App Store、分发与营销 -
App Store 定价的新功能
了解 App Store 定价功能和定价工具的最新更新。学习如何在 App Store Connect 和 App Store Connect API 中对 App 和 App 内购买项目进行定价管理、如何按区域进行定价设定等操作。
What\\u2019s new in App Store pricing Discover the latest updates to App Store pricing capabilities and tools. Learn how you can manage pricing for your apps and in-app purchases within App Store Connect and the App Store Connect API, how to set pricing by region, and more. App Store、分发与营销 英文 -
App Store 服务器 API 的新增功能
发现 App Store Server API 和 App Store Server Notifications 的最新更新。探索当前的 API 产品并了解如何通过通知跟踪订阅状态、处理服务器上的事务以及有效恢复丢失的通知。我们还将向你展示你的服务器如何支持使用 StoreKit 或 StoreKit 2 的 App,并且向你分享 API 中的重要停用内容和建议的迁移工作流程。
What\\u2019s new in App Store server APIs Discover the latest updates to the App Store Server API and App Store Server Notifications. Explore the current API offerings and learn how to track subscription status with notifications, work with transactions on your server, and efficiently recover missed notifications. We'll also show you how... App Store、分发与营销 英文 -
App Store 预定的新功能
了解 App Store 预定的最新增强功能,例如地区发布等。我们将向你演示如何使用 App Store Connect 设置预定,从而实现 App 的同步试发行以及向不同地区提供你的 App。
What\\u2019s new in App Store pre-orders Discover the latest enhancements to App Store pre-orders, including regional publishing. We'll show you how to use App Store Connect to set up pre-orders to simultaneously soft launch your app and offer it in different regions. App Store、分发与营销 -
StoreKit 2 的新增功能和 Xcode 中的 StoreKit 测试
了解 Xcode 中 StoreKit 2 和 StoreKit 测试的最新增强功能。发现用于推广 App 内购买项目的 API 更新、StoreKit 消息、Transaction 模型、RenewalInfo 模型以及用于管理订阅的 App Store sheet 的 API 更新。了解如何升级到 SHA-256 以进行设备上收据验证以及如何使用 API 创建 SwiftUI 视图。此外,我们还将帮助你开始在 Xcode 中进行 StoreKit 测试,以便你可以调试和测试你的 App 内购买项目和订阅。认识事务检查器,探索 StoreKit 配置编辑器的最新更新,并了解如何模拟...
What\\u2019s new in StoreKit 2 and StoreKit Testing in Xcode Get to know the latest enhancements to StoreKit 2 and StoreKit Testing in Xcode. Discover API updates for promoted in-app purchases, StoreKit messages, the Transaction model, the RenewalInfo model, and the App Store sheet for managing subscriptions. Learn how to upgrade to SHA-256 for on-device... App Store、分发与营销 英文 -
了解 App Store Server Library
探索 App Store Server Library,了解如何利用资源和配置来为你的 App 提供优势。我们将向你展示如何设置资源库、调用 App Store Server API、验证 App Store 服务器通知以及使用 App 收据。探索有关使用 App Store Server API 端点、验证 App Store 签名数据以及从 verifyReceipt 迁移的见解和最佳实践。
Meet the App Store Server Library Discover the App Store Server Library and learn how you can take advantage of resources and configurations for your apps. We'll show you how to set up the library, call the App Store Server API, verify App Store Server Notifications, and use app receipts. Explore insights and best practices for... App Store、分发与营销 英文 -
探索 App 内购买项目测试方法
了解如何在开发过程中使用 Xcode 中的 StoreKit Testing、App Store 沙盒和 TestFlight 进行 App 内购买项目的测试。探索每个工具的功能以及如何结合它们来构建测试你的 App 和游戏的工作流程。我们还将分享如何在 App Store 沙盒中测试 App 内购买项目和订阅的家庭共享的预览。
Explore testing in-app purchases Learn how you can test in-app purchases throughout development with StoreKit Testing in Xcode, App Store sandbox, and TestFlight. Explore how each tool functions and how you can combine them to build the right workflow for testing your apps and games. We'll also share a sneak preview of how you... App Store、分发与营销 英文 -
认识 StoreKit 与 SwiftUI
了解如何使用 App Store 产品元数据和 Xcode Previews,只需几行代码即可用它们为你的 App 添加 App 内购买项目。在 StoreKit 中探索全新的 UI 组件集合,了解如何轻松推销你的产品,以及如何用帮助用户做出明智决策的方式展示订阅等内容。
Meet StoreKit for SwiftUI Discover how you can use App Store product metadata and Xcode Previews to add in-app purchases to your app with just a few lines of code. Explore a new collection of UI components in StoreKit and learn how you can easily merchandise your products, present subscriptions in a way that helps users... App Store、分发与营销 英文
App 服务 -
AppKit 的新功能
探索 Mac App 开发的最新进展。我们将分享对控件和菜单的改进,并探索可以帮助您摆脱(视图)束缚的工具。了解如何在你的用户界面上添加动画,如何应用对文本输入的改进,以及如何将你现有的代码与 Swift 和 SwiftUI 集成。
What\\u2019s new in AppKit Discover the latest advances in Mac app development. We'll share improvements to controls and menus and explore the tools that can help you break free from your (view) bounds. Learn how to add motion to your user interface, take advantage of improvements to text input, and integrate your existing... App 服务 英文 -
UIKit 的新功能
探索 UIKit 的改进和更新,并了解如何构建理想的 iOS、iPadOS 和 Mac Catalyst App。我们将向你展示 UIKit 的最新功能和改进,并分享在 API 和性能等方面上的改进。
What\\u2019s new in UIKit Explore enhancements and updates to UIKit and learn how to build better iOS, iPadOS, and Mac Catalyst apps. We'll show you the latest features and improvements in UIKit and share API refinements, performance improvements, and much more. , App 服务 英文 -
“钱包”和 Apple Pay 的新功能
了解“钱包”和 Apple Pay 的最新更新。学习如何使用预授权付款、资金转移和 Apple Pay Later 营销,在你的 App 或网页上打造出色的 Apple Pay 体验。探索“钱包”的“订单追踪”对“邮件”、“信息”、Safari 浏览器和第三方应用的改进支持,并了解如何向订单的交易或收据中添加更多信息。此外,我们还将为你介绍 iPhone 上的 Tap to Present ID,这是一种使用 iPhone 在“钱包”中接收证件的全新方式,而且无需额外的硬件。
What\\u2019s new in Wallet and Apple Pay Discover the latest updates to Wallet and Apple Pay. Learn how to take advantage of preauthorized payments, funds transfer, and Apple Pay Later merchandising to create great Apple Pay experiences in your app or for the web. Explore improved support for Mail, Messages, Safari, and third-party apps... App 服务 -
了解空间计算的 Core Location
了解 Core Location 如何帮助你的 App 在世界上找到自己的位置——字面意义上的。我们将分享如何构建一个空间计算 App,该 App 在使用个人位置的同时尊重他们的隐私。你还将了解你的 App 如何请求位置访问权限,以及 Core Location 如何适应来自兼容 iPad 和 iPhone App 的请求。
Meet Core Location for spatial computing Discover how Core Location helps your app find its place in the world — literally. We'll share how you can build a spatial computing app that uses a person's location while respecting their privacy. You'll also learn how your app can request location access and how Core Location adapts requests... App 服务 英文 -
使用 App 快捷指令突出你的 App
了解如何使用 App 快捷指令在 Spotlight 中或通过 Siri 显示 App 中的常用功能。了解如何为你的 App 配置搜索结果,并了解创建出色的 App 快捷指令最佳实践。我们还将向你展示如何构建出色的视觉和语音体验,并将其扩展到 Apple Watch 和 HomePod 等其他 Apple 设备。 有关 App 快捷指令和 App 意图的更多信息,请查看 WWDC23 的“探索 App 意图的增强功能”和“为 Spotlight 设计快捷指令”。
Spotlight your app with App Shortcuts Discover how to use App Shortcuts to surface frequently used features from your app in Spotlight or through Siri. Find out how to configure search results for your app and learn best practices for creating great App Shortcuts. We'll also show you how to build great visual and voice experiences... App 服务 英文 -
使用数字签名验证 App 的依赖项
了解如何保护 App的依赖项。我们将向你展示 Xcode 如何自动验证包含在项目中任意已签名的 XCFrameworks。了解代码签名的工作原理,其在帮助你保护软件供应链方面提供的优势,以及 SDK 开发者如何通过对其 XCFramework 进行签名来帮助你保证 App 的安全。
Verify app dependencies with digital signatures Discover how you can help secure your app's dependencies. We'll show you how Xcode can automatically verify any signed XCFrameworks you include within a project. Learn how code signatures work, the benefits they provide to help protect your software supply chain, and how SDK developers can sign... App 服务 英文 -
探索动画预设并了解如何将其应用于 SF Symbols 和自定义符号。我们将向你展示如何尝试不同的选项和配置,为你的 App 找到完美的动画效果。了解如何使用注释功能更新自定义符号以应用动画,如何使用符号组件修改自定义符号,并探索重新设计后符号的导出过程,保持符号在所有平台上的绝佳效果。若想充分理解本次讲座,请一并查看 WWDC23 的“SF Symbols 5 的新增功能”。
Create animated symbols Discover animation presets and learn how to use them with SF Symbols and custom symbols. We'll show you how to experiment with different options and configurations to find the perfect animation for your app. Learn how to update custom symbols for animation using annotation features, find out how... App 服务 英文 -
在 App 中为符号添加动画效果
使用动画符号为你的 App 增添趣味。探索如何使用具有统一 API 的新符号框架来创建和配置符号效果。了解如何使用 SwiftUI、AppKit 和 UIKit 在用户界面中轻松实现符号动画。探索无缝集成新动画和其他 App 内容的技巧和诀窍。为了充分理解本节内容,建议你先观看讲座“SF Symbols 5 中的新功能”。
Animate symbols in your app Bring delight to your app with animated symbols. Explore the new Symbols framework, which features a unified API to create and configure symbol effects. Learn how SwiftUI, AppKit, and UIKit make it easy to animate symbols in user interfaces. Discover tips and tricks to seamlessly integrate the... App 服务 -
在你的 App 中提取图像主题
了解如何在你的 App 中轻松地从背景提取图像主题。学习如何使用 VisionKit 提取主题或提取指定点所选中的主题。我们还将分享如何使用 Vision 来提取主题,并将其与 Core Image 等底层框架结合使用,以创建有趣的图像效果和更复杂的合成流程。有关 VisionKit 最新更新的更多信息,请查看 “VisionKit 新功能” 。有关图像中人像分割的更多信息,请观看 WWDC23 视频“探索 Vision 中的 3D 人体姿态和人像分割 ”。
Lift subjects from images in your app Discover how you can easily pull the subject of an image from its background in your apps. Learn how to lift the primary subject or to access the subject at a given point with VisionKit. We'll also share how you can lift subjects using Vision and combine that with lower-level frameworks like Core... App 服务 英文 -
了解 AVCapture 和 PhotoKit 如何帮助你打造响应更快、更令人愉悦的 App。了解相机捕捉过程,以及延迟照片处理如何帮助创建最佳质量的照片。我们将向你展示零快门延迟如何利用 Time Travel 来捕捉完美的动作照片,深入介绍构建响应式捕获流程,并分享如何利用视频特效 API 来识别触发实时视频效果的预定义手势。
Create a more responsive camera experience Discover how AVCapture and PhotoKit can help you create more responsive and delightful apps. Learn about the camera capture process and find out how deferred photo processing can help create the best quality photo. We'll show you how zero shutter lag uses time travel to capture the perfect action... App 服务 英文 -
探索 App Intents 的增强功能
使用 App Intents 让你的小部件生动活泼!探索最新更新并了解如何利用动态选项和用户交互性为你的 App 快捷指令构建更好的体验。我们将分享如何与 Apple Pay 集成、更有效地构建代码以及将快捷指令 App 集成提升到新的水平。 有关 App Intents 和 App 快捷指令的更多信息,请观看 WWDC23 的“使用 App 快捷指令聚焦你的 App ”。
Explore enhancements to App Intents Bring your widgets to life with App Intents! Explore the latest updates and learn how you can take advantage of dynamic options and user interactivity to build better experiences for your App Shortcuts. We'll share how you can integrate with Apple Pay, structure your code more efficiently, and... App 服务 英文 -
探索 Calendar 和 EventKit
了解如何将 Calendar 与你的 App 进行整合以帮助用户实现更有效的时间管理。探索如何从你的 App 中创建新事件,获取事件并实现虚拟会议扩展。我们将为你介绍针对日历访问级别的更改,以让你的 App 与用户保持联系,同时不侵犯他人日历数据中的隐私。
Discover Calendar and EventKit Discover how you can bring Calendar into your app and help people better manage their time. Find out how to create new events from your app, fetch events, and implement a virtual conference extension. We'll also take you through some of the changes to calendar access levels that help your app... App 服务 英文 -
与 Core Location 一起迈向未来!认识专为 modern Swift concurrency 设计的 CLLocationUpdate 类,并了解它如何简化获取位置更新。我们将向你展示当你的 App 在前台或后台运行时,该类如何与你的 App 一起配合运行,并分享一些最佳实践。
Discover streamlined location updates Move into the future with Core Location! Meet the CLLocationUpdate class, designed for modern Swift concurrency, and learn how it simplifies getting location updates. We'll show you how this class works with your apps when they run in the foreground or background and share some best practices. App 服务 英文 -
文本是所有 App 不可或缺的重要组成部分。探索在 Apple 平台上打造丰富文本体验的最新功能和改进。我们将会向你展示如何利用常用文本元素,并为你的 App 创造完全个性化的交互。了解听写功能、文本放大镜以及文本选择的更新内容,同时探索文本裁剪、自动换行以及断字的相关改进。
What\\u2019s new with text and text interactions Text is an absolutely critical component of every app. Discover the latest features and enhancements for creating rich text experiences on Apple platforms. We'll show you how to take advantage of common text elements and create entirely custom interactions for your app. Learn about updates to... App 服务 英文 -
构建更出色的文稿类 App
了解如何运用 iPadOS 中的最新功能来改进文稿类 App。我们将向你展示如何利用 UIDocument 以及现有的桌面类 iPad 和文稿类 API 为你的 App 增添全新功能。了解如何将数据模型转换为 UIDocument 以及如何使用 UIDocumentViewController 呈现文稿,学习如何将 App 迁移到最新的 API 并探索绝佳实践。
Build better document-based apps Discover how you can use the latest features in iPadOS to improve your document-based apps. We'll show you how to take advantage of UIDocument as well as existing desktop-class iPad and document-based APIs to add new features in your app. Find out how to convert data models to UIDocument, present... App 服务 -
键盘每年都在不断发展,以支持越来越多的语言、尺寸和功能。你可以在此学习如何设计跟上键盘的发展的 App,并适应各种设备显示方式。我们将向你展示如何打造流畅的文本输入功能,并分享重要的架构更改信息,帮助你了解键盘在系统中的工作原理。
