CoreGraphics Changes for Swift
Removed CGBitmapInfo.ByteOrderDefault
Removed CGCaptureOptions.NoOptions
Removed CGFloat.advancedBy(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Removed CGFloat.distanceTo(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Removed CGFloat.isSignaling
Removed CGFloat.isSignMinus
Removed CGFloat.max
Removed CGFloat.min
Removed CGFloat.NaN
Removed CGFloat.quietNaN
Removed CGGlypDeprecatedEnum [enum]
Removed CGGlypDeprecatedEnum.GlyphMax
Removed CGGlypDeprecatedEnum.GlyphMin
Removed CGPatternCallbacks.init(version: UInt32, drawPattern: CGPatternDrawPatternCallback?, releaseInfo: CGPatternReleaseInfoCallback?)
Removed CGRect.contains(_: CGRect) -> Bool
Removed CGRect.contains(_: CGPoint) -> Bool
Removed CGRect.divide(_: CGFloat, fromEdge: CGRectEdge) -> (slice: CGRect, remainder: CGRect)
Removed CGRect.height
Removed CGRect.infinite
Removed CGRect.insetBy(dx: CGFloat, dy: CGFloat) -> CGRect
Removed CGRect.insetInPlace(dx: CGFloat, dy: CGFloat)
Removed CGRect.integral
Removed CGRect.intersect(_: CGRect) -> CGRect
Removed CGRect.intersectInPlace(_: CGRect)
Removed CGRect.intersects(_: CGRect) -> Bool
Removed CGRect.isEmpty
Removed CGRect.isInfinite
Removed CGRect.isNull
Removed CGRect.makeIntegralInPlace()
Removed CGRect.maxX
Removed CGRect.maxY
Removed CGRect.midX
Removed CGRect.midY
Removed CGRect.minX
Removed CGRect.minY
Removed CGRect.null
Removed CGRect.offsetBy(dx: CGFloat, dy: CGFloat) -> CGRect
Removed CGRect.offsetInPlace(dx: CGFloat, dy: CGFloat)
Removed CGRect.standardized
Removed CGRect.standardizeInPlace()
Removed CGRect.union(_: CGRect) -> CGRect
Removed CGRect.unionInPlace(_: CGRect)
Removed CGRect.width
Removed CGWindowImageOption.Default
Removed %(_: CGFloat, _: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Removed %=(_: CGFloat, _: CGFloat)
Removed +(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Removed ++(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Removed ++(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Removed -(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Removed --(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Removed --(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Removed <(_: CGFloat, _: CGFloat) -> Bool
Removed ==(_: CGFloat, _: CGFloat) -> Bool
Removed ceil(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Removed CGAffineTransformIdentity
Removed CGAffineTransformIdentity
Removed CGContextAddArc(_: CGContext?, _: CGFloat, _: CGFloat, _: CGFloat, _: CGFloat, _: CGFloat, _: Int32)
Removed CGContextAddArcToPoint(_: CGContext?, _: CGFloat, _: CGFloat, _: CGFloat, _: CGFloat, _: CGFloat)
Removed CGContextClip(_: CGContext?)
Removed CGContextEOClip(_: CGContext?)
Removed CGContextFillPath(_: CGContext?)
Removed CGPathAddLineToPoint(_: CGMutablePath?, _: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _: CGFloat, _: CGFloat)
Removed CGPathContainsPoint(_: CGPath?, _: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _: CGPoint, _: Bool) -> Bool
Removed CGPathMoveToPoint(_: CGMutablePath?, _: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _: CGFloat, _: CGFloat)
Removed CGPointMakeWithDictionaryRepresentation(_: CFDictionary?, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) -> Bool
Removed CGPointZero
Removed CGPointZero
Removed CGRectMakeWithDictionaryRepresentation(_: CFDictionary?, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>) -> Bool
Removed CGRectZero
Removed CGRectZero
Removed CGSizeMakeWithDictionaryRepresentation(_: CFDictionary?, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGSize>) -> Bool
Removed CGSizeZero
Removed CGSizeZero
Removed fabs(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Removed floor(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Removed fma(_: CGFloat, _: CGFloat, _: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Removed fmod(_: CGFloat, _: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Removed fpclassify(_: CGFloat) -> Int
Removed isfinite(_: CGFloat) -> Bool
Removed isinf(_: CGFloat) -> Bool
Removed isnan(_: CGFloat) -> Bool
Removed isnormal(_: CGFloat) -> Bool
Removed kCGColorBlack
Removed kCGColorClear
Removed kCGColorSpaceGenericGray
Removed kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB
Removed kCGColorWhite
Removed remainder(_: CGFloat, _: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Removed round(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Removed signbit(_: CGFloat) -> Int
Removed sqrt(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Removed trunc(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Added CGColor.clear
Added CGColor.components
Added CGColor.white
Added CGColorConversionInfo
Added CGColorSpace.colorTable
Added CGColorSpace.linearGray
Added CGColorSpace.linearSRGB
Added CGContext.textPosition
Added CGFloat.add(_: CGFloat)
Added CGFloat.binade
Added CGFloat.bitPattern
Added CGFloat.customMirror
Added CGFloat.divide(by: CGFloat)
Added CGFloat.exponent
Added CGFloat.exponentBitCount
Added CGFloat.formSquareRoot()
Added CGFloat.init(_: CGFloat)
Added CGFloat.init(_: Float80)
Added CGFloat.isCanonical
Added CGFloat.isSignalingNaN
Added CGFloat.multiply(by: CGFloat)
Added CGFloat.nan
Added CGFloat.negate()
Added CGFloat.nextUp
Added CGFloat.pi
Added CGFloat.sign
Added CGFloat.signalingNaN
Added CGFloat.significand
Added CGFloat.significandWidth
Added CGFloat.subtract(_: CGFloat)
Added CGFloat.ulp
Added CGPath.copy(dashingWithPhase: CGFloat, lengths: [CGFloat], transform: CGAffineTransform) -> CGPath
Added CGPathFillRule [enum]
Added CGPathFillRule.evenOdd
Added CGPathFillRule.winding
Added CGPoint.customMirror
Added CGPoint.debugDescription
Added CGRect.customMirror
Added CGRect.debugDescription
Added CGSize.customMirror
Added CGSize.debugDescription
Added ==(_: CGColor, _: CGColor) -> Bool
Added ==(_: CGPath, _: CGPath) -> Bool
Added ==(_: CGAffineTransform, _: CGAffineTransform) -> Bool
Added CGFloat.Exponent
Added CGFloat.RawSignificand
Added kCGNullDirectDisplay
Added kCGNullWindowID
Modified CGAffineTransform [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CGAffineTransform { var a: CGFloat var b: CGFloat var c: CGFloat var d: CGFloat var tx: CGFloat var ty: CGFloat init() init(a a: CGFloat, b b: CGFloat, c c: CGFloat, d d: CGFloat, tx tx: CGFloat, ty ty: CGFloat) } | -- |
To | struct CGAffineTransform { var a: CGFloat var b: CGFloat var c: CGFloat var d: CGFloat var tx: CGFloat var ty: CGFloat init() init(a a: CGFloat, b b: CGFloat, c c: CGFloat, d d: CGFloat, tx tx: CGFloat, ty ty: CGFloat) static let identity: CGAffineTransform init(a a: CGFloat, b b: CGFloat, c c: CGFloat, d d: CGFloat, tx tx: CGFloat, ty ty: CGFloat) init(translationX tx: CGFloat, y ty: CGFloat) init(scaleX sx: CGFloat, y sy: CGFloat) init(rotationAngle angle: CGFloat) var isIdentity: Bool { get } func translatedBy(x tx: CGFloat, y ty: CGFloat) -> CGAffineTransform func scaledBy(x sx: CGFloat, y sy: CGFloat) -> CGAffineTransform func rotated(by angle: CGFloat) -> CGAffineTransform func inverted() -> CGAffineTransform func concatenating(_ t2: CGAffineTransform) -> CGAffineTransform func __equalTo(_ t2: CGAffineTransform) -> Bool static var identity: CGAffineTransform { get } } extension CGAffineTransform { static let identity: CGAffineTransform init(a a: CGFloat, b b: CGFloat, c c: CGFloat, d d: CGFloat, tx tx: CGFloat, ty ty: CGFloat) init(translationX tx: CGFloat, y ty: CGFloat) init(scaleX sx: CGFloat, y sy: CGFloat) init(rotationAngle angle: CGFloat) var isIdentity: Bool { get } func translatedBy(x tx: CGFloat, y ty: CGFloat) -> CGAffineTransform func scaledBy(x sx: CGFloat, y sy: CGFloat) -> CGAffineTransform func rotated(by angle: CGFloat) -> CGAffineTransform func inverted() -> CGAffineTransform func concatenating(_ t2: CGAffineTransform) -> CGAffineTransform func __equalTo(_ t2: CGAffineTransform) -> Bool } extension CGAffineTransform { static var identity: CGAffineTransform { get } } extension CGAffineTransform : Equatable { } | Equatable |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGAffineTransformConcat(_:_:) | func CGAffineTransformConcat(_ t1: CGAffineTransform, _ t2: CGAffineTransform) -> CGAffineTransform |
To | concatenating(_:) | func concatenating(_ t2: CGAffineTransform) -> CGAffineTransform |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(_:) | func CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(_ angle: CGFloat) -> CGAffineTransform |
To | init(rotationAngle:) | init(rotationAngle angle: CGFloat) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGAffineTransformMakeScale(_:_:) | func CGAffineTransformMakeScale(_ sx: CGFloat, _ sy: CGFloat) -> CGAffineTransform |
To | init(scaleX:y:) | init(scaleX sx: CGFloat, y sy: CGFloat) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(_:_:) | func CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(_ tx: CGFloat, _ ty: CGFloat) -> CGAffineTransform |
To | init(translationX:y:) | init(translationX tx: CGFloat, y ty: CGFloat) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGAffineTransformInvert(_:) | func CGAffineTransformInvert(_ t: CGAffineTransform) -> CGAffineTransform |
To | inverted() | func inverted() -> CGAffineTransform |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGAffineTransformIsIdentity(_:) | func CGAffineTransformIsIdentity(_ t: CGAffineTransform) -> Bool | -- |
To | isIdentity | var isIdentity: Bool { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGAffineTransformRotate(_:_:) | func CGAffineTransformRotate(_ t: CGAffineTransform, _ angle: CGFloat) -> CGAffineTransform |
To | rotated(by:) | func rotated(by angle: CGFloat) -> CGAffineTransform |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGAffineTransformScale(_:_:_:) | func CGAffineTransformScale(_ t: CGAffineTransform, _ sx: CGFloat, _ sy: CGFloat) -> CGAffineTransform |
To | scaledBy(x:y:) | func scaledBy(x sx: CGFloat, y sy: CGFloat) -> CGAffineTransform |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGAffineTransformTranslate(_:_:_:) | func CGAffineTransformTranslate(_ t: CGAffineTransform, _ tx: CGFloat, _ ty: CGFloat) -> CGAffineTransform |
To | translatedBy(x:y:) | func translatedBy(x tx: CGFloat, y ty: CGFloat) -> CGAffineTransform |
Modified CGBitmapInfo [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | |
From | struct CGBitmapInfo : OptionSetType { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var AlphaInfoMask: CGBitmapInfo { get } static var FloatComponents: CGBitmapInfo { get } static var ByteOrderMask: CGBitmapInfo { get } static var ByteOrderDefault: CGBitmapInfo { get } static var ByteOrder16Little: CGBitmapInfo { get } static var ByteOrder32Little: CGBitmapInfo { get } static var ByteOrder16Big: CGBitmapInfo { get } static var ByteOrder32Big: CGBitmapInfo { get } } | OptionSetType | OS X 10.4 |
To | struct CGBitmapInfo : OptionSet { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var alphaInfoMask: CGBitmapInfo { get } static var floatInfoMask: CGBitmapInfo { get } static var floatComponents: CGBitmapInfo { get } static var byteOrderMask: CGBitmapInfo { get } static var byteOrderDefault: CGBitmapInfo { get } static var byteOrder16Little: CGBitmapInfo { get } static var byteOrder32Little: CGBitmapInfo { get } static var byteOrder16Big: CGBitmapInfo { get } static var byteOrder32Big: CGBitmapInfo { get } func intersect(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) -> CGBitmapInfo func exclusiveOr(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) -> CGBitmapInfo mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) func isSubsetOf(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) -> Bool func isDisjointWith(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) -> Bool func isSupersetOf(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) -> Bool mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) -> Bool func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) -> Bool } extension CGBitmapInfo { func union(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) -> CGBitmapInfo func intersection(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) -> CGBitmapInfo func symmetricDifference(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) -> CGBitmapInfo } extension CGBitmapInfo { func contains(_ member: CGBitmapInfo) -> Bool mutating func insert(_ newMember: CGBitmapInfo) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: CGBitmapInfo) mutating func remove(_ member: CGBitmapInfo) -> CGBitmapInfo? mutating func update(with newMember: CGBitmapInfo) -> CGBitmapInfo? } extension CGBitmapInfo { convenience init() mutating func formUnion(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) } extension CGBitmapInfo { convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == CGBitmapInfo>(_ sequence: S) convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: CGBitmapInfo...) mutating func subtract(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) func isSubset(of other: CGBitmapInfo) -> Bool func isSuperset(of other: CGBitmapInfo) -> Bool func isDisjoint(with other: CGBitmapInfo) -> Bool func subtracting(_ other: CGBitmapInfo) -> CGBitmapInfo var isEmpty: Bool { get } func isStrictSuperset(of other: CGBitmapInfo) -> Bool func isStrictSubset(of other: CGBitmapInfo) -> Bool } | OptionSet | OS X 10.0 |
Modified CGBitmapInfo.alphaInfoMask
Declaration | |
From | static var AlphaInfoMask: CGBitmapInfo { get } |
To | static var alphaInfoMask: CGBitmapInfo { get } |
Modified CGBitmapInfo.byteOrder16Big
Declaration | |
From | static var ByteOrder16Big: CGBitmapInfo { get } |
To | static var byteOrder16Big: CGBitmapInfo { get } |
Modified CGBitmapInfo.byteOrder16Little
Declaration | |
From | static var ByteOrder16Little: CGBitmapInfo { get } |
To | static var byteOrder16Little: CGBitmapInfo { get } |
Modified CGBitmapInfo.byteOrder32Big
Declaration | |
From | static var ByteOrder32Big: CGBitmapInfo { get } |
To | static var byteOrder32Big: CGBitmapInfo { get } |
Modified CGBitmapInfo.byteOrder32Little
Declaration | |
From | static var ByteOrder32Little: CGBitmapInfo { get } |
To | static var byteOrder32Little: CGBitmapInfo { get } |
Modified CGBitmapInfo.byteOrderMask
Declaration | |
From | static var ByteOrderMask: CGBitmapInfo { get } |
To | static var byteOrderMask: CGBitmapInfo { get } |
Modified CGBitmapInfo.floatComponents
Declaration | |
From | static var FloatComponents: CGBitmapInfo { get } |
To | static var floatComponents: CGBitmapInfo { get } |
Modified CGBlendMode [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGBlendMode : Int32 { case Normal case Multiply case Screen case Overlay case Darken case Lighten case ColorDodge case ColorBurn case SoftLight case HardLight case Difference case Exclusion case Hue case Saturation case Color case Luminosity case Clear case Copy case SourceIn case SourceOut case SourceAtop case DestinationOver case DestinationIn case DestinationOut case DestinationAtop case XOR case PlusDarker case PlusLighter } |
To | enum CGBlendMode : Int32 { case normal case multiply case screen case overlay case darken case lighten case colorDodge case colorBurn case softLight case hardLight case difference case exclusion case hue case saturation case color case luminosity case clear case copy case sourceIn case sourceOut case sourceAtop case destinationOver case destinationIn case destinationOut case destinationAtop case xor case plusDarker case plusLighter } |
Modified CGBlendMode.clear
Declaration | |
From | case Clear |
To | case clear |
Modified CGBlendMode.color
Declaration | |
From | case Color |
To | case color |
Modified CGBlendMode.colorBurn
Declaration | |
From | case ColorBurn |
To | case colorBurn |
Modified CGBlendMode.colorDodge
Declaration | |
From | case ColorDodge |
To | case colorDodge |
Modified CGBlendMode.copy
Declaration | |
From | case Copy |
To | case copy |
Modified CGBlendMode.darken
Declaration | |
From | case Darken |
To | case darken |
Modified CGBlendMode.destinationAtop
Declaration | |
From | case DestinationAtop |
To | case destinationAtop |
Modified CGBlendMode.destinationIn
Declaration | |
From | case DestinationIn |
To | case destinationIn |
Modified CGBlendMode.destinationOut
Declaration | |
From | case DestinationOut |
To | case destinationOut |
Modified CGBlendMode.destinationOver
Declaration | |
From | case DestinationOver |
To | case destinationOver |
Modified CGBlendMode.difference
Declaration | |
From | case Difference |
To | case difference |
Modified CGBlendMode.exclusion
Declaration | |
From | case Exclusion |
To | case exclusion |
Modified CGBlendMode.hardLight
Declaration | |
From | case HardLight |
To | case hardLight |
Modified CGBlendMode.hue
Declaration | |
From | case Hue |
To | case hue |
Modified CGBlendMode.lighten
Declaration | |
From | case Lighten |
To | case lighten |
Modified CGBlendMode.luminosity
Declaration | |
From | case Luminosity |
To | case luminosity |
Modified CGBlendMode.multiply
Declaration | |
From | case Multiply |
To | case multiply |
Modified CGBlendMode.normal
Declaration | |
From | case Normal |
To | case normal |
Modified CGBlendMode.overlay
Declaration | |
From | case Overlay |
To | case overlay |
Modified CGBlendMode.plusDarker
Declaration | |
From | case PlusDarker |
To | case plusDarker |
Modified CGBlendMode.plusLighter
Declaration | |
From | case PlusLighter |
To | case plusLighter |
Modified CGBlendMode.saturation
Declaration | |
From | case Saturation |
To | case saturation |
Modified CGBlendMode.screen
Declaration | |
From | case Screen |
To | case screen |
Modified CGBlendMode.softLight
Declaration | |
From | case SoftLight |
To | case softLight |
Modified CGBlendMode.sourceAtop
Declaration | |
From | case SourceAtop |
To | case sourceAtop |
Modified CGBlendMode.sourceIn
Declaration | |
From | case SourceIn |
To | case sourceIn |
Modified CGBlendMode.sourceOut
Declaration | |
From | case SourceOut |
To | case sourceOut |
Modified CGBlendMode.xor
Declaration | |
From | case XOR |
To | case xor |
Modified CGCaptureOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CGCaptureOptions : OptionSetType { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var NoOptions: CGCaptureOptions { get } static var NoFill: CGCaptureOptions { get } } | OptionSetType |
To | struct CGCaptureOptions : OptionSet { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var noOptions: CGCaptureOptions { get } static var noFill: CGCaptureOptions { get } func intersect(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) -> CGCaptureOptions func exclusiveOr(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) -> CGCaptureOptions mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) func isSubsetOf(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) -> Bool func isDisjointWith(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) -> Bool func isSupersetOf(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) -> Bool mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) -> Bool func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) -> Bool } extension CGCaptureOptions { func union(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) -> CGCaptureOptions func intersection(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) -> CGCaptureOptions func symmetricDifference(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) -> CGCaptureOptions } extension CGCaptureOptions { func contains(_ member: CGCaptureOptions) -> Bool mutating func insert(_ newMember: CGCaptureOptions) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: CGCaptureOptions) mutating func remove(_ member: CGCaptureOptions) -> CGCaptureOptions? mutating func update(with newMember: CGCaptureOptions) -> CGCaptureOptions? } extension CGCaptureOptions { convenience init() mutating func formUnion(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) } extension CGCaptureOptions { convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == CGCaptureOptions>(_ sequence: S) convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: CGCaptureOptions...) mutating func subtract(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) func isSubset(of other: CGCaptureOptions) -> Bool func isSuperset(of other: CGCaptureOptions) -> Bool func isDisjoint(with other: CGCaptureOptions) -> Bool func subtracting(_ other: CGCaptureOptions) -> CGCaptureOptions var isEmpty: Bool { get } func isStrictSuperset(of other: CGCaptureOptions) -> Bool func isStrictSubset(of other: CGCaptureOptions) -> Bool } | OptionSet |
