10)
Omit byte-The gxOmitPathMask and gxOmitPathShift enumerations are used to interpret this byte. No compression is used for data1, x coordinate of first point. Byte compression is used for data2, y coordinate of first point. Byte compression is used for data3, all x relative coordinate deltas. Byte compression is used for data4, all y relative coordinate deltas.
0x01734000Data1371.25Absolute x-coordinate of the first point is 371.25.
0x0x19Data225.0Absolute y-coordinate of the first point is 25.0.
0xB5Data3-75.0Relative x-coordinate of the second point is -75.0. Absolute x coordinate is 371.25 - (-75.0) = 446.25.
0x00Data40.0Relative y-coordinate of the second point is 0. Absolute y coordinate is 25.0 - (0.0) = 25.0.
0x46Data370.0Relative x-coordinate of the third point is 70.0. Absolute x coordinate is 371.25 - (70.0) = 301.25.
0xCEData4-50.0Relative y-coordinate of the third point is -50.0. Absolute y coordinate is 25.0 - (-50.0) = 75.0.
0xBAData3-70.0Relative x coordinate of the fourth point is -70.0. Absolute x-coordinate is 371.25 - (-70.0) = 441.25.
0xCEData4-50.0Relative y coordinate of the fourth point -50.0. Absolute y-coordinate is 25.0 - (-50.0) = 75.0.
0x4BData375.0Relative x coordinate of the fifth point is 75.0. Absolute x-coordinate is 371.25 - (75.0) = 296.25.
0x00Data40.0Relative y coordinate of the fifth point is 0.0. Absolute y-coordinate is 25.0 - (0.0) = 25.0.
0xB5Data3-75.0Relative x coordinate of the sixth point is -75.0. Absolute x-coordinate is 371.25 - (-75.0) = 446.25.
0x32Data450.0Relative y coordinate of the sixth point is 50.0. Absolute y-coordinate is 25.0 - (50.0) = -25.0.

Analyzing a Flattened Text Shape

The function described in the section "Creating a Picture With Seven Shapes" beginning on page 7-56 was first used to draw the picture shown in Figure 7-12 containing the path shape shown in Figure 7-17.

A text shape with glyphs G and X is colored in hsv space. The glyphs are rotated six times by 90 degrees about the left bottom corner. Once the text is drawn, it is moved to the point (25.0, 230.0) to position it in the picture.

Figure 7-17 The text shape drawn

The procedure described in the section "Flattening Shapes With GraphicsBug" beginning on page 7-54 was then used to generate the GraphicsBug output shown in Listing 7-8. The flattened text shape data stream is the sequential data that appears in parentheses.

Listing 7-8 GraphicsBug analysis of a flattened text shape

newObject; size: #32 (21) [1] 
fontNameType; no compression (2f)
(04 02 01 01 00 1a) 
Apple Computer Times Roman 
(41 70 70 6c 65 20 43 6f 6d 70 75 74 65 72 20 54 69 6d 65 73 20 52 
6f 6d 61 6e) 
newObject; size: #0 (01) [1]
styleType; no compression (28)
setData; size: #1 (42) 
styleFont; byte compression (8a)
setData; size: #2 (43) 
styleTextSize; word compression (49)
(00 87)
newObject; size: #0 (01) [1]
inkType; no compression (29) 
  space        hsvSpace 
  profile           nil
  value(s)       0.4531 0x7400  1.0000 (ffff)  1.0000 (ffff) 
setData; size: #6 (47) 
inkColor; no compression (02)
(b6 03 74 00 ff ff) 
newObject; size: #0 (01) [1] 
transformType; no compression (2a) 
setData; size: #24 (59)
transformMapping; no compression (03)
(00 3d 02 12 00 00 98 fe 00 00 f7 47 00 00 f7 47 00 00 42 42 ff ff 
bd be) 
newObject; size: #8 (09)
textType; no compression (09)
  byteLength        2
  position                 {    25.0000,   230.0000} 
Displaying memory from 00c7a116 
 00c7a116  4758                                     GX 
bytes (02)
position.x (19) 
position.y (00 e6 02 47 58) 
setData; size: #1 (42)
shapeAttributes; byte compression (80) 
Table 7-18 shows the data stream analysis of the flattened rectangle shape. The stream data is obtained from the GraphicsBug output in Listing 7-8. This table provides a description of each byte of the data stream for this shape. Data format sequences that are identical to previously described data sequences in the stream are not shown and are not analyzed here.
Table 7-18 Analysis of the data stream of a flattened text shape
Values in data stream
Type of informationValueDescription
New font name for the style object
(00 100001)
Operation opcode

