What’s New in iOS 10, tvOS 10, and macOS 10.12

This chapter summarizes the new features introduced in iOS 10, tvOS 10, and macOS 10.12.

New Metal Feature Sets

The new Metal feature sets are listed as follows:

To determine whether a feature set is supported by a device, query the existing supportsFeatureSet: method of a MTLDevice object.

Each new feature described in this chapter is annotated with its feature set availability. For further information about feature availability, implementation limits, and pixel format capabilities for all feature sets, see the Metal Feature Set Tables page.

All new Metal shading language features are available in version 1.2 (MTLLanguageVersion1_2). For further information, see the Metal Shading Language Guide.


For a complete overview of tessellation in Metal, see the Tessellation chapter.

Resource Heaps

For a complete overview of resource heaps in Metal, see the Resource Heaps chapter.

Memoryless Render Targets

Available in: iOS_GPUFamily1_v3, iOS_GPUFamily2_v3, iOS_GPUFamily3_v2, tvOS_GPUFamily1_v2

Memoryless render targets are render targets that exist only transiently in on-GPU tile memory, without any other CPU or GPU memory backing. Memoryless render targets satisfy the increased memory demands of high-resolution displays and MSAA data, allowing you to:

To create a memoryless render target, set the storageMode property of a MTLTextureDescriptor object to MTLStorageModeMemoryless. Then, use this descriptor to create a MTLTexture object.

Only MTLTexture objects can be created with a MTLStorageModeMemoryless storage mode. A memoryless render target can only be used by a temporary render target; to do so, set it as the texture property of a MTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor object.

Use Cases

The following use cases are just a few examples of temporary render targets that can be used as memoryless render targets. For each of these, the contents of the render targets are never used after the rendering operations are completed:

  • Traditional depth testing, using a depth render target with a MTLStoreActionDontCare store action.

  • Traditional stencil buffer operations, using a stencil render target with a MTLStoreActionDontCare store action.

  • MSAA rendering, using a MSAA color render target with a MTLStoreActionMultisampleResolve store action.

  • Deferred rendering, using two logical rendering passes within a single render command encoder:

    1. The first pass populates the temporary G-buffer render targets with albedo, normal, and other data.

    2. The second pass reads the temporary G-buffer render targets, then computes and accumulates lighting data to output the final color to a persistent render target.

    Each temporary render target is a memoryless render target and has a MTLStoreActionDontCare store action.

  • Deferred lighting, using three logical rendering passes within a single render command encoder:

    1. The first pass populates the temporary depth and normal render targets with geometry data.

    2. The second pass reads the previous temporary render targets, then computes and accumulates lighting data to populate the temporary diffuse and specular render targets.

    3. The third pass reads all previous temporary render targets, then computes the lighting equation to output the final color to a persistent render target.

    Each temporary render target is a memoryless render target and has a MTLStoreActionDontCare store action.

Rules and Restrictions

Memoryless render targets must adhere to the following rules and restrictions. Memoryless render targets...

Apps using memoryless render targets should carefully control the total amount of data passed for processing in a single rendering pass. Memoryless render targets use on-GPU tile memory for their temporary storage; as long as all data associated with the draw calls issued for a rendering pass can be cached, memoryless render targets will be processed one tile at a time. To ensure successful usage of memoryless render targets, make sure you follow these additional rules:

  • All resources referenced in the rendering pass shouldn’t consume more physical memory than available.

  • You should not submit more than 64K unique viewports, scissors, and depth-bias values.

The command buffer will report any memory errors via the MTLCommandBufferErrorMemoryless error code.

Function Specialization

Available in: iOS_GPUFamily1_v3, iOS_GPUFamily2_v3, iOS_GPUFamily3_v2, tvOS_GPUFamily1_v2, OSX_GPUFamily1_v2

Function specialization uses function constants to create specialized versions of your graphics and compute functions. Function constants are compile-time constants declared in your Metal shading language source; function constant values are assigned in your Metal app before the specialized function is compiled.

Declaring Function Constants

The Metal shading language provides the [[ function_constant(index) ]] attribute to declare function constants, as shown in Listing 11-1.

