App 服务 -
开发无线 CarPlay 车载系统
无论去向哪里,无线 CarPlay 车载都是旅程的绝佳搭档。无需将 iPhone 从包里或口袋中取出,直接开门上车,轻松开始享受 CarPlay 车载体验。学习如何设计您的 CarPlay 车载系统来以无线方式连接至 iPhone。了解相关的硬件要求、提供出色用户体验的最佳做法,以及如何优化配对和重新连接过程。
Developing Wireless CarPlay Systems Wireless CarPlay is perfect for any trip. Get in your car without taking your iPhone out of your bag or pocket, and start experiencing CarPlay effortlessly. Learn how to design your CarPlay system to connect wirelessly to iPhone. Understand hardware requirements, best practices for a great user... ,,,automotive,bluetooth,car,pair,wifi App 服务 简体中文, 英文 -
iMessage 信息 App 帮助用户在不离开对话的情况下创建和分享内容、玩游戏并与好友协作。探索您可以如何设计与深度社交情境完美契合的 iMessage 信息 app 和贴纸包。
Express Yourself! iMessage Apps help people easily create and share content, play games, and collaborate with friends without needing to leave the conversation. Explore how you can design iMessage apps and sticker packs that are perfectly suited for a deeply social context. design,design best practices,design short,design studio,design studio shorts,short,shorts,sticker,sticker pack,stickers App 服务 简体中文, 英文
SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 -
Apple TVOS 上的本地化最佳做法
为全球受众构建 app,使其覆盖更多用户。学习如何创建在任何国家/地区和语言设置下都能流畅运行的本地化 Apple TVOS app。深入探讨处理服务器端内容、匹配首选语言以及本地化图像和文本方向等各类主题。
Localization Best Practices on tvOS Expand the reach of your apps by building them for a worldwide audience. Learn how to create localized tvOS apps that perform seamlessly regardless of country and language. Gain insights into such topics as handling server-side content, matching preferred languages, and localizing images and text... international,internationalization,locale,right to left,righttoleft SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 简体中文, 英文 -
Apple TVOS 上的正在播放和遥控命令
Apple TVOS 上的许多 app 都离不开统一、直观的媒体播放控制,而正确使用和配置 MPNowPlayingInfoCenter 和 MPRemoteCommandCenter 是提供出色用户体验的关键所在。更深入地探索这些框架,并学习如何确保顺畅的体验,不管您使用 Siri、Siri Remote 还是 iOS Remote app 来控制 app。
Now Playing and Remote Commands on tvOS Consistent and intuitive control of media playback is key to many apps on tvOS, and proper use and configuration of MPNowPlayingInfoCenter and MPRemoteCommandCenter are critical to delivering a great user experience. Dive deeper into these frameworks and learn how to ensure a seamless experience... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 简体中文, 英文 -
Apple TVOS 上的深度链接
Apple TVOS Top Shelf 和通用链接等设计功能可以帮助客户更快、更轻松地沉浸在您的内容中。了解如何在深度链接到 UIKit 或 TVMLKit app 内容时打造顺畅的 app 启动体验。
Deep Linking on tvOS Design features such as the tvOS Top Shelf and Universal Links help customers immerse themselves in your content more quickly and easily. Learn how to create seamless app launch experiences when deep linking into content of UIKit or TVMLKit apps. tv app,universal link SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 简体中文, 英文 -
iOS 11 新功能
看看 iOS 11 中 UIKit 控件和文本风格的更新如何帮助您设计 app,使其具有更强的视觉层次结构、更清晰的导航和更简单易用的界面。
What\\u2019s New in iOS 11 See how the updates to UIKit controls and text styles in iOS 11 can help you design an app with a stronger visual hierarchy, clearer navigation, and a simpler interface that's easier to use. design,design best practices,design studio,design studio shorts,ios,ios 11,ios design,short,shorts,uikit,whats new SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 简体中文, 英文 -
探索在 iOS 中创建包含有用信息、实用且外观精美的富通知的关键所在。获得相关的详细实践指导,了解如何设计短版本、长版本和快速操作,让用户乐于接收您的 app 通知。
Rich Notifications Discover the keys to creating informative, useful and beautiful rich notifications in iOS. Get practical and detailed guidance about how to design short looks, long looks, and quick actions that will make your app\'s notifications something people look forward to receiving. design,design best practices,design studio,design studio shorts,notifications,rich notifications,short,shorts SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 简体中文, 英文 -