Modified CGCaptureOptions.noFill
Declaration | |
From | static var NoFill: CGCaptureOptions { get } |
To | static var noFill: CGCaptureOptions { get } |
Modified CGColor
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | class CGColor { } | -- |
To | class CGColor { var components: [CGFloat]? { get } class var white: CGColor { get } class var black: CGColor { get } class var clear: CGColor { get } init?(colorSpace space: CGColorSpace, components components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) init(gray gray: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) init(red red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) init(genericCMYKCyan cyan: CGFloat, magenta magenta: CGFloat, yellow yellow: CGFloat, black black: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func __constantColor(for colorName: CFString) -> CGColor? init?(patternSpace space: CGColorSpace, pattern pattern: CGPattern, components components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) func copy() -> CGColor? func copy(alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> CGColor? func converted(to _: CGColorSpace, intent intent: CGColorRenderingIntent, options options: CFDictionary?) -> CGColor? func __equalTo(_ color2: CGColor) -> Bool var numberOfComponents: Int { get } var __unsafeComponents: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>? { get } var alpha: CGFloat { get } var colorSpace: CGColorSpace? { get } var pattern: CGPattern? { get } class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } class let __whiteColorName: CFString class let __blackColorName: CFString class let __clearColorName: CFString class let conversionBlackPointCompensation: CFString } extension CGColor { init?(colorSpace space: CGColorSpace, components components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) init(gray gray: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) init(red red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) init(genericCMYKCyan cyan: CGFloat, magenta magenta: CGFloat, yellow yellow: CGFloat, black black: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) class func __constantColor(for colorName: CFString) -> CGColor? init?(patternSpace space: CGColorSpace, pattern pattern: CGPattern, components components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) func copy() -> CGColor? func copy(alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> CGColor? func converted(to _: CGColorSpace, intent intent: CGColorRenderingIntent, options options: CFDictionary?) -> CGColor? func __equalTo(_ color2: CGColor) -> Bool var numberOfComponents: Int { get } var __unsafeComponents: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>? { get } var alpha: CGFloat { get } var colorSpace: CGColorSpace? { get } var pattern: CGPattern? { get } class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } class let __whiteColorName: CFString class let __blackColorName: CFString class let __clearColorName: CFString } extension CGColor { class let conversionBlackPointCompensation: CFString } extension CGColor : Equatable { } extension CGColor { var components: [CGFloat]? { get } class var white: CGColor { get } class var black: CGColor { get } class var clear: CGColor { get } } | Equatable |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGColorGetAlpha(_:) | func CGColorGetAlpha(_ color: CGColor?) -> CGFloat | -- |
To | alpha | var alpha: CGFloat { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGColorGetColorSpace(_:) | func CGColorGetColorSpace(_ color: CGColor?) -> CGColorSpace? | -- |
To | colorSpace | var colorSpace: CGColorSpace? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorCreateCopyByMatchingToColorSpace(_:_:_:_:) | func CGColorCreateCopyByMatchingToColorSpace(_ _: CGColorSpace?, _ intent: CGColorRenderingIntent, _ color: CGColor?, _ options: CFDictionary?) -> CGColor? |
To | converted(to:intent:options:) | func converted(to _: CGColorSpace, intent intent: CGColorRenderingIntent, options options: CFDictionary?) -> CGColor? |
Modified CGColor.copy() -> CGColor?
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorCreateCopy(_:) | func CGColorCreateCopy(_ color: CGColor?) -> CGColor? |
To | copy() | func copy() -> CGColor? |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorCreateCopyWithAlpha(_:_:) | func CGColorCreateCopyWithAlpha(_ color: CGColor?, _ alpha: CGFloat) -> CGColor? |
To | copy(alpha:) | func copy(alpha alpha: CGFloat) -> CGColor? |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorCreate(_:_:) | func CGColorCreate(_ space: CGColorSpace?, _ components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) -> CGColor? |
To | init(colorSpace:components:) | init?(colorSpace space: CGColorSpace, components components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorCreateGenericCMYK(_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGColorCreateGenericCMYK(_ cyan: CGFloat, _ magenta: CGFloat, _ yellow: CGFloat, _ black: CGFloat, _ alpha: CGFloat) -> CGColor |
To | init(genericCMYKCyan:magenta:yellow:black:alpha:) | init(genericCMYKCyan cyan: CGFloat, magenta magenta: CGFloat, yellow yellow: CGFloat, black black: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorCreateGenericGray(_:_:) | func CGColorCreateGenericGray(_ gray: CGFloat, _ alpha: CGFloat) -> CGColor |
To | init(gray:alpha:) | init(gray gray: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) |
Modified CGColor.init(patternSpace: CGColorSpace, pattern: CGPattern, components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorCreateWithPattern(_:_:_:) | func CGColorCreateWithPattern(_ space: CGColorSpace?, _ pattern: CGPattern?, _ components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) -> CGColor? |
To | init(patternSpace:pattern:components:) | init?(patternSpace space: CGColorSpace, pattern pattern: CGPattern, components components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorCreateGenericRGB(_:_:_:_:) | func CGColorCreateGenericRGB(_ red: CGFloat, _ green: CGFloat, _ blue: CGFloat, _ alpha: CGFloat) -> CGColor |
To | init(red:green:blue:alpha:) | init(red red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGColorGetNumberOfComponents(_:) | func CGColorGetNumberOfComponents(_ color: CGColor?) -> Int | -- |
To | numberOfComponents | var numberOfComponents: Int { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGColorGetPattern(_:) | func CGColorGetPattern(_ color: CGColor?) -> CGPattern? | -- |
To | pattern | var pattern: CGPattern? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorGetTypeID() | func CGColorGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Modified CGColorRenderingIntent [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGColorRenderingIntent : Int32 { case RenderingIntentDefault case RenderingIntentAbsoluteColorimetric case RenderingIntentRelativeColorimetric case RenderingIntentPerceptual case RenderingIntentSaturation } |
To | enum CGColorRenderingIntent : Int32 { case defaultIntent case absoluteColorimetric case relativeColorimetric case perceptual case saturation } |
Declaration | |
From | case RenderingIntentAbsoluteColorimetric |
To | case absoluteColorimetric |
Modified CGColorRenderingIntent.defaultIntent
Declaration | |
From | case RenderingIntentDefault |
To | case defaultIntent |
Modified CGColorRenderingIntent.perceptual
Declaration | |
From | case RenderingIntentPerceptual |
To | case perceptual |
Declaration | |
From | case RenderingIntentRelativeColorimetric |
To | case relativeColorimetric |
Modified CGColorRenderingIntent.saturation
Declaration | |
From | case RenderingIntentSaturation |
To | case saturation |
Modified CGColorSpace
Declaration | |
From | class CGColorSpace { } |
To | class CGColorSpace { var colorTable: [UInt8]? { get } class let genericGray: CFString class let genericRGB: CFString class let genericCMYK: CFString class let displayP3: CFString class let genericRGBLinear: CFString class let adobeRGB1998: CFString class let sRGB: CFString class let genericGrayGamma2_2: CFString class let genericXYZ: CFString class let acescgLinear: CFString class let itur_709: CFString class let itur_2020: CFString class let rommrgb: CFString class let dcip3: CFString class let extendedSRGB: CFString class let linearSRGB: CFString class let extendedLinearSRGB: CFString class let extendedGray: CFString class let linearGray: CFString class let extendedLinearGray: CFString init?(calibratedGrayWhitePoint whitePoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, blackPoint blackPoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, gamma gamma: CGFloat) init?(calibratedRGBWhitePoint whitePoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, blackPoint blackPoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, gamma gamma: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, matrix matrix: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!) init?(labWhitePoint whitePoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, blackPoint blackPoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, range range: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!) init?(iccProfileData data: CFData) init?(iccBasedNComponents nComponents: Int, range range: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, profile profile: CGDataProvider, alternate alternate: CGColorSpace?) init?(indexedBaseSpace baseSpace: CGColorSpace, last lastIndex: Int, colorTable colorTable: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) init?(patternBaseSpace baseSpace: CGColorSpace?) init?(platformColorSpaceRef ref: UnsafeRawPointer) init?(name name: CFString) var name: CFString? { get } class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } var numberOfComponents: Int { get } var model: CGColorSpaceModel { get } var baseColorSpace: CGColorSpace? { get } var __colorTableCount: Int { get } func __unsafeGetColorTable(_ table: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) var iccData: CFData? { get } func copyICCData() -> CFData? var isWideGamutRGB: Bool { get } var supportsOutput: Bool { get } } extension CGColorSpace { class let genericGray: CFString class let genericRGB: CFString class let genericCMYK: CFString class let displayP3: CFString class let genericRGBLinear: CFString class let adobeRGB1998: CFString class let sRGB: CFString class let genericGrayGamma2_2: CFString class let genericXYZ: CFString class let acescgLinear: CFString class let itur_709: CFString class let itur_2020: CFString class let rommrgb: CFString class let dcip3: CFString class let extendedSRGB: CFString class let linearSRGB: CFString class let extendedLinearSRGB: CFString class let extendedGray: CFString class let linearGray: CFString class let extendedLinearGray: CFString init?(calibratedGrayWhitePoint whitePoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, blackPoint blackPoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, gamma gamma: CGFloat) init?(calibratedRGBWhitePoint whitePoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, blackPoint blackPoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, gamma gamma: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, matrix matrix: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!) init?(labWhitePoint whitePoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, blackPoint blackPoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, range range: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!) init?(iccProfileData data: CFData) init?(iccBasedNComponents nComponents: Int, range range: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, profile profile: CGDataProvider, alternate alternate: CGColorSpace?) init?(indexedBaseSpace baseSpace: CGColorSpace, last lastIndex: Int, colorTable colorTable: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) init?(patternBaseSpace baseSpace: CGColorSpace?) init?(platformColorSpaceRef ref: UnsafeRawPointer) init?(name name: CFString) var name: CFString? { get } class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } var numberOfComponents: Int { get } var model: CGColorSpaceModel { get } var baseColorSpace: CGColorSpace? { get } var __colorTableCount: Int { get } func __unsafeGetColorTable(_ table: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) var iccData: CFData? { get } func copyICCData() -> CFData? var isWideGamutRGB: Bool { get } var supportsOutput: Bool { get } } extension CGColorSpace { var colorTable: [UInt8]? { get } } |
Modified CGColorSpace.acescgLinear
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGColorSpaceACESCGLinear | let kCGColorSpaceACESCGLinear: CFString |
To | acescgLinear | class let acescgLinear: CFString |
Modified CGColorSpace.adobeRGB1998
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGColorSpaceAdobeRGB1998 | let kCGColorSpaceAdobeRGB1998: CFString |
To | adobeRGB1998 | class let adobeRGB1998: CFString |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGColorSpaceGetBaseColorSpace(_:) | func CGColorSpaceGetBaseColorSpace(_ space: CGColorSpace?) -> CGColorSpace? | -- |
To | baseColorSpace | var baseColorSpace: CGColorSpace? { get } | yes |
Modified CGColorSpace.dcip3
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGColorSpaceDCIP3 | let kCGColorSpaceDCIP3: CFString |
To | dcip3 | class let dcip3: CFString |
Modified CGColorSpace.displayP3
Name | Declaration | Introduction | |
From | kCGColorSpaceDisplayP3 | let kCGColorSpaceDisplayP3: CFString | OS X 10.10 |
To | displayP3 | class let displayP3: CFString | OS X 10.11.2 |
Modified CGColorSpace.genericCMYK
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGColorSpaceGenericCMYK | let kCGColorSpaceGenericCMYK: CFString |
To | genericCMYK | class let genericCMYK: CFString |
Modified CGColorSpace.genericGrayGamma2_2
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGColorSpaceGenericGrayGamma2_2 | let kCGColorSpaceGenericGrayGamma2_2: CFString |
To | genericGrayGamma2_2 | class let genericGrayGamma2_2: CFString |
Modified CGColorSpace.genericRGBLinear
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGColorSpaceGenericRGBLinear | let kCGColorSpaceGenericRGBLinear: CFString |
To | genericRGBLinear | class let genericRGBLinear: CFString |
Modified CGColorSpace.genericXYZ
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGColorSpaceGenericXYZ | let kCGColorSpaceGenericXYZ: CFString |
To | genericXYZ | class let genericXYZ: CFString |
Name | Declaration | Introduction | Readonly | |
From | CGColorSpaceCopyICCProfile(_:) | func CGColorSpaceCopyICCProfile(_ space: CGColorSpace?) -> CFData? | OS X 10.5 | -- |
To | iccData | var iccData: CFData? { get } | OS X 10.12 | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorSpaceCreateCalibratedGray(_:_:_:) | func CGColorSpaceCreateCalibratedGray(_ whitePoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ blackPoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ gamma: CGFloat) -> CGColorSpace? |
To | init(calibratedGrayWhitePoint:blackPoint:gamma:) | init?(calibratedGrayWhitePoint whitePoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, blackPoint blackPoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, gamma gamma: CGFloat) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorSpaceCreateCalibratedRGB(_:_:_:_:) | func CGColorSpaceCreateCalibratedRGB(_ whitePoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ blackPoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ gamma: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) -> CGColorSpace? |
To | init(calibratedRGBWhitePoint:blackPoint:gamma:matrix:) | init?(calibratedRGBWhitePoint whitePoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, blackPoint blackPoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, gamma gamma: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, matrix matrix: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorSpaceCreateICCBased(_:_:_:_:) | func CGColorSpaceCreateICCBased(_ nComponents: Int, _ range: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ profile: CGDataProvider?, _ alternate: CGColorSpace?) -> CGColorSpace? |
To | init(iccBasedNComponents:range:profile:alternate:) | init?(iccBasedNComponents nComponents: Int, range range: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, profile profile: CGDataProvider, alternate alternate: CGColorSpace?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorSpaceCreateWithICCProfile(_:) | func CGColorSpaceCreateWithICCProfile(_ data: CFData?) -> CGColorSpace? |
To | init(iccProfileData:) | init?(iccProfileData data: CFData) |
Modified CGColorSpace.init(indexedBaseSpace: CGColorSpace, last: Int, colorTable: UnsafePointer<UInt8>)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorSpaceCreateIndexed(_:_:_:) | func CGColorSpaceCreateIndexed(_ baseSpace: CGColorSpace?, _ lastIndex: Int, _ colorTable: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) -> CGColorSpace? |
To | init(indexedBaseSpace:last:colorTable:) | init?(indexedBaseSpace baseSpace: CGColorSpace, last lastIndex: Int, colorTable colorTable: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorSpaceCreateLab(_:_:_:) | func CGColorSpaceCreateLab(_ whitePoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ blackPoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ range: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) -> CGColorSpace? |
To | init(labWhitePoint:blackPoint:range:) | init?(labWhitePoint whitePoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, blackPoint blackPoint: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!, range range: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>!) |
Modified CGColorSpace.init(name: CFString)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(_:) | func CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(_ name: CFString?) -> CGColorSpace? |
To | init(name:) | init?(name name: CFString) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorSpaceCreatePattern(_:) | func CGColorSpaceCreatePattern(_ baseSpace: CGColorSpace?) -> CGColorSpace? |
To | init(patternBaseSpace:) | init?(patternBaseSpace baseSpace: CGColorSpace?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorSpaceCreateWithPlatformColorSpace(_:) | func CGColorSpaceCreateWithPlatformColorSpace(_ ref: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> CGColorSpace? |
To | init(platformColorSpaceRef:) | init?(platformColorSpaceRef ref: UnsafeRawPointer) |
Modified CGColorSpace.itur_2020
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGColorSpaceITUR_2020 | let kCGColorSpaceITUR_2020: CFString |
To | itur_2020 | class let itur_2020: CFString |
Modified CGColorSpace.itur_709