Keep up with the keyboard Each year, the keyboard evolves to support an increasing range of languages, sizes, and features. Discover how you can design your app to keep up with the keyboard, regardless of how it appears on a device. We'll show you how to create frictionless text entry and share important architectural... inline predictions,keyboard layout guide App 服务 英文 -
轻 App 的新功能
探索轻 App 的最新更新。我们将向你展示如何使用默认轻 App 链接,更轻松地构建轻 App。帮你了解如何利用增加的轻 App 大小限制来构建更丰富、更具吸引力的体验,以及如何从你的 App 直接启动轻 App。
What\\u2019s new in App Clips Explore the latest updates to App Clips. We'll show you how to build App Clips more easily using default App Clip links. Learn how you can take advantage of the increased App Clip size limit to build richer and more engaging experiences, and find out how you can launch App Clips directly from... app,app clip,app clip code,clip,download,experience,in app,inapp,install,launch,launch app clip,lightweight,preview,qr code App 服务 英文 -
了解在使用 Apple 推送通知服务 (APN) 推送内容时,如何远程更新 App 中的实时活动。我们将向你展示如何在本地配置第一个实时活动推送,以便你可以快速迭代实现内容。了解确定推送优先级和配置提醒更新的最佳实践,探索如何利用相关性分数和过时日期进一步改进实时活动。为了让本次讲座发挥最大价值,你需要提前了解 ActivityKit 和实时活动。请观看“了解 ActivityKit”,了解实时活动的介绍
Update Live Activities with push notifications Discover how you can remotely update Live Activities in your app when you push content through Apple Push Notification service (APNs). We'll show you how to configure your first Live Activity push locally so you can quickly iterate on your implementation. Learn best practices for determining your... activities,activity,activitykit,dynamic,dynamic island,island,live,live activities,live notification,live notifications,lock,lock screen,notification,notifications,screen,standby App 服务 -
释放 UIKit 特征系统的潜能
发现 UIKit 中特征系统的强大增强功能。了解如何定义自定义特征以将你的数据添加到 UITraitCollection 中,使用特征重写 API 修改传递到视图控制器和视图的数据,以及使用 API 提升灵活性和性能。此外,我们还将向你展示如何桥接 UIKit 特征以及 SwiftUI 环境键值以无缝访问 App 中 UIKit 和 SwiftUI 组件的数据。
Unleash the UIKit trait system Discover powerful enhancements to the trait system in UIKit. Learn how you can define custom traits to add your own data to UITraitCollection, modify the data propagated to view controllers and views with trait override APIs, and adopt APIs to improve flexibility and performance. We'll also show... App 服务 英文 -
认识隐私清单:一种帮助你准确识别 App 依赖项隐私保护操作的新工具。了解第三方 SDK 开发者如何使用这些清单来共享其框架的隐私保护操作。我们还会向你介绍 Xcode 如何生成完整的隐私报告以帮助你更轻松地展示 App 中所有代码的隐私保护操作。
Get started with privacy manifests Meet privacy manifests: a new tool that helps you accurately identify the privacy practices of your app's dependencies. Find out how third-party SDK developers can use these manifests to share privacy practices for their frameworks. We'll also share how Xcode can produce a full privacy report to... app tracking transparency,att,nutrition label,privacy nutrition label App 服务 英文 -
集成媒体 App 与 HomePod
了解用户如何直接从 HomePod 与你的媒体 App 进行交互。我们将向你展示如何向你的 iPhone 或 iPad App 添加媒体意图,并帮助用户只需使用自己的声音,即可通过隔空播放将你的内容流式传输到 HomePod 扬声器。探索实施细节,并获取有关如何为音乐、有声读物、播客、冥想课或其他媒体类型创造出色体验的提示和最佳实践。要进一步了解创建出色隔空播放体验的信息,请观看 WWDC23 的课程“提升你的隔空播放音频体验”。
Integrate your media app with HomePod Learn how people can interact with your media app directly from HomePod. We'll show you how to add a media intent to your iPhone or iPad app and help people stream your content to a HomePod speaker over AirPlay simply by using their voice. Explore implementation details and get tips and best... App 服务 英文
Safari 浏览器和网页 -
CSS 中的新功能
探索 CSS 的最新进展。学习处理广色域颜色、创建精美的排版和编写简单而强大的代码的技术和绝佳实践。在此次讲座中我们还将展望未来,预览即将推出的布局和排版功能。
What\\u2019s new in CSS Explore the latest advancements in CSS. Learn techniques and best practices for working with wide-gamut color, creating gorgeous typography, and writing simple and robust code. We'll also peer into the future and preview upcoming layout and typography features. Safari 浏览器和网页 -
Safari 扩展的新动向
了解 Safari 扩展的最新升级。我们将介绍全新的 API,详解 Safari 浏览器 App 扩展基于站点的授权,并与你分享如何确保扩展在无痕浏览和配置文件中都能顺利运行。
What\\u2019s new in Safari extensions Learn about the latest improvements to Safari extensions. We'll take you through new APIs, explore per-site permissions for Safari app extensions, and share how you can make sure your extensions work great in both Private Browsing and Profiles. Safari 浏览器和网页 英文 -
了解 Safari 浏览器 17 支持的最新图像格式和视频技术。了解如何在你的网站和体验中使用 JPEG XL、AVIF 和 HEIC,并了解它们与以前的格式有何不同。我们还将向你展示 Managed Media Source API 如何比媒体源扩展 (MSE) 消耗更少的电量,并探索如何使用它来更有效地管理 5G 流媒体视频。
Explore media formats for the web Learn about the latest image formats and video technologies supported in Safari 17. Discover how you can use JPEG XL, AVIF, and HEIC in your websites and experiences and learn how they differ from previous formats. We'll also show you how the Managed Media Source API draws less power than Media... Safari 浏览器和网页 -
网页 App 中的新功能
探索 Mac 网页 App:一种从程序坞体验网站的强大方式。了解如何自定义你的网页 App,以便在用户添加你的网站时为他们提供最佳体验。我们还将分享如何利用适用于 Mac 的网页 App 以及适用于 iOS 和 iPadOS 的主屏幕网页 App 的推送通知和标记。
What\\u2019s new in web apps Discover web apps for Mac — a powerful way to experience your website from the Dock. Learn how you can customize your web app to give people the best experience when they add your site. We'll also share how to take advantage of push notifications and badging for web apps for Mac and Home Screen... Safari 浏览器和网页 英文
Swift -
使用 Swift-DocC 创建丰富的文档
了解如何利用 Swift-DocC 的最新功能为你的 App 或框架创建丰富而详实的文档。我们将向你展示如何使用 Xcode 15 文档预览编辑器高效迭代现有项目的文档,并探索扩展的各创作功能,例如基于网格的布局、视频支持和自定义主题。为了充分利用本次讲座,你最好对 Swift-DocC 文档的基础知识有一定的了解。
Create rich documentation with Swift-DocC Learn how you can take advantage of the latest features in Swift-DocC to create rich and detailed documentation for your app or framework. We'll show you how to use the Xcode 15 Documentation Preview editor to efficiently iterate on your existing project's documentation, and explore expanded... , Swift 英文 -
使用 SwiftData 为你的架构建模
了解如何将架构宏和迁移计划与 SwiftData 结合使用,为你的 App 构建更复杂的功能。我们将向你展示如何使用 @Attribute 和 @Relationship 选项来微调持久性。了解如何使用 @Transient 从数据模型中排除属性,并轻松从一个版本的架构迁移到下一版本。 为了充分了解本次讲座,我们建议首先观看 WWDC23 的“认识 SwiftData”和“使用 SwiftData 构建 App”。
Model your schema with SwiftData Learn how to use schema macros and migration plans with SwiftData to build more complex features for your app. We'll show you how to fine-tune your persistence with @Attribute and @Relationship options. Learn how to exclude properties from your data model with @Transient and migrate from one... attribute,coredata,core data,data,fetchdescriptor,macro,macros,model,model,models,persistence,predicate,predicate,relationship,sortdescriptor,swift,swiftdata Swift -
使用 SwiftUI 进行设计
了解 SwiftUI 如何帮助你快速迭代和探索设计理念。向 Apple 设计师学习,他们分享了 SwiftUI 是如何助力 watchOS 10 中的 Apple 地图 App 的设计及其他工作元素的设计,并了解如何将这些工作流程应用到你自己的设计流程中。
Design with SwiftUI Discover how SwiftUI can help you quickly iterate and explore design ideas. Learn from Apple designers as they share how working with SwiftUI influenced the design of the Maps app in watchOS 10 and other elements of their work, and find out how you can incorporate these workflows in your own... prototyping Swift 英文 -
深入了解 SwiftData
了解 SwiftData 的强大功能在 App 中的应用。了解 ModelContext 和 ModelContainer 如何通过协同工作使 App 数据持久化。我们将向你展示如何进行手动跟踪和修改,以及如何通过 FetchDescriptor、SortDescriptor 和 enumerate 来规模化使用 SwiftData。我们建议你提前观看 WWDC23 的“了解 SwiftData”和“使用 SwiftData 对 Schema 建模”这两讲,以便充分汲取本讲知识。
Dive deeper into SwiftData Learn how you can harness the power of SwiftData in your app. Find out how ModelContext and ModelContainer work together to persist your app's data. We'll show you how to track and make your changes manually and use SwiftData at scale with FetchDescriptor, SortDescriptor, and enumerate. To get... attribute,coredata,core data,data,data model,enumerate,enumeration,fetchdescriptor,macros,model,model,modelcontainer,modelcontext,persistence,predicate,predicate,relationship,sortdescriptor,swift,swiftdata Swift 英文 -
了解可合并库如何结合静态库和动态库的优点,帮助提高 App 的工作效率和运行时性能。了解如何在交付尽可能小的 App 的同时实现更快的开发。我们将向你展示如何在 Xcode 15 中采用可合并库,并分享使用代码的最佳实践。
Meet mergeable libraries Discover how mergeable libraries combine the best parts of static and dynamic libraries to help improve your app's productivity and runtime performance. Learn how you can enable faster development while shipping the smallest app. We'll show you how to adopt mergeable libraries in Xcode 15 and... Swift 英文 -
迁移到 SwiftData
了解如何在 App 中开始使用 SwiftData。我们将向你展示如何使用 Xcode 从现有的 Core Data 对象模型中生成模型类,结合此前的实施使用 SwiftData,甚至完全替换现有的解决方案。 在观看本次讲座之前,请务必观看“认识 SwiftData”。
Migrate to SwiftData Discover how you can start using SwiftData in your apps. We'll show you how to use Xcode to generate model classes from your existing Core Data object models, use SwiftData alongside your previous implementation, or even completely replace your existing solution. Before watching this session,... attribute,coredata,core data,data,data model,macros,migration,model,model,presistence,refactor,relationship,swift,swiftdata,upgrade Swift
SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 -
SF Symbols 5 的新功能
探索 SF Symbols 的最新功能,SF Symbols 是 Apple 为其平台设计的与 San Francisco系统字体无缝集成的图标库。了解符号动画:一系列具有表现力和可配置性的动画效果,可以使界面更加生动,并改善用户反馈。查看如何在创建自定义符号时进行动画绘制,并探索 SF Symbols 库的最新添加内容。为了充分了解本次讲座,我们建议您先观看 WWDC22 中的“SF Symbols 4 的新功能”。
What\\u2019s new in SF Symbols 5 Explore the latest updates to SF Symbols, Apple's library of iconography designed to integrate seamlessly with San Francisco, the system font for Apple platforms. Learn about symbol animations: a collection of expressive, configurable animations that can make your interface feel more lively and... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 英文 -
SwiftUI 聚焦的秘诀
SwiftUI 团队带着强大的工具回到了编码“厨房”,以打造 App 的聚焦体验。和我们一同了解 App 中焦点驱动交互的基本构成要素。探索自定义视图的聚焦交互,了解键盘输入的按键处理程序,并学习如何通过焦点区域支持移动和层次结构。我们还将介绍一些适用于你的 App 中常见焦点模式的美味秘诀。
The SwiftUI cookbook for focus The SwiftUI team is back in the coding \"kitchen\" with powerful tools to shape your app's focus experience. Join us and learn about the staple ingredients that support focus-driven interactions in your app. Discover focus interactions for custom views, find out about key-press handlers for... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 英文 -
为 Apple Watch 上的智能叠放构建小组件
请跟随我们使用最新版的 SwiftUI 和 WidgetKit API 为 watchOS 10 上的智能叠放构建小组件。了解创建小组件的技巧、技术以及最佳实践以在 Apple Watch 上展示相关信息。
Build widgets for the Smart Stack on Apple Watch Follow along as we build a widget for the Smart Stack on watchOS 10 using the latest SwiftUI and WidgetKit APIs. Learn tips, techniques, and best practices for creating widgets that show relevant information on Apple Watch. watchos,watchos 10 SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 -
为 Apple Watch 的智能叠放设计小组件
为带有智能叠放功能的 watchOS 设计小组件。我们将向你展示如何使用标准设计布局、颜色和图例以及基于信号的关联性来确保你 App 的小组件易懂、独特且智能。着手设计之前,请一起观看和我们一起编写代码的视频:“为 watch OS 智能叠放构建小组件”
Design widgets for the Smart Stack on Apple Watch Bring your widgets to watchOS with the new Smart Stack. We'll show you how to use standard design layouts, color and iconography, and signal-based relevancy to ensure your app's widgets are glanceable, distinctive and smart. When you're ready to make your own, watch this code-along: \"Build... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 英文 -
升级 ARKit App, 纵享空间体验
了解如何为 VisionOS 带来你的 App 的 AR 体验。了解 ARKit 和 RealityKit 在空间计算方面的更新:我们将重点介绍来自 iPadOS 和 iOS 的概念和 API 的变化,并引导你观看包含更多详细信息的课程,帮助你为此平台带来 AR 体验。
Evolve your ARKit app for spatial experiences Discover how you can bring your app's AR experience to visionOS. Learn how ARKit and RealityKit have evolved for spatial computing: We'll highlight conceptual and API changes for those coming from iPadOS and iOS and guide you to sessions with more details to help you bring your AR experience to... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 英文 -
在 SwiftUI 中轻松完成高级动画
了解如何利用 SwiftUI 的最新更新将动画提升到新的水平。加入我们,我们将逐步完成动画并构建多个步骤,使用关键帧添加协调的多轨动画效果,并以独特的方式组合 API,让你的 App 焕发活力。