Listing 11-1  Declaring a function constant

constant bool a [[ function_constant(0) ]];

Function constants can be used to:

  • Control which function code paths get compiled

  • Specify optional arguments of a function

  • Specify optional elements of a struct declared with the [[ stage_in ]] qualifier

Setting Constant Values

The Metal framework provides the MTLFunctionConstantValues class to set the constant values for a specialized function. Constant values can be set by index, index range, or name. Listing 11-2 shows how to set a constant value by index.

Listing 11-2  Setting a constant value by index

const bool a = true;
MTLFunctionConstantValues* constantValues = [MTLFunctionConstantValues new];
[constantValues setConstantValue:&a type:MTLDataTypeBool atIndex:0];

A single MTLFunctionConstantValues object can be applied to multiple MTLFunction objects (for example, a vertex function and a fragment function). After a specialized function has been created, any changes to its constant values have no further effect on it. However, you can reset, add, or modify any constant values in the MTLFunctionConstantValues object and reuse it to create another MTLFunction object.

Compiling Specialized Functions

Specialized functions are MTLFunction objects created from a MTLLibrary object by calling one of these methods:

These methods invoke the Metal compiler to evaluate your function constants and their constant values. The compiler specializes the named function by omitting function constant code paths, arguments, and elements that are not enabled by the constant values provided. Function constant values are first looked up by their index, then by their name. Any values that do not correspond to a function constant in the named function are ignored (without generating errors or warnings).

Obtaining Reflection Data

A MTLFunctionConstant object provides reflection data for function constants. This object should only be obtained if you need the reflection data to set constant values for a specialized function (for example, determining if a function constant is optional or required before setting its constant value). To obtain reflection data, fetch a MTLFunction object by calling the newFunctionWithName: method and querying the functionConstants property. Use this reflection data to set your constant values and compile your specialized function.

Function Resource Read-Writes

Function Buffer Read-Writes

Available in: iOS_GPUFamily3_v2, OSX_GPUFamily1_v2

Fragment functions can now write to buffers. Writable buffers must be declared in the device address space and must not be const. Use dynamic indexing to write to a buffer.

Atomic Functions

Vertex and fragment functions now support atomic functions for buffers (in the device address space). For further information, see the Atomic Functions section of the Metal Shading Language Guide.

Function Texture Read-Writes

Available in: OSX_GPUFamily1_v2

Both vertex and fragment functions can now write to textures. Writable textures must be declared with the access::write or access::read_write qualifier. Use an appropriate variant of the write() function to write to a texture (where lod is always constant and equal to zero).

Read-Write Textures

A read-write texture is a texture that can be both read from and written to by the same vertex, fragment, or kernel function.


A read-write texture is declared in the Metal shading language as a texture with the access::read_write qualifier. Listing 11-3 shows a simple read and write operation on a read-write texture, within the same function.

Listing 11-3  Using a read-write texture

kernel void my_kernel(texture2d<float, access::read_write> texA [[ texture(0) ]],
                      ushort2 gid [[ thread_position_in_grid ]])
    float4 color = texA.read(gid);
    color = processColor(color);
    texA.write(color, gid);

To set a read-write texture in the graphics or compute function argument table, use one of the existing methods in the Metal framework API:

Listing 11-4  Setting a read-write texture (Metal Shading Language)

// kernel function signature
kernel void my_kernel(texture2d<float, access::read_write> texA [[ texture(0) ]], ...)

Listing 11-5  Setting a read-write texture (Metal Framework)

// kernel function argument table
[computeCommandEncoder setTexture:texA atIndex:0];

The fence() function allows you to control the order of a texture’s write and read operations within a thread, as shown in Listing 11-8. The fence() function ensures that writes to the texture by a thread become visible to subsequent reads from that texture by the same thread.

Listing 11-8  Using a read-write texture with a fence

kernel void my_kernel(texture2d<float, access::read_write> texA [[texture(0)]],
                      ushort2 gid [[ thread_position_in_grid ]])
    float4 color = generateColor();
    texA.write(color, gid);
    // add a fence to ensure the correct ordering of write and read operations within the thread
    float4 readColor = texA.read(gid);
Pixel Formats

The set of pixel formats supported by read-write textures is separated into two tiers, each defined by a specific feature set.

