App Store、分发与营销 -
App 内购买和使用服务器对服务器通知
了解 StoreKit 中的最新更新,并深入探讨使用服务器对服务器通知来管理订阅用户的最佳做法。
In-App Purchases and Using Server-to-Server Notifications Learn about the latest updates in StoreKit and dive deep into best practices for using server-to-server notifications to manage your subscribers. inapp purchase,storekit,subscriptions App Store、分发与营销 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
App 分发 – 从 Ad Hoc 分发到企业分发
不论您是要与几位同事分享您的 app,还是要将它提供给组织内的各个员工,或者向全世界发行,总有一种分发机制能够满足您的需求。熟悉各种 app 部署模型,学习如何选择最适合您的模型,并了解基本的测试与分发工具。
App Distribution \\u2013 From Ad-hoc to Enterprise Whether you want to share your app with a few colleagues, deliver it to employees within an organization, or release it to the world, there\'s a distribution mechanism designed to fit your needs. Familiarize yourself with each app deployment model, learn how to choose the one that\'s best for... App Store、分发与营销 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Apple 设备管理方面的更新
了解 iOS、macOS 和 Apple TVOS 的最新管理功能改进,以及各种管理工具在过去一年中的发展。您将探索新的 MDM 功能如何帮助管理员更高效地管理设备,新的技术如何对集中管理授权提供支持,以及 Apple 商务管理和 Apple 校园教务管理的哪些增强功能可以简化您所在组织的 app、内容和设备管理。
What\\u2019s New in Managing Apple Devices Learn about the latest management enhancements for iOS, macOS, and tvOS and the evolution of management tools over the past year. You\'ll discover how new MDM features help administrators manage devices more effectively, how new technologies deliver support for centrally managed authorization,... App Store、分发与营销 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
深入了解使用 StoreKit 和服务器端逻辑来实施订阅优惠的最佳做法。了解如何生成签名、判断客户资格以及减少用户流失,并深入了解向客户分发优惠并利用订阅优惠为订阅用户提供最佳体验的策略。
Subscription Offers Best Practices Dive into implementation best practices for Subscription Offers using StoreKit and server-side logic. Learn how to generate signatures, determine customer eligibility, and reduce churn, plus gain insights into strategies for distributing offers to your customers and utilizing Subscription Offers... inapp purchase,storekit,subscription App Store、分发与营销 日文, 简体中文, 英文
App 服务 -
CarPlay 车载系统改进
CarPlay 车载让您能够在车内更加智能、安全地使用 iPhone。了解如何更新您的车载系统,以利用 iOS 13 中的新功能。添加对动态变换屏幕尺寸、仪表盘等辅助屏幕,甚至是不规则显示屏的支持。了解如何支持“嘿 Siri”来进行免提语音激活。
Advances in CarPlay Systems CarPlay is a smarter, safer way to use your iPhone in the car. Learn how to update your vehicle system to take advantage of new features in iOS 13. Add support for dynamically changing screen sizes, second screens such as instrument clusters, and even irregularly shaped displays. Learn how to... ,,automotive,car,map App 服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
SiriKit 媒体意图简介
iOS 13 改进了 SiriKit,推出了全新的音频内容播放支持。了解如何为音乐、电子读物、播客和广播等提供出色的免提播放体验。深入了解搜索词处理的最佳做法,并探索如何利用播放速度、添加至播放列表和允许客户告知您是否喜爱相应内容来提供全面的体验。
Introducing SiriKit Media Intents iOS 13 enhances SiriKit by bringing all new support for audio content playback. See how to provide an excellent, hands-free experience for playing your music, audiobooks, podcasts, radio, and more. Dive into best practices for handling search terms, discover how to provide a complete experience... ,,add to siri,audio,audiobooks,donate,donation,inrelevant,intents,inui,parameters,phrase,podcasts,radio,shortcut,siri,sirikit,streaming,suggestion,voice App 服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
与 Siri 日程建议整合
Siri 是及时向用户显示当下所需信息的幕后智能技术。在 iOS 13 中,我们扩展了这一功能,在预订完成后让您的 app 告知 Siri,这样 Siri 便可以在正确的时间发起签到。Siri 还可以在“地图”中提供前往预订地点的路线,并将日程添加到“日历”中,等等。探索如何为您的 app 增添 Siri 日程建议功能。
Integrating with Siri Event Suggestions Siri is the intelligence behind displaying what someone needs to know about at just the right moment. In iOS 13, we're extending this capability to allow your apps to let Siri know when a reservation has been made and Siri can elevate checking in at the right time. Siri can also provide... ,,add to siri,donate,donation,inrelevant,intents,inui,phrase,shortcut,siri,suggestion,voice App 服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
利用 Apple tvOS 掌控客厅
Apple tvOS app 可以利用 4K 分辨率、杜比视界和 HDR10 提供绝佳的画面质量,借助杜比全景声实现沉浸式音效,为用户带来精彩绝伦的体验。探索如何为您的媒体 app 设计精美、引人入胜且内容为先的体验。了解新的 Top Shelf 扩展和样式,在客户打开您的 app 之前就吸引他们查看您的内容。利用用户描述文件支持来提供更加直观的共享设备体验。
Mastering the Living Room With tvOS tvOS apps can deliver amazing experiences with stunning picture quality through 4K resolution, Dolby Vision and HDR10, and immersive sound through Dolby Atmos. Discover how to design beautiful, engaging, content-first experiences for your media applications. Learn about the new Top Shelf... ,actions carousel,apple tv,apple tv 4k,carousel,content,content first,living room,mastering,new,new api,preview,remote,top shelf,top shelf new,trailers,tv app,tv design,tvos,tvos13,tvos 13,tv remote,tv room App 服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
各种参数让 Siri 快捷指令变得更加出色,不仅通过跟进问题实现 Siri 互动式语音体验,而且还让用户可以自定“快捷指令”app (现已内建在 iOS 中) 中的快捷指令。详细了解如何设置快捷指令来利用各种参数,并了解在“快捷指令”app 中创建多步骤快捷指令时您的快捷指令如何将输出传递到其他操作。
Introducing Parameters for Shortcuts Parameters take Siri Shortcuts to the next level, enabling an interactive voice experience in Siri with follow-up questions, and allowing people to customize shortcuts in the Shortcuts app, now built into iOS. Walk through setting up your shortcuts to take advantage of parameters and learn how... ,,add to siri,donate,donation,inrelevant,intents,inui,parameters,phrase,shortcut,siri,suggestion,voice App 服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
通过快捷指令,用户可以随时随地或在“快捷指令”app 中访问信息和操作。设计出色的快捷指令须进行细致的设计规划,并仔细考量如何加快用户使用 app 的流程。深入了解出色快捷指令的构成要素,以及如何设计实用、精美且灵敏的体验。通过示例学习使用参数时如何规划 Siri 对话流程,让您的快捷指令灵活实用。
Designing Great Shortcuts Shortcuts allow people to access information and actions on the go or in the Shortcuts app. The best shortcuts take careful design planning to hone in on what can help expedite a person's workflow with your app. Gain insights as to what makes a great shortcut and how to design the experience to... ,,add to siri,donate,donation,inrelevant,intents,inui,parameters,phrase,shortcut,siri,suggestion,voice App 服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
语音识别程序现在可以在 iOS 或 macOS 设备本地使用,无需接入网络。了解如何在您的 app 中整合文字语音转换支持,同时保护隐私并消除基于服务器的处理的各种限制。语音识别 API 也得到了增强,可提供语速、停顿时长和语音质量等更加丰富的分析功能。
Advances in Speech Recognition Speech Recognizer can now be used locally on iOS or macOS devices with no network connection. Learn how you can bring text-to-speech support to your app while maintaining privacy and eliminating the limitations of server-based processing. Speech recognition API has also been enhanced to provide... machine learning,natural language,speech,speech recognition,speechtotext,voice,voice analysis App 服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文
Safari 浏览器和网页 -
Safari 浏览器扩展的新功能
Safari 浏览器扩展可以在 Safari 浏览器中呈现您 app 的独特功能。探索各项最新功能如何让您的 Safari 浏览器 App 扩展和内容拦截器变得更为强大,如内容拦截通知、用户界面管理,以及对页面、标签页和弹出窗口的控制创新。了解最新的 API,以及在您的扩展和 app 之间进行通信的最佳做法。
What\\u0027s New in Safari Extensions Safari Extensions surface your app\'s unique capabilities within Safari. Discover how the latest features such as content blocking notifications and user interface management and control innovations for pages, tabs, and popovers make your Safari App Extensions and Content Blockers even more... Safari 浏览器和网页 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Safari 浏览器的新功能
macOS 和 iOS 上最新版本的 Safari 浏览器包含了网页开发者和客户都会爱上的多项新功能。探索如何利用各项新功能,包括强大的新 Safari 浏览器扩展 API (适用于窗口、标签页和弹出窗口管理)、内容拦截通知,以及各项增强功能,在您的 Mac app 和适用于 Mac 的 iPad App 中提供出色的链接访问体验。
What\\u0027s New in Safari The latest version of Safari on macOS and iOS is packed with new capabilities that both web developers and their customers will love. Discover how to take advantage of new features including powerful new Safari Extensions APIs for window, tab, and popover management, content blocking... Safari 浏览器和网页 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
iOS 和 macOS 中全面支持深色模式后,您会想确保自己的网页内容能够根据用户的偏好适当地调整风格。学习相应的技巧,以确保您的内容在 Safari 浏览器中显示时、嵌入到“邮件”等其他 app 中时或者在自己的 app 中使用时都能有最佳的效果。探索响应式网页设计中这一新支柱的相关细节和最佳做法。
Supporting Dark Mode in Your Web Content With system-wide Dark Mode support in iOS and macOS, you\'ll want to make sure your web content is appropriately styled to reflect your users\' preference. Learn techniques to ensure your content looks its best when presented in Safari, embedded in other apps such as Mail, or when used in your... Safari 浏览器和网页 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
借助新的 Link Presentation 框架,app 开发者可以轻松地以丰富、精美和一致的方式展示 URL。了解如何利用 Link Presentation 从 URL 检索元数据、在您的 app 中展示富链接内容,以及如何将链接元数据提供给 iOS 中的新共享列表体验。
Embedding and Sharing Visually Rich Links The new Link Presentation framework enables app developers to easily present URLs in a rich, beautiful, and consistent way. Learn how to use Link Presentation to retrieve metadata from a URL, present the rich link content inside your app, and provide link metadata to the new share sheet... Safari 浏览器和网页 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
安全登录和身份验证是安全的基于帐户的 app 设计的重要功能。概括了解各种可用的身份验证服务并详细了解特定技术,比如 “通过 Apple 登录”、适用于 Mac 的 iPad app 的密码自动填充功能、OAuth 和 WebAuthentication 的改进,以及用于简化密码登录的新 API,从而了解您可以如何改进 app 的登录体验。
What\\u0027s New in Authentication Secure sign-in and authentication is a key feature of a secure account-based app design. Learn how you can improve your app\'s login experiences through an overview of the available authentications services and details on specific technologies such as Sign In with Apple ID, Password AutoFill for... Safari 浏览器和网页 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
通用链接让您的用户可以智能地利用链接来访问您的 app 或网站中的内容。了解通用链接的最新增强功能如何为您的用户提供高度整合的移动和桌面体验,即使他们的设备上没有安装您的 app。
What\\u0027s New in Universal Links Universal Links allow your users to intelligently follow links to content inside your app or to your website. Learn how the latest enhancements in Universal Links give your users the most integrated mobile and desktop experience, even when your app isn't installed on their device. Safari 浏览器和网页 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
通过网页检查器了解 CPU 使用情况
在满足客户对高性能网页体验的期待,同时最大程度地减少他们所有设备上的功耗方面,网页内容开发者扮演着重要角色。探索如何使用网页检查器中这一强大的新工具,来提升 Safari 浏览器中的网页或 app 中嵌入式网页内容的能效。学习新的策略,来帮助您提供 CPU 占用较少且节省电池电量的动态体验。
Understanding CPU Usage with Web Inspector As a developer of web content, you play an important role in fulfilling customer expectations for a high performance web experience while minimizing power use across all their devices. Discover new insights on how you can improve the power efficiency of your webpages in Safari, or embedded web... Safari 浏览器和网页 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Auditing Web Content with Web Inspector Discover a new way to ensure your web content meets team coding standards and that you can deliver better code even without reliance on automated test systems. Find out how to use the Audit tool in Web Inspector to quickly and easily audit your web content during development so important... Safari 浏览器和网页 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