Wind your way through advanced animations in SwiftUI Discover how you can take animation to the next level with the latest updates to SwiftUI. Join us as we wind our way through animation and build out multiple steps, use keyframes to add coordinated multi-track animated effects, and combine APIs in unique ways to make your app spring to life. SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 英文 -
在 watchOS 10 平台上进行 App 设计和开发
深入了解 watchOS 设计原则的详细信息,并了解如何使用 SwiftUI 将它们应用到你的 App 中。我们将向你展示如何为重新设计的用户界面构建 App,以显示及时的信息,一目了然地传达重点内容,并使导航一致且可预测。
Design and build apps for watchOS 10 Dive into the details of watchOS design principles and learn how to apply them in your app using SwiftUI. We'll show you how to build an app for the redesigned user interface to surface timely information, communicate focused content at a glance, and make navigation consistent and predictable. SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 英文 -
小组件生态系统正不断扩展:了解如何使用最新版 WidgetKit API 让你的 App 在所有地方保持出色的外观。我们将向你展示如何识别小组件的背景、动态调整布局以及为生动渲染准备颜色,从而让你的小组件可以与任何环境无缝融合。
Bring widgets to new places The widget ecosystem is expanding: Discover how you can use the latest WidgetKit APIs to make your widget look great everywhere. We'll show you how to identify your widget's background, adjust layout dynamically, and prepare colors for vibrant rendering so that your widget can sit seamlessly in... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 英文 -
探索 Swift Charts 中的饼图及交互性
Swift Charts 又回到了原点:准备好利用框架的最新改进以在 App 中制作饼图和环形图。了解如何让你的图表具备滚动功能,探索图表选择 API 以显示数据中的其他详细信息,并了解如何启用额外的交互功能使你的图表更加令人愉悦。
Explore pie charts and interactivity in Swift Charts Swift Charts has come full circle: Get ready to bake up pie and donut charts in your app with the latest improvements to the framework. Learn how to make your charts scrollable, explore the chart selection API for revealing additional details in your data, and find out how enabling additional... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 -
探索 SwiftUI 中的观察
使用观察简化你的 SwiftUI 数据模型。我们将分享 Observable 宏如何帮助你简化模型并提高 App 的性能。了解观察,了解宏的基础知识,并了解如何从 ObservableObject 迁移到 Observable。
Discover Observation in SwiftUI Simplify your SwiftUI data models with Observation. We'll share how the Observable macro can help you simplify models and improve your app's performance. Get to know Observation, learn the fundamentals of the macro, and find out how to migrate from ObservableObject to Observable. SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 英文 -
探索 SwiftUI 动画
探索 SwiftUI 强大的动画功能,并了解这些功能如何协同工作以产生令人印象深刻的视觉效果。了解 SwiftUI 如何刷新视图的渲染、确定要设置动画的内容、随着时间的推移插入值以及传播当前事务的背景。
Explore SwiftUI animation Explore SwiftUI's powerful animation capabilities and find out how these features work together to produce impressive visual effects. Learn how SwiftUI refreshes the rendering of a view, determines what to animate, interpolates values over time, and propagates context for the current transaction. SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 英文 -
更新你的 App 至 watchOS 10
和我们一起更新 Apple Watch App,充分利用 watchOS 10 的最新功能。我们将会向你展示如何利用最新版 SwiftUI API 让信息一目了然,以及如何围绕数码表冠重新调整 App 浏览方式。
Update your app for watchOS 10 Join us as we update an Apple Watch app to take advantage of the latest features in watchOS 10. In this code-along, we'll show you how to use the latest SwiftUI APIs to maximize glanceability and reorient app navigation around the Digital Crown. SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 英文 -
了解如何使用 SwiftUI 中的最新 API 将滚动视图提升到新的水平。我们将向你展示如何以前所未有的方式自定义滚动视图。探索安全区域和滚动视图边距之间的关系,了解如何与滚动视图的内容偏移量进行交互,并了解如何通过滚动过渡为内容增添一些独特风格。
Beyond scroll views Find out how you can take your scroll views to the next level with the latest APIs in SwiftUI. We'll show you how to customize scroll views like never before. Explore the relationship between safe areas and a scroll view's margins, learn how to interact with the content offset of a scroll view,... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 英文 -
了解如何通过动画为你的 App 带来活力!我们将向你展示如何利用弹簧创建令人惊叹的动画,并帮助你学习如何在 App 中实际应用弹簧。
Animate with springs Discover how you can bring life to your app with animation! We'll show you how to create amazing animations when you take advantage of springs and help you learn how to use them in your app. SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 英文 -
解密 SwiftUI 性能
了解如何构建 SwiftUI 性能的心智模型,并编写更快、更高效的代码。我们将介绍一些导致性能问题的常见原因,并帮助你解决 SwiftUI 的挂起和卡顿问题,以创建更具响应性的 App 视图。
Demystify SwiftUI performance Learn how you can build a mental model for performance in SwiftUI and write faster, more efficient code. We'll share some of the common causes behind performance issues and help you triage hangs and hitches in SwiftUI to create more responsive views in your app. SwiftUI 和 UI 框架
健康与运动 -
Core Motion 的新功能
了解如何使用最新的 Core Motion 更新来扩展 App 使用运动数据的方式。了解在 Apple Watch 上记录 HealthKit 锻炼时如何流式传输高频传感器数据。我们将为你展示如何在浮潜等水上活动期间获取浸水数据,包括水深和温度。了解如何将姿态、用户加速度和旋转率等运动数据从 AirPods 等音频设备传输到 iPhone 和 Mac 等联网设备。
What\\u2019s new in Core Motion Learn how you can use the latest Core Motion updates to expand how your app uses motion data. Discover how to stream higher-frequency sensor data when recording a HealthKit workout on Apple Watch. We'll show you how you can get submersion data — including water depth and temperature — during... 健康与运动 英文 -
构建多设备训练 App
了解如何使用 HealthKit 让 iPhone 参与到基于 Apple Watch 的体能训练 App 中。我们将向你展示如何在设备之间使用骑行数据类型进行骑行镜像训练。此外,还将了解 iPad 版的 HealthKit。
Build a multi-device workout app Learn how you can get iPhone involved in your Apple Watch-based workout apps with HealthKit. We'll show you how to mirror workouts between devices and take a ride with cycling data types. Plus, get to know HealthKit for iPad. 健康与运动
商务 & 教育 -
Apple Watch 的设备管理功能
组织可以部署和配置的 Apple 设备现在增加了 Apple Watch。了解如何为 watchOS 实施设备管理,以帮助组织提高生产力、改善用户身体健康以及为员工提供更多新功能。
Meet device management for Apple Watch Organizations can now deploy and configure Apple Watch in addition to other Apple devices. Learn how to implement device management for watchOS to help organizations improve productivity, support wellness, and provide additional support for their employees. 商务 & 教育 英文 -
Apple 设备管理的新功能
了解 iOS、iPadOS 和 macOS 的最新管理功能,探索如何通过更新后的自动设备注册以及 iOS 和 iPadOS 设备的新恢复服务选项来简化设置步骤。除此之外,本期视频还介绍如何在 macOS 上更多地方使用你的身份提供方,展示 Apple Configurator 在自动执行任务方面提供怎样的帮助。
What\\u2019s new in managing Apple devices Learn about the latest management capabilities for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. Discover how you can streamline the setup experience with enhancements to automated device enrollment and a new return-to-service option for iOS and iPadOS devices. We'll share how to use your identity provider in even... 商务 & 教育 -
Explore advances in declarative device management Learn how you can help IT administrators get the tools they need to manage their organization's devices. Discover the latest changes to declarative device management, including software update management, additional asset types, status reporting for FileVault, and more. 商务 & 教育 英文 -
使用管理式 Apple ID 探索更多可能
探索管理式 Apple ID 的最新功能,并了解如何在组织中使用这些功能。利用管理式 Apple ID 可用的其他 App 和服务,探索基于帐户的设备注册流程,并了解如何使用访问管理权限功能来控制管理式 Apple ID 可访问的设备和 Apple 服务。我们还将向你展示如何与你的身份提供商集成,从而自动创建管理式 Apple ID 并同步用户目录。
Do more with Managed Apple IDs Explore the latest updates to Managed Apple IDs and learn how you can use them in your organization. Take advantage of additional apps and services available to Managed Apple IDs, discover the Account-Driven Device Enrollment flow, and find out how to use access management controls to limit the... 商务 & 教育
图形和游戏 -
Background Assets 的新动向
等待很久了吧!了解 Background Assets 如何帮助你的 App 在启动之前下载内容。我们将向你展示如何将 Background Assets 整合到现有的 App 中,探索使用必要或非必要资源的时机,并学习如何轻松调试扩展。
What\\u2019s new in Background Assets Waiting is no fun! Discover how Background Assets can help your app download content before it even launches. We'll show you how to integrate Background Assets into an existing app, explore when to use essential or non-essential assets, and learn how to make debugging your extension a breeze. 图形和游戏 -
Metal 光线追踪指南
了解如何通过 Metal 光线追踪技术,提高游戏和 App 的视觉质量。我们将带您了解 Metal 光线追踪 API 的基本知识,探索最新的增强功能和技术,使您能创建更大、更复杂的场景,减少内存使用和构建时间,高效渲染头发、毛皮等视觉内容。
Your guide to Metal ray tracing Discover how you can enhance the visual quality of your games and apps with Metal ray tracing. We'll take you through the fundamentals of the Metal ray tracing API. Explore the latest enhancements and techniques that will enable you to create larger and more complex scenes, reduce memory usage... 图形和游戏 英文 -
使用 RealityKit 增强你的空间计算 App
摆脱窗口限制,了解如何使用 RealityKit 为你的 App 带来引人入胜的沉浸式 3D 内容。了解 SwiftUI 场景如何与 RealityView 协同工作,以及如何将内容嵌入到实体层次结构中。我们还将探索如何使用锚点融合虚拟内容和现实世界,在 App 中引入粒子效果,添加视频内容以及使用传送门创造更多沉浸式体验。
Enhance your spatial computing app with RealityKit Go beyond the window and learn how you can bring engaging and immersive 3D content to your apps with RealityKit. Discover how SwiftUI scenes work in tandem with RealityView and how you can embed your content into an entity hierarchy. We'll also explore how you can blend virtual content and the... 图形和游戏 英文 -
探索 Reality Composer Pro 中的材质
了解 Reality Composer Pro 如何帮助你使用 RealityKit 材质改变 3D 对象的外观。我们将向你介绍 MaterialX 和基于物理的 (PBR) 着色器,展示如何使用着色器图形编辑器设计动态材质,并探索向材质添加可在 visionOS App 中控制的自定义输入。为了充分利用本讲座,建议你先观看“初识 Reality Composer Pro”。如果你已准备好学习如何将模型和材质整合到 Xcode 项目中,请观看“在 Xcode 中使用 Reality Composer Pro 内容”讲座。
Explore materials in Reality Composer Pro Learn how Reality Composer Pro can help you alter the appearance of your 3D objects using RealityKit materials. We'll introduce you to MaterialX and physically-based (PBR) shaders, show you how to design dynamic materials using the shader graph editor, and explore adding custom inputs to a... 图形和游戏 英文
开发者工具 -
App Store Connect 的新动向
了解 App Store Connect 的最新升级。这是一套用于管理 App 并将其提交到 App Store 的工具。你将探索如何使用最新功能来更轻松地测试、定价、推广和自动化 App 的管理。我们还将分享 TestFlight 和 App Store Connect API 等工具的增强功能。
What\\u2019s new in App Store Connect Discover the latest updates to App Store Connect, the suite of tools used to manage and submit apps to the App Store. Explore how you can use the latest features to test, price, promote, and automate the management of your app more easily. We'll also share enhancements to tools like TestFlight... 开发者工具 英文 -
Swift 的新功能
与我们一起来了解 Swift 的更新。我们将向你展示 API 如何通过参数包和宏等功能变得更具可扩展性和表现力。我们还将带你了解互操作性方面的改进,并分享我们如何将 Swift 在性能和安全方面的优势扩展到各个领域 - 从 Foundation 到服务器上的大规模分布式程序。
What\\u2019s new in Swift Join us for an update on Swift. We'll show you how APIs are becoming more extensible and expressive with features like parameter packs and macros. We'll also take you through improvements to interoperability and share how we're expanding Swift's performance and safety benefits everywhere from... 开发者工具 英文 -
Web Inspector 的新增功能
Web Inspector 提供了一组强大的工具来调试和检查 macOS、iOS 和 iPadOS 上的网页、Web 扩展和 WKWebView。我们将分享最新的更新,包括改进的字体排版检查、可变字体的编辑工具、模拟用户喜好的控制选项、DOM 节点树中的元素标记和符号断点。
What\\u2019s new in Web Inspector Web Inspector provides a powerful set of tools to debug and inspect web pages, web extensions, and WKWebViews on macOS, iOS and iPadOS. We'll share the latest updates, including improved typography inspection, editing tools for variable fonts, controls to emulate people's preferences, element... breakpoint,css,font 开发者工具 英文 -
使用 Instruments 分析挂起
UI 元素通常是对现实世界交互的模仿,包括实时响应。如果 App 的用户交互明显延迟,也就是出现挂起,则可能会打破这种幻想并让用户产生挫败感。我们将向你展示如何使用 Instruments 来分析、理解和修复所有 Apple 平台 App 中的挂起。了解如何有效地查看 Instruments 跟踪文档、解释跟踪数据并记录其他分析数据,从而更好地了解特定的挂起。 如果你不熟悉使用 Instruments,我们建议你首先观看“Instruments 入门指南”。如果你想了解可以帮助你发现 App 挂起的其它工具,请查看“通过 Xcode 和设备端检测追踪挂起”。
Analyze hangs with Instruments User interface elements often mimic real-world interactions, including real-time responses. Apps with a noticeable delay in user interaction — a hang — can break that illusion and create frustration. We'll show you how to use Instruments to analyze, understand, and fix hangs in your apps on all... 开发者工具 -
