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Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw /
Chapter 7 - Pictures

Summary of Pictures and the Picture Utilities

Pascal Summary


   {color-picking methods}
   systemMethod   = 0;  {let Picture Utilities choose the method (currently }
                        { they always choose popularMethod)}
   popularMethod  = 1;  {return most frequently used colors}
   medianMethod   = 2;  {return a weighted distribution of colors}

   {picture information to be returned by Picture Utilities}
   returnColorTable        = 1;  {return a ColorTable record}
   returnPalette           = 2;  {return a Palette record}
   recordComments          = 4;  {return comment information}
   recordFontInfo          = 8;  {return font information}
   suppressBlackAndWhite   = 16; {don't include black and }
                                 { white with returned colors}

   {color bank types}
   colorBankIsCustom       = -1; {gathers colors into a custom color bank}
   colorBankIsExactAnd555  = 0;  {gathers exact colors if there are less }
                                 { than 256 unique colors in picture; }
                                 { otherwise gathers colors for picture }
                                 { in a 5-5-5 histogram}
   colorBankIs555          = 1;  {gathers colors in a 5-5-5 histogram}

Data Types

   PicPtr      = ^Picture;
   PicHandle   = ^PicPtr;
   Picture     = 
   RECORD                  {picture record}
      picSize:    Integer; {for a version 1 picture: its size}
      picFrame:   Rect;    {bounding rectangle for the picture}
      {variable amount of picture data in the form of opcodes}
OpenCPicParams = 
      srcRect:    Rect;       {optimal bounding rectangle for displaying }
                              { picture at resolution indicated in hRes, }
                              { vRes fields}
      hRes:       Fixed;      {best horizontal resolution; }
                              { $00480000 specifies 72 dpi}
      vRes:       Fixed;      {best vertical resolution; }
                              { $00480000 specifies 72 dpi}
      version:    Integer;    {set to -2}
      reserved1:  Integer;    {reserved; set to 0}
      reserved2:  LongInt;    {reserved; set to 0}
CommentSpecHandle = ^CommentSpecPtr;
   CommentSpecPtr    = ^CommentSpec;
   CommentSpec       =     {comment specification record}
      count:   Integer;    {number of times this type of comment }
                           { occurs in the picture or survey}
      ID:      Integer;    {value identifying this type of comment}
FontSpecHandle = ^FontSpecPtr;
   FontSpecPtr    = ^FontSpec;
   FontSpec       =           {font specification record}
      pictFontID: Integer;    {font ID as stored in the picture}
      sysFontID:  Integer;    {font family ID}
      size:       ARRAY[0..3] OF LongInt; 
                              {each bit set from 1 to 127 indicates a }
                              { point size at that value; if bit 0 is }
                              { set, then a size larger than 127 }
                              { points is found}
      style:      Integer;    {styles used for this font family}
      nameOffset: LongInt;    {offset to font name stored in the }
                              { data structure indicated by the }
                              { fontNamesHandle field of the PictInfo }
                              { record}
PictInfoID     = LongInt;
PictInfoHandle = ^PictInfoPtr;
   PictInfoPtr    = ^PictInfo;
   PictInfo       =                       {picture information record}
      version:          Integer;          {Picture Utilities version number}
      uniqueColors:     LongInt;          {total colors in survey}
      thePalette:       PaletteHandle;    {handle to a Palette record--NIL }
                                          { for a bitmap in a basic }
                                          { graphics port}
      theColorTable:    CTabHandle;       {handle to a ColorTable record-- }
                                          { NIL for a bitmap in a basic }
                                          { graphics port}
      hRes:             Fixed;            {best horizontal resolution (dpi)}
      vRes:             Fixed;            {best vertical resolution (dpi)}
      depth:            Integer;          {greatest pixel depth}
      sourceRect:       Rect;             {optimal bounding rectangle for }
                                          { picture for display at }
                                          { resolution specified in hRes }
                                          { and vRes fields}
      textCount:        LongInt;          {number of text strings in }
                                          { picture(s)}
      lineCount:        LongInt;          {number of lines in picture(s)}
      rectCount:        LongInt;          {number of rectangles in }
                                          { picture(s)}
      rRectCount:       LongInt;          {number of rounded rectangles in }
                                          { picture(s)}
      ovalCount:        LongInt;          {number of ovals in picture(s)}
      arcCount:         LongInt;          {number of arcs and wedges in }
                                          { picture(s)}
      polyCount:        LongInt;          {number of polygons in picture(s)}
      regionCount:      LongInt;          {number of regions in picture(s)}
      bitMapCount:      LongInt;          {number of bitmaps}
      pixMapCount:      LongInt;          {number of pixel maps}
      commentCount:     LongInt;          {number of comments in picture(s)}
      uniqueComments:   LongInt;          {number of different comments }
                                          { (by ID) in picture(s)}
      commentHandle:    CommentSpecHandle;
                                          {handle to array of CommentSpec }
                                          { records for picture(s)}
      uniqueFonts:      LongInt;          {number of fonts in picture(s)}
      fontHandle:       FontSpecHandle;   {handle to an array of FontSpec }
                                          { records for picture(s)}
      fontNamesHandle:  Handle;           {handle to list of font names for }
                                          { picture(s)}
      reserved1:        LongInt;
      reserved2:        LongInt;


