Tech Talks
App Store、分发与营销 -
TestFlight 入门
探索如何使用 TestFlight 改善您的 App 体验,为您的 App 做好在 App Store 上发布的准备。我们将带您简要了解 TestFlight,包括如何邀请测试员并向其提供测试相关信息。我们也会介绍获取反馈的最佳做法,并探索如何充分利用测试的流程。
Get started with TestFlight Discover how you can use TestFlight to improve your app experience and ready it for release on the App Store. We'll take you through an overview of TestFlight, including how to invite testers and provide information to them about testing. We'll also provide best practices for receiving feedback... App Store、分发与营销 日文, 简体中文, 英文, 韩文 -
使用 App Store 功能提升订阅者留存率
了解在 App Store 中如何最大程度地减少用户流失并赢回订阅者。探索 App Store 数据,了解不同类型订阅者的流失情况,发现可用于提升 App 留存力度的各款工具,并学习实施方面的推荐做法。
Improve your subscriber retention with App Store features Learn how to minimize churn and win back subscribers on the App Store. Explore App Store data, review different types of subscriber churn, discover tools you can use to enhance your retention efforts, and learn implementation best practices. App Store、分发与营销 -
使用 App 分析来衡量并改善用户获取情况
了解 App 分析如何帮助你更好地了解用户获取情况,以便你可以做出以数据为支撑的明智决定。探索查明用户来源的各种方式,回顾关键指标的定义。我们还将讨论对等组基准指标和其他功能如何帮助你改进用户获取策略。
Measure and improve acquisition with App Analytics Learn how App Analytics can help you better understand user acquisition, so you can make data‑informed decisions. Explore ways to find out where your users are coming from and review definitions of key metrics. We'll also discuss how peer group benchmarks and other features can help improve your... App Store、分发与营销 英文 -
使用 Game Center 提高曝光度和参与度
探索 Apple 的社交游戏网络 Game Center 如何帮助玩家发现你的游戏并与之互动。了解可帮助你吸引和留住新玩家的 Game Center 和 App Store 功能,以及专为提供卓越游戏体验而设计的 Apple 技术。
Use Game Center to boost discovery and engagement Explore how Game Center, Apple's social gaming network, helps players discover and engage with your game. Learn about Game Center and App Store features that can help you connect with new players and keep them coming back, as well as Apple technologies designed to deliver powerful gameplay... App Store、分发与营销 英文 -
准备好充分利用 App 内活动
探索如何在 App Store 上突显您的 App 或游戏的内容。我们将引导您了解 App 内活动功能,并提供相关建议、技巧和最佳做法,帮助用户探索您的 App 中的内容或活动。
Get started with in-app events Discover how you can highlight your app or game's content on the App Store. We\'ll take you through the in-app events feature and provide recommendations, tips, and best practices for helping people discover content and events within your app. App Store、分发与营销 日文, 简体中文, 英文, 韩文 -
在 App Store Connect 中管理自动续期订阅定价
探索您可以如何使用 App Store Connect 管理自动续期订阅的价格。我们将提供相关指导来协助您计划订阅价格的上调或下调事宜、向您展示如何移除保留定价,以及探索如何编辑即将实行的价格调整。
Manage auto-renewable subscription pricing in App Store Connect Discover how you can use App Store Connect to manage prices for your auto-renewable subscriptions. We\'ll provide guidance to help you plan subscription price increases and decreases, show you how to remove preserved pricing, and explore how to edit upcoming price changes. App Store、分发与营销 英文 -
在组织中部署 macOS Big Sur
了解搭载 Apple M1 芯片的 Mac 电脑和 macOS Big Sur 在平台上的最新变化。学习最新 macOS 的性能、管理能力以及在商业和教育领域的部署策略。知晓有关一对一和共享部署的部署流程变化。
Deploy macOS Big Sur in your organization Discover the latest on the platform changes in macOS Big Sur and Mac computers with the Apple M1 chip, including features available in macOS Big Sur 11.3. Learn about macOS Big Sur management capabilities and strategies for deploying in business and education. Hear about changes to deployment... enterprise App Store、分发与营销 -
探索 App Store 定价机制升级
了解 App Store 中提供的最新定价功能。我们将逐步介绍增强的全球定价机制、按店面管理定价的全新工具、新增价格点以及全球均衡价格功能。我们还会分享一些配置示例。
Explore App Store pricing upgrades Learn about the newest pricing capabilities available on the App Store. We'll walk through enhanced global pricing, new tools to manage pricing by storefront, additional price points, and global equalization. We'll also share configuration examples. App Store、分发与营销 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
探索 App 内购买项目的家人共享
App 内购买项目的家人共享让用户可以与最多五名其他家庭成员共享自动续期订阅和非消耗型项目,帮助您吸引新订阅者、提升用户参与度并提高留存率。我们将查看如何在 App Store Connect 中启用该功能,介绍将该功能与 StoreKit 和 App Store 服务器通知搭配使用的最佳做法,并帮助您提供出色的 App 内购买项目体验。
Explore Family Sharing for In-App Purchases Family Sharing for In-App Purchases lets people share their auto-renewable subscriptions and non-consumables with up to five additional family members, helping you attract new subscribers, increase user engagement, and improve retention. We'll review how you can enable this feature in App Store... App Store、分发与营销 日文, 简体中文, 英文, 韩文 -
订阅优惠代码可以帮助你获取新用户、留存现有用户、并赢回已经退订的订阅用户,为你的业务发展添砖加瓦。了解不同配置选择、用户体验和如何评估兑换表现。我们会为你介绍如何在 App Store Connect 中设置用户资格、地区、定价和有效期,如何管理你所提供的优惠、评估表现,及如何与你的 app 和后台系统整合。
Subscription offer codes Subscription offer codes can help you acquire, retain, and win back subscribers as you grow your business. Learn about configuration options, creating a great experience, and measuring redemptions. We'll explore how to set up customer eligibility, territory, price, and expiration in App Store... inapp purchases,subscription,subscription business model,subscription marketing App Store、分发与营销 -
了解如何编写清晰、简洁的用途字符串,帮助用户了解为什么您的 App 需要访问受保护的资源,例如他们的相机、位置和健康数据库。我们将带您了解有助于编写简洁用途字符串的最佳做法,并向您展示如何改进权限请求中的措辞。
Write clear purpose strings Learn how to write clear and succinct purpose strings to help people understand why your app needs access to protected resources like their camera, location, and health data. We'll take you through best practices to help craft concise purpose strings and show you how you can improve wording in... App Store、分发与营销 日文, 简体中文, 英文, 韩文 -
利用 App Review 团队提供的这些技巧,为 app 审核做好准备。了解如何避免最常见的问题,并探索简单轻松地通过审核的最佳做法。
Tips for preventing common review issues Prepare your app for review with these tips from the App Review team. Learn how to prevent the most common issues and discover best practices for an easy and straightforward review experience. App Store、分发与营销 日文, 简体中文, 英文
App 服务 -
Core NFC 新功能
后台读取 NFC 标签是 iPhone XS、iPhone XS Max 和 iPhone XR 的一项新功能。了解如何将 app 与 NFC 标签关联,让用户可以更加轻松地使用新款 iPhone 的 NFC 功能。
What\\u0027s New in Core NFC Background reading of NFC tags is a new feature for iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR. Learn how to associate your app with an NFC tag to make it even easier for people to benefit from the NFC capabilities of new iPhones. nfc App 服务 简体中文, 英文 -
