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Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw /
Chapter 8 - Cursor Utilities / Cursor Utilities Reference
Routines / Displaying Animated Cursors


You can use the RotateCursor procedure to display an animated cursor when your application performs a medium-length operation that might cause the user to think that the computer has quit working.

PROCEDURE RotateCursor (counter: LongInt);
An incrementing or decrementing index maintained by your application. When the index is a multiple of 32, the next cursor frame is used in the animation. A positive counter moves forward through the cursor frames, and a negative counter moves backward through the cursor frames.
The RotateCursor procedure animates whatever sequence of cursors you set up by using the InitCursorCtl procedure. If the value of counter is a multiple of 32, the RotateCursor procedure calls the SetCursor procedure to set the cursor to the next cursor frame. RotateCursor does not show the cursor if it is currently hidden. If the cursor is hidden, you can show it by making a call to ShowCursor or Show_Cursor (both described on page 8-28).

For an example of using the RotateCursor procedure, see Listing 8-3 on page 8-13.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996