Creating and Disposing of Pictures

FUNCTION OpenCPicture     (newHeader: OpenCPicParams): PicHandle;
FUNCTION OpenPicture      (picFrame: Rect): PicHandle;
PROCEDURE PicComment      (kind,dataSize: Integer; dataHandle: Handle);
PROCEDURE ClosePicture;
PROCEDURE KillPicture     (myPicture: PicHandle);

Drawing Pictures

PROCEDURE DrawPicture     (myPicture: PicHandle; dstRect: Rect);
FUNCTION GetPicture       (picID: Integer): PicHandle;

Collecting Picture Information

/* DisposePictInfo is also spelled as DisposPictInfo */
FUNCTION GetPictInfo      (thePictHandle: PicHandle; 
                           VAR thePictInfo: PictInfo; verb: Integer; 
                           colorsRequested: Integer; 
                           colorPickMethod: Integer; 
                           version: Integer): OSErr;
FUNCTION GetPixMapInfo    (thePixMapHandle: PixMapHandle; 
                           VAR thePictInfo: PictInfo; verb: Integer; 
                           colorsRequested: Integer; 
                           colorPickMethod: Integer; 
                           version: Integer): OSErr;
FUNCTION NewPictInfo      (VAR thePictInfoID: PictInfoID; verb: Integer; 
                           colorsRequested: Integer; 
                           colorPickMethod: Integer; 
                           version: Integer): OSErr;
FUNCTION RecordPictInfo   (thePictInfoID: PictInfoID; 
                           thePictHandle: PicHandle): OSErr;
FUNCTION RecordPixMapInfo (thePictInfoID: PictInfoID; 
                           thePixMapHandle: PixMapHandle): OSErr;
FUNCTION RetrievePictInfo (thePictInfoID: PictInfoID; 
                           VAR thePictInfo: PictInfo; 
                           colorsRequested: Integer): OSErr;
FUNCTION DisposePictInfo  (thePictInfoID: PictInfoID): OSErr;

Application-Defined Routines

FUNCTION MyInitPickMethod (colorsRequested: Integer; 
                           VAR dataRef: LongInt; 
                           VAR colorBankType: Integer): OSErr;
FUNCTION MyRecordColors   (dataRef: LongInt; colorsArray: RGBColorArray; 
                           colorCount: LongInt; 
                           VAR uniqueColors: LongInt): OSErr;
FUNCTION MyCalcColorTable (dataRef: LongInt; colorsRequested: Integer; 
                           colorBankPtr: Ptr; 
                           VAR resultPtr: CSpecArray): OSErr;
FUNCTION MyDisposeColorPickMethod
                          (dataRef: LongInt): OSErr;

C Summary


/* color-picking methods */
#define systemMethod    0  /* let Picture Utilities choose the method 
                              (currently they always choose popularMethod) */
#define popularMethod   1  /* return most frequently used colors */
#define medianMethod    2  /* return a weighted distribution of colors */
/* picture information to be returned by Picture Utilities */
#define returnColorTable   ((short) 0x0001)  /* return a ColorTable record */
#define returnPalette      ((short) 0x0002)  /* return a Palette record */
#define recordComments     ((short) 0x0004)  /* return comment information */
#define recordFontInfo     ((short) 0x0008)  /* return font information */
#define suppressBlackAndWhite
                           ((short) 0x0010)  /* don't include black and 
                                                white with returned colors */
/* color bank types */
#define ColorBankIsCustom        -1    /* gathers colors into a custom 
                                          color bank */
#define ColorBankIsExactAnd555   0     /* gathers exact colors if there are 
                                          less than 256 unique colors in
                                          picture; otherwise gathers colors 
                                          for picture in a 5-5-5 histogram */
#define ColorBankIs555           1     /* gathers colors in a 5-5-5
                                          histogram */

