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Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw /
Chapter 4 - Color QuickDraw / Color QuickDraw Reference
Color QuickDraw Routines / Creating, Setting, and Disposing of Pixel Maps


Although you typically don't need to call this routine in your application code, you can use the CopyPixMap procedure to duplicate a PixMap record.

PROCEDURE CopyPixMap (srcPM,dstPM: PixMapHandle);
A handle to the PixMap record to be copied.
A handle to the duplicated PixMap record.
The CopyPixMap procedure copies the contents of the source PixMap record to the destination PixMap record. The contents of the color table are copied, so the destination PixMap has its own copy of the color table. Because the baseAddr field of the PixMap record is a pointer, the pointer, but not the image itself, is copied.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996