Swift -
了解 Swift Package Manager
通过 Swift Package Manager,您可以轻松地在 Swift 生态系统中开发和分发源代码。了解它的目标、设计、独特功能和持续改进机会。
Getting to Know Swift Package Manager The Swift Package Manager makes it possible to easily develop and distribute source code in the Swift ecosystem. Learn about its goals, design, unique features, and the opportunities it has for continued evolution. ,,,,dependencies,evolution,llbuild,packageresolved,semantic,spm,swiftpm,versioning Swift 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
在 Xcode 中更快地构建
在 Xcode 10 中更快地构建您的 app。了解如何构造项目和调整代码,从而充分利用所有处理器内核。无论是在小幅修改代码后查看具体效果,还是要完整地构建 app 以备发布,这些技巧都能够节省构建可运行 app 所需的时间。
Building Faster in Xcode Build your apps faster in Xcode 10. Learn how to structure your projects and tweak your code to take full advantage of all processor cores. Whether you\'ve made a few small code changes you want to give a try, or you\'re building your full app for release, these techniques will cut the time it... anyobject,batch,bridging header,categories,codegen,cycle,dependencies,dependency,explicit,file list,implicit,incremental,inference,objc,objectivec,objectivec,parallelized,private,serialized,swift,whole module optimization,wmo,xcfilelist Swift 日文, 简体中文, 英文
SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 -
CarPlay 车载音频和导航 App
了解如何更新音频或导航 app 来支持 CarPlay 车载。CarPlay 车载中的 app 针对车用进行了优化,能够自动适应可用的汽车屏幕和输入控制。音频 app 能够输出音乐、新闻、播客等。通过新的 CarPlay 车载框架,导航 app 可以提供详细地图、目的地搜索、逐向导航和用户通知。
CarPlay Audio and Navigation Apps Learn how to update your audio or navigation app to support CarPlay. Apps in CarPlay are optimized for use in the car, and automatically adapt to available vehicle screens and input controls. Audio apps can deliver music, news, podcasts, and more. With the new CarPlay framework, Navigation apps... ,,car,map SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Siri 快捷指令简介
“Siri 快捷指令”是 iOS 12 中一项强大的新增功能,它的作用是让您的 app 将自己的功能通过 Siri 来曝光。这样,Siri 就能根据不同的情境在适当的时机为您提供快捷指令建议。快捷指令还可以添加到 Siri,以便在 iOS、HomePod 和 watchOS 上通过语音口令运行。了解如何使用 NSUserActivity 在 app 中公开快捷指令,并探索使用 SiriKit 创建自定意图来提供更丰富用户体验的好处。
Introduction to Siri Shortcuts Siri Shortcuts are a powerful new feature in iOS 12 that allow your app to expose its functionality to Siri. This enables Siri to suggest your shortcut at relevant times based on various context. Shortcuts can also be added to Siri to run with a voice phrase on iOS, HomePod and watchOS. Learn how... ,,,donate,donation,inrelevant,intents,inui,phrase,shortcut,siri,suggestion,voice SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
优化 App 素材
了解如何借助 iOS 12 中推出的新功能来使用素材,为您的 app 引入兼顾视觉效果和数据效率的图案。深入了解如何最大限度地利用素材目录来组织、优化和制作图案素材。学习相关技巧,进一步简化设计师和开发者之间的工作流程。确保 app 交付品质更高、占用空间更少,同时通过图案素材的高保真度来为 app 吸引尽可能多的目标受众。
Optimizing App Assets Learn how to use assets to bring visually compelling and data efficient artwork to your apps, leveraging new features in iOS 12. Gain insight into organizing, optimizing, and authoring artwork assets by using asset catalogs to their fullest. Learn techniques to better streamline workflows between... 1x,2x,3x,app thinning,asset catalog,asset catalogue,catalog,catalogs,catalogue,compression,heif,heiff,thinning SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文
开发者工具 -
Measuring Performance Using Logging
Learn how to use signposts and logging to measure performance. Understand how the Points of Interest instrument can be used to examine logged data. Get an introduction into creating and using custom instruments.