Record size



New object

Record size is 21 bytes

Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



No compression

gxFontNameOpcode constant of the gxGraphicsNewOpcode enumeration

0x04Data4The gxUniqueFontName constant of the gxFontName enumeration
0x02Data2The gxMacintoshPlatform constant of the gxFontPlatform enumeration
0x01Data1The gxMacintoshRomanScript constant of the gxMacintoshScripts enumeration
0x01Data1The gxEnglishLanguage constant of the gxFontLanguage enumeration
0x0001AData26The length field (short) of the gxFontName structure is 26 bytes.
0x41 70 70 6C 65 20 43 6F 6D 70 75 74 65 72 20 54 69 6D 65 73 20 52 6F 6D 61 6EData Each of the 26 bytes is one glyph code. The font name is "Apple Computer Times Roman."
New style object
(00 000001)
Operation opcode

Record size



New object

Record size is 1 byte

(00 101000)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



No compression

gxStyleTypeOpcode constant of the gxGraphicsNewOpcode enumeration

Set data for style object
(01 000010)
Operation opcode

Record size



Set data.

Record size is 2 bytes.

(10 001010)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



Byte compression

gxStyleFontOpcode constant of the gxStyleDataOpcode enumeration

0x01Data1A reference to font name object 1.
Set data for the text size of the style object
(01 000011)
Operation opcode

Record size



Set data.

Record size is 3 bytes.

(01 001001)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



Word compression

gxStyleTextSizeOpcode constant of the gxStyleDataOpcode enumeration

0x00 87Data135.0The size parameter for the GXSetShapeTextSize function is 135.0 points.
New ink object
(00 000001)
Operation opcode

Record size



New object

Record size is 1 byte.

(00 101001)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



No compression

gxInkTypeOpcode constant of the gxGraphicsNewOpcode enumeration

Set data for ink color of the ink object
(01 000111)
Operation opcode

Record size



Set data.

Record size is 7 bytes.

(00 000010)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



No compression

gxInkColorOpcode constant of the gxInkDataOpcode enumeration

(10 11 0110)
Omit byte-The gxOmitColorsMask and gxOmitColorsShift enumerations are used to interpret this omit byte. Data1, color space, is byte compressed. Data2, color profile, is omitted so the default color profile is applied to the current object. Data3, color components, uses bits 3, 2, 1, and 0 for color space. The compression for each of the red, green and blue color components is byte compression.
0x03Data13gxHSVSpace constant of the gxColorSpaces enumeration
0x74 00Data20.453The hue of the gxHSVColor structure is 0.453.
Since color components are 2-byte values, the byte is replicated to the value 0xFFFF. The saturation of the gxHSVColor structure is 1.0000.
Since color components are 2-byte values, the byte is replicated to the value 0xFFFF. The value of the gxHSVColor structure is 1.0000.
New transform object
Bytes 0x01 and 0x2A define the new transform object. This data sequence is identical to the previous line shape example.
Set data for mapping of the transform object
(01 011001)
Operation opcode

Record size



Set data.

Record size is 25 bytes. The transform data size is 25 - 1 (data type opcode byte) = 24 bytes. Since each mapping requires 8 bytes, there are 24/8 = 3 mappings. This indicates that there is a translate, scale, and skew mapping.

(00 000011)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



No compression

gxTransformMapping constant of the gxTransformDataOpcode enumeration

0x003D0212Data61.12The deltaY parameter for the GXSetTransformMapping function
0x000098FEData0.60The deltaX parameter for the GXSetTransformMapping function
0x0000F747Data0.97The hScale parameter for the GXSetTransformMapping function
0x0000F747Data0.97The scale parameter for the GXSetTransformMapping function
0x00004242Data0.26The hSkew parameter for the GXSetTransformMapping function
0xFFFFBDBEData-0.4242The vSkew parameter for the GXSetTransformMapping function
New shape object
(00 001001)
Operation opcode

Record size



New object

Record size is 9 bytes.

(00 001001)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



No compression

gxTextType constant of the gxShapeTypes enumeration

(00 10 10 10)
Omit byte-The gxOmitTextMask and gxOmitTextShift enumerations are used to interpret this omit byte. Byte compression is used for data1, and byte length. Byte compression is used for data2, and the x coordinate of the position. Word ?? compression is used for data3, y coordinate of position point. Byte compression is used for data4, number of characters and text.
0x02Data12The byte length is 2.
0x19Data225.0000The x-coordinate of the text position is 25.0000.
0x00 E6Data3230.0000The y-coordinate of the text position is 230.0000.
0x02Data42The number of characters is 2.
0x47Data40x47Roman capital G
0x58Data40x58Roman capital X
Set data for attributes of the text object
(01 000010)
Operation opcode

Record size



Set data

Record size is 2 bytes.