Tier 1 Pixel Formats

Available in: OSX_GPUFamily1_v2

  • R32Float

  • R32Uint

  • R32Sint

Tier 2 Pixel Formats

Available in: OSX_ReadWriteTextureTier2

  • RGBA32Float

  • RGBA32Uint

  • RGBA32Sint

  • RGBA16Float

  • RGBA16Uint

  • RGBA16Sint

  • RGBA8Unorm

  • RGBA8Uint

  • RGBA8Sint

  • R16Float

  • R16Uint

  • R16Sint

  • R8Unorm

  • R8Uint

  • R8Sint

Rules and Restrictions

Memory Barriers

Between Command Encoders

All resource writes performed in a given command encoder are visible in the next command encoder. This is true for both render and compute command encoders.

Within a Render Command Encoder

For buffers, atomic writes are visible to subsequent atomic reads across multiple threads.

For textures, the textureBarrier method ensures that writes performed in a given draw call are visible to subsequent reads in the next draw call.

Within a Compute Command Encoder

All resource writes performed in a given kernel function are visible in the next kernel function.

Fragment Functions


If the discard_fragment() function is called, all resource writes that occurred before the call are actually committed to memory. After the call, the execution of the fragment function either stops entirely or continues, but future resource writes are completely ignored.

Scissor Test

The scissor test is always performed before executing the fragment function. If the scissor test fails, the fragment function is not executed and no resource writes take place.

Early and Late Fragment Tests

The [[early_fragment_tests]] qualifier can be added to a fragment function to request that depth, stencil, and occlusion query tests be performed before executing the fragment function. If any of the tests fail, the fragment function is not executed and no resource writes take place.

If the [[early_fragment_tests]] qualifier is not added, all fragment function resource writes are committed to memory whether the tests pass or not.


The number of times a resource write operation is executed depends on how many times the fragment function is executed. By default, the fragment function is executed between 1 and N times, where N is the number of samples covered by the fragment. However, if the fragment function uses inputs with the color, sample_id, sample_perspective, or sample_no_perspective qualifiers, it is always executed at the sample rate.

If the fragment function result is discarded due to either setting a coverage mask of 0 or returning a low alpha value when the alphaToCoverageEnabled property is set to YES, then all fragment function resource writes are still committed to memory.

Helper Threads

Helper threads are fragment function invocations for pixels near primitive edges that produce no output, typically used to calculate derivatives. Resource writes performed by helper threads are ignored; atomics will not update memory and the values returned by atomics will be undefined.

For further information, see the Fragment Functions section of the Metal Shading Language Guide.

Array of Textures

Available in: iOS_GPUFamily3_v2

An array of textures is a data structure for storing homogeneous textures, allowing you to dynamically index into a texture with ease. An array of textures is declared in the Metal shading language as either:

T is a texture type declared with the access::read or access::sample qualifier and N is the number of textures in the array.

An array of textures can be passed as an argument to graphics, compute, or user functions, or it can be declared as a local variable inside functions. Listing 11-9 shows how to pass an array of 10 textures as an argument to a kernel function.

Listing 11-9  Passing an array of textures as an argument to a function

kernel void my_kernel(
    const array<texture2d<float>, 10> src [[ texture(0) ]],
    texture2d<float, access::write> dst [[ texture(10) ]])

There is no new Metal framework API to set an array of textures; use the existing methods in the MTLRenderCommandEncoder protocol or MTLComputeCommandEncoder protocol.

The Metal shading language also adds support for a reference to an immutable array of textures, declared as array_ref<T> where T is a texture type and size() provides the number of textures in the array.

The storage for an array of textures is not owned by an array_ref<T> object. Implicit conversion operations are provided from types with contiguous iterators like metal::array. The array_ref<T> type can be passed as an argument to user functions only. A common use for the array_ref<T> type is when passing an array of textures as an argument to functions where you want to be able to accept a variety of array types, as shown in Listing 11-10.