使用 Metal 优化 GPU 渲染器
了解如何使用最新的 Metal 功能和最佳实践来优化 GPU 渲染器。我们将向你展示如何使用函数特化和并行着色器编译来保持响应式创作工作流程和最快渲染速度,并帮助你调整计算着色器以获得最佳性能。
Optimize GPU renderers with Metal Discover how to optimize your GPU renderer using the latest Metal features and best practices. We'll show you how to use function specialization and parallel shader compilation to maintain responsive authoring workflows and the fastest rendering speeds, and help you tune your compute shaders for... 开发者工具 -
使用 Xcode 测试报告更快修复故障
探索如何使用 Xcode 和 Xcode Cloud 中的测试报告更快地查找、调试和修复测试故障。了解 Xcode 如何识别故障模式,帮你找到开始排查的正确位置。我们还将向你展示如何使用 UI 自动化资源管理器和视频记录来了解导致你的 UI 测试失败的事件。
Fix failures faster with Xcode test reports Discover how you can find, debug, and fix test failures faster with the test report in Xcode and Xcode Cloud. Learn how Xcode identifies failure patterns to help you find the right place to start investigating. We'll also show you how to use the UI automation explorer and video recordings to... 开发者工具 英文 -
使用参数包泛化 API
Swift 参数包是一个强大的工具,可以扩展泛型代码的可能性,同时还能帮助开发者简化常见的泛型模式。我们将展示如何对泛型代码中的类型和参数数量进行抽象,来避免使用超载。为了更好理解本讲座,我们建议开发者先查看 WWDC22 的 “采用 Swift 泛型”讲座。
Generalize APIs with parameter packs Swift parameter packs are a powerful tool to expand what is possible in your generic code while also enabling you to simplify common generic patterns. We'll show you how to abstract over types as well as the number of arguments in generic code and simplify common generic patterns to avoid... 开发者工具 英文 -
探索了解 Xcode 15 中的调试控制台,并学习如何通过日志来改善你的诊断体验。探索如何使用高级过滤器和改进的可视化功能轻松高效地浏览日志。我们还将向你展示如何在调试时使用 dwim-print 命令来评估代码中的表达式。
Debug with structured logging Discover the debug console in Xcode 15 and learn how you can improve your diagnostic experience through logging. Explore how you can navigate your logs easily and efficiently using advanced filtering and improved visualization. We'll also show you how to use the dwim-print command to evaluate... 开发者工具 英文 -
在 Xcode Cloud 中创建实用的工作流程
了解 Xcode Cloud 如何在开发过程中帮助各种类型和规模的团队。我们将分享配置操作的不同方法,有助你创建简单但功能强大的工作流程,并向你展示如何在与其他工具集成时扩展 Xcode Cloud。
Create practical workflows in Xcode Cloud Learn how Xcode Cloud can help teams of all shapes and sizes in their development process. We'll share different ways to configure actions to help you create simple yet powerful workflows, and show you how to extend Xcode Cloud when you integrate with additional tools. 开发者工具 -
在共享空间中运行你的 iPad 和 iPhone App
了解如何在 Vision Pro 上运行现有的 iPad 和 iPhone App 。了解 iPadOS 和 iOS App 如何在此平台上运行,了解Designed for iPad 体验,并探索可用于增强 visionOS 上的 App 体验的路径。
Run your iPad and iPhone apps in the Shared Space Discover how you can run your existing iPad and iPhone apps on Vision Pro. Learn how iPadOS and iOS apps operate on this platform, find out about the Designed for iPad experience, and explore the paths available for enhancing your app experience on visionOS. 开发者工具 英文 -
增强你的 iPad 和 iPhone App 以实现共享空间
准备好为共享空间增强你的 iPad 和 iPhone App !我们将向你展示如何优化你的体验,使其在 VisionOS 上体验出色,并探索 iPad App 交互、视觉处理和媒体的专属设计。
Enhance your iPad and iPhone apps for the Shared Space Get ready to enhance your iPad and iPhone apps for the Shared Space! We'll show you how to optimize your experience to make it feel great on visionOS and explore Designed for iPad app interaction, visual treatments, and media. 开发者工具 英文 -
对你的 App 进行辅助功能审核
了解如何在每次构建时都对 App 进行辅助功能测试。了解如何使用 XCTest 进行辅助功能自动审核及如何解读审核结果。我们还将分享辅助功能 API 的强化功能,来帮助你提高 UI 测试覆盖率。
Perform accessibility audits for your app Discover how you can test your app for accessibility with every build. Learn how to perform automated audits for accessibility using XCTest and find out how to interpret the results. We'll also share enhancements to the accessibility API that can help you improve UI test coverage. 开发者工具 英文 -
将游戏移植到 Mac,第 1 部分:制定游戏移植计划
借助 Metal 技术和 Apple Silicon 的强大功能,将现代高端游戏移植到 Mac 和 iPad 上。讲解游戏移植工具包,介绍该工具包如何帮助开发者评测 Windows 版游戏在 Mac 上的图形处理功能兼容性及性能,分享音频、输入及高级显示功能处理的有效运用实例和技术资源。观看此视频后,记得继续查看“将游戏移植到 Mac 上第 2 期:编译着色器”,以便了解如何将 HLSL 着色器引入 Metal 的更多相关信息。
Bring your game to Mac, Part 1: Make a game plan Bring modern, high-end games to Mac and iPad with the powerful features of Metal and Apple silicon. Discover the game porting toolkit and learn how it can help you evaluate your existing Windows game for graphics feature compatibility and performance. We'll share best practices and technical... 开发者工具 英文 -
将游戏移植到 Mac,第 2 部分:编译你的着色器
在本讲座中,你将了解 Metal 着色器转换器如何简化将 HLSL 着色器转换为 Metal 的过程。这是我们关于将游戏引入 Mac 平台的三部曲系列之一。你将了解如何从 DXIL 构建一个快速的、端到端的着色器管线,该管线支持所有着色器阶段,并让你可以充分利用 Apple GPU 的高级功能。我们还将向你展示如何使用离线编译器生成 GPU 二进制文件,以减少 App 的启动时间和卡顿现象。为了充分理解本次讲座,我们建议你首先观看“将你的游戏引入 Mac 平台,第 1 部分:制定游戏计划”。当你准备好进一步提升时,可以查看 WWDC23 的“将你的游戏引入Mac平台,第 3 部分:使用...
Bring your game to Mac, Part 2: Compile your shaders Discover how the Metal shader converter streamlines the process of bringing your HLSL shaders to Metal as we continue our three-part series on bringing your game to Mac. Find out how to build a fast, end-to-end shader pipeline from DXIL that supports all shader stages and allows you to leverage... 开发者工具 英文 -
将游戏移植到 Mac,第 3 部分:使用 Metal 进行渲染
这是关于将游戏引入 Mac 平台的系列讲座的最后一部分,了解如何在你的渲染代码中支持 Metal。在这个讲座中,将介绍如何在你的游戏渲染代码中添加对 Metal 的支持。一旦你通过游戏引入工具评估了现有的 Windows 二进制文件,并将 HLSL 着色器转换为 Metal 着色器,你可以学习如何最优化地实现高端、现代游戏所需的功能。本文还将向你展示如何管理 GPU 资源绑定、保持资源在 GPU 上的有效性和同步。你还将了解如何优化 GPU 命令的提交、使用 MetalFX Upscaling 渲染丰富的视觉效果等等。为了充分理解本次讲座,我们建议你首先观看“将你的游戏引入 Mac...
Bring your game to Mac, Part 3: Render with Metal Discover how you can support Metal in your rendering code as we close out our three-part series on bringing your game to Mac. Once you've evaluated your existing Windows binary with the game porting toolkit and brought your HLSL shaders over to Metal, learn how you can optimally implement the... 开发者工具 英文 -
深入了解 Swift 宏
探索如何使用 Swift 宏在你的代码库中减少样板代码,并更轻松地采用复杂功能。了解宏如何分析代码,生成丰富的编译器错误以引导开发者正确使用宏,以及生成自动合并回项目中的新代码。我们还将介绍一些重要概念,如宏角色、编译器插件和语法树。
Expand on Swift macros Discover how Swift macros can help you reduce boilerplate in your codebase and adopt complex features more easily. Learn how macros can analyze code, emit rich compiler errors to guide developers towards correct usage, and generate new code that is automatically incorporated back into your... 开发者工具 英文 -
编写 Swift 宏
了解如何使用 Swift 宏让你的代码库更具表现力和易读性。和我们一起写代码,探索宏如何帮助你避免编写重复的代码,并了解如何在你的 App 中使用它们。我们将分享宏的构建模块,向你展示如何对其进行测试,并带你了解如何从宏中发出编译错误。
Write Swift macros Discover how you can use Swift macros to make your codebase more expressive and easier to read. Code along as we explore how macros can help you avoid writing repetitive code and find out how to use them in your app. We'll share the building blocks of a macro, show you how to test it, and take... 开发者工具 英文 -
融合 Swift 和 C++
了解如何在你的 C++ 和 Objective-C++ 项目中使用 Swift,使你的代码更安全、快速和易于开发。我们将向你展示如何使用 C++ 和 Swift API 来逐步将 Swift 融入你的 App。
Mix Swift and C++ Learn how you can use Swift in your C++ and Objective-C++ projects to make your code safer, faster, and easier to develop. We'll show you how to use C++ and Swift APIs to incrementally incorporate Swift into your app. 开发者工具 英文 -
认识 Swift OpenAPI Generator
学习如何用 Swift OpenAPI Generator 帮助你使用 HTTP 服务器 API,无论你是在扩展 iOS App 还是在 Swift 中编写服务器。我们将向你展示这个软件包插件如何通过从 OpenAPI 文档生成代码,来简化你的工作流程和代码库。
Meet Swift OpenAPI Generator Discover how Swift OpenAPI Generator can help you work with HTTP server APIs whether you're extending an iOS app or writing a server in Swift. We'll show you how this package plugin can streamline your workflow and simplify your codebase by generating code from an OpenAPI document. ,,,,,,,,, 开发者工具 英文 -
认识用于空间计算的 UIKit
了解如何将开发者的 UIKit App 移植到 visionOS。学习如何为新平台打造 App,探索 API,以及用于空间计算的理想实践。学习在 visionOS 中使用 SwiftUI 与 UIKit,将开发内容带入三维空间。
Meet UIKit for spatial computing Learn how to bring your UIKit app to visionOS. We'll show you how to build for a new destination, explore APIs and best practices for spatial computing, and take your content into the third dimension when you use SwiftUI with UIKit in visionOS. 开发者工具 英文 -
认识面向空间计算的 Safari 浏览器
认识 visionOS 的网络,学习如何让用户以全新的方式体验您的网络内容。了解为该平台提供支持的独特输入模型,并学习如何针对空间计算优化您的网站。我们还会分享新的网络标准,以更好地打造 3D 网络体验。
Meet Safari for spatial computing Discover the web for visionOS and learn how people can experience your web content in a whole new way. Explore the unique input model powering this platform and learn how you can optimize your website for spatial computing. We'll also share how emerging standards are helping shape 3D experiences... 开发者工具 英文 -
一切都与任务树有关:了解结构化并发如何帮助你的 App 管理自动任务取消、任务优先级传播以及有用的任务局部值模式。学习如何通过有用的模式和最新的任务组 API 在 App 中管理资源。我们将向你展示如何利用任务树和任务局部值的强大功能来深入了解分布式系统。在观看之前,请查看 WWDC21 的“幕后的 Swift 并发”和“探索 Swift 中的结构化并发”来复习 Swift 并发和结构化并发的基础知识。
Beyond the basics of structured concurrency It's all about the task tree: Find out how structured concurrency can help your apps manage automatic task cancellation, task priority propagation, and useful task-local value patterns. Learn how to manage resources in your app with useful patterns and the latest task group APIs. We'll show you... 开发者工具 -
重新发现 Safari 浏览器的开发者功能
准备好探索 Safari 浏览器为网页开发和设计者提供的丰富工具集吧。了解如何检查网页内容,探索响应式设计模式和 WebDriver,并了解如何开始使用模拟器和设备。我们还将向你展示如何与 Vision Pro 配对、以便检查你的 App 中的内容,以及在响应式设计模式下使用“用模拟器打开”来帮助你在任何设备上测试你的网站。
Rediscover Safari developer features Get ready to explore Safari's rich set of tools for web developers and designers. Learn how you can inspect web content, find out about Responsive Design Mode and WebDriver, and get started with simulators and devices. We'll also show you how to pair with Vision Pro, make content inspectable in... 开发者工具 英文
技术介绍与最佳做法 -
Apple 开发者需要在 WWDC23 了解什么
现在是为 Apple 平台(包括 iOS、iPadOS、macOS、tvOS 和全新的 visionOS)进行开发的最佳时机。通过超过 175 个涵盖最新硬件和软件的全新视频讲座,学习 Apple 工程师和设计师的见解。所有这些都是为了帮助你将你的想法带到全球超过 20 亿台 Apple 设备上。
What Apple developers need to know at WWDC23 There's never been a better time to create for Apple platforms — including iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and all-new visionOS. Get insights from Apple engineers and designers with over 175 brand-new instructional video sessions covering the latest in hardware and software. All to help bring your... recap 技术介绍与最佳做法 英文 -
The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off with exciting news, inspiration, and new opportunities. Join the worldwide developer community for an in-depth look at the future of Apple platforms, directly from Apple Park.
Keynote The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off with exciting news, inspiration, and new opportunities. Join the worldwide developer community for an in-depth look at the future of Apple platforms, directly from Apple Park. 技术介绍与最佳做法 德文, 日文, 法文, 简体中文, 英文, 西班牙文, 韩文 -
Keynote (ASL)
The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off with exciting news, inspiration, and new opportunities. Join the worldwide developer community for an in-depth look at the future of Apple platforms, directly from Apple Park.
Keynote (ASL) The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off with exciting news, inspiration, and new opportunities. Join the worldwide developer community for an in-depth look at the future of Apple platforms, directly from Apple Park. 技术介绍与最佳做法 德文, 日文, 法文, 简体中文, 英文, 西班牙文, 韩文 -
Platforms State of the Union
Learn about the latest tools, technologies, and advancements to help you create even better apps across Apple platforms, including the all-new visionOS.
Platforms State of the Union Learn about the latest tools, technologies, and advancements to help you create even better apps across Apple platforms, including the all-new visionOS. sotu,sotu 2023 技术介绍与最佳做法 德文, 法文, 简体中文, 英文, 西班牙文, 韩文 -
Platforms State of the Union (ASL)
Learn about the latest tools, technologies, and advancements to help you create even better apps across Apple platforms, including the all-new visionOS.