WebKit 提供了丰富的类,用于在您的 app 中载入、显示和管理网页内容。探索如何将您的网页内容与各项强大的平台功能整合,包括深色模式、共享列表中的新演示功能,以及用于支持 Apple Pay 的 JavaScript 支付 API 等。
What\\u0027s New for Web Developers WebKit provides a rich set of classes designed to load, display, and manage web content in your app. Discover how to integrate your web content into powerful platform features including Dark Mode, new presentation features in Share Sheet, JavaScript payment APIs for Apple Pay, and more. Safari 浏览器和网页 日文, 简体中文, 英文
Swift -
Swift Playgrounds 3
Swift Playgrounds 3 简介:适用于 iPad 的开创性 app 的最新版本,让 Swift 编程充满互动和乐趣。探索如何利用自己的 Playground 来快速迭代使用设备功能的代码。了解新的模块功能如何既能帮助您整理自己的代码,又能为 playground 图书作者提供新的机遇。
Swift Playgrounds 3 Introducing Swift Playgrounds 3: the latest iteration of the revolutionary app for iPad that makes coding in Swift interactive and fun. Discover how you can use your own playgrounds to rapidly iterate on code that uses device features. Find out how the new modules feature both helps organize your... Swift 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Swift 新功能
Swift 现在是所有 Apple 平台上诸多主要框架选用的语言,包括 SwiftUI、RealityKit 和 Create ML。与我们一起回顾 Swift 5.0,并探索 Xcode 11 中新推出的 Swift 5.1。了解性能和安全性方面的最新改进。探索该语言的新功能,以及这些功能如何助力这些新框架的开发。
What\\u0027s New in Swift Swift is now the language of choice for a number of major frameworks across all of Apple\'s platforms, including SwiftUI, RealityKit and Create ML. Join us for a review of Swift 5.0 and an exploration of Swift 5.1, new in Xcode 11. Find out about the latest advancements in performance and safety... Swift 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
创建 Swift 软件包
不论您是要发布代码来在社区中分享,还是只想能方便地整理 app 中的代码,Swift 软件包都可以为您助力。了解如何创建供自己开发工作中使用的本地软件包,如何通过清单文件自定您的软件包,以及如何发布软件包来供他人使用。
Creating Swift Packages Whether you want to publish code to share with the community, or you just want a convenient way to organize the code in your apps, Swift packages are here to help. Learn how to create local packages for your own development, how to customize your package via the manifest file, and how to go about... Swift 日文, 简体中文, 英文
SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 -
Core NFC 增强功能
了解在您的 app 中添加 NFC 支持有多简单,以及利用 NDEF 写入和支持广泛采用的原生标记协议等最新功能有多容易。
Core NFC Enhancements Learn how easy it is to add support for NFC in your app and take advantage of the newest capabilities such as NDEF writing and support for widely adopted native tag protocols. nfc SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Large Content Viewer - 确保人人都能轻松阅读
标签栏无法随着动态文字一起放大,但 Large Content Viewer 可以帮助视力较弱的用户看清它们。iOS 13 将此功能加入了自定标签栏。了解如何对您的自定标签栏启用 Large Content Viewer,并确保在平视画面中包含正确的矢量图像。
Large Content Viewer - Ensuring Readability for Everyone Tab Bars can\'t grow with dynamic text, but the Large Content Viewer helps them to be seen by people with low vision. iOS 13 brings this feature to custom tab bars. Learn how to enable Large Content Viewer on your custom tab bars and ensure the right vector image is featured in the heads-up display. SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
PencilKit 简介
认识 Apple 功能丰富的绘画与标注框架:PencilKit。只需几行代码,您就能为用户提供画布、响应式墨水、丰富的工具调板以及绘画模型,从而为 app 添加完整的绘画体验。听听关于打造出色 Apple Pencil 体验的技术细节。了解新的屏幕快照编辑器,以及如何通过采用几个小 API 来截取超出屏幕尺寸的完整内容,无论是否包含 app 用户界面。
Introducing PencilKit Meet PencilKit, Apple\'s feature-rich drawing and annotation framework. With just a few lines of code, you can add a full drawing experience to your app — with access to a canvas, responsive inks, rich tool palette and drawing model. Hear the technical details that make a great Apple Pencil... pencil,stylus,tablet SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
SwiftUI 中的辅助功能
让人人都能方便使用您的 app 非常重要,但同样重要的是,设计出色的辅助功能体验。了解出色体验的构成要素,以及如何人人都能轻松理解、浏览并与您的 app 互动。SwiftUI 为您在 app 中内建了辅助功能!探索如何在无需额外操作的情况下获得众多辅助功能,例如辅助图像和控件等。找到在哪里用新的 SwiftUI Accessibility API 添加补充辅助功能信息,这个 API 提供了用于向标签、值和提示等元素添加信息的工具。
Accessibility in SwiftUI Making your app accessible is critical, but just as important is designing a fantastic accessibility experience. Learn what makes a great experience and how to make your app understandable, navigable, and interactable. SwiftUI builds accessibility into your app for you! Discover how much you get... accessibility,assistive,better apps faster,blind,canvas,color,contrast,control,deaf,declarative,disability,over,physical,previews,switch,tree,view,vision,voice,voiceover SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
SwiftUI 基础知识
初次深入了解如何利用 SwiftUI 构建 app。了解视图和它们的工作方式。通过 SwiftUI,您可以更加快速、轻松地创建出色的用户界面,包括基本控件到列表和导航堆栈等复杂容器。了解按钮等基本控件如何做到简单与多用途兼具。探索如何利用 SwiftUI 将这些组件组合成为更大的、功能全面的用户界面,以构建出色的 app。学习 Apple 全新声明式框架的基础知识,培养您的 SwiftUI 技能。
SwiftUI Essentials Take your first deep-dive into building an app with SwiftUI. Learn about Views and how they work. From basic controls to sophisticated containers like lists and navigation stacks, SwiftUI enables the creation of great user interfaces, faster and more easily. See how basic controls like Button are... avocado toast,better apps faster,canvas,compose,compositional,control,declarative,previews,view SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
SwiftUI 简介:打造您的首个 App
查看 SwiftUI 的实际应用!观看 SwiftUI 团队的工程师如何从头开始构建功能齐全的 app。了解这个新框架背后的理念,以及声明式编程的益处。深入探索 SwiftUI 的运作方式,并了解 SwiftUI 和 Xcode 11 如何一起帮助您更快地打造出色的 app。
Introducing SwiftUI: Building Your First App See SwiftUI in action! Watch as engineers from the SwiftUI team build a fully-functioning app from scratch. Understand the philosophy driving this new framework and learn about the benefits of declarative-style programming. Take a look under the hood to understand how SwiftUI operates and learn... better apps faster,canvas,control,declarative,previews,view SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
iPad 上多窗口功能简介
多任务处理是一种绝佳方式,能让您的 iPad app 变得更强大。它可以让您的 app 轻松并排运行两个界面,您的客户一定会爱上这项功能。了解如何利用拖放等现有功能,以及如何使用它们来轻松创建第二个窗口。了解多窗口支持如何改变 app 生命周期,以及它对所有 app 的意义。了解一些常见的错误及其解决方法,为您和客户打造超凡体验。
Introducing Multiple Windows on iPad Multitasking is an exciting way to add power to your iPad app. It is easy to enable your app to run two instances of your interface side-by-side, and your customers will love it. Learn how to take your existing features like drag and drop and use them to easily create a second window. Find out... multiple,multitasking,multiwindow,restoration,scenes,state,uiscene,uiwindowscene,windows SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
macOS AppKit 的新功能
了解 AppKit 中的最新 API 和相关的框架。概括了解 macOS Catalina 中推出的各项增强功能如何帮助您节省时间、利用最新的硬件,并为您的 app 增光添彩。
What\\u2019s New in AppKit for macOS Learn about the latest APIs in AppKit and associated frameworks. Get an overview of the enhancements coming in macOS Catalina to help you save time, take advantage of the latest hardware, and add polish to your application. SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
watchOS 上的 SwiftUI
SwiftUI 为开发 watchOS app 和通知打开了充满无限可能的新世界。从自定动画到通过数码表冠触感提供直观反馈,SwiftUI 可帮助您为 Apple Watch 打造激动人心的沉浸式体验。了解使用动画创建自定元素以及在通知中嵌入由手势驱动的动画有多简单,并了解增强的调试支持如何让开发过程更迅速。
SwiftUI on watchOS SwiftUI allows a whole new world of possibilities when developing watchOS apps and notifications. From custom animations to providing an intuitive feel with Digital Crown haptics, SwiftUI helps you build exciting and immersive experiences for Apple Watch. See how easy it is to create custom... ,apple watch,canvas,clkcomplication,clockkit,complications,declarative,digital crown,dynamic notifications,extended runtime,independence,independent,interactive notifications,preview,watch,watchkit,watchos,wkinterface SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
创建独立的 Apple Watch App
watchOS 6 带来了全新的 watchOS 体验,不仅可运行完全独立的 app 和专为 Apple Watch 打造的 app,还将 App Store 引入到 Apple Watch 中。探索如何利用如今在 watchOS 上提供的众多 iOS 框架和技术,打造完全独立的 Apple Watch 体验。
Creating Independent Watch Apps watchOS 6 enables a whole new level of watchOS experiences by allowing fully independent apps and apps built just for Apple Watch, and by bringing the App Store to Apple Watch. Discover how to leverage the power of many iOS frameworks and technologies, now on watchOS, to create fully independent... ,apple watch,clkcomplication,clockkit,cloudkit,complications,digital crown,dynamic notifications,extended runtime,independence,independent,interactive notifications,notifications,sign in with apple,unnotification,watch,watchkit,watchos,wkinterface SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
利用 Core Data 构建 App
Core Data 可以帮助管理您整个 app 中的数据流。了解 Core Data 中让您的代码变得更简洁、更强大的新功能,例如派生属性、历史记录跟踪、更改通知和批处理操作等。进一步了解如何使用 UIKit 和 Foundation 中的这些功能和新比较 API 来提高您 app 的运行效率。
Making Apps with Core Data Core Data helps manage the flow of data throughout your app. Hear about new features in Core Data that make your code simpler and more powerful, including derived attributes, history tracking, change notifications and batch operations. Learn more about using these facilities and the new diffing... batch operations,change notifications,concurrency,core,core data,data,derived attributes,history tracking,model layer objects,nskeyedarchiver,object graph,object life cycle,performance,persistence,persistent history,sqlite,testing SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
利用 SwiftUI 构建自定视图
了解如何在 SwiftUI 中利用高级组合、布局、图形和动画来构建自定视图与控件。观看高性能动画控件的演示,看看它是如何通过代码逐步实现的。更深入地了解 SwiftUI 的布局系统。
Building Custom Views with SwiftUI Learn how to build custom views and controls in SwiftUI with advanced composition, layout, graphics, and animation. See a demo of a high performance, animatable control and watch it made step by step in code. Gain a deeper understanding of the layout system of SwiftUI. bar chart,dynamic SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
利用自定操作为 App 加上辅助功能
自定操作可以简化用户借助辅助技术使用您 app 的体验,并且可以帮助您减少用户浏览您的界面和进行互动时需要轻扫和轻点的次数。了解如何将自定操作用于旁白和切换控制。自 iOS 13 起,已将自定操作引入到 iOS 上的全键盘访问和语音控制。
Making Apps More Accessible With Custom Actions Custom Actions simplify the experience for people using assistive technologies with your app and they can help you reduce the number of swipes and taps that are required to navigate through your interface and perform interactions. Learn how to leverage custom actions for use in VoiceOver and... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