《整合 SiriKit Media Intent 与 HomePod》
将你的音乐服务接入 HomePod,帮助用户在家中无需动手即可享受你的内容。了解逐步实现出色整合的全部过程。我们将为你介绍 Media Intent 的工作原理、将你的 app 配置为 HomePod 上的首选音乐服务,并直接与你的云后端集成,借助语音识别(如可用)为个人账户提供个性化回放体验,以及更多实用信息。 要想了解更多关于 Media Intent 的信息,请查看 WWDC20 的《将你的 SiriKit Media Intent 扩展至更多平台》。
Integrate SiriKit Media Intents with HomePod Bring your music service to HomePod and help users enjoy your content hands-free throughout their home. Discover how to build a great integration from start to finish. We\'ll take you through how Media Intents work, configuring your app as a preferred music service on HomePod and integrating... homepod,siri,sirikit,sirikit media intents App 服务 -
实现 Apple Pay 和订单管理
Apple Pay 为人们在 iOS、iPadOS 和 watchOS App 以及网页上进行支付提供了一种轻松、安全的方式。我们将带您了解整个 Apple Pay 的实现流程,包括如何表明支持 Apple Pay、请求付款和处理更新,以及在付款流程结束时添加订单详情,从而帮助人们跟踪他们的购买项目。
Implement Apple Pay and order management Apple Pay provides an easy and secure way for people to make payments in your iOS, iPadOS, and watchOS apps as well as on the web. We\'ll take you through the entire Apple Pay implementation workflow – including how you can signal support for Apple Pay, request payment and handling updates, and... App 服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文, 韩文 -
将自定意图迁移到 App Intents
了解如何轻松地将现有自定意图转换为 App Intents。我们将带您了解如何将意图转换为 Swift,并讨论在创建 App 快捷指令时如何提高 App 功能的曝光度。要想进一步了解 App Intents,请观看 WWDC22 中的“利用 App Intents 实现 App 快捷指令”和“深入探索 App Intents”。
Migrate custom intents to App Intents Learn how you can easily convert your existing custom intents to App Intents. We\'ll take you through the conversion of your intents to Swift and discuss how you can improve discoverability of your app features when you create App Shortcuts. To learn more about App Intents, watch \"Implement App... App 服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文, 韩文 -
开始使用网页版 Apple Pay
在网站中添加 Apple Pay 可提升顾客体验。了解如何使 Apple Pay 显示为付款选项、验证商家会话,以及对付款进行认证和处理。你还将了解如何配置环境、使用 Apple Pay 演示网站来设置交易,以及测试 Apple Pay 实现。
Get started with Apple Pay on the Web Adding Apple Pay to your website elevates your customer experience. Learn how to present Apple Pay as a payment option, validate your merchant session, and authenticate and process payments. You'll also find out how to configure your environment, set up transactions using the Apple Pay demo site,... App 服务
Safari 浏览器和网页 -
将网页检查器与 Apple tvOS App 搭配使用
通过网页检查器,您可以在包括 Apple tvOS 在内的若干 Apple 平台上调试网页内容。这个视频向您介绍网页检查器的强大调试功能,并带您了解专为加快 Apple tvOS app 中 TVML 内容调试而设计的各项功能。
Using Web Inspector with tvOS Apps With Web Inspector, you can debug web content on several Apple platforms, including tvOS. This video introduces you to Web Inspector\'s powerful debugging capabilities, and takes you through the features designed to accelerate debugging of TVML content in your tvOS app. Safari 浏览器和网页 英文 -
构建和部署适用于 iOS 平台的 Safari 扩展
适用于 iOS 平台的 Safari 浏览器网页扩展使用标准网页技术提供强大的浏览器自定设置。了解如何构建适用于 iPhone 和 iPad 的扩展,并探讨如何在 App Store 上发布您的扩展。
Build and deploy Safari Extensions for iOS Safari web extensions for iOS use standard web technologies to provide powerful browser customizations. Learn how you can build an extension that works for iPhone and iPad, and discover how you can publish your extension on the App Store. Safari 浏览器和网页 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
显示在“信息”中网站链接可以远比简单的文本 URL 更具吸引力。只要在网页中加入少量元数据,您的网站链接就能包含诸如图标、图像甚至视频等丰富的内容。了解如何让您网站的访客分享的链接如您的网站本身一样美观。
Ensuring Beautiful Rich Links Website links received in Messages can be made vastly more inviting than a simple text URL. By providing small amounts of metadata in your web pages, links to your website can include rich content such as icons, images and even video. Learn how visitors to your website can share links that look... Safari 浏览器和网页 英文
SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 -
Share Sheet 提供一个方便的方式把你现有情况与咨询分享到其他的 App,人与服务。发掘更多关于通过 Link Presentaiton 框架,以丰富和比较一致的方式来展示共享的 URL,如何创造一个配置好的 Share Extension 来推荐由你 Share Sheet UI 通讯App 管理的接收者,了解能确保你用户在所有平台都能有最佳分享体验的最佳方法。
What\\u0027s New in Sharing The Share Sheet provides a convenient way to share information from your current context with other apps, people, and services. Discover the details on using the Link Presentation framework to present shared URLs in a rich and consistent way, how to create a Share Extension configured to... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 英文 -
为 Apple Watch Series 4 开发复杂功能
通过复杂功能,用户可以随时在表盘上通过您的 app 快速查看信息和保持联络。Apple Watch Series 4 中新增的“图文”和“图文模块”表盘带来了全新的方式,让您可以创建充满吸引力的全彩色复杂功能。了解新增的复杂功能系列,以及如何创建能够利用 Apple Watch Series 4 令人惊叹的全新显示屏的复杂功能。
Developing Complications for Apple Watch Series 4 Complications allow people to quickly glance and stay connected with your app on the watch face throughout their day. The new Infograph and Infograph Modular watch faces on Apple Watch Series 4 allow all new ways to create engaging, full-color complications. Learn about the new complication... ,,50,bezel,circular,clock kit,rectangular,timeline SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 简体中文, 英文 -
为 iPhone X 构建 App
iPhone X 拥有精美的新屏幕,能让您的 app 呈现出色的效果。您可能需要对 app 进行一些调整来适应新屏幕的尺寸和圆角设计。了解一些常见的误区,并探索如何利用 iOS 11 的安全区域和布局向导来确保您的 app 呈现出最佳效果。
Building Apps for iPhone X iPhone X has a beautiful new screen that will make your app look great. You may need to make some changes in your app to accommodate the new screen\'s size and rounded corners. Learn about some common pitfalls and see how you can take advantage of iOS 11\'s Safe Area and layout guides to make... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 简体中文, 英文 -
为 iPhone XS、iPhone XS Max 和 iPhone XR 构建 App
如果您的 app 已采用安全区域嵌入技术,您便可以轻松地为 iPhone XS、iPhone XS Max 和 iPhone XR 更新这一 app。学习如何在不更改代码的情况下设置集合视图对安全区域的分区嵌入引用。了解专门针对 iPhone XS Max 和 iPhone XR 所做的 API 更改。确保您的全屏 app 会使用适当的点数和分辨率正确地展开。避开某些常见的误区,确保所有客户都能充分利用 app 的所有功能,同时保持相应的最佳做法以减少未来工作所需的时间和精力。
Building Apps for iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR If your app has already adopted safe area insets, there\'s not much you will need to do to update your app for iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR. Learn how to set a collection view's section inset reference to the safe area with no code changes. Hear about an API change unique to iPhone XS... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 简体中文, 英文 -
