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Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw /

Figures, Tables, and Listings

Color Plates

Color plates are immediately preceding the title page

Color Plate 1 The colors of the default color tables

Color Plate 2 Using CopyBits to colorize an image

Color Plate 3 Examples of the CopyMask procedure

Color Plate 4 Using a mask

Chapter 1 Introduction to QuickDraw 1-1

Figure 1-1 A grayscale image representing bits in memory 1-6

Figure 1-2 The QuickDraw global coordinate plane 1-7

Figure 1-3 A window's local and global coordinate systems 1-8

Figure 1-4 The coordinate plane 1-8

Figure 1-5 Points and pixels 1-9

Figure 1-6 Drawing a line 1-10

Figure 1-7 Lines drawn with different bit patterns and pen sizes 1-12

Figure 1-8 A rectangle 1-12

Figure 1-9 An oval 1-13

Figure 1-10 An arc and a wedge 1-14

Figure 1-11 A rounded rectangle 1-15

Figure 1-12 A polygon 1-15

Figure 1-13 Two regions 1-16

Figure 1-14 A simple QuickDraw picture 1-16

Figure 1-15 Filling and framing various shapes 1-17

Figure 1-16 A two-screen system 1-21

Figure 1-17 The GDevice record and pixel map for a 4-bit video card 1-22

Figure 1-18 The indexed-pixel path 1-24

Figure 1-19 The direct-pixel path 1-25

Figure 1-20 The job dialog box for a StyleWriter printer 1-26

Figure 1-21 The job dialog box for a LaserWriter printer 1-27

Chapter 2 Basic QuickDraw 2-1

Figure 2-1 The GrafPort record and the BitMap record 2-8

Figure 2-2 A bit image 2-9

Figure 2-3 Relationship of the boundary rectangle and the port
rectangle to the global coordinate system 2-10

Figure 2-4 Comparing the boundary rectangle, port rectangle,
visible region, and clipping region 2-12

Listing 2-1 Initializing QuickDraw 2-16

Listing 2-2 Using the Window Manager to create a basic graphics port 2-17

Listing 2-3 Saving and restoring a graphics port 2-18

Listing 2-4 Changing global coordinates to local coordinates 2-19

Figure 2-5 Moving a document relative to its window 2-21

Listing 2-5 Using ScrollRect to scroll the bits displayed
in the window 2-22

Figure 2-6 Updating the contents of a scrolled window 2-24

Figure 2-7 Restoring the window origin of the port rectangle to a horizontal coordinate of 0 and a vertical coordinate of 0 2-25

Table 2-1 QuickDraw global variables 2-36

Table 2-2 Initial values of a basic graphics port 2-38

Figure 2-8 Scrolling the image in a rectangle by using the ScrollRect procedure 2-44

Chapter 3 QuickDraw Drawing 3-1

Figure 3-1 A graphics pen 3-4

Figure 3-2 A bit pattern 3-5

Figure 3-3 Windows filled with the predefined bit patterns 3-7

Table 3-1 Effect of Boolean transfer modes on 1-bit pixels 3-9

Figure 3-4 Examples of Boolean transfer modes 3-10

Figure 3-5 Using the LineTo procedure 3-17

Listing 3-1 Drawing lines with the LineTo and Line procedures 3-18

Figure 3-6 Drawing lines 3-18

Figure 3-7 Using the LineTo and Line procedures 3-19

Figure 3-8 Resizing the pen 3-19

Listing 3-2 Using the PenSize procedure 3-20

Table 3-2 The global variables for five predefined bit patterns 3-20

Figure 3-9 Changing the pen pattern 3-21

Listing 3-3 Using the PenPat procedure to change the pattern
of the graphics pen 3-21

Figure 3-10 Two ways to specify a rectangle 3-22

Figure 3-11 Drawing rectangles 3-22

Listing 3-4 Using the FrameRect procedure to draw rectangles 3-23

Figure 3-12 Painting and filling rectangles 3-23

Listing 3-5 Using the PaintRect and FillRect procedures 3-24

Figure 3-13 Drawing ovals 3-25

Listing 3-6 Using the FrameOval procedure to draw ovals 3-25

Figure 3-14 Drawing an arc and a wedge 3-26

Listing 3-7 Using the FrameArc and PaintArc procedures 3-26

Listing 3-8 Creating and drawing a region 3-28

Figure 3-15 A shape created by a region 3-28

Listing 3-9 Creating a clipping region and filling it with a pattern 3-29

Figure 3-16 Filling a clipping region 3-30

Listing 3-10 Creating a triangular polygon 3-30

Table 3-3 QuickDraw routines for calculating and manipulating rectangles 3-31

Table 3-4 QuickDraw routines for calculating and manipulating regions 3-32

Figure 3-17 Shrinking images between graphics ports 3-33

Listing 3-11 Using the CopyBits procedure to copy between two windows 3-33

Figure 3-18 Forty-five-degree angles as returned by the PtToAngle procedure 3-57

Figure 3-19 Oval width and height in rounded rectangles 3-63

Figure 3-20 Using angles to define the radii for arcs and wedges 3-72

Figure 3-21 Using PaintArc to paint a 45 angle 3-74

Figure 3-22 Framing and painting polygons 3-82

Figure 3-23 Using ScalePt and MapPt 3-105

Figure 3-24 A source image and its resulting mask produced
by the SeedFill procedure 3-109

