GLKit Changes for Swift
Added GLKMesh
Added GLKMesh.submeshes
Added GLKMesh.vertexBuffers
Added GLKMesh.vertexCount
Added GLKMesh.vertexDescriptor
Added GLKMeshBuffer
Added GLKMeshBuffer.allocator
Added GLKMeshBuffer.length
Added GLKMeshBuffer.offset
Added GLKMeshBuffer.type
Added GLKMeshBufferAllocator
Added GLKSubmesh
Added GLKSubmesh.elementBuffer
Added GLKSubmesh.elementCount
Added GLKSubmesh.mesh
Added GLKSubmesh.mode
Added GLKSubmesh.type
Added kGLKModelErrorDomain
Added kGLKModelErrorKey
Modified GLKBaseEffect
Declaration | |
From | class GLKBaseEffect : NSObject, GLKNamedEffect { func prepareToDraw() var colorMaterialEnabled: GLboolean var lightModelTwoSided: GLboolean var useConstantColor: GLboolean var transform: GLKEffectPropertyTransform! { get } var light0: GLKEffectPropertyLight! { get } var light1: GLKEffectPropertyLight! { get } var light2: GLKEffectPropertyLight! { get } var lightingType: GLKLightingType var lightModelAmbientColor: GLKVector4 var material: GLKEffectPropertyMaterial! { get } var texture2d0: GLKEffectPropertyTexture! { get } var texture2d1: GLKEffectPropertyTexture! { get } var textureOrder: [AnyObject]! var constantColor: GLKVector4 var fog: GLKEffectPropertyFog! { get } var label: String! } |
To | class GLKBaseEffect : NSObject, GLKNamedEffect { func prepareToDraw() var colorMaterialEnabled: GLboolean var lightModelTwoSided: GLboolean var useConstantColor: GLboolean var transform: GLKEffectPropertyTransform { get } var light0: GLKEffectPropertyLight { get } var light1: GLKEffectPropertyLight { get } var light2: GLKEffectPropertyLight { get } var lightingType: GLKLightingType var lightModelAmbientColor: GLKVector4 var material: GLKEffectPropertyMaterial { get } var texture2d0: GLKEffectPropertyTexture { get } var texture2d1: GLKEffectPropertyTexture { get } var textureOrder: [GLKEffectPropertyTexture]? var constantColor: GLKVector4 var fog: GLKEffectPropertyFog { get } var label: String? } |
Modified GLKBaseEffect.fog
Declaration | |
From | var fog: GLKEffectPropertyFog! { get } |
To | var fog: GLKEffectPropertyFog { get } |
Modified GLKBaseEffect.label
Declaration | |
From | var label: String! |
To | var label: String? |
Modified GLKBaseEffect.light0
Declaration | |
From | var light0: GLKEffectPropertyLight! { get } |
To | var light0: GLKEffectPropertyLight { get } |
Modified GLKBaseEffect.light1
Declaration | |
From | var light1: GLKEffectPropertyLight! { get } |
To | var light1: GLKEffectPropertyLight { get } |
Modified GLKBaseEffect.light2
Declaration | |
From | var light2: GLKEffectPropertyLight! { get } |
To | var light2: GLKEffectPropertyLight { get } |
Modified GLKBaseEffect.material
Declaration | |
From | var material: GLKEffectPropertyMaterial! { get } |
To | var material: GLKEffectPropertyMaterial { get } |
Modified GLKBaseEffect.texture2d0
Declaration | |
From | var texture2d0: GLKEffectPropertyTexture! { get } |
To | var texture2d0: GLKEffectPropertyTexture { get } |
Modified GLKBaseEffect.texture2d1
Declaration | |
From | var texture2d1: GLKEffectPropertyTexture! { get } |
To | var texture2d1: GLKEffectPropertyTexture { get } |
Modified GLKBaseEffect.textureOrder
Declaration | |
From | var textureOrder: [AnyObject]! |
To | var textureOrder: [GLKEffectPropertyTexture]? |
Modified GLKBaseEffect.transform
Declaration | |
From | var transform: GLKEffectPropertyTransform! { get } |
To | var transform: GLKEffectPropertyTransform { get } |
Modified GLKEffectPropertyLight
Declaration | |
From | class GLKEffectPropertyLight : GLKEffectProperty { var enabled: GLboolean var position: GLKVector4 var ambientColor: GLKVector4 var diffuseColor: GLKVector4 var specularColor: GLKVector4 var spotDirection: GLKVector3 var spotExponent: GLfloat var spotCutoff: GLfloat var constantAttenuation: GLfloat var linearAttenuation: GLfloat var quadraticAttenuation: GLfloat var transform: GLKEffectPropertyTransform! } |
To | class GLKEffectPropertyLight : GLKEffectProperty { var enabled: GLboolean var position: GLKVector4 var ambientColor: GLKVector4 var diffuseColor: GLKVector4 var specularColor: GLKVector4 var spotDirection: GLKVector3 var spotExponent: GLfloat var spotCutoff: GLfloat var constantAttenuation: GLfloat var linearAttenuation: GLfloat var quadraticAttenuation: GLfloat var transform: GLKEffectPropertyTransform } |
Modified GLKEffectPropertyLight.transform
Declaration | |
From | var transform: GLKEffectPropertyTransform! |
To | var transform: GLKEffectPropertyTransform |
Modified GLKMatrix2.subscript(_: Int) -> Float
Declaration | |
From | subscript (i: Int) -> Float { get } |
To | subscript (_ i: Int) -> Float { get } |
Modified GLKMatrix3.subscript(_: Int) -> Float
Declaration | |
From | subscript (i: Int) -> Float { get } |
To | subscript (_ i: Int) -> Float { get } |
Modified GLKMatrix4.subscript(_: Int) -> Float
Declaration | |
From | subscript (i: Int) -> Float { get } |