Measuring Performance Using Logging Learn how to use signposts and logging to measure performance. Understand how the Points of Interest instrument can be used to examine logged data. Get an introduction into creating and using custom instruments. instrument,instruments,ossignpost,ossignposts,signpost,signposts 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Metal Game Performance Optimization
Realize the full potential of your Metal-based games by tackling common issues that cause frame rate slowdowns, stutters, and stalls. Discover how to clear up jitter and maintain a silky-smooth frame rate with simple changes in frame pacing. Get introduced to new tools for analyzing rendering...
Metal Game Performance Optimization Realize the full potential of your Metal-based games by tackling common issues that cause frame rate slowdowns, stutters, and stalls. Discover how to clear up jitter and maintain a silky-smooth frame rate with simple changes in frame pacing. Get introduced to new tools for analyzing rendering... 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Metal 着色器调试和剖析
Metal 提供了强大的工具,用于分析着色器行为并优化性能。深入了解如何使用 Xcode 内新增的形状查看功能来对顶点阶段问题进行故障诊断。使用着色器调试程序来逐步调试顶点、片段以及逐行计算着色器执行情况。详细了解如何分析 GPU 负载,并查看针对 A11 仿生的着色器分析程序增强功能。
Metal Shader Debugging and Profiling Metal provides powerful tools for analyzing shader behavior and optimizing performance. Dive into troubleshooting vertex-stage problems with new geometry viewing capabilities in Xcode. Use the shader debugger to step through vertex, fragment, and compute shader execution line-by-line. Get details... 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
创建自定 Instrument
了解自定 instrument 的用处以及何时应该使用自定 instrument。深入了解自定 instrument 的架构以及如何创建自定 instrument。了解优秀 instrument 应该具备哪些属性。深入了解高级建模以及如何使用 CLIPS 语言。
Creating Custom Instruments Understand how custom instruments are useful and when they should be used. Get an in-depth view of the architecture of custom instruments and how to create them. Understand the attributes of a good instrument. Dive into advanced modeling and how to use the CLIPS language. instrument,instruments,ossignpost,ossignposts,signpost,signposts 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
测试是以一致方式验证代码能否正常工作的一种必备工具,但代码常常会涉及超出您控制范围内的依赖关系。探索相应的技巧,以便使用 XCTest 在 Apple 平台上顺利测试原本难以测试的代码。了解各种相关技巧,以便编写质量更高、运行快速且只需少量维护的测试。
Testing Tips & Tricks Testing is an essential tool to consistently verify your code works correctly, but often your code has dependencies that are out of your control. Discover techniques for making hard-to-test code testable on Apple platforms using XCTest. Learn a variety of tips for writing higher-quality tests... asynchronous,automation,delayed,delegate,dependency,dispatchqueue,expectation,injection,mocking,network,notificationcenter,nsnotificationcenter,nspredicate,nstimer,nsurlprotocol,nsurlrequest,nsurlsession,observers,performance,predicate,protocol,pyramid,scheduledtimer,speed,stub,swift,timers,ui testing,unit test,urlprotocol,urlrequest,urlsession,xcuitest 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
深入了解 iOS 内存
探索如何利用内存图来掌握 app 内存占用空间的具体构成情况。理解一幅图像的真实内存开销。了解减少 app 内存占用空间的技巧和窍门。
iOS Memory Deep Dive Discover how memory graphs can be used to get a close up look at what is contributing to an app's memory footprint. Understand the true memory cost of an image. Learn some tips and tricks for reducing the memory footprint of an app. footprint,image,memory,size 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
App 突然崩溃是用户体验不佳和 app 审核遭拒的原因之一。了解崩溃日志的分析方式、日志所含的信息以及如何诊断崩溃原因,包括难以重现的内存损坏和多线程问题。
Understanding Crashes and Crash Logs Sudden app crashes are a source of bad user experience and app review rejections. Learn how crash logs can be analyzed, what information they contain and how to diagnose the causes of crashes, including hard-to-reproduce memory corruptions and multithreading issues. ,,,0x8badf00d,address,assertion,caseiterable,destroyer,disassemble,disassembly,dispatchqueue,free,gcd,grand central dispatch,isa,ivar,lldb,malloc,objcmsgsend,organizer,pointers,precondition,race,rotated,sanitizers,stack,testflight,thread,trace,unrecognized selector,use after free,zombies 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
通过 Xcode 和 LLDB 进行高级调试
探索用于增强 Xcode 调试工作流程的高级技巧及提示和窍门。了解如何利用 LLDB 和自定断点来增强调试功能。充分利用 Xcode 的视图调试工具来更加高效地解决 app 中的 UI 问题。
Advanced Debugging with Xcode and LLDB Discover advanced techniques, and tips and tricks for enhancing your Xcode debugging workflows. Learn how to take advantage of LLDB and custom breakpoints for more powerful debugging. Get the most out of Xcode's view debugging tools to solve UI issues in your app more efficiently. ,,,,astronaut,catransaction,debugger,expression,flush,frame,gravity,jump,nudge,objc,objectivec,objectivec,poc,popover,swift,symbolic,thread,uiview,variable,view debugger 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文
系统服务 -
Introducing Network.framework: A modern alternative to Sockets
The new Network.framework API gives you direct access to the same high-performance user-space networking stack used by URLSession. If you're considering using Berkeley Sockets in your app or library, learn what better options are available to you.