Data Types

struct Picture {
   short    picSize;    /* for a version 1 picture: its size */
   Rect     picFrame;   /* bounding rectangle for the picture */
   /* variable amount of picture data in the form of opcodes */
typedef struct Picture Picture;
typedef Picture *PicPtr, **PicHandle;
struct OpenCPicParams {
   Rect  srcRect;    /* optimal bounding rectangle for displaying picture at
                        resolution indicated in hRes, vRes fields */
   Fixed hRes;       /* best horizontal resolution; $00480000 specifies 
                        72 dpi */
   Fixed vRes;       /* best vertical resolution; $00480000 specifies 
                        72 dpi */
   short version;    /* set to -2 */
   short reserved1;  /* reserved; set to 0 */
   long  reserved2;  /* reserved; set to 0 */
struct CommentSpec {
   short    count;   /* number of times this type of comment occurs in  
                        the picture or survey */
   short    ID;      /* value identifying this type of comment */
typedef struct CommentSpec CommentSpec;
typedef CommentSpec *CommentSpecPtr, **CommentSpecHandle;
struct FontSpec {       /* font specification record */
   short    pictFontID; /* font ID as stored in the picture */
   short    sysFontID;  /* font family ID */
   long     size[4];    /* each bit set from 1 to 127 indicates a point
                           size at that value; if bit 0 is set, then a size
                           larger than 127 is found */
   short    style;      /* styles used for this font family */
   long     nameOffset; /* offset to font name stored in the data structure 
                           indicated by the fontNamesHandle field of the 
                           PictInfo record */
typedef struct FontSpec FontSpec;
typedef FontSpec *FontSpecPtr, **FontSpecHandle;
struct  PictInfo {
   short             version;       /* Picture Utilities version number */
   long              uniqueColors;  /* total colors in survey */
   PaletteHandle     thePalette;    /* handle to a Palette record--NIL for 
                                       a bitmap in a basic graphics port */
   CTabHandle        theColorTable; /* handle to a ColorTable record--NIL for 
                                       a bitmap in a basic graphics port */
   Fixed             hRes;          /* best horizontal resolution (dpi)} */
   Fixed             vRes;          /* best vertical resolution (dpi) */
   short             depth;         /* greatest pixel depth */
   Rect              sourceRect;    /* optimal bounding rectangle for  
                                       picture for display at resolution
                                       specified in hRes and vRes fields */
   long              textCount;     /* number of text strings in 
                                       picture(s) */
   long              lineCount;     /* number of lines in picture(s) */
   long              rectCount;     /* number of rectangles in picture(s) */
   long              rRectCount;    /* number of rounded rectangles in  
                                       picture(s) */
   long              ovalCount;     /* number of ovals in picture(s) */
   long              arcCount;      /* number of arcs and wedges in 
                                       picture(s) */
   long              polyCount;     /* number of polygons in picture(s) */
   long              regionCount;   /* number of regions in picture(s) */
   long              bitMapCount;   /* number of bitmaps */
   long              pixMapCount;   /* number of pixel maps */
   long              commentCount;  /* number of comments in picture(s) */
   long              uniqueComments;
                                    /* number of different comments (by ID) 
                                       in picture(s) */
   CommentSpecHandle commentHandle; /* handle to an array of CommentSpec 
                                       structures for picture(s) */
   long              uniqueFonts;   /* number of fonts in picture(s) */
   FontSpecHandle    fontHandle;    /* handle to an array of FontSpec 
                                       structures for picture(s) */ 
   Handle            fontNamesHandle;
                                    /* handle to list of font names for 
                                       picture(s) */
   long              reserved1;
   long              reserved2;
typedef struct PictInfo PictInfo;
typedef PictInfo *PictInfoPtr,**PictInfoHandle;
typedef long PictInfoID;


Creating and Disposing of Pictures

pascal PicHandle OpenCPicture
                            (const OpenCPicParams *newHeader); 
pascal PicHandle OpenPicture
                            (const Rect *picFrame); 
pascal void PicComment      (short kind, short dataSize, Handle dataHandle); 
pascal void ClosePicture    (void);
pascal void KillPicture     (PicHandle myPicture); 

Drawing Pictures

pascal void DrawPicture     (PicHandle myPicture, const Rect *dstRect);
pascal PicHandle GetPicture (Integer picID);

