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Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw /
Chapter 9 - Printing Manager

Using the Printing Manager

The Printing Manager defines routines that give your application device-independent control over the printing process. You can use these routines to print documents, to display and alter the print dialog boxes, and to handle printing errors.

To use the Printing Manager, you must first initialize QuickDraw, the Font Manager, the Window Manager, the Menu Manager, TextEdit, and the Dialog Manager. The first Printing Manager routine to call, when you are ready to print, is PrOpen; the last routine to call is PrClose.

All of the Printing Manager routines described in this chapter are available on both basic QuickDraw and Color QuickDraw systems using system software version 4.1 or later. However, not all printer drivers support all features provided by the PrGeneral procedure. (When you call the PrGeneral procedure, described in "Getting and Setting Printer Information" beginning on page 9-26, it in turn calls the current printer driver to get or set the desired information.) After calling PrGeneral and passing it a particular opcode, you should call the PrError function and test whether it returns the opNotImpl result code, which indicates that the printer driver does not support that particular opcode.

All printable documents must have a TPrint record. Each TPrint record contains information about page size, number of copies requested, and the range of pages the user wants printed. Although only the information the user specifies through the style dialog box should be preserved each time the user prints the document, you can save the entire TPrint record when you save the document. The next time the user opens the document, you can retrieve the user's preferences as saved in the TPrint record and then use the PrValidate function to validate the fields of the TPrint record.

To print a user's document, you must first create or validate a TPrint record for the document. You can use the PrintDefault procedure to initialize the values in a TPrint record. You can use the PrValidate function to check that an existing TPrint record is compatible with the current printer and its driver. Your application should include a printing loop that handles printing and checks for printing errors at every step.

You should never assume the type of printer that has been selected; your application should always be able to print to any type of printer. However, for some special features that are not supported by QuickDraw (notably rotated text and graphics, dashed lines, and hairlines), you may want to create two versions of your drawing code: one that uses picture comments to take advantage of the features, and another that provides QuickDraw-based implementations of these features. Using picture comments, your application can instruct printer drivers to perform operations that QuickDraw does not support. For more information, see Appendix B, "Using Picture Comments for Printing," in this book.

The rest of this section describes how you can

Be aware that the burden of maintaining backward compatibility with early Apple printer models--as well as maintaining compatibility with over a hundred existing printer drivers--requires extra care on your part. When the Printing Manager was initially designed, it was intended to support ImageWriter printers directly attached to Macintosh computers with only a single floppy disk and 128 KB of RAM. Later, the Printing Manager was implemented on PostScript LaserWriter printer drivers for more powerful Macintosh computers sharing LaserWriter printers on networks. Since then, the Printing Manager has been implemented on a substantial--and unanticipated--number of additional Apple and third-party printer drivers, each in its own, slightly unique way. When you use Printing Manager routines and data structures, you should be especially wary of and defensive about possible error conditions. Because Apple has little control over the manner in which third parties support the Printing Manager in their printer drivers, you should test your application's printing code on as many printers as possible.

Creating and Using a TPrint Record

To print a document, you need a valid TPrint record that is formatted for the current versions of the Printing Manager and the printer driver.

To create a new TPrint record, you must first create a handle to it with a Memory Manager function such as NewHandle or NewHandleClear. You then must use the PrintDefault procedure to set the fields of the record to the default values for the current printer driver, as illustrated in the following code fragment.

   prRecHdl:   THPrint;

   {allocate handle to a TPrint record}
   prRecHdl := THPrint(NewHandleClear(SizeOf(TPrint)));
   IF prRecHdl <> NIL THEN
      PrintDefault(prRecHdl) {sets appropriate default values }
                             { for current printer driver}
   ; {handle error here}
You can also use an existing TPrint record (for instance, one saved with a document). If you use an existing TPrint record, be sure to call the PrValidate function before using the TPrint record to make sure it's valid for the current version of the Printing Manager and for the current printer driver.

Listing 9-1 shows an application-defined routine that reads a TPrint record that the application has saved as a resource of type 'SPRC' with the document. (The Resource Manager routines CurResFile, UseResFile, Get1Resource, and DetachResource that are shown in this listing are described in the chapter "Resource Manager" in Inside Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox.)

Listing 9-1 Reading a document's TPrint record

FUNCTION MyGetPrintRecordForThisDoc (refNum: Integer;
                                     VAR prRecHdl: THPrint;
                                     VAR prRecChanged: Boolean):
   saveResFile:   Integer;
   saveResFile := CurResFile; {save the resource file for the document}
   prRecHdl := THPrint(Get1Resource('SPRC', kDocPrintRec));
   IF prRecHdl <> NIL THEN 
      prRecChanged := PrValidate(prRecHdl);  {validate TPrint record}
      MyGetPrintRecordForThisDoc := PrError;
      MyGetPrintRecordForThisDoc := kNILHandlePrintErr;
You should save the TPrint record when the user saves the document. By doing this, you can save any preferences that the user has selected for printing that document, such as orientation of the page or page size. See the chapter "Resource Manager" in Inside Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox for information about saving data such as TPrint records in resources.