将您的 App 带进新款 iPad Pro
使用 iOS 12.1 SDK 构建您的 app,确保 app 在采用圆角设计和带有主屏幕指示器的显示屏上能够正确显示,从而充分利用新款 iPad Pro 的全面屏设计。了解新的常见嵌入兼容性模式,以及它对于以多任务处理模式运行的 app 具有怎样的意义。探索如何为面容 ID 和第二代 Apple Pencil 及它的轻点两下功能提供支持。
Bringing Your Apps to the New iPad Pro Take advantage of the all-screen design of the new iPad Pro by building your app with the iOS 12.1 SDK and making sure it appears correctly with the display\'s rounded corners and home indicator. Learn about the new common inset compatibility mode and what it means for apps running in... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 简体中文, 英文 -
认识 Apple Watch Series 7
Apple Watch Series 7 引入了新的设备尺寸和具有微妙包裹效果的显示屏。了解如何调整您的 watchOS app 设计以保证其在所有屏幕尺寸上的良好视觉效果:我们将会向您介绍如何利用更大的内容区域,使用颜色和版面打造更清晰的层次结构,并通过创建更好的导航来改进 app 的醒目程度。
Meet Apple Watch Series 7 Apple Watch Series 7 introduces new device sizes and a display that features a subtle wraparound effect. Learn how you can adapt your watchOS app design to look great on all screen sizes: We\'ll show you how to take advantage of a larger content area, create clearer hierarchy using color and... ,alwayson,scenepadding,watchos 8 SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
针对 Apple TV 4K 更新您的 App
了解如何针对 Apple TV 4K 更新您的 app,包括如何利用视网膜图像支持、HDR 视频等新功能以及 Siri Remote 的全新运动功能。
Updating Your App for Apple TV 4K Learn how to update your app for Apple TV 4K, including how to take advantage of new capabilities such as retina image support, HDR video, and the new motion capabilities of the Siri Remote. SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 简体中文, 英文
健康与运动 -
探索 Journaling Suggestions API
了解新的 Journaling Suggestions API 如何帮助用户通过 App 重温生活中的点点滴滴和重大事件,同时保护他们的隐私。探索如何利用 API 检索 Journaling Suggestions 的资源和元数据、调用 App 之上的选择器、让人们保存建议的内容等等。
Discover the Journaling Suggestions API Find out how the new Journaling Suggestions API can help people reflect on the small moments and big events in their lives though your app — all while protecting their privacy. Learn how to leverage the API to retrieve assets and metadata for journaling suggestions, invoke a picker on top of the... 健康与运动 -
针对 Apple Watch Series 3 进行更新
有了 Apple Watch Series 3,即使手机不在身边,也能轻松保持联络。了解如何通过 URLSession 让您的 app 在使用蜂窝网络连接时保持响应。了解如何优化您 Watch app 中的联网代码,确保您的 app 始终保持最新,随时可供使用。探索如何利用全新气压高度计提供的 Core Motion 数据来显示相对高度变化。
Updating for Apple Watch Series 3 Apple Watch Series 3 makes it easier to stay connected, even when away from your phone. Learn how to keep your app responsive over cellular connections using URLSession. Find out how to optimize your Watch app networking code to ensure that your app is always up to date and ready for use... ,,cmaltimeter 健康与运动 简体中文, 英文
商务 & 教育 -
App 曝光度和营销入门
了解如何提高你的 App 在 App Store 上的曝光度。我们将探索用户在 App Store 上查找 App 的不同方式,并向你展示如何让自己的 App 更容易被用户发现。探索出色产品页的元素、搜索的作用、推荐客流,以及能够带来新下载次数的各种促销功能。
Get started with app discovery and marketing Learn how you can improve the discovery of your app on the App Store. We'll explore the different ways people find apps on the App Store and show you how to make your own app more discoverable. Discover the elements of a great product page, the role of search, referral traffic, and promotional... 商务 & 教育 日文, 简体中文, 英文, 韩文 -
Explore unlisted app distribution
Discover a new way you can distribute apps to limited audiences on the App Store. We'll take you through the differences between using unlisted distribution and standard distribution on the App Store, show you how to share apps with a direct link, and more.
Explore unlisted app distribution Discover a new way you can distribute apps to limited audiences on the App Store. We'll take you through the differences between using unlisted distribution and standard distribution on the App Store, show you how to share apps with a direct link, and more. distribution,education,enrollment,enterprise,unlisted 商务 & 教育 英文 -
Optimize subscriptions for success: acquisition
Learn how you can acquire subscribers and grow your business using App Store features. We'll explore subscriber acquisition strategies, share implementation best practices, and show you how to integrate these processes into your app for success.
Optimize subscriptions for success: acquisition Learn how you can acquire subscribers and grow your business using App Store features. We\'ll explore subscriber acquisition strategies, share implementation best practices, and show you how to integrate these processes into your app for success. 商务 & 教育 英文 -
为您的组织做好部署 macOS Monterey 的准备
探索在您的企业或教育机构组织中部署 macOS Monterey 的最新平台变化。了解初始注册、持续管理和恢复使用的变化,包括管理软件更新以及 macOS 的全新“抹掉所有内容和设置”功能。
Prepare your organization for macOS Monterey Discover the latest platform changes for deploying macOS Monterey in your business or education organization. Learn about changes to initial enrollment, ongoing management, and return to service including managing software updates and the new Erase All Content and Settings feature for macOS. deployment,device management,enterprise,macos monterey 商务 & 教育 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
了解如何进一步利用你的产品页优化测试。我们将探索最佳做法,提供基于数据的建议,还会分享其他开发者的成功故事,让你了解他们如何通过产品页优化来提高自身 App Store 产品页的相关性和宣传效果。 某些功能、应⽤软件和服务仅适⽤于部分地区或语⾔。
Make the most of product page optimization Learn how to get more from your product page optimization tests. We'll explore best practices, provide data-based recommendations, and share success stories from developers who have used product page optimization to make their App Store product pages even more relevant and effective. 商务 & 教育 日文, 简体中文, 英文, 韩文 -
了解如何在 App Store 上最大程度地提升自定产品页的宣传效果。我们将介绍最佳做法,提供基于数据的建议,并分享其他开发者利用自定产品页来触及特定受众的成功故事。 某些功能、应⽤软件和服务仅适⽤于部分地区或语⾔。
Make the most of custom product pages Discover how you can maximize the effectiveness of your custom product pages on the App Store. We'll cover best practices, provide data-based recommendations, and share success stories from developers who have used custom product pages to reach specific audiences. 商务 & 教育 日文, 简体中文, 英文, 韩文 -
可扩展企业 SSO 介绍
单点登录确保你的企业能运用现代认证方式而不用牺牲简便的使用方法。了解如何使用 Authentication Service 框架 去显示你 macOS Catalina, iPadOS 13, and iOS 13 里 Safari 与原生App 的从新导向和凭证 SSO 服务。无论你是在建造你自己的扩展还是想在内部直接展开,你将会了解所有关于扩展生成、发布和构成的资料,这都能在你原生 App 里使用。