Figure 3-25 Parameters for the SeedFill and CalcMask procedures 3-110

Figure 3-26 A source image and the resulting mask produced
by the CalcMask procedure 3-111

Figure 3-27 Using CopyBits to stretch an image 3-113

Figure 3-28 Standard patterns 3-128

Figure 3-29 Format of a compiled pattern ('PAT ') resource 3-140

Figure 3-30 Format of a compiled pattern list ('PAT#') resource 3-141

Chapter 4 Color QuickDraw 4-1

Figure 4-1 The color graphics port 4-7

Figure 4-2 The pixel map 4-10

Figure 4-3 Translating a 48-bit RGBColor record to an 8-bit pixel
value on an indexed device 4-14

Figure 4-4 Translating an 8-bit pixel value on an indexed device
to a 48-bit RGBColor record 4-15

Figure 4-5 Translating a 48-bit RGBColor record to a 32-bit pixel
value on a direct device 4-15

Figure 4-6 Translating a 48-bit RGBColor record to a 16-bit pixel
value on a direct device 4-16

Figure 4-7 Translating a 32-bit pixel value to a 48-bit RGBColor record 4-16

Figure 4-8 Translating a 16-bit pixel value to a 48-bit RGBColor record 4-17

Listing 4-1 Using the Window Manager to create a
color graphics port 4-20

Listing 4-2 Changing the foreground color 4-22

Figure 4-9 Drawing with two different foreground colors
(on a grayscale screen) 4-23

Figure 4-10 Using ResEdit to create a pixel pattern resource 4-24

Listing 4-3 Rez input for a pixel pattern resource 4-24

Listing 4-4 Using pixel patterns to paint and fill 4-25

Figure 4-11 Painting and filling rectangles with pixel patterns 4-25

Figure 4-12 Copying pixel images with the CopyBits
procedure 4-27

Figure 4-13 Copying pixel images with the CopyMask
procedure 4-29

Figure 4-14 Copying pixel images with the CopyDeepMask
procedure 4-31

Table 4-1 Boolean source modes with colored pixels 4-33

Listing 4-5 Using CopyBits to produce coloration effects 4-35

Table 4-2 Arithmetic modes in a 1-bit environment 4-41

Figure 4-15 Difference between highlighting and inverting 4-42

Listing 4-6 Setting the highlight bit 4-42

Listing 4-7 Using highlighting for text 4-43

Table 4-3 Initial values in the CGrafPort record 4-64

Table 4-4 The colors defined by the global variable QDColors 4-71

Table 4-5 The default color tables for grayscale graphics devices 4-92

Table 4-6 The default color tables for color graphics devices 4-93

Figure 4-16 Format of a compiled pixel pattern ('ppat') resource 4-103

Figure 4-17 Format of a compiled color table ('clut') resource 4-104

Figure 4-18 Format of a compiled color icon ('cicn') resource 4-106

Chapter 5 Graphics Devices 5-1

Figure 5-1 The GDevice record 5-5

Listing 5-1 Using the DeviceLoop procedure 5-8

Listing 5-2 Drawing into different screens 5-9

Listing 5-3 Zooming a window 5-10

Chapter 6 Offscreen Graphics Worlds 6-1

Listing 6-1 Using a single offscreen graphics world and
the CopyBits procedure 6-5

Listing 6-2 Using two offscreen graphics worlds and
the CopyMask procedure 6-10

Chapter 7 Pictures 7-1

Figure 7-1 A picture of a party hat 7-4

Figure 7-2 The Picture record 7-5

Listing 7-1 Creating and drawing a picture 7-11

Figure 7-3 A simple picture 7-12

Listing 7-2 Opening and drawing a picture from disk 7-13

Listing 7-3 Replacing QuickDraw's standard low-level
picture-reading routine 7-15

Listing 7-4 Determining whether a graphics port is
color or basic 7-16

Listing 7-5 A custom low-level procedure for spooling
a picture from disk 7-16

Listing 7-6 Pasting in a picture from the scrap 7-17

Listing 7-7 Adjusting the destination rectangle for a picture 7-18

Listing 7-8 Drawing a picture stored in a resource file 7-20

Listing 7-9 Saving a picture as a 'PICT' file 7-21

Listing 7-10 Replacing QuickDraw's standard low-level
picture-writing routine 7-22