Every printer driver uses the fields of the TPrint record differently. To maintain compatibility with the Printing Manager, you should follow these guidelines:

Printing a Document

When writing an application, the code you provide that handles printing is referred to as the printing loop. A printing loop calls all the Printing Manager routines necessary to print a document. In general, a printing loop must do the following tasks:

Listing 9-2 shows an extremely broad example of a printing loop--the code does not optimize for the type of printer being used or for the material being printed (text, graphics, or a mixture of both). However, this sample routine, called MyPrintLoop, does cover the major aspects of a printing loop: how to balance calls to the open and close routines, how to determine page count, and how to provide support for documents exceeding the maximum page length specified by the constant iPFMaxPgs.

Listing 9-2 A sample printing loop

PROCEDURE MyPrintLoop(docToPrint: MyDocRecHnd; displayJob: Boolean);
   copies, numberOfCopies:    Integer;
   firstPage, lastPage:       Integer;
   pageNumber, numberOfPages: Integer;
   doPrint, changed:          Boolean;
   oldPort:                   GrafPtr;
   theStatus:                 TPrStatus;
   printError:                Integer;
   MyUnLoadTheWorld; {swap out those segments of code not needed to print}
   PrOpen;           {open Printing Manager and the current printer driver}
   IF (PrError = noErr) THEN
      gPrintResFile := CurResFile;     {save the current resource file}
      gPrintRec := docToPrint^^.docPrintRecHdl; {set to this doc's print rec}
      changed := PrValidate(gPrintRec);   {verify TPrint record}
      IF (PrError = noErr) THEN
         {determine the number of pages required to print the document}
         numberOfPages := MyDetermineNumOfPages(gPrintRec^^.prInfo.rPage);
         {display job dialog box if requested, else use previous settings}
         IF displayJob THEN
            doPrint := PrJobDialog(gPrintRec)
            doPrint := MyDoJobMerge(gPrintRec);
         IF doPrint THEN
            numberOfCopies := gPrintRec^^.prJob.iCopies;
            firstPage := gPrintRec^^.prJob.iFstPage;{save first page number}
            lastPage := gPrintRec^^.prJob.iLstPage; {save last page number}
            gPrintRec^^.prJob.iFstPage := 1;        {reset to 1}
            gPrintRec^^.prJob.iLstPage := iPrPgMax; {reset to maximum}
            IF (numberOfPages < lastPage) THEN 
               lastPage := numberOfPages;    {to prevent printing past last }
                                             { page}
            {display a "Print Status" dialog box (optional)-- }
            { first, deactivate front window}
            MyDoActivateFrontWindow(FALSE, oldPort); 
            gPrintStatusDlg := GetNewDialog(kPrintStatus, NIL, Pointer(-1));
            {set up dialog items (insert name of document being printed)}
            ShowWindow(gPrintStatusDlg);  {display the dialog box}
            {set up idle procedure (for later use)}
            gPrintRec^^.prJob.pIdleProc := @MyDoPrintIdle;
            {print the requested number of copies}
            FOR copies := 1 TO numberOfCopies DO
               UseResFile(gPrintResFile);{restore driver's resource file}
               {print the requested range of pages of the document}
               FOR pageNumber := firstPage TO lastPage DO
                  {check current page number against iPFMaxPgs}
                  IF (pageNumber - firstPage) MOD iPFMaxPgs = 0 THEN
                     IF pageNumber <> firstPage THEN
                     {if max size of spool file has been reached (and this }
                     { isn't the first page), then close the document, }
                     { initiate printing, then reopen the document}
                        {next line tests for deferred printing}
                        IF (gPrintRec^^.prJob.bJDocLoop = bSpoolLoop) 
                              AND (PrError = noErr) THEN
                           PrPicFile(gPrintRec, NIL, NIL, NIL, theStatus);
                     {if this is the first page or a multiple of iPFMaxPgs, }
                     { then open the document for printing}
                     gPrinterPort := PrOpenDoc(gPrintRec, NIL, NIL);
                  END; {of check current page number}
                  IF (PrError = noErr) THEN
                  BEGIN {print a page}
                     PrOpenPage(gPrinterPort, NIL);
                     IF (PrError = noErr) THEN
                     {draw (print) a page in the printable area for the }
                     { current printer (indicated by the rPage field)}
                     MyDrawStuff (gPrintRec^^.prInfo.rPage, docToPrint,
                                  GrafPtr(gPrinterPort), pageNumber);
                  END;  {of print a page}
               END; {of print the requested range of pages}
               IF (gPrintRec^^.prJob.bJDocLoop = bSpoolLoop) AND
                  (PrError = noErr) THEN
                  PrPicFile(gPrintRec, NIL, NIL, NIL, theStatus);
   printError := PrError;
   IF (printError <> noErr) THEN 
      DoError(ePrint, printError);
   MyDoActivateFrontWindow(TRUE, oldPort); {activate window}
The MyPrintLoop procedure starts by getting a pointer to the current graphics port. Then it calls an application-defined routine, MyUnloadTheWorld, that swaps out code segments not required during printing. Then it opens the Printing Manager and the current printer driver and its resource file by calling PrOpen.

