백그라운드 에셋의 새 기능
기다림은 따분하죠. 앱이 실행되기도 전에 백그라운드 에셋이 어떻게 콘텐츠 다운로드를 촉진할 수 있는지 알아보세요. 백그라운드 에셋을 기존 앱에 통합하는 방법, 필수 에셋과 비필수 에셋의 사용 시점에 대해 살펴보세요. 아울러 앱 확장 프로그램을 손쉽게 디버깅하는 방법도 알아보세요.
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Tech Talks
16:09 - Info.plist requirements (old)
|Key|Type|Description| |-|-|-| |BAInitialDownloadRestrictions|Dictionary|The restrictions that apply to the set of assets that download prior to first app launch. |BADownloadAllowance|Number|The combined size of the initial set of non-Essential asset downloads. Stored inside the BAInitialDownloadRestrictions dictionary. |BADownloadDomainAllowList|Array|Array of domains that can assets can be downloaded from prior to first app launch. Stored inside the BAInitialDownloadRestrictions dictionary. |BAMaxInstallSize|Number|The combined size (in bytes) on disk of the Non-Essential assets that download immediately after app installation. |BAManifestURL|String|URL of the application's manifest.
16:22 - Info.plist requirements (new)
|Key|Type|Description| |-|-|-| |BAInitialDownloadRestrictions|Dictionary|The restrictions that apply to the set of assets that download prior to first app launch. |BADownloadAllowance|Number|The combined size of the initial set of non-Essential asset downloads. Stored inside the BAInitialDownloadRestrictions dictionary. |**BAEssentialDownloadAllowance**|Number|The combined size (in bytes) of the initial set of Essential asset downloads, including your manifest. Stored inside the BAInitialDownloadRestrictions dictionary. |BADownloadDomainAllowList|Array|Array of domains that can assets can be downloaded from prior to first app launch. Stored inside the BAInitialDownloadRestrictions dictionary. |BAMaxInstallSize|Number|The combined size (in bytes) on disk of the Non-Essential assets that download immediately after app installation. |**BAEssentialMaxInstallSize**|Number|The combined size (in bytes) on disk of the Essential downloads that occur during app installation. |BAManifestURL|String|URL of the application's manifest.
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