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Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw /
Chapter 8 - Cursor Utilities / Cursor Utilities Reference
Routines / Hiding and Showing Cursors


You can use the ShieldCursor procedure to hide the cursor in a rectangle.

PROCEDURE ShieldCursor (shieldRect: Rect; offsetPt: Point);

A rectangle in which the cursor is hidden whenever the cursor intersects the rectangle. The rectangle may be specified in global or local coordinates. If you are using global coordinates, pass (0,0) in the offsetPt parameter. If you are using the local coordinates of a graphics port, pass the coordinates for the upper-left corner of the graphics port's boundary rectangle in the offsetPt parameter.
A point value for the offset of the rectangle. Like the basic QuickDraw procedure LocalToGlobal, the ShieldCursor procedure offsets the coordinates of the rectangle by the coordinates of this point.
If the cursor and the given rectangle intersect, ShieldCursor hides the cursor. If they don't intersect, the cursor remains visible while the mouse isn't moving, but is hidden when the mouse moves. This procedure may be useful when using a feature such as QuickTime to display content in a specified rectangle. When a QuickTime movie is animating, the cursor should not be visible in front of the movie.

The ShieldCursor procedure decrements the cursor level and should be balanced by a call to the ShowCursor procedure, which is described in the next section.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996