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGColorSpaceITUR_709 | let kCGColorSpaceITUR_709: CFString |
To | itur_709 | class let itur_709: CFString |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGColorSpaceGetModel(_:) | func CGColorSpaceGetModel(_ space: CGColorSpace?) -> CGColorSpaceModel | -- |
To | model | var model: CGColorSpaceModel { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGColorSpaceCopyName(_:) | func CGColorSpaceCopyName(_ space: CGColorSpace?) -> CFString? | -- |
To | name | var name: CFString? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGColorSpaceGetNumberOfComponents(_:) | func CGColorSpaceGetNumberOfComponents(_ space: CGColorSpace?) -> Int | -- |
To | numberOfComponents | var numberOfComponents: Int { get } | yes |
Modified CGColorSpace.rommrgb
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGColorSpaceROMMRGB | let kCGColorSpaceROMMRGB: CFString |
To | rommrgb | class let rommrgb: CFString |
Modified CGColorSpace.sRGB
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGColorSpaceSRGB | let kCGColorSpaceSRGB: CFString |
To | sRGB | class let sRGB: CFString |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGColorSpaceGetTypeID() | func CGColorSpaceGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Modified CGColorSpaceModel [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGColorSpaceModel : Int32 { case Unknown case Monochrome case RGB case CMYK case Lab case DeviceN case Indexed case Pattern } |
To | enum CGColorSpaceModel : Int32 { case unknown case monochrome case rgb case cmyk case lab case deviceN case indexed case pattern } |
Modified CGColorSpaceModel.cmyk
Declaration | |
From | case CMYK |
To | case cmyk |
Modified CGColorSpaceModel.deviceN
Declaration | |
From | case DeviceN |
To | case deviceN |
Modified CGColorSpaceModel.indexed
Declaration | |
From | case Indexed |
To | case indexed |
Modified CGColorSpaceModel.lab
Declaration | |
From | case Lab |
To | case lab |
Modified CGColorSpaceModel.monochrome
Declaration | |
From | case Monochrome |
To | case monochrome |
Modified CGColorSpaceModel.pattern
Declaration | |
From | case Pattern |
To | case pattern |
Modified CGColorSpaceModel.rgb
Declaration | |
From | case RGB |
To | case rgb |
Modified CGColorSpaceModel.unknown
Declaration | |
From | case Unknown |
To | case unknown |
Modified CGConfigureOption [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CGConfigureOption : OptionSetType { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var ForAppOnly: CGConfigureOption { get } static var ForSession: CGConfigureOption { get } static var Permanently: CGConfigureOption { get } } | OptionSetType |
To | struct CGConfigureOption : OptionSet { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var forAppOnly: CGConfigureOption { get } static var forSession: CGConfigureOption { get } static var permanently: CGConfigureOption { get } func intersect(_ other: CGConfigureOption) -> CGConfigureOption func exclusiveOr(_ other: CGConfigureOption) -> CGConfigureOption mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: CGConfigureOption) mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: CGConfigureOption) mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: CGConfigureOption) func isSubsetOf(_ other: CGConfigureOption) -> Bool func isDisjointWith(_ other: CGConfigureOption) -> Bool func isSupersetOf(_ other: CGConfigureOption) -> Bool mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: CGConfigureOption) func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: CGConfigureOption) -> Bool func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: CGConfigureOption) -> Bool } extension CGConfigureOption { func union(_ other: CGConfigureOption) -> CGConfigureOption func intersection(_ other: CGConfigureOption) -> CGConfigureOption func symmetricDifference(_ other: CGConfigureOption) -> CGConfigureOption } extension CGConfigureOption { func contains(_ member: CGConfigureOption) -> Bool mutating func insert(_ newMember: CGConfigureOption) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: CGConfigureOption) mutating func remove(_ member: CGConfigureOption) -> CGConfigureOption? mutating func update(with newMember: CGConfigureOption) -> CGConfigureOption? } extension CGConfigureOption { convenience init() mutating func formUnion(_ other: CGConfigureOption) mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CGConfigureOption) mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: CGConfigureOption) } extension CGConfigureOption { convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == CGConfigureOption>(_ sequence: S) convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: CGConfigureOption...) mutating func subtract(_ other: CGConfigureOption) func isSubset(of other: CGConfigureOption) -> Bool func isSuperset(of other: CGConfigureOption) -> Bool func isDisjoint(with other: CGConfigureOption) -> Bool func subtracting(_ other: CGConfigureOption) -> CGConfigureOption var isEmpty: Bool { get } func isStrictSuperset(of other: CGConfigureOption) -> Bool func isStrictSubset(of other: CGConfigureOption) -> Bool } | OptionSet |
Modified CGConfigureOption.forAppOnly
Declaration | |
From | static var ForAppOnly: CGConfigureOption { get } |
To | static var forAppOnly: CGConfigureOption { get } |
Modified CGConfigureOption.forSession
Declaration | |
From | static var ForSession: CGConfigureOption { get } |
To | static var forSession: CGConfigureOption { get } |
Modified CGConfigureOption.permanently
Declaration | |
From | static var Permanently: CGConfigureOption { get } |
To | static var permanently: CGConfigureOption { get } |
Modified CGContext
Declaration | |
From | class CGContext { } |
To | class CGContext { init?(data data: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, width width: Int, height height: Int, bitsPerComponent bitsPerComponent: Int, bytesPerRow bytesPerRow: Int, space space: CGColorSpace, bitmapInfo bitmapInfo: UInt32, releaseCallback releaseCallback: CoreGraphics.CGBitmapContextReleaseDataCallback?, releaseInfo releaseInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) init?(data data: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, width width: Int, height height: Int, bitsPerComponent bitsPerComponent: Int, bytesPerRow bytesPerRow: Int, space space: CGColorSpace, bitmapInfo bitmapInfo: UInt32) var data: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? { get } var width: Int { get } var height: Int { get } var bitsPerComponent: Int { get } var bitsPerPixel: Int { get } var bytesPerRow: Int { get } var colorSpace: CGColorSpace? { get } var alphaInfo: CGImageAlphaInfo { get } var bitmapInfo: CGBitmapInfo { get } func makeImage() -> CGImage? func setLineDash(phase phase: CGFloat, lengths lengths: [CGFloat]) func move(to point: CGPoint) func addLine(to point: CGPoint) func addCurve(to end: CGPoint, control1 control1: CGPoint, control2 control2: CGPoint) func addQuadCurve(to end: CGPoint, control control: CGPoint) func addRects(_ rects: [CGRect]) func addLines(between points: [CGPoint]) func addArc(center center: CGPoint, radius radius: CGFloat, startAngle startAngle: CGFloat, endAngle endAngle: CGFloat, clockwise clockwise: Bool) func addArc(tangent1End tangent1End: CGPoint, tangent2End tangent2End: CGPoint, radius radius: CGFloat) func fillPath(using rule: CGPathFillRule = default) func clip(using rule: CGPathFillRule = default) func fill(_ rects: [CGRect]) func strokeLineSegments(between points: [CGPoint]) func clip(to rects: [CGRect]) func draw(_ image: CGImage, in rect: CGRect, byTiling byTiling: Bool = default) var textPosition: CGPoint func showGlyphs(_ glyphs: [CGGlyph], at positions: [CGPoint]) func draw(_ layer: CGLayer, in rect: CGRect) func draw(_ layer: CGLayer, at point: CGPoint) class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } func saveGState() func restoreGState() func scaleBy(x sx: CGFloat, y sy: CGFloat) func translateBy(x tx: CGFloat, y ty: CGFloat) func rotate(by angle: CGFloat) func concatenate(_ transform: CGAffineTransform) var ctm: CGAffineTransform { get } func setLineWidth(_ width: CGFloat) func setLineCap(_ cap: CGLineCap) func setLineJoin(_ join: CGLineJoin) func setMiterLimit(_ limit: CGFloat) func __setLineDash(phase phase: CGFloat, lengths lengths: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, count count: Int) func setFlatness(_ flatness: CGFloat) func setAlpha(_ alpha: CGFloat) func setBlendMode(_ mode: CGBlendMode) func beginPath() func __moveTo(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func __addLineTo(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func __addCurveTo(cp1x cp1x: CGFloat, cp1y cp1y: CGFloat, cp2x cp2x: CGFloat, cp2y cp2y: CGFloat, endingAtX x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func __addQuadCurveTo(cpx cpx: CGFloat, cpy cpy: CGFloat, endingAtX x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func closePath() func addRect(_ rect: CGRect) func __addRects(_ rects: UnsafePointer<CGRect>?, count count: Int) func __addLines(between points: UnsafePointer<CGPoint>?, count count: Int) func addEllipse(in rect: CGRect) func __addArc(centerX x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, radius radius: CGFloat, startAngle startAngle: CGFloat, endAngle endAngle: CGFloat, clockwise clockwise: Int32) func __addArc(x1 x1: CGFloat, y1 y1: CGFloat, x2 x2: CGFloat, y2 y2: CGFloat, radius radius: CGFloat) func addPath(_ path: CGPath) func replacePathWithStrokedPath() var isPathEmpty: Bool { get } var currentPointOfPath: CGPoint { get } var boundingBoxOfPath: CGRect { get } var path: CGPath? { get } func pathContains(_ point: CGPoint, mode mode: CGPathDrawingMode) -> Bool func drawPath(using mode: CGPathDrawingMode) func __fillPath() func __eoFillPath() func strokePath() func fill(_ rect: CGRect) func __fill(_ rects: UnsafePointer<CGRect>?, count count: Int) func stroke(_ rect: CGRect) func stroke(_ rect: CGRect, width width: CGFloat) func clear(_ rect: CGRect) func fillEllipse(in rect: CGRect) func strokeEllipse(in rect: CGRect) func __strokeLineSegments(between points: UnsafePointer<CGPoint>?, count count: Int) func __clip() func __eoClip() func clip(to rect: CGRect, mask mask: CGImage) var boundingBoxOfClipPath: CGRect { get } func clip(to rect: CGRect) func __clip(to rects: UnsafePointer<CGRect>, count count: Int) func setFillColor(_ color: CGColor) func setStrokeColor(_ color: CGColor) func setFillColorSpace(_ space: CGColorSpace) func setStrokeColorSpace(_ space: CGColorSpace) func setFillColor(_ components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) func setStrokeColor(_ components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) func setFillPattern(_ pattern: CGPattern, colorComponents components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) func setStrokePattern(_ pattern: CGPattern, colorComponents components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) func setPatternPhase(_ phase: CGSize) func setFillColor(gray gray: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) func setStrokeColor(gray gray: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) func setFillColor(red red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) func setStrokeColor(red red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) func setFillColor(cyan cyan: CGFloat, magenta magenta: CGFloat, yellow yellow: CGFloat, black black: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) func setStrokeColor(cyan cyan: CGFloat, magenta magenta: CGFloat, yellow yellow: CGFloat, black black: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) func setRenderingIntent(_ intent: CGColorRenderingIntent) func __draw(in rect: CGRect, image image: CGImage) func __draw(in rect: CGRect, byTiling image: CGImage) var interpolationQuality: CGInterpolationQuality func setShadow(offset offset: CGSize, blur blur: CGFloat, color color: CGColor?) func setShadow(offset offset: CGSize, blur blur: CGFloat) func drawLinearGradient(_ gradient: CGGradient, start startPoint: CGPoint, end endPoint: CGPoint, options options: CGGradientDrawingOptions) func drawRadialGradient(_ gradient: CGGradient, startCenter startCenter: CGPoint, startRadius startRadius: CGFloat, endCenter endCenter: CGPoint, endRadius endRadius: CGFloat, options options: CGGradientDrawingOptions) func drawShading(_ shading: CGShading) func setCharacterSpacing(_ spacing: CGFloat) func __setTextPosition(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) var __textPosition: CGPoint { get } var textMatrix: CGAffineTransform func setTextDrawingMode(_ mode: CGTextDrawingMode) func setFont(_ font: CGFont) func setFontSize(_ size: CGFloat) func __showGlyphs(_ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, atPositions Lpositions: UnsafePointer<CGPoint>, count count: Int) func drawPDFPage(_ page: CGPDFPage) func beginPage(mediaBox mediaBox: UnsafePointer<CGRect>?) func endPage() func flush() func synchronize() func setShouldAntialias(_ shouldAntialias: Bool) func setAllowsAntialiasing(_ allowsAntialiasing: Bool) func setShouldSmoothFonts(_ shouldSmoothFonts: Bool) func setAllowsFontSmoothing(_ allowsFontSmoothing: Bool) func setShouldSubpixelPositionFonts(_ shouldSubpixelPositionFonts: Bool) func setAllowsFontSubpixelPositioning(_ allowsFontSubpixelPositioning: Bool) func setShouldSubpixelQuantizeFonts(_ shouldSubpixelQuantizeFonts: Bool) func setAllowsFontSubpixelQuantization(_ allowsFontSubpixelQuantization: Bool) func beginTransparencyLayer(auxiliaryInfo auxiliaryInfo: CFDictionary?) func beginTransparencyLayer(in rect: CGRect, auxiliaryInfo auxInfo: CFDictionary?) func endTransparencyLayer() var userSpaceToDeviceSpaceTransform: CGAffineTransform { get } func convertToDeviceSpace(_ point: CGPoint) -> CGPoint func convertToUserSpace(_ point: CGPoint) -> CGPoint func convertToDeviceSpace(_ size: CGSize) -> CGSize func convertToUserSpace(_ size: CGSize) -> CGSize func convertToDeviceSpace(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGRect func convertToUserSpace(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGRect func selectFont(name name: UnsafePointer<Int8>, size size: CGFloat, textEncoding textEncoding: CGTextEncoding) func showText(string string: UnsafePointer<Int8>, length length: Int) func showTextAtPoint(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, string string: UnsafePointer<Int8>, length length: Int) func showGlyphs(g g: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>?, count count: Int) func showGlyphsAtPoint(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, glyphs glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>?, count count: Int) func showGlyphsWithAdvances(glyphs glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>?, advances advances: UnsafePointer<CGSize>?, count count: Int) func drawPDFDocument(_ rect: CGRect, document document: CGPDFDocument, page page: Int32) func __draw(in rect: CGRect, layer layer: CGLayer) func __draw(at point: CGPoint, layer layer: CGLayer) init?(consumer consumer: CGDataConsumer, mediaBox mediaBox: UnsafePointer<CGRect>?, _ auxiliaryInfo: CFDictionary?) init?(_ url: CFURL, mediaBox mediaBox: UnsafePointer<CGRect>?, _ auxiliaryInfo: CFDictionary?) func closePDF() func beginPDFPage(_ pageInfo: CFDictionary?) func endPDFPage() func addDocumentMetadata(_ metadata: CFData?) func setURL(_ url: CFURL, for rect: CGRect) func addDestination(_ name: CFString, at point: CGPoint) func setDestination(_ name: CFString, for rect: CGRect) } extension CGContext { init?(data data: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, width width: Int, height height: Int, bitsPerComponent bitsPerComponent: Int, bytesPerRow bytesPerRow: Int, space space: CGColorSpace, bitmapInfo bitmapInfo: UInt32, releaseCallback releaseCallback: CoreGraphics.CGBitmapContextReleaseDataCallback?, releaseInfo releaseInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) init?(data data: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, width width: Int, height height: Int, bitsPerComponent bitsPerComponent: Int, bytesPerRow bytesPerRow: Int, space space: CGColorSpace, bitmapInfo bitmapInfo: UInt32) var data: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? { get } var width: Int { get } var height: Int { get } var bitsPerComponent: Int { get } var bitsPerPixel: Int { get } var bytesPerRow: Int { get } var colorSpace: CGColorSpace? { get } var alphaInfo: CGImageAlphaInfo { get } var bitmapInfo: CGBitmapInfo { get } func makeImage() -> CGImage? } extension CGContext { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } func saveGState() func restoreGState() func scaleBy(x sx: CGFloat, y sy: CGFloat) func translateBy(x tx: CGFloat, y ty: CGFloat) func rotate(by angle: CGFloat) func concatenate(_ transform: CGAffineTransform) var ctm: CGAffineTransform { get } func setLineWidth(_ width: CGFloat) func setLineCap(_ cap: CGLineCap) func setLineJoin(_ join: CGLineJoin) func setMiterLimit(_ limit: CGFloat) func __setLineDash(phase phase: CGFloat, lengths lengths: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, count count: Int) func setFlatness(_ flatness: CGFloat) func setAlpha(_ alpha: CGFloat) func setBlendMode(_ mode: CGBlendMode) func beginPath() func __moveTo(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func __addLineTo(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func __addCurveTo(cp1x cp1x: CGFloat, cp1y cp1y: CGFloat, cp2x cp2x: CGFloat, cp2y cp2y: CGFloat, endingAtX x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func __addQuadCurveTo(cpx cpx: CGFloat, cpy cpy: CGFloat, endingAtX x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func closePath() func addRect(_ rect: CGRect) func __addRects(_ rects: UnsafePointer<CGRect>?, count count: Int) func __addLines(between points: UnsafePointer<CGPoint>?, count count: Int) func addEllipse(in rect: CGRect) func __addArc(centerX x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, radius radius: CGFloat, startAngle startAngle: CGFloat, endAngle endAngle: CGFloat, clockwise clockwise: Int32) func __addArc(x1 x1: CGFloat, y1 y1: CGFloat, x2 x2: CGFloat, y2 y2: CGFloat, radius radius: CGFloat) func addPath(_ path: CGPath) func replacePathWithStrokedPath() var isPathEmpty: Bool { get } var currentPointOfPath: CGPoint { get } var boundingBoxOfPath: CGRect { get } var path: CGPath? { get } func pathContains(_ point: CGPoint, mode mode: CGPathDrawingMode) -> Bool func drawPath(using mode: CGPathDrawingMode) func __fillPath() func __eoFillPath() func strokePath() func fill(_ rect: CGRect) func __fill(_ rects: UnsafePointer<CGRect>?, count count: Int) func stroke(_ rect: CGRect) func stroke(_ rect: CGRect, width width: CGFloat) func clear(_ rect: CGRect) func fillEllipse(in rect: CGRect) func strokeEllipse(in rect: CGRect) func __strokeLineSegments(between points: UnsafePointer<CGPoint>?, count count: Int) func __clip() func __eoClip() func clip(to rect: CGRect, mask mask: CGImage) var boundingBoxOfClipPath: CGRect { get } func clip(to rect: CGRect) func __clip(to rects: UnsafePointer<CGRect>, count count: Int) func setFillColor(_ color: CGColor) func setStrokeColor(_ color: CGColor) func setFillColorSpace(_ space: CGColorSpace) func setStrokeColorSpace(_ space: CGColorSpace) func setFillColor(_ components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) func setStrokeColor(_ components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) func setFillPattern(_ pattern: CGPattern, colorComponents components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) func setStrokePattern(_ pattern: CGPattern, colorComponents components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) func setPatternPhase(_ phase: CGSize) func setFillColor(gray gray: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) func setStrokeColor(gray gray: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) func setFillColor(red red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) func setStrokeColor(red red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) func setFillColor(cyan cyan: CGFloat, magenta magenta: CGFloat, yellow yellow: CGFloat, black black: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) func setStrokeColor(cyan cyan: CGFloat, magenta magenta: CGFloat, yellow yellow: CGFloat, black black: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) func setRenderingIntent(_ intent: CGColorRenderingIntent) func __draw(in rect: CGRect, image image: CGImage) func __draw(in rect: CGRect, byTiling image: CGImage) var interpolationQuality: CGInterpolationQuality func setShadow(offset offset: CGSize, blur blur: CGFloat, color color: CGColor?) func setShadow(offset offset: CGSize, blur blur: CGFloat) func drawLinearGradient(_ gradient: CGGradient, start startPoint: CGPoint, end endPoint: CGPoint, options options: CGGradientDrawingOptions) func drawRadialGradient(_ gradient: CGGradient, startCenter startCenter: CGPoint, startRadius startRadius: CGFloat, endCenter endCenter: CGPoint, endRadius endRadius: CGFloat, options options: CGGradientDrawingOptions) func drawShading(_ shading: CGShading) func setCharacterSpacing(_ spacing: CGFloat) func __setTextPosition(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) var __textPosition: CGPoint { get } var textMatrix: CGAffineTransform func setTextDrawingMode(_ mode: CGTextDrawingMode) func setFont(_ font: CGFont) func setFontSize(_ size: CGFloat) func __showGlyphs(_ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, atPositions Lpositions: UnsafePointer<CGPoint>, count count: Int) func drawPDFPage(_ page: CGPDFPage) func beginPage(mediaBox mediaBox: UnsafePointer<CGRect>?) func endPage() func flush() func synchronize() func setShouldAntialias(_ shouldAntialias: Bool) func setAllowsAntialiasing(_ allowsAntialiasing: Bool) func setShouldSmoothFonts(_ shouldSmoothFonts: Bool) func setAllowsFontSmoothing(_ allowsFontSmoothing: Bool) func setShouldSubpixelPositionFonts(_ shouldSubpixelPositionFonts: Bool) func setAllowsFontSubpixelPositioning(_ allowsFontSubpixelPositioning: Bool) func setShouldSubpixelQuantizeFonts(_ shouldSubpixelQuantizeFonts: Bool) func setAllowsFontSubpixelQuantization(_ allowsFontSubpixelQuantization: Bool) func beginTransparencyLayer(auxiliaryInfo auxiliaryInfo: CFDictionary?) func beginTransparencyLayer(in rect: CGRect, auxiliaryInfo auxInfo: CFDictionary?) func endTransparencyLayer() var userSpaceToDeviceSpaceTransform: CGAffineTransform { get } func convertToDeviceSpace(_ point: CGPoint) -> CGPoint func convertToUserSpace(_ point: CGPoint) -> CGPoint func convertToDeviceSpace(_ size: CGSize) -> CGSize func convertToUserSpace(_ size: CGSize) -> CGSize func convertToDeviceSpace(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGRect func convertToUserSpace(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGRect func selectFont(name name: UnsafePointer<Int8>, size size: CGFloat, textEncoding textEncoding: CGTextEncoding) func showText(string string: UnsafePointer<Int8>, length length: Int) func showTextAtPoint(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, string string: UnsafePointer<Int8>, length length: Int) func showGlyphs(g g: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>?, count count: Int) func showGlyphsAtPoint(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, glyphs glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>?, count count: Int) func showGlyphsWithAdvances(glyphs glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>?, advances advances: UnsafePointer<CGSize>?, count count: Int) func drawPDFDocument(_ rect: CGRect, document document: CGPDFDocument, page page: Int32) } extension CGContext { func __draw(in rect: CGRect, layer layer: CGLayer) func __draw(at point: CGPoint, layer layer: CGLayer) } extension CGContext { init?(consumer consumer: CGDataConsumer, mediaBox mediaBox: UnsafePointer<CGRect>?, _ auxiliaryInfo: CFDictionary?) init?(_ url: CFURL, mediaBox mediaBox: UnsafePointer<CGRect>?, _ auxiliaryInfo: CFDictionary?) func closePDF() func beginPDFPage(_ pageInfo: CFDictionary?) func endPDFPage() func addDocumentMetadata(_ metadata: CFData?) func setURL(_ url: CFURL, for rect: CGRect) func addDestination(_ name: CFString, at point: CGPoint) func setDestination(_ name: CFString, for rect: CGRect) } extension CGContext { func draw(_ layer: CGLayer, in rect: CGRect) func draw(_ layer: CGLayer, at point: CGPoint) } extension CGContext { func setLineDash(phase phase: CGFloat, lengths lengths: [CGFloat]) func move(to point: CGPoint) func addLine(to point: CGPoint) func addCurve(to end: CGPoint, control1 control1: CGPoint, control2 control2: CGPoint) func addQuadCurve(to end: CGPoint, control control: CGPoint) func addRects(_ rects: [CGRect]) func addLines(between points: [CGPoint]) func addArc(center center: CGPoint, radius radius: CGFloat, startAngle startAngle: CGFloat, endAngle endAngle: CGFloat, clockwise clockwise: Bool) func addArc(tangent1End tangent1End: CGPoint, tangent2End tangent2End: CGPoint, radius radius: CGFloat) func fillPath(using rule: CGPathFillRule = default) func clip(using rule: CGPathFillRule = default) func fill(_ rects: [CGRect]) func strokeLineSegments(between points: [CGPoint]) func clip(to rects: [CGRect]) func draw(_ image: CGImage, in rect: CGRect, byTiling byTiling: Bool = default) var textPosition: CGPoint func showGlyphs(_ glyphs: [CGGlyph], at positions: [CGPoint]) } |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPDFContextAddDestinationAtPoint(_:_:_:) | func CGPDFContextAddDestinationAtPoint(_ context: CGContext?, _ name: CFString, _ point: CGPoint) |
To | addDestination(_:at:) | func addDestination(_ name: CFString, at point: CGPoint) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPDFContextAddDocumentMetadata(_:_:) | func CGPDFContextAddDocumentMetadata(_ context: CGContext?, _ metadata: CFData?) |
To | addDocumentMetadata(_:) | func addDocumentMetadata(_ metadata: CFData?) |
Modified CGContext.addEllipse(in: CGRect)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextAddEllipseInRect(_:_:) | func CGContextAddEllipseInRect(_ c: CGContext?, _ rect: CGRect) |
To | addEllipse(in:) | func addEllipse(in rect: CGRect) |
Modified CGContext.addPath(_: CGPath)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextAddPath(_:_:) | func CGContextAddPath(_ c: CGContext?, _ path: CGPath?) |
To | addPath(_:) | func addPath(_ path: CGPath) |
Modified CGContext.addRect(_: CGRect)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextAddRect(_:_:) | func CGContextAddRect(_ c: CGContext?, _ rect: CGRect) |
To | addRect(_:) | func addRect(_ rect: CGRect) |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGBitmapContextGetAlphaInfo(_:) | func CGBitmapContextGetAlphaInfo(_ context: CGContext?) -> CGImageAlphaInfo | -- |
To | alphaInfo | var alphaInfo: CGImageAlphaInfo { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextBeginPage(_:_:) | func CGContextBeginPage(_ c: CGContext?, _ mediaBox: UnsafePointer<CGRect>) |
To | beginPage(mediaBox:) | func beginPage(mediaBox mediaBox: UnsafePointer<CGRect>?) |
Modified CGContext.beginPath()
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextBeginPath(_:) | func CGContextBeginPath(_ c: CGContext?) |
To | beginPath() | func beginPath() |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPDFContextBeginPage(_:_:) | func CGPDFContextBeginPage(_ context: CGContext?, _ pageInfo: CFDictionary?) |
To | beginPDFPage(_:) | func beginPDFPage(_ pageInfo: CFDictionary?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer(_:_:) | func CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer(_ c: CGContext?, _ auxiliaryInfo: CFDictionary?) |
To | beginTransparencyLayer(auxiliaryInfo:) | func beginTransparencyLayer(auxiliaryInfo auxiliaryInfo: CFDictionary?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextBeginTransparencyLayerWithRect(_:_:_:) | func CGContextBeginTransparencyLayerWithRect(_ c: CGContext?, _ rect: CGRect, _ auxInfo: CFDictionary?) |
To | beginTransparencyLayer(in:auxiliaryInfo:) | func beginTransparencyLayer(in rect: CGRect, auxiliaryInfo auxInfo: CFDictionary?) |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGBitmapContextGetBitmapInfo(_:) | func CGBitmapContextGetBitmapInfo(_ context: CGContext?) -> CGBitmapInfo | -- |
To | bitmapInfo | var bitmapInfo: CGBitmapInfo { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent(_:) | func CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent(_ context: CGContext?) -> Int | -- |
To | bitsPerComponent | var bitsPerComponent: Int { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerPixel(_:) | func CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerPixel(_ context: CGContext?) -> Int | -- |
To | bitsPerPixel | var bitsPerPixel: Int { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGContextGetClipBoundingBox(_:) | func CGContextGetClipBoundingBox(_ c: CGContext?) -> CGRect | -- |
To | boundingBoxOfClipPath | var boundingBoxOfClipPath: CGRect { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGContextGetPathBoundingBox(_:) | func CGContextGetPathBoundingBox(_ c: CGContext?) -> CGRect | -- |
To | boundingBoxOfPath | var boundingBoxOfPath: CGRect { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGBitmapContextGetBytesPerRow(_:) | func CGBitmapContextGetBytesPerRow(_ context: CGContext?) -> Int | -- |
To | bytesPerRow | var bytesPerRow: Int { get } | yes |
Modified CGContext.clear(_: CGRect)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextClearRect(_:_:) | func CGContextClearRect(_ c: CGContext?, _ rect: CGRect) |
To | clear(_:) | func clear(_ rect: CGRect) |
Modified CGContext.clip(to: CGRect)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextClipToRect(_:_:) | func CGContextClipToRect(_ c: CGContext?, _ rect: CGRect) |
To | clip(to:) | func clip(to rect: CGRect) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextClipToMask(_:_:_:) | func CGContextClipToMask(_ c: CGContext?, _ rect: CGRect, _ mask: CGImage?) |
To | clip(to:mask:) | func clip(to rect: CGRect, mask mask: CGImage) |
Modified CGContext.closePath()
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextClosePath(_:) | func CGContextClosePath(_ c: CGContext?) |
To | closePath() | func closePath() |
Modified CGContext.closePDF()
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPDFContextClose(_:) | func CGPDFContextClose(_ context: CGContext?) |
To | closePDF() | func closePDF() |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGBitmapContextGetColorSpace(_:) | func CGBitmapContextGetColorSpace(_ context: CGContext?) -> CGColorSpace? | -- |
To | colorSpace | var colorSpace: CGColorSpace? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextConcatCTM(_:_:) | func CGContextConcatCTM(_ c: CGContext?, _ transform: CGAffineTransform) |
To | concatenate(_:) | func concatenate(_ transform: CGAffineTransform) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextConvertSizeToDeviceSpace(_:_:) | func CGContextConvertSizeToDeviceSpace(_ c: CGContext?, _ size: CGSize) -> CGSize |
To | convertToDeviceSpace(_:) | func convertToDeviceSpace(_ size: CGSize) -> CGSize |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextConvertRectToDeviceSpace(_:_:) | func CGContextConvertRectToDeviceSpace(_ c: CGContext?, _ rect: CGRect) -> CGRect |
To | convertToDeviceSpace(_:) | func convertToDeviceSpace(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGRect |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextConvertPointToDeviceSpace(_:_:) | func CGContextConvertPointToDeviceSpace(_ c: CGContext?, _ point: CGPoint) -> CGPoint |
To | convertToDeviceSpace(_:) | func convertToDeviceSpace(_ point: CGPoint) -> CGPoint |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextConvertSizeToUserSpace(_:_:) | func CGContextConvertSizeToUserSpace(_ c: CGContext?, _ size: CGSize) -> CGSize |
To | convertToUserSpace(_:) | func convertToUserSpace(_ size: CGSize) -> CGSize |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextConvertPointToUserSpace(_:_:) | func CGContextConvertPointToUserSpace(_ c: CGContext?, _ point: CGPoint) -> CGPoint |
To | convertToUserSpace(_:) | func convertToUserSpace(_ point: CGPoint) -> CGPoint |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextConvertRectToUserSpace(_:_:) | func CGContextConvertRectToUserSpace(_ c: CGContext?, _ rect: CGRect) -> CGRect |
To | convertToUserSpace(_:) | func convertToUserSpace(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGRect |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGContextGetCTM(_:) | func CGContextGetCTM(_ c: CGContext?) -> CGAffineTransform | -- |
To | ctm | var ctm: CGAffineTransform { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGContextGetPathCurrentPoint(_:) | func CGContextGetPathCurrentPoint(_ c: CGContext?) -> CGPoint | -- |
To | currentPointOfPath | var currentPointOfPath: CGPoint { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGBitmapContextGetData(_:) | func CGBitmapContextGetData(_ context: CGContext?) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> | -- |
To | data | var data: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextDrawLinearGradient(_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGContextDrawLinearGradient(_ c: CGContext?, _ gradient: CGGradient?, _ startPoint: CGPoint, _ endPoint: CGPoint, _ options: CGGradientDrawingOptions) |
To | drawLinearGradient(_:start:end:options:) | func drawLinearGradient(_ gradient: CGGradient, start startPoint: CGPoint, end endPoint: CGPoint, options options: CGGradientDrawingOptions) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextDrawPath(_:_:) | func CGContextDrawPath(_ c: CGContext?, _ mode: CGPathDrawingMode) |
To | drawPath(using:) | func drawPath(using mode: CGPathDrawingMode) |
Modified CGContext.drawPDFPage(_: CGPDFPage)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextDrawPDFPage(_:_:) | func CGContextDrawPDFPage(_ c: CGContext?, _ page: CGPDFPage?) |
To | drawPDFPage(_:) | func drawPDFPage(_ page: CGPDFPage) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextDrawRadialGradient(_:_:_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGContextDrawRadialGradient(_ c: CGContext?, _ gradient: CGGradient?, _ startCenter: CGPoint, _ startRadius: CGFloat, _ endCenter: CGPoint, _ endRadius: CGFloat, _ options: CGGradientDrawingOptions) |
To | drawRadialGradient(_:startCenter:startRadius:endCenter:endRadius:options:) | func drawRadialGradient(_ gradient: CGGradient, startCenter startCenter: CGPoint, startRadius startRadius: CGFloat, endCenter endCenter: CGPoint, endRadius endRadius: CGFloat, options options: CGGradientDrawingOptions) |
Modified CGContext.drawShading(_: CGShading)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextDrawShading(_:_:) | func CGContextDrawShading(_ c: CGContext?, _ shading: CGShading?) |
To | drawShading(_:) | func drawShading(_ shading: CGShading) |
Modified CGContext.endPage()
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextEndPage(_:) | func CGContextEndPage(_ c: CGContext?) |
To | endPage() | func endPage() |
Modified CGContext.endPDFPage()
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPDFContextEndPage(_:) | func CGPDFContextEndPage(_ context: CGContext?) |
To | endPDFPage() | func endPDFPage() |
Modified CGContext.endTransparencyLayer()
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextEndTransparencyLayer(_:) | func CGContextEndTransparencyLayer(_ c: CGContext?) |
To | endTransparencyLayer() | func endTransparencyLayer() |
Modified CGContext.fill(_: CGRect)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextFillRect(_:_:) | func CGContextFillRect(_ c: CGContext?, _ rect: CGRect) |
To | fill(_:) | func fill(_ rect: CGRect) |
Modified CGContext.fillEllipse(in: CGRect)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextFillEllipseInRect(_:_:) | func CGContextFillEllipseInRect(_ c: CGContext?, _ rect: CGRect) |
To | fillEllipse(in:) | func fillEllipse(in rect: CGRect) |
Modified CGContext.flush()
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextFlush(_:) | func CGContextFlush(_ c: CGContext?) |
To | flush() | func flush() |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGBitmapContextGetHeight(_:) | func CGBitmapContextGetHeight(_ context: CGContext?) -> Int | -- |
To | height | var height: Int { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPDFContextCreateWithURL(_:_:_:) | func CGPDFContextCreateWithURL(_ url: CFURL?, _ mediaBox: UnsafePointer<CGRect>, _ auxiliaryInfo: CFDictionary?) -> CGContext? |
To | init(_:mediaBox:_:) | init?(_ url: CFURL, mediaBox mediaBox: UnsafePointer<CGRect>?, _ auxiliaryInfo: CFDictionary?) |
Modified CGContext.init(consumer: CGDataConsumer, mediaBox: UnsafePointer<CGRect>?, _: CFDictionary?)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPDFContextCreate(_:_:_:) | func CGPDFContextCreate(_ consumer: CGDataConsumer?, _ mediaBox: UnsafePointer<CGRect>, _ auxiliaryInfo: CFDictionary?) -> CGContext? |
To | init(consumer:mediaBox:_:) | init?(consumer consumer: CGDataConsumer, mediaBox mediaBox: UnsafePointer<CGRect>?, _ auxiliaryInfo: CFDictionary?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGBitmapContextCreate(_:_:_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGBitmapContextCreate(_ data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ width: Int, _ height: Int, _ bitsPerComponent: Int, _ bytesPerRow: Int, _ space: CGColorSpace?, _ bitmapInfo: UInt32) -> CGContext? |
To | init(data:width:height:bitsPerComponent:bytesPerRow:space:bitmapInfo:) | init?(data data: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, width width: Int, height height: Int, bitsPerComponent bitsPerComponent: Int, bytesPerRow bytesPerRow: Int, space space: CGColorSpace, bitmapInfo bitmapInfo: UInt32) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGBitmapContextCreateWithData(_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGBitmapContextCreateWithData(_ data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ width: Int, _ height: Int, _ bitsPerComponent: Int, _ bytesPerRow: Int, _ space: CGColorSpace?, _ bitmapInfo: UInt32, _ releaseCallback: CGBitmapContextReleaseDataCallback?, _ releaseInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CGContext? |
To | init(data:width:height:bitsPerComponent:bytesPerRow:space:bitmapInfo:releaseCallback:releaseInfo:) | init?(data data: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, width width: Int, height height: Int, bitsPerComponent bitsPerComponent: Int, bytesPerRow bytesPerRow: Int, space space: CGColorSpace, bitmapInfo bitmapInfo: UInt32, releaseCallback releaseCallback: CoreGraphics.CGBitmapContextReleaseDataCallback?, releaseInfo releaseInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextGetInterpolationQuality(_:) | func CGContextGetInterpolationQuality(_ c: CGContext?) -> CGInterpolationQuality |
To | interpolationQuality | var interpolationQuality: CGInterpolationQuality |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGContextIsPathEmpty(_:) | func CGContextIsPathEmpty(_ c: CGContext?) -> Bool | -- |
To | isPathEmpty | var isPathEmpty: Bool { get } | yes |
Modified CGContext.makeImage() -> CGImage?
