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Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw /
Chapter 6 - Offscreen Graphics Worlds / Offscreen Graphics Worlds Reference
Routines / Creating, Altering, and Disposing of Offscreen Graphics Worlds


Use the NewGWorld function to create an offscreen graphics world.

FUNCTION NewGWorld (VAR offscreenGWorld: GWorldPtr; 
                    pixelDepth: Integer; boundsRect: Rect; 
                    cTable: CTabHandle; aGDevice: GDHandle; 
                    flags: GWorldFlags): QDErr;
A pointer to the offscreen graphics world created by this routine.
The pixel depth of the offscreen world; possible depths are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 bits per pixel. If you specify 0 in this parameter, you get the default behavior for the NewGWorld function--that is, it uses the pixel depth of the screen with the greatest pixel depth from among all screens whose boundary rectangles intersect the rectangle that you specify in the boundsRect parameter. If you specify 0 in this parameter, NewGWorld also uses the GDevice record from this device instead of creating a new GDevice record for the offscreen world. If you use NewGWorld on a computer that supports only basic QuickDraw, you may specify only 0 or 1 in this parameter.
The boundary rectangle and port rectangle for the offscreen pixel map. This becomes the boundary rectangle for the GDevice record, if NewGWorld creates one. If you specify 0 in the pixelDepth parameter, NewGWorld interprets the boundaries in global coordinates that it uses to determine which screens intersect the rectangle. (NewGWorld then uses the pixel depth, color table, and GDevice record from the screen with the greatest pixel depth from among all screens whose boundary rectangles intersect this rectangle.) Typically, your application supplies this parameter with the port rectangle for the onscreen window into which your application will copy the pixel image from this offscreen world.
A handle to a ColorTable record. If you pass NIL in this parameter, NewGWorld uses the default color table for the pixel depth that you specify in the pixelDepth parameter. If you set the pixelDepth parameter to 0, NewGWorld ignores the cTable parameter and instead copies and uses the color table of the graphics device with the greatest pixel depth among all graphics devices whose boundary rectangles intersect the rectangle that you specify in the boundsRect parameter. If you use NewGWorld on a computer that supports only basic QuickDraw, you may specify only NIL in this parameter.
A handle to a GDevice record that is used only when you specify the noNewDevice flag in the flags parameter, in which case NewGWorld attaches this GDevice record to the new offscreen graphics world. If you set the pixelDepth parameter to 0, or if you do not set the noNewDevice flag, NewGWorld ignores the aGDevice parameter, so you should set it to NIL. If you set the pixelDepth parameter to 0, NewGWorld uses the GDevice record for the graphics device with the greatest pixel depth among all graphics devices whose boundary rectangles intersect the rectangle that you specify in the boundsRect parameter. You should pass NIL in this parameter if the computer supports only basic QuickDraw. Generally, your application should never create GDevice records for offscreen graphics worlds.
Options available to your application. You can set a combination of the flags pixPurge, noNewDevice, useTempMem, and keepLocal. If you don't wish to use any of these flags, pass the empty set ([ ]) in your Pascal code or 0 in your C code in this parameter, in which case you get the default behavior for NewGWorld--that is, it creates an offscreen graphics world where the base address for the offscreen pixel image is unpurgeable, it uses an existing GDevice record (if you pass 0 in the depth parameter) or creates a new GDevice record, it uses memory in your application heap, and it allows graphics accelerators to cache the offscreen pixel image. The available flags are described here:
TYPE GWorldFlags = 
SET OF (       {flags for only NewGWorld are listed here}
 pixPurge,     {make base address for offscreen pixel }
               { image purgeable}
 noNewDevice,  {do not create an offscreen GDevice }
               { record}
 useTempMem,   {create base address for offscreen pixel }
               { image in temporary memory}
 keepLocal,    {keep offscreen pixel image in main }
               { memory where it cannot be cached to }
               { a graphics accelerator card}
The NewGWorld function creates an offscreen graphics world with the pixel depth you specify in the pixelDepth parameter, the boundary rectangle you specify in the boundsRect parameter, the color table you specify in the cTable parameter, and the options you specify in the flags parameter. The NewGWorld function returns a pointer to the new offscreen graphics world in the offscreenGWorld parameter. You use this pointer when referring to this new offscreen world in other routines described in this chapter.