To | subscript (_ i: Int) -> Float { get } |
Modified GLKQuaternion.subscript(_: Int) -> Float
Declaration | |
From | subscript (i: Int) -> Float { get } |
To | subscript (_ i: Int) -> Float { get } |
Modified GLKReflectionMapEffect
Declaration | |
From | class GLKReflectionMapEffect : GLKBaseEffect, GLKNamedEffect { func prepareToDraw() var textureCubeMap: GLKEffectPropertyTexture! { get } var matrix: GLKMatrix3 } |
To | class GLKReflectionMapEffect : GLKBaseEffect { func prepareToDraw() var textureCubeMap: GLKEffectPropertyTexture { get } var matrix: GLKMatrix3 } |
Declaration | |
From | var textureCubeMap: GLKEffectPropertyTexture! { get } |
To | var textureCubeMap: GLKEffectPropertyTexture { get } |
Modified GLKSkyboxEffect
Declaration | |
From | class GLKSkyboxEffect : NSObject, GLKNamedEffect { func prepareToDraw() func draw() var center: GLKVector3 var xSize: GLfloat var ySize: GLfloat var zSize: GLfloat var textureCubeMap: GLKEffectPropertyTexture! { get } var transform: GLKEffectPropertyTransform! { get } var label: String! } |
To | class GLKSkyboxEffect : NSObject, GLKNamedEffect { func prepareToDraw() func draw() var center: GLKVector3 var xSize: GLfloat var ySize: GLfloat var zSize: GLfloat var textureCubeMap: GLKEffectPropertyTexture { get } var transform: GLKEffectPropertyTransform { get } var label: String? } |
Modified GLKSkyboxEffect.label
Declaration | |
From | var label: String! |
To | var label: String? |
Modified GLKSkyboxEffect.textureCubeMap
Declaration | |
From | var textureCubeMap: GLKEffectPropertyTexture! { get } |
To | var textureCubeMap: GLKEffectPropertyTexture { get } |
Modified GLKSkyboxEffect.transform
Declaration | |
From | var transform: GLKEffectPropertyTransform! { get } |
To | var transform: GLKEffectPropertyTransform { get } |
Modified GLKTextureLoader
Declaration | |
From | class GLKTextureLoader : NSObject { class func textureWithContentsOfFile(_ path: String!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> GLKTextureInfo! class func textureWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> GLKTextureInfo! class func textureWithContentsOfData(_ data: NSData!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> GLKTextureInfo! class func textureWithCGImage(_ cgImage: CGImage!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> GLKTextureInfo! class func cubeMapWithContentsOfFiles(_ paths: [AnyObject]!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> GLKTextureInfo! class func cubeMapWithContentsOfFile(_ path: String!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> GLKTextureInfo! class func cubeMapWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> GLKTextureInfo! init!(shareContext context: NSOpenGLContext!) func textureWithContentsOfFile(_ path: String!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t!, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback!) func textureWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t!, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback!) func textureWithContentsOfData(_ data: NSData!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t!, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback!) func textureWithCGImage(_ cgImage: CGImage!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t!, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback!) func cubeMapWithContentsOfFiles(_ paths: [AnyObject]!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t!, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback!) func cubeMapWithContentsOfFile(_ path: String!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t!, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback!) func cubeMapWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t!, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback!) } |
To | class GLKTextureLoader : NSObject { class func textureWithContentsOfFile(_ path: String, options options: [String : NSNumber]?) throws -> GLKTextureInfo class func textureWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL, options options: [String : NSNumber]?) throws -> GLKTextureInfo class func textureWithContentsOfData(_ data: NSData, options options: [String : NSNumber]?) throws -> GLKTextureInfo class func textureWithCGImage(_ cgImage: CGImage, options options: [String : NSNumber]?) throws -> GLKTextureInfo class func cubeMapWithContentsOfFiles(_ paths: [AnyObject], options options: [String : NSNumber]?) throws -> GLKTextureInfo class func cubeMapWithContentsOfFile(_ path: String, options options: [String : NSNumber]?) throws -> GLKTextureInfo class func cubeMapWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL, options options: [String : NSNumber]?) throws -> GLKTextureInfo init(shareContext context: NSOpenGLContext) func textureWithContentsOfFile(_ path: String, options options: [String : NSNumber]?, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t?, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback) func textureWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL, options options: [String : NSNumber]?, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t?, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback) func textureWithContentsOfData(_ data: NSData, options options: [String : NSNumber]?, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t?, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback) func textureWithCGImage(_ cgImage: CGImage, options options: [String : NSNumber]?, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t?, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback) func cubeMapWithContentsOfFiles(_ paths: [AnyObject], options options: [String : NSNumber]?, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t?, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback) func cubeMapWithContentsOfFile(_ path: String, options options: [String : NSNumber]?, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t?, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback) func cubeMapWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL, options options: [String : NSNumber]?, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t?, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback) } |
Declaration | |
From | class func cubeMapWithContentsOfFile(_ path: String!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> GLKTextureInfo! |
To | class func cubeMapWithContentsOfFile(_ path: String, options options: [String : NSNumber]?) throws -> GLKTextureInfo |
Declaration | |
From | func cubeMapWithContentsOfFile(_ path: String!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t!, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback!) |
To | func cubeMapWithContentsOfFile(_ path: String, options options: [String : NSNumber]?, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t?, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback) |
Declaration | |
From | class func cubeMapWithContentsOfFiles(_ paths: [AnyObject]!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> GLKTextureInfo! |
To | class func cubeMapWithContentsOfFiles(_ paths: [AnyObject], options options: [String : NSNumber]?) throws -> GLKTextureInfo |
Declaration | |
From | func cubeMapWithContentsOfFiles(_ paths: [AnyObject]!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t!, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback!) |
To | func cubeMapWithContentsOfFiles(_ paths: [AnyObject], options options: [String : NSNumber]?, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t?, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback) |
Declaration | |
From | class func cubeMapWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> GLKTextureInfo! |
To | class func cubeMapWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL, options options: [String : NSNumber]?) throws -> GLKTextureInfo |
Declaration | |
From | func cubeMapWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t!, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback!) |
To | func cubeMapWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL, options options: [String : NSNumber]?, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t?, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(shareContext context: NSOpenGLContext!) |
To | init(shareContext context: NSOpenGLContext) |
Declaration | |
From | class func textureWithCGImage(_ cgImage: CGImage!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> GLKTextureInfo! |
To | class func textureWithCGImage(_ cgImage: CGImage, options options: [String : NSNumber]?) throws -> GLKTextureInfo |
Declaration | |
From | func textureWithCGImage(_ cgImage: CGImage!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t!, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback!) |
To | func textureWithCGImage(_ cgImage: CGImage, options options: [String : NSNumber]?, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t?, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback) |
Declaration | |
From | class func textureWithContentsOfData(_ data: NSData!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> GLKTextureInfo! |
To | class func textureWithContentsOfData(_ data: NSData, options options: [String : NSNumber]?) throws -> GLKTextureInfo |
Declaration | |
From | func textureWithContentsOfData(_ data: NSData!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t!, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback!) |
To | func textureWithContentsOfData(_ data: NSData, options options: [String : NSNumber]?, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t?, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback) |
Declaration | |
From | class func textureWithContentsOfFile(_ path: String!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> GLKTextureInfo! |