Introducing Network.framework: A modern alternative to Sockets The new Network.framework API gives you direct access to the same high-performance user-space networking stack used by URLSession. If you're considering using Berkeley Sockets in your app or library, learn what better options are available to you. 系统服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文
设计 -
优秀设计不会凭空出现,它需要真实的人用心来制作。通过 Apple 和开发者社区中设计师的叙述,探索优秀设计的特征所在。了解设计师如何从日常生活当中获得灵感,构思并细化想法,然后激励自己设计出能够经受时间考验的 app 和游戏。
The Qualities of Great Design Great Design isn't magic, it is crafted with care by real people. Explore the characteristics of great design through the voices of designers from Apple and our developer community. Learn how they take inspiration from everyday life, conceive and refine ideas, and push themselves to design apps... ,,,,animation,apple design,apple designers,audio,care,caroline,cas,communiction,copy,craft,d,design,design best practices,designer,doug,editorial,elaine,emoji,gary,great,great design,haptics,hugo,interaction,interview,interviews,jessie,khan,khan academy,lauren,lauren grimm,lauren strehlow,layers,loic,loc,mike,nando,nicole,people,podcast,q,qualities,quality,sound,strehlow,travis,typography,ui,visual,where cards fall 设计 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
让出色的 app 体验跃然于屏幕之上。这类体验富有动态、引人入胜且充满个性化,最为重要的是,它们源于强烈且明确的设计意图。了解相应的关键技巧,通过选用适当的象征、做出不同寻常的选择并让每个互动都显得更加真实自然,来实现贴心的设计。
Intentional Design Great app experiences leap off the screen. They are dynamic, immersive, personal, and, above all else, the result of a strong and clear intent. Learn key techniques for being intentional with your design by choosing appropriate metaphors, making extreme choices, and making every interaction feel... behavior,dad jokes,design,editorial,experience,interaction,ui,ux,visual 设计 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
探索用于打造 iPhone X 流畅手势界面的技巧。了解如何设计直观自然的手势和动作,让用户愉快地使用您的 app。
Designing Fluid Interfaces Discover the techniques used to create the fluid gestural interface of iPhone X. Learn how to design with gestures and motion that feel intuitive and natural, making your app a delight to use. animation,behavior,design,fluid,gesture,iphone x,motion,physics,smooth 设计 日文, 简体中文, 英文
辅助功能和包容性 -
精益求精,打造具有出色辅助功能体验的 app。了解如何设计 app 的各个元素,以便用户清楚查看和轻松使用。探索如何改进用户与 app 的互动方式,即使在呈现自定视图或采用复杂 UI 时也能顺畅互动。
Deliver an Exceptional Accessibility Experience Go beyond the basics and create apps with an exceptional accessibility experience. Learn how to design elements that appear in your app for maximum clarity and accessibility. Discover how to enhance the way users interact with your app even when presenting custom views, or drawing complex UI. assistive,blind,color,contrast,deaf,disability,physical,vision,voiceover 辅助功能和包容性 日文, 简体中文, 英文