Typically, you pass 0 in the pixelDepth parameter, a window's port rectangle in the boundsRect parameter, NIL in the cTable and aGDevice parameters, and--in the flags parameter--an empty set ([ ]) for Pascal code or 0 for C code. This provides your application with the default behavior of NewGWorld, and it supports computers running basic QuickDraw. This also allows QuickDraw to optimize the CopyBits, CopyMask, and CopyDeepMask procedures when your application copies the image in an offscreen graphics world into an onscreen graphics port.

The NewGWorld function allocates memory for an offscreen graphics port and its pixel map. On computers that support only basic QuickDraw, NewGWorld creates a 1-bit pixel map that your application can manipulate using other relevant routines described in this chapter. Your application can copy this 1-bit pixel map into basic graphics ports.

Unless you specify 0 in the pixelDepth parameter--or pass the noNewDevice flag in the flags parameter and supply a GDevice record in the aGDevice parameter--NewGWorld also allocates a new offscreen GDevice record.

When creating an image, your application can use the NewGWorld function to create an offscreen graphics world that is optimized for an image's characteristics--for example, its best pixel depth. After creating the image, your application can then use the CopyBits, CopyMask, or CopyDeepMask procedure to copy that image to an onscreen graphics port. Color QuickDraw automatically renders the image at the best available pixel depth for the screen. Creating an image in an offscreen graphics port and then copying it to the screen in this way prevents the visual choppiness that would otherwise occur if your application were to build a complex image directly onscreen.

The NewGWorld function initializes the offscreen graphics port by calling the OpenCPort function. The NewGWorld function sets the offscreen graphics port's visible region to a rectangular region coincident with its boundary rectangle. The NewGWorld function generates an inverse table with the Color Manager procedure MakeITable, unless one of the GDevice records for the screens has the same color table as the GDevice record for the offscreen world, in which case NewGWorld uses the inverse table from that GDevice record.

The address of the offscreen pixel image is not directly accessible from the PixMap record for the offscreen graphics world. However, you can use the GetPixBaseAddr function (described on page 6-38) to get a pointer to the beginning of the offscreen pixel image.

For purposes of estimating memory use, you can compute the size of the offscreen pixel image by using this formula:

rowBytes * (boundsRect.bottom - boundsRect.top)
In the flags parameter, you can specify several options that are defined by the GWorldFlags data type. If you don't wish to use any of these options, pass an empty set ([ ]) in the flags parameter for Pascal code or pass 0 here for C code.

As its function result, NewGWorld returns one of three result codes.

If you supply a handle to a ColorTable record in the cTable parameter, NewGWorld makes a copy of the record and stores its handle in the offscreen PixMap record. It is your application's responsibility to make sure that the ColorTable record you specify in the cTable parameter is valid for the offscreen graphics port's pixel depth.

If when using NewGWorld you specify a pixel depth, color table, or GDevice record that differs from those used by the window into which you copy your offscreen image, the CopyBits, CopyMask, and CopyDeepMask procedures require extra time to complete.

To use a custom color table in an offscreen graphics world, you need to create the associated offscreen GDevice record, because Color QuickDraw needs its inverse table.

The NewGWorld function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap. Your application should not call this function at interrupt time.

The trap macro and routine selector for the NewGWorld function are
Trap macroSelector

noErr0No error
paramErr-50Illegal parameter
cDepthErr-157Invalid pixel depth
Listing 6-1 on page 6-5 and Listing 6-2 on page 6-10 illustrate how to use NewGWorld to create offscreen graphics worlds.

If your application needs to change the pixel depth, boundary rectangle, or color table for an offscreen graphics world, use the UpdateGWorld function, described on page 6-23.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996