(10 000010)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



Byte compression

gxShapeAttributes constant of the gxShapeDataOpcode enumeration

0x20Data32gxMapTransformShape constant of the gxShapeAttributes enumeration

Analyzing a Flattened Polygon Shape

The function described in the section "Creating a Picture With Seven Shapes" beginning on page 7-56 was first used to draw the picture shown in Figure 7-12 containing the polygon shape shown in Figure 7-18.

The yellow polygon shape is drawn with a pen thickness of 3.0 and skewed in the vertical direction by 0.5. Its size and shape is controlled by the vectors defined by the points (60.0, 0.0), (90.0, 90.0), (0.0, 30.0), (120.0, 30.0), (0.0, 90.0). The fill is even-odd. Once the polygon is drawn, it is moved to the point (240.0, 110.0) to position it in the picture.

Figure 7-18 The polygon shape drawn

The procedure described in the section "Flattening Shapes With GraphicsBug" beginning on page 7-54 was then used to generate the GraphicsBug output shown in Listing 7-9. The flattened polygon shape data stream is the sequential data that appears in parentheses.

Listing 7-9 GraphicsBug analysis of a flattened polygon shape

polygonType; byte compression (86)
(01 05 5a 01 2c 01 04 e2 97 5a 69 88 c4 78 00) 
Table 7-19 shows the data stream analysis of the flattened polygon shape. The stream data is obtained from the GraphicsBug output in Listing 7-9. This table provides a description of each byte of the data stream for this shape. Data format sequences that are identical to previously described data sequences in the stream are not shown and are not analyzed here
Table 7-19 Analysis of the data stream of a flattened polygon shape
Values in data stream
Type of informationValueDescription
New shape object
(00 010000)
Operation opcode

Record size



New object

Record size is 10 bytes.

(10 000110)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



Byte compression

gxPolygonType constant of the gxShapeTypes enumeration

0x01Data1The number of contours is 1.
0x05Data5The number of vectors in the contour is 5.
(01 01 10
Omit byte-The gxOmitPathMask and gxOmitPathShift enumerations are used to interpret this byte. Word compression is used for data1, and x coordinate of first point. Word compression is used for data2, and y coordinate of first point. Byte compression is used for data3, and all x relative coordinate deltas. Byte compression is used for data4, and all y relative coordinate deltas.
0x01 2CData1290.0Absolute x-coordinate of the first point is 290.0
0x01 04Data2260.0Absolute y-coordinate of the first point is 260.0
0xE2Data3-30.0The x-coordinate distance of the second point from the first point is -75.0. Absolute x coordinate of the second point is 290.0 - (-30.0) = 320.0
0x97Data4-105.0The y-coordinate distance of the second point from the first point is -105.0. Absolute y-coordinate of the second point is 260.0 - (-105.0) = 365.0.
0x5AData390.0The x-coordinate distance of the third point from the first point is 90.0. Absolute x-coordinate of the third point is 290.0 - (90.0) = 200.0.
0x69Data4151.0The y-coordinate distance of the third point from the first point is 151.0. Absolute y-coordinate of the third point is 260.0 - (151.0) = 109.0.
0x88Data3136.0The x-coordinate distance of the fourth point from the first point is 70.0. Absolute x-coordinate of the fourth point is 290.0 - (70.0) = 220.0
0xC4Data4-60.0The y-coordinate distance of the fourth point from the first point is -60.0. Absolute y-coordinate of the fourth point is 260.0 - (-60.0) = 320.0.
0x78Data3120.0The x-coordinate distance of the fifth point from the first point is 70.0. Absolute x-coordinate of the fifth point is 290.0 - (120.0) = 170.0.
0x00Data40.0The y-coordinate distance of the fifth point from the first point is -50.0. Absolute y-coordinate of the fifth is 260.0 - (0.0) = 260.0.

Analyzing a Flattened Bitmap Shape

The function described in the section "Creating a Picture With Seven Shapes" beginning on page 7-56 was first used to draw the picture shown in Figure 7-12 containing the polygon shape shown in Figure 7-19.

The bitmap was retrieved from the resource fork and skewed in the horizontal direction by a factor of 2.0. Once the bitmap is drawn, it is moved to the point (200.0, 190.0) to position it in the picture.

Figure 7-19 The bitmap shape drawn

The procedure described in the section "Flattening Shapes With GraphicsBug" beginning on page 7-54 was then used to generate the GraphicsBug output shown in Listing 7-10. The flattened bitmap shape data stream is the sequential data that appears in parentheses.