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGBitmapContextCreateImage(_:) | func CGBitmapContextCreateImage(_ context: CGContext?) -> CGImage? |
To | makeImage() | func makeImage() -> CGImage? |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGContextCopyPath(_:) | func CGContextCopyPath(_ c: CGContext?) -> CGPath? | -- |
To | path | var path: CGPath? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextPathContainsPoint(_:_:_:) | func CGContextPathContainsPoint(_ c: CGContext?, _ point: CGPoint, _ mode: CGPathDrawingMode) -> Bool |
To | pathContains(_:mode:) | func pathContains(_ point: CGPoint, mode mode: CGPathDrawingMode) -> Bool |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextReplacePathWithStrokedPath(_:) | func CGContextReplacePathWithStrokedPath(_ c: CGContext?) |
To | replacePathWithStrokedPath() | func replacePathWithStrokedPath() |
Modified CGContext.restoreGState()
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextRestoreGState(_:) | func CGContextRestoreGState(_ c: CGContext?) |
To | restoreGState() | func restoreGState() |
Modified CGContext.rotate(by: CGFloat)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextRotateCTM(_:_:) | func CGContextRotateCTM(_ c: CGContext?, _ angle: CGFloat) |
To | rotate(by:) | func rotate(by angle: CGFloat) |
Modified CGContext.saveGState()
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSaveGState(_:) | func CGContextSaveGState(_ c: CGContext?) |
To | saveGState() | func saveGState() |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextScaleCTM(_:_:_:) | func CGContextScaleCTM(_ c: CGContext?, _ sx: CGFloat, _ sy: CGFloat) |
To | scaleBy(x:y:) | func scaleBy(x sx: CGFloat, y sy: CGFloat) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetAllowsAntialiasing(_:_:) | func CGContextSetAllowsAntialiasing(_ c: CGContext?, _ allowsAntialiasing: Bool) |
To | setAllowsAntialiasing(_:) | func setAllowsAntialiasing(_ allowsAntialiasing: Bool) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetAllowsFontSmoothing(_:_:) | func CGContextSetAllowsFontSmoothing(_ c: CGContext?, _ allowsFontSmoothing: Bool) |
To | setAllowsFontSmoothing(_:) | func setAllowsFontSmoothing(_ allowsFontSmoothing: Bool) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetAllowsFontSubpixelPositioning(_:_:) | func CGContextSetAllowsFontSubpixelPositioning(_ c: CGContext?, _ allowsFontSubpixelPositioning: Bool) |
To | setAllowsFontSubpixelPositioning(_:) | func setAllowsFontSubpixelPositioning(_ allowsFontSubpixelPositioning: Bool) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetAllowsFontSubpixelQuantization(_:_:) | func CGContextSetAllowsFontSubpixelQuantization(_ c: CGContext?, _ allowsFontSubpixelQuantization: Bool) |
To | setAllowsFontSubpixelQuantization(_:) | func setAllowsFontSubpixelQuantization(_ allowsFontSubpixelQuantization: Bool) |
Modified CGContext.setAlpha(_: CGFloat)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetAlpha(_:_:) | func CGContextSetAlpha(_ c: CGContext?, _ alpha: CGFloat) |
To | setAlpha(_:) | func setAlpha(_ alpha: CGFloat) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetBlendMode(_:_:) | func CGContextSetBlendMode(_ c: CGContext?, _ mode: CGBlendMode) |
To | setBlendMode(_:) | func setBlendMode(_ mode: CGBlendMode) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetCharacterSpacing(_:_:) | func CGContextSetCharacterSpacing(_ c: CGContext?, _ spacing: CGFloat) |
To | setCharacterSpacing(_:) | func setCharacterSpacing(_ spacing: CGFloat) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPDFContextSetDestinationForRect(_:_:_:) | func CGPDFContextSetDestinationForRect(_ context: CGContext?, _ name: CFString, _ rect: CGRect) |
To | setDestination(_:for:) | func setDestination(_ name: CFString, for rect: CGRect) |
Modified CGContext.setFillColor(_: CGColor)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(_:_:) | func CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(_ c: CGContext?, _ color: CGColor?) |
To | setFillColor(_:) | func setFillColor(_ color: CGColor) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetFillColor(_:_:) | func CGContextSetFillColor(_ c: CGContext?, _ components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) |
To | setFillColor(_:) | func setFillColor(_ components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetCMYKFillColor(_:_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGContextSetCMYKFillColor(_ c: CGContext?, _ cyan: CGFloat, _ magenta: CGFloat, _ yellow: CGFloat, _ black: CGFloat, _ alpha: CGFloat) |
To | setFillColor(cyan:magenta:yellow:black:alpha:) | func setFillColor(cyan cyan: CGFloat, magenta magenta: CGFloat, yellow yellow: CGFloat, black black: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetGrayFillColor(_:_:_:) | func CGContextSetGrayFillColor(_ c: CGContext?, _ gray: CGFloat, _ alpha: CGFloat) |
To | setFillColor(gray:alpha:) | func setFillColor(gray gray: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetRGBFillColor(_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGContextSetRGBFillColor(_ c: CGContext?, _ red: CGFloat, _ green: CGFloat, _ blue: CGFloat, _ alpha: CGFloat) |
To | setFillColor(red:green:blue:alpha:) | func setFillColor(red red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetFillColorSpace(_:_:) | func CGContextSetFillColorSpace(_ c: CGContext?, _ space: CGColorSpace?) |
To | setFillColorSpace(_:) | func setFillColorSpace(_ space: CGColorSpace) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetFillPattern(_:_:_:) | func CGContextSetFillPattern(_ c: CGContext?, _ pattern: CGPattern?, _ components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) |
To | setFillPattern(_:colorComponents:) | func setFillPattern(_ pattern: CGPattern, colorComponents components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) |
Modified CGContext.setFlatness(_: CGFloat)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetFlatness(_:_:) | func CGContextSetFlatness(_ c: CGContext?, _ flatness: CGFloat) |
To | setFlatness(_:) | func setFlatness(_ flatness: CGFloat) |
Modified CGContext.setFont(_: CGFont)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetFont(_:_:) | func CGContextSetFont(_ c: CGContext?, _ font: CGFont?) |
To | setFont(_:) | func setFont(_ font: CGFont) |
Modified CGContext.setFontSize(_: CGFloat)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetFontSize(_:_:) | func CGContextSetFontSize(_ c: CGContext?, _ size: CGFloat) |
To | setFontSize(_:) | func setFontSize(_ size: CGFloat) |
Modified CGContext.setLineCap(_: CGLineCap)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetLineCap(_:_:) | func CGContextSetLineCap(_ c: CGContext?, _ cap: CGLineCap) |
To | setLineCap(_:) | func setLineCap(_ cap: CGLineCap) |
Modified CGContext.setLineJoin(_: CGLineJoin)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetLineJoin(_:_:) | func CGContextSetLineJoin(_ c: CGContext?, _ join: CGLineJoin) |
To | setLineJoin(_:) | func setLineJoin(_ join: CGLineJoin) |
Modified CGContext.setLineWidth(_: CGFloat)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetLineWidth(_:_:) | func CGContextSetLineWidth(_ c: CGContext?, _ width: CGFloat) |
To | setLineWidth(_:) | func setLineWidth(_ width: CGFloat) |
Modified CGContext.setMiterLimit(_: CGFloat)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetMiterLimit(_:_:) | func CGContextSetMiterLimit(_ c: CGContext?, _ limit: CGFloat) |
To | setMiterLimit(_:) | func setMiterLimit(_ limit: CGFloat) |
Modified CGContext.setPatternPhase(_: CGSize)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetPatternPhase(_:_:) | func CGContextSetPatternPhase(_ c: CGContext?, _ phase: CGSize) |
To | setPatternPhase(_:) | func setPatternPhase(_ phase: CGSize) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetRenderingIntent(_:_:) | func CGContextSetRenderingIntent(_ c: CGContext?, _ intent: CGColorRenderingIntent) |
To | setRenderingIntent(_:) | func setRenderingIntent(_ intent: CGColorRenderingIntent) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetShadow(_:_:_:) | func CGContextSetShadow(_ c: CGContext?, _ offset: CGSize, _ blur: CGFloat) |
To | setShadow(offset:blur:) | func setShadow(offset offset: CGSize, blur blur: CGFloat) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetShadowWithColor(_:_:_:_:) | func CGContextSetShadowWithColor(_ c: CGContext?, _ offset: CGSize, _ blur: CGFloat, _ color: CGColor?) |
To | setShadow(offset:blur:color:) | func setShadow(offset offset: CGSize, blur blur: CGFloat, color color: CGColor?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetShouldAntialias(_:_:) | func CGContextSetShouldAntialias(_ c: CGContext?, _ shouldAntialias: Bool) |
To | setShouldAntialias(_:) | func setShouldAntialias(_ shouldAntialias: Bool) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetShouldSmoothFonts(_:_:) | func CGContextSetShouldSmoothFonts(_ c: CGContext?, _ shouldSmoothFonts: Bool) |
To | setShouldSmoothFonts(_:) | func setShouldSmoothFonts(_ shouldSmoothFonts: Bool) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetShouldSubpixelPositionFonts(_:_:) | func CGContextSetShouldSubpixelPositionFonts(_ c: CGContext?, _ shouldSubpixelPositionFonts: Bool) |
To | setShouldSubpixelPositionFonts(_:) | func setShouldSubpixelPositionFonts(_ shouldSubpixelPositionFonts: Bool) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetShouldSubpixelQuantizeFonts(_:_:) | func CGContextSetShouldSubpixelQuantizeFonts(_ c: CGContext?, _ shouldSubpixelQuantizeFonts: Bool) |
To | setShouldSubpixelQuantizeFonts(_:) | func setShouldSubpixelQuantizeFonts(_ shouldSubpixelQuantizeFonts: Bool) |
Modified CGContext.setStrokeColor(_: CGColor)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(_:_:) | func CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(_ c: CGContext?, _ color: CGColor?) |
To | setStrokeColor(_:) | func setStrokeColor(_ color: CGColor) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetStrokeColor(_:_:) | func CGContextSetStrokeColor(_ c: CGContext?, _ components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) |
To | setStrokeColor(_:) | func setStrokeColor(_ components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetCMYKStrokeColor(_:_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGContextSetCMYKStrokeColor(_ c: CGContext?, _ cyan: CGFloat, _ magenta: CGFloat, _ yellow: CGFloat, _ black: CGFloat, _ alpha: CGFloat) |
To | setStrokeColor(cyan:magenta:yellow:black:alpha:) | func setStrokeColor(cyan cyan: CGFloat, magenta magenta: CGFloat, yellow yellow: CGFloat, black black: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetGrayStrokeColor(_:_:_:) | func CGContextSetGrayStrokeColor(_ c: CGContext?, _ gray: CGFloat, _ alpha: CGFloat) |
To | setStrokeColor(gray:alpha:) | func setStrokeColor(gray gray: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(_ c: CGContext?, _ red: CGFloat, _ green: CGFloat, _ blue: CGFloat, _ alpha: CGFloat) |
To | setStrokeColor(red:green:blue:alpha:) | func setStrokeColor(red red: CGFloat, green green: CGFloat, blue blue: CGFloat, alpha alpha: CGFloat) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetStrokeColorSpace(_:_:) | func CGContextSetStrokeColorSpace(_ c: CGContext?, _ space: CGColorSpace?) |
To | setStrokeColorSpace(_:) | func setStrokeColorSpace(_ space: CGColorSpace) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetStrokePattern(_:_:_:) | func CGContextSetStrokePattern(_ c: CGContext?, _ pattern: CGPattern?, _ components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) |
To | setStrokePattern(_:colorComponents:) | func setStrokePattern(_ pattern: CGPattern, colorComponents components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSetTextDrawingMode(_:_:) | func CGContextSetTextDrawingMode(_ c: CGContext?, _ mode: CGTextDrawingMode) |
To | setTextDrawingMode(_:) | func setTextDrawingMode(_ mode: CGTextDrawingMode) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPDFContextSetURLForRect(_:_:_:) | func CGPDFContextSetURLForRect(_ context: CGContext?, _ url: CFURL, _ rect: CGRect) |
To | setURL(_:for:) | func setURL(_ url: CFURL, for rect: CGRect) |
Modified CGContext.stroke(_: CGRect)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextStrokeRect(_:_:) | func CGContextStrokeRect(_ c: CGContext?, _ rect: CGRect) |
To | stroke(_:) | func stroke(_ rect: CGRect) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextStrokeRectWithWidth(_:_:_:) | func CGContextStrokeRectWithWidth(_ c: CGContext?, _ rect: CGRect, _ width: CGFloat) |
To | stroke(_:width:) | func stroke(_ rect: CGRect, width width: CGFloat) |
Modified CGContext.strokeEllipse(in: CGRect)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextStrokeEllipseInRect(_:_:) | func CGContextStrokeEllipseInRect(_ c: CGContext?, _ rect: CGRect) |
To | strokeEllipse(in:) | func strokeEllipse(in rect: CGRect) |
Modified CGContext.strokePath()
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextStrokePath(_:) | func CGContextStrokePath(_ c: CGContext?) |
To | strokePath() | func strokePath() |
Modified CGContext.synchronize()
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextSynchronize(_:) | func CGContextSynchronize(_ c: CGContext?) |
To | synchronize() | func synchronize() |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextGetTextMatrix(_:) | func CGContextGetTextMatrix(_ c: CGContext?) -> CGAffineTransform |
To | textMatrix | var textMatrix: CGAffineTransform |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextTranslateCTM(_:_:_:) | func CGContextTranslateCTM(_ c: CGContext?, _ tx: CGFloat, _ ty: CGFloat) |
To | translateBy(x:y:) | func translateBy(x tx: CGFloat, y ty: CGFloat) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGContextGetTypeID() | func CGContextGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGContextGetUserSpaceToDeviceSpaceTransform(_:) | func CGContextGetUserSpaceToDeviceSpaceTransform(_ c: CGContext?) -> CGAffineTransform | -- |
To | userSpaceToDeviceSpaceTransform | var userSpaceToDeviceSpaceTransform: CGAffineTransform { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGBitmapContextGetWidth(_:) | func CGBitmapContextGetWidth(_ context: CGContext?) -> Int | -- |
To | width | var width: Int { get } | yes |
Modified CGDataConsumer
Declaration | |
From | class CGDataConsumer { } |
To | class CGDataConsumer { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(info info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, cbks cbks: UnsafePointer<CGDataConsumerCallbacks>) init?(url url: CFURL) init?(data data: CFMutableData) } extension CGDataConsumer { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(info info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, cbks cbks: UnsafePointer<CGDataConsumerCallbacks>) init?(url url: CFURL) init?(data data: CFMutableData) } |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDataConsumerCreateWithCFData(_:) | func CGDataConsumerCreateWithCFData(_ data: CFMutableData?) -> CGDataConsumer? |
To | init(data:) | init?(data data: CFMutableData) |
Modified CGDataConsumer.init(info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, cbks: UnsafePointer<CGDataConsumerCallbacks>)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDataConsumerCreate(_:_:) | func CGDataConsumerCreate(_ info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ cbks: UnsafePointer<CGDataConsumerCallbacks>) -> CGDataConsumer? |
To | init(info:cbks:) | init?(info info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, cbks cbks: UnsafePointer<CGDataConsumerCallbacks>) |
Modified CGDataConsumer.init(url: CFURL)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDataConsumerCreateWithURL(_:) | func CGDataConsumerCreateWithURL(_ url: CFURL?) -> CGDataConsumer? |
To | init(url:) | init?(url url: CFURL) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDataConsumerGetTypeID() | func CGDataConsumerGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Modified CGDataConsumerCallbacks [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CGDataConsumerCallbacks { var putBytes: CGDataConsumerPutBytesCallback? var releaseConsumer: CGDataConsumerReleaseInfoCallback? init() init(putBytes putBytes: CGDataConsumerPutBytesCallback?, releaseConsumer releaseConsumer: CGDataConsumerReleaseInfoCallback?) } |
To | struct CGDataConsumerCallbacks { var putBytes: CoreGraphics.CGDataConsumerPutBytesCallback? var releaseConsumer: CoreGraphics.CGDataConsumerReleaseInfoCallback? init() init(putBytes putBytes: CoreGraphics.CGDataConsumerPutBytesCallback?, releaseConsumer releaseConsumer: CoreGraphics.CGDataConsumerReleaseInfoCallback?) } |
Modified CGDataConsumerCallbacks.putBytes
Declaration | |
From | var putBytes: CGDataConsumerPutBytesCallback? |
To | var putBytes: CoreGraphics.CGDataConsumerPutBytesCallback? |
Declaration | |
From | var releaseConsumer: CGDataConsumerReleaseInfoCallback? |
To | var releaseConsumer: CoreGraphics.CGDataConsumerReleaseInfoCallback? |
Modified CGDataProvider
Declaration | |
From | class CGDataProvider { } |