在 iOS 上实施深色模式
听听 UIKit 工程团队分享在 iOS 上采用深色模式的原则和概念。了解通过动态颜色和图像利用这一全新外观增强 app 的原则,并打造用户肯定会喜欢的新体验。
Implementing Dark Mode on iOS Hear from the UIKit engineering team about the principles and concepts that anchor Dark Mode on iOS. Get introduced to the principles of enhancing your app with this new appearance using dynamic colors and images, and add an experience that people are sure to love. SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
在 iPad 上打造桌面级浏览体验
iOS 13 为 iPad 带来桌面级浏览体验。iPad 版 Safari 浏览器具有超快的性能、行业领先的安全性和现代化的桌面功能,并且支持最新的网页标准,可将网站和网页 app 自动调整到适合触控的大小,从而提供丰富的浏览体验。了解您的网站或嵌入式 WebView 如何使用多种强大新功能和编程的最佳做法,为 iPad 提供一流的用户体验。
Introducing Desktop-class Browsing on iPad iOS 13 brings desktop-class browsing to iPad. With blazing-fast performance, industry-leading security, and modern desktop features, Safari on iPad supports the latest web standards designed and automatically adapts desktop sites and web apps to touch in order to deliver a rich browsing... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
了解如何为您 app 中的特定窗口设定内容。学习如何确定系统应当从通知、快捷指令项目和其他用户活动中打开哪个场景。
Targeting Content with Multiple Windows Learn how to target content for a specific window in your app. Find out how to identify which scene the system should open from a notification, a shortcut item, and other user activities. SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
多任务处理 App 中的窗口管理
深入了解多任务处理 app 中窗口管理的细节,包括如何适当地处理创建、刷新和关闭窗口。听取关于何时刷新窗口内容的最佳做法,并学习如何确保 app 的视觉状态在切换器中保持最新。
Window Management in Your Multitasking App Dive into the details of window management in your Multitasking app, including how to properly handle creating, refreshing, and closing windows. Hear about best practices for when to refresh the content in your window and learn how to ensure your app's visual state is up-to-date in the switcher. SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
自 iOS 13 起,您的 iOS app 可以为整个系统提供字体。了解如何在 iOS 上管理字体,以及如何安装和访问字体。详细了解供用户选择字体的字体选择器界面,以及现可在您的 app 中使用的系统 UI 字体。了解不受设备限制的文字缩放最佳做法。
Font Management and Text Scaling Starting with iOS 13, your iOS app can contribute fonts for systemwide use. Understand how fonts are managed on iOS, and learn how to install and access fonts. Get details on the font picker interface that allows users to choose fonts, and the System UI fonts that are now available for use in... nsattributedstring,rounded,serif SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
将 Core Data 与 CloudKit 搭配使用
CloudKit 提供了强大的云同步技术,而 Core Data 提供了大量的数据建模和持久性 API。了解如何结合利用这些互补的技术来轻松构建基于云的 app。了解如何利用新的 Core Data API 轻松管理您整个 app 内的数据流以及 CloudKit 的进出数据流。加入我们,进一步了解如何结合使用这些框架来在您客户的所有设备上提供出色的体验。
Using Core Data With CloudKit CloudKit offers powerful, cloud-syncing technology while Core Data provides extensive data modeling and persistence APIs. Learn about combining these complementary technologies to easily build cloud-backed applications. See how new Core Data APIs make it easy to manage the flow of data through... backup,batch operations,change notifications,cloud,cloudkit,concurrency,core,core data,data,derived attributes,documents,history tracking,icloud,model layer objects,nskeyedarchiver,object graph,object life cycle,performance,persistence,persistent history,record,records,server,sharing,sqlite,testing,zone SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
所有设备上的 SwiftUI
在学习 SwiftUI 的基础知识后,您已经了解了在任何设备使用 SwiftUI 需要了解的知识。您可以运用同样的 SwiftUI 技能来开发 iOS app,就像您为 watchOS、Apple TVOS 或 macOS 开发 app 一样。我们将介绍基础知识,然后深入地详细探讨 SwiftUI 如何帮助您在每种 Apple 设备上更改您的 app。了解每种平台的设计原则,以及哪些代码可以跨平台共用。通过一个入门项目 (可从网上下载),了解如何整合设备相关的功能,以及如何在 SwiftUI 中进行更改。
SwiftUI On All Devices Once you've learned the basics of SwiftUI, you've learned what you need to know to use SwiftUI anywhere. You can use the same SwiftUI skills for making an iOS app as you would for making an app on watchOS, tvOS or macOS. We\'ll cover the basics, and then dig into more detail about how SwiftUI... better apps faster,canvas,control,declarative,previews,view SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
文本的样式和布局是出色阅读体验的标志性特点。CoreText 和 TextKit 等技术为您提供了创建出色文本布局所需的工具。了解如何通过采用辅助功能阅读内容协议、添加自动翻页和自定语音输出,为旁白打造同样出色的辅助体验。
Creating an Accessible Reading Experience The styling and layout of text is a hallmark feature of an outstanding reading experience. Technologies such as CoreText and TextKit give you the tools you need to create a great text layout. Learn how to make an equally great accessible experience for VoiceOver by adopting the accessibility... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
watchOS 6 中的许多表盘都允许对内容的色调进行自定,从而让 Apple 最贴近个人的设备更加个性化。探索如何利用 ClockKit 数据提供程序为每种复杂功能系列提供全色和可调色选项。这让客户不管选择使用哪个表盘,都能够一眼看到最新的重要信息。
Exploring Tinted Graphic Complications Many Watch faces in watchOS 6 allow for customizing the tint color of content, allowing for even more personalization of Apple's most personal device. Discover how you can use ClockKit data providers to offer full color and tint-ready options for each complication family type. This gives... ,apple watch,clkcomplication,clockkit,complications,digital crown,watch,watchkit,watchos,wkinterface SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
整合 SwiftUI
SwiftUI 让您可以整合您在任何 Apple 平台上的现有代码库。了解如何通过将 SwiftUI 视图添加到 app 的层次结构,以及利用现有的数据模型等等,在任何 Apple 平台上采用 SwiftUI。
Integrating SwiftUI SwiftUI is designed to integrate with your existing code base on any of Apple's platforms. Learn how to adopt SwiftUI on any Apple platform by adding SwiftUI views into your app's hierarchy, leveraging your existing data model and more. SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
您的 iOS app 现在可以通过 USB 和 SMB 访问外部设备上储存的文件。学习创建用来读取、写入和管理实体媒介或网络储存空间文件的文稿类 app 的最佳做法。了解 iOS 和 macOS 上帮助您访问和显示文件缩略图的“快速查看”增强功能。
What\\u2019s New in File Management and Quick Look Your iOS app can now access files stored on external devices via USB and SMB. Understand best practices for creating a document-based app that reads, writes, and manages files on physical media or networked storage. Learn about enhancements to Quick Look on iOS and macOS that help you access and... apfs,exfat,fat,hfs,qlpreviewcontroller,qlthumbnailgenerator,uidocumentbrowserviewcontroller,uidocumentpickerviewcontroller SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
架构您的 App 以支持多窗口
深入了解在 iOS 13 中支持多任务处理的意义所在。了解如何将以前的最佳做法与新的概念相结合。认识构建 app 来支持多窗口的细微差别,学习如何实例化 UI、处理窗口的显示与隐藏,以及管理 app 的底层窗口资源。
Architecting Your App for Multiple Windows Dive into the details about what it means to support multitasking in iOS 13. Understand how previous best practices fit together with new ideas. Learn the nuances of structuring your application to support multiple windows, and how to instantiate your UI, handle windows coming and going, and... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
用户会使用并爱上您的 app,还是删除您的 app,区别就在于出色的辅助功能标签。观看 Apple 辅助功能工程师演示旁白功能,她会展示如何浏览复杂的 UI,并演示描述性标签如何能轻松确保人人都能方便使用您的 app。
Writing Great Accessibility Labels Great accessibility labels are the difference between someone using and loving your app or someone deleting your app. Experience VoiceOver as demonstrated by an Apple Accessibility engineer as she navigates complex UI and demonstrates how descriptive labels are an easy way to ensure your app is... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
让适用于 Mac 的 iPad App 更上一层楼
macOS Catalina 可让您轻松地将自己的 iPad app 引入到 Mac,同时只需要维护单一代码库。了解您可通过哪些方式让 app 在默认行为的基础上加以拓展,以针对 Mac 优化其界面。概括了解您可以使用的 API,以及需要考虑的 macOS 设计准则。了解 iPad app 生命周期在 Mac 上的对应情况,并获取您的 app 的分发详情。
Taking iPad Apps for Mac to the Next Level macOS Catalina provides an easy way to bring your iPad app to the Mac while maintaining your single code-base. Hear about ways in which you can take your app beyond the default behaviors to optimize its interface for the Mac. Get an overview of APIs you can use and macOS design guidelines that... catalyst,mac catalyst,project catalyst SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
适用于 Mac 的 iPad App 简介
通过适用于 Mac 的 iPad App,您可以轻松地将自己的 iPad app 引入到 Mac,同时只需要维护单一代码库。了解能够自动为您实施的常见 Mac 功能。掌握如何使用仅限 iOS 的框架,以及使用这些框架可能对您 app 带来的影响。了解包括如何使用第三方框架在内的一些常见使用模式,以及一些设置方面的技巧和窍门。体验如何通过整合平台专有功能,让您的新 Mac app 用起来像个 Mac app。
Introducing iPad Apps for Mac iPad Apps for Mac is an easy way to bring your iPad app to the Mac while maintaining your single code-base. Learn about common Mac features that are automatically implemented for you. Find out how to work with iOS-only frameworks and what using them could mean for your app. Hear about some common... catalyst,checkbox,ipad app,mac catalyst,project catalyst,uikit SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
通过 SwiftUI 的数据流
SwiftUI 的设计初衷就是为了帮助您编写精美、正确且始终一致的用户界面。了解如何将您的数据做为依赖项进行连接,同时保持 UI 完全可预测且不含错误。熟悉 SwiftUI 的强大数据流工具,并认识每种场景下最合适的工具。
Data Flow Through SwiftUI SwiftUI was built from the ground up to let you write beautiful and correct user interfaces free of inconsistencies. Learn how to connect your data as dependencies while keeping the UI fully predictable and error free. Familiarize yourself with SwiftUI's powerful data flow tools and understand... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
重新构思的 ResearchKit 和 CareKit
ResearchKit 和 CareKit 框架是为研究和患者护理领域提供强大原生 iOS app 的最快途径。了解最新的音频和语音活跃任务、经过彻底重新设计的用户体验,以及旨在针对任何用例轻松创建护理计划 app 的模块化架构。
ResearchKit and CareKit Reimagined The ResearchKit and CareKit frameworks are the fastest route to delivering powerful native iOS apps for the research and patient care field. Learn about the newest audio and speech active-tasks, a completely redesigned user experience, and modular architecture designed to make it a breeze to... SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Advances in Collection View Layout Collection View Layouts make it easy to build rich interactive collections. Learn how to make dynamic and responsive layouts that range in complexity from basic lists to an advanced, multi-dimensional browsing experience. app store,browse,custom layouts,layouts SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
面向 iOS 13 对您的 UI 进行现代化改造
iOS 13 新增了功能强大的多任务处理和效率技术,并为所有 app 带来了崭新的外观和体验。熟悉新要求,让 app 为即将推出的 iOS 版本做好准备。探索搜索栏的改进,以及全新的 UI 显示方式。了解如何采用与选择相关的新手势,如何在所有硬件上使用轻瞄和突显,以及如何面向 iOS 13 更新您 app 的外观。
Modernizing Your UI for iOS 13 iOS 13 combines powerful new multitasking and productivity technologies with a refreshed look and feel for all applications. Familiarize yourself with new requirements to keep your app ready for upcoming versions of iOS. Discover improvements to search fields and a totally new way to present UI... borderless bars,card,cardui,presentation,sheet,uitextinteraction SwiftUI 和 UI 框架 日文, 简体中文, 英文