Listing 11-10  Passing an array_ref<T> type as an argument to a function

float4 foo(array_ref<texture2d<float>> src)
    float4 clr(0.0f);
    for(int i=0; i<src.size(); i++)
        clr += process_texture(src[i]);
    return clr;
kernel void my_kernel_A(
    const array<texture2d<float>, 10> srcA [[ texture(0) ]],
    texture2d<float, access::write> dstB [[ texture(10) ]])
    float4 clrA = foo(srcA);
    /* ... */
kernel void my_kernel_B(
    const array<texture2d<float>, 20> srcB [[ texture(0) ]],
    texture2d<float, access::write> dstB [[ texture(20) ]])
    float4 clrB = foo(srcB);
    /* ... */

Stencil Texture Views

Available in: iOS_GPUFamily1_v3, iOS_GPUFamily2_v3, iOS_GPUFamily3_v2, tvOS_GPUFamily1_v2, OSX_GPUFamily1_v2

MTLPixelFormatX32_Stencil8 and MTLPixelFormatX24_Stencil8 are new stencil pixel formats that allow you to easily access stencil texture data in a graphics or compute function by using a stencil texture view.

A stencil texture view allows you to create a stencil-only texture from a combined depth and stencil texture. Both textures can then be set as texture arguments and sampled separately in a graphics or compute function. The stencil-only texture returns 8-bit unsigned integer values for each pixel. The format of the depth and stencil parent texture dictates the format of the stencil texture view, as listed in Table 11-1.

Table 11-1  Pixel format compatibility for stencil texture views

Depth and stencil parent texture format

Stencil texture view format





*These pixel formats are only supported in certain devices; query the depth24Stencil8PixelFormatSupported property of a MTLDevice object to check for support.

A stencil texture view can be created by using the existing Metal framework API in the MTLTexture protocol, as shown in Listing 11-11.

Listing 11-11  Creating a stencil texture view

// Create a combined depth and stencil texture
MTLTextureDescriptor *depthStencilDescriptor = [MTLTextureDescriptor new];
depthStencilDescriptor.textureType = MTLTextureType2D;
depthStencilDescriptor.pixelFormat = MTLPixelFormatDepth32Float_Stencil8;
depthStencilDescriptor.width = 32;
depthStencilDescriptor.height = 32;
depthStencilDescriptor.usage = (MTLTextureUsageShaderRead | MTLTextureUsagePixelFormatView);
id<MTLTexture> depthStencilTexture = [device newTextureWithDescriptor:depthStencilDescriptor];
/* Initialize the combined depth and stencil texture data */
// Create a stencil texture view
id<MTLTexture> stencilTextureView = [depthStencilTexture newTextureViewWithPixelFormat:MTLPixelFormatX32_Stencil8];

Depth-16 Pixel Format

Available in: OSX_GPUFamily1_v2

MTLPixelFormatDepth16Unorm is a new 16-bit depth pixel format with one normalized unsigned integer component.

Extended Range Pixel Formats

Available in: iOS_GPUFamily3_v2

Table 11-2 lists the new extended range pixel formats. These pixel formats are intended to be used as displayable render targets for devices with a wide gamut display.

Table 11-2  Extended range pixel formats

Pixel format

Bits per pixel (bpp)

Bits per component (bpc)







[-0.752941, 1.25098]*





[-0.527100, 1.66894]*

(before gamma expansion)





[-0.752941, 1.25098]





[-0.527100, 1.66894]

(before gamma expansion)

*The alpha component of the MTLPixelFormatBGRA10_XR and MTLPixelFormatBGRA10_XR_sRGB pixel formats is always clamped to the [0.0, 1.0] range on sampling, rendering, and writing (despite supporting values outside this range).

All extended range formats are color-renderable and can be set in the pixelFormat property of a CAMetalLayer object or the colorPixelFormat property of a MTKView object. Only devices with a wide gamut display will display values outside the [0.0, 1.0] range; all other devices will clamp values to the [0.0, 1.0] range.

Combined MSAA Store and Resolve Action

Available in: iOS_GPUFamily3_v2, OSX_GPUFamily1_v2

The MTLStoreActionStoreAndMultisampleResolve store action allows you to store and resolve MSAA data using a single render command encoder. The unresolved MSAA data is stored in the texture specified by the texture property and the resolved MSAA data is stored in the texture specified by the resolveTexture property, as shown in Listing 11-12

Listing 11-12  Performing a combined MSAA store and resolve operation using a single render command encoder