To | class CGDataProvider { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(sequentialInfo info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, callbacks callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGDataProviderSequentialCallbacks>) init?(directInfo info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, size size: off_t, callbacks callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGDataProviderDirectCallbacks>) init?(dataInfo info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, data data: UnsafeRawPointer, size size: Int, releaseData releaseData: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderReleaseDataCallback) init?(data data: CFData) init?(url url: CFURL) init?(filename filename: UnsafePointer<Int8>) var data: CFData? { get } } extension CGDataProvider { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(sequentialInfo info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, callbacks callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGDataProviderSequentialCallbacks>) init?(directInfo info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, size size: off_t, callbacks callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGDataProviderDirectCallbacks>) init?(dataInfo info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, data data: UnsafeRawPointer, size size: Int, releaseData releaseData: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderReleaseDataCallback) init?(data data: CFData) init?(url url: CFURL) init?(filename filename: UnsafePointer<Int8>) var data: CFData? { get } } |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGDataProviderCopyData(_:) | func CGDataProviderCopyData(_ provider: CGDataProvider?) -> CFData? | -- |
To | data | var data: CFData? { get } | yes |
Modified CGDataProvider.init(data: CFData)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData(_:) | func CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData(_ data: CFData?) -> CGDataProvider? |
To | init(data:) | init?(data data: CFData) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDataProviderCreateWithData(_:_:_:_:) | func CGDataProviderCreateWithData(_ info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ data: UnsafePointer<Void>, _ size: Int, _ releaseData: CGDataProviderReleaseDataCallback?) -> CGDataProvider? |
To | init(dataInfo:data:size:releaseData:) | init?(dataInfo info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, data data: UnsafeRawPointer, size size: Int, releaseData releaseData: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderReleaseDataCallback) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDataProviderCreateDirect(_:_:_:) | func CGDataProviderCreateDirect(_ info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ size: off_t, _ callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGDataProviderDirectCallbacks>) -> CGDataProvider? |
To | init(directInfo:size:callbacks:) | init?(directInfo info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, size size: off_t, callbacks callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGDataProviderDirectCallbacks>) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDataProviderCreateWithFilename(_:) | func CGDataProviderCreateWithFilename(_ filename: UnsafePointer<Int8>) -> CGDataProvider? |
To | init(filename:) | init?(filename filename: UnsafePointer<Int8>) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDataProviderCreateSequential(_:_:) | func CGDataProviderCreateSequential(_ info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGDataProviderSequentialCallbacks>) -> CGDataProvider? |
To | init(sequentialInfo:callbacks:) | init?(sequentialInfo info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, callbacks callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGDataProviderSequentialCallbacks>) |
Modified CGDataProvider.init(url: CFURL)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDataProviderCreateWithURL(_:) | func CGDataProviderCreateWithURL(_ url: CFURL?) -> CGDataProvider? |
To | init(url:) | init?(url url: CFURL) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDataProviderGetTypeID() | func CGDataProviderGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Declaration | |
From | struct CGDataProviderDirectCallbacks { var version: UInt32 var getBytePointer: CGDataProviderGetBytePointerCallback? var releaseBytePointer: CGDataProviderReleaseBytePointerCallback? var getBytesAtPosition: CGDataProviderGetBytesAtPositionCallback? var releaseInfo: CGDataProviderReleaseInfoCallback? init() init(version version: UInt32, getBytePointer getBytePointer: CGDataProviderGetBytePointerCallback?, releaseBytePointer releaseBytePointer: CGDataProviderReleaseBytePointerCallback?, getBytesAtPosition getBytesAtPosition: CGDataProviderGetBytesAtPositionCallback?, releaseInfo releaseInfo: CGDataProviderReleaseInfoCallback?) } |
To | struct CGDataProviderDirectCallbacks { var version: UInt32 var getBytePointer: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderGetBytePointerCallback? var releaseBytePointer: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderReleaseBytePointerCallback? var getBytesAtPosition: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderGetBytesAtPositionCallback? var releaseInfo: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderReleaseInfoCallback? init() init(version version: UInt32, getBytePointer getBytePointer: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderGetBytePointerCallback?, releaseBytePointer releaseBytePointer: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderReleaseBytePointerCallback?, getBytesAtPosition getBytesAtPosition: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderGetBytesAtPositionCallback?, releaseInfo releaseInfo: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderReleaseInfoCallback?) } |
Declaration | |
From | var getBytePointer: CGDataProviderGetBytePointerCallback? |
To | var getBytePointer: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderGetBytePointerCallback? |
Declaration | |
From | var getBytesAtPosition: CGDataProviderGetBytesAtPositionCallback? |
To | var getBytesAtPosition: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderGetBytesAtPositionCallback? |
Declaration | |
From | var releaseBytePointer: CGDataProviderReleaseBytePointerCallback? |
To | var releaseBytePointer: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderReleaseBytePointerCallback? |
Declaration | |
From | var releaseInfo: CGDataProviderReleaseInfoCallback? |
To | var releaseInfo: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderReleaseInfoCallback? |
Declaration | |
From | struct CGDataProviderSequentialCallbacks { var version: UInt32 var getBytes: CGDataProviderGetBytesCallback? var skipForward: CGDataProviderSkipForwardCallback? var rewind: CGDataProviderRewindCallback? var releaseInfo: CGDataProviderReleaseInfoCallback? init() init(version version: UInt32, getBytes getBytes: CGDataProviderGetBytesCallback?, skipForward skipForward: CGDataProviderSkipForwardCallback?, rewind rewind: CGDataProviderRewindCallback?, releaseInfo releaseInfo: CGDataProviderReleaseInfoCallback?) } |
To | struct CGDataProviderSequentialCallbacks { var version: UInt32 var getBytes: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderGetBytesCallback? var skipForward: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderSkipForwardCallback? var rewind: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderRewindCallback? var releaseInfo: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderReleaseInfoCallback? init() init(version version: UInt32, getBytes getBytes: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderGetBytesCallback?, skipForward skipForward: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderSkipForwardCallback?, rewind rewind: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderRewindCallback?, releaseInfo releaseInfo: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderReleaseInfoCallback?) } |
Declaration | |
From | var getBytes: CGDataProviderGetBytesCallback? |
To | var getBytes: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderGetBytesCallback? |
Declaration | |
From | var releaseInfo: CGDataProviderReleaseInfoCallback? |
To | var releaseInfo: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderReleaseInfoCallback? |
Declaration | |
From | var rewind: CGDataProviderRewindCallback? |
To | var rewind: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderRewindCallback? |
Declaration | |
From | var skipForward: CGDataProviderSkipForwardCallback? |
To | var skipForward: CoreGraphics.CGDataProviderSkipForwardCallback? |
Modified CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags : OptionSetType { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var BeginConfigurationFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var MovedFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var SetMainFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var SetModeFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var AddFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var RemoveFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var EnabledFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var DisabledFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var MirrorFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var UnMirrorFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var DesktopShapeChangedFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } } | OptionSetType |
To | struct CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags : OptionSet { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var beginConfigurationFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var movedFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var setMainFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var setModeFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var addFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var removeFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var enabledFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var disabledFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var mirrorFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var unMirrorFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } static var desktopShapeChangedFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } func intersect(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags func exclusiveOr(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) func isSubsetOf(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> Bool func isDisjointWith(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> Bool func isSupersetOf(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> Bool mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> Bool func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> Bool } extension CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { func union(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags func intersection(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags func symmetricDifference(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags } extension CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { func contains(_ member: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> Bool mutating func insert(_ newMember: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) mutating func remove(_ member: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags? mutating func update(with newMember: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags? } extension CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { convenience init() mutating func formUnion(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) } extension CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags>(_ sequence: S) convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags...) mutating func subtract(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) func isSubset(of other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> Bool func isSuperset(of other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> Bool func isDisjoint(with other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> Bool func subtracting(_ other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags var isEmpty: Bool { get } func isStrictSuperset(of other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> Bool func isStrictSubset(of other: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> Bool } | OptionSet |
Modified CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags.addFlag
Declaration | |
From | static var AddFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
To | static var addFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var BeginConfigurationFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
To | static var beginConfigurationFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var DesktopShapeChangedFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
To | static var desktopShapeChangedFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var DisabledFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
To | static var disabledFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var EnabledFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
To | static var enabledFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var MirrorFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
To | static var mirrorFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var MovedFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
To | static var movedFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var RemoveFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
To | static var removeFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var SetMainFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
To | static var setMainFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var SetModeFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
To | static var setModeFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var UnMirrorFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
To | static var unMirrorFlag: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags { get } |
Modified CGDisplayMode
Declaration | |
From | class CGDisplayMode { } |
To | class CGDisplayMode { var width: Int { get } var height: Int { get } var pixelEncoding: CFString? { get } var refreshRate: Double { get } var ioFlags: UInt32 { get } var ioDisplayModeID: Int32 { get } func isUsableForDesktopGUI() -> Bool class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } var pixelWidth: Int { get } var pixelHeight: Int { get } } extension CGDisplayMode { var width: Int { get } var height: Int { get } var pixelEncoding: CFString? { get } var refreshRate: Double { get } var ioFlags: UInt32 { get } var ioDisplayModeID: Int32 { get } func isUsableForDesktopGUI() -> Bool class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } var pixelWidth: Int { get } var pixelHeight: Int { get } } |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGDisplayModeGetHeight(_:) | func CGDisplayModeGetHeight(_ mode: CGDisplayMode?) -> Int | -- |
To | height | var height: Int { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGDisplayModeGetIODisplayModeID(_:) | func CGDisplayModeGetIODisplayModeID(_ mode: CGDisplayMode?) -> Int32 | -- |
To | ioDisplayModeID | var ioDisplayModeID: Int32 { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGDisplayModeGetIOFlags(_:) | func CGDisplayModeGetIOFlags(_ mode: CGDisplayMode?) -> UInt32 | -- |
To | ioFlags | var ioFlags: UInt32 { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDisplayModeIsUsableForDesktopGUI(_:) | func CGDisplayModeIsUsableForDesktopGUI(_ mode: CGDisplayMode?) -> Bool |
To | isUsableForDesktopGUI() | func isUsableForDesktopGUI() -> Bool |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGDisplayModeCopyPixelEncoding(_:) | func CGDisplayModeCopyPixelEncoding(_ mode: CGDisplayMode?) -> CFString? | -- |
To | pixelEncoding | var pixelEncoding: CFString? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGDisplayModeGetPixelHeight(_:) | func CGDisplayModeGetPixelHeight(_ mode: CGDisplayMode?) -> Int | -- |
To | pixelHeight | var pixelHeight: Int { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGDisplayModeGetPixelWidth(_:) | func CGDisplayModeGetPixelWidth(_ mode: CGDisplayMode?) -> Int | -- |
To | pixelWidth | var pixelWidth: Int { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGDisplayModeGetRefreshRate(_:) | func CGDisplayModeGetRefreshRate(_ mode: CGDisplayMode?) -> Double | -- |
To | refreshRate | var refreshRate: Double { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDisplayModeGetTypeID() | func CGDisplayModeGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGDisplayModeGetWidth(_:) | func CGDisplayModeGetWidth(_ mode: CGDisplayMode?) -> Int | -- |
To | width | var width: Int { get } | yes |
Modified CGDisplayStream
Declaration | |
From | class CGDisplayStream { } |