健康与运动 -
探索 HealthKit 中的新数据表示法
探索 HealthKit 如何丰富和扩充您的 app 可向用户提供的健康数据类型。了解高频健康数据类型的现代储存、如何访问详细的心率数据,以及如何通过新的听力健康支持为您向用户提供的健康信息加上一个全新维度。
Exploring New Data Representations in HealthKit Discover how HealthKit is enriching and expanding the health data types available to the users of your app. Learn about modern storage for high-frequency health data types, accessing beat-to-beat heart rate data, and how to bring an entire new dimension of health to your users with new support... 健康与运动 日文, 简体中文, 英文
商务 & 教育 -
ClassKit 新功能
ClassKit 框架帮助呈现您 app 中的宝贵教学内容,供教师纳入课堂课程。概括了解 ClassKit 整合工作流程,“课业”app 中的讲师和学生角色调试,以及旨在让发布至 ClassKit 变得更加简单的新功能。
What\\u2019s New in ClassKit The ClassKit framework helps you surface your app\'s valuable educational content for inclusion in a teacher\'s classroom curriculum. Get an overview of the ClassKit integration workflow, debugging instructor and student roles with the Schoolwork app, and new features designed to make publishing... 商务 & 教育 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
MapKit 和 MapKit JS 的新功能
MapKit 和 MapKit JS 能够将功能齐全的 Apple“地图”整合到您的 app 和网站中。了解最新功能如何让您加强对基础地图显示的控制,让兴趣点和地址信息的搜索及结果筛选更精确,以及与自定叠层和注释的标准数据格式整合。
What\\u2019s New in MapKit and MapKit JS MapKit and MapKit JS bring fully featured Apple Maps to your app and website. See how the latest features give you more control over the base map presentation, finer-grained search and result filtering of points of interest and address information, and integration with standard data formats for... 商务 & 教育 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
为您的 App 和网站添加室内地图
通过“室内地图计划”,拥有大型公共或私密空间的组织可以提供精确的室内位置信息并展示精美的室内地图,从而营造出色的用户体验。探索室内地图实现的整体流程,然后深入探讨相关的技术细节,了解 MapKit 和 MapKit JS 如何利用强大的 API 和地理标准将室内地图快速整合到您的 app 和网站中。
Adding Indoor Maps to your App and Website The Indoor Maps Program enables organizations with large public or private spaces to deliver user experiences that provide precise indoor location information and present stunning indoor maps. Discover the overall process in the indoor map enablement workflow then take deep dive into the... 商务 & 教育 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
通过“室内地图计划”,拥有大型公共或私密空间的组织可以利用精确的室内位置信息并展示精美的室内地图,从而营造出色的用户体验。了解包括标准地图定义创建、地图验证、测试和校准在内的整个实现的工作流程,并详细了解如何使用 MapKit 和 MapKit JS 将它完全整合到您的 app 或网站中。
Introducing the Indoor Maps Program The Indoor Maps Program enables organizations with large public or private spaces to deliver user experiences that leverage precise location information and present stunning indoor maps. Learn the entire enablement workflow including, creation of a standards-based map definition, map validation,... 商务 & 教育 日文, 简体中文, 英文
图形和游戏 -
AR Quick Look 改进
AR Quick Look 是一个内建的查看器,可用于体验高质量的 3D 和 AR 内容。了解与 Reality Composer 整合如何让显示和分享丰富的互动体验变得比以往更加轻松简单。探索渲染改进和多对象查看,然后深入了解 AR Quick Look 在零售和教育等领域的实践应用。
Advances in AR Quick Look AR Quick Look is a built-in viewer for experiencing high-quality content in 3D and AR. See how integration with Reality Composer enables rich, interactive experiences to be displayed and shared more easily than ever before. Explore rendering improvements and multiple object viewing, then dive... 图形和游戏 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
ARKit 3 简介
ARKit 是适用于 iOS 的开创性增强现实 (AR) 平台,能够改变人们与周围世界之间联系的方式。探索 ARKit 3 的先进功能,以及它为 RealityKit 提供的创新基础。了解 ARKit 如何通过认识身体姿态和运动来进行运动捕捉和人物遮挡,从而实现更加逼真的 AR 体验。查看多面部跟踪、协同会话构建以及新手引导的辅导 UI 等新增功能。
Introducing ARKit 3 ARKit is the groundbreaking augmented reality (AR) platform for iOS that can transform how people connect with the world around them. Explore the state-of-the-art capabilities of ARKit 3 and discover the innovative foundation it provides for RealityKit. Learn how ARKit makes AR even more... 图形和游戏 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Game Center 玩家标识符
Game Center 现在支持界定于个别游戏或开发团队 ID 的永久玩家标识符。了解限定范围的标识符如何提高玩家隐私的保护,看看如何将您的 app 和游戏迁移到推荐的 API。
Game Center Player Identifiers Game Center now supports persistent player identifiers scoped to individual games or to a developer team ID. Understand how scoped identifiers enhance player privacy and see how to transition your apps and games onto the recommended API. 图形和游戏 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Metal 助力专业 App
Metal 是针对平台优化的图形与计算框架,是 Apple 各平台 GPU 加速的核心所在。了解 Metal 架构中支持现代高性能专业 app 和工作流程所用的各项技术的关键部分。熟悉如何利用各项 Metal 功能来优化性能,并在视频编辑流程中保持稳定的帧率。了解如何利用 CPU 和 GPU 并行计算,并深入了解实现高效数据吞吐的最佳做法。
Metal for Pro Apps Metal is the platform-optimized graphics and compute framework at the heart of GPU acceleration on Apple platforms. Learn key aspects of the Metal architecture that support the techniques for modern high-performance pro applications and workflows. Learn how to leverage Metal capabilities to... 图形和游戏 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Metal 助力光线追踪
Metal Performance Shaders (MPS) 能够驾驭 GPU 的大规模并行计算能力,因而可以显著提升现代光线追踪和光线投射技术的核心计算速度。了解 MPS 如何提升动态场景的计算速度,并通过实际例子深入了解如何实施柔和阴影、环境光遮蔽和全局照明。了解如何实现混合渲染应用,并探索将 app 扩展到多种 GPU 的新技巧。
Ray Tracing with Metal Metal Performance Shaders (MPS) harness the massive parallelism of the GPU to dramatically accelerate calculations at the heart of modern ray tracing and ray casting techniques. Understand how MPS accelerates calculations for dynamic scenes, and dive into practical examples for implementing soft... 图形和游戏 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Metal 助力机器学习
Metal Performance Shaders (MPS) 包括对于机器学习和充分发挥 GPU 的强劲性能必不可少的高度优调数据并行原语库。在 iOS 13 和 macOS Catalina 中,MPS 提升了性能,搭建更多神经网络,并且比以前更加简单易用。进一步了解 MPS 中的这些改进,并从实践角度了解如何实施样式转换等创新技术。
Metal for Machine Learning Metal Performance Shaders (MPS) includes a highly tuned library of data parallel primitives vital to machine learning and leveraging the tremendous power of the GPU. With iOS 13 and macOS Catalina, MPS improves performance, enables more neural networks, and is now even easier to use. Learn more... 图形和游戏 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
RealityKit 和 Reality Composer 简介
RealityKit 为 AR 而构建,让开发者能够利用渲染、动画和物理效果和空间音频等一流的功能。看看 RealityKit 如何重新定义传统的 3D 引擎,从而让开发者能够更快、更轻松地进行 AR 开发。了解开发基于 RealityKit 的 app 和游戏包含哪些工作,并学习如何利用 Reality Composer 制作原型并生成 AR 体验所需的内容。
Introducing RealityKit and Reality Composer Architected for AR, RealityKit provides developers access to world-class capabilities for rendering, animation, physics, and spatial audio. See how RealityKit reimagines the traditional 3D engine to make AR development faster and easier for developers than ever before. Understand the building... 图形和游戏 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
与我们一起深入探索模拟器的世界。了解模拟器的工作方式,探索您可能不曾知晓的功能,并浏览模拟器中用于自动化的命令行界面。了解模拟器中通过 Metal 实现的原生 GPU 加速,以及如何优化您的 Metal 代码来充分利用这项功能。
Getting the Most Out of Simulator Join us for a deep dive into the world of Simulator. Find out how Simulator works, discover features you might not know exist, and get a tour of the command-line interface to Simulator for automation. Learn about native GPU acceleration in Simulator via Metal, and how to optimize your Metal code... 图形和游戏 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
利用 Metal 进行现代化渲染
Metal 是 GPU 加速图形和计算框架,可帮助开发者打造从专业 app 到控制台风格游戏的一切内容。了解如何利用 Metal 功能来实现现代图形技术,包括延迟渲染和分块前向渲染。了解 GPU 驱动功能如何让 Metal 自行安排工作负载,从而在几乎没有 CPU 交互的情况下构建和执行完整的场景及计算工作负载。了解 GPU 系列如何帮助您更加轻松地构建适用于所有 Apple 平台的 app,并探索 Metal 如何让您的 app 和游戏在性能和功能方面更上一层楼。
Modern Rendering with Metal Metal is the GPU-accelerated graphics and compute framework that helps developers build everything from pro apps to console-style games. Learn how to apply Metal features to implement modern graphics techniques including deferred and tiled-forward rendering. See how GPU-driven capabilities enable... 图形和游戏 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
利用 Reality Composer 打造 AR 体验
借助 Reality Composer 这款工具,任何人都可以快速制作原型并构建可整合到 app 中或通过 AR Quick Look 体验的 AR 场景。详细了解 Reality Composer 强大而直观的功能,并探索其内置 AR 资源库中数百种现成可用的虚拟对象。看看构建动画和互动来丰富您的 3D 内容有多简单,并详细了解如何将 Reality 文件整合到您的 app 中。
Building AR Experiences with Reality Composer Reality Composer is a tool that lets anyone quickly prototype and build AR scenes ready to integrate into apps or experience with AR Quick Look. Walk through the powerful and intuitive capabilities of Reality Composer and discover hundreds of ready-to-use virtual objects in its built-in AR... 图形和游戏 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
利用 RealityKit 构建 App
通过利用容易掌握的 RealityKit API 开发游戏,从实践角度了解 RealityKit 的各项功能。了解载入素材资源、构建场景、应用动画和处理游戏输入的推荐方法。看看实体和组件如何表达 RealityKit 的强大元素,同时提供灵活的自定功能。学习如何利用内建联网功能,并详细了解如何将游戏扩展为沉浸式多玩家体验。
Building Apps with RealityKit Gain a practical understanding of RealityKit capabilities by developing a game using its easy-to-learn API. Learn the recommended approach for loading assets, building a scene, applying animations, and handling game input. See how entities and components express the powerful elements of... 图形和游戏 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
在 Xcode 11 中进行调试
Xcode 11 推出了快速查找和修复错误的新功能。了解如何模拟网络条件和温度状态,以及如何在调试期间覆盖 app 的运行时环境。了解调试功能如何与 Xcode 预览搭配来在构建并运行前发现问题。了解如何使用 View Debugger 对 SwiftUI 视图进行故障诊断。
Debugging in Xcode 11 Xcode 11 introduces new features for finding and fixing bugs fast. Discover how to simulate network conditions and thermal states, and how to override your app\'s runtime environment while debugging. See how the debugging features work with Xcode previews to identify issues before Build & Run... 图形和游戏 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
将 OpenGL App 迁移到 Metal
Metal 是 Apple 各平台上 GPU 加速图形和计算的现代基础,正在逐步取代 OpenGL、OpenGL ES 和 OpenCL。认识 Metal 的架构和功能集,并了解将基于 OpenGL 的 app 迁移至 Metal API 的分步方法。
Bringing OpenGL Apps to Metal Metal is the modern foundation for GPU-accelerated graphics and compute on Apple platforms, superseding OpenGL, OpenGL ES, and OpenCL. Get introduced to the architecture and feature set of Metal and learn a step-by-step approach for transitioning OpenGL-based apps to the Metal API. 图形和游戏 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
将真人带入到 AR
ARKit 3 实现了一项革命性的功能,可让真人稳定地融入到 AR 场景中。了解 app 可以如何使用实时运动捕捉来制作虚拟人物动画或应用到 2D 和 3D 模拟中。了解 People Occlusion 如何让虚拟内容从现实世界中的人物后面通过,以此实现更加逼真的 AR 体验。
Bringing People into AR ARKit 3 enables a revolutionary capability for robust integration of real people into AR scenes. Learn how apps can use live motion capture to animate virtual characters or be applied to 2D and 3D simulation. See how People Occlusion enables even more immersive AR experiences by enabling virtual... 图形和游戏 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
打造 AR 协作体验