Introducing Extensible Enterprise SSO Single Sign-on ensures your enterprise can implement modern authentication methods without sacrificing ease of use. Learn how to use the Authentication Services framework to expose your redirect and credential SSO services in Safari and native apps on macOS Catalina, iPadOS 13, and iOS 13... 商务 & 教育 英文 -
在您的组织中部署 iOS 15
探索在您的企业或教育机构组织中部署 iOS 15 和 iPadOS 的最新平台变化。了解如何部署组织拥有的以及个人拥有的 iPhone 和 iPad 设备。探索部署工作流程 (包括注册、持续管理、内容分发和重新部署) 的基础知识和最新更新。
Deploy iOS 15 in your organization Discover the latest platform changes for deploying iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 in your business or education organization. Learn about deploying both organization-owned and personally-owned iPhone and iPad devices. Explore fundamentals and new updates for deployment workflows including enrollment,... deployment,device management,enterprise,ios 15 商务 & 教育 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
了解如何在 iOS、iPadOS、macOS 和 watchOS 上为企业构建引人注目的 App。我们将带您全面了解 Apple 平台的最新更新并探索相关功能,借助这些功能,您可以创建引人注目的企业 App,用于转变工作流程、为业务决策提供信息参考并提高员工的工作效率。
What\\u0027s new for enterprise developers Discover how you can build compelling apps for your business on iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and watchOS. We\'ll take you through a curated overview of the latest updates to Apple platforms and explore relevant features that you can use to create engaging enterprise apps to transform workflows, inform... 商务 & 教育 日文, 简体中文, 英文, 韩文 -
Get started with custom offer codes Discover how you can complement existing offer codes campaigns with custom, repeatable codes to provide even more flexibility to acquire and retain subscribers. We\'ll take you through the latest enhancements to offer codes, provide engineering guidance, explore best practices, and show you how... 商务 & 教育 日文, 简体中文, 英文
图形和游戏 -
A11 上的 Metal 2 - 分块着色
分块着色是一种全新的 Metal 2 管线阶段,允许 app 将渲染和计算操作整合到一个渲染通道中,同时共用图像块数据和线程组内存。了解如何创建分块着色管线,以及这一管线如何利用 A11 图形处理器的高带宽分块内存。
Metal 2 on A11 - Tile Shading Tile shading is a new Metal 2 pipeline stage allowing apps to combine rendering and compute operations into a single render pass while sharing imageblock data and threadgroup memory. Understand how to create a tile shading pipeline, and see how it leverages the high-bandwidth tile memory of the... 图形和游戏 简体中文, 英文 -
A13 仿生芯片的 Metal 增强功能
Metal为 A13 仿生芯片带来强大的 API 特点与以 GPU 驱使的功包括稀疏纹理、顶点放大。第二层论点缓冲、ASTC HDR 和更多相关技术。学懂 Appe 设计的 A13 仿生芯片的制造的改进,了解最新增强版的 Metal 为现代 App 与 游戏提高其艺术形态。
Metal Enhancements for A13 Bionic Metal brings powerful API features and GPU-driven capabilities to A13 Bionic including sparse textures, vertex amplification, Tier 2 argument buffers, ASTC HDR, and more. Understand the architectural improvements of the Apple-designed A13 Bionic and learn how the latest Metal enhancements advance... 图形和游戏 英文 -
MacBook Pro 上的 Metal 计算
探索如何利用最新 MacBook Pro 上的 Metal 计算。了解高性能 Metal 计算的基本原理,以及如何利用这个框架为您的开发流程创造更好的工作流程,甚至为创意专业人士打造更出色的 app。
Metal Compute on MacBook Pro Discover how you can take advantage of Metal compute on the latest MacBook Pro. Learn the fundamental principles of high-performance Metal compute and find out how you can take advantage of the framework to create better workflows for your development process and even better apps for creative pros. apple silicon,cuda,metal,metal shading language,metal tools,opencl,performance,proapps,tips and tricks 图形和游戏 英文 -
了解 Game Center 中基于规则的匹配功能
Meet rule-based matchmaking in Game Center Learn how to incorporate the new rule-based matchmaking feature into your real-time multiplayer games. Discover how you can provide customized and flexible matchmaking to improve the quality of player matches and create a more fun and engaging experience for all players. 图形和游戏 -
了解提升 Metal 着色器性能的最佳实践
探索如何使用 Apple GPU 的一些最新改进来提升 Metal 着色器性能。了解通过配置函数常量来减少着色器的执行时间,并研究通过函数组优化编译器的方法。掌握如何通过提高着色器的执行和并行使用资源的能力来节省运行时间。探索 Apple 系列 9 GPU 功能并利用硬件加速进行光线追踪。
Learn performance best practices for Metal shaders Discover how you can improve Metal shader performance using some of the latest advancements in Apple GPUs. Learn to reduce a shader's execution time by configuring function constants, and investigate ways to increase compiler optimization with function groups. Find out how to save run time by... 图形和游戏 -
基于 A11 的 Metal 2 - 光栅顺序组
光栅顺序组让各种 Metal 2 app 能够精准控制并行片段着色器线程访问相同像素坐标的顺序。了解 A11 如何通过支持多个组来扩展光栅顺序组,并新增用于访问线程组内存的功能。看看您可以如何改善单通道延期着色和顺序无关的透明渲染的性能。
Metal 2 on A11 - Raster Order Groups Raster order groups allow Metal 2 apps to precisely control the order of parallel fragment shader threads accessing the same pixel coordinates. Learn how A11 extends raster order groups with support for multiple groups and adds new capabilities for accessing threadgroup memory. See how you can... 图形和游戏 简体中文, 英文 -
基于 A11 的 Metal 2 - 图像块
图像块使各个 Metal 2 app 能够在 A11 GPU 的高带宽分块内存中定义和操控自定的逐像素数据结构。了解图像块如何在渲染通道的片段和分块阶段之间传递数据,并学习复杂的渲染技巧,如近似顺序无关的透明渲染。
Metal 2 on A11 - Imageblocks Imageblocks enable Metal 2 apps to define and manipulate custom per-pixel data structures in the high-bandwidth tile memory of the A11 GPU. Learn how imageblocks can pass data between the fragment and tile stages of a render pass and unlock sophisticated rendering techniques such as approximate... 图形和游戏 简体中文, 英文 -
基于 A11 的 Metal 2 - 图像块采样覆盖控制
图像块采样覆盖控制可在一个分块着色器中提供对多采样跟踪数据的访问,从而支持开发自定 MSAA 解析算法等。了解 A11 GPU 如何跟踪独特样本,然后探索视频中的示例,看看如何通过表面聚合来优化密集几何结构的渲染。
Metal 2 on A11 - Imageblock Sample Coverage Control Imageblock sample coverage control provides access to multisample tracking data within a tile shader, enabling development of custom MSAA resolve algorithms and more. Understand how the A11 GPU tracks unique samples, then explore an example that optimizes rendering of dense geometry through... 图形和游戏 简体中文, 英文 -
基于 A11 的 Metal 2 - 概览
Metal 2 和 A11 仿生芯片的无缝集成,让您的 app 和游戏的表现和性能达到全新的境界。了解基于 A11 的 Metal 2 中新增的强大 API 功能和 GPU 驱动功能,包括图像块、分块着色、光栅顺序组增强功能、图像块样本覆盖控制和线程组共享。了解 Apple 设计的 A11 GPU 的架构,并看看它为渲染、计算和机器学习技术带来了哪些发展机会。
Metal 2 on A11 - Overview The seamless integration of Metal 2 with the A11 Bionic chip lets your apps and games realize entirely new levels of performance and capability. Get introduced to powerful new API features and GPU-driven capabilities of Metal 2 on A11, including imageblocks, tile shading, enhancements to raster... 图形和游戏 简体中文, 英文 -
