Processing Dropped Files and Folders
Droplets are applets configured to process dropped files and folders. A droplet is distinguishable from a normal applet because its icon includes a downward pointing arrow, as shown in Figure 17-1.

To create an AppleScript droplet, include an open
event handler in your script and save the script as an application. To create a JavaScript droplet, include an openDocuments
function in your script and save the script as an application. The presence of this handler or function automatically renders the saved application as a droplet, allowing it to accept dropped files and folders in the Finder. The open
handler and openDocuments
function accept a single parameter—a list of dropped files or folders—which are passed to the handler when the script is activated by dropping something onto it. In AppleScript, these dropped files and folders are alias
objects. In JavaScript, they’re Path
objects. For more information about these types of objects, see Referencing Files and Folders.
An AppleScript open
handler is formatted as shown in Listing 17-1.
on open theDroppedItems
-- Process the dropped items here
end open
A JavaScript openDocuments
function is formatted as shown in Listing 17-2.
function openDocuments(droppedItems) {
// Process the dropped items here
Typically, a droplet loops through items dropped onto it, processing them individually, as in Listing 17-3 and Listing 17-4.
handler that loops through dropped items
on open theDroppedItems
repeat with a from 1 to length of theDroppedItems
set theCurrentDroppedItem to item a of theDroppedItems
-- Process each dropped item here
end repeat
end open
function that loops through dropped items
function openDocuments(droppedItems) {
for (var item of droppedItems) {
// Process each dropped item here
To run a droplet, drop files or folders onto it in the Finder. To test a droplet in Script Editor, add the following line(s) of code to the root level—the run
handler portion—of the script. Listing 17-5 and Listing 17-6 prompt you to select a file and then passes it to the open
handler or openDocuments
handler to test a droplet within Script Editor
open {choose file}
handler to test a droplet within Script Editor
var app = Application.currentApplication()
app.includeStandardAdditions = true
var file = app.chooseFile()
Creating an AppleScript Droplet from a Script Editor Template
Script Editor includes several preconfigured AppleScript droplet templates, which solve the majority of droplet use cases.
Launch Script Editor from
.Select File > New from Template > Droplets.
Choose a droplet template.
Options include:
Droplet with Settable Properties—This template processes dropped files based on file type, extension, or type identifier. It also demonstrates how to include a user-configurable setting, which affects the behavior of the script.
Recursive File Processing Droplet—This template processes dropped files based on file type, extension, or type identifier. It is configured to detect files within dropped folders and their subfolders.
Recursive Image File Processing Droplet—This template processes image files matching specific file types, extensions, or type identifiers. It is configured to detect images within dropped folders and their subfolders.
All of these templates are designed to serve as starting points for creating a droplet, and can be customized, as needed.
Creating a Droplet to Process Files
In Listing 17-7 and Listing 17-8, the open
handler and openDocuments
function process dropped files based on file type, extension, or type identifier. The file types, extensions, and type identifiers supported by the handler are configurable in properties at the top of the script. If a dropped file matches the criteria you configure, then the file is passed to the processItem()
handler, where you can add custom file processing code. These examples are not configured to process dropped folders.
property theFileTypesToProcess : {} -- For example: {"PICT", "JPEG", "TIFF", "GIFf"}
property theExtensionsToProcess : {} -- For example: {"txt", "text", "jpg", "jpeg"}, NOT: {".txt", ".text", ".jpg", ".jpeg"}
property theTypeIdentifiersToProcess : {} -- For example: {"public.jpeg", "public.tiff", "public.png"}
on open theDroppedItems
repeat with a from 1 to count of theDroppedItems
set theCurrentItem to item a of theDroppedItems
tell application "System Events"
set theExtension to name extension of theCurrentItem
set theFileType to file type of theCurrentItem
set theTypeIdentifier to type identifier of theCurrentItem
end tell
if ((theFileTypesToProcess contains theFileType) or (theExtensionsToProcess contains theExtension) or (theTypeIdentifiersToProcess contains theTypeIdentifier)) then
end if
end repeat
end open
on processItem(theItem)
-- NOTE: The variable theItem is a file reference in AppleScript alias format
-- Add item processing code here
end processItem
var SystemEvents = Application("System Events")
var fileTypesToProcess = [] // For example: {"PICT", "JPEG", "TIFF", "GIFf"}
var extensionsToProcess = [] // For example: {"txt", "text", "jpg", "jpeg"}, NOT: {".txt", ".text", ".jpg", ".jpeg"}
var typeIdentifiersToProcess = [] // For example: {"public.jpeg", "public.tiff", "public.png"}
function openDocuments(droppedItems) {
for (var item of droppedItems) {
var alias = SystemEvents.aliases.byName(item.toString())
var extension = alias.nameExtension()
var fileType = alias.fileType()
var typeIdentifier = alias.typeIdentifier()
if (fileTypesToProcess.includes(fileType) || extensionsToProcess.includes(extension) || typeIdentifiersToProcess.includes(typeIdentifier)) {
function processItem(item) {
// NOTE: The variable item is an instance of the Path object
// Add item processing code here
Creating a Droplet to Process Files and Folders
In Listing 17-9 and Listing 17-10, the open
handler and openDocuments
function loop through any dropped files and folders.