在 iOS 13 中,ARKit 和 RealityKit 让 app 能够更快、更轻松地建立共享 AR 体验。了解协作会话如何让多台设备搭建合并的世界地图并实时共享 AR 锚点和更新。学习如何将协作会话整合到基于 ARKit 的 app 中,然后探索 SwiftStrike,这是一款使用 RealityKit 和 Swift 构建的引人入胜的沉浸式多玩家 AR 游戏。
Building Collaborative AR Experiences With iOS 13, ARKit and RealityKit enable apps to establish shared AR experiences faster and easier than ever. Understand how collaborative sessions allow multiple devices to build a combined world map and share AR anchors and updates in real-time. Learn how to incorporate collaborative sessions... 图形和游戏 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
获奖 App 和游戏的设计
我们将通过报道、访谈和设计图,发掘 Apple 设计大奖获奖 app 和游戏的宝贵设计流程、技巧和最佳做法。
Designing Award Winning Apps and Games Through stories, interviews, and artifacts we will uncover valuable design processes, techniques, and best practices of Apple Design Award winning apps and games. accessibility,ada,ada games,adas,aesthetics,app design,apple design,apple design awards,apple design awards 2019,apple designers,color,consistency,design,design best practices,designer,designing games,design themes,design winners,discoverability,discovery,ease of use,easy,ergonomics,feedback,form,games,iconography,intent,intentionality,ios design,macos design,meaningfulness,metaphors,mobile games,mobile game ui,mobile gaming,narrative,object model,onboarding,platform conventions,story,style,texture,thoughtfulness,tone,typography,ui design,user experience,user experience best practices,ux design,watchos design 图形和游戏 日文, 简体中文, 英文
地图和位置 -
Core Location 新功能
定位技术是在您的 app 内提供基于环境的服务的核心所在。探索 Core Location 框架中的最新功能如何为众多高级测距功能奠定基础,为您提供更多的选项来清晰地将您的定位需求传达给用户,并允许他们为您的 app 提供更加细致的访问授权。
What\\u0027s New in Core Location Location technologies are core to delivering context-based services within your app. Discover how the latest features in the Core Location Framework lay the groundwork for advanced ranging capabilities and delivers more options for you to clearly communicate your location needs to your users, and... 地图和位置 日文, 简体中文, 英文
开发者工具 -
Accessibility Inspector
通过 Accessibility Inspector,您可以识别 app 中没有附带辅助功能的部分。它会就如何为相应部分加上辅助功能提供反馈,还会模拟旁白来帮助您确定旁白用户会获得的体验。观看在 Accessibility Inspector 中对 app 进行全面调试的现场演示,并了解如何利用这个强大的工具让您的 app 变得更加适合所有人使用。
Accessibility Inspector The Accessibility Inspector enables you to identify parts of your app that are not accessible. It provides feedback on how you can make them accessible, as well as simulating voice-over to help you identify what a Voice Over user would experience. Watch a live-demo of an app being fully debugged... 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
App Store Connect 新功能
App Store Connect 新增了多项功能,为您带来更好的 app 提交、管理和分发体验,以此不断改进它在 app 生命周期内每个环节上发挥的作用。了解最新的增强功能,并探索确保 app 的每个版本都优于上一版本的新方法。
What\\u0027s New in App Store Connect App Store Connect continues to improve its role in each step of your app\'s lifecycle with new features that make your app submission, management, and distribution experience better than ever. Learn about the latest enhancements and discover new ways to ensure each release of your app is better... 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
App 后台执行改进
后台执行是一款强大工具,app 可以使用它来提供出色的用户体验。了解在后台运行时应遵循的最佳做法,特别是当您使用 VoIP 或静默推送时;了解用于支持长期运行的流程和维护任务的全新调度 API。
Advances in App Background Execution Background execution is a powerful tool your app can leverage to provide a great user experience. Learn about best practices to follow when running in the background, especially if you use VoIP or silent pushes, and an all-new scheduling API that enables long running processing and maintenance... background,battery,performance,power 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Clang 和 LLVM 的新功能
了解 Clang 编译器和 LLVM 中的增强功能所带来最新 C、Objective-C 和 C++ 改进。了解静态分析器的新功能,以及如何利用这些新功能来改进您的代码。了解如何利用针对代码长度做出的新优化。
What\\u0027s New in Clang and LLVM Keep up with the latest enhancements to C, Objective-C, and C++ made possible by advancements in the Clang compiler and LLVM. Find out about new static analyzer features and how to use them to improve your code. Learn how to take advantage of new optimizations for code size. 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Core ML 3 框架
Core ML 3 现在支持设备端机器学习之前从未能支持的高级模型类型。了解个性化模型如何为您的 app 带来绝佳的个性化机遇。更深入地了解将各种模型和改进链接到用于转换现有模型的 Core ML 工具的策略。
Core ML 3 Framework Core ML 3 now enables support for advanced model types that were never before available in on-device machine learning. Learn how model personalization brings amazing personalization opportunities to your app. Gain a deeper understanding of strategies for linking models and improvements to Core ML... ai,artificial intelligence,core ml,core ml tools,create ml,deep learning,learning,machine learning,model,natural language,neural network,sound,speech,training,vision 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Create ML App 简介
要将 Core ML 的强大功能整合到您的 app 中,首先需要应对一个挑战。如何创建您的模型?新的 Create ML app 为模型创建提供了直观的工作流程。了解如何在这个简单易用的工具中快速训练、评估、测试和预览您的模型。从处理大量强大机器学习任务的诸多可用模板中选择一个入手。进一步了解用于持续改进和试验模型的众多功能。
Introducing the Create ML App Bringing the power of Core ML to your app begins with one challenge. How do you create your model? The new Create ML app provides an intuitive workflow for model creation. See how to train, evaluate, test, and preview your models quickly in this easy-to-use tool. Get started with one of the many... activity,ai,artificial intelligence,classifier,core ml,create ml,detection,image classification,learning,machine learning,model,motion,natural language,recommender,sound,tools,training,vision,xcode 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Instruments 入门
Xcode 中的 Instruments app 提供了丰富的工具和模板来对您的 app 进行性能分析。全面了解 Instruments,以及找出代码瓶颈的策略。了解如何利用时间性能分析和兴趣点跟踪功能对您的代码进行有意义的更改,从而大幅提高 app 的响应速度。
Getting Started with Instruments The Instruments app in Xcode provides a rich set of tools and templates for profiling your app performance. Learn all about Instruments and gain strategies for identifying bottlenecks in your code. See just how to leverage the power of time profiling and points of interest tracking to make... debugging,instruments,performance,profiling,signposts,tools,xcode 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
LLDB 是一个功能强大的工具,可用于在运行时浏览和调试您的 app。探索在 app 中显示值的各种方式,如何格式化自定数据类型,以及如何利用自己的 Python 3 脚本来扩展 LLDB。
LLDB: Beyond \\u0022po\\u0022 LLDB is a powerful tool for exploring and debugging your app at runtime. Discover the various ways to display values in your app, how to format custom data types, and how to extend LLDB using your own Python 3 scripts. 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Swift 中的二进制框架
Xcode 11 现充分支持通过 Swift 使用和创建二进制框架。了解如何利用新的 XCFramework 套装类型同时支持设备和模拟器,Swift 模块接口如何工作,以及如何长期管理您对框架的更改。
Binary Frameworks in Swift Xcode 11 now fully supports using and creating binary frameworks in Swift. Find out how to simultaneously support devices and Simulator with the new XCFramework bundle type, how Swift module interfaces work, and how to manage changes to your framework over time. 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Xcode 11 新功能
从探索 Xcode 11 的新功能开启这一周。Xcode 旨在帮助您更快地将创意变为产品。探索编辑和整理源代码的新方式、用于设计和预览用户界面的新功能,以及用于调试和测试的功能改进。概括了解本年度介绍开发者工具的讲座。
What\\u0027s New in Xcode 11 Start the week with a tour of new features in Xcode 11, designed to help you get from idea to product faster than ever. Discover new ways to edit and organize your source code, new capabilities for designing and previewing user interfaces, and great improvements for debugging and testing. Get an... 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Xcode 入门
Xcode 是用于为各个 Apple 平台打造出色 app 的开发环境。了解如何利用 Xcode 功能来完成从新建项目到 App Store 分发的整个过程。您将通过开发一个正常工作的 SwiftUI app,学习如何浏览 Xcode 用户界面,如何利用源代码编辑器和实时用户界面预览,如何将社区开发的 Swift 软件包整合到您的 app 中,以及如何重构和测试您的代码。
Getting Started with Xcode Xcode is the development environment for creating great apps for Apple platforms. Find out how to take advantage of Xcode features to go all the way from a new project to App Store distribution. Along the way, you\'ll learn how to navigate the Xcode user interface, how to take advantage of the... 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
一流的 app 即便是在最严峻的环境中,也能够提供出色的用户体验。了解如何利用 Xcode 模拟不良的网络环境和温度条件。对您的 app 进行测试考察,并掌握运行情况的第一手资料。了解应对棘手状况时可采取的最佳做法。
Designing for Adverse Network and Temperature Conditions World-class apps deliver a great user experience, even in the most strenuous environments. Learn how to use Xcode to simulate adverse network and temperature conditions. Put your app through its paces and get a firsthand view of how it performs. Hear about best practices that you can adopt to... conditioner,test,thermal 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
优化 App 中的存储
App 中的数据存储方式不仅影响磁盘占用空间,也会影响 app 的性能和设备的电池续航能力。了解优化数据序列化、处理图像和同步到磁盘的技巧。了解如何利用 SQLite 中的功能来提高性能和安全性。
Optimizing Storage in Your App How you store data in your app affects not only disk footprint, but also the performance of your app and the battery life of the device. Learn techniques for optimizing data serialization, working with images, and syncing to disk. Find out how to take advantage of features in SQLite to improve... 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
优化 App 启动
App 启动缓慢会让用户感到失望。了解新的 app 启动 instrument,并探索如何让您的 app 快速启动。深入了解 app 启动期间发生的情况,以及如何尽量减少这个重要时间段的工作、如何排定工作优先级和对其进行优化。听听工程师们在让 iOS app 快速启动方面的技巧和窍门。
Optimizing App Launch Slow app launches are frustrating. Learn about the new app launch instrument and discover how to make your app launch fast. Gain insights into what happens during app launch and how to minimize, prioritize, and optimize work at this critical time. Hear tips and tricks from the engineers making... dyld,dyld3,fast,instruments,launch,measure,performance,rocket,slow,speed,uikit,xcode 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
公证就是关于在分发前识别和拦截恶意的 Mac 软件,而无需 App Review 团队或 Mac App Store 的参与。这项功能在去年推出,并已被 Mac app 开发者广泛采用。这个讲座让您有机会深入了解公证工作流程并了解公证服务的最新功能。
All About Notarization Notarization is all about identifying and blocking malicious Mac software prior to distribution, without requiring App Review or the Mac App Store. Introduced last year and already widely adopted by Mac app developers, this is your opportunity to take an in depth tour of Notarization workflows... gatekeeper,notarization 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
在 Xcode 中进行测试
单元测试是持续验证您的代码能否正常运行的必备工具。了解 Xcode 中内建的利用 XCTest 进行测试的功能。了解如何利用 Xcode 11 中新增的测试计划来组织测试,并在不同的配置下运行测试。探索如何自动进行测试并高效处理对应结果。
Testing in Xcode Unit testing is an essential tool to consistently verify your code works correctly. Learn about the built-in testing features in Xcode, using XCTest. Find out how to organize your tests and run them under different configurations using test plans, new in Xcode 11. Discover how to automate testing... 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
