App 服务 -
开发 CarPlay 车载系统 - 第 2 部分
了解 CarPlay 车载如何与您的车载信息娱乐系统整合。了解 CarPlay 车载如何与您的车载资源协作,如显示屏、扬声器、麦克风、用户输入、方向盘控制键、仪表板和传感器等。
Developing CarPlay Systems, Part 2 Learn how CarPlay integrates with your car\'s infotainment system. Understand how CarPlay is designed to work with your car\'s resources including the display, speakers, microphone, user inputs, steering wheel controls, instrument cluster and sensors. App 服务 简体中文, 英文
Swift -
UIKit App 中面向协议和值的编程
去年我们举办了“面向协议的编程”和“利用各种值类型构建更加出色的 App”讲座,今年的讲座将着重介绍构建更加色的 Swift app 的技巧和窍门。了解如何在一个真实的基于 MVC 的 Cocoa Touch app 中结合使用这些设计方法,特别是在视图和控制器层中,您之前可能未曾考虑过运用这些技巧。
Protocol and Value Oriented Programming in UIKit Apps Building on last year\'s Protocol-Oriented Programming and Building Better Apps with Value Types sessions, this year\'s session will highlight tips and tricks for building better Swift apps. See how you can incorporate these design approaches into a real MVC-based Cocoa Touch app, especially in... ,swift in practice Swift 简体中文, 英文 -
了解 Swift 性能
在本次高级讲座中,了解如何在 Swift 中实施结构、类、协议和泛型。了解它们在性能的不同维度上的相对成本。了解如何运用这个信息来提升代码运行速度。
Understanding Swift Performance In this advanced session, find out how structs, classes, protocols, and generics are implemented in Swift. Learn about their relative costs in different dimensions of performance. See how to apply this information to speed up your code. Swift 简体中文, 英文
SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 -
iOS 10 中 UICollectionView 的新功能
UICollectionView 是一个功能强大的类,它让您的 app 可以管理和自定视图布局。iOS 10 推出了多项可提高性能和简化布局的增强功能,并带来了您期盼的功能。了解如何利用 UICollectionView 及其同级类 UITableView 中的新功能,让您的 app 变得内容更丰富、运行更迅速。
What\\u0027s New in UICollectionView in iOS 10 UICollectionView is a powerful class allowing your app to manage and customize the layout of views. iOS 10 brings enhancements for better performance, easier layout and brings features you\'ve been looking for. Learn how to make your apps richer and faster by using new features in... collection,ios,performance,scrolling,table,uicollectionview,uikit,uitableview SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 简体中文, 英文 -
隔空打印可以任何位置使用,包括企业环境。了解如何在企业内部署隔空打印,如何设置 iOS 10 中新推出的隔空打印蓝牙信标,以及如何确保您的用户能充分利用隔空打印功能。
Deploying AirPrint in Enterprise AirPrint works everywhere, including Enterprise environments. Learn how to deploy AirPrint in the Enterprise, how to set up an AirPrint Bluetooth Beacon which is new in iOS 10, and how to make sure your users take full advantage of AirPrint features. SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 简体中文, 英文 -
通过 CallKit 增强 VoIP App
CallKit 是一种新的框架,可让您的 VoIP app 与原生的“电话”UI 紧密整合在一起。了解如何在锁定屏幕上完整显示您的来电。详细了解用户在从原生“电话”app 的通讯录、个人收藏和最近通话记录中拨打电话时,如何可以选择使用您的 app。了解 CallKit 如何让您的 app 与其他活跃通话顺畅共存,以及如何让您的通话与 CarPlay 车载和蓝牙配件交互。
Enhancing VoIP Apps with CallKit CallKit is a new framework that lets your VoIP app integrate tightly with the native Phone UI. Learn how you can have your incoming calls displayed fully on the lock screen. Get details on how people can choose to use your app when making calls from the native Phone app\'s contacts, favorites,... apns,ckcall,ckprovider,pushkit SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 简体中文, 英文
地图和位置 -
Apple“地图”中的公交功能在去年随着 iOS 9 和 macOS El Capitan 一起发布,该功能针对每一个提供此功能的城市进行了量身定制。了解 Apple 地图团队如何结合利用公交公司数据、现场调查以及密切关注每个城市的独特公交文化来确保出色的客户体验。如果您是公交公司,则可以了解如何帮助确保客户在 Apple“地图”中获得最为可靠的信息。
Public Transit in Apple Maps Launched last year with iOS 9 and macOS El Capitan, the new Transit feature in Apple Maps is customized for each city where it\'s available. Hear about how the Apple Maps team ensures a great customer experience through a combination of transit agency data, field survey, and close attention to... 地图和位置 简体中文, 英文
开发者工具 -
Metal 着色器高级优化
Metal 着色语言是一种简单易用的编程语言,用于编写在 GPU 上执行的图形与计算功能。更深入地了解设计模式、内存访问模型,以及能减少瓶颈和隐藏延迟的详细着色器编码最佳做法。面向经验丰富、GPU 架构知识扎实并希望充分发挥每个循环潜力的着色器作者。
Advanced Metal Shader Optimization The Metal shading language is an easy-to-use programming language for writing graphics and compute functions which execute on the GPU. Dive deeper into understanding the design patterns, memory access models, and detailed shader coding best practices which reduce bottlenecks and hide latency... 3d,3d graphics,compiler,compute,gpgpu,gpu,metl,mtl,mtldevice,opengl,opengl es,renderer,shader,simd 开发者工具 简体中文, 英文 -
System Trace in Depth
Join engineers from the Instruments team for another focused look at the System Trace Instruments profiling template and how to get the most out of it. Discover how threads, virtual memory, and locking interact to affect performance. Dive deep for a practical look at how you can improve your...