The MyPrintLoop procedure saves the current resource file (after calling PrOpen, the current resource file is the driver's resource file) so that, if its idle procedure changes the resource chain in any way, it can restore the current resource file before returning; thus the driver does not lose access to its resources. The MyPrintLoop procedure then uses the PrValidate function to change any values in the TPrint record associated with the document to match those specified by the current printer driver; these values can be changed later by the printer driver as a result of your application's use of the PrStlDialog and PrJobDialog functions. (Your application passes a handle to a TPrint record to the PrStlDialog and PrJobDialog functions, and these procedures modify the TPrint record according to the user's interaction with the style and job dialog boxes.) The MyPrintLoop procedure calls PrValidate rather than PrintDefault to preserve any values that the user might have previously set through the style dialog box.

To print a document, you must divide the data into sections that fit within the page rectangle dimensions stored in the rPage field of the TPrJob record, which is contained in the TPrint record. (This information is stored in the rPage field when you call the PrintDefault, PrValidate, or PrStlDialog routine.) The application-defined function MyDetermineNumOfPages is specific to the application, because the way the application divides up the data depends on the type of text and graphics in the document. The MyDetermineNumOfPages function determines the number of pages required to print the document by comparing the size of the document with the printable area for the current printer, which is specified by the value in the rPage field of the TPrJob record in the TPrint record.

After determining the number of pages required to print the document, MyPrintLoop displays the job dialog box if the calling routine requested it to do so. If the user prints multiple documents at once, the calling routine sets the displayJob parameter to TRUE for the first document and FALSE for subsequent documents. This allows the user to specify values in the job dialog box only once when printing multiple documents. It also provides an application with the ability to print documents in the background (for example, as the result of responding to the Apple event Print Documents) without requiring the application to display the job dialog box.

The user's responses in the job dialog box provide such information as the number of copies and the page numbers of the first and last pages requested. The MyPrintLoop procedure stores these values in the local variables firstPage and lastPage. It then resets the value of the first page in the TPrJob record as 1 and resets the value of the last page to the value represented by the constant iPrPgMax.

The MyPrintLoop procedure compares the values of the number of pages in the document with the last page the user requested and changes the last page number as necessary. For example, if the user asks to print page 50 of a two-page document, MyPrintLoop resets the value of the last page to 2.

At this point, MyPrintLoop is about to begin the process of sending the pages off to be printed. So it displays its own status dialog box to inform the user of the current status of the printing operation. If your status dialog box provides a button or reports on the progress of the printing operation, you need to handle events in the dialog box by providing an idle procedure. Your idle procedure should update the items in your status dialog box to show the current progress of the printing operation, and it should determine whether the user has canceled the printing operation. The printer driver calls the idle procedure periodically during the printing process. For more information on idle procedures, see "Writing an Idle Procedure" on page 9-35.

After installing its idle procedure, the MyPrintLoop procedure then begins the printing operation by performing a number of steps for each requested copy. First, MyPrintLoop restores the current resource file to the printer driver's resource file.

MyPrintLoop then begins the process of printing each page. The maximum number of pages that can be printed at a time is represented by the constant iPFMaxPgs. If the file is larger than the value represented by iPFMaxPgs, your application can print the number of pages represented by iPFMaxPgs and then begin the printing loop again with the next section of the document. In this way, you can print any number of pages.

Next, MyPrintLoop opens a page for printing and draws the page in the printing graphics port with the application-defined MyDrawStuff procedure, the details of which are specific to the application. The parameters to MyDrawStuff are the size of the page rectangle, the document containing the data to print, the printing graphics port in which to draw, and the page number to be printed. This allows the application to use the same code to print a page of a document as it uses to draw the same page on screen.

When MyPrintLoop is finished printing (or has printed a multiple of the value represented by the constant iPFMaxPgs), it closes the printing graphics port for the document. By testing for the bSpoolLoop constant in the bJDocLoop field of the TPrJob record, MyPrintLoop determines whether a printer driver is using deferred printing; if so, MyPrintLoop calls the PrPicFile procedure, which sends the spool file to the printer.

Some QuickDraw printer drivers (in particular, those for the ImageWriter and ImageWriter LQ printers) provide two methods of printing documents: deferred and draft-quality. Typically, the printer driver uses deferred printing when a user chooses Best in the job dialog box, and it uses draft-quality printing when the user chooses Draft.

Deferred printing was designed to allow ImageWriter printers to spool a page image to disk when printing under the low memory conditions of the original 128 KB Macintosh computer. With deferred printing, a printer driver records each page of the document's printed image in a structure similar to a QuickDraw picture, which the driver writes to a spool file. For compatibility with printer drivers that still support deferred printing, use the PrPicFile procedure to instruct these printer drivers to turn the QuickDraw pictures into bit images and send them to the printer. (Draft-quality printing, on the other hand, is a method by which a printer driver converts into drawing operations calls only to QuickDraw's text-drawing routines. The printer driver sends these routines directly to the printer instead of using deferred printing to capture the entire image for a page in a spool file.)

Do not confuse background printing with deferred printing. While printer drivers supporting background printing also create spool files, you do not need to use the PrPicFile procedure to send these spool files to the printer. In fact, there is no reliable way for you to determine whether a printer driver is using a spool file for background printing.
The MyPrintLoop procedure concludes by closing the Printing Manager, reporting any Printing Manager errors, and resetting the current graphics port to the original port.

In your printing loop, you should balance all calls to Printing Manager open routines to the equivalent Printing Manager close routines. This is extremely important, even if you stop printing because of an error. Failure to call the matching close routines can cause the Printing Manager to perform incorrectly.

