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Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw /
Chapter 9 - Printing Manager / Printing Manager Reference
Data Structures /


The record defined by the data type TPrInfo contains printer information. The prInfo field of the TPrint record (described in the preceding section) contains a TPrInfo record, which in turn contains the vertical and horizontal resolutions of the printer and the coordinates of the page rectangle.

TYPE TPrInfo =          {printer information record}
      iDev:    Integer; {reserved}
      iVRes:   Integer; {vertical resolution of printer, in dpi}
      iHRes:   Integer; {horizontal resolution of printer, in dpi}
      rPage:   Rect;    {the page rectangle}
Field Description
The printer's vertical resolution in dots per inch. The default value is 72, unless you have previously set the value for this record by calling the PrGeneral procedure with the setRslOp opcode (described in "Determining and Setting the Resolution of the Current Printer" on page 9-28).
The printer's horizontal resolution in dots per inch. The default value is 72, unless you have previously set the value for this record by calling the PrGeneral procedure with the setRslOp opcode.
The page rectangle. As illustrated in Figure 9-6 on page 9-9, this rectangle is inside the paper rectangle, which is specified by the rPaper field of the TPrint record, described on page 9-41. You use the PrStlDialog function (described on page 9-58) to display the style dialog box. After the user closes the style dialog box, the PrStlDialog function updates the rPage field according to the user's choices.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996