Platforms State of the Union (ASL) Learn about the latest tools, technologies, and advancements to help you create even better apps across Apple platforms, including the all-new visionOS. asl,sotu,sotu 2023 技术介绍与最佳做法 德文, 法文, 简体中文, 英文, 西班牙文, 韩文 -
SwiftUI 中的检查器:探索细节之美
检查器是一种结构化的 API,可以为你的 App 带来更多细节。我们将带你了解该API的基础知识,并向你展示如何使用它。了解有关自定义表单呈现的最新更新,并学习如何将其与检查器结合以打造完美的视图呈现体验。
Inspectors in SwiftUI: Discover the details Meet Inspectors — a structural API that can help bring a new level of detail to your apps. We'll take you through the fundamentals of the API and show you how to adopt it. Learn about the latest updates to sheet presentation customizations and find out how you can combine the two to create... 技术介绍与最佳做法 英文 -
SwiftUI 的新功能
和我们一起了解 Swift 的更新。我们将向你展示 API 如何通过参数包和宏等功能变得更具扩展性和表现力。我们还将带你了解互操作性的改进,并分享我们如何将 Swift 的性能和安全优势扩展到从 Foundation 到服务器上的大型分布式程序等各个地方。
What\\u2019s new in SwiftUI Learn how you can use SwiftUI to build great apps for all Apple platforms. Explore the latest updates to SwiftUI and discover new scene types for visionOS. Simplify your data models with the latest data flow options and learn about the Inspector view. We'll also take you through enhanced... 技术介绍与最佳做法 英文 -
WWDC23 上的 17 项大小事情
你可以在此获取 WWDC23 第一天发布的 17 项大小事情的相关信息。
17 big & little things at WWDC23 Here's your guide to some of the big (and little) things announced on the first day of WWDC. recap 技术介绍与最佳做法 -
Xcode 15 的新功能
了解 Xcode 15 中最新的生产力和性能改进。探索代码完成和 Xcode Previews 的增强功能,了解测试导航器和测试报告,并了解有关简化分发过程的更多信息。我们还将重点介绍改进的导航、源代码控制管理和调试。
What\\u2019s new in Xcode 15 Discover the latest productivity and performance improvements in Xcode 15. Explore enhancements to code completion and Xcode Previews, learn about the test navigator and test report, and find out more about the streamlined distribution process. We'll also highlight improved navigation, source... 技术介绍与最佳做法 英文 -
Xcode 和 Xcode Cloud 中的简化分发
了解如何使用 Xcode 的简化分发共享 App,一键将 App 提交到 TestFlight 或 App Store。我们还将向你展示如何使用 Xcode Cloud 通过 TestFlight 中自动包含测试人员的注释来简化分发过程,并使用发送操作自动公证你的 Mac App。
Simplify distribution in Xcode and Xcode Cloud Discover how to share your app using Xcode's streamlined distribution, which allows you to submit your app to TestFlight or the App Store with one click. We'll also show you how to use Xcode Cloud to simplify your distribution process by automatically including notes for testers in TestFlight,... 技术介绍与最佳做法 英文 -
了解 ActivityKit
实时活动是用户在 App 中跟踪任务进度的一种简单明了的方式。我们将向你介绍如何为锁屏、灵动岛和待机创建有用的实时活动体验。欢迎了解如何更新 App 的实时活动、监控活动状态以及利用 WidgetKit 和 SwiftUI 构建更丰富的体验。
Meet ActivityKit Live Activities are a glanceable way for someone to keep track of the progress of a task within your app. We'll teach you how you can create helpful experiences for the Lock Screen, the Dynamic Island, and StandBy. Learn how to update your app's Live Activities, monitor activity state, and take... activities,activity,activitykit,dynamic,dynamic island,island,live,live activities,live notification,live notifications,lock,lock screen,notification,notifications,screen,standby 技术介绍与最佳做法 英文 -
使用 RealityKit 构建空间体验
了解 RealityKit 如何将你的 App 带到新的维度。欢迎使用 RealityKit 实体、组件和系统,并了解如何向 visionOS 中的 App 添加 3D 模型和效果。我们还将为你介绍 RealityView API,并演示如何将 3D 对象添加到窗口、容积和空间中,从而使 App 更具沉浸感。此外,我们还将探索如何将 RealityKit 与空间输入、动画和空间音频进行结合。
Build spatial experiences with RealityKit Discover how RealityKit can bring your apps into a new dimension. Get started with RealityKit entities, components, and systems, and learn how you can add 3D models and effects to your app on visionOS. We'll also take you through the RealityView API and demonstrate how to add 3D objects to... 技术介绍与最佳做法 英文 -
使用 SwiftData 构建 App
了解 SwiftData 如何帮助你在 App 中保存数据。当我们将 SwiftData 引入多平台 SwiftUI App 时,与我们一起编写代码。了解如何将现有模型类转换为 SwiftData 模型、设置环境、在 UI 中反映模型层更改以及构建由 SwiftData 存储容量支持的基于文档的 App。为了充分理解本次讲座,你应该先了解 SwiftData。相关介绍请查看 WWDC23 的“认识 SwiftData”。
Build an app with SwiftData Discover how SwiftData can help you persist data in your app. Code along with us as we bring SwiftData to a multi-platform SwiftUI app. Learn how to convert existing model classes into SwiftData models, set up the environment, reflect model layer changes in UI, and build document-based... 技术介绍与最佳做法 英文 -
使用 WorkoutKit 构建自定义训练
WorkoutKit 让你可以轻松地为 Apple Watch 上的体能训练 App 创建、预览和安排计划训练。了解如何构建自定义间隔时间、创建提醒以及使用内置预览 UI,将你自己的常规训练计划发送到 Apple Watch。
Build custom workouts with WorkoutKit WorkoutKit makes it easy to create, preview, and schedule planned workouts for the Workout app on Apple Watch. Learn how to build custom intervals, create alerts, and use the built-in preview UI to send your own workout routines to Apple Watch. 技术介绍与最佳做法 英文 -
使用 Xcode Playgrounds 创建原型
通过使用 Xcode Playgrounds 创建原型来加速功能开发,无需重建和重启项目来验证更改。我们将向你展示如何在项目或软件包中使用 Playground 来帮助你在各种场景中尝试代码,并仔细查看返回的值,包括复杂的结构和用户界面元素,以便在新功能集成到你的项目之前进行快速迭代。
Prototype with Xcode Playgrounds Speed up feature development by prototyping new code with Xcode Playgrounds, eliminating the need to keep rebuilding and relaunching your project to verify your changes. We'll show you how using a playground in your project or package can help you try out your code in various scenarios and take a... , 技术介绍与最佳做法 英文 -
使用 Xcode 预览构建编程 UI
了解如何在 Xcode 15 上使用 #Preview 宏快速迭代以 SwiftUI、UIKit 或 AppKit 编写的 UI 代码。探索与画布中的视图交互的独特工作流程拼贴,了解如何同时查看 UI 的多个变体,并了解如何在几秒钟内浏览小组件的时间线,以测试条目之间的过渡。我们还将向你展示如何向资料库添加预览、提供示例资源以及在物理设备中预览视图,以便利用其功能和现有数据。
Build programmatic UI with Xcode Previews Learn how you can use the #Preview macro on Xcode 15 to quickly iterate on your UI code written in SwiftUI, UIKit, or AppKit. Explore a collage of unique workflows for interacting with views right in the canvas, find out how to view multiple variations of UI simultaneously, and discover how you... 技术介绍与最佳做法 -
了解如何为你的 App 和游戏制作兼具动画和交互性的小组件。我们将向你展示如何调整条目过渡的动画,以及使用 SwiftUI 中的 Button 和 Toggle 来增加交互性,以便你可以直接在主屏幕和锁定屏幕上创造强大时刻。
Bring widgets to life Learn how to make animated and interactive widgets for your apps and games. We'll show you how to tweak animations for entry transitions and add interactivity using SwiftUI Button and Toggle so that you can create powerful moments right from the Home Screen and Lock Screen. 技术介绍与最佳做法 英文 -
开发你的第一款沉浸式 App
了解如何使用 Xcode 和 Reality Composer Pro 为 visionOS 构建沉浸式 App。我们将向你展示如何开始一个新的 visionOS 项目,使用 Xcode 预览进行 SwiftUI 开发,并利用 RealityKit 和 RealityView 渲染 3D 内容。
Develop your first immersive app Find out how you can build immersive apps for visionOS using Xcode and Reality Composer Pro. We'll show you how to get started with a new visionOS project, use Xcode Previews for your SwiftUI development, and take advantage of RealityKit and RealityView to render 3D content. 技术介绍与最佳做法 英文 -
了解 Xcode 15 如何通过将所有字符串集中管理来轻松本地化你的 App。我们将向你展示如何使用字符串目录在项目中提取、编辑、导出和构建字符串。我们还将分享如何通过选择要迁移的文件,根据自己的进度在现有项目中采用字符串目录。
Discover String Catalogs Discover how Xcode 15 makes it easy to localize your app by managing all of your strings in one place. We'll show you how to extract, edit, export, and build strings in your project using String Catalogs. We'll also share how you can adopt String Catalogs in existing projects at your own pace by... i10n,internationalization,l18n,localization,localizedstringresource,nslocalizedstring,stringsdict,xcstring,xliff 技术介绍与最佳做法 英文 -
认识 Reality Composer Pro
了解如何使用 Reality Composer Pro 轻松创作、编辑和预览 3D 内容。跟随我们,通过创建新项目、组合场景、添加粒子发射器和音频,甚至在设备上预览内容来探索这款开发者工具。熟悉 Reality Composer Pro 的基础知识后,你还可以查看“探索 Reality Composer Pro 中的材料”和“在 Xcode 中使用 Reality Composer Pro 内容”,了解更多高级技术和技巧。
Meet Reality Composer Pro Discover how to easily compose, edit, and preview 3D content with Reality Composer Pro. Follow along as we explore this developer tool by setting up a new project, composing scenes, adding particle emitters and audio, and even previewing content on device. Once you're familiar with the basics of... 技术介绍与最佳做法 英文 -
认识 SwiftData
SwiftData 是专为 Swift 设计的一种强大且具备表达力的持久化框架。我们将向你展示如何直接使用 Swift 代码进行数据建模,以及如何使用 SwiftData 处理你的模型并与 SwiftUI 集成。
Meet SwiftData SwiftData is a powerful and expressive persistence framework built for Swift. We'll show you how you can model your data directly from Swift code, use SwiftData to work with your models, and integrate with SwiftUI. attribute,coredata,core data,data,fetchdescriptor,macro,macros,model,model,models,observation,persistence,predicate,predicate,relationship,sortdescriptor,swift,swiftdata 技术介绍与最佳做法 英文 -
认识 SwiftUI 版 MapKit
了解在功能扩展的 SwiftUI 支持下,MapKit 如何让你比以往更轻松地将 Apple 地图整合到你的 App 中。我们将向你展示如何使用 SwiftUI 向地图添加注释、覆盖层、控制项和相机等功能。
Meet MapKit for SwiftUI Discover how expanded SwiftUI support for MapKit has made it easier than ever for you to integrate Maps into your app. We'll show you how to use SwiftUI to add annotations and overlays to a map, control the camera, and more. 技术介绍与最佳做法 英文 -
认识 watchOS 10
发现自 Apple Watch 问世以来,其中一些最重大的更新。我们将了解重新设计的用户界面和全新的智能堆栈。在探索布局、导航和视觉风格的同时,了解 Apple 设计师是如何设计 watchOS 10 的,以及你可以如何应用这些新功能来创造一个出色的 Apple Watch App。
Meet watchOS 10 Discover some of the most significant changes to Apple Watch since its introduction as we tour the redesigned user interface and the new Smart Stack. Learn how Apple designers approached the design of watchOS 10 as we explore layout, navigation, and visual style, and find out how you can apply... watchos 技术介绍与最佳做法 英文 -
认识用于空间计算的 SwiftUI
与我们一起游览太阳系,探索适用于 visionOS 的 SwiftUI!探索如何使用 Windows, Volume 和 Space 构建一个全新的 App 世界。我们将向您展示如何在此平台上开始使用 SwiftUI,同时,我们会构建一个天文学 App,添加 3D 内容,并构建完全沉浸式体验,将人们带到星星上。
Meet SwiftUI for spatial computing Take a tour of the solar system with us and explore SwiftUI for visionOS! Discover how you can build an entirely new universe of apps with windows, volumes, and spaces. We'll show you how to get started with SwiftUI on this platform as we build an astronomy app, add 3D content, and create a fully... 技术介绍与最佳做法 英文
机器学习与 AI -
VisionKit 的新功能
了解 VisionKit 如何帮助用户快速在你的 App 中提取图像主题,以及如何使用可视化查看获取图像内容更多有关信息。我们还将为你介绍 VisionKit 中的最新更新,包括实时文本交互、数据扫描以及针对 macOS App 的扩展支持。想要进一步了解有关 VisionKit 的信息,请查看 WWDC23 中的“在你的 App 中提取图像主题”。
What\\u2019s new in VisionKit Discover how VisionKit can help people quickly lift subjects from images in your app and learn more about the content of an image with Visual Look Up. We'll also take a tour of the latest updates to VisionKit for Live Text interaction, data scanning, and expanded support for macOS apps. For more... 机器学习与 AI 英文 -
为 Metal App 优化机器学习
了解 Metal 中加速的 ML 训练的最新改进。了解 PyTorch 和 TensorFlow 的更新,以及针对 JAX 的 Metal 加速。我们将向你展示在同时使用 GPU 和 Apple 神经网络引擎时,MPS Graph 如何支持更快的 ML 推理;同时,我们还将与你分享如何将同一个 API 快速集成到 Core ML 和 ONNX 模型中。欲了解更多有关使用 Metal 进行机器学习的内容,欢迎观看 WWDC22 中的“使用 Metal 加速机器学习”。