For each dropped file, the script calls the processFile()
handler, which determines whether the file matches specific file types, extensions, and type identifiers. The file types, extensions, and type identifiers supported by the handler are configurable in properties at the top of the script. If there’s a match, then any custom file processing code you add runs.
The script passes each dropped folder to the processFolder()
, which retrieves a list of files and subfolders within the dropped folder. The processFolder()
handler recursively calls itself to process any additional subfolders. It calls the processFile()
handler to process any detected files. If necessary, you can add custom folder processing code to the processFolder()
property theFileTypesToProcess : {} -- I.e. {"PICT", "JPEG", "TIFF", "GIFf"}
property theExtensionsToProcess : {} -- I.e. {"txt", "text", "jpg", "jpeg"}, NOT: {".txt", ".text", ".jpg", ".jpeg"}
property theTypeIdentifiersToProcess : {} -- I.e. {"public.jpeg", "public.tiff", "public.png"}
on open theDroppedItems
repeat with a from 1 to count of theDroppedItems
set theCurrentItem to item a of theDroppedItems
tell application "Finder"
set isFolder to folder (theCurrentItem as string) exists
end tell
-- Process a dropped folder
if isFolder = true then
-- Process a dropped file
end if
end repeat
end open
on processFolder(theFolder)
-- NOTE: The variable theFolder is a folder reference in AppleScript alias format
-- Retrieve a list of any visible items in the folder
set theFolderItems to list folder theFolder without invisibles
-- Loop through the visible folder items
repeat with a from 1 to count of theFolderItems
set theCurrentItem to ((theFolder as string) & (item a of theFolderItems)) as alias
open {theCurrentItem}
end repeat
-- Add additional folder processing code here
end processFolder
on processFile(theItem)
-- NOTE: variable theItem is a file reference in AppleScript alias format
tell application "System Events"
set theExtension to name extension of theItem
set theFileType to file type of theItem
set theTypeIdentifier to type identifier of theItem
end tell
if ((theFileTypesToProcess contains theFileType) or (theExtensionsToProcess contains theExtension) or (theTypeIdentifiersToProcess contains theTypeIdentifier)) then
-- Add file processing code here
display dialog theItem as string
end if
end processFile
var SystemEvents = Application("System Events")
var fileManager = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager
var currentApp = Application.currentApplication()
currentApp.includeStandardAdditions = true
var fileTypesToProcess = [] // For example: {"PICT", "JPEG", "TIFF", "GIFf"}
var extensionsToProcess = [] // For example: {"txt", "text", "jpg", "jpeg"}, NOT: {".txt", ".text", ".jpg", ".jpeg"}
var typeIdentifiersToProcess = [] // For example: {"public.jpeg", "public.tiff", "public.png"}
function openDocuments(droppedItems) {
for (var item of droppedItems) {
var isDir = Ref()
if (fileManager.fileExistsAtPathIsDirectory(item.toString(), isDir) && isDir[0]) {
else {
function processFolder(folder) {
// NOTE: The variable folder is an instance of the Path object
var folderString = folder.toString()
// Retrieve a list of any visible items in the folder
var folderItems = currentApp.listFolder(folder, { invisibles: false })
// Loop through the visible folder items
for (var item of folderItems) {
var currentItem = `${folderString}/${item}`
// Add additional folder processing code here
function processFile(file) {
// NOTE: The variable file is an instance of the Path object
var fileString = file.toString()
var alias = SystemEvents.aliases.byName(fileString)
var extension = alias.nameExtension()
var fileType = alias.fileType()
var typeIdentifier = alias.typeIdentifier()
if (fileTypesToProcess.includes(fileType) || extensionsToProcess.includes(extension) || typeIdentifiersToProcess.includes(typeIdentifier)) {
// Add file processing code here
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