Note that MyPrintLoop calls PrError after each Printing Manager routine. If an error is found, the loop calls a close routine (PrClose, PrClosePage, or PrCloseDoc) for any Printing Manager open routines (PrOpen, PrClosePage, or PrOpenDoc) before informing the user of the error. You should use this approach in your own application to make sure the Printing Manager closes properly and all temporary memory is released.

Some applications use a method of printing that prints out each page of a spooled document as a separate print job in order to avoid running out of disk space while spooling the document. You should not use this method, known as "spool a page, print a page." It is appropriate only for a printer directly connected to the user's computer (that is, not to a network) and therefore creates device dependence--and also it's extremely slow. If the printer is a remote or shared device (such as a LaserWriter printer connected by an AppleTalk network), another application could print a document between the pages of your user's document. At worst, if both applications printing to the shared printer use the "spool a page, print a page" method, the printed documents could end up interleaved. The pages for one of the documents could be out of order, even when printed by itself on a shared, network printer.

Printing From the Finder

Typically, users print documents that are open on the screen one at a time while the application that created the document is running. Alternatively, users can print one or more documents from the Finder. To print documents from the Finder, the user selects one or more document icons and chooses the Print command from the File menu. When the Print command is chosen, the Finder starts up the application and passes it an Apple event--the Print Documents event--indicating that the documents are to be printed rather than opened on the screen.

As explained in Inside Macintosh: Interapplication Communication, your application should support the required Apple events, which include the Print Documents event. In response to a Print Documents event, your application should do the following:

  1. Your application should not open windows for the documents.
  2. For style information, your application should use saved or default settings instead of displaying the style dialog box to ask this information from the user.
  3. Your application should use the PrJobDialog function (described on page 9-59) or the PrDlgMain function (described on page 9-60) to display the job dialog box only once. When the user clicks the OK button in the job dialog box, you can then use the PrJobMerge procedure (described on page 9-63) to apply the information specified by the user to all of the documents selected from the Finder.

    For example, if the user has selected three documents to print, you can display the job dialog box only once and then apply the same information supplied by the user to all three documents. Figure 9-10 shows a situation where, through the job dialog box, the user has specified the number of copies and the range of pages to print. In this example, the application applies this job information to the TPrint record of the three documents by calling PrJobMerge. Note that PrJobMerge preserves the fields of the TPrint record that are specific to each document (that is, the fields that are set by the user through the style dialog box).

  4. Your application should remain open until the Finder sends your application a Quit event. If appropriate, the Finder sends your application this Apple event immediately after sending it the Print Documents event.

Figure 9-10 How the PrJobMerge procedure works

See Inside Macintosh: Interapplication Communication for more information about how to handle the Print Documents and Quit events.

Providing Names of Documents Being Printed

Some printer drivers (usually those for printers such as LaserWriter printers that are shared among many users) provide the names of the users who are printing and the documents that are being printed to others interested in using the printer. Providing the names of users and documents is a courtesy to other users sharing the printer on a network. The printer driver gets the name of the document being printed from the title of the frontmost window on the user's screen. The PrOpenDoc and PrValidate functions call the Window Manager procedure FrontWindow to get the document's name.

Printer drivers can't get a document name if your application doesn't display windows while printing. For example, applications should not open windows for their documents when the user prints from the Finder. If there is no front window, or if the window's title is empty, the printer driver sets the document name to "Unspecified" or "Untitled."

You can ensure that the document name is available by displaying a printing status dialog box and setting the window's title to the document's name. If the dialog box is one that doesn't have a title bar (like that of type dBoxProc), this title is not displayed but the current printer driver can still use the title as the document's name. If you don't want to put up a visible window, you can create a tiny window (for instance, type plainDBox) and hide it behind the menu bar by giving it the global coordinates of (1,1,2,2). See the chapter "Window Manager" in Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials for information about the dBoxProc and plainDBox window types.

Do not set the document name in the TPrint record directly. Not all printer drivers support this field, and Apple does not guarantee that internal fields of the Printing Manager's data structures will remain the same.

Printing Hints

QuickDraw is the primary means you use to print, and in general you can use QuickDraw in the printing graphics port exactly as you would for a screen's graphics port. There are a few things to note when drawing to the printing graphics port:

Getting and Setting Printer Information

You can determine the resolution of the printer, set the resolution you want, find out if the user has selected landscape printing, or force enhanced draft-quality printing by using the PrGeneral procedure. You call the PrGeneral procedure with one of five opcodes: getRslDataOp, setRslOp, getRotnOp, draftBitsOp, or noDraftBitsOp. These opcodes have data structures associated with them.

When you call the PrGeneral procedure, it in turn calls the current printer driver to get or set the desired information. Not all printer drivers support all features provided by the PrGeneral procedure, however, so your application can't depend on its use.

Listing 9-3 shows an application-defined routine, DoIsPrGeneralThere, that checks whether the current printer driver supports the PrGeneral procedure. First, DoIsPrGeneralThere sets the opcode field of the TGetRotnBlk record to the getRotnOp opcode--the opcode used to determine whether the user has chosen landscape orientation. Then DoIsPrGeneralThere passes the address of the TGetRotnBlk record to the PrGeneral procedure. It then calls PrError to get any errors that result from calling PrGeneral. If the error is resNotFound, the printer driver does not support PrGeneral.

Listing 9-3 Checking whether the current printer driver supports the PrGeneral procedure

FUNCTION DoIsPrGeneralThere: Boolean;
   getRotRec:     TGetRotnBlk;
   myPrintErr:    OSErr;
   myPrintErr := 0;
   getRotRec.iOpCode := getRotnOp;  {set the opcode}
   getRotRec.hPrint := gMyPrRecHdl; {TPrint record this operation applies to}
   myPrintErr := PrError;
   IF (myPrintErr = resNotFound) THEN  {the current driver doesn't support }
      DoIsPrGeneralThere := FALSE;     { PrGeneral}
      DoIsPrGeneralThere := TRUE;      {current driver supports PrGeneral}
After determining that the current printer driver supports PrGeneral, you can use PrGeneral to

As an alternative to testing for PrGeneral, your application can call PrGeneral and then test whether PrError error returns the opNotImpl result code, which indicates that the printer driver either does not support PrGeneral or does not support that particular opcode.

These operations are discussed in the following sections.

Determining and Setting the Resolution of the Current Printer

Some printer drivers support only one of the two possible kinds of resolution: discrete or variable. You can use the PrGeneral procedure to determine the kind of resolution supported by the current printer and then use the highest resolution desired by your application or the user.

Each printer has its own imaging capabilities. When you call PrGeneral with the value getRslDataOp in the iOpCode field of the TGetRslBlk record, PrGeneral returns the resolutions that the printer supports. Figure 9-11 shows TGetRslBlk records (described on page 9-50) returned by the drivers for a 300-dpi LaserWriter PostScript printer and a QuickDraw ImageWriter printer. Because it supports variable resolutions, the TGetRslBlk record for the LaserWriter driver specifies minimum and maximum resolutions in the x and y directions. Because it uses discrete resolutions, the TGetRslBlk record for the ImageWriter driver specifies no minimum or maximum resolutions in the x and y directions, but instead specifies the four discrete resolutions it supports.

Figure 9-11 Sample resolutions for a PostScript printer and a QuickDraw printer

A TPrint record contains the x and y resolutions that the printer uses in printing the data associated with the TPrint record. For each TPrint record you use, you can either use the default values or you can specify the particular imaging resolution that you want to use. To do this, you can call PrGeneral, specifying the value setRslOp in the iOpCode field and specifying the x and y resolutions in the iXRsl and iYRsl fields of the TSetRslBlk record (which is described on page 9-51). The PrGeneral procedure returns the noErr result code if it has updated the TPrint record with this new resolution, or it returns the noSuchRsl result code if the current printer doesn't support this resolution.

Listing 9-4 illustrates how to use the PrGeneral procedure to determine the possible resolutions for the current printer and then set a TPrint record to the desired resolution.

Listing 9-4 Using the getRslDataOp and setRslOp opcodes with the PrGeneral procedure

FUNCTION DoSetMaxResolution (thePrRecHdl: THPrint): Integer;
   maxDPI:     Integer;
   resIndex:   Integer;
   getResRec:  TGetRslBlk;
   setResRec:  TSetRslBlk;
   maxDPI := 0;
   getResRec.iOpCode := getRslDataOp;{get printer resolution info}
   IF (getResRec.iError = noErr) AND (PrError = noErr) THEN
      {the TGetRslBlk record contains an array of possible resolutions-- }
      { so loop through each resolution range record looking for }
      { the highest resolution available where x and y are equal}
      FOR resIndex := 1 TO (getResRec.iRslRecCnt) DO
         IF (getResRec.rgRslRec[resIndex].iXRsl =
               getResRec.rgRslRec[resIndex].iYRsl) AND
               (getResRec.rgRslRec[resIndex].iXRsl > maxDPI) THEN
            maxDPI := getResRec.rgRslRec[resIndex].iYRsl;
      {set the resolution to the maximum supported resolution}
      IF maxDPI <> 0 THEN
         WITH setResRec DO
            iOpCode := setRslOp;
            hPrint := thePrRecHdl;
            iXRsl := maxDPI;
            iYRsl := maxDPI;
      END; {end of maxDPI <> 0}
      IF (setResRec.iError = noErr) AND (PrError = noErr) AND
            (maxDPI <> 0) THEN 
         DoSetMaxResolution := maxDPI;
      DoSetMaxResolution := 0;
You can reset the original resolutions by calling the PrGeneral procedure with the setRslOp opcode a second time. To do so, you should save the values contained in the iVRes and iHRes fields of the TPrInfo record before making the first call to PrGeneral. You can also reset the original resolutions by calling the PrintDefault procedure with the TPrint record, which sets all of the fields of the TPrint record to the default values of the current printer resource file. However, if you use PrintDefault you lose all of the user's selections from the last style dialog box. (You may want to reset the original resolution because that may be the printer's best resolution, though not its highest.)

Based on the information you get with a call to PrGeneral using the getRslDataOp opcode, you may decide to change the resolution with a call to PrGeneral using the setRslOp opcode. If so, the printer driver may need to change the appearance of the style and job dialog boxes by disabling some items. Therefore, you should determine and set the resolution before you use the PrStlDialog and PrJobDialog functions (or the PrDlgMain function) to present the print dialog boxes to the user.

Note that the style dialog boxes for some printers, such as the StyleWriter, may offer the user a choice of printing in Best or Normal modes, which sets the printing at 360 or 180 dpi, respectively. Your application has no control over this setting. The printer driver converts your drawing accordingly.

Determining Page Orientation

At times it can be useful for your application to determine which page orientation the user selects in the style dialog box. For instance, if an image fits on a page only if it is printed in landscape orientation (the prInfo field of the TPrint record defines a smaller horizontal value for the paper rectangle than for the image rectangle) and the user has not selected landscape orientation, your application can remind the user to select this orientation before printing. Otherwise, the user gets a clipped image.

If you call the PrGeneral procedure with the getRotnOp opcode in the TGetRotnBlk record (described on page 9-53), the printer driver returns in the fLandscape field of this record a Boolean variable that indicates whether or not the TPrint record specifies landscape orientation. The user selects the type of orientation through the style dialog box, and the printer driver updates the fields of the TPrint record accordingly.

Listing 9-5 shows an application-defined function, DoIsLandscapeModeSet, that returns a Boolean value indicating whether the user has selected landscape orientation for the current document.

Listing 9-5 Using the getRotnOp opcode with the PrGeneral procedure to determine page orientation

FUNCTION DoIsLandscapeModeSet (thePrRecHdl: THPrint): Boolean;
   getRotRec:  TGetRotnBlk;
   getRotRec.iOpCode := getRotnOp;  {set opcode}
   getRotRec.hPrint := thePrRecHdl; {specify TPrint record}
   PrGeneral(@getRotRec);           {get landscape orientation}
   IF (getRotRec.iError = noErr) AND (PrError = noErr) AND
      getRotRec.fLandscape THEN
      DoIsLandscapeModeSet := TRUE
      DoIsLandscapeModeSet := FALSE;

Enhancing Draft-Quality Printing

When the user selects faster, draft-quality printing from a job dialog box from some printer drivers, the printer driver handles the printing operation appropriately.

However, you can force users to use an enhanced form of draft-quality printing on ImageWriter printers (as well as on other printers that may support enhanced draft-quality printing) by calling the PrGeneral procedure, specifying the draftBitsOp opcode in a TDftBitsBlk record (described on page 9-52), and specifying the TPrint record for the operation. If your application produces only text, bitmaps, or pixel maps, this can increase performance and save disk space, because the printer driver prints the document immediately, rather than spooling it to disk as with deferred printing. The draftBitsOp opcode has no effect if the printer driver does not support draft-quality printing or does not support deferred printing. If the driver does not support the draftBitsOp opcode, the PrGeneral procedure returns the opNotImpl result code.

With draft-quality printing, a printer driver like the ImageWriter printer driver converts into drawing operations calls only to QuickDraw's text-drawing routines. The printer driver sends these text-drawing routines directly to the printer instead of using deferred printing to capture the entire image for a page in a spool file. Draft-quality printing produces quick, low-quality drafts of text documents that are printed straight down the page, from top to bottom and left to right.

Using the PrGeneral procedure, it's possible to produce enhanced draft-quality printing on some printers--such as ImageWriter printers. Normally, draft-quality printing renders output consisting only of text. However, enhanced draft-quality printing prints the bitmaps and pixel maps that your application draws using the CopyBits procedure (described in the chapter "QuickDraw Drawing" in this book) without using deferred printing to write to and read from a spool file.

Because it's supported by so few printer drivers, and because it offers little in the way of extra capability, enhanced draft-quality printing has limited usefulness.

To use enhanced draft-quality printing, call PrGeneral with the draftBitsOp opcode before using the PrStlDialog and PrJobDialog functions or the PrDlgMain function to present the style dialog box and job dialog box to the user. The use of the draftBitsOp opcode may cause items in the print dialog boxes to become inactive. For the ImageWriter printer driver, for example, the use of the draftBitsOp opcode makes the landscape icon in the style dialog box and the Best and Faster options in the job dialog box inactive.

If you call PrGeneral with the draftBitsOp opcode after using the PrJobDialog or PrDlgMain function, and if the user chooses draft printing from the job dialog box, the ImageWriter printer does not print any bitmaps or pixel maps contained in the document.
Listing 9-6 illustrates how to implement enhanced draft-quality printing.

Listing 9-6 Using the draftBitsOp opcode with the PrGeneral procedure for enhanced draft-quality printing

FUNCTION DoDraftBits (thePrRecHdl: THPrint): Boolean;
   draftBitsBlk:  TDftBitsBlk;
   draftBitsBlk.iOpCode := draftBitsOp;{set the opcode}
   draftBitsBlk.hPrint := thePrRecHdl; {specify the TPrint record}
   PrGeneral(@draftBitsBlk);        {use enhanced draft quality}
   IF (draftBitsBlk.iError = noErr) AND (PrError = noErr) THEN
      DoDraftBits := TRUE     {this TPrint record specifies }
                              { enhanced draft printing}
      DoDraftBits := FALSE;   {this TPrint record does not }
                              { specify enhanced draft printing}
You should keep one additional point in mind when using the draftBitsOp opcode: all of the data that is printed must be sorted along the y axis, because reverse paper motion is not possible on the ImageWriter printer when printing in draft-quality mode. This means that you cannot print two objects side by side; that is, the top boundary of an object cannot be higher than the bottom boundary of the previous object. To get around this restriction, you should sort your objects before print time.

You can call PrGeneral with the noDraftBitsOp opcode to use regular draft-quality printing again. If you call PrGeneral with noDraftBitsOp without first calling draftBitsOp, the procedure does nothing. As with the draftBitsOp opcode, you should call PrGeneral with the noDraftBitsOp opcode before you present the style and job dialog boxes to the user.

Altering the Style or Job Dialog Box

Each printer resource file includes definitions of the standard style and job dialog boxes that are specific to the type of printer managed by its printer driver. The PrStlDialog and PrJobDialog functions display the style and job dialog boxes defined by the resource file of the current printer.

For example, the standard style and job dialog boxes for the LaserWriter printer driver are shown in Figure 9-3 on page 9-6 and Figure 9-5 on page 9-7, respectively. The standard dialog boxes provided by the StyleWriter printer driver are shown in Figure 9-2 on page 9-6 and Figure 9-4 on page 9-6. Each dialog box has options that the user can set. If you want to use the standard style or job dialog box provided by the printer driver for the current printer, call the PrStlDialog function or the PrJobDialog function.

You may wish to add some additional options to these dialog boxes so that the user can customize the printing process even further. For example, Figure 9-12 illustrates a print job dialog box with two additional checkboxes: Print Selection Only and Skip Blank Pages.

Figure 9-12 A print job dialog box with additional checkboxes

You must follow these guidelines if you alter the style or job dialog boxes:

You can customize a style or job dialog box by undertaking the following steps:

The event filter function pointed to in the pFltrProc field of the TPrDlg record extends the Dialog Manager's ability to handle events. When your application displays the style or job dialog box, you can use an event filter function to handle events that the Dialog Manager doesn't handle for modal dialog boxes. The chapter "Dialog Manager" in Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials describes how to write an event filter function for the Dialog Manager.

The routine you supply in the pItemProc field of the TPrDlg record should handle events in the items you add to the dialog box. Sometimes called a dialog hook, this routine typically responds to clicks in the radio buttons or checkboxes that you add to the dialog box.

Listing 9-7 shows an application-defined routine called DoPrintDialog that specifies its own initialization function, called MyPrDialogAppend.

Listing 9-7 Installing an initialization function to alter the print job dialog box

FUNCTION DoPrintDialog: OSErr;   {display print job dialog box}
   PrOpen;     {open the Printing Manager}
   gPrintRec := THPrint(NewHandle(sizeof(TPrint)));{create a TPrint record}
   PrintDefault(gPrintRec);   {use default values for the TPrint record}
   gPrJobDialogBox := PrJobInit(gPrintRec);  {get a pointer to the }
                                             { invisible job dialog box}
   {use PrDlgMain to display the altered job dialog box}
   IF (PrDlgMain(gPrintRec, @MyPrDialogAppend)) THEN
   PrClose;    {close the Printing Manager}
The application-defined routine MyPrDialogAppend is shown in Listing 9-8. It uses the Resource Manager function GetResource to get a handle to an item list ('DITL') resource containing the two extra checkboxes shown in Figure 9-12 on page 9-33. Using the Dialog Manager procedure AppendDITL, MyPrDialogAppend appends the items in this item list resource to the print job dialog box. Then MyPrDialogAppend
installs the application's event filter function for modal dialog boxes. Finally, MyPrDialogAppend installs it own routine, called HandleMyAppendedItems, to handle clicks in the two newly installed checkboxes.

Listing 9-8 Adding items to a print job dialog box

FUNCTION MyPrDialogAppend (hPrint: THPrint): TPPrDlg;
  MyAppendDITLH: Handle;
   IF gDITLAppended = FALSE THEN
      {first, get item list resource containing checkboxes}
      MyAppendDITLH := GetResource('DITL', kPrintingCheckBoxes);
{next, append this item list resource to job dialog box}
      AppendDITL(DialogPtr(gPrJobDialogBox), MyAppendDITLH,
      gDITLAppended := TRUE;
   gFltrItemProc := LongInt(gPrJobDialogBox^.pFltrProc);
   {put an event filter function (to handle events that Dialog }
   { Manager doesn't handle in modal dialog boxes) }
   { in the pFltrProc field of the TPrDlg record}
   gPrJobDialogBox^.pFltrProc := ProcPtr(@MyEventFilter);
   gPrItemProc := LongInt(gPrJobDialogBox^.pItemProc);
   {put a dialog hook to handle clicks in appended items }
   { in the pItemProc field of the TPrDlg record}
   gPrJobDialogBox^.pItemProc := ProcPtr(@HandleMyAppendedItems);
   MyPrDialogAppend := gPrJobDialogBox;
See the chapter "Dialog Manager" in Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials for information about item list resources, event filter functions for modal dialog boxes, and the AppendDITL procedure. See the chapter "Resource Manager" in Inside Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox for information about the GetResource function.

Writing an Idle Procedure

The printer driver for the current printer periodically calls an idle procedure while it sends a document to the printer. The TPrJob record contained in the TPrint record contains a pointer to an idle procedure in the pIdleProc field. If this field contains the value NIL, then the printer driver uses the Printing Manager's default idle procedure. The default idle procedure checks for Command-period keyboard events and sets the iPrAbort error code if one occurs, so that your application can cancel the print job at the user's request. However, the default idle procedure does not display a print status dialog box. It is up to the printer driver or your application to display a print status dialog box.