将你的高端游戏带到 iPhone 15 Pro
了解 A17 Pro 的强大功能如何帮助你在 iPhone 15 Pro 和 iPhone 15 Pro Max 上充分发挥游戏的性能。我们将分享最佳实践和技术资源,并探索优化游戏性能、输入和资源管理的方法。
Bring your high-end game to iPhone 15 Pro Discover how the power of A17 Pro can help you maximize your game on iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max. We'll share best practices and technical resources, and explore ways to optimize game performance, input, and asset management. 图形和游戏 英文 -
探索 M3 和 A17 Pro 中的 GPU 改进
了解 Apple 系列 9 GPU 的动态缓存、新一代着色器核心、硬件加速光线追踪和硬件加速网格着色如何提高 Metal App 和游戏的性能。
Explore GPU advancements in M3 and A17 Pro Learn how Dynamic Caching, the next-generation shader core, hardware-accelerated ray tracing, and hardware-accelerated mesh shading of Apple family 9 GPUs can improve the performance of your Metal apps and games. 图形和游戏 -
探索适用于 M3 和 A17 Pro 的新 Metal 性能剖析工具
了解 Xcode 15 中的新剖析工具如何帮助你在 Apple 系列 9 GPU 上实现最佳 Metal 性能。探索如何使用 Shader Cost Graph、Performance Heat Map 和 Shader Execution History 工具来分析和优化你的 Metal 代码。掌握如何使用新的 GPU 计数器来优化 GPU 占用率和光线追踪性能。
Discover new Metal profiling tools for M3 and A17 Pro Learn how the new profiling tools in Xcode 15 can help you achieve the best Metal performance on Apple family 9 GPUs. Discover how to use shader cost graphs, performance heat maps, and shader execution history tools to profile and optimize your Metal code. Find out how to use new GPU counters to... 图形和游戏 -
探讨借助 METAL 计数器实现实时图形处理器性能分析
在 macOS Big Sur 和 iOS 14 中利用 METAL 计数器 API 对图形处理器进行性能分析。这种 API 可以在运行时提供对低阶图形处理器性能分析信息的访问,这一点在之前只能通过 Xcode 和 Instruments 中的离线工具才能实现。METAL 计数器通过让你访问重要的图形处理器信息加速优化过程,帮助你对 app 的性能进行微调,以打造更快、更流畅的 app 和游戏体验。学习收集和解析这些低阶图形处理器时间戳,并利用深度信息来帮助你在 METAL 中进行性能调优。
Explore Live GPU Profiling with Metal Counters Take advantage of the Metal Counters API for GPU profiling in macOS Big Sur and iOS 14. This API provides access at runtime to low-level GPU profiling information, which was previously available only through offline tools in Xcode and Instruments. Metal Counters accelerate the optimization... 图形和游戏 英文 -
通过 Game Center 将同播共享功能添加到多人游戏中
了解如何使用同播共享让玩家与 FaceTime 通话中的朋友一起进入游戏。如果您已经在使用 Game Center 多人游戏 UI,我们将向您展示如何轻松地启用同播共享支持。如果您构建了自定界面,我们将为您提供支持同播共享的代码 — 只需几行代码即可。
Add SharePlay to your multiplayer game with Game Center Learn how to let your players jump into games with friends they\'re on FaceTime calls with, using SharePlay. We\'ll show you how easy it is to turn on SharePlay support if you are already using the Game Center multiplayer UI. And if you've built a custom interface, we'll give you the few lines of... 图形和游戏 日文, 简体中文, 英文, 韩文 -
针对 Apple 芯片优化游戏的 CPU 作业调度
图形密集型游戏对硬件资源的要求非常高,每一帧都需要处理数百甚至数千个 CPU 作业。我们将向您展示如何组织整理这些作业,从而充分发挥 M1、M1 Pro 和 M1 Max 芯片上的 CPU 效率和性能。了解如何优化游戏来为玩家带来更好的整体体验。
Tune CPU job scheduling for Apple silicon games Graphically-intensive games can be very demanding on hardware resources, requiring hundreds or even thousands of CPU jobs to be processed every frame. We'll show you how you can organize those jobs to maximize CPU efficiency and performance on the M1, M1 Pro, and M1 Max chips. Learn how you can... 图形和游戏 日文, 简体中文, 英文
地图和位置 -
了解高性能的 MapKit JS
MapKit JS 提供了用于在不同平台和操作系统中 (包括 iOS 和安卓) 将 Apple 地图直接嵌入到网页或 App 中的 JavaScript API。了解最新功能,它们可以帮助提高载入性能并提升网页版 App 和原生 App 的响应速度及运行速度,同时,赋予您更多控制权。
Meet high-performance MapKit JS MapKit JS provides a JavaScript API to embed interactive Apple Maps directly into your webpages or apps across different platforms and operating systems, including iOS and Android. Learn about the latest features to help improve load performance and make your web and native apps more responsive... 地图和位置 日文, 简体中文, 英文, 韩文
开发者工具 -
借助产品页优化,提高你的 App Store 产品页面的相关性和宣传效果。我们将详细探讨这项功能,演示 App Store Connect 中的设置过程 (包括如何测试不同的 App 图标、截屏和 App 预览),以及分享各种测试策略,以帮助你开始产品页面的优化工作。
Get started with product page optimization Help make your App Store product page even more relevant and effective with product page optimization. We'll explore details of the feature, take you through the setup process in App Store Connect including how to test different app icons, screenshots and app previews, and share testing... 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
使用 StoreKit 2 和 App Store 服务器 API 为客户提供支持
探索如何使用 StoreKit 2、App Store 服务器 API 和 App Store 服务器通知为客户打造出色的 app 内购买体验,以及提供支持和退款。我们将探索各种实施方案、提供最佳做法,并引导您完成客户管理和退款管理。
Support customers with StoreKit 2 and App Store Server API Discover how you can use StoreKit 2, App Store Server API, and App Store Server Notifications to create great in-app purchase experiences for your customers and offer support and refunds. We'll explore implementation approaches, provide best practices and take you through customer management and... app store server api,storekit,storekit 2 开发者工具 英文 -
发现 A14 仿生芯片的 Metal 增强功能
探索 Metal 如何将复杂的渲染和强大的计算功能引入 A14 仿生芯片。我们将为你介绍 Apple GPU Family 7 功能集中提供的 Metal 功能,包括新的纹理寻址模式、快速的 SIMD 归约和矩阵乘法运算,最后深入了解使用重心坐标和基元 ID 来实现可见性缓存。
Discover Metal enhancements for A14 Bionic Explore how Metal is bringing sophisticated rendering and powerful compute features to A14 Bionic. We'll take you through the Metal capabilities delivered in the Apple GPU Family 7 feature set, including new texture addressing modes, fast SIMD reduction and matrix multiplication operations, and a... 开发者工具 -
在 Create ML 中改进对象检测模型
在 Create ML 中训练自定义 Core ML 模型用于对象检测时,你可以把图像理解引入自己的 app。了解迁移学习如何让你能够以更少的训练数据构建更小的模型。我们还会详细介绍 Create ML 中的一些高级参数,它们能帮助你控制输入图像的训练迭代次数、批量大小和网格大小,让你更好地控制模型的精确度。 关于对象检测的介绍,请观看 WWDC 2019 年度的视频《在 Create ML 中训练对象检测》。
Improve Object Detection models in Create ML When you train custom Core ML models for object detection in Create ML, you can bring image understanding to your app. Discover how transfer learning allows you to build smaller models with less training data. We'll also take you through some of the advanced parameters in Create ML that help you... ai,computer vision,core ml,create ml,machine learning,object detection,vision 开发者工具 -
发现如何通过解决渲染循环里的提交阶段的问题,在你 App 里更顺畅地渲染动画。深入研究其机械原理,了解如何使用工具来发现你 App 停滞的源头并解决它,并马上避免再发生。