To | class CGDisplayStream { class let sourceRect: CFString class let destinationRect: CFString class let preserveAspectRatio: CFString class let colorSpace: CFString class let minimumFrameTime: CFString class let showCursor: CFString class let queueDepth: CFString class let yCbCrMatrix: CFString class let yCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_709_2: CFString class let yCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_601_4: CFString class let yCbCrMatrix_SMPTE_240M_1995: CFString class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(display display: CGDirectDisplayID, outputWidth outputWidth: Int, outputHeight outputHeight: Int, pixelFormat pixelFormat: Int32, properties properties: CFDictionary?, handler handler: CoreGraphics.CGDisplayStreamFrameAvailableHandler?) init?(dispatchQueueDisplay display: CGDirectDisplayID, outputWidth outputWidth: Int, outputHeight outputHeight: Int, pixelFormat pixelFormat: Int32, properties properties: CFDictionary?, queue queue: DispatchQueue, handler handler: CoreGraphics.CGDisplayStreamFrameAvailableHandler?) func start() -> CGError func stop() -> CGError var runLoopSource: CFRunLoopSource? { get } } extension CGDisplayStream { class let sourceRect: CFString class let destinationRect: CFString class let preserveAspectRatio: CFString class let colorSpace: CFString class let minimumFrameTime: CFString class let showCursor: CFString class let queueDepth: CFString class let yCbCrMatrix: CFString class let yCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_709_2: CFString class let yCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_601_4: CFString class let yCbCrMatrix_SMPTE_240M_1995: CFString class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(display display: CGDirectDisplayID, outputWidth outputWidth: Int, outputHeight outputHeight: Int, pixelFormat pixelFormat: Int32, properties properties: CFDictionary?, handler handler: CoreGraphics.CGDisplayStreamFrameAvailableHandler?) init?(dispatchQueueDisplay display: CGDirectDisplayID, outputWidth outputWidth: Int, outputHeight outputHeight: Int, pixelFormat pixelFormat: Int32, properties properties: CFDictionary?, queue queue: DispatchQueue, handler handler: CoreGraphics.CGDisplayStreamFrameAvailableHandler?) func start() -> CGError func stop() -> CGError var runLoopSource: CFRunLoopSource? { get } } |
Modified CGDisplayStream.colorSpace
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGDisplayStreamColorSpace | let kCGDisplayStreamColorSpace: CFString |
To | colorSpace | class let colorSpace: CFString |
Modified CGDisplayStream.destinationRect
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGDisplayStreamDestinationRect | let kCGDisplayStreamDestinationRect: CFString |
To | destinationRect | class let destinationRect: CFString |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDisplayStreamCreateWithDispatchQueue(_:_:_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGDisplayStreamCreateWithDispatchQueue(_ display: CGDirectDisplayID, _ outputWidth: Int, _ outputHeight: Int, _ pixelFormat: Int32, _ properties: CFDictionary?, _ queue: dispatch_queue_t, _ handler: CGDisplayStreamFrameAvailableHandler?) -> CGDisplayStream? |
To | init(dispatchQueueDisplay:outputWidth:outputHeight:pixelFormat:properties:queue:handler:) | init?(dispatchQueueDisplay display: CGDirectDisplayID, outputWidth outputWidth: Int, outputHeight outputHeight: Int, pixelFormat pixelFormat: Int32, properties properties: CFDictionary?, queue queue: DispatchQueue, handler handler: CoreGraphics.CGDisplayStreamFrameAvailableHandler?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDisplayStreamCreate(_:_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGDisplayStreamCreate(_ display: CGDirectDisplayID, _ outputWidth: Int, _ outputHeight: Int, _ pixelFormat: Int32, _ properties: CFDictionary?, _ handler: CGDisplayStreamFrameAvailableHandler?) -> CGDisplayStream? |
To | init(display:outputWidth:outputHeight:pixelFormat:properties:handler:) | init?(display display: CGDirectDisplayID, outputWidth outputWidth: Int, outputHeight outputHeight: Int, pixelFormat pixelFormat: Int32, properties properties: CFDictionary?, handler handler: CoreGraphics.CGDisplayStreamFrameAvailableHandler?) |
Modified CGDisplayStream.minimumFrameTime
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGDisplayStreamMinimumFrameTime | let kCGDisplayStreamMinimumFrameTime: CFString |
To | minimumFrameTime | class let minimumFrameTime: CFString |
Modified CGDisplayStream.preserveAspectRatio
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGDisplayStreamPreserveAspectRatio | let kCGDisplayStreamPreserveAspectRatio: CFString |
To | preserveAspectRatio | class let preserveAspectRatio: CFString |
Modified CGDisplayStream.queueDepth
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGDisplayStreamQueueDepth | let kCGDisplayStreamQueueDepth: CFString |
To | queueDepth | class let queueDepth: CFString |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGDisplayStreamGetRunLoopSource(_:) | func CGDisplayStreamGetRunLoopSource(_ displayStream: CGDisplayStream?) -> CFRunLoopSource? | -- |
To | runLoopSource | var runLoopSource: CFRunLoopSource? { get } | yes |
Modified CGDisplayStream.showCursor
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGDisplayStreamShowCursor | let kCGDisplayStreamShowCursor: CFString |
To | showCursor | class let showCursor: CFString |
Modified CGDisplayStream.sourceRect
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGDisplayStreamSourceRect | let kCGDisplayStreamSourceRect: CFString |
To | sourceRect | class let sourceRect: CFString |
Modified CGDisplayStream.start() -> CGError
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDisplayStreamStart(_:) | func CGDisplayStreamStart(_ displayStream: CGDisplayStream?) -> CGError |
To | start() | func start() -> CGError |
Modified CGDisplayStream.stop() -> CGError
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDisplayStreamStop(_:) | func CGDisplayStreamStop(_ displayStream: CGDisplayStream?) -> CGError |
To | stop() | func stop() -> CGError |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDisplayStreamGetTypeID() | func CGDisplayStreamGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Modified CGDisplayStream.yCbCrMatrix
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGDisplayStreamYCbCrMatrix | let kCGDisplayStreamYCbCrMatrix: CFString |
To | yCbCrMatrix | class let yCbCrMatrix: CFString |
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGDisplayStreamYCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_601_4 | let kCGDisplayStreamYCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_601_4: CFString |
To | yCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_601_4 | class let yCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_601_4: CFString |
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGDisplayStreamYCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_709_2 | let kCGDisplayStreamYCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_709_2: CFString |
To | yCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_709_2 | class let yCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_709_2: CFString |
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGDisplayStreamYCbCrMatrix_SMPTE_240M_1995 | let kCGDisplayStreamYCbCrMatrix_SMPTE_240M_1995: CFString |
To | yCbCrMatrix_SMPTE_240M_1995 | class let yCbCrMatrix_SMPTE_240M_1995: CFString |
Modified CGDisplayStreamFrameStatus [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGDisplayStreamFrameStatus : Int32 { case FrameComplete case FrameIdle case FrameBlank case Stopped } |
To | enum CGDisplayStreamFrameStatus : Int32 { case frameComplete case frameIdle case frameBlank case stopped } |
Declaration | |
From | case FrameBlank |
To | case frameBlank |
Declaration | |
From | case FrameComplete |
To | case frameComplete |
Modified CGDisplayStreamFrameStatus.frameIdle
Declaration | |
From | case FrameIdle |
To | case frameIdle |
Modified CGDisplayStreamFrameStatus.stopped
Declaration | |
From | case Stopped |
To | case stopped |
Modified CGDisplayStreamUpdate
Declaration | |
From | class CGDisplayStreamUpdate { } |
To | class CGDisplayStreamUpdate { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } func getRects(_ rectType: CGDisplayStreamUpdateRectType, rectCount rectCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> UnsafePointer<CGRect>? init?(mergedUpdateFirstUpdate firstUpdate: CGDisplayStreamUpdate?, secondUpdate secondUpdate: CGDisplayStreamUpdate?) func getMovedRectsDelta(dx dx: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, dy dy: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) var dropCount: Int { get } } extension CGDisplayStreamUpdate { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } func getRects(_ rectType: CGDisplayStreamUpdateRectType, rectCount rectCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> UnsafePointer<CGRect>? init?(mergedUpdateFirstUpdate firstUpdate: CGDisplayStreamUpdate?, secondUpdate secondUpdate: CGDisplayStreamUpdate?) func getMovedRectsDelta(dx dx: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, dy dy: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) var dropCount: Int { get } } |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGDisplayStreamUpdateGetDropCount(_:) | func CGDisplayStreamUpdateGetDropCount(_ updateRef: CGDisplayStreamUpdate?) -> Int | -- |
To | dropCount | var dropCount: Int { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDisplayStreamUpdateGetMovedRectsDelta(_:_:_:) | func CGDisplayStreamUpdateGetMovedRectsDelta(_ updateRef: CGDisplayStreamUpdate?, _ dx: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, _ dy: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) |
To | getMovedRectsDelta(dx:dy:) | func getMovedRectsDelta(dx dx: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>, dy dy: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDisplayStreamUpdateGetRects(_:_:_:) | func CGDisplayStreamUpdateGetRects(_ updateRef: CGDisplayStreamUpdate?, _ rectType: CGDisplayStreamUpdateRectType, _ rectCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> UnsafePointer<CGRect> |
To | getRects(_:rectCount:) | func getRects(_ rectType: CGDisplayStreamUpdateRectType, rectCount rectCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> UnsafePointer<CGRect>? |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDisplayStreamUpdateCreateMergedUpdate(_:_:) | func CGDisplayStreamUpdateCreateMergedUpdate(_ firstUpdate: CGDisplayStreamUpdate?, _ secondUpdate: CGDisplayStreamUpdate?) -> CGDisplayStreamUpdate? |
To | init(mergedUpdateFirstUpdate:secondUpdate:) | init?(mergedUpdateFirstUpdate firstUpdate: CGDisplayStreamUpdate?, secondUpdate secondUpdate: CGDisplayStreamUpdate?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGDisplayStreamUpdateGetTypeID() | func CGDisplayStreamUpdateGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Modified CGDisplayStreamUpdateRectType [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGDisplayStreamUpdateRectType : Int32 { case RefreshedRects case MovedRects case DirtyRects case ReducedDirtyRects } |
To | enum CGDisplayStreamUpdateRectType : Int32 { case refreshedRects case movedRects case dirtyRects case reducedDirtyRects } |
Declaration | |
From | case DirtyRects |
To | case dirtyRects |
Declaration | |
From | case MovedRects |
To | case movedRects |
Declaration | |
From | case ReducedDirtyRects |
To | case reducedDirtyRects |
Declaration | |
From | case RefreshedRects |
To | case refreshedRects |
Modified CGError [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGError : Int32 { case Success case Failure case IllegalArgument case InvalidConnection case InvalidContext case CannotComplete case NotImplemented case RangeCheck case TypeCheck case InvalidOperation case NoneAvailable } |
To | enum CGError : Int32 { case success case failure case illegalArgument case invalidConnection case invalidContext case cannotComplete case notImplemented case rangeCheck case typeCheck case invalidOperation case noneAvailable } |
Modified CGError.cannotComplete
Declaration | |
From | case CannotComplete |
To | case cannotComplete |
Modified CGError.failure
Declaration | |
From | case Failure |
To | case failure |
Modified CGError.illegalArgument
Declaration | |
From | case IllegalArgument |
To | case illegalArgument |
Modified CGError.invalidConnection
Declaration | |
From | case InvalidConnection |
To | case invalidConnection |
Modified CGError.invalidContext
Declaration | |
From | case InvalidContext |
To | case invalidContext |
Modified CGError.invalidOperation
Declaration | |
From | case InvalidOperation |
To | case invalidOperation |
Modified CGError.noneAvailable
Declaration | |
From | case NoneAvailable |
To | case noneAvailable |
Modified CGError.notImplemented
Declaration | |
From | case NotImplemented |
To | case notImplemented |
Modified CGError.rangeCheck
Declaration | |
From | case RangeCheck |
To | case rangeCheck |
Modified CGError.success
Declaration | |
From | case Success |
To | case success |
Modified CGError.typeCheck
Declaration | |
From | case TypeCheck |
To | case typeCheck |
Modified CGEvent
Declaration | |
From | class CGEvent { } |
To | class CGEvent { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(source source: CGEventSource?) var data: CFData? { get } init?(withDataAllocator allocator: CFAllocator?, data data: CFData?) init?(mouseEventSource source: CGEventSource?, mouseType mouseType: CGEventType, mouseCursorPosition mouseCursorPosition: CGPoint, mouseButton mouseButton: CGMouseButton) init?(keyboardEventSource source: CGEventSource?, virtualKey virtualKey: CGKeyCode, keyDown keyDown: Bool) func copy() -> CGEvent? func setSource(_ source: CGEventSource?) var type: CGEventType var timestamp: CGEventTimestamp var location: CGPoint var unflippedLocation: CGPoint { get } var flags: CGEventFlags func keyboardGetUnicodeString(maxStringLength maxStringLength: Int, actualStringLength actualStringLength: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>?, unicodeString unicodeString: UnsafeMutablePointer<UniChar>?) func keyboardSetUnicodeString(stringLength stringLength: Int, unicodeString unicodeString: UnsafePointer<UniChar>?) func getIntegerValueField(_ field: CGEventField) -> Int64 func setIntegerValueField(_ field: CGEventField, value value: Int64) func getDoubleValueField(_ field: CGEventField) -> Double func setDoubleValueField(_ field: CGEventField, value value: Double) class func tapCreate(tap tap: CGEventTapLocation, place place: CGEventTapPlacement, options options: CGEventTapOptions, eventsOfInterest eventsOfInterest: CGEventMask, callback callback: CoreGraphics.CGEventTapCallBack, userInfo userInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> CFMachPort? class func tapCreateForPSN(processSerialNumber processSerialNumber: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, place place: CGEventTapPlacement, options options: CGEventTapOptions, eventsOfInterest eventsOfInterest: CGEventMask, callback callback: CoreGraphics.CGEventTapCallBack, userInfo userInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> CFMachPort? class func tapCreateForPid(pid pid: pid_t, place place: CGEventTapPlacement, options options: CGEventTapOptions, eventsOfInterest eventsOfInterest: CGEventMask, callback callback: CoreGraphics.CGEventTapCallBack, userInfo userInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> CFMachPort? class func tapEnable(tap tap: CFMachPort, enable enable: Bool) class func tapIsEnabled(tap tap: CFMachPort) -> Bool func tapPostEvent(_ proxy: CGEventTapProxy?) func post(tap tap: CGEventTapLocation) func postToPSN(processSerialNumber processSerialNumber: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) func postToPid(_ pid: pid_t) } extension CGEvent { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(source source: CGEventSource?) var data: CFData? { get } init?(withDataAllocator allocator: CFAllocator?, data data: CFData?) init?(mouseEventSource source: CGEventSource?, mouseType mouseType: CGEventType, mouseCursorPosition mouseCursorPosition: CGPoint, mouseButton mouseButton: CGMouseButton) init?(keyboardEventSource source: CGEventSource?, virtualKey virtualKey: CGKeyCode, keyDown keyDown: Bool) func copy() -> CGEvent? func setSource(_ source: CGEventSource?) var type: CGEventType var timestamp: CGEventTimestamp var location: CGPoint var unflippedLocation: CGPoint { get } var flags: CGEventFlags func keyboardGetUnicodeString(maxStringLength maxStringLength: Int, actualStringLength actualStringLength: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>?, unicodeString unicodeString: UnsafeMutablePointer<UniChar>?) func keyboardSetUnicodeString(stringLength stringLength: Int, unicodeString unicodeString: UnsafePointer<UniChar>?) func getIntegerValueField(_ field: CGEventField) -> Int64 func setIntegerValueField(_ field: CGEventField, value value: Int64) func getDoubleValueField(_ field: CGEventField) -> Double func setDoubleValueField(_ field: CGEventField, value value: Double) class func tapCreate(tap tap: CGEventTapLocation, place place: CGEventTapPlacement, options options: CGEventTapOptions, eventsOfInterest eventsOfInterest: CGEventMask, callback callback: CoreGraphics.CGEventTapCallBack, userInfo userInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> CFMachPort? class func tapCreateForPSN(processSerialNumber processSerialNumber: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, place place: CGEventTapPlacement, options options: CGEventTapOptions, eventsOfInterest eventsOfInterest: CGEventMask, callback callback: CoreGraphics.CGEventTapCallBack, userInfo userInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> CFMachPort? class func tapCreateForPid(pid pid: pid_t, place place: CGEventTapPlacement, options options: CGEventTapOptions, eventsOfInterest eventsOfInterest: CGEventMask, callback callback: CoreGraphics.CGEventTapCallBack, userInfo userInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> CFMachPort? class func tapEnable(tap tap: CFMachPort, enable enable: Bool) class func tapIsEnabled(tap tap: CFMachPort) -> Bool func tapPostEvent(_ proxy: CGEventTapProxy?) func post(tap tap: CGEventTapLocation) func postToPSN(processSerialNumber processSerialNumber: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) func postToPid(_ pid: pid_t) } |
Modified CGEvent.copy() -> CGEvent?