Optimize machine learning for Metal apps Discover the latest enhancements to accelerated ML training in Metal. Find out about updates to PyTorch and TensorFlow, and learn about Metal acceleration for JAX. We'll show you how MPS Graph can support faster ML inference when you use both the GPU and Apple Neural Engine, and share how the... 机器学习与 AI 英文 -
使用 Core ML Tools 进行机器学习模型压缩
了解如何借助 Core ML Tools 减少 App 中机器学习模型的占用空间。了解如何使用调色板、剪枝和量化等技术实现模型大小显著减小,同时仍保持较高的精度。探索训练时压缩与对经过训练的模型进行压缩之间的差异,以及如何利用 Apple 神经网络引擎让经过压缩的模型在你的 App 中运行更快。想要了解有关优化 Core ML 的更多信息,欢迎观看 WWDC23 中的“通过异步预测改进 Core ML 集成”讲座。
Use Core ML Tools for machine learning model compression Discover how to reduce the footprint of machine learning models in your app with Core ML Tools. Learn how to use techniques like palettization, pruning, and quantization to dramatically reduce model size while still achieving great accuracy. Explore comparisons between compression during the... 机器学习与 AI -
使用 DockKit 与电动 iPhone 支架集成
了解如何在与 DockKit 兼容的电动支架集成后在相机 App 中创造令人难以置信的照片和视频拍摄体验。我们将展示你的 App 如何在 360° 视野中自定义取景、直接控制电机以及采用你自己的推理模型来跟踪其他对象,做到自动跟踪实时视频中的主体,同时对支架进行直接控制。最后,我们将演示如何通过动态设备动画来表达情感。要了解更多图像跟踪技术,请查看 WWDC23 的“Vision 框架下的动物位姿检测”和 WWDC21 的“使用 Create ML 进行手势动作分类”两个视频。
Integrate with motorized iPhone stands using DockKit Discover how you can create incredible photo and video experiences in your camera app when integrating with DockKit-compatible motorized stands. We'll show how your app can automatically track subjects in live video across a 360-degree field of view, take direct control of the stand to customize... 机器学习与 AI -
使用异步预测改进 Core ML 集成
了解如何使用最新的 Core ML 执行引擎改进来加速 App 中的机器学习功能,以及积极的资源缓存是如何帮助推理和更快的模型加载。我们将会向你展示最新的异步预测选项,并探讨平衡性能和总体内存使用率的多种考量,从而帮助你打造反应敏捷的 App。深入了解 API 以帮助你理解并最大程度地提高模型中的硬件利用率。想要进一步了解有关优化 Core ML 模型使用的内容,请查看 WWDC23 中的”使用 Core ML Tools 进行机器学习模型压缩”。
Improve Core ML integration with async prediction Learn how to speed up machine learning features in your app with the latest Core ML execution engine improvements and find out how aggressive asset caching can help with inference and faster model loads. We'll show you some of the latest options for async prediction and discuss considerations for... 机器学习与 AI 英文 -
在 Vision 中探索 3D 人体位姿和人像分隔
了解如何使用 Vision 构建以人像为中心的的功能。了解如何检测人体位姿并测量 3D 空间中的各个关节位置。我们还将向你展示如何利用人像分隔 API 来区分和分隔图片上的人像,最多可处理四个人。 要了解有关 Vision 最新功能的更多信息,请观看 WWDC23 课程“在 Vision 中检测动物位姿”。
Explore 3D body pose and person segmentation in Vision Discover how to build person-centric features with Vision. Learn how to detect human body poses and measure individual joint locations in 3D space. We'll also show you how to take advantage of person segmentation APIs to distinguish and segment up to four individuals in an image. To learn more... 机器学习与 AI 英文 -
在 Vision 中检测动物体态
除了检测图片中的猫和狗,我们还将向你展示如何使用 Vision 实时检测动物的单个关节和它们的体态,以及如何实现一些令人激动的功能,例如使用相机 App 进行动物跟踪,为动物图片应用创意装饰等。我们还将深入探讨 Vision 框架中的其他重要更新,并与你分享最佳实践。想要了解更多有关 Vision 框架新技术的信息,欢迎观看“探索 Vision 中 3D 人体姿势及人像分割”以及“在 App 中提取图片主体”。此外,想要了解更多有关构建实时相机追踪的体验,欢迎观看“使用 DockKit 集成电动 iPhone 支架”。
Detect animal poses in Vision Go beyond detecting cats and dogs in images. We'll show you how to use Vision to detect the individual joints and poses of these animals as well — all in real time — and share how you can enable exciting features like animal tracking for a camera app, creative embellishment on an animal photo,... 机器学习与 AI 英文 -
探索 Create ML 中的机器学习更新
了解 Create ML 如何帮助你利用机器学习模型完成更多任务,以及使用多语言 BERT 嵌入进行图像识别和完成基于文本的任务的最新功能,探索如何轻松使用多标签分类训练出能够识别图像内容的模型。此外,本期视频还介绍了有关交互式模型评估和用于自定义训练数据增强的最新 API 的相关信息。欲了解机器学习的相关更新,请观看 WWDC23 视频“探索 Natural Language 多语言模型”和“通过异步预测改进 Core ML 集成”。
Discover machine learning enhancements in Create ML Find out how Create ML can help you do even more with machine learning models. Learn about the latest updates to image understanding and text-based tasks with multilingual BERT embeddings. Discover how easy it is to train models that can understand the content of images using multi-label... 机器学习与 AI 英文 -
了解如何使用多语言、基于 Transformer 的嵌入创建用于文本分类和词语标记的自定义自然语言模型。我们将向你展示如何使用较少的数据进行训练,并在 3 个脚本中实现对多达 27 种语言的支持。了解如何使用此类嵌入微调利用 PyTorch 和 TensorFlow 训练的复杂模型。想要了解更多有关自然语言的内容,欢迎观看 WWDC20 中“利用自然语言让 App 更加智能”。
Explore Natural Language multilingual models Learn how to create custom Natural Language models for text classification and word tagging using multilingual, transformer-based embeddings. We'll show you how to train with less data and support up to 27 different languages across three scripts. Find out how to use these embeddings to fine-tune... 机器学习与 AI 英文 -
了解如何通过使用额外词汇自定义底层模型来改进 App 设备上的语音识别。我们将分享语音识别在设备上的工作机制,并向你展示如何增强特定单词和短语以获得更可预测的转录。了解如何为单词提供特定发音并使用模板支持快速生成一整套自定义短语 - 所有这些都在运行时进行。有关语音框架的更多信息,请查看 WWDC19 的“语音识别进展”讲座。
Customize on-device speech recognition Find out how you can improve on-device speech recognition in your app by customizing the underlying model with additional vocabulary. We'll share how speech recognition works on device and show you how to boost specific words and phrases for more predictable transcription. Learn how you can... 机器学习与 AI 英文
照片和相机 -
在 iPadOS App 中支持外部摄像头
了解如何使用 AVFoundation 捕获类在 iPadOS App 中发现并连接到外部摄像头。我们将向你展示如何旋转来自外部和内置摄像头的视频、支持具有 USB-C 端口的外部麦克风以及执行音频路由。探索电话支持、优化回声消除的调整以及外部摄像头采用的最佳实践。
Support external cameras in your iPadOS app Learn how you can discover and connect to external cameras in your iPadOS app using the AVFoundation capture classes. We'll show you how to rotate video from both external and built-in cameras, support external microphones with USB-C, and perform audio routing. Explore telephony support, tunings... 照片和相机 -
在你的 App 中支持 HDR 图像
了解如何在你的 App 中识别、加载、显示和创建高动态范围(HDR)静态图像。探索常见的 HDR 概念,了解 ISO 规范的最新更新。了解如何使用 SwiftUI 和 UIKit 识别和显示 HDR 图像,如何从 ProRAW 和 RAW 捕获中创建 HDR 图像并在 CALayer 中显示。我们还将带你了解 CoreGraphics 对 ISO HDR 的支持,并分享采用 HDR 技术的最佳实践。
Support HDR images in your app Learn how to identify, load, display, and create High Dynamic Range (HDR) still images in your app. Explore common HDR concepts and find out about the latest updates to the ISO specification. Learn how to identify and display HDR images with SwiftUI and UIKit, create them from ProRAW and RAW... 照片和相机 英文, 韩文 -
将照片选择器嵌入你的 App 中
了解如何简单、安全、可靠地访问 App 中的照片库。了解如何开始使用嵌入式选择器并探索选项菜单和高动态范围静态图像支持。我们还将向你展示如何利用 UI 自定义选项来帮助选择器融入你现有的界面。
Embed the Photos Picker in your app Discover how you can simply, safely, and securely access the Photos Library in your app. Learn how to get started with the embedded picker and explore the options menu and HDR still image support. We'll also show you how to take advantage of UI customization options to help the picker blend into... 照片和相机 英文
空间计算 -
为 Unity VR App 带来完全令人沉浸其中的体验
了解如何将现有的 Unity VR App 和游戏引入 visionOS。我们将探索可以帮助你入门的工作流程,并向你展示如何使用 Unity 输入系统在你的 App 和游戏中构建适合眼睛和双手进行操作的内容。了解 Unity 的 XR 交互工具包、注视点渲染技巧和最佳实践。
Bring your Unity VR app to a fully immersive space Discover how you can bring your existing Unity VR apps and games to visionOS. We'll explore workflows that can help you get started and show you how to build for eyes and hands in your apps and games with the Unity Input System. Learn about Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit, tips for foveated... 空间计算 英文 -
为快速查看空间体验创建 3D 模型
了解在 VisionOS 上为快速查看创建 3D 内容的最佳实践。我们将探索几种为快速查看准备模型的方法,讲解 3D 质量和性能的重要注意事项,并向你展示如何使用 Reality Composer Pro 和 Reality Trace 为你的内容做检查和微调。
Create 3D models for Quick Look spatial experiences Discover best practices when creating 3D content for Quick Look on visionOS. We'll explore a few different ways to prepare your models for Quick Look, cover important considerations for 3D quality and performance, and show you how to use Reality Composer Pro and Reality Trace to inspect and... 空间计算 -
了解如何使用 HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) 为 visionOS 准备和交付视频内容。了解当前 HLS 的媒体交付流程,并探索如何扩展交付管道以支持 3D 内容。快速了解空间媒体流的信息和技术,并为 3D 调整现有的 字幕制作工作流。了解如何跨视频共享音轨及添加空间音频,提高视频内容的沉浸感。
Deliver video content for spatial experiences Learn how to prepare and deliver video content for visionOS using HTTP Live Streaming (HLS). Discover the current HLS delivery process for media and explore how you can expand your delivery pipeline to support 3D content. Get up to speed with tips and techniques for spatial media streaming and... 空间计算 英文 -
学习如何针对 visionOS 打造出色的游戏体验。我们将介绍一些开发者在这个平台构建游戏所需的重要构件,以及开发者如何将现有的经验运用在沉浸式新平台,学习如何使用 ARKit、RealityKit、Reality Composer Pro、Unity、Metal 和 Compositor。
Build great games for spatial computing Find out how you can develop great gaming experiences for visionOS. We'll share some of the key building blocks that help you create games for this platform, explore how your experiences can fluidly move between levels of immersion, and provide a roadmap for exploring ARKit, RealityKit, Reality... 空间计算 英文 -
了解用于空间计算的 ARKit
了解如何使用 ARKit 的跟踪和场景理解功能来开发全新的沉浸式 App 和游戏体验。了解 VisionOS 和 ARKit 如何协同工作,在帮助你创建理解周围环境的 App 的同时,保护你的隐私。探索 ARKit API 的最新更新,并跟随我们的演示了解如何在 App 中利用手势跟踪和场景几何。
Meet ARKit for spatial computing Discover how you can use ARKit's tracking and scene understanding features to develop a whole new universe of immersive apps and games. Learn how visionOS and ARKit work together to help you create apps that understand a person's surroundings — all while preserving privacy. Explore the latest... 空间计算 英文 -
优化空间计算 App 的功耗和性能
了解如何通过优化性能和效率来为 VisionOS 创建功能强大的 App 和游戏。我们将介绍该平台独特的功耗特性,探索构建性能计划,并分享一些测试和优化 App 的工具和策略。
Optimize app power and performance for spatial computing Learn how you can create powerful apps and games for visionOS by optimizing for performance and efficiency. We'll cover the unique power characteristics of the platform, explore building a performance plan, and share some of the tools and strategies to test and optimize your apps. 空间计算 英文 -
使用 AirPods 提升你的 App 音频体验
了解如何使用 AirPods 在你的 App 中创造变革性的音频体验。了解如何结合 AirPods 自动切换功能,使用 AVAudioApplication 支持静音控制,以及如何利用空间音频在你的 App 游戏中创建沉浸式音效。
Enhance your app\\u2019s audio experience with AirPods Discover how you can create transformative audio experiences in your app using AirPods. Learn how to incorporate AirPods Automatic Switching, use AVAudioApplication to support Mute Control, and take advantage of Spatial Audio to create immersive soundscapes in your app or game. 空间计算 英文 -
使用 SwiftUI 突破窗口界限
准备好进入空间 — 一种全新的 SwiftUI 场景类型,可以帮助你为 visionOS 打造出色的沉浸式体验。我们将向你展示如何使用 ImmersiveSpace 创建新场景、放置 3D 内容以及整合 RealityView。探索如何使用 immersionStyle 场景修饰符来增强 App 的沉浸程度,并学习管理空间、使用 ARKit 添加虚拟手、添加对同播共享的支持以及构建“世界外”体验等最佳实践!