Most printer drivers display their own status dialog boxes. However, your application can display its own status dialog box that reports the current status of the printing operation to the user. If it does, your status dialog box should allow the user to press Command-period to cancel the printing operation, and it may also provide a button allowing the user to cancel the printing operation. To handle update events in your status dialog box, Command-period keyboard events, and clicks in your Cancel button (if you provide one), you should provide your own idle procedure. (See Figure 9-9 on page 9-12 for an example of an application-defined status dialog box.)

Here are several guidelines you must follow when writing your own idle procedure.

Listing 9-9 shows an application-defined idle procedure.

Listing 9-9 An idle procedure

   oldPort:          GrafPtr;
   cursorRgn:        RgnHandle;
   event:            EventRecord;
   gotEvent:         Boolean;
   itemHIt:          Integer;
   handled, canceled:   Boolean;
   cursorRgn := NIL;
   gotEvent := WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, event, 15, cursorRgn);
   IF gotEvent THEN
      handled := MyStatusHandleEvent(gPrintStatusDlg, event,
      canceled := MyUserDidCancel;
      IF canceled THEN
         itemHit := kStopButton;
      handled := MyDoHandleHitsInStatusDBox(itemHit);
   MyUpdateStatusInformation(canceled);   {update status }
                               { information in dialog box}
The application displays a modal dialog box for its status dialog box, and then installs MyDoPrintIdle, which calls the Event Manager function WaitNextEvent to capture events while the modal dialog box is displayed.

The MyDoPrintIdle procedure first saves the current graphics port (so that it can later restore it) and then sets the current port to the graphics port of the status dialog box. Your idle procedure should save, set, and restore the graphics port in this manner to avoid accidentally drawing in the printing graphics port.

The MyDoPrintIdle procedure then calls WaitNextEvent to get the current event and then calls its own routine to handle the event. (For example, the MyStatusHandleEvent function handles update and activate events.) By calling WaitNextEvent, MyDoPrintIdle gives background applications a chance to handle update events in their windows while the application in this example displays a modal dialog box. (The Dialog Manager does not give background applications a chance to handle update events in their windows when a modal dialog box is displayed.)

MyDoPrintIdle then calls another application-defined procedure to determine whether the user wishes to cancel the printing operation. The MyUserDidCancel function scans the event queue for keyboard events and mouse events. If it finds a Command-period keyboard event, it returns TRUE. The MyUserDidCancel function also returns TRUE if it finds mouse events indicating that the user clicked the Stop Printing button (that is, it uses the Dialog Manager function FindDialogItem to determine whether the mouse location specified in a mouse event is in the Stop Printing button). If the user clicks the Stop Printing button, MyUserDidCancel highlights the button appropriately.

To handle hits in the status dialog box, the MyDoHandleHitsInStatusDBox function simply checks the item number passed to it. For the Stop Printing button, MyDoHandleHitsInStatusDBox calls PrSetError, specifying the error code iPrAbort. For all other items, MyDoHandleHitsInStatusDBox sets the cursor to a spinning wristwatch cursor.

Finally, the MyDoPrintIdle procedure updates the items in the status dialog box that report status to the user.

Handling Printing Errors

You should always check for error conditions while printing by calling the PrError function. Errors returned may include AppleTalk and Operating System errors in addition to Printing Manager errors.

Don't call PrError from within your idle procedure. See "Writing an Idle Procedure" on page 9-35 for more information.
If you determine that an error has occurred after the completion of a printing routine, stop printing. Call the close routine that matches any open routine you have called. For example, if you call PrOpenDoc and receive an error, skip to the next call to PrCloseDoc; if you call PrOpenPage and get an error, skip to the next calls to PrClosePage and PrCloseDoc. Remember that, if you have called some open routine, you must call the corresponding close routine to ensure that the printer driver closes properly and that all temporary memory allocations are released and returned to the heap.

If you are using the PrError function and the PrGeneral procedure (described in "Getting and Setting Printer Information" beginning on page 9-26), be prepared to receive the following errors: noSuchRsl, opNotImpl, and resNotFound. In all three cases, your application should be prepared to continue to print without using the features of that particular opcode.

The noSuchRsl error means that the currently selected printer does not support the requested resolution. The opNotImpl error means that the currently selected printer does not support the particular PrGeneral opcode that you selected. The resNotFound error means the current printer driver does not support the PrGeneral procedure at all. This lack of support should not be a problem for your application, but you need to be prepared to deal with this error. If you receive a resNotFound result code from PrError, clear the error with a call to PrSetError with a value of noErr as the parameter; otherwise, PrError might still contain this error the next time you check it, which would prevent your application from printing.

Do not display any alert or dialog boxes to report an error until the end of the printing loop. Once at the end, check for the error again; if there is no error, assume that the printing completed normally. If the error is still present, then you can alert the user. This technique is important for two reasons.

Creating and Using a TPrint Record
Printing a Document
Printing From the Finder
Providing Names of Documents Being Printed
Printing Hints
Getting and Setting Printer Information
Determining and Setting the Resolution of the Current Printer
Determining Page Orientation
Enhancing Draft-Quality Printing
Altering the Style or Job Dialog Box
Writing an Idle Procedure
Handling Printing Errors

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7 JUL 1996