To | class func textureWithContentsOfFile(_ path: String, options options: [String : NSNumber]?) throws -> GLKTextureInfo |
Declaration | |
From | func textureWithContentsOfFile(_ path: String!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t!, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback!) |
To | func textureWithContentsOfFile(_ path: String, options options: [String : NSNumber]?, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t?, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback) |
Declaration | |
From | class func textureWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> GLKTextureInfo! |
To | class func textureWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL, options options: [String : NSNumber]?) throws -> GLKTextureInfo |
Declaration | |
From | func textureWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL!, options options: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t!, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback!) |
To | func textureWithContentsOfURL(_ url: NSURL, options options: [String : NSNumber]?, queue queue: dispatch_queue_t?, completionHandler block: GLKTextureLoaderCallback) |
Modified GLKVector2.subscript(_: Int) -> Float
Declaration | |
From | subscript (i: Int) -> Float { get } |
To | subscript (_ i: Int) -> Float { get } |
Modified GLKVector3.subscript(_: Int) -> Float
Declaration | |
From | subscript (i: Int) -> Float { get } |
To | subscript (_ i: Int) -> Float { get } |
Modified GLKVector4.subscript(_: Int) -> Float
Declaration | |
From | subscript (i: Int) -> Float { get } |
To | subscript (_ i: Int) -> Float { get } |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackCreate(_ alloc: CFAllocator!) -> Unmanaged<GLKMatrixStack>! |
To | func GLKMatrixStackCreate(_ alloc: CFAllocator?) -> Unmanaged<GLKMatrixStack>? |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackGetMatrix2(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!) -> GLKMatrix2 |
To | func GLKMatrixStackGetMatrix2(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack) -> GLKMatrix2 |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackGetMatrix3(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!) -> GLKMatrix3 |
To | func GLKMatrixStackGetMatrix3(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack) -> GLKMatrix3 |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackGetMatrix3Inverse(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!) -> GLKMatrix3 |
To | func GLKMatrixStackGetMatrix3Inverse(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack) -> GLKMatrix3 |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackGetMatrix3InverseTranspose(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!) -> GLKMatrix3 |
To | func GLKMatrixStackGetMatrix3InverseTranspose(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack) -> GLKMatrix3 |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackGetMatrix4(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!) -> GLKMatrix4 |
To | func GLKMatrixStackGetMatrix4(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack) -> GLKMatrix4 |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackGetMatrix4Inverse(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!) -> GLKMatrix4 |
To | func GLKMatrixStackGetMatrix4Inverse(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack) -> GLKMatrix4 |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackGetMatrix4InverseTranspose(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!) -> GLKMatrix4 |
To | func GLKMatrixStackGetMatrix4InverseTranspose(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack) -> GLKMatrix4 |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackLoadMatrix4(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!, _ matrix: GLKMatrix4) |
To | func GLKMatrixStackLoadMatrix4(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack, _ matrix: GLKMatrix4) |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackMultiplyMatrix4(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!, _ matrix: GLKMatrix4) |
To | func GLKMatrixStackMultiplyMatrix4(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack, _ matrix: GLKMatrix4) |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackMultiplyMatrixStack(_ stackLeft: GLKMatrixStack!, _ stackRight: GLKMatrixStack!) |
To | func GLKMatrixStackMultiplyMatrixStack(_ stackLeft: GLKMatrixStack, _ stackRight: GLKMatrixStack) |
Modified GLKMatrixStackPop(_: GLKMatrixStack)
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackPop(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!) |
To | func GLKMatrixStackPop(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack) |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackPush(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!) |
To | func GLKMatrixStackPush(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack) |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackRotate(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!, _ radians: Float, _ x: Float, _ y: Float, _ z: Float) |