Listing 7-10 GraphicsBug analysis of a flattened bitmap shape

newObject; size: #0 (01) [1] 
transformType; no compression (2a) 
setData; size: #12 (4d)
transformMapping; word compression (43)
(01 22 00 be 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 02)
newObject; size: #403 (00 00 01 94) [1]
bitImage; no compression (2e)
(a8 34 58 73 11 01 01 c2 81 70 22 01 21 82 ca ... )
newObject; size: #49 (32) [1] 
colorSetType; byte compression (ac)
(01 ff ff ff ff 00 00 33 ff 00 33 cc 00 00 ...) 
newObject; size: #10 (0b)
bitmapType; no compression (08) 
image (01) 
width (66) 
height (58)
rowBytes (34 ab)
pixelSize (04) 
space (0b) 
set (01 f0) 
Table 7-20 shows the data stream analysis of the flattened bitmap shape. The stream data is obtained from the GraphicsBug output in Listing 7-10. This table provides a description of each byte of the data stream for this shape. Data format sequences that are identical to previously described data sequences in the stream are not shown and are not analyzed here.
Table 7-20 Analysis of the data stream of a bitmap shape
Values in data stream
Type of informationValueDescription
New transform object
Bytes 0x01 and 0x2A define the new transform object. This data sequence is identical to the previous line shape example.
Set data for mapping of the transform object
(01 001101)
Operation opcode

Record size



Set data

Record size is 13 bytes. The transform data size is13 - 1 (data type opcode byte) = 12 bytes. Since each mapping requires 8 bytes, there are 12/2 =6 mappings. This indicates that there is a translate, scale, and skew mapping.

(01 000011)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



Word compression

gxTransformMapping constant of the gxTransformDataOpcode enumeration

0x0122Data290.0The deltaX parameter for the GXSetTransformMapping function is 290.0.
0x00BEData190.0The deltaY parameter for the GXSetTransformMapping function is 190.0.
0x0001Data1.0The hScale parameter for the GXSetTransformMapping function is 1.0.
0x0001Data1.0The vScale parameter for the GXSetTransformMapping function is 1.0.
0x0000Data0.0The hSkew parameter for the GXSetTransformMapping function is 0.0.
0x0002Data2.0The vSkew parameter for the GXSetTransformMapping function is 2.0.
New bitmap image
(00 000000)
Operation opcode

Record size



New object

Record size is > 64 bytes.

0x00Record size (continued)0Record size is > 256 bytes.
0x01 94Record size (continued)404Record size is 404 bytes. For additional information about the stream format for the record size, see the section "Record Size" beginning on page 7-11.
(00 101110)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



No compression

gxBitImageOpcode constant of the gxGraphicsNewOpcode enumeration

(10 10 1 000)
Omit byte-The gxOmitBitImageMask and gxOmitBitImageShift enumerations are used to interpret this omit byte. Data1, width, is byte compressed. Data2, height, is byte compressed. Data3, indicates that the bit image data is compressed. The last3 bits are not used and are reserved.
0x34Data152The bit image row width is 52 bytes.
0x58Data288The bit image column height is 88 bytes.
Row 1 of the bit image follows
(01 110011)
Bit image compression byte1

Bits 6 and 7 are 1. This is the gxRepeatBitImageBytesOpcode constant of the gxBitImageCompression enumeration.

The bits that follow are to be repeated 51 times.
0x11Data11The bits "11" are to be repeated 51 times
(00 000001)





This is the gxCopyBitImageBytesOpcode constant of the gxBitImageCompression enumeration. The bits in the next byte are added to the first row x number of times.

The value of x is 1.

0x01Data"01"The bits "01" are added to row 1
Rows 2 through 11 of the bit image follow
(11 000010)
Bit image compression byte

Previous row repeat number



This is the gxRepeatBitImageScanOpcode constant of the gxBitImageCompression enumeration. The previous scan line is repeated x times.

The value of x is 2. The first row of bits is repeated 2 times.

Row 12
(10 000001)
Bit image compression byte2


This is the gxLookupBitImageBytesOpcode constant of the gxBitImageCompression enumeration. Repeat x bytes from the previous row and add them to the current row.

The value of x is 1. One byte of data is to be repeated from the previous scan line.

01 110000
Bit image compression byte1

Bits 6 and 7 are 1. This is the gxRepeatBitImageBytesOpcode constant of the gxBitImageCompression enumeration.