Collecting Picture Information

pascal OSErr GetPictInfo    (PicHandle thePictHandle, 
                             PictInfo *thePictInfo, short verb, 
                             short colorsRequested, short colorPickMethod, 
                             short version);
pascal OSErr GetPixMapInfo  (PixMapHandle thePixMapHandle, 
                             pictInfo *thePictInfo, short verb, 
                             short colorsRequested, short colorPickMethod, 
                             short version);
pascal OSErr NewPictInfo    (PictInfoID *thePictInfoID, short verb,         
                             short colorsRequested, short colorPickMethod,
                             short version);
pascal OSErr RecordPictInfo (PictInfoID thePictInfoID, 
                             PicHandle thePictHandle);
pascal OSErr RecordPixMapInfo
                            (PictInfoID thePictInfoID, 
                             PixMapHandle thePixMapHandle);
pascal OSErr RetrievePictInfo
                            (PictInfoID thePictInfoID, 
                             PictInfo *thePictInfo, short colorsRequested);
pascal OSErr DisposePictInfo
                            (PictInfoID thePictInfoID);

Application-Defined Functions

pascal OSErr MyInitPickMethod
                            (short colorsRequested, long *dataRef, 
                             short *colorBankType);
pascal OSErr MyRecordColors (long dataRef, RGBColorArray colorsArray, 
                             long colorCount, long *uniqueColors);
pascal OSErr MyCalcColorTable
                            (long dataRef, short colorsRequested, 
                             Ptr colorBankPtr, CSpecArray *resultPtr);
pascal OSErr MyDisposeColorPickMethod
                            (long dataRef);

Assembly-Language Summary

Data Structures

Picture Data Structure
0picSizewordfor a version 1 picture: its size
2picFrame8 bytesbounding rectangle for the picture
10picDatavariablevariable amount of picture data

OpenCPicParams Data Structure
0srcRect8 bytesoptimal bounding rectangle for displaying picture at hRes, vRes
8hReslongbest horizontal resolution
12vReslongbest vertical resolution
16versionwordalways set to -2
18reserved1wordreserved; set to 0
20reserved2longreserved; set to 0

CommentSpec Data Structure
0countlongnumber of times this type of comment occurs in picture or survey
4IDlongvalue identifying this type of comment

FontSpec Data Structure
0pictFontIDwordfont ID as stored in the picture
2sysFontIDwordfont family ID
4size8 byteseach bit set from 1 to 127 indicates a point size at that value; if bit 0 is set, then a size larger than 127 points is found
12stylewordstyles used for this font family
14nameOffsetlongoffset to font name stored in the data structure indicated by the fontNamesHandle field of the PictInfo record

PictInfo Data Structure
0versionwordPicture Utilities version number
2uniqueColorslongtotal number of colors in survey
6thePalettelonghandle to a Palette record--NIL for a bitmap in a basic graphics port
10theColorTablelonghandle to a ColorTable record--NIL for a bitmap in a basic graphics port
14hReslongbest horizontal resolution (dpi)
18vReslongbest vertical resolution (dpi)
22depthwordgreatest pixel depth
24sourceRect8 bytesoptimal bounding rectangle for picture for display at resolution specified in hRes and vRes fields
32textCountlongnumber of text strings in picture(s)
36lineCountlongnumber of lines in picture(s)
40rectCountlongnumber of rectangles in picture(s)
44rRectCountlongnumber of rounded rectangles in picture(s)
48ovalCountlongnumber of ovals in picture(s)
52arcCountlongnumber of arcs and wedges in picture(s)
56polyCountlongnumber of polygons in picture(s)
60regionCountlongnumber of regions in picture(s)
64bitMapCountlongnumber of bitmaps
68pixMapCountlongnumber of pixel maps
72commentCountlongnumber of comments in picture(s)
76uniqueCommentslongnumber of different comments (by ID) in picture(s)
80commentHandlelonghandle to an array of CommentSpec records for picture(s)
84uniqueFontslongnumber of fonts in picture(s)
88fontHandlelonghandle to an array of FontSpec records for picture(s)
92fontNamesHandlelonghandle to list of font names for picture(s)

Trap Macros

Trap Macros Requiring Routine Selectors


Result Codes
pictInfoVersionErr-11000Version number not 0
pictInfoIDErr-11001Invalid picture information ID
pictInfoVerbErr-11002Invalid verb combination specified
cantLoadPickMethodErr-11003Custom pick method not in resource chain
colorsRequestedErr-11004Number out of range or greater than that passed to NewPictInfo
pictureDataErr-11005Invalid picture data

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996