Find and fix hitches in the commit phase Discover how to render smoother animations in your app by troubleshooting the commit phase of your render loop. Dive into the mechanics of this phase, and learn how to use Instruments to uncover the source of hitches in your app, eliminate them, and avoid them outright. animation hitches,commit phase,hitches,xcode 开发者工具 -
当你在 App 里执行复杂的视图层次,你可能会遇到动画停滞。揭秘视图是如何在渲染阶段里变成像素,和了解如何用工具在这部分的渲染循环里去找出问题。发掘如何消除离屏的通过与利用 Xcode 优化机会在你使用 App 时去提供一个更好的体验。
Demystify and eliminate hitches in the render phase When you implement complex view hierarchies in your app, you may run into animation hitches. Demystify how your views are turned into pixels during the render phase, and learn how to use Instruments to uncover issues in this part of the render loop. Discover how to eliminate offscreen passes and... animation hitches,hitches,render phase,xcode 开发者工具 -
将你的项目连接到 Xcode Cloud
利用源代码管理工具在 Xcode Cloud 中充分发挥持续集成和交付的优势。了解如何设置 Xcode Cloud 以与自托管的源代码控制管理提供商平台 (如 GitHub Enterprise) 搭配使用、对常见问题进行故障诊断,以及探索用于项目维护的重要技巧。
Connect your project to Xcode Cloud Unlock the benefits of continuous integration and delivery in Xcode Cloud with source code management tools. Learn how to set up Xcode Cloud with a self-hosted source control management provider like GitHub Enterprise, troubleshoot common issues, and explore key project maintenance tips. 开发者工具 -
您能用 Apple Silicon Mac 做什么
了解开发者如何为 Apple Silicon Macs 而升级他们的 App、 并开始利用 Apple M1 芯片的高级的性能。
What can you do on an Apple silicon Mac? Learn how developers updated their apps for Apple silicon Macs and began taking advantage of the advanced capabilities of the Apple M1 chip. 开发者工具 英文 -
探索 A15 仿生中的 Metal 技术改进
探索如何借助 Metal 技术和 A15 仿生来提升您 app 和游戏的品质。我们会协助您充分利用具有最新 Metal 功能的 AppleGPUFamily8:学习如何使用“有损压缩”节省显存、如何使用“稀疏深度”和“模板纹理”深入研究复杂的阴影贴图技术,以及如何使用“SIMD Shuffle”和“Fill”指令加快图像处理速度。
Discover advances in Metal for A15 Bionic Discover how you can elevate your apps and games with Metal and the A15 Bionic. We\'ll help you take advantage of Apple GPU family 8 with the latest Metal features: Learn how to save memory with Lossy Compression, dive into complex shadow mapping techniques with Sparse Depth and Stencil Textures,... 2d graphics,3d graphics,games,image processing,metal,metal compute,metal shading language,rendering techniques,simd 开发者工具 英文 -
探索 Metal 性能 HUD
了解旨在帮助您实时分析图形性能的全新平视显示面板。Metal 性能 HUD 会显示重要图形统计信息,可用于监控、记录和识别难以察觉的性能问题。
Discover Metal Performance HUD Get to know the new heads-up display panel built to help you analyze graphics performance in real time. Metal Performance HUD displays key graphics statistics so you can monitor, log, and identify tough-to-spot performance problems. 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文, 韩文 -
探索 UI 动画阻碍与渲染循环
探索如何将你 App 用户界面的表现提高,通过找出在你 App 里卷动轴与动画的阻碍。了解一切在渲染循环里发生停滞的原因,和理解如何测量停滞时间比与修改你 App 影响用户的问题。
Explore UI animation hitches and the render loop Explore how you can improve the performance of your app\'s user interface by identifying scrolling and animation hitches in your app. We\'ll take you through how hitches happen in the render loop, and explain how to measure hitch time ratio and fix the issues that most impact people using your app. ui animation hitches,xcode 开发者工具 -
Web Inspector Walkthrough Web Inspector is packed with features designed to make inspection, debugging and delivery of your web content a breeze. Get an overview of the latest features including major layouts, tabs, buttons, and other capabilities that make Web Inspector a powerful web development tool. 开发者工具 英文 -
了解如何创建 App Store 产品页面的其他版本,向顾客展示你 App 内的不同功能或内容。我们将探讨如何针对你 App 的具体方面或特定受众创建产品页,为你演示 App Store Connect 中的设置过程,并且着重讨论成功策略。
Get started with custom product pages Learn how you can create additional versions of your App Store product page and showcase different features or content within your app. We\'ll explore how you can create pages for a specific aspect of your app or a specific audience, show you how to set it up in App Store Connect, and highlight... 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
通过 App Store Connect API 管理 Game Center
探索如何使用 App Store Connect API,在网页版 App Store Connect 之外自动完成 Game Center 配置。了解 API 如何帮助你创建成就和排行榜,并使用群组在相关游戏之间共享它们。此外,了解如何在多人游戏中启用和配置匹配。
Manage Game Center with the App Store Connect API Discover how you can use the App Store Connect API to automate your Game Center configurations outside of App Store Connect on the web. Find out how the API can help you create achievements and leaderboards and share them between related games using groups. And learn how to enable and configure... 开发者工具
机器学习与 AI -
使用 TabularData 在 Swift 中探索和处理数据
探索如何使用 TabularData 框架在 Swift 中加载、探索和处理非结构化数据。无论您是需要为机器学习任务预处理数据,还是需要在 app 中实时生成数据摘要,这个框架都会对您有所帮助。了解这个框架如何帮助您处理大型数据集、将多个数据表格联接在一起,以及通过编程方式筛选数据。此外,我们还将向您展示如何在您的 app 中使用 DataFrame 来推动实现所有以数据为中心的功能。
Explore and manipulate data in Swift with TabularData Discover how you can use the TabularData framework to load, explore, and manipulate unstructured data in Swift — whether you need to pre-process data for a machine learning task or digest data on-the-fly in your app. Learn how this framework can help you handle large datasets, join multiple... 机器学习与 AI 英文 -
将 PyTorch 模型转换为 Core ML
将 PyTorch 模型转换为 Core ML,探索在 app 中如何利用设备端的机器学习。 PyTorch 机器学习框架可以帮助你创建和训练复杂的神经网络。构建这些模型后,你可以将它们转换为 Core ML 并完全在设备端运行,从而充分利用中央处理器、图形处理器和神经网络引擎。 了解 coremltools 软件包如何直接转换 TorchScript 模型,同时深入了解如何处理自定义操作及可能出现的转换错误。 要了解有关 Core ML 转换器的更多信息,建议观看 WWDC20 视频《使用 Core ML 转换器为设备获取模型》。
Convert PyTorch models to Core ML Bring your PyTorch models to Core ML and discover how you can leverage on-device machine learning in your apps. The PyTorch machine learning framework can help you create and train complex neural networks. After you build these models, you can convert them to Core ML and run them entirely... ai,artificial intelligence,core ml,core ml tools,deep learning,learning,machine learning,model,natural language,neural network,python,pytorch,training 机器学习与 AI
照片和相机 -
iOS 11 上的二维码识别
iOS 11 提供对二维码的原生支持,可以检测和处理二维码。探索受支持的二维码类型、原生“相机”和 Safari 浏览器 app 如何处理每种类型的二维码,以及当用户扫描您的二维码时通用链接如何将他们无缝转到您的 app 中。
QR Code Recognition on iOS 11 iOS 11 provides built-in support to detect and handle QR codes. Discover the supported QR code types, how each type is handled by built-in Camera and Safari apps, and how Universal Links can seamlessly send users to your app when scanning your QR codes. 照片和相机 英文