Go beyond the window with SwiftUI Get ready to launch into space — a new SwiftUI scene type that can help you make great immersive experiences for visionOS. We'll show you how to create a new scene with ImmersiveSpace, place 3D content, and integrate RealityView. Explore how you can use the immersionStyle scene modifier to... 空间计算 -
使用 Xcode 中的 Reality Composer Pro 内容
了解如何在 Xcode 中让 Reality Composer Pro 的内容变得生动。我们将向你展示如何将 3D 场景加载到 Xcode 中,如何将内容与代码集成,以及如何为 App 添加交互性。我们还将分享在开发工作流中一起使用这些工具的最佳实践和技巧。为了充分利用本节视频,我们建议你首先观看“了解 Reality Composer Pro”和“探索 Reality Composer Pro 中的材质”,以了解有关创建 3D 场景的更多信息。
Work with Reality Composer Pro content in Xcode Learn how to bring content from Reality Composer Pro to life in Xcode. We'll show you how to load 3D scenes into Xcode, integrate your content with your code, and add interactivity to your app. We'll also share best practices and tips for using these tools together in your development workflow... 空间计算 英文 -
将 SwiftUI 提升至新的维度
准备好为你的 VisionOS App 添加深度和维度。了解如何使用容积将三维对象引入你的 App,了解 Model 3D API,并了解如何放置内容并为内容添加动画。我们还将向你展示如何在 RealityView 中使用 UI attachments 并在内容中支持手势。
Take SwiftUI to the next dimension Get ready to add depth and dimension to your visionOS apps. Find out how to bring three-dimensional objects to your app using volumes, get to know the Model 3D API, and learn how to position and animate content. We'll also show you how to use UI attachments in RealityView and support gestures in... 空间计算 英文 -
将你的窗口 App 提升至空间计算领域
了解如何将多平台 SwiftUI App 引入 visionOS 和共享空间。我们将向你展示如何将 VisionOS 目标添加到现有 App 并在模拟器中查看你的 App。探索你的 SwiftUI 代码如何自动适应以支持 visionOS 平台的独特内容和呈现。了解如何更新自定义视图、改进 App 的 UI 以及添加特定于此平台的功能和控件。
Elevate your windowed app for spatial computing Discover how you can bring your multiplatform SwiftUI app to visionOS and the Shared Space. We'll show you how to add the visionOS destination to an existing app and view your app in the Simulator. Explore how your SwiftUI code automatically adapts to support the unique context and presentation... 空间计算 英文 -
开始构建用于空间计算的 App
准备好为 visionOS 开发 App 和游戏!探索构成空间计算的基本构建块:窗口、容积和空间,并了解如何使用这些元素来构建引人入胜的沉浸式体验。
Get started with building apps for spatial computing Get ready to develop apps and games for visionOS! Discover the fundamental building blocks that make up spatial computing — windows, volumes, and spaces — and find out how you can use these elements to build engaging and immersive experiences. 空间计算 英文 -
准备好在你的 visionOS App 中支持视频吧!了解支持视频播放的框架和 API,以及如何更新 App 以播放 3D 内容。我们还会与你分享一些自定义播放的技巧,帮助你打造更加身临其境的观看体验。
Create a great spatial playback experience Get ready to support video in your visionOS app! Take a tour of the frameworks and APIs that power video playback and learn how you can update your app to play 3D content. We'll also share tips for customizing playback to create a more immersive watching experience. 空间计算 -
了解如何创建适用于所有用户的空间计算 App。与所有 Apple 平台一样,visionOS 专为辅助功能而设计:我们将分享如何重新构想旁白和指针控制等辅助技术,以及如何设计停留控制等功能来帮助用户以最适合自己的方式进行交互。了解视觉、运动、认知以及听觉辅助功能的最佳实践,帮助每位用户享受 visionOS 的沉浸式体验。
Create accessible spatial experiences Learn how you can make spatial computing apps that work well for everyone. Like all Apple platforms, visionOS is designed for accessibility: We'll share how we've reimagined assistive technologies like VoiceOver and Pointer Control and designed features like Dwell Control to help people interact... 空间计算 英文 -
打造沉浸式 Unity App
探索如何使用 Unity 为 visionOS 打造引人入胜的沉浸式体验。我们将分享 Unity 与 Apple 框架的无缝集成在各方面的体现,带你了解可直接在该平台内使用的工具,并向你展示体积相机如何将现有场景转换为 visionOS 中的窗口、体积和空间。了解如何整合 visionOS 功能(如穿透和场景理解),如何使用 Shader Graph 自定义视觉效果,以及如何让交互与空间输入更加适配。
Create immersive Unity apps Explore how you can use Unity to create engaging and immersive experiences for visionOS. We'll share how Unity integrates seamlessly with Apple frameworks, take you through the tools you can use to build natively for the platform, and show you how volume cameras can bring your existing scenes... 空间计算 英文 -
探索 Metal 技术打造沉浸式 App
了解如何使用 Metal 为 visionOS 渲染完全沉浸式的体验。我们将向你展示如何在平台上设置渲染会话并创建基本渲染循环,并分享通过结合空间输入为你的体验赋予交互性的方法。
Discover Metal for immersive apps Find out how you can use Metal to render fully immersive experiences for visionOS. We'll show you how to set up a rendering session on the platform and create a basic render loop, and share how you can make your experience interactive by incorporating spatial input. compositor,compositorservices 空间计算 英文 -
探索 RoomPlan 的增强功能
加入我们以了解 RoomPlan 中令人兴奋的更新内容,我们将探索 MultiRoom 支持和房间表示的增强功能。了解如何更详细地扫描区域、捕获多个房间信息以及将各个扫描结果合并到一个更大的结构中。我们还将与你分享将需要的 RoomPlan 结果合并到现有 3D 模型库中的工作流程和最佳实践。
Explore enhancements to RoomPlan Join us for an exciting update to RoomPlan as we explore MultiRoom support and enhancements to room representations. Learn how you can scan areas with more detail, capture multiple rooms, and merge individual scans into one larger structure. We'll also share workflows and best practices when... 空间计算 英文 -
探索 USD 生态系统
了解 Apple 平台上通用场景描述 (USD) 的最新更新,并了解如何为你的 App、游戏和网站提供出色的 3D 内容。了解面向 visionOS 的 USD,探索 MaterialX 着色器和颜色管理,并了解 USD 生态系统的一些其他改进。
Explore the USD ecosystem Discover the latest updates to Universal Scene Description (USD) on Apple platforms and learn how you can deliver great 3D content for your apps, games, and websites. Get to know USD for visionOS, explore MaterialX shaders and color management, and find out about some of the other improvements to... 空间计算 英文 -
了解如何使用 VisionOS 中的快速查看对 3D 内容、空间图像和视频等进行功能强大的预览。我们将向你展示系统呈现这些预览体验的不同方式,演示如何从 App 或网站拖放快速查看内容,创建包含该内容的单独窗口,并探索如何直接在 App 内直接呈现 快速查看界面。
Discover Quick Look for spatial computing Learn how to use Quick Look on visionOS to add powerful previews for 3D content, spatial images and videos, and much more. We'll show you the different ways that the system presents these experiences, demonstrate how someone can drag and drop Quick Look content from an app or website to create a... 空间计算 -
探索用于空间计算的 App Store Connect
App Store Connect 为你提供了在 App Store 上测试、提交和管理你的 VisionOS App 所需的工具。探索部署你的第一个空间计算 App 的基础知识和最佳实践,为现有的 App 添加 VisionOS 支持并管理其兼容性。我们还将向你展示用于 visionOS 的 TestFlight,帮你了解如何测试你的 App ,并在你迭代时收集有价值的反馈。
Explore App Store Connect for spatial computing App Store Connect provides the tools you need to test, submit, and manage your visionOS apps on the App Store. Explore basics and best practices for deploying your first spatial computing app, adding support for visionOS to an existing app, and managing compatibility. We'll also show you how... 空间计算 英文 -
了解如何通过控制 RealityKit 渲染改善 visionOS 上 App 和游戏的外观和体验。了解如何自定义光照、添加接地阴影以及控制内容的色调映射。我们还将讨论平台上两种关键处理的最佳实践:光栅化速率图和动态内容缩放。
Explore rendering for spatial computing Find out how you can take control of RealityKit rendering to improve the look and feel of your apps and games on visionOS. Discover how you can customize lighting, add grounding shadows, and control tone mapping for your content. We'll also go over best practices for two key treatments on the... 空间计算 -
了解如何使用 GroupActivities 框架为 visionOS 构建独特的共享与协作体验。向你介绍适用于此平台的同播共享 App,了解如何创建让人们感觉身处同一空间的体验,并探索沉浸式 App 如何协调参与者之间的环境。
Build spatial SharePlay experiences Discover how you can use the GroupActivities framework to build unique sharing and collaboration experiences for visionOS. We'll introduce you to SharePlay on this platform, learn how to create experiences that make people feel present as if they were in the same space, and explore how immersive... group activities 空间计算 英文 -
了解空间设计的基础知识。探索如何从深度、比例、窗口和沉浸感等维度进行设计,并应用最佳实践来创造连接现实、舒适、以人为本的体验。了解如何使用这些空间设计原则来扩展现有 App 或将新想法变为现实。
Principles of spatial design Discover the fundamentals of spatial design. Learn how to design with depth, scale, windows, and immersion, and apply best practices for creating comfortable, human-centered experiences that transform reality. Find out how you can use these spatial design principles to extend your existing app or... ar,mixed reality,mr,ux,virtual reality,vr 空间计算 英文 -
Design for spatial input Learn how to design great interactions for eyes and hands. We'll share the design principles for spatial input, explore best practices around input methods, and help you create spatial experiences that are comfortable, intuitive, and satisfying. ,,,,ar,mixed reality,mr,spatial computing,ux,virtual reality,vr 空间计算 英文 -
认识 RealityKit Trace
了解如何使用 RealityKit Trace 来提高空间计算 App 的性能。探索该平台的性能分析指南,并了解 RealityKit Trace 模板如何帮助你优化 App 的渲染。我们还将提供有关分析 App 中各种类型内容的指南,以帮助查明性能问题。
Meet RealityKit Trace Discover how you can use RealityKit Trace to improve the performance of your spatial computing apps. Explore performance profiling guidelines for this platform and learn how the RealityKit Trace template can help you optimize rendering for your apps. We'll also provide guidance on profiling... 空间计算 英文 -
认识 iOS 上的 Object Capture
探索如何直接在你的 iOS App 中提供端到端的 Object Capture 体验,以帮助人们将他们的对象变成随时可用的 3D 模型。了解如何使用我们的示例 App 创建完全自动化的 Object Capture 扫描流程,以及如何帮助人们为他们的模型自动捕获最佳内容。我们还将讨论激光雷达数据并提供扫描对象的最佳实践。
Meet Object Capture for iOS Discover how you can offer an end-to-end Object Capture experience directly in your iOS apps to help people turn their objects into ready-to-use 3D models. Learn how you can create a fully automated Object Capture scan flow with our sample app and how you can assist people in automatically... 空间计算 -
探索你可以在 VisionOS App 中创建的共享活动类型,了解 App 如何使用空间 Persona 模板支持用户之间有意义的交互。了解如何围绕共享上下文设计 UI、处理共享活动中的沉浸式内容等。
Design spatial SharePlay experiences Explore the types of shared activities you can create in your visionOS apps and find out how your apps can use Spatial Persona templates to support meaningful interactions between people. Discover how to design your UI around a shared context, handle immersive content in a shared activity, and more. group activities 空间计算 英文 -
了解如何为空间计算 App 设计出色的界面。我们将分享如何把基于实体屏幕的知识应用到 visionOS 平台来创造出极致体验。探索 UI 组件、材质和字体排印,了解如何设计熟悉、易读且易于使用的用户体验。
Design for spatial user interfaces Learn how to design great interfaces for spatial computing apps. We'll share how your existing screen-based knowledge easily translates into creating great experiences for visionOS. Explore guidelines for UI components, materials, and typography and find out how you can design experiences that... 空间计算 英文 -
Apple 相信隐私是一项基本人权。了解 Apple 平台上的新技术,它们将帮助你更轻松地执行基本隐私模式,让用户建立起对你 App 的信任。你还将了解 Apple 平台隐私服务的升级,以及隐私功能如何对 visionOS 上的软件架构和输入模型设计产生影响的案例分析。
What\\u2019s new in privacy At Apple, we believe that privacy is a fundamental human right. Learn about new technologies on Apple platforms that make it easier for you to implement essential privacy patterns that build customer trust in your app. Discover privacy improvements for Apple's platforms, as well as a study of how... 空间计算 英文
系统服务 -
Core Data 新功能
通过 Core Data 的改进提高 App 数据的持久性。了解如何使用复合属性来创建更直观的数据模型。我们还将向你展示如何通过破坏性变化来迁移模式、何时推迟密集迁移以及如何避免个人设备上的开销。为了充分理解本期视频,你要熟悉如何处理 Core Data 中的不同数据类型以及轻量级迁移的基础知识。
What\\u2019s new in Core Data Elevate your app's data persistence with improvements in Core Data. Learn how you can use composite attributes to create more intuitive data models. We'll also show you how to migrate your schema through disruptive changes, when to defer intense migrations, and how to avoid overhead on a person's... coredata,core data,custom,custom migration,data,data model,defer,deferred,deferred migration,lightweight,lightweight migration,migration,model,persistence,swift,swift data 系统服务 -
优化车辆系统的 CarPlay 车载
了解如何将 CarPlay 集成到现代车辆系统中。我们将向你展示如何调整 CarPlay 车载,以适应所有高分辨率显示器,无论显示器的配置或尺寸如何,皆能实现。了解如何使用 CarPlay 车载提供的元数据和视频流在其他显示器上显示信息,并了解无线连接、音频和视频编码方面的优化如何帮助你的车辆系统为下一代 CarPlay 车载做好准备。
Optimize CarPlay for vehicle systems Discover how you can integrate CarPlay into modern vehicle systems. We'll show you how to adjust CarPlay for any high-resolution display — regardless of configuration or size. Learn how you can use CarPlay-supplied metadata and video streams to show information on additional displays, and find... ,,airplay,car,ev charging,hevc 系统服务 英文 -
使用 CKSyncEngine 同步到 iCloud
了解 CKSyncEngine 如何帮助你将用户的 CloudKit 数据同步到 iCloud。了解在系统处理同步操作调度时如何减少 App 中的代码量。我们将与你分享如何随着 CloudKit 的发展自动从增强的性能中受益,探索用于同步实施的测试等。为了让本次讲座发挥最大价值,你需要提前了解 CloudKit 和 CKRecord 类型。
Sync to iCloud with CKSyncEngine Discover how CKSyncEngine can help you sync people's CloudKit data to iCloud. Learn how you can reduce the amount of code in your app when you let the system handle scheduling for your sync operations. We'll share how you can automatically benefit from enhanced performance as CloudKit evolves,... app,backend,cksyncengine,cloud,cloudkit,database,engine,icloud,model,object,orm,persistence,relational,share,sharing,storage,sync,sync engine,syncing 系统服务 英文 -