为多种屏幕尺寸进行设计可能看上去很复杂、困难并且费时。了解尺寸类、动态类型和 UIKit 元素如何帮助您的 app 轻松地调整大小、节省您的时间,并让您的 app 在所有用户任何设备上都赏心悦目。
Size Classes and Core Components Designing for multiple screen sizes can seem complicated, difficult, and time-consuming. Learn how size classes, dynamic type, and UIKit elements help your app to scale elegantly, save you time, and make your app look amazing on whatever device people are using. core components,design,design best practices,design studio,short,shorts,size classes,studio shorts SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 简体中文, 英文 -
通过共享提升您 App 的曝光度
通过利用内建的 iOS 共享功能,帮助用户分享您 app 中的精彩内容。了解分享的时机、位置和情景如何提高用户活跃度并吸引新的用户。
Extend Your App\\u0027s Presence With Sharing Help your users share the great content in your app by using the built-in iOS sharing functionality. Learn how timing, placement and context of sharing can drive engagement and acquire new users. SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 简体中文, 英文 -
通过深度链接提升您 App 的曝光度
了解深度链接,以及如何利用通用链接让用户在整个 iOS 中都可以访问您 app 的内容和使用 app 的功能。
Extend Your App\\u2019s Presence with Deep Linking Learn about deep linking and how universal links can be used to make your app's content and functionality accessible throughout iOS. SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 简体中文, 英文
商务 & 教育 -
Swift Playgrounds 中的 SceneKit
探索 Swift Playgrounds 内容团队为在有丰富视觉效果的 app 中高效使用 SceneKit 而总结的技巧与窍门。了解如何整合动画、优化渲染性能、进行辅助功能设计和增加视觉质感,理解利用 3D 素材资源创建高效工作流程的策略。
SceneKit in Swift Playgrounds Discover tips and tricks gleaned by the Swift Playgrounds Content team for working more effectively with SceneKit on a visually rich app. Learn how to integrate animation, optimize rendering performance, design for accessibility, add visual polish, and understand strategies for creating an... 3d,collada,dae,graph,graphics,inverse kinematics,opengl,opensubdiv,pbr,physically based renderer,physics,playground,renderer,rendering,scene,scnlayer,scnnode,scnview,swift,usd 商务 & 教育 简体中文, 英文 -
适用于商店类和评估类 App 的 iOS 配置和 API
iOS 提供了多种技巧来帮助您突显自己的 app。不论您是在构建商店、酒店入住还是教育评估类 app,选择合适的 app 锁定技巧都至关重要。从引导式访问到自动评估配置功能,您将了解哪种方法最适合您的独特体验。
iOS Configuration and APIs for Kiosk and Assessment Apps iOS provides several techniques for keeping your app front and center. Whether you're building a kiosk, hospitality check-in, or educational assessment app, choosing the right app-lock technique is critical. From Guided Access to Automatic Assessment Configuration you'll learn which approach... 商务 & 教育 简体中文, 英文
图形和游戏 -
出色的游戏可以让我们穿越到另一个世界,在那里统治王国、参加传奇战役,或者成为弹珠高手。了解新手引导和 UI 设计的最佳做法,让每个人都沉醉于您的游戏并享受乐趣。
Design Tips for Great Games Great games transport us into another world where we can reign over a kingdom, fight epic battles, or become a pinball wizard. Learn on-boarding and UI design best practices that will enable everyone to lose themselves in your game and have fun. design,design best practices,design studio,design studio shorts,game,game best practices,game design,games,game ui,game user experience,game user interface,mobile game ui,mobile gaming,short,shorts,studio 图形和游戏 简体中文, 英文 -
利用 SpriteKit 在 2D 基础上更进一步
借助 SpriteKit,可以轻松打造高性能、低能耗的 2D 游戏等。看看如何利用与 ARkit 的无缝整合来在增强现实中引入 SpriteKit 对象。了解如何混合使用 2D 和 3D 内容,以及如何运用逼真的转换。直接控制 SpriteKit 渲染,并详细了解如何离线渲染为 Metal 纹理。
Going Beyond 2D with SpriteKit SpriteKit makes it easy to create high-performance, power-efficient 2D games and more. See how to take SpriteKit objects into Augmented Reality through seamless integration with ARKit. Learn about mixing 2D and 3D content and applying realistic transformations. Take direct control over SpriteKit... 2d,action,animation,arkit,audio,camera,collision,collisions,constraint,gpu,graphics,inverse kinematics,lighting,metal,opengl,physics,platformer,puzzle,render,shaders,shading,skaction,skaudionode,skcameranode,sknode,skreferencenode,spatial,sprite 图形和游戏 简体中文, 英文 -