在 Xcode 中采用 Swift 软件包
Swift 软件包是整理和分享代码的绝佳方式,现可在 Xcode 11 中为所有 Apple 平台构建 app 时使用。了解如何在您的项目中使用社区开发的软件包,如何构建 Swift 软件包,以及软件包版本管理和依赖项的工作方式。
Adopting Swift Packages in Xcode Swift packages are a great way to organize and share code, and are now supported while building apps for all Apple platforms in Xcode 11. Find out how to use community-developed packages in your project, how Swift packages are structured, and how package versioning and dependencies work. 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
在自定 Instrument 中建模
通过自定 Instrument,您可以按照自己的方式对 app 进行性能分析,体现您的 app 在运行时的情况。每个自定 Instrument 的中心都是建模器。了解如何构建您自己的建模器来将路标输出转换为您要在 Instrument 中显示的数据。了解 Instruments 规则引擎的工作方式,以及如何优化 Instrument 来获得最高效率。这个讲座以 WWDC 2018 中的“创建自定 Instrument”为基础。
Modeling in Custom Instruments Custom instruments make it possible to profile your app your way, telling the story of what your app is doing at runtime. At the center of each custom instrument is a modeler. Find out how to build your own modelers that translate from signpost output to the data you want to show in your... 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
打造优化的 Metal App 和游戏
对于资源密集型 Metal app 和游戏来说,优化性能、内存和带宽非常重要。了解简化渲染并实现高帧率的主要最佳做法。了解有助于查明高开销或异常 GPU 工作的强大工具。深入了解可带来性能提升的 GPU 功能,并获取关于高效使用内存的专家指导。
Delivering Optimized Metal Apps and Games Optimizing performance, memory, and bandwidth are important considerations for resource-intensive Metal apps and games. Learn key best practices to streamline your rendering and attain high frame rates. Understand powerful tools that can help you pinpoint expensive or unexpected GPU work. Dive... 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
了解如何为您的可复用类、子系统或框架添加实用的追踪功能。让跟踪您的代码变得简单,可以为采用者提供宝贵的见解和信心。我们将向您介绍在 Instruments 11 中追踪 Swift 和 Objective-C 代码、构建自定 Instrument 以及呈现数据的最佳做法。分享您在工具体验方面的专业知识,让他人能够理解您 API 的约定并避免影响性能的反面模式。
Developing a Great Profiling Experience Learn how to add useful tracing to your reusable classes, subsystems, or frameworks. By making it easy to trace your code, you provide adopters with valuable insight and confidence. We\'ll show you best practices for tracing your Swift and Objective-C code, building custom instruments, and... debugging,frameworks,instruments,performance,profiling,sdk,signposts,tools,xcode 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
掌握 Xcode 预览
Xcode 11 会直接在编辑器中显示用户界面的预览,从而将编辑、调试与运行简化为一个无缝衔接的工作流程。了解预览的工作方式,如何针对预览优化您的 SwiftUI app 结构,以及如何将预览支持添加到您的现有视图和视图控件。
Mastering Xcode Previews Xcode 11 displays previews of your user interface right in the editor, streamlining the edit-debug-run cycle into a seamless workflow. Learn how previews work, how to optimize the structure of your SwiftUI app for previews, and how to add preview support to your existing views and view controllers. 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
了解在日常开发、beta 版测试和 App Store 上公开发布的过程中查找和修复性能问题的新方式。学习如何通过在 XCTest 中衡量 CPU 和内存等来发现日常开发中的性能问题。探索如何利用 MetricKit 在 beta 版测试和公开发布过程中查找实际使用问题。了解 Xcode Organizer 现在如何显示您的 app 中最重要的指标,这些指标从 App Store 上各个版本汇总而来。
Improving Battery Life and Performance Learn about new ways to find and fix performance issues during daily development, beta testing, and public release on the App Store. Learn how to catch performance issues during daily development by measuring CPU, memory, and more in your XCTests. Discover how to find issues in the field during... analytics,battery,beta testing,data,energy,field data,instruments,measure,metrickit,metrics,performance,xcode,xctest,xctmetric 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Core ML 3 已得到极大扩展,能够在您的 app 中实现更加强大的设备端机器学习功能。了解如何通过新的 Create ML app 轻松地为众多任务构建 Core ML 模型。概括了解模型个性化,计算机视觉、自然语言、声音和语音方面的精彩更新,以及对先进模型类型的新增支持。
What\\u0027s New in Machine Learning Core ML 3 has been greatly expanded to enable even more amazing, on-device machine learning capabilities in your app. Learn about the new Create ML app which makes it easy to build Core ML models for many tasks. Get an overview of model personalization; exciting updates in Vision, Natural... convertors,core ml,core ml tools,create ml,model personalization,models,natural language,neural networks,nlp,ondevice training,sound,speech,vision 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
现代 Swift API 设计
每种编程语言都有一套规范,这是符合人们预期的。通过 SwiftUI、Combine 和 RealityKit 等新 API 中的示例,了解 Swift API 设计中常见的模式。不论您是以团队形式开发 app,还是要发布资源库来供他人使用,都可以了解如何使用 Swift 中的新功能来确保 API 清晰度和正确使用 API。
Modern Swift API Design Every programming language has a set of conventions that people come to expect. Learn about the patterns that are common to Swift API design, with examples from new APIs like SwiftUI, Combine, and RealityKit. Whether you\'re developing an app as part of a team, or you\'re publishing a library for... 开发者工具 日文, 简体中文, 英文
技术介绍与最佳做法 -
机器学习与 AI -
在 Create ML 中构建活动分类模型
您的 iPhone 和 Apple Watch 搭载了许多功能强大的传感器,包括加速感应器和陀螺仪。可以使用来自这些传感器的数据训练活动分类器,从而为您的 app 增添一些神奇的功能,例如知道用户何时在跑步或挥动球棒。了解 Create ML app 如何让训练和评估这些 Core ML 模型之一变得简单。更深入地了解如何收集训练所需的原始数据。查看这些模型的实际应用。
Building Activity Classification Models in Create ML Your iPhone and Apple Watch are loaded with a number of powerful sensors including an accelerometer and gyroscope. Activity Classifiers can be trained on data from these sensors to bring some magic to your app, such as knowing when someone is running or swinging a bat. Learn how the Create ML app... accelerometer,activity,ai,artificial intelligence,classifier,core ml,core motion,create ml,gyroscope,machine learning,motion,training 机器学习与 AI 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
在 Create ML 中训练声音分类模型
了解如何快速、轻松地创建能够对音频文件和实时音频流中的声音进行分类的 Core ML 模型。Create ML app 不仅让您能够训练和评估这些模型,还允许您使用 Mac 上的麦克风实时测试模型性能。通过新的 Sound Analysis 框架,在您的 app 中使用这些设备端模型。
Training Sound Classification Models in Create ML Learn how to quickly and easily create Core ML models capable of classifying the sounds heard in audio files and live audio streams. In addition to providing you the ability to train and evaluate these models, the Create ML app allows you to test the model performance in real-time using the... ai,artificial intelligence,audio,classifier,core ml,create ml,machine learning,sound,training 机器学习与 AI 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
在 Create ML 中训练对象检测模型
自定的 Core ML 对象检测模型让您有机会为自己的 app 增添一些神奇的功能。了解 Xcode 中的 Create ML app 如何让训练和评估这些模型变得简单。看看您可以如何利用连续互通相机直接在 app 中测试模型性能。为 Core ML 构建和部署出色的对象检测模型变得从未如此简单。
Training Object Detection Models in Create ML Custom Core ML models for Object Detection offer you an opportunity to add some real magic to your app. Learn how the Create ML app in Xcode makes it easy to train and evaluate these models. See how you can test the model performance directly within the app by taking advantage of Continuity... ai,artificial intelligence,camera,classifier,core ml,core motion,create ml,images,machine learning,object detection,photos,training,vision 机器学习与 AI 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
在 Create ML 中训练推荐模型
Core ML 的推荐模型可以为使用您 app 的客户带来高度个性化的体验。这些模型能够在您日常使用的 app 中推荐音乐或影片。了解如何利用 Create ML app 根据各种数据来源轻松创建自定推荐模型。更深入地了解如何实现这种个性化,同时保护用户的隐私。查看这些推荐模型之一的实际应用案例。
Training Recommendation Models in Create ML Recommendation models for Core ML can enable a very personal experience for the customers using your app. They power suggestions for what music to play or what movie to see in the apps you use every day. Learn how you can easily create a custom Recommendation model from all sorts of data sources... ai,artificial intelligence,classifier,core ml,create ml,machine learning,object detection,personalization,recommendation,recommender,table,text,training 机器学习与 AI 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
在 Create ML 中训练文本分类器
现在,您可以通过 Create ML 创建基于先进技术的自然语言模型。了解如何通过 Create ML app 轻松地训练和测试这些模型。深入了解用于迁移学习、单词嵌入和文本目录的强大新增选项。
Training Text Classifiers in Create ML Create ML now enables you to create models for Natural Language that are built on state-of-the-art techniques. Learn how these models can be easily trained and tested with the Create ML app. Gain insight into the powerful new options for transfer learning, word embeddings, and text catalogs. ai,artificial intelligence,classifier,core ml,create ml,gazetteer,machine learning,natural language,nlp,text,text catalog,training,word embeddings 机器学习与 AI 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
自然语言框架专为在所有 Apple 平台提供高性能的设备端自然语言处理 API 而设计。了解这个框架中新增的情感分析和文本目录支持。更深入地了解基于文本的模型的迁移学习,以及能够为您的 app 带来出色搜索体验的全新单词嵌入支持。
Advances in Natural Language Framework Natural Language is a framework designed to provide high-performance, on-device APIs for natural language processing tasks across all Apple platforms. Learn about the addition of Sentiment Analysis and Text Catalog support in the framework. Gain a deeper understanding of transfer learning for... classifier,core ml,language,machine learning,natural language,nlp,sentiment,text analysis,text catalog,transfer learning,word embeddings 机器学习与 AI 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
借助计算机视觉框架中的文稿摄像机和文本识别功能,您可以从图像中提取文本数据。了解如何在您的 app 中利用这项内建的机器学习技术。更深入地了解快速处理和准确处理之间的区别,以及基于字符的识别和基于语言的识别之间的区别。
Text Recognition in Vision Framework Document Camera and Text Recognition features in Vision Framework enable you to extract text data from images. Learn how to leverage this built-in machine learning technology in your app. Gain a deeper understanding of the differences between fast versus accurate processing as well as... camera,document camera,images,natural language,photos,recognition,text,vision 机器学习与 AI 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
设计出色的 ML 体验
机器学习为我们带来了全新的体验,能够理解我们说的话,推荐我们可能喜爱的事物,以及让我们以各种各样的新方式表达自己。机器学习还能通过自动处理单调的任务并提高互动的准确性和速度,从而提升现有的体验。了解如何在您的 app 中整合 ML 体验,并获得关于轻松设计用户界面的实用方法。
Designing Great ML Experiences Machine learning enables new experiences that understand what we say, suggest things that we may love, and allow us to express ourselves in new, rich ways. Machine learning can make existing experiences better by automating mundane tasks and improving the accuracy and speed of interactions. Learn... 机器学习与 AI 日文, 简体中文, 英文
照片和相机 -
Understanding Images in Vision Framework
Learn all about the many advances in the Vision Framework including effortless image classification, image saliency, determining image similarity, and improvements in facial feature detection, and face capture quality scoring. This packed session will show you how easy it is to bring powerful...