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventCreateCopy(_:) | func CGEventCreateCopy(_ event: CGEvent?) -> CGEvent? |
To | copy() | func copy() -> CGEvent? |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGEventCreateData(_:_:) | func CGEventCreateData(_ allocator: CFAllocator?, _ event: CGEvent?) -> CFData? | -- |
To | data | var data: CFData? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventGetFlags(_:) | func CGEventGetFlags(_ event: CGEvent?) -> CGEventFlags |
To | flags | var flags: CGEventFlags |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventGetDoubleValueField(_:_:) | func CGEventGetDoubleValueField(_ event: CGEvent?, _ field: CGEventField) -> Double |
To | getDoubleValueField(_:) | func getDoubleValueField(_ field: CGEventField) -> Double |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventGetIntegerValueField(_:_:) | func CGEventGetIntegerValueField(_ event: CGEvent?, _ field: CGEventField) -> Int64 |
To | getIntegerValueField(_:) | func getIntegerValueField(_ field: CGEventField) -> Int64 |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(_:_:_:) | func CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(_ source: CGEventSource?, _ virtualKey: CGKeyCode, _ keyDown: Bool) -> CGEvent? |
To | init(keyboardEventSource:virtualKey:keyDown:) | init?(keyboardEventSource source: CGEventSource?, virtualKey virtualKey: CGKeyCode, keyDown keyDown: Bool) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventCreateMouseEvent(_:_:_:_:) | func CGEventCreateMouseEvent(_ source: CGEventSource?, _ mouseType: CGEventType, _ mouseCursorPosition: CGPoint, _ mouseButton: CGMouseButton) -> CGEvent? |
To | init(mouseEventSource:mouseType:mouseCursorPosition:mouseButton:) | init?(mouseEventSource source: CGEventSource?, mouseType mouseType: CGEventType, mouseCursorPosition mouseCursorPosition: CGPoint, mouseButton mouseButton: CGMouseButton) |
Modified CGEvent.init(source: CGEventSource?)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventCreate(_:) | func CGEventCreate(_ source: CGEventSource?) -> CGEvent? |
To | init(source:) | init?(source source: CGEventSource?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventCreateFromData(_:_:) | func CGEventCreateFromData(_ allocator: CFAllocator?, _ data: CFData?) -> CGEvent? |
To | init(withDataAllocator:data:) | init?(withDataAllocator allocator: CFAllocator?, data data: CFData?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventKeyboardGetUnicodeString(_:_:_:_:) | func CGEventKeyboardGetUnicodeString(_ event: CGEvent?, _ maxStringLength: Int, _ actualStringLength: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, _ unicodeString: UnsafeMutablePointer<UniChar>) |
To | keyboardGetUnicodeString(maxStringLength:actualStringLength:unicodeString:) | func keyboardGetUnicodeString(maxStringLength maxStringLength: Int, actualStringLength actualStringLength: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>?, unicodeString unicodeString: UnsafeMutablePointer<UniChar>?) |
Modified CGEvent.keyboardSetUnicodeString(stringLength: Int, unicodeString: UnsafePointer<UniChar>?)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventKeyboardSetUnicodeString(_:_:_:) | func CGEventKeyboardSetUnicodeString(_ event: CGEvent?, _ stringLength: Int, _ unicodeString: UnsafePointer<UniChar>) |
To | keyboardSetUnicodeString(stringLength:unicodeString:) | func keyboardSetUnicodeString(stringLength stringLength: Int, unicodeString unicodeString: UnsafePointer<UniChar>?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventGetLocation(_:) | func CGEventGetLocation(_ event: CGEvent?) -> CGPoint |
To | location | var location: CGPoint |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventPost(_:_:) | func CGEventPost(_ tap: CGEventTapLocation, _ event: CGEvent?) |
To | post(tap:) | func post(tap tap: CGEventTapLocation) |
Modified CGEvent.postToPid(_: pid_t)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventPostToPid(_:_:) | func CGEventPostToPid(_ pid: pid_t, _ event: CGEvent?) |
To | postToPid(_:) | func postToPid(_ pid: pid_t) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventPostToPSN(_:_:) | func CGEventPostToPSN(_ processSerialNumber: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ event: CGEvent?) |
To | postToPSN(processSerialNumber:) | func postToPSN(processSerialNumber processSerialNumber: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventSetDoubleValueField(_:_:_:) | func CGEventSetDoubleValueField(_ event: CGEvent?, _ field: CGEventField, _ value: Double) |
To | setDoubleValueField(_:value:) | func setDoubleValueField(_ field: CGEventField, value value: Double) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventSetIntegerValueField(_:_:_:) | func CGEventSetIntegerValueField(_ event: CGEvent?, _ field: CGEventField, _ value: Int64) |
To | setIntegerValueField(_:value:) | func setIntegerValueField(_ field: CGEventField, value value: Int64) |
Modified CGEvent.setSource(_: CGEventSource?)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventSetSource(_:_:) | func CGEventSetSource(_ event: CGEvent?, _ source: CGEventSource?) |
To | setSource(_:) | func setSource(_ source: CGEventSource?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventTapCreate(_:_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGEventTapCreate(_ tap: CGEventTapLocation, _ place: CGEventTapPlacement, _ options: CGEventTapOptions, _ eventsOfInterest: CGEventMask, _ callback: CGEventTapCallBack?, _ userInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CFMachPort? |
To | tapCreate(tap:place:options:eventsOfInterest:callback:userInfo:) | class func tapCreate(tap tap: CGEventTapLocation, place place: CGEventTapPlacement, options options: CGEventTapOptions, eventsOfInterest eventsOfInterest: CGEventMask, callback callback: CoreGraphics.CGEventTapCallBack, userInfo userInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> CFMachPort? |
Name | Declaration | Introduction | |
From | CGEventTapCreateForPid(_:_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGEventTapCreateForPid(_ pid: pid_t, _ place: CGEventTapPlacement, _ options: CGEventTapOptions, _ eventsOfInterest: CGEventMask, _ callback: CGEventTapCallBack, _ userInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CFMachPort? | OS X 10.4 |
To | tapCreateForPid(pid:place:options:eventsOfInterest:callback:userInfo:) | class func tapCreateForPid(pid pid: pid_t, place place: CGEventTapPlacement, options options: CGEventTapOptions, eventsOfInterest eventsOfInterest: CGEventMask, callback callback: CoreGraphics.CGEventTapCallBack, userInfo userInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> CFMachPort? | OS X 10.11 |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventTapCreateForPSN(_:_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGEventTapCreateForPSN(_ processSerialNumber: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ place: CGEventTapPlacement, _ options: CGEventTapOptions, _ eventsOfInterest: CGEventMask, _ callback: CGEventTapCallBack?, _ userInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CFMachPort? |
To | tapCreateForPSN(processSerialNumber:place:options:eventsOfInterest:callback:userInfo:) | class func tapCreateForPSN(processSerialNumber processSerialNumber: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, place place: CGEventTapPlacement, options options: CGEventTapOptions, eventsOfInterest eventsOfInterest: CGEventMask, callback callback: CoreGraphics.CGEventTapCallBack, userInfo userInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> CFMachPort? |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventTapEnable(_:_:) | func CGEventTapEnable(_ tap: CFMachPort, _ enable: Bool) |
To | tapEnable(tap:enable:) | class func tapEnable(tap tap: CFMachPort, enable enable: Bool) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventTapIsEnabled(_:) | func CGEventTapIsEnabled(_ tap: CFMachPort) -> Bool |
To | tapIsEnabled(tap:) | class func tapIsEnabled(tap tap: CFMachPort) -> Bool |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventTapPostEvent(_:_:) | func CGEventTapPostEvent(_ proxy: CGEventTapProxy, _ event: CGEvent?) |
To | tapPostEvent(_:) | func tapPostEvent(_ proxy: CGEventTapProxy?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventGetTimestamp(_:) | func CGEventGetTimestamp(_ event: CGEvent?) -> CGEventTimestamp |
To | timestamp | var timestamp: CGEventTimestamp |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventGetType(_:) | func CGEventGetType(_ event: CGEvent?) -> CGEventType |
To | type | var type: CGEventType |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventGetTypeID() | func CGEventGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGEventGetUnflippedLocation(_:) | func CGEventGetUnflippedLocation(_ event: CGEvent?) -> CGPoint | -- |
To | unflippedLocation | var unflippedLocation: CGPoint { get } | yes |
Modified CGEventField [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGEventField : UInt32 { case MouseEventNumber case MouseEventClickState case MouseEventPressure case MouseEventButtonNumber case MouseEventDeltaX case MouseEventDeltaY case MouseEventInstantMouser case MouseEventSubtype case KeyboardEventAutorepeat case KeyboardEventKeycode case KeyboardEventKeyboardType case ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 case ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 case ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 case ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 case ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 case ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 case ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 case ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 case ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 case ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase case ScrollWheelEventScrollCount case ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase case ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser case TabletEventPointX case TabletEventPointY case TabletEventPointZ case TabletEventPointButtons case TabletEventPointPressure case TabletEventTiltX case TabletEventTiltY case TabletEventRotation case TabletEventTangentialPressure case TabletEventDeviceID case TabletEventVendor1 case TabletEventVendor2 case TabletEventVendor3 case TabletProximityEventVendorID case TabletProximityEventTabletID case TabletProximityEventPointerID case TabletProximityEventDeviceID case TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID case TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType case TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber case TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID case TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask case TabletProximityEventPointerType case TabletProximityEventEnterProximity case EventTargetProcessSerialNumber case EventTargetUnixProcessID case EventSourceUnixProcessID case EventSourceUserData case EventSourceUserID case EventSourceGroupID case EventSourceStateID case ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous case MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer case MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent } |
To | enum CGEventField : UInt32 { case mouseEventNumber case mouseEventClickState case mouseEventPressure case mouseEventButtonNumber case mouseEventDeltaX case mouseEventDeltaY case mouseEventInstantMouser case mouseEventSubtype case keyboardEventAutorepeat case keyboardEventKeycode case keyboardEventKeyboardType case scrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 case scrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 case scrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 case scrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 case scrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 case scrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 case scrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 case scrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 case scrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 case scrollWheelEventScrollPhase case scrollWheelEventScrollCount case scrollWheelEventMomentumPhase case scrollWheelEventInstantMouser case tabletEventPointX case tabletEventPointY case tabletEventPointZ case tabletEventPointButtons case tabletEventPointPressure case tabletEventTiltX case tabletEventTiltY case tabletEventRotation case tabletEventTangentialPressure case tabletEventDeviceID case tabletEventVendor1 case tabletEventVendor2 case tabletEventVendor3 case tabletProximityEventVendorID case tabletProximityEventTabletID case tabletProximityEventPointerID case tabletProximityEventDeviceID case tabletProximityEventSystemTabletID case tabletProximityEventVendorPointerType case tabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber case tabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID case tabletProximityEventCapabilityMask case tabletProximityEventPointerType case tabletProximityEventEnterProximity case eventTargetProcessSerialNumber case eventTargetUnixProcessID case eventSourceUnixProcessID case eventSourceUserData case eventSourceUserID case eventSourceGroupID case eventSourceStateID case scrollWheelEventIsContinuous case mouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer case mouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent } |
Modified CGEventField.eventSourceGroupID
Declaration | |
From | case EventSourceGroupID |
To | case eventSourceGroupID |
Modified CGEventField.eventSourceStateID
Declaration | |
From | case EventSourceStateID |
To | case eventSourceStateID |
Declaration | |
From | case EventSourceUnixProcessID |
To | case eventSourceUnixProcessID |
Modified CGEventField.eventSourceUserData
Declaration | |
From | case EventSourceUserData |
To | case eventSourceUserData |
Modified CGEventField.eventSourceUserID
Declaration | |
From | case EventSourceUserID |
To | case eventSourceUserID |
Declaration | |
From | case EventTargetProcessSerialNumber |
To | case eventTargetProcessSerialNumber |
Declaration | |
From | case EventTargetUnixProcessID |
To | case eventTargetUnixProcessID |
Modified CGEventField.keyboardEventAutorepeat
Declaration | |
From | case KeyboardEventAutorepeat |
To | case keyboardEventAutorepeat |
Declaration | |
From | case KeyboardEventKeyboardType |
To | case keyboardEventKeyboardType |
Modified CGEventField.keyboardEventKeycode
Declaration | |
From | case KeyboardEventKeycode |
To | case keyboardEventKeycode |
Modified CGEventField.mouseEventButtonNumber
Declaration | |
From | case MouseEventButtonNumber |
To | case mouseEventButtonNumber |
Modified CGEventField.mouseEventClickState
Declaration | |
From | case MouseEventClickState |
To | case mouseEventClickState |
Modified CGEventField.mouseEventDeltaX
Declaration | |
From | case MouseEventDeltaX |
To | case mouseEventDeltaX |
Modified CGEventField.mouseEventDeltaY
Declaration | |
From | case MouseEventDeltaY |
To | case mouseEventDeltaY |
Modified CGEventField.mouseEventInstantMouser
Declaration | |
From | case MouseEventInstantMouser |
To | case mouseEventInstantMouser |
Modified CGEventField.mouseEventNumber
Declaration | |
From | case MouseEventNumber |
To | case mouseEventNumber |
Modified CGEventField.mouseEventPressure
Declaration | |
From | case MouseEventPressure |
To | case mouseEventPressure |
Modified CGEventField.mouseEventSubtype
Declaration | |
From | case MouseEventSubtype |
To | case mouseEventSubtype |
Declaration | |
From | case MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer |
To | case mouseEventWindowUnderMousePointer |
Declaration | |
From | case MouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent |
To | case mouseEventWindowUnderMousePointerThatCanHandleThisEvent |
Declaration | |
From | case ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 |
To | case scrollWheelEventDeltaAxis1 |
Declaration | |
From | case ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 |
To | case scrollWheelEventDeltaAxis2 |
Declaration | |
From | case ScrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 |
To | case scrollWheelEventDeltaAxis3 |
Declaration | |
From | case ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 |
To | case scrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis1 |
Declaration | |
From | case ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 |
To | case scrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis2 |
Declaration | |
From | case ScrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 |
To | case scrollWheelEventFixedPtDeltaAxis3 |
Declaration | |
From | case ScrollWheelEventInstantMouser |
To | case scrollWheelEventInstantMouser |
Declaration | |
From | case ScrollWheelEventIsContinuous |
To | case scrollWheelEventIsContinuous |
Declaration | |
From | case ScrollWheelEventMomentumPhase |
To | case scrollWheelEventMomentumPhase |
Declaration | |
From | case ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 |
To | case scrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis1 |
Declaration | |
From | case ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 |
To | case scrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis2 |
Declaration | |
From | case ScrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 |
To | case scrollWheelEventPointDeltaAxis3 |
Declaration | |
From | case ScrollWheelEventScrollCount |
To | case scrollWheelEventScrollCount |
Declaration | |
From | case ScrollWheelEventScrollPhase |
To | case scrollWheelEventScrollPhase |
Modified CGEventField.tabletEventDeviceID
Declaration | |
From | case TabletEventDeviceID |
To | case tabletEventDeviceID |
Modified CGEventField.tabletEventPointButtons
Declaration | |
From | case TabletEventPointButtons |
To | case tabletEventPointButtons |
Declaration | |
From | case TabletEventPointPressure |
To | case tabletEventPointPressure |
Modified CGEventField.tabletEventPointX
Declaration | |
From | case TabletEventPointX |
To | case tabletEventPointX |
Modified CGEventField.tabletEventPointY
Declaration | |
From | case TabletEventPointY |
To | case tabletEventPointY |
Modified CGEventField.tabletEventPointZ
Declaration | |
From | case TabletEventPointZ |
To | case tabletEventPointZ |
Modified CGEventField.tabletEventRotation
Declaration | |
From | case TabletEventRotation |
To | case tabletEventRotation |
Declaration | |
From | case TabletEventTangentialPressure |
To | case tabletEventTangentialPressure |
Modified CGEventField.tabletEventTiltX
Declaration | |
From | case TabletEventTiltX |
To | case tabletEventTiltX |
Modified CGEventField.tabletEventTiltY
Declaration | |
From | case TabletEventTiltY |
To | case tabletEventTiltY |
Modified CGEventField.tabletEventVendor1
Declaration | |
From | case TabletEventVendor1 |
To | case tabletEventVendor1 |
Modified CGEventField.tabletEventVendor2
Declaration | |
From | case TabletEventVendor2 |
To | case tabletEventVendor2 |
Modified CGEventField.tabletEventVendor3
Declaration | |
From | case TabletEventVendor3 |
To | case tabletEventVendor3 |
Declaration | |
From | case TabletProximityEventCapabilityMask |
To | case tabletProximityEventCapabilityMask |
Declaration | |
From | case TabletProximityEventDeviceID |
To | case tabletProximityEventDeviceID |
Declaration | |
From | case TabletProximityEventEnterProximity |
To | case tabletProximityEventEnterProximity |
Declaration | |
From | case TabletProximityEventPointerID |
To | case tabletProximityEventPointerID |
Declaration | |
From | case TabletProximityEventPointerType |
To | case tabletProximityEventPointerType |
Declaration | |
From | case TabletProximityEventSystemTabletID |
To | case tabletProximityEventSystemTabletID |
Declaration | |
From | case TabletProximityEventTabletID |
To | case tabletProximityEventTabletID |
Declaration | |
From | case TabletProximityEventVendorID |
To | case tabletProximityEventVendorID |
Declaration | |
From | case TabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber |
To | case tabletProximityEventVendorPointerSerialNumber |
Declaration | |
From | case TabletProximityEventVendorPointerType |
To | case tabletProximityEventVendorPointerType |
Declaration | |
From | case TabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID |
To | case tabletProximityEventVendorUniqueID |
Modified CGEventFilterMask [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CGEventFilterMask : OptionSetType { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var PermitLocalMouseEvents: CGEventFilterMask { get } static var PermitLocalKeyboardEvents: CGEventFilterMask { get } static var PermitSystemDefinedEvents: CGEventFilterMask { get } } | OptionSetType |
To | struct CGEventFilterMask : OptionSet { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var permitLocalMouseEvents: CGEventFilterMask { get } static var permitLocalKeyboardEvents: CGEventFilterMask { get } static var permitSystemDefinedEvents: CGEventFilterMask { get } func intersect(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) -> CGEventFilterMask func exclusiveOr(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) -> CGEventFilterMask mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) func isSubsetOf(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) -> Bool func isDisjointWith(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) -> Bool func isSupersetOf(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) -> Bool mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) -> Bool func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) -> Bool } extension CGEventFilterMask { func union(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) -> CGEventFilterMask func intersection(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) -> CGEventFilterMask func symmetricDifference(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) -> CGEventFilterMask } extension CGEventFilterMask { func contains(_ member: CGEventFilterMask) -> Bool mutating func insert(_ newMember: CGEventFilterMask) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: CGEventFilterMask) mutating func remove(_ member: CGEventFilterMask) -> CGEventFilterMask? mutating func update(with newMember: CGEventFilterMask) -> CGEventFilterMask? } extension CGEventFilterMask { convenience init() mutating func formUnion(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) } extension CGEventFilterMask { convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == CGEventFilterMask>(_ sequence: S) convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: CGEventFilterMask...) mutating func subtract(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) func isSubset(of other: CGEventFilterMask) -> Bool func isSuperset(of other: CGEventFilterMask) -> Bool func isDisjoint(with other: CGEventFilterMask) -> Bool func subtracting(_ other: CGEventFilterMask) -> CGEventFilterMask var isEmpty: Bool { get } func isStrictSuperset(of other: CGEventFilterMask) -> Bool func isStrictSubset(of other: CGEventFilterMask) -> Bool } | OptionSet |
Declaration | |
From | static var PermitLocalKeyboardEvents: CGEventFilterMask { get } |
To | static var permitLocalKeyboