Safari 浏览器和网页 -
Safari 浏览器视图控制器简介
通过新的 SFSafariViewController 类,您可以像 Safari 浏览器一样在自己的 app 中提供交互式网页内容,并采用用户已经熟悉的主要 Safari 浏览器 UI 元素。了解如何在轻松地在您的 app 中加入阅读器和自动填充等 Safari 浏览器功能,并用更少的代码提供出色的网页查看体验。
Introducing Safari View Controller The new SFSafariViewController class enables you to deliver interactive web content in your app just like Safari, including the key Safari UI elements already familiar to your users. See how to easily bring Safari features like Reader and AutoFill into your app, and provide a great web viewing... autofill,css,javascript,passwords,reader,safari,web Safari 浏览器和网页 简体中文, 英文
图形和游戏 -
Core Motion 新功能
了解 Core Motion 的新功能。了解您的 app 可以如何利用 iOS 设备上的动作传感器。详细探索计步器的新功能,并学习如何利用高度计来将您的 app 提升到新的水平。利用运动 API 和 Apple Watch 上的传感器数据来贴合个人需求。通过演示了解如何利用运动环境感知功能让 app 变得更加智能!
What\\u0027s New in Core Motion See what\'s new in Core Motion. Learn how your application can take advantage of the motion sensors on iOS devices. Walk through new features of the pedometer and learn how to use the altimeter to take your app to the next level. Get personal with motion APIs and sensor data on the Apple Watch... accelerometer,altimeter,cmmotion,coremotion,cycling,driving,fitness,floors,gyroscope,m7,m8,motion,pedometer,step,steps,walking,watchkit 图形和游戏 简体中文, 英文 -
通过 Model I/O 管理 3D 素材资源
Model I/O 为 3D 模型的访问与管理提供了一个无缝的基础架构。这个高性能架构支持读取和写入常见的网格与模型格式、纹理以及材质。简要了解 Model I/O 框架,熟悉关于将它与 SceneKit、MetalKit 和 GLKit 整合的重要细节。
Managing 3D Assets with Model I\\/O Model I/O provides a seamless infrastructure for accessing and managing 3D models. Its high-performance architecture supports reading and writing popular mesh and model formats, textures, and materials. Get introduced to the Model I/O framework and learn key details about its integration with... abc,ambient,camera,dome,light,mesh,mkasset,modelio,modelkit,obj,occlusion,opensubdiv,sky,skybox,stl,subdivide,texture 图形和游戏 简体中文, 英文
地图和位置 -
MapKit 的新功能
了解 MapKit 的新功能。了解现有 API 的功能改进,以及在您的 app 中整合公交预计到达时间和俯瞰地图视图的新方式。
What\\u0027s New in MapKit See what\'s new in MapKit. Learn about improvements to existing APIs and new ways of incorporating transit ETAs and Flyover map views in your app. annotation,current location,direction,flyover,geo,hybrid,imagery,location,map,mapkit,mapview,mk,overlay,pin,route,satellite,search,standard,tile,transit 地图和位置 简体中文, 英文
开发者工具 -
LLDB 新功能
LLDB 的增强功能同时简化了 Swift 和 Objective-C 开发者的开发工作。经验丰富的开发者会发现调试控制台中的新功能,还可以进一步了解调试程序和 Swift REPL 之间的关系。新手可以深入了解 LLDB 提示符背后隐藏的诸多可能性。
What\\u0027s New in LLDB Enhancements to LLDB simplify life for Swift and Objective-C developers alike. Experienced developers will find new powers within the debugging console, and learn more about the connection between the debugger and Swift REPL. Newcomers will get insight into the range of possibilities hidden... breakpoints,clang,debugging,expressions,llvm,runtime,swift 开发者工具 简体中文, 英文 -
Swift 和 Objective-C 的互操作性
探索可以让您更轻松地编写能在 Swift 中流畅工作的 Objective-C API 的新功能,以及可以提供更出色的互操作性的 Swift 语言新功能。Apple 工程师还将探讨可提升 Swift 体验的 Apple SDK 增强功能。
Swift and Objective-C Interoperability Discover new features that make it easier than ever to craft Objective-C APIs that work beautifully in Swift, as well as new Swift language features that provide even better interoperability. Apple engineers will also discuss enhancements to Apple\'s SDKs that improve the Swift experience. enums,frameworks,function pointers,generics,kindof,lightweight generics,macros,modernizations,nullability,objc,objc,objectivec,sdk,typed collections 开发者工具 简体中文, 英文 -