Understanding Images in Vision Framework Learn all about the many advances in the Vision Framework including effortless image classification, image saliency, determining image similarity, and improvements in facial feature detection, and face capture quality scoring. This packed session will show you how easy it is to bring powerful... camera,core ml,face capture quality,face detection,face landmarks,image classification,images,image similarity,machine learning,photos,saliency,vision 照片和相机 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
iOS 多相机拍摄简介
现在可以通过 iOS 13 上的 AVCapture,从 iPhone XS、iPhone XS Max、iPhone XR 和最新的 iPad Pro 上的多个摄像头同时拍摄照片和视频。也可以配置设备上的多个麦克风来打造捕捉到的声音。了解如何利用这些强大的功能来为您的相机 app 增添富有创意的新功能,比如画中画和空间音频等。更深入地了解可能影响 app 设计的性能注意事项。
Introducing Multi-Camera Capture for iOS In AVCapture on iOS 13 it is now possible to simultaneously capture photos and video from multiple cameras on iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR, and the latest iPad Pro. It is also possible to configure the multiple microphones on the device to shape the sound that is captured. Learn how to... avcapture,avfoundation,capture,core image,depth,disparity,hair,microphone,multi camera,parallax,photo effects,photography,photos,photos api,portrait mode,segmentation,skin,spatial audio,teeth 照片和相机 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
iOS 12 上使用人像模式拍摄的照片包含一个嵌入式人像分割蒙版,这样可以轻松地打造背景替换等富有创意的视觉效果。iOS 13 利用设备端机器学习来为拍摄的所有照片提供新的分割蒙版。了解您可从 AVCapture 和 Core Image 获得的新语义分割蒙版,以便分离人物的头发、皮肤和牙齿。您的 app 现能通过单独使用其中任一蒙版或结合使用所有蒙版,提供大量的照片编辑控制功能。
Introducing Photo Segmentation Mattes Photos captured in Portrait Mode on iOS 12 contain an embedded person segmentation matte that made it easy to create creative visual effects like background replacement. iOS 13 leverages on-device machine learning to provide new segmentation mattes for any captured photo. Learn about the new... avcapture,camera,core image,hair,images,matte,photos,portrait effects,segmentation,skin,teeth 照片和相机 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
AVCapture API 中新增的强大功能可让您同时从多个相机拍摄照片和视频。照片现在可以从语义分割中获益,您可以借助这项功能来分离照片中的头发、皮肤和牙齿。了解如何利用这些增强功能来创建出色的相机 app,并轻松实现惊艳的照片效果。
Advances in Camera Capture & Photo Segmentation Powerful new features in the AVCapture API let you capture photos and video from multiple cameras simultaneously. Photos now benefit from semantic segmentation that allows you to isolate hair, skin, and teeth in a photo. Learn how these advances enable you to create great camera apps and easily... avcapture,avfoundation,camera,core image,hair,images,microphone,multi camera,photos,portrait effects,segmentation,skin,spatial audio,teeth,video 照片和相机 日文, 简体中文, 英文
空间计算 -
使用 USD
通用场景描述 (USD) 能够可靠地描述 3D 场景,让工程师和艺术家可以在创意工作流程中开展密切协作。了解 USD 的强大功能,并探索它出色的可扩展性。更深入地了解如何创建 USD 素材资源,并了解如何提供用于 ARKit 和 RealityKit 的 usdz 内容。
Working with USD Universal Scene Description (USD) enables the robust description of 3D scenes and empowers engineers and artists to seamlessly collaborate across the creative workflow. Get introduced to the powerful capabilities of USD and explore its incredible scalability. Gain a deeper understanding of how... 空间计算 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
利用 Core ML 和 ARKit 创建出色的 App
开始学习之旅,了解如何结合利用 Core ML、ARKit 及其他 app 框架来创建教育游戏。探索利用机器学习为您的 app 带来神奇互动的机会。更深入地了解棘手计算机视觉问题的解决方法。在互动编程讲座中,观看这一切如何实现。
Creating Great Apps Using Core ML and ARKit Take a journey through the creation of an educational game that brings together Core ML, ARKit, and other app frameworks. Discover opportunities for magical interactions in your app through the power of machine learning. Gain a deeper understanding of approaches to solving challenging computer... ,arkit,core ml,create ml,drawing classification,machine learning,object detection,pencil kit,speech recognition 空间计算 日文, 简体中文, 英文
系统服务 -
Apple 文件系统的新功能
What\\u0027s New in Apple File Systems Learn about what\'s new in file system technology, including changes to file system layout and imaging technologies. If you are affected by the new Read Only System Volume, this is a session you will not want to miss. apfs,file,hfs 系统服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Combine 实践
拓展您的 Combine 知识,这是 Apple 新推出的统一声明式框架,用于随时间处理值。立即了解如何正确处理错误、调度工作并将 Combine 整合到您的 app 中。
Combine in Practice Expand your knowledge of Combine, Apple\'s new unified, declarative framework for processing values over time. Learn about how to correctly handle errors, schedule work and integrate Combine into your app today. 系统服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Combine 简介
Combine 是一种统一声明式框架,用于随时间处理值。了解它可以如何简化异步代码,如联网、键值监测、通知和回调等。
Introducing Combine Combine is a unified declarative framework for processing values over time. Learn how it can simplify asynchronous code like networking, key value observing, notifications and callbacks. 系统服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Core Bluetooth 新功能
了解如何采用 Core Bluetooth 中的隐私增强变更。探索与 LE 2Mbps、广告扩展、BR/EDR 和双模式设备相关的新可能性。学习如何利用 PacketLogger 的功能改进来调试 Core Bluetooth 通信。
What\\u0027s New in Core Bluetooth Learn how to adopt privacy-enhancing changes in Core Bluetooth. Discover new possibilities with LE 2Mbps, advertising extensions, BR/EDR, and dual-mode devices. Understand how to debug your Core Bluetooth communication with the improvements to PacketLogger. accessories,accessory,ancs,ble,bleutooth,bluetooth,bluetooth 5,bluetooth low energy,bredr,bt,btle,cbcentral,cbperipheral,central,characteristic,classic,corebluetooth,core bluetooth,gatt,l2cap,mfi,packetlogger,peripheral,privacy,service,throughput,wireless 系统服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Foundation 改进
Foundation 框架为 macOS、iOS、watchOS 和 Apple TVOS SDK 中的各种 app 和使用的各种框架提供了一层基础功能。了解关于 Foundation 集合、性能、国际化功能和 Swift 整合的重要增强功能。
Advances in Foundation The Foundation framework provides a base layer of functionality for apps and frameworks that\'s used throughout the macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS SDKs. Hear about valuable enhancements to Foundation collections, performance, internationalization features, and Swift integration. 系统服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
UI Data Sources 改进
通过 UI Data Sources ,您可以利用自动比较功能轻松地更新表格视图和集合视图项目。自动实现高保真、高质量的素材组变更动画,无需额外的代码!这种改进的数据源机制可以彻底避免同步错误、异常和崩溃!了解这种用于标识符和快照的简化数据模型,以便您可以将精力集中到 app 的动态数据和内容上,而非 UI 数据同步这样的琐事。
Advances in UI Data Sources Use UI Data Sources to simplify updating your table view and collection view items using automatic diffing. High fidelity, quality animations of set changes are automatic and require no extra code! This improved data source mechanism completely avoids synchronization bugs, exceptions, and... diffable 系统服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
在 watchOS 6 上提供流媒体音频
通过在 Apple Watch 上提供流媒体音频,让客户无需携带 iPhone,亦可随时随地畅享您的内容。了解从 iOS 引入的流媒体 API,让 watchOS app 能够提供独立的音频消费体验。了解如何设置流媒体音频会话,并探索为在不同网络环境间切换的用户提供出色体验的最佳做法。
Streaming Audio on watchOS 6 Streaming audio on Apple Watch allows customers to enjoy your content wherever they go without their iPhone. Learn about the streaming APIs brought over from iOS to allow watchOS apps to create independent audio consumption experiences. Find out how to set up your audio session for streaming and... ,apple watch,audio,avfoundation,avplayer,avqueueplayer,backgraound,background,coremedia,core media,digital crown,network,networking,streaming,watch,watchkit,watchos,wkinterface 系统服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
在 iOS 13、macOS Catalina 和 Apple TVOS 13 中,Game Controller 框架添加了对多款知名控制台游戏控制器的支持。简要了解新增的控制器,并理解它们提供输入的方式。了解处理可选按键的推荐最佳做法,学习 macOS 上的正确支持方式。
Supporting New Game Controllers With iOS 13, macOS Catalina, and tvOS 13, the Game Controller framework adds support for several well-known console game controllers. Get briefed about the newly-added controllers and understand how their inputs are delivered. Learn recommended best practices for handling optional buttons, and... 系统服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
系统扩展和 DriverKit
在推动 macOS 现代化和改进 macOS 安全性与可靠性的道路上,接下来有一步就是为内核扩展和驱动程序提供更加出色的架构。了解如何利用系统扩展和 DriverKit 完成这一过渡。
System Extensions and DriverKit One of the next steps in modernizing and improving the security and reliability of macOS is to provide a better architecture for kernel extensions and drivers. Learn how to make this transition with System Extensions and DriverKit. driver,extension,kernel 系统服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
联网改进 - 第 1 部分
在所有 Apple 平台上采用现代联网框架并遵循效率和性能方面的最佳做法,紧跟新兴和不断演进的网络协议和标准。在这个讲座中,了解低数据模式、URLSession 中的 Combine 框架、WebSocket,以及网络移动性改进。
Advances in Networking, Part 1 Keep up with new and evolving networking protocols and standards by leveraging the modern networking frameworks on all Apple platforms and following best practices for efficiency and performance. In this session, learn about Low Data Mode, Combine in URLSession, WebSocket, and improvements to... bonjour,combine,network,urlsession,websocket 系统服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
联网改进 - 第 2 部分
利用 Bonjour 的改进、自定信息分帧处理程序以及最新的安全功能,让您的联网 app 更上一层楼。您还将了解如何通过收集指标来了解网络性能,以及如何最好地利用 Apple 平台上的现代联网框架。
Advances in Networking, Part 2 Take your networking apps to the next level with advances in Bonjour, custom message framing handlers, and the latest in security. You'll also learn how to understand your networking performance by collecting metrics, and how best to use the modern networking frameworks on Apple platforms. network,urlsession 系统服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
适用于 Swift 的 Accelerate 简介
Accelerate 框架提供了数百种计算函数,这些函数都针对设备运行的系统架构进行了高度优化。学习如何直接在 Swift 中使用所有这些强大的函数。了解强大的矢量编程如何为您的 iOS、macOS、Apple TVOS 和 watchOS app 提供卓越的性能。
Introducing Accelerate for Swift Accelerate framework provides hundreds of computational functions that are highly optimized to the system architecture your device is running on. Learn how to access all of these powerful functions directly in Swift. Understand how the power of vector programming can deliver incredible... accelerate,blas,computation,dft,fft,image processing,lapack,linear algebra,neural network,noise,numerics,performance,quaternions,realtime video,simd,slerp,sparse solver,spline,swift,vdsp,vector,vforce,vimage 系统服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
适用于现代 Mac 的网络扩展
了解 macOS 中新增的强大 API,您可以利用它们来创建无需使用内核扩展即可扩展和自定 macOS 联网功能的 app。
Network Extensions for the Modern Mac Learn about powerful new APIs in macOS that you can use to create apps that extend and customize the networking capabilities of macOS without using kernel extensions. extension,kernel,network 系统服务 日文, 简体中文, 英文
设计 -
Apple 设计大奖
加入我们,参加令人难忘的颁奖典礼,共同为开发者与他们的出色作品庆祝。2019 年 Apple 设计大奖表彰在设计与创新方面都非常出色的 iOS、macOS、watchOS 和 Apple TVOS app。
Apple Design Awards Join us for an unforgettable award ceremony celebrating developers and their outstanding work. The 2019 Apple Design Awards recognize state of the art iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps that reflect excellence in design and innovation. 设计 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Core Haptics 简介
借助 Core Haptics,您可以设计全面定制附带同步音频的触感体验。通过示例体验触感和音频如何为您的 app 或游戏带来更强的沉浸感。了解如何创建、播放和分享内容,以及 Core Haptics 如何与其他音频和振动 API 搭配使用。