// Create MSAA texture
// This texture is used to store the unresolved MSAA data
MTLTextureDescriptor *msaaTextureDescriptor = [MTLTextureDescriptor texture2DDescriptorWithPixelFormat:MTLPixelFormatRGBA8Unorm width:_width height:_height mipmapped:NO];
msaaTextureDescriptor.textureType = MTLTextureType2DMultisample;
msaaTextureDescriptor.sampleCount = _sampleCount; // must be > 1
id <MTLTexture> msaaTexture = [_device newTextureWithDescriptor:msaaTextureDescriptor];
// Create resolve texture
// This texture is used to store the resolved MSAA data
MTLTextureDescriptor *colorTextureDescriptor = [MTLTextureDescriptor texture2DDescriptorWithPixelFormat:MTLPixelFormatRGBA8Unorm width:_width height:_height mipmapped:NO];
id <MTLTexture> colorTexture = [_device newTextureWithDescriptor:colorTextureDescriptor];
// Create descriptor for store and resolve rendering pass
MTLRenderPassDescriptor *renderPassDescriptor = [MTLRenderPassDescriptor renderPassDescriptor];
renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].texture = msaaTexture;
renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].resolveTexture = colorTexture;
renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].loadAction = MTLLoadActionDontCare;
renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].storeAction = MTLStoreActionStoreAndMultisampleResolve;
// Create command buffer and render command encoder
id <MTLCommandBuffer> commandBuffer = [_commandQueue commandBuffer];
id <MTLRenderCommandEncoder> renderCommandEncoder = [commandBuffer renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor:renderPassDescriptor];
/* Encode rendering pass commands */
// End encoding and commit command buffer
[renderCommandEncoder endEncoding];
[commandBuffer commit];

Deferred Store Action

Available in: iOS_GPUFamily1_v3, iOS_GPUFamily2_v3, iOS_GPUFamily3_v2, tvOS_GPUFamily1_v2, OSX_GPUFamily1_v2

The MTLStoreActionUnknown store action allows you to defer specifying a store action when configuring a MTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor object. The store action must be specified after the render command encoder is created but before you call the endEncoding method, as shown in Listing 11-13. Call one of the following methods on a MTLRenderCommandEncoder object to specify a store action other than MTLStoreActionUnknown:

Equivalent methods are provided for a MTLParallelRenderCommandEncoder object, which you may only call on the parent encoder and must not call on any child encoders.

Listing 11-13  Deferring the decision of specifying a store action

// Create descriptor with an unknown store action
MTLRenderPassDescriptor *renderPassDescriptor = [MTLRenderPassDescriptor renderPassDescriptor];
renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].texture = colorTexture;
renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].loadAction = MTLLoadActionDontCare;
renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].storeAction = MTLStoreActionUnknown;
// Create command buffer and render command encoder
id <MTLCommandBuffer> commandBuffer = [_commandQueue commandBuffer];
id <MTLRenderCommandEncoder> renderCommandEncoder = [commandBuffer renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor:renderPassDescriptor];
/* Encode rendering pass commands */
// Specify a known store action
[renderCommandEncoder setColorStoreAction:MTLStoreActionStore atIndex:0];
// End encoding and commit command buffer
[renderCommandEncoder endEncoding];
[commandBuffer commit];

A render command encoder created with a MTLStoreActionUnknown store action can have its store action changed as many times as desired before a call to the endEncoding method. A render command encoder created with a non-MTLStoreActionUnknown store action cannot have its store action changed after creation.

Dual-Source Blending

Available in: OSX_GPUFamily1_v2

Dual-source blending allows a fragment function to output two source colors, Source0 and Source1, into the GPU’s blend unit for a single render target.

Producing a second source color

To produce two output colors, Source0 and Source1, the Metal Shading Language extends the color(m) attribute qualifier with an index(i) attribute qualifier, where:

  • m is the color attachment index.

  • i is the color output index.