了解全新高效图像文件格式 (HEIF) 的基本详情,并探索 Apple 平台使用了哪些功能。深入探索容器结构、它可处理的媒体和元数据类型,以及这种新标准带来的许多其他益处。
High Efficiency Image File Format Learn the essential details of the new High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF) and discover which capabilities are used by Apple platforms. Gain deep insights into the container structure, the types of media and metadata it can handle, and the many other advantages that this new standard affords. 图形和游戏 简体中文, 英文
开发者工具 -
Grand Central Dispatch 的现代化用法
macOS 10.13 和 iOS 11 重新设计了 Grand Central Dispatch 和 Darwin 内核的协作方式,让您的 app 能够更加高效地运行并发工作负载。了解如何对您的代码进行现代化,以利用这些改进并优化对硬件资源的使用。
Modernizing Grand Central Dispatch Usage macOS 10.13 and iOS 11 have reinvented how Grand Central Dispatch and the Darwin kernel collaborate, enabling your applications to run concurrent workloads more efficiently. Learn how to modernize your code to take advantage of these improvements and make optimal use of hardware resources. gcd,runtime,thread 开发者工具 简体中文, 英文 -
SceneKit 是一种速度快、功能齐全的高级 3D 图形框架,让您可以为 app 和游戏打造沉浸式的场景和特效。看看如何利用相机控制和特效方面的最新改进,来模拟焦外成像和运动模糊等真实的相机光学效果。了解用于直接在 GPU 上从粗糙网格开始创建光滑表面的曲面分割和曲面细分功能。查看与 ARKit 的全新整合,以及通过 Xcode 场景编辑器实现的工作流程改进。
SceneKit: What\\u0027s New SceneKit is a fast and fully featured high-level 3D graphics framework that enables your apps and games to create immersive scenes and effects. See the latest advances in camera control and effects for simulating real camera optics including bokeh and motion blur. Learn about surface subdivision... 3d,camera,collada,dae,france,french,graph,graphics,inverse kinematics,opengl,opensubdiv,pbr,physically based renderer,physics,renderer,rendering,scene,scnlayer,scnnode,scnview 开发者工具 简体中文, 英文
照片和相机 -
在 iPhone 摄影中获取景深
iPhone 7 Plus 上的人像模式展现了摄影中景深的力量。在 iOS 11 中,您的 app 现在也可以使用驱动这项功能的景深数据。了解如何利用景深来为创意图像带来新的可能。更深刻地理解高级景深概念,并学习如何从相机获取流媒体和静态图像景深数据。
Capturing Depth in iPhone Photography Portrait mode on iPhone 7 Plus showcases the power of depth in photography. In iOS 11, the depth data that drives this feature is now available to your apps. Learn how to use depth to open up new possibilities for creative imaging. Gain a broader understanding of high-level depth concepts and... capture,depth,disparity,parallax,photo effects,photography,photos,photos api,portrait mode 照片和相机 简体中文, 英文
系统服务 -
Core NFC 简介
Core NFC 是一种激动人心的新框架,可以帮助您的 app 在 iPhone 7 和 iPhone 7 Plus 上读取 NFC 标签。了解如何在您的 app 中整合 Core NFC 以及使用此功能的主要要求,并开始思考支持 NFC 功能的新 app 类型。
Introducing Core NFC Core NFC is an exciting new framework that enables you to read NFC tags in your apps on iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Learn how to integrate Core NFC into your apps, key requirements for using this feature, and start thinking about the new kinds of apps that are enabled with NFC capabilities. nfc 系统服务 简体中文, 英文
设计 -
60 秒完成原型设计
60-Second Prototyping Learn how to quickly build interactive prototypes! See how you can test new ideas and improve upon existing ones with minimal time investment and using tools you are already familiar with. 60 seconds,design,design best practices,design studio,design studio shorts,interactive,interactive prototype,prototype,prototyping,short,shorts 设计 简体中文, 英文 -
App 图标设计
App 图标是您的 app 在主屏幕上的形象代表。学习关键设计原则,以创建简单、独特、有意义且精美的 app 图标。掌握简单而有效的技巧,以测试 app 图标的清晰度和即时可辨识度。
App Icon Design An app icon is the face of your app on the home screen. Learn key design principles for creating simple, unique, meaningful and beautiful app icons. Gain simple but effective techniques for testing your app icon for clarity and immediate recognizability. app,app icon,app icons,design,design best practices,designing,design studio,design studio shorts,icon,icon design,short,shorts 设计 简体中文, 英文 -
Display P3 入门
广色域显示让您的 app 可以显示更加丰富、生动和逼真的颜色。初步了解颜色管理、Display P3 颜色空间,以及制作色彩更丰富的图像和图标的实践工作流程技巧。