Introducing Core Haptics Core Haptics lets you design fully customized haptic patterns with synchronized audio. See examples of how haptics and audio enables you to create a greater sense of immersion in your app or game. Learn how to create, play back, and share content, and where Core Haptics fits in with other audio... 设计 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
SF Symbols 简介
SF Symbols 提供了一个全面的矢量符号资源库,您可以将这些符号整合到自己的 app 中,通过与周围文本自动对齐以及支持多种粗细和大小,简化用户界面元素的布局。了解如何轻松地根据不同屏幕尺寸和布局进行调整,以及提高 app 的辅助功能和本地化程度。详细了解如何根据您的需求创建与 SF Symbols 视觉风格完美契合的新符号。
Introducing SF Symbols SF Symbols introduces a comprehensive library of vector-based symbols that you can incorporate into your app to simplify the layout of user interface elements through automatic alignment with surrounding text, and support for multiple weights and sizes. Learn how easy it is to adapt to different... baseline,font,san francisco,scale,sf hello,uiimage,weight 设计 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
iOS 设计的新增内容
探索如何针对深色模式更新您的 app 界面,以创建外观精美又好用的 app。了解模态表单优化和新的上下文菜单 UI 如何帮助提高实用性,并带来更加有力、更加高效的工作流程。
What\\u0027s New in iOS Design Discover how to update your app's interface for Dark Mode to create beautiful and accessible apps. And learn how refinements to modal sheets and the new contextual menu UI can help improve usability and lead to more powerful and efficient workflows. borderless bars,dark mode,sf symbols 设计 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
快捷指令让用户无需用手,就能快速、轻松地利用 Siri 和“快捷指令”app 完成操作或任务。和我们一起了解快捷指令可在何处出现,如何自定这一体验,以及您 app 的快捷指令如何与其他 app 中的变量和操作搭配使用。
Building Great Shortcuts Shortcuts enable people to quickly and easily accomplish actions or get things done hands-free using Siri and the Shortcuts app. Join us for a tour of where shortcuts can appear, how you can customize the experience, and how your app's shortcuts can be used with variables and actions from other... ,,add to siri,donate,donation,inrelevant,intents,inui,parameters,phrase,shortcut,siri,suggestion,voice 设计 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
要成功开发 app,需要掌握许多不同的东西。探索可以整合到您的开发工作流程中的做法,以提高工作效率并提升 app 的性能与稳定性。了解如何改进您使用 Xcode 编写的代码的质量。从实践角度了解一些有价值的开发技巧。
Great Developer Habits Successful app development requires mastering a lot of different things. Discover practices you can incorporate into your development workflow to enhance your productivity, and improve your app's performance and stability. Learn how to improve the quality of code you write with Xcode. Gain a... 设计 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
了解支持大文本的重要性。了解 Differentiate Without Color 这一 iOS 上新推出的 API,它可以帮助具有色盲等视力障碍的用户轻松地使用您的 app。了解它的用法,以及它如何为您的 app 带来包容性。学习如何利用新的 Reduce Motion API 为对动态敏感的人停止您 app 中的自动播放。
Visual Design and Accessibility Learn about the importance of supporting Large Text. Hear about Differentiate Without Color, a new API on iOS which can enable people with vision disorders such as color-blindness to easily use your app. Learn how to use it and how it can bring inclusivity to your app. Find out how to enable new... 设计 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
设计适用于 Mac 的 iPad App
探索如何通过 iPad app 打造出色的 Mac 体验。了解针对 Mac 调整 iPad app 布局和架构的基本技巧、关于类型和颜色的注意事项,以及如何利用菜单栏、侧边栏和窗口工具栏等 macOS 界面元素。
Designing iPad Apps for Mac Discover how you can create a great Mac experience with your iPad app. Learn about essential techniques for adapting your iPad app\'s layout and architecture for Mac, considerations for type and color, and how you can take advantage of macOS interfaces such as the menu bar, sidebar and window... catalyst,mac catalyst,project catalyst 设计 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
了解基本的声音与触感设计原则和概念,从而打造调动更多人类感官的、有意义且令人愉悦的体验。探索如何在您的 app 或游戏中通过触感引擎结合听觉和触感,来增添更胜以往的逼真感并改进反馈。
Designing Audio-Haptic Experiences Learn essential sound and haptic design principles and concepts for creating meaningful and delightful experiences that engage a wider range of human senses. Discover how to combine audio and haptics, using the Taptic Engine, to add a new level of realism and improve feedback in your app or game. 3d touch 设计 日文, 简体中文, 英文
辅助功能和包容性 -
利用 Xcode 11 打造出色的本地化体验
了解您的 app 如何在 iOS 13 中支持针对 app 的语言设置。详细了解利用素材资源目录来本地化素材资源,以及如何利用 Xcode 11 简化您的本地化工作流程。了解如何生成多种语言的屏幕快照以进行本地化和测试。
Creating Great Localized Experiences with Xcode 11 Learn how your app can support per-app language settings in iOS 13. Get the details on localizing assets with asset catalogs and simplifying your localization workflow with Xcode 11. Understand how to generate screenshots in multiple languages for localization and testing. ,,,i18n,localization,world 辅助功能和包容性 日文, 简体中文, 英文
隐私与安全 -
macOS 安全性改进
我们一直在不断提高 macOS 的安全性,尤其注重预防恶意软件和保护用户数据。与我们一起计划下一步工作,并进一步了解“门禁”(为 macOS 预防恶意软件) 的新功能,以及可帮助用户掌控自身数据和活动的新保护方式。
Advances in macOS Security We are on a journey to continuously improve macOS security, with a particular focus on preventing malware and protecting user data. Join us on the next step and learn more about what's new in Gatekeeper—for keeping malware out of macOS—as well as new protections that help keep users' data and... data protection,gatekeeper 隐私与安全 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
“通过 Apple 登录”简介
“通过 Apple 登录”是让用户使用现有 Apple ID 登录各类 app 的快速、简单方法。了解在您的 app 或网站中添加“通过 Apple 登录”按钮来获取新客户有多简单,并从“通过 Apple 登录”提供的内建安全性、防诈骗和隐私保护功能中获益。
Introducing Sign In with Apple Sign In with Apple is the fast, easy way for people to sign in to apps using the Apple IDs they already have. Learn how easy it is to add a Sign In with Apple button to your app or website to acquire new customers and benefit from the built-in security, antifraud, and privacy that Sign In with... apple id,sign in 隐私与安全 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
Designing for Privacy Privacy is a more important issue than ever for your users. Learn about new features and privacy engineering techniques that can help you earn customer trust, create more personal experiences, and improve user engagement. 隐私与安全 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
加密技术与您的 App
系统框架会以透明的方式加密静态数据和传输中的数据。只需设置一项属性,便可利用这项功能。不过,您或许希望采取额外的措施来保护您的用户数据。CryptoKit 是一种新的 Swift 框架,可让加密操作变得前所未有的简单、安全,不论您只是需要计算哈希值,还是要实施更为高级的身份验证协议,都可以使用该框架。
Cryptography and Your Apps System frameworks encrypt both data at rest and data in transit in a transparent way for you. This functionality is available by simply setting an attribute. However you may want to do more to protect your users' data. CryptoKit is a new Swift framework that makes it easier and safer than ever to... cryptography,cryptokit,security 隐私与安全 日文, 简体中文, 英文
音频和视频 -
AUv3 扩展用户预置
Audio Unit app 扩展让用户能够方便地在任何使用声音的 iOS 或 macOS app 中创建或修改音频,包括库乐队或 Logic Pro X 等音乐制作 app。随着 iOS 13 的推出,您现在可以为可在多个 app 中使用的扩展存储用户预置。
AUv3 Extensions User Presets Audio Unit app extensions gives users a convenient way to create or modify audio in any iOS or macOS app that uses sound, including music production apps such as GarageBand or Logic Pro X. And now, with iOS 13, you can store user presets for your extensions that are accessible across applications. 音频和视频 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
AVAudioEngine 新功能
AVAudioEngine 支持音频的实时捕捉、处理和播放。了解如何在您的音频 app 中利用这一强大 API 的增强功能,例如对语音处理和空间渲染模式选择的支持。
What\\u0027s New in AVAudioEngine AVAudioEngine enables the realtime capture, processing, and playback of audio. Learn how to take advantage of enhancements to this powerful API, such as support for voice processing and spatial rendering mode selection, in your own audio app. 音频和视频 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
HLS 低延迟简介
自 2009 年推出以来,HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) 已经在全世界提供了无数实时和点播音视频流媒体。随着全新低延迟模式的推出,现在可以大规模在公共网络上实现延迟不超过两秒,同时仍然向后兼容现有的客户端。了解如何开发和配置您的内容交付系统来利用这项新技术。
Introducing Low-Latency HLS Since its introduction in 2009, HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) has enabled the delivery of countless live and on‐demand audio and video streams globally. With the introduction of a new Low-Latency mode, latencies of less than two seconds are now achievable over public networks at scale, while still... 音频和视频 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
利用 AVKit 实现直观的媒体播放
AVKit 是一个用于构建媒体用户界面的高级框架,包括播放控件、分集导航、画中画、音频路由、字幕与隐藏式字幕支持、Siri 与正在播放功能整合,以及对键盘、触控栏和遥控器的支持。了解如何在您的 iOS 和 Apple TVOS app 以及适用 Mac 的 iPad app 中整合这些技术的最佳做法。
Delivering Intuitive Media Playback with AVKit AVKit is a high-level framework for building media user interfaces, complete with playback controls, chapter navigation, Picture-in-Picture, audio routing, support for subtitles and closed captioning, Siri and Now Playing integration, and support for keyboard, Touch Bar, and remote control. Learn... airplay,avfoundation,avkit,avplayer,avplayerviewcontroller,content,controls,externalmetadata,media,metadata,picture in picture,pip,player 音频和视频 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
支持 Alpha 通道的 HEVC 视频
HEVC 视频增加了对 alpha 通道的支持,您现在可以在 app 和网页上通过自定背景合成视频。了解如何制作兼容的媒体,以及进行播放的最佳做法。
HEVC Video with Alpha With the addition of alpha channel support for HEVC video, you can now composite video over custom backgrounds in both your apps and on the web. Learn how to author compatible media, and the best practices for playback. 音频和视频 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
让您的音频 App 实现现代化
Apple 平台提供了打造丰富 app 体验所必需的整套音频框架和技术。了解推荐采用哪些框架和 API 来确保您的 app 为未来做好准备。
Modernizing Your Audio App Apple platforms provide a comprehensive set of audio frameworks and technologies that are essential to creating a rich app experience. Learn about which frameworks and APIs are recommended to ensure that your app is well positioned for the future. 音频和视频 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
通过 Core Haptics 扩展感知体验
借助 Core Haptics,您可以设计属于自己的附带同步音频的 iPhone 触感体验。在这个包含两个部分的讲座中,了解基本的声音与触感设计原则和概念,从而打造调动更多人类感官的、有意义且令人愉悦的体验。探索如何在您的 app 或游戏中通过触感引擎结合视觉、听觉和触感,来增添更胜以往的逼真感并改进反馈。了解如何创建和播放内容,以及 Core Haptics 如何与其他音频和触感 API 搭配使用。
Expanding the Sensory Experience with Core Haptics Core Haptics lets you design your own haptics with synchronized audio on iPhone. In this two part session, learn essential sound and haptic design principles and concepts for creating meaningful and delightful experiences that engage a wider range of human senses. Discover how to combine visuals,... 音频和视频 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
通过隔空播放 2 走向大屏幕
通过隔空播放功能,您可将 Apple 设备上的视频、照片和音乐等内容轻松分享到 Apple TV、喜爱的扬声器,以及常见的智能电视。了解如何为隔空播放视频提供最佳的体验,包括长篇内容的自动选择路径、遥控、正在播放元数据,以及视频质量注意事项等。
Reaching the Big Screen with AirPlay 2 AirPlay lets you share videos, photos, music, and more from Apple devices to your Apple TV, favorite speakers, and popular smart TVs. Learn how to deliver the best possible experience for AirPlay video, including automatic route selection for long form content, remote control, now playing... 音频和视频 日文, 简体中文, 英文 -
针对隔空播放 2 视频的 HLS 创作
通过隔空播放 2 视频功能,您可以将 Apple 设备上的视频分享到常见的智能电视。了解顺畅地将高质量视频传输到这些电视机的特别注意事项,以及如何利用验证工具来确保您的内容已准备好在黄金时段播放。
HLS Authoring for AirPlay 2 Video AirPlay 2 Video lets you share video from Apple devices to popular smart TVs. Learn about the special considerations for seamless delivery of high quality video to these TVs, and how to utilize the validation tools to ensure your content is ready for primetime. 音频和视频 日文, 简体中文, 英文