Xcode 中的 App 瘦身
App 分发管道变得越来越强大和灵活。了解如何利用切片和 ODR 等新的 App 瘦身功能来打造创建功能齐全的 app 并交付到用户设备。了解如何将这些新功能整合到您的持续集成和测试流程中,并探索创建按需定制内容的工作流程。
App Thinning in Xcode The app distribution pipeline is becoming more powerful and flexible. Learn to create full featured apps that are delivered to users devices with new App Thinning features such as slicing and ODR. See how to integrate these new features into your continuous integration and testing processes, and... app store,distribution,odr,ondemand resources,slicing,slimming,xcode,xcodebuild,xcode server 开发者工具 简体中文, 英文
系统服务 -
您的 App 和新一代网络
IPv6 正在呈指数增长,世界各地的运营商都在向纯 IPv6 APN 迁移。了解用于测试 app 兼容性的新工具,并获得关于确保 app 在所有网络环境中正常运行的专家建议。iOS 9 和 OS X 10.11 现在支持最新的 TCP 标准。从专家那里了解 TCP 快速打开和显式拥塞通知,并了解它对您 app 的益处。
Your App and Next Generation Networks IPv6 is growing exponentially and carriers worldwide are moving to pure IPv6 APNs. Learn about new tools to test your apps for compatibility and get expert advice on making sure your apps work in all network environments. iOS 9 and OS X 10.11 now support the latest TCP standards. Hear from the... ipv6,tcp 系统服务 简体中文, 英文
设计 -
Apple Watch 设计技巧和窍门
获取打造 Apple Watch app 的基本设计指导,了解如何支持快速、高效的互动,如何让用户更加方便地访问各种功能和信息,以及如何与配套的 iOS app 相得益彰。了解关于信息架构、布局、字体、颜色和 app 图标设计的重要技巧,使您的 app 简单易用且外观精美,并能够为用户带来愉悦的体验。
Apple Watch Design Tips and Tricks Get essential design guidance for creating Apple Watch apps that support quick and efficient interaction, make accessing features and information more convenient, and compliment their companion iOS apps. Learn key tips about information architecture, layout, typography, color and app icon design... ,design,digital crown,experience,icon,interface,layout,typography,ui,watchkit,wkinterface 设计 简体中文, 英文 -
为 Apple Watch 进行设计
Apple Watch 为人与科技之间的关系掀开了新篇章。这是 Apple 设计的最为贴近用户的个人设备,为接收信息和与 app 互动提供了新方式。了解 Apple Watch 的设计基础,以及如何根据这些基础打造 Apple Watch app 来补充 iPhone 功能,支持轻量型互动,并及时地将相关的信息传送到手腕上。探索如何有效利用字体排印、信息设计、布局、动画和颜色来打造实用而精美的 app、通知和速览。
Designing for Apple Watch Apple Watch represents a new chapter in the way people relate to technology. It\'s the most personal device Apple has ever designed, and it enables new ways to receive information and to interact with apps. Learn about the foundations on which Apple Watch was designed and how they lead to Apple... ,clockkit,complication,digital crown,experience,foreground,haptic,interface,layout,persistent,picker,taptic,ui,watchkit,wkinterface 设计 简体中文, 英文
隐私与安全 -
隐私保护与您的 App
了解 iOS、OS X 和 watchOS 中隐私保护方面有哪些会影响您的 app 的新进展。看看提供出色功能和尊重客户隐私的最佳做法。
Privacy and Your App Learn about new developments in Privacy in iOS, OS X, and watchOS that impact your apps. Hear about best practices for delivering great features and respecting your customers\' privacy. consent,privacy,security 隐私与安全 简体中文, 英文
音频和视频 -
在 AV Foundation 中编辑影片
了解如何使用新的 AVMutableMovie 类来修改媒体文件并简化编辑工作流程。看看如何支持基于分段的编辑,并探索示例引用影片的强大功能。
Editing Movies in AV Foundation Learn how to use the new AVMutableMovie class to modify media files and simplify your editing workflows. See how to support segment-based editing and discover the power of sample reference movies. av foundation,avmovie,moov,mov,quicktime,video 音频和视频 简体中文, 英文