使用 L4S 降低网络延迟
流媒体视频、多人游戏及其他实时体验都十分依赖于响应快速且延迟较低的网络。了解低延迟、低损耗、可扩展吞吐量 (L4S) 如何降低网络延迟并改善你的 App 整体体验。我们将向你展示如何使用 L4S 设置并测试你的 App、网络及服务器。
Reduce network delays with L4S Streaming video, multiplayer games, and other real-time experiences depend on responsive, low latency networking. Learn how Low Latency, Low Loss, Scalable throughput (L4S) can reduce network delays and improve the overall experience in your app. We'll show you how to set up and test your app,... 系统服务 -
使用 Virtualization 打造无缝体验
了解 Virtualization 框架的最新更新。我们将向你展示如何配置虚拟机 (VM) 以自动调整显示屏的大小,并指导你保存和恢复正在运行的 VM,此外我们还将探讨在桌面及数据中心运行的 Virtualization App 所具备的存储和性能选项。 想要了解更多有关 Virtualization 框架的信息,请观看 WWDC22 中“创建 macOS 或 Linux 虚拟机”部分。
Create seamless experiences with Virtualization Discover the latest updates to the Virtualization framework. We'll show you how to configure a virtual machine (VM) to automatically resize its display, take you through saving and restoring a running VM, and explore storage and performance options for Virtualization apps running on the desktop... 系统服务 英文 -
准备、设置、中继:使用网络中继保护 App 流量
了解中继如何让你的 App 网络流量更具私密性与安全性,并无需 VPN 的开销。我们将向你展示如何将中继服务器集成到你的 App 中,并探讨企业网络如何使用中继安全访问内部资源。
Ready, set, relay: Protect app traffic with network relays Learn how relays can make your app's network traffic more private and secure without the overhead of a VPN. We'll show you how to integrate relay servers in your own app and explore how enterprise networks can use relays to securely access internal resources. 系统服务 英文 -
了解 URLSession 如何帮助你的 App 传输大文件并从网络中断中实现恢复。学习如何暂停并恢复 HTTP 文件传输以及如何支持可恢复上传,探索使用 URLSession 传输文件的最佳方法,即便你的 App 在后台挂起时也同样适用。
Build robust and resumable file transfers Find out how URLSession can help your apps transfer large files and recover from network interruptions. Learn how to pause and resume HTTP file transfers and support resumable uploads, and explore best practices for using URLSession to transfer files even when your app is suspended in the... 系统服务 -
推送通知控制台是你在 App 中快速测试用户通知的理想方式。了解如何通过从控制台直接发送通知来多次发送新想法,以及如何分析交付日志以了解更多有关你的推送的信息。我们还会向你展示如何生成和验证令牌,以成功通过 Apple 推送通知服务 (APNs) 的身份验证。想要尽可能从本次讲座中获取更大的收获,你需要具备 Apple 推送通知服务 (APNs) 和用户通知的基本知识。
Meet Push Notifications Console The Push Notifications Console is the best way to quickly test user notifications in your app. Learn how you can iterate on new ideas quickly by sending notifications directly from the console and analyze delivery logs to learn more about your pushes. We'll also show you how to generate and... alert,apns,apple push notification service,backend,notification,notifications,notify,push,server,service 系统服务 英文
设计 -
了解 App 快捷指令视觉语言的最新更新内容,了解如何设计快捷指令以使其作为最常点选出现在聚焦中。我们将分享如何在 iOS 或 iPadOS 上显示快捷指令,并向你展示如何自定义快捷方式的视觉外观、使用个性化排序、选择恰当行为以及提高可发现性。
Design Shortcuts for Spotlight Learn about the latest updates to the visual language of App Shortcuts and find out how to design your shortcut to appear as a top hit in Spotlight. We'll share how shortcuts can appear on iOS or iPadOS, and show you how to customize the visual appearance of a shortcut, personalize its order,... 设计 -
使用 TipKit 以提升功能的可发现性
使用 TipKit 教用户如何使用你的 App!了解如何通过提示创建有效的教导时机。我们将与你分享如何建立资格规则以触达理想受众、控制提示频率以及测试策略以确保成功互动。
Make features discoverable with TipKit Teach people how to use your app with TipKit! Learn how you can create effective educational moments through tips. We'll share how you can build eligibility rules to reach the ideal audience, control tip frequency, and strategies for testing to ensure successful interactions. coaching,discover,discovery,education,feature,features,hint,hints,inapp,instructional,teach,teaching,tip,tipkit,tips 设计 英文 -
实时活动让你的 App 在 iOS 和 iPadOS 的关键系统位置显示实时信息。了解创建图形丰富的布局的最佳方法,这些布局可以在锁定屏幕、 StandBy 和灵动岛中无缝更新。结合交互性和动画,帮助用户在 App 进行外部导航时与 App 中的实时更新事件保持联系。
Design dynamic Live Activities Live Activities allow your app to display live information in key system locations on iOS and iPadOS. Learn the best way to create graphically rich layouts that update seamlessly on the Lock Screen, in StandBy, and in the Dynamic Island. Incorporate interactivity and animation to help people stay... 设计
辅助功能和包容性 -
了解 Assistive Access
了解 Assistive Access 如何帮助具有认知障碍的人群更加轻松地使用 iPhone 和 iPad。探索引导 Assistive Access 的设计原则,了解系统体验如何借助自适应功能来减少用户的认知负担。我们将向你展示 Assistive Access 的工作原理以及你在 App 中可以采取哪些措施来支持这种体验。
Meet Assistive Access Learn how Assistive Access can help people with cognitive disabilities more easily use iPhone and iPad. Discover the design principles that guide Assistive Access and find out how the system experience adapts to lighten cognitive load. We'll show you how Assistive Access works and what you can do... 辅助功能和包容性 英文 -
将语音合成的最新进展引入你的 App。了解如何将自定义语音合成器和声音集成到 iOS 和 macOS 中。我们将向你展示如何使用 SSML 生成富有表现力的语音合成,并探索个人语音如何使你的增强和辅助通信 App 能够以真实的方式代表一个人说话。
Extend Speech Synthesis with personal and custom voices Bring the latest advancements in Speech Synthesis to your apps. Learn how you can integrate your custom speech synthesizer and voices into iOS and macOS. We'll show you how SSML is used to generate expressive speech synthesis, and explore how Personal Voice can enable your augmentative and... 辅助功能和包容性 -
在 SwiftUI 和 UIKit 中创建易于访问的 App
了解如何利用 UI 框架的优化来更轻松地创建丰富、易于访问的体验。了解 VoiceOver 等技术是如何通过辅助功能特征及操作来更好地与 App 界面进行交互的。我们将分享 SwiftUI 的最新更新来帮助你完善辅助功能体验,并向你展示如何在 UIKit App 中保持辅助功能信息同步更新。
Build accessible apps with SwiftUI and UIKit Discover how advancements in UI frameworks make it easier to build rich, accessible experiences. Find out how technologies like VoiceOver can better interact with your app's interface through accessibility traits and actions. We'll share the latest updates to SwiftUI that help you refine your... 辅助功能和包容性 英文 -
了解如何在你的 App 和游戏中使用自动语法一致性,以创建包容性和更自然的表达。我们将分享使用 Foundation 的最佳实践,展示多种语言的示例,并演示如何使用这些 API 来增强你的 App 用户体验。有关自动语法一致性的介绍,请观看 WWDC21 的 “Foundation 新增功能”。
Unlock the power of grammatical agreement Discover how you can use automatic grammatical agreement in your apps and games to create inclusive and more natural-sounding expressions. We'll share best practices for working with Foundation, showcase examples in multiple languages, and demonstrate how to use these APIs to enhance the user... agreewithargument,i18n,inflect,internationalization,l10n,localization 辅助功能和包容性 英文 -
学习如何在考虑到人类视觉和运动感知局限性的情况下,为 visionOS 设计引人入胜的沉浸式体验。我们将向你展示如何利用深度线索、对比度、焦点和运动,让用户在你开发的 App 和游戏中获得舒适的体验。
Design considerations for vision and motion Learn how to design engaging immersive experiences for visionOS that respect the limitations of human vision and motion perception. We'll show you how you can use depth cues, contrast, focus, and motion to keep people comfortable as they enjoy your apps and games. 辅助功能和包容性 英文
隐私与安全 -
了解如何在受管理的工作环境中使用通行密钥。我们将探讨如何通过管理式 Apple ID 支持的 iCloud 钥匙串使通行密钥在企业环境中发挥良好作用。我们还将分享管理员如何使用 Apple 商务管理和 Apple 校园教务管理中的访问权限管理控件来管理特定设备的通行密钥。
Deploy passkeys at work Discover how you can take advantage of passkeys in managed environments at work. We'll explore how passkeys can work well in enterprise environments through Managed Apple ID support for iCloud Keychain. We'll also share how administrators can manage passkeys for specific devices using Access... 2fa,attestation,password,phishing 隐私与安全 英文 -
通过环境约束保护你的 Mac App
了解如何通过环境约束来提高 Mac App 的安全性。我们将向你展示如何设置进程启动方式的约束,确保你的启动代理和启动守护进程不被篡改,并防止无关代码在你的地址空间中运行。
Protect your Mac app with environment constraints Learn how to improve the security of your Mac app by adopting environment constraints. We'll show you how to set limits on how processes are launched, make sure your Launch Agents and Launch Daemons aren't tampered with, and prevent unwanted code from running in your address space. code signing,consent,control,gatekeeper,launch agent,launchd,sandbox,secure boot,transparency,xpc,xprotect 隐私与安全
音频和视频 -
ScreenCaptureKit 中的新增功能
使用 ScreenCaptureKit 中的最新功能提升你的屏幕共享体验。探索内置系统选择器、Presenter Overlay 和截屏功能,并了解如何将这些功能纳入你现有的 ScreenCaptureKit App 或游戏中。
What\\u2019s new in ScreenCaptureKit Level up your screen sharing experience with the latest features in ScreenCaptureKit. Explore the built-in system picker, Presenter Overlay, and screenshot capabilities, and learn how to incorporate these features into your existing ScreenCaptureKit app or game. 音频和视频 -
了解如何在 SharePlay 活动中处理文件和附件。我们将解释如何使用 GroupSessionJournal API 更快地同步大量数据,并在示例 DrawTogether App 演示中向你展示如何使用该 API。
Share files with SharePlay Discover how to work with files and attachments in a SharePlay activity. We'll explain how to use the GroupSessionJournal API to sync large amounts of data faster and show you how to adopt it in a demo of the sample app DrawTogether. group activities 音频和视频 英文 -
在你的 App 中支持电影效果模式的视频
了解电影效果相机 API 如何帮助你的 App 处理在相机 App 中拍摄的电影效果模式视频。我们将分享电影效果模式视频的基础知识,包括对焦决策层级,向你展示如何在 App 中使用和更新对焦决策,并帮助你保存和加载这些更改。
Support Cinematic mode videos in your app Discover how the Cinematic Camera API helps your app work with Cinematic mode videos captured in the Camera app. We'll share the fundamentals — including Decision layers — that make up Cinematic mode video, show you how to access and update Decisions in your app, and help you save and load those... 音频和视频 英文 -
将同播共享添加到你的 App 中
了解你的 App 如何利用同播共享将任何活动转变为可与朋友共享的体验!我们将分享同播共享的最新更新,探索创建共享活动的好处,深入研究一些令人兴奋的用例,并带你了解最佳实践,以在你的 App 中构建迷人且有趣的联系时刻。
Add SharePlay to your app Discover how your app can take advantage of SharePlay to turn any activity into a shareable experience with friends! We'll share the latest updates to SharePlay, explore the benefits of creating shared activities, dive into some exciting use cases, and take you through best practices to create... group activities 音频和视频 英文 -
打造出色的 ShazamKit 体验
了解你的 App 如何通过使用 ShazamKit 的最新更新提供更加出色的音频匹配体验。我们将为你介绍匹配功能、音频识别更新以及与 Shazam 资料库的交互。了解在音频 App 中使用 ShazamKit 的技巧和最佳实践。想要了解更多有关 ShazamKit 的内容,欢迎观看 WWDC22 中的“使用 ShazamKit 创建大规模自定义目录”以及 WWDC21 中的“探索 ShazamKit”和“使用 ShazamKit 打造自定义音频体验”。
Create a great ShazamKit experience Discover how your app can offer a great audio matching experience with the latest updates to ShazamKit. We'll take you through matching features, updates to audio recognition, and interactions with the Shazam library. Learn tips and best practices for using ShazamKit in your audio apps. For more... 音频和视频 英文 -
探索 tvOS 连续互通相机
探索如何在 Apple tvOS 上的 App 中引入 AVFoundation、AVFAudio 和 AudioToolbox ,并为客厅打造相机和麦克风体验。了解如何利用设备发现 API 在现有的 iOS 相机体验中支持 Apple tvOS,构建使用 iPhone 作为网络相机或 FaceTime 通话源的 App,并探讨在开发 Apple tvOS 时的特殊注意事项。我们还将向你展示如何为 Apple tvOS 启用录音,以及如何使用回声消除来创建出色的语音驱动体验。
Discover Continuity Camera for tvOS Discover how you can bring AVFoundation, AVFAudio, and AudioToolbox to your apps on tvOS and create camera and microphone experiences for the living room. Find out how to support tvOS in your existing iOS camera experience with the Device Discovery API, build apps that use iPhone as a webcam or... 音频和视频 -
了解如何使用声音来增强 VisionOS App 和游戏的体验。了解 Apple 设计师如何选择声音并构建音景来打造质感十足的沉浸式体验。我们将分享当你在空间上放置音频提示、改变重复的声音以及在 App 中构建愉悦的音景时,如何通过声音丰富 App 中的基本交互。
Explore immersive sound design Discover how you can use sound to enhance the experience of your visionOS apps and games. Learn how Apple designers select sounds and build soundscapes to create textural, immersive experiences. We'll share how you can enrich basic interactions in your app with sound when you place audio cues... 音频和视频 -
了解如何在隔空播放中使用 HLS 插片广告实现视频内容在广告之间无缝过渡。我们将分享从 Apple 设备到流行的智能电视共享内容时创造卓越体验的最佳实践和技巧。
Explore AirPlay with interstitials Learn how you can use HLS Interstitials with AirPlay to create seamless transitions for your video content between advertisements. We'll share best practices and tips for creating a great experience when sharing content from Apple devices to popular smart TVs. 音频和视频 英文 -
了解如何使用 Apple 语音处理 API 在 IP 语音应用中实现最佳的音频体验。我们将向你展示如何检测某人在静音状态下说话、如何调整其他音频的抑制行为等等。
What\\u2019s new in voice processing Learn how to use the Apple voice processing APIs to achieve the best possible audio experience in your VoIP apps. We'll show you how to detect when someone is talking while muted, adjust ducking behavior of other audio, and more. 音频和视频 英文 -
调整你的 AirPlay 音频体验
了解如何升级你的 App 的 AirPlay 音频体验,使其更强大、响应更快。我们将向你展示如何通过 AVQueuePlayer 采用增强型音频缓冲功能,探索在你的 App 中构建自定义播放器的替代方案,并与你分享最佳实践。
Tune up your AirPlay audio experience Learn how you can upgrade your app's AirPlay audio experience to be more robust and responsive. We'll show you how to adopt enhanced audio buffering with AVQueuePlayer, explore alternatives when building a custom player in your app, and share best practices. 音频和视频 英文