Listing 7-11 A custom low-level routine for spooling
a picture to disk 7-23

Listing 7-12 Looking for color profile comments in a picture 7-25

Table 7-1 Routine selectors for an application-defined
color-picking method 7-61

Figure 7-4 Structure of a compiled picture ('PICT') resource 7-68

Chapter 8 Cursor Utilities 8-1

Figure 8-1 Hot spots in cursors 8-4

Listing 8-1 Initializing the Cursor Utilities 8-6

Figure 8-2 The standard arrow cursor 8-8

Figure 8-3 The I-beam, crosshairs, plus sign, and
wristwatch cursors 8-8

Figure 8-4 A window and its arrow and I-beam regions 8-9

Figure 8-5 Changing the cursor from the I-beam cursor
to the arrow cursor 8-10

Listing 8-2 Changing the cursor 8-10

Figure 8-6 The 'CURS' resources for an animated globe cursor 8-13

Figure 8-7 An 'acur' resource for an animated cursor 8-14

Listing 8-3 Animating a cursor with the RotateCursor procedure 8-15

Listing 8-4 Animating a cursor with the SpinCursor procedure 8-15

Table 8-1 Cursor appearance 8-17

Figure 8-8 Format of a compiled cursor ('CURS') resource 8-34

Figure 8-9 Format of a compiled color cursor ('crsr') resource 8-35

Figure 8-10 Format of a compiled animated cursor ('acur') resource 8-37

Chapter 9 Printing Manager 9-1

Figure 9-1 A standard File menu for an application 9-5

Figure 9-2 The style dialog box for a StyleWriter printer 9-6

Figure 9-3 The style dialog box for a LaserWriter printer 9-7

Figure 9-4 The job dialog box for a StyleWriter printer 9-7

Figure 9-5 The job dialog box for a LaserWriter printer 9-8

Figure 9-6 Page and paper rectangles 9-10

Figure 9-7 A TPrint record 9-12

Figure 9-8 The print status dialog box for a LaserWriter printer driver
printing in the background 9-13

Figure 9-9 A status dialog box with the LaserWriter printer driver's
print status dialog box 9-14

Listing 9-1 Reading a document's TPrint record 9-17

Listing 9-2 A sample printing loop 9-20

Figure 9-10 How the PrJobMerge procedure works 9-26

Listing 9-3 Checking whether the current printer driver
supports the PrGeneral procedure 9-29

Figure 9-11 Sample resolutions for a PostScript printer and
a QuickDraw printer 9-30

Listing 9-4 Using the getRslDataOp and setRslOp opcodes
with the PrGeneral procedure 9-31

Listing 9-5 Using the getRotnOp opcode with the PrGeneral
procedure to determine page orientation 9-33

Listing 9-6 Using the draftBitsOp opcode with the PrGeneral
procedure for enhanced draft-quality printing 9-34

Figure 9-12 A print job dialog box with additional checkboxes 9-35

Listing 9-7 Installing an initialization function to alter the print
job dialog box 9-37

Listing 9-8 Adding items to a print job dialog box 9-37

Listing 9-9 An idle procedure 9-40

Table 9-1 Values for the lParam1 parameter when using
the iPrDevCtl control constant 9-83

Appendix A Picture Opcodes A-1

Table A-1 Data types for picture opcodes A-4

Table A-2 Opcodes for extended version 2 and
version 2 pictures A-5

Listing A-1 Data for the BkPixPat, PnPixPat, and
FillPixPat opcodes A-17

Listing A-2 Data for the BitsRect and PackBitsRect
opcodes A-17

Listing A-3 Data for the BitsRgn and PackBitsRgn
opcodes A-18

Table A-3 Opcodes for version 1 pictures A-18

Listing A-4 Creating and drawing an extended version 2 picture A-22

Figure A-1 A picture A-23

Listing A-5 A decompiled extended version 2 picture A-23

Listing A-6 A decompiled version 2 picture A-24

Listing A-7 A decompiled version 1 picture A-25

Appendix B Using Picture Comments for Printing B-1

Table B-1 Names, values, and data sizes for picture comments B-5

Table B-2 Low-level QuickDraw routines disabled
by the PostScriptBegin comment B-9

Listing B-1 Synchronizing QuickDraw and the PostScript driver B-10

Listing B-2 Flushing the buffer for a PostScript printer driver B-11

Figure B-1 The line layout error between a bitmapped font
and a PostScript font B-12

Figure B-2 Major and minor glyphs B-13

Figure B-3 Distributing layout error to the major glyphs B-13

Figure B-4 Distributing layout error among major and minor glyphs B-14

Figure B-5 Using the LineLayoutOff and LineLayoutOn picture comments B-15

Listing B-3 Disabling line layout by using the LineLayoutOff
and StringBegin picture comments B-17

Figure B-6 Variations in text alignment B-18

Listing B-4 Displaying rotated text using picture comments B-21

Figure B-7 Types of polygons B-23

Listing B-5 Creating polygons B-26

Listing B-6 Drawing polygons B-27

Figure B-8 QuickDraw and PostScript polygons B-29

Listing B-7 Using picture comments to rotate graphics B-31

Listing B-8 Using the RotateCenter, RotateBegin, and
RotateEnd picture comments B-32

Listing B-9 Using the DashedLine picture comment B-34

Figure B-9 Changing the pen width using the SetLineWidth
picture comment B-36

Listing B-10 Using the SetLineWidth picture comment B-37

Listing B-11 Sending PostScript code directly to the printer B-39

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996