Listing 11-14  Enabling dual-source blending in a fragment function

struct DualSourceOutput
    half4 Source0 [[ color(0), index(0) ]];
    half4 Source1 [[ color(0), index(1) ]];
fragment DualSourceOutput dual_source_fragment(constant float4* color0 [[ buffer(0) ]],
                                               constant float4* color1 [[ buffer(1) ]])
    DualSourceOutput dso;
    dso.Source0 = half4(color0[0]);
    dso.Source1 = half4(color1[0]);
    return dso;

Referencing a second source color

The second output color, Source1, is referenced as a source or destination blend factor in the following fixed-function blending equations:

Output.rgb = (Source0.rgb * SBF) {BO} (Destination.rgb * DBF)

Output.a = (Source0.a * SBF) {BO} (Destination.a * DBF)

Where BO is a MTLBlendOperation operator, SBF is the source blend factor, DBF is the destination blend factor, and Source1 can be referenced as one of the following MTLBlendFactor enums:

Table 11-3  Source1 blend factors


RGB blend factor values

Alpha blend factor value


R,G,B from Source1

A from Source1


1-R,1-G,1-B from Source1

1-A from Source1


A,A,A from Source1

A from Source1


1-A,1-A,1-A from Source1

1-A from Source1

For example, Listing 11-15 shows the render pipeline configuration that yields the following dual-source blend equation:

Output.rgb = (Source0.rgb * 1) + (Destination.rgb * Source1.rgb)

Listing 11-15  Configuring dual-source blending in a render pipeline descriptor

MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor *rpd = [[MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor alloc] init];
rpd.label = @"DualSourcePipeline";
rpd.fragmentFunction = [_defaultLibrary newFunctionWithName:@"dual_source_fragment"];
rpd.colorAttachments[0].blendingEnabled = YES;
rpd.colorAttachments[0].rgbBlendOperation = MTLBlendOperationAdd;
rpd.colorAttachments[0].sourceRGBBlendFactor = MTLBlendFactorOne;
rpd.colorAttachments[0].destinationRGBBlendFactor = MTLBlendFactorSource1Color;

Rules and Restrictions

Dual-source blending configurations must adhere to the following rules and restrictions:

  • Dual-source blending is not compatible with multiple render targets.

  • Fragment functions can only output to color(0).

  • index(0) always refers to Source0 and index(1) always refers to Source1.

  • Source1 blend factors can only be set on colorAttachments[0].

MSAA Blits

Available in: iOS_GPUFamily1_v3, iOS_GPUFamily2_v3, iOS_GPUFamily3_v2, tvOS_GPUFamily1_v2, OSX_GPUFamily1_v1, OSX_GPUFamily1_v2

MSAA blits from textures to buffers or from buffers to textures are now supported in the new iOS and tvOS feature sets. Blit destinations must be of an adequate size to store the MSAA data.

(MSAA blits were already supported in the OSX_GPUFamily1_v1 feature set and continue to be supported in the OSX_GPUFamily1_v2 feature set.)

sRGB Writes

Available in: iOS_GPUFamily2_v3, iOS_GPUFamily3_v1, iOS_GPUFamily3_v2, tvOS_GPUFamily1_v2

Writes to sRGB textures are now supported in additional iOS and tvOS feature sets.

(Writes to sRGB textures were already supported in the iOS_GPUFamily3_v1 feature set.)

Additional Shading Language Features

Available in: iOS_GPUFamily1_v3, iOS_GPUFamily2_v3, iOS_GPUFamily3_v2, tvOS_GPUFamily1_v2, OSX_GPUFamily1_v2 (unless otherwise stated)

This section summarizes additional features introduced in version 1.2 of the Metal shading language. For further information, see the Metal Shading Language Guide.

Integer Functions

New integer functions to extract, insert, and reverse bits, as described in Integer Functions.

Texture Functions

Texture read and write functions can now be used with 16-bit unsigned integer coordinates (ushort type), as described in Texture Functions.

Compute Functions

Available in: iOS_GPUFamily1_v3, iOS_GPUFamily2_v3, iOS_GPUFamily3_v2, tvOS_GPUFamily1_v2

A new synchronization function for SIMD-group threads, as described in threadgroup Synchronization Functions.

Sampler Qualifiers

Available in: iOS_GPUFamily1_v3, iOS_GPUFamily2_v3, iOS_GPUFamily3_v2, tvOS_GPUFamily1_v2

New sampler qualifiers to specify maximum anisotropy and LOD clamp range, as described in Samplers.

Struct of Buffers, Textures, and Samplers

A struct of resources can now be passed by value as an argument to a graphics or compute function, as described in Function Arguments and Variables.

Convenience Constants

New convenience constants of type float and half, as described in Math Functions.

Behavior Changes