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Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw /
Chapter 9 - Printing Manager / Printing Manager Reference
Data Structures /


You pass a record defined by the data type TSetRslBlk to the PrGeneral procedure when you use the setRslOp opcode. You use this record to specify the resolutions that you want to use when printing the data associated with a TPrint record. For information on how to use the TSetRslBlk record with the PrGeneral procedure, see "Determining and Setting the Resolution of the Current Printer" beginning on page 9-28.

TYPE TSetRslBlk =          {set-resolution record}
      iOpCode:    Integer; {the setRslOp opcode}
      iError:     Integer; {result code returned by PrGeneral}
      lReserved:  LongInt; {reserved}
      hPrint:     THPrint; {handle to the current TPrint record}
      iXRsl:      Integer; {x-direction resolution you want}
      iYRsl:      Integer; {y-direction resolution you want}
Field Description
The opcode setRslOp.
The result code returned by PrGeneral.
A handle to a TPrint record, which is described on page 9-41. Your application should have already created this TPrint record and passed it to the PrintDefault or PrValidate routine to make sure that all of the information in the TPrint record is valid.
The resolution in the x direction that you want the printer to use when printing the data associated with the TPrint record specified in the hPrint field.
The resolution in the y direction that you want the printer to use when printing the data associated with the TPrint record specified in the hPrint field.
After calling PrGeneral with the setRslOp opcode, you can determine whether the request was successful by examining the iError field of the TSetRslBlk record. If the iError field returns noErr, the Printing Manager updated the TPrint record with the specified resolution, which the printer uses when printing the data associated with this TPrint record. If the iError field returns noSuchRsl, the current printer doesn't support the requested resolution, and the printer driver does not change the setting in the TPrint record.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996