Get Started with Display P3 Wide color displays allow your app to display richer, more vibrant and lifelike colors than ever before. Get a primer on color management, the Display P3 color space, and practical workflow techniques for producing more colorful images and icons. color,color management,colorspace,design,design best practices,design shorts,design studio,design studio shorts,display p3,icons,images,short 设计 简体中文, 英文 -
在用户首次打开您的 app 时吸引他们的目光,并让他们更频繁地使用您的 app。学习如何留下深刻第一印象的技巧、指导新用户使用您 app 的方法,以及要求用户提供更多信息时的最佳做法。
Love at First Launch Engage people from the first moment they open your app, and keep them coming back for more. Learn tips on how to make a compelling first impression, methods for teaching new users about your app, and best practices when asking users for more information. design,design best practices,design short,design studio,design studio shorts,first impression,first launch,first time user experience,onboarding,on boarding,short,shorts,teaching 设计 简体中文, 英文 -
Essential Design Principles Design principles are the key to understanding how design serves human needs for safety, meaning, achievement and beauty. Learn what these principles are and how they can help you design more welcoming, understandable, empowering and gratifying user experiences. ,,,,,,,,,apple design,apple designers,cross platform,design,design best practices,design principles,global design,hi,hig,human interface,ios,ios design,mac design 设计 简体中文, 英文 -
为您的 app 选择自定义字体可能是一项艰巨的任务,同时涉及功能和风格上的决策。充分了解基本的字体设计特性,如比例和对比度。学习在确定适合 app 的字体时如何运用这一知识。
How to Pick a Custom Font Choosing a custom font for your app can be a daunting task involving both functional and stylistic decisions. Gain a solid understanding of fundamental font design characteristics such as proportion and contrast. Learn how to apply this knowledge when deciding which font is right for your app. custom font,custom fonts,design best practices,design studio,design studio shorts,font,fonts,short,shorts,typography 设计 简体中文, 英文 -
了解如何创建清晰、包含有用信息且有帮助的提醒,让您的 app 用起来简单又有趣。获取关于提醒的恰当作用的宝贵见解、有关编写有效提醒的实用指导,以及避免常见误区的技巧。
Writing Great Alerts Learn how to create clear, informative, and helpful alerts that will make your app easy and enjoyable to use. Get valuable insights about the proper role for alerts, actionable guidance about writing effective alerts, and techniques for avoiding common pitfalls. alert,alerts,design,design best practices,design studio,design studio shorts,dialogue,prompt,short,shorts,writing,writing alerts 设计 简体中文, 英文 -
设计不仅在于视觉方面,也在于听觉方面。了解声音设计如何有助于为您的 app 或游戏打造更引人入胜、更易使用且更有意义的用户体验,并简要了解 Apple 产品中的声音是如何制作的。
Designing Sound Design is not just about what people see, it's also about what they hear. Learn about how sound design can help you create a more immersive, usable and meaningful user experience in your app or game, and get a glimpse of how the sounds in Apple products are created. ,,,,,,,,,,,,apple design,apple designers,design,design best practices,design demo,ios design,sound design 设计 简体中文, 英文 -
字形是一个强大的沟通工具,也是您 app 的设计语言的基本要素。了解在确定字形概念时的重要注意事项,以及针对 app 内外的空间制作有效字形集的关键设计原则。
Designing Glyphs Glyphs are a powerful communication tool and a fundamental element of your app's design language. Learn about important considerations when conceptualizing glyphs and key design principles of crafting effective glyph sets for spaces inside and outside of your app. design,design best practices,designing glyphs,design studio,design studio shorts,glyphs,icon,icon design,iconography,icons,search glyph,short,shorts,tab bar 设计 简体中文, 英文 -
设计师与工程师之间保持良好的沟通是打造出色产品的关键所在。探索生产和规范技巧如何能改进沟通、建立信任,并帮助设计与开发团队携手打造更加出色的 app。
Communication Between Designers and Engineers Good communication between designers and engineers is the key to building great products. Discover how production and specification techniques can improve communication, build trust, and help design and development teams work together to build better apps. communication,design,design best practices,designers,design studio shorts,organization,short,shorts,studio shorts,teamwork 设计 简体中文, 英文