To | func GLKMatrixStackRotate(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack, _ radians: Float, _ x: Float, _ y: Float, _ z: Float) |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackRotateWithVector3(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!, _ radians: Float, _ axisVector: GLKVector3) |
To | func GLKMatrixStackRotateWithVector3(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack, _ radians: Float, _ axisVector: GLKVector3) |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackRotateWithVector4(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!, _ radians: Float, _ axisVector: GLKVector4) |
To | func GLKMatrixStackRotateWithVector4(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack, _ radians: Float, _ axisVector: GLKVector4) |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackRotateX(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!, _ radians: Float) |
To | func GLKMatrixStackRotateX(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack, _ radians: Float) |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackRotateY(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!, _ radians: Float) |
To | func GLKMatrixStackRotateY(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack, _ radians: Float) |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackRotateZ(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!, _ radians: Float) |
To | func GLKMatrixStackRotateZ(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack, _ radians: Float) |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackScale(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!, _ sx: Float, _ sy: Float, _ sz: Float) |
To | func GLKMatrixStackScale(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack, _ sx: Float, _ sy: Float, _ sz: Float) |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackScaleWithVector3(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!, _ scaleVector: GLKVector3) |
To | func GLKMatrixStackScaleWithVector3(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack, _ scaleVector: GLKVector3) |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackScaleWithVector4(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!, _ scaleVector: GLKVector4) |
To | func GLKMatrixStackScaleWithVector4(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack, _ scaleVector: GLKVector4) |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackSize(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!) -> Int32 |
To | func GLKMatrixStackSize(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack) -> Int32 |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackTranslate(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!, _ tx: Float, _ ty: Float, _ tz: Float) |
To | func GLKMatrixStackTranslate(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack, _ tx: Float, _ ty: Float, _ tz: Float) |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackTranslateWithVector3(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!, _ translationVector: GLKVector3) |
To | func GLKMatrixStackTranslateWithVector3(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack, _ translationVector: GLKVector3) |
Declaration | |
From | func GLKMatrixStackTranslateWithVector4(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack!, _ translationVector: GLKVector4) |
To | func GLKMatrixStackTranslateWithVector4(_ stack: GLKMatrixStack, _ translationVector: GLKVector4) |
Modified GLKTextureLoaderCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias GLKTextureLoaderCallback = (GLKTextureInfo!, NSError!) -> Void |
To | typealias GLKTextureLoaderCallback = (GLKTextureInfo?, NSError?) -> Void |
Declaration | |
From | func NSStringFromGLKMatrix2(_ matrix: GLKMatrix2) -> String! |
To | func NSStringFromGLKMatrix2(_ matrix: GLKMatrix2) -> String |
Declaration | |
From | func NSStringFromGLKMatrix3(_ matrix: GLKMatrix3) -> String! |
To | func NSStringFromGLKMatrix3(_ matrix: GLKMatrix3) -> String |
Declaration | |
From | func NSStringFromGLKMatrix4(_ matrix: GLKMatrix4) -> String! |
To | func NSStringFromGLKMatrix4(_ matrix: GLKMatrix4) -> String |
Declaration | |
From | func NSStringFromGLKQuaternion(_ quaternion: GLKQuaternion) -> String! |
To | func NSStringFromGLKQuaternion(_ quaternion: GLKQuaternion) -> String |
Declaration | |
From | func NSStringFromGLKVector2(_ vector: GLKVector2) -> String! |
To | func NSStringFromGLKVector2(_ vector: GLKVector2) -> String |
Declaration | |
From | func NSStringFromGLKVector3(_ vector: GLKVector3) -> String! |
To | func NSStringFromGLKVector3(_ vector: GLKVector3) -> String |
Declaration | |
From | func NSStringFromGLKVector4(_ vector: GLKVector4) -> String! |
To | func NSStringFromGLKVector4(_ vector: GLKVector4) -> String |