• ScreenCaptureKit의 새로운 기능

    ScreenCaptureKit의 최신 기능을 활용해 다양한 방식으로 화면을 공유해 보세요. 내장된 시스템 피커, 프레젠터 오버레이, 스크린샷 기능을 살펴보고, 이 기능들을 기존의 ScreenCaptureKit 앱 및 게임에 통합하는 방법을 알아보세요.



    관련 비디오



  • 다운로드
    • 3:32 - Set up delegate for stream

      // Set up delegate for stream
      let stream = SCStream(filter: filter, configuration: config, delegate: self)
      // delegate method for Presenter Overlay applied
      func stream(_ stream: SCStream, outputEffectDidStart didStart: bool) {
          // if Presenter Overlay is on, present banner in app to notify
          if didStart == true {
          } else {
    • 6:48 - Set up content sharing picker instance

      // Set up content sharing picker instance
          let picker = SCContentSharingPicker.shared()
          picker.active = true
          // show system level picker button
          func showSystemPicker(sender: UIButton!) {
              picker.present(for stream: nil, using contentStyle:.window)
          // observer call back for picker
          func contentSharingPicker(_ picker: SCContentSharingPicker, didUpdateWith filter:                                          
          SCContentFilter, for stream: SCStream?) {
             if let stream = stream {
              } else {
                  let stream = SCStream(filter: filter, configuration: config, delegate: self)
    • 7:41 - Observer call back for picker did fail and did cancel

      // Set up content sharing picker instance
          let picker = SCContentSharingPicker.shared()
          picker.active = true
          // show system level picker button
          func showSystemPicker(sender: UIButton!) {
              picker.present(for stream: nil, using contentStyle:.window)
          // observer call back for picker did fail
          func contentSharingPicker(contentSharingPickerStartDidFailWith error:NSError) {
              if error {
                  presentNotifications(error: error)
          // observer call back for picker did cancel
          func contentSharingPicker(_ picker: SCContentSharingPicker, didCancel for stream: SCStream?) {
             if stream {
                 resetStateForStream(stream: stream)
    • 8:41 - Per-stream configuration

      // Set up content sharing picker instance
          let picker = SCContentSharingPicker.shared()
          picker.active = true
          // Create configurations
          let pickerConfig = SCContentSharingPickerConfiguration()
          // Set Picker configuration
          pickerConfig.excludedBundleIDs = [“com.foo.myApp”,”com.foo.myApp2”]
          pickerConfig.allowsRepicking = true
          // Create configurations
          picker.setConfiguration(pickerConfig, for: stream)
          func showSystemPicker(sender: UIButton!) {
              picker.present(for stream: nil, using contentStyle:.window)
    • 12:26 - Call the screenshot API

      // Call the screenshot API
      class SCScreenshotManager : NSObject {
      class func captureSampleBuffer(contentFilter: SCContentFilter, 
                                     configuration: SCStreamConfiguration)
        															async throws -> CMSampleBuffer
      class func captureImage(contentFilter: SCContentFilter,
                              configuration: SCStreamConfiguration)
        											async throws -> GImage
    • 12:44 - Take a screenshot with ScreenCaptureKit

      // Don't forget to customize the content you want in your screenshot
      // Use SCShareableContent or SCContentSharingPicker to pick your content
      let display = nil;
      // Create your SCContentFilter and SCStreamConfiguration
      // Customize these lines to use the content you want and desired config options
      let myContentFilter = SCContentFilter(display: display,
                                   excludingApplications: [],
                                   exceptingWindows: []);
      let myConfiguration = SCStreamConfiguration();
      // Call the screenshot API and get your screenshot image
      if let screenshot = try? await SCScreenshotManager.captureSampleBuffer(contentFilter: myContentFilter, configuration:
                                                             myConfiguration) {
          print("Fetched screenshot.")
      } else {
          print("Failed to fetch screenshot.")