System Trace in Depth Join engineers from the Instruments team for another focused look at the System Trace Instruments profiling template and how to get the most out of it. Discover how threads, virtual memory, and locking interact to affect performance. Dive deep for a practical look at how you can improve your... debug,instruments,lock,locking,locks,memory,performance,profile,profiling,system,template,thread,threads,trace,virtual memory 开发者工具 简体中文, 英文 -
通过 Swift 3 中的 GCD 进行并发编程
Swift 3 提供了新的接口,让开发者能够更加轻松地使用 Grand Central Dispatch 编写 app。了解 GCD 的基础知识,以及用它来架构 Swift app 的最佳做法。您还将了解新的 API 和其他 GCD 改进。
Concurrent Programming With GCD in Swift 3 Swift 3 provides new interfaces that make it easier than ever to write applications with Grand Central Dispatch. Learn the basics of GCD and best practices on how to use it to architect your Swift application. You\'ll also hear about new APIs and other GCD improvements. dispatch,gcd,qos,queue,runloop,thread 开发者工具 简体中文, 英文
照片和相机 -
AVCapturePhotoOutput - 高级知识
本讲座是“讲座 501:iOS 摄影功能改进”的延续,将详细介绍 AVFoundation 中新增的强大 AVCapturePhotoOutput API 的场景监控和资源管理功能。
AVCapturePhotoOutput - Beyond the Basics Continue your learning from Session 501: Advances in iOS Photography, with some additional details on scene monitoring and resource management in AVFoundation\'s powerful new AVCapturePhotoOutput API. camera,capture,editing,image,jpg,live photo,photo,raw 照片和相机 简体中文, 英文 -
iOS 摄影功能改进
人们喜欢用 iPhone 拍照。实际上,它是全世界广受欢迎的相机,而摄影类 app 能够强化这一体验。探索新的 AVFoundation Capture API,它们可以用来拍摄实况照片、从相机提取 RAW 图像数据以及拍摄广色域照片。
Advances in iOS Photography People love to take pictures with iPhone. In fact, it\'s the most popular camera in the world, and photography apps empower this experience. Explore new AVFoundation Capture APIs which allow for the capture of Live Photos, RAW image data from the camera, and wide color photos. camera,capture,editing,image,jpg,live photo,photo,raw 照片和相机 简体中文, 英文
系统服务 -
Apple Push Notification Service 的新功能
首先回顾基于 HTTP/2 的提供程序 API,然后了解一项重要的新功能:基于令牌的身份验证。了解如何利用身份验证令牌连接到 APN,以通过 HTTP/2 API 发送推送信息,从而减少与维护有效证书相关的开销。
What\\u0027s New in the Apple Push Notification Service Starting with a review of the HTTP/2 based provider API, you will learn about an important new feature: Token Based Authentication. Learn to connect to APNs using authentication tokens for sending pushes via the HTTP/2 API, relieving you of the overhead associated with maintaining valid... 系统服务 简体中文, 英文 -
开发 CarPlay 车载系统 - 第 1 部分
CarPlay 车载让您能够更智能、安全地在车内使用 iPhone。了解 CarPlay 车载的工作方式,以及如何设计您的车载信息娱乐系统来与 iPhone 密切协作。了解通过将 CarPlay 车载与车辆原生系统整合来打造出色用户体验的最佳做法。
Developing CarPlay Systems, Part 1 CarPlay is a smarter, safer way to use your iPhone in the car. Learn how CarPlay works and how to design your car\'s infotainment system to work seamlessly with iPhone. Understand best practices for a great user experience that integrates CarPlay with the car\'s native system. 系统服务 简体中文, 英文
设计 -
迭代 UI 设计
您已熟知 Keynote 讲演可用于制作演示文稿,但它同时也是一款强大的工具,可用来探索、迭代和优化用户界面布局和工作流程。了解相关的技巧和最佳做法,看看如何使用 Keynote 讲演制作可行且可见的设计和用户流程,从而快速、有力地表达您的产品创意。
Iterative UI Design You\'re familiar with Keynote for making presentations, but it\'s also a powerful tool for exploring, iterating and refining user interface layouts and workflows. Learn techniques and best practices for using Keynote to quickly and persuasively express your product ideas by building realistic and... demo,demo design,design,design best practices,design comps,design demo,iterative,keynote,learn to design,rapid,ui,ui design,user flows,user interface,user interface design,workflows 设计 简体中文, 英文
音频和视频 -
语音识别 API
iOS 10 推出了全新的语音识别 API,让您可以在基于文件和实时的场景中进行快速的上下文感知语音识别。在这段视频中,您将全面了解这个新 API,以及如何将先进的语音识别服务整合到您的 app 中。
Speech Recognition API iOS 10 brings a brand new Speech Recognition API that allows you to perform rapid and contextually informed speech recognition in both file-based and realtime scenarios. In this video, you will learn all about the new API and how to bring advanced speech recognition services into your apps. audio stream,cloud,icloud,realtime,recognition,siri,speech 音频和视频 简体中文, 英文 -
验证 HTTP 实时流
HTTP Live Streaming 能够在各种不同的网络条件下提供可靠的媒体内容交付。了解 HLS 创作的最佳做法,并探索如何通过 HTTP Live Streaming 工具验证您的流媒体,以及用结论来改进您的流性能。
Validating HTTP Live Streams HTTP Live Streaming enables the reliable delivery of media content over a wide variety of network conditions. Learn best practices in HLS authoring, see how to verify your streams using the HTTP Live Streaming tools, and apply the results to improve the performance of your streams. hls,hlsreport,http live streaming,mediastreamvalidator,validation 音频和视频 简体中文, 英文