The bits in the byte that follow are to be repeated 48 times.
0x22Data"100010"The bits "100010" are to be repeated 48 times
(00 000001)
Bit image compression byte0


This is the gxCopyBitImageBytesOpcode constant of the gxBitImageCompression enumeration. Repeat x bytes from the previous row and add them to the current row.

The value of x is 1. One byte of data is to be repeated from the previous scan line.

The bits "100001" are to be repeated 1 time on the second row.
(10 000010)
Bit image compression byte2


This is the gxLookupBitImageBytesOpcode constant of the gxBitImageCompression enumeration. Repeat x bytes from the previous row and add them to the current row.

The value of x is 2. Two bytes of data is to be repeated from the previous scan line.

(11 001010)
Bit image compression byte3


This is the gxRepeatBitImageScanOpcode constant of the gxBitImageCompression enumeration. The previous scan line is repeated x times.

The value of x is 10. The first row of bits is repeated 10 times.

The remaining bytes of the bit image are not shown here.
New color set object
(00 110010)
Operation opcode

Record size



New object

Record size is 50 bytes.

(10 101100)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



Byte compression

gxColorSetTypeOpcode constant of the gxGraphicsNewOpcode enumeration



gxRGBSpace constant of the gxColorSpaces enumeration
White color for the bitmap object
Since color components are 2-byte values, the byte is replicated to the value 0xFFFF or 65,535. The RGB value for the red field of the gxRgbColor structure is 65,535.
0xFFData0xFFFFSince color components are 2-byte values, the byte is replicated to the value 0xFFFF or 65,535. The RGB value for the green field of the gxRgbColor structure is 65,535.
0xFFData0xFFFFSince color components are 2-byte values, the byte is replicated to the value 0xFFFF or 65,535. The RGB value for the blue field of the gxRgbColor structure is 65,535.
Dark blue color for the bitmap object
Since color components are 2-byte values, the byte is replicated to the value 0x0000 or 0. The RGB value for the red field of the gxRgbColor structure is 0.
0x00Data0x0000Since color components are 2-byte values, the byte is replicated to the value 0x0000 or 0. The RGB value for the green field of the gxRgbColor structure is 0.
0x33Data0x0000Since color components are 2-byte values, the byte is replicated to the value 0x3333 or 0. The RGB value for the blue field of the gxRgbColor structure is 0x3333.
Cherry red color for the bitmap object
Data0xFFFFSince color components are 2-byte values, the byte is replicated to the value 0xFFFF or 65,535. The RGB value for the red field of the gxRgbColor structure is 65,535.


Since color components are 2-byte values, the byte is replicated to the value 0x0000 or 0. The RGB value for the green field of the gxRgbColor structure is 0.
0x33Data0x3333Since color components are 2-byte values, the byte is replicated to the value 0x3333. The RGB value for the blue field of the gxRgbColor structure is 0x3333.
Dull red color for the bitmap object
0xCCData0xCCCCSince color components are 2-byte values, the byte is replicated to the value 0xCCCC or 52,428. The RGB value for the red field of the gxRgbColor structure is 52,428.
0x00Data0x0000Since color components are 2-byte values, the byte is replicated to the value 0x0000 or 0. The RGB value for the green field of the gxRgbColor structure is 0.
0x00Data0x0000Since color components are 2-byte values, the byte is replicated to the value 0x0000 or 0. The RGB value for the blue field of the gxRgbColor structure is 0x0000.
The remaining 35 bytes of the color set are not shown here.
New shape object
(00 010000)
Operation opcode

Record size



New object

Record size is 11 bytes.

(00 001000)
Compression type opcode

Data type opcode



Byte compression

gxBitmapType constant of the gxShapeTypes enumeration

(10 10 10 10)
Omit byte-The gxOmitBitmapMask1 and gxOmitBitmapShift1 enumerations are used to interpret this byte. Byte compression is used for data1, data2, data3, and data4.
0x01Data11A pointer to the pixels located at 1.
0x66Data2102The row width is 102 pixels.
0x58Data388The column height is 88 pixels.
0x34Data452The row width is 52 bytes.
(10 10 10 11)
Omit byte-The gxOmitBitmapMask2 and gxOmitBitmapShift2 enumerations are used to interpret this byte. Byte compression is used for data1, data2, and data3. Data4 is omitted.
0x04Data14The number of bits per pixel is 1.
0x0BData211gxIndexedSpace constant of the gxColorSpaces enumeration
0x01Data31The first set of bitmaps is used.
(11 11 00
Omit byte-The gxOmitBitmapMask3 and gxOmitBitmapShift3 enumerations are used to interpret this byte. Data1 and data2 are omitted. These are the x and y positions of the bitmap. The position is therefore at point (0, 0). The other bits are reserved.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996