辅助功能和包容性 -
App Store 覆盖全球市场,这意味着您的 app 可能受到来自全球用户的喜爱。探索让您的 app 变得实用并尽可能吸引更多用户的方式。学习一些简单的技巧,在向全球用户提供 app 时避免常见问题。
Designing for a Global Audience The worldwide reach of the App Store means that your app can be enjoyed by people from around the globe. Explore ways to make your app useful and appealing to as many people as possible. And pick up simple techniques for avoiding common issues when reaching a global audience. audience,design,design best practices,designing,design studio,design studio shorts,global,global audience,global design,internationalization,short,shorts 辅助功能和包容性 简体中文, 英文
隐私与安全 -
利用 Identity Lookup 过滤垃圾信息
垃圾短信和彩信是一个长期存在、令人困扰的问题。Identity Lookup 是一种新的框架,让您可以参与到过滤接收信息的过程中。详细了解如何识别和阻止这些来路不明的信息。了解设备端检测的选项以及更加动态的基于服务器的整合,以确保提供更加出色的用户体验。
Filtering Unwanted Messages with Identity Lookup Unwanted SMS and MMS messages are a persistent, frustrating nuisance. Identity Lookup is a new framework that allows you to participate in the process of filtering incoming messages. Get the details of how to identify and prevent these unsolicited messages. Understand the options for on-device... carrier,cellular,china,extension,identitylookup,junk,messagefilter,spam 隐私与安全 简体中文, 英文
音频和视频 -
HLS 创作更新
HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) 能够稳定地向全世界的观众提供视频。这种稳定性的关键是一整套可帮助您制作、交付和验证所创建 HLS 流媒体的工具。看看这些工具的新功能,学习最新的制作建议,以及这些建议如何应用于 HLS 的改进功能,例如 HEVC 和 IMSC1 支持。
HLS Authoring Update HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) reliably delivers video to audiences around the world. Key to this reliability is a comprehensive set of tools to help you author, deliver, and validate the HLS streams you create. See what\'s new in these tools, learn the latest authoring recommendations, and how they... 音频和视频 简体中文, 英文 -
HTTP Live Streaming 改进
通过 HTTP Live Streaming,您可以将直播和按需播放内容通过流媒体的形式提供给全球观众。了解 HTTP Live Streaming 强大的新功能和增强功能。主要内容包括 HEVC 支持、播放列表元变量、IMSC1 字幕,以及多个流媒体的同步播放。探索如何通过新的 AVContentKeySession API 简化您的 FairPlay 密钥处理,以及利用离线 HLS 播放的增强功能。
Advances in HTTP Live Streaming HTTP Live Streaming allows you to stream live and on-demand content to global audiences. Learn about great new features and enhancements to HTTP Live Streaming. Highlights include support for HEVC, playlist metavariables, IMSC1 subtitles, and synchronized playback of multiple streams. Discover... cmaf,hevc,hls,http live streaming,imsc1,playback,playlists,streaming,video 音频和视频 简体中文, 英文 -
让您的 App 支持 CarPlay 车载
了解如何让您的音频、信息、VoIP 通话或汽车制造商 app 支持 CarPlay 车载。音频、信息和 VoIP 通话 app 采用一致的设计,并且为在车内使用进行过优化。汽车制造商 app 提供车辆相关的控制和显示功能,让驾驶员无需离开 CarPlay 车载就能保持互联。探索最佳做法,并了解适用于 CarPlay 车载 app 的工具和框架。
Enabling Your App for CarPlay Understand how to enable your audio, messaging, VoIP calling or automaker app for CarPlay. Audio, messaging and VoIP calling apps use a consistent design that\'s optimized for use in the car. Automaker apps provide vehicle specific controls and displays to keep drivers connected without leaving... ,,,automotive,callkit,car,mediaplayer,mediaplayer framework,notifications,sirikit 音频和视频 简体中文, 英文 -
适用于 HTTP Live Streaming 的错误处理最佳做法
HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) 能够在各种不同的网络和带宽条件下稳定传输媒体内容。不过,影响流媒体传输的因素有许多,如服务器或编码器故障、缓存问题或网络掉线。了解您的服务器为实现最高稳定性应采用的最佳行为,并从实践角度了解您的 app 可能遇到的错误以及如何处理这些错误。
Error Handling Best Practices for HTTP Live Streaming HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) reliably delivers media content across a variety of network and bandwidth conditions. However, there are many factors that can impact stream delivery, such as server or encoder failures, caching issues, or network dropouts. Learn the best-practice behaviors that your... 音频和视频 简体中文, 英文