空间计算 -
AR 中高级场景理解
ARKit 3.5 与 Reality 3.5 提供新功能,可以让新 ipad pro 充分发挥 LiDAR Scanner 的优势。认识 ARKit 3.5 与了解 Scene Geometry、增强光线投射、即时虚拟对象放置和更多技术。 看 RealityKit 如何使用这些特色优势去实现现实世界的物理性、目标遮挡和灯光效果与现实世界物体的互动。
Advanced Scene Understanding in AR ARKit 3.5 and RealityKit provide new capabilities that take full advantage of the LiDAR Scanner on the new iPad Pro. Check out ARKit 3.5 and learn about Scene Geometry, enhanced raycasting, instantaneous virtual object placement, and more. See how RealityKit takes advantage of these features to... 空间计算 英文 -
通过 ARKit 实现面部跟踪
ARKit 和 iPhone X 在 AR app 中实现了革命性的人脸跟踪能力。了解您的 app 如何高精度且实时地检测用户脸部的位置、脸部拓扑和他们的表情。学习如何运用实时自拍效果,以及如何使用面部表情来驱动 3D 角色。
Face Tracking with ARKit ARKit and iPhone X enable a revolutionary capability for robust face tracking in AR apps. See how your app can detect the position, topology, and expression of the user's face, all with high accuracy and in real time. Learn about applying live selfie effects and see how to use facial expressions... 空间计算 简体中文, 英文
系统服务 -
GDPR 和 CloudKit
《一般数据保护条例》(GDPR) 这一欧盟法规要求开发者让用户能够查看和控制您代表他们储存的个人数据。了解如何使用新增和现有的 CloudKit API 来在您的 app 中内置隐私保护功能,确保客户能够行使 GDPR 权利。
GDPR & CloudKit The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union regulation that requires developers to give users visibility and control over the personal data you store on their behalf. Learn how to use new and existing CloudKit APIs to build privacy into your apps and make sure customers can... 系统服务 简体中文, 英文 -
iOS 储存空间最佳做法
学习如何让 app 尽量有条理地优化使用磁盘存储容量的技巧。看看如何使用 iOS 11 中的新“文件”app 直接访问您 app 中的文稿。深入了解如何清点 app 的文件,并充分利用为 app 提供的可用存储容量。
iOS Storage Best Practices Learn tips for keeping your app\'s on-disk storage as organized and optimized as possible. See how to enable direct access to documents in your app using the new Files app in iOS 11. Gain insights into how to take inventory of your app\'s files and make the most of the storage capacity available... 系统服务 简体中文, 英文 -
使用 FileProvider 将桌面级同步功能带入 iOS
探索在创建“文件提供程序”扩展时,如何在您的 iPhone 和 iPad App 内更快速、更高效地同步文件。与 File Provider 团队保持同步,了解如何为 iOS 构建现代文件提供程序。我们将向您展示如何架构 App,以支持无缝文件同步、上传和下载。我们还将探索如何实现无状态,并增强您的文件提供程序以防意外情况。为了充分利用好本次讲座,我们建议您先在 macOS 上体验一下文件提供程序。
Bring desktop class sync to iOS with FileProvider Discover how you can sync files faster and more efficiently within your iPhone and iPad apps when you create a File Provider extension. Sync up with the File Provider team and learn how to build a modern File Provider for iOS. We'll show you how to architect your app to support seamless file... cloud,download,fileprovider,file provider,files,filesystem,file system,sync,synchronization,synchronize,upload 系统服务 英文 -
充分利用 CloudKit 共享
探索各个 app 如何使用 CloudKit 互相分享记录。我们将向您展示如何鼓励用户使用您的 app 展开协作,以及如何利用各个 Apple 框架为那些互动提供支持。了解如何创建和管理共享,探索公共权限等共享选项,以及探索如何使用 iOS 15 和 macOS Monterey 中的区域共享来共享整个数据记录区。为了充分利用这场讲座中介绍的知识,我们建议熟悉 CloudKit 并大概了解记录和数据类型。
Get the most out of CloudKit Sharing Discover how apps can use CloudKit to share records with others. We\'ll show you how to encourage collaboration between people using your app and support those interactions with Apple frameworks. Learn how to create and manage shares, explore sharing options like public permissions, and find out... ckshare,cloudkit sharing,hierarchical,sharing,sharing sample app,zone 系统服务 英文 -
Apple 设备可以同时连接到多个网络。了解 App 如何自动选择最佳网络以提供出色的体验。探索不同类型的网络并回顾其特征。探索如何使用 URLSession 和 Network 框架最恰当地描述你的需求,以便系统可以随时为 App 智能地选择最佳接口。
Adapt to changing network conditions Apple devices can connect to multiple networks at the same time. Learn how your app can automatically select the best one for an optimal experience. Explore the different types of networks and review their characteristics. And discover how to use URLSession and Network framework to best describe... 系统服务 -
统一类型标识符 - 再介绍
是否想过系统如何决定应该用哪个 app 打开指定的文件?我们一起来探索统一类型标识符框架,它可帮助简化在 app 中支持标准或专有文件格式的流程。你将学习如何使用新框架和 Xcode 声明 app 所支持的类型,了解如何在采用 UTType 时提高性能,并查看支持 UTType 的最新平台 API。
Uniform Type Identifiers \\u2014 a reintroduction Ever wonder how the system decides what app should open a given file? Explore the Uniform Type Identifiers framework, which helps you simplify the process for supporting standard or proprietary file formats in your app. You\'ll learn how to use the new framework and Xcode to declare the types... 系统服务
设计 -
专为 Apple Watch Series 4 设计
Apple Watch Series 4 为设计师和开发者提供了新的机遇,让他们的 app 可以实现更多精彩。Series 4 手表具有尺寸更大的显示屏及其他增强功能,让开发者能够为用户带来更为丰富、更身临其境的体验。
Designing for Apple Watch Series 4 Apple Watch Series 4 provides new opportunities for designers and developers to do more with their apps. Series 4 watches have new displays with larger dimensions, and other enhancements that allow developers to deliver richer and more immersive experiences. 设计 简体中文, 英文 -
如果 app 可以提供良好的订阅体验,就更加容易吸引新的订阅用户。了解如何更加明确地传达订阅的价值、简化注册流程和提供吸引人的便捷订阅体验。
Designing for Subscription Success Providing a great subscription experience within your app makes it easier to acquire new subscribers. Learn how to more clearly communicate the value of your subscriptions, streamline your sign up flow, and make subscriptions appealing and effortless. design,design best practices,design patterns,sampling,subscription,subscriptions 设计 简体中文, 英文
隐私与安全 -
出色的 App 能够为用户创造更多精彩,而且收集的数据更少。了解 App Review 团队提供的三个简单技巧如何帮助您打造卓越的体验,同时最大程度地减少数据收集。
Do more with less data Great apps do more for people while collecting less data. Learn how three simple tips from the App Review team can help you build great experiences while minimizing data collection. 隐私与安全 日文, 简体中文, 英文, 韩文
音频和视频 -
AVDisplayManager 简介
从 tvOS 11.2 开始,Apple TV 4K 能够自动切换视频显示模式,以与视频内容的原生帧速率和动态范围相匹配。借助 tvOS 11.3,Apple TV (第 4 代) 也能自动切换视频显示模式,以与原生帧速率相匹配。了解如何确保您的 app 和视频内容能够使用 AVDisplayManager 和 AVDisplayCriteria 来支持这项功能。
Introduction to AVDisplayManager Starting with tvOS 11.2, Apple TV 4K can automatically switch video display modes to match the native frame rate and dynamic range of video content. With tvOS 11.3, Apple TV (4th generation) can also automatically switch video display modes to match native frame rate. Learn how to make sure your... 音频和视频 英文 -
Apple TV App and Unversal Search 视频集 第一部
此视频提供关于 Apple TV App 与 Universal Search 服务特色的概述,同时介绍第三方视频如何通过元数据提要融入它们。提供关于你电影,电视节目,体育赛事元数据的要求的详细资料——加上如何控制为你Apple TV App 视频服务的内容展示。还包括帮助你开始运用元数据提要的工具与资源在其中。
Apple TV App and Universal Search Video Integration - Part 1 This video provides a feature overview of the Apple TV App and Universal Search services, and introduces how 3rd party video services integrate with them through metadata feeds. Requirements for providing metadata about your movies, tv shows, and sporting events are detailed — in addition how to... apple tv,apple tv app,metadata feeds,tv,tv app,tv provider,universal search,universal services,video integration 音频和视频 英文 -
Apple TV App and Unversal Search 视频集 第二部
为第三方 App 能够参与 Apple TV App 其中,你要获得关于客户端融入要求的概况。了解培训和测试。看如何为客人订阅服务,在你 App 里显示回放内容已看,与支持对你视频内容的深度思维。
Apple TV App and Universal Search Video Integration - Part 2 Get an overview of the client-side integration required for 3rd party applications that are participating with the Apple TV App. Learn about onboarding and testing. See how to register subscriptions for your customers, report playback data as content is watched in your applications, and support... apple tv,apple tv app,metadata feeds,tv,tv app,tv provider,universal search,universal services,video integration 音频和视频 英文 -
Apple TV Set Top Box APIs
了解什么是 Set Top Box API,它的用途,与它如何帮助客户更轻松地设置 Apple TV。了解框架如何适用于 Apple TV Distribution Program 的发展。
Apple TV Set Top Box APIs Learn about the Set Top Box APIs, what they do, and how they help make the Apple TV setup easier for your customers. Learn how this framework fits into the development for the Apple TV Distribution Program. apple tv,apple tv app,apple tv distribution program,apple tv set top box,authentication,authentication context,set top box,set top box api,set top box apis,set top box authentication overview,single sign on,sso,stb,stb api,tv,tv,video subscriber account,video subscriber account framework,vsa,zero sign on,zso 音频和视频 英文 -
Apple TV VSA 框架
了解什么是 VideoSubscriberAccount 框架,它的用途, 和如何把这框架融入你的 App。了解框架如何适用于 Apple TV Distribution Program 的发展。
Apple TV VSA Framework Learn about the VideoSubscriberAccount framework, what it does, and how to integrate this framework with your app. Learn how this framework fits into the development for the Apple TV Distribution Program. apple tv,apple tv app,apple tv distribution program,apple tv set top box,authentication,authentication context,set top box,set top box api,set top box apis,set top box authentication overview,single sign on,sso,stb,stb api,tv,tv,video subscriber account,video subscriber account framework,vsa,zero sign on,zso 音频和视频 英文 -
Apple TV 分配计划概览
了解 Apple TV 的分配制度,工程学的要求和注册带来的商业利益。让自己熟悉认验证流程, VideoSubscriberAccount 框架,和 Set Top Box API。
Apple TV Distribution Program Overview Learn about the Apple TV Distribution Program and the engineering requirements and business benefits that come with enrollment. Familiarize yourself with the authentication context, VideoSubscriberAccount framework, and the Set Top Box APIs. apple tv,apple tv app,apple tv distribution program,apple tv set top box,authentication,authentication context,set top box,set top box api,set top box apis,set top box authentication overview,single sign on,sso,stb,stb api,tv,tv,video subscriber account,video subscriber account framework,vsa,zero sign on,zso 音频和视频 英文 -
Apple TV 验证流程
了解 Apple TV 的验证流程,它的作用和如何开始建造这些网络服务。了解认验证流程如何适合用于 Apple TV Distribution Program 的发展。
Apple TV Authentication Context Learn about the Apple TV authentication context, what it does, and how to start building this web service. Learn how the authentication context fits into the development for the Apple TV Distribution Program. apple tv,apple tv app,apple tv distribution program,apple tv set top box,authentication,authentication context,set top box,set top box api,set top box apis,set top box authentication overview,single sign on,sso,stb,stb api,tv,tv,video subscriber account,video subscriber account framework,vsa,zero sign on,zso 音频和视频 英文 -
HDR 视频简介
杜比视界和 HDR10 以更宽的色域和更强烈的对比度,带来令人惊艳的全新视频观看体验。了解这项新技术的工作原理以及杜比视界和 HDR10 之间的差异。
An Introduction to HDR Video Dolby Vision and HDR10 enable amazing new video viewing experiences with a wider color gamut and deeper contrast. Learn how this new technology works, and what the differences are between Dolby Vision and HDR10. 音频和视频 简体中文, 英文 -
为 iPhone X 而设计
iPhone X 采用全面屏超视网膜显示屏,提供了更多的空间充分展示内容元素,并带来深刻且如临其境的 app 体验。学习相关的设计技巧,使您的 app 或游戏在 iPhone X 和所有 iOS 设备上展示精美外观,带来逼真体验。
Designing for iPhone X iPhone X features an all-screen Super Retina display, providing more space to display content and create deeply immersive experiences. Learn how to design your app or game to look and feel great on iPhone X, and all iOS devices. design,ios,ios 11,layout,ui,uikit,user experience,user interface,visual design 音频和视频 简体中文, 英文 -
制作 4K 和 HDR HLS 视频流
4K 和 HDR 技术可以为用户带来沉浸式影院级视频体验和超逼真的图像质量。了解如何支持这些全新格式,以及如何妥善制作您的播放列表来播放这类视频流。
Authoring 4K and HDR HLS Streams 4K and HDR technologies enable the creation of amazing cinematic video experiences and stunning picture quality. Learn about how to support these new formats, and how to properly author your playlists to enable playback of these types of streams. 音频和视频 简体中文, 英文 -
在你的 app 中支持 Apple Pro Display XDR
Apple Pro Display XDR 是专为视频剪辑、摄影、3D 动画和游戏开发等专业工作流程而设计的高端参考显示器。探索如何用底层技术和框架级支持来改进内容创作的专业工作流程。了解如何用 Pro Display XDR 参考模式和 macOS 色彩管理工具使工作流程更有效、更准确。并探索最佳做法和技巧,以使你的参考工作流程栩栩如生。
Support Apple Pro Display XDR in your apps Apple Pro Display XDR is a high grade reference monitor designed for professional workflows such as video editing, photography, 3D animation and game development. Discover how you can use underlying technology and framework-level support to improve your professional workflows for content... display,display p3 音频和视频 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
了解如何在配备 Liquid 视网膜 XDR 显示屏的 12.9 英寸 iPad Pro 上使用参考模式,从而满足高标准专业工作流程中的色彩要求。我们将向您展示参考模式如何准确地表示颜色,并在审核和批准、合成和调色等工作流程中提供一致的图像呈现。我们还将介绍与参考模式一起使用的 API,探索其功能和所支持的媒体格式,并探索参考模式是如何增强随航功能的。
Discover Reference Mode Learn how you can match color requirements in demanding pro workflows using Reference Mode on the 12.9-inch iPad Pro with Liquid Retina XDR display. We\'ll show you how Reference Mode enables you to represent color accurately and provide consistent image representation in workflows like review... 音频和视频 英文