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Encoding and Decoding Text

A standard practice when creating URL's is to encode spaces and special characters (high-level ASCII) to hexadecimal equivalents. For example, spaces in URL's are routinely converted to %20. The process of encoding and decoding URLs and other text in this manner can be accomplished through scripting.

Encoding Characters

The handler in Listing 32-1 encodes a single character.


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Listing 32-1AppleScript: Handler that URL encodes a character
  1. on encodeCharacter(theCharacter)
  2. set theASCIINumber to (the ASCII number theCharacter)
  3. set theHexList to {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}
  4. set theFirstItem to item ((theASCIINumber div 16) + 1) of theHexList
  5. set theSecondItem to item ((theASCIINumber mod 16) + 1) of theHexList
  6. return ("%" & theFirstItem & theSecondItem) as string
  7. end encodeCharacter

Listing 32-2 shows how to call the handler in Listing 32-1.


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Listing 32-2AppleScript: Calling a handler to URL encode a character
  1. encodeCharacter("$")
  2. --> Result: "%24"

Encoding Text

The handler in Listing 32-3 encodes an entire string. Provide a string and indicate whether to encode two levels of special characters. The first level includes commonly encoded special characters, such as $, %, and *. The second level includes extended special characters that aren’t typically encoded—., -, _, and :. High-level ASCII characters, such as copyright symbols, trademark symbols, and spaces, are always encoded.


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Listing 32-3AppleScript: Handler that URL encodes text
  1. on encodeText(theText, encodeCommonSpecialCharacters, encodeExtendedSpecialCharacters)
  2. set theStandardCharacters to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
  3. set theCommonSpecialCharacterList to "$+!'/?;&@=#%><{}\"~`^\\|*"
  4. set theExtendedSpecialCharacterList to ".-_:"
  5. set theAcceptableCharacters to theStandardCharacters
  6. if encodeCommonSpecialCharacters is false then set theAcceptableCharacters to theAcceptableCharacters & theCommonSpecialCharacterList
  7. if encodeExtendedSpecialCharacters is false then set theAcceptableCharacters to theAcceptableCharacters & theExtendedSpecialCharacterList
  8. set theEncodedText to ""
  9. repeat with theCurrentCharacter in theText
  10. if theCurrentCharacter is in theAcceptableCharacters then
  11. set theEncodedText to (theEncodedText & theCurrentCharacter)
  12. else
  13. set theEncodedText to (theEncodedText & encodeCharacter(theCurrentCharacter)) as string
  14. end if
  15. end repeat
  16. return theEncodedText
  17. end encodeText

Listing 32-4 shows how to call the handler in Listing 32-3 to encode only high-level ASCII characters.


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Listing 32-4AppleScript: Calling a handler to URL encode high-level ASCII characters in text
  1. encodeText("*smith-wilson© report_23.txt", false, false)
  2. --> Result: "*smith-wilson%A9%20report_23.txt"

Listing 32-5 shows how to call the handler in Listing 32-3 to encode high-level ASCII characters and all special characters.


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Listing 32-5AppleScript: Calling a handler to URL encode high- and low-level ASCII characters in text
  1. encodeText("*smith-wilson© report_23.txt", true, true)
  2. --> Result: "%2Asmith%2Dwilson%A9%20report%5F23%2Etxt"

Listing 32-6 shows how to call the handler in Listing 32-3 to encode high-level ASCII characters and special characters, excluding periods, hyphens, underscores, and colons.


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Listing 32-6AppleScript: Calling a handler to URL encode high- and low-level ASCII characters in text with certain exclusions
  1. encodeText("annual smith-wilson_report.txt", true, false)
  2. --> Result: "annual%20smith-wilson_report.txt"

Decoding Text

The handler in Listing 32-8 decodes an encoded character hex string.


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Listing 32-8AppleScript: Handler that decodes an encoded character hex string
  1. on decodeCharacterHexString(theCharacters)
  2. copy theCharacters to {theIdentifyingCharacter, theMultiplierCharacter, theRemainderCharacter}
  3. set theHexList to "123456789ABCDEF"
  4. if theMultiplierCharacter is in "ABCDEF" then
  5. set theMultiplierAmount to offset of theMultiplierCharacter in theHexList
  6. else
  7. set theMultiplierAmount to theMultiplierCharacter as integer
  8. end if
  9. if theRemainderCharacter is in "ABCDEF" then
  10. set theRemainderAmount to offset of theRemainderCharacter in theHexList
  11. else
  12. set theRemainderAmount to theRemainderCharacter as integer
  13. end if
  14. set theASCIINumber to (theMultiplierAmount * 16) + theRemainderAmount
  15. return (ASCII character theASCIINumber)
  16. end decodeCharacterHexString

Listing 32-9 shows how to call the handler in Listing 32-8.


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Listing 32-9AppleScript: Calling a handler to decode an encoded character hex string
  1. decodeCharacterHexString("%24")
  2. --> Result: "$"

The handler in Listing 32-10 decodes any encoded character hex strings in the specified text.


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Listing 32-10AppleScript: Handler that decodes any encoded character hex strings in specified text
  1. on decodeText(theText)
  2. set flagA to false
  3. set flagB to false
  4. set theTempCharacter to ""
  5. set theCharacterList to {}
  6. repeat with theCurrentCharacter in theText
  7. set theCurrentCharacter to contents of theCurrentCharacter
  8. if theCurrentCharacter is "%" then
  9. set flagA to true
  10. else if flagA is true then
  11. set theTempCharacter to theCurrentCharacter
  12. set flagA to false
  13. set flagB to true
  14. else if flagB is true then
  15. set end of theCharacterList to decodeCharacterHexString(("%" & theTempCharacter & theCurrentCharacter) as string)
  16. set theTempCharacter to ""
  17. set flagA to false
  18. set flagB to false
  19. else
  20. set end of theCharacterList to theCurrentCharacter
  21. end if
  22. end repeat
  23. return theCharacterList as string
  24. end decodeText

Listing 32-11 shows how to call the handler in Listing 32-10.


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Listing 32-11AppleScript: Calling a handler to decode any encoded character hex strings in specified text
  1. decodeText("%2Asmith%2Dwilson%A9%20report%5F23%2Etxt")
  2. --> Result: "*smith-wilson© report_23.txt"