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Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw /
Chapter 8 - Cursor Utilities / Cursor Utilities Reference
Routines / Changing Color Cursors


You use the GetCCursor function to load a color cursor resource into memory.

FUNCTION GetCCursor (crsrID: Integer): CCrsrHandle;
The resource ID of the cursor that you want to display.
The GetCCursor function creates a new CCrsr record and initializes it using the information in the 'crsr' resource with the specified ID. The GetCCursor function returns a handle to the new CCrsr record. You can then display this cursor on the screen by calling SetCCursor. If a resource with the specified ID isn't found, then this function returns a NIL handle.

Since the GetCCursor function creates a new CCrsr record each time it is called, your application shouldn't call the GetCCursor function before each call to the SetCCursor procedure (unlike the way GetCursor and SetCursor are normally used). The GetCCursor function doesn't dispose of or detach the resource, so resources of type 'crsr' should typically be purgeable. You should call the DisposeCCursor procedure (described on page 8-25) when you are finished using the color cursor created with GetCCursor.

For a description of the 'crsr' resource format, see page 8-32. For a description of the CCrsr record, see page 8-16. For a description of the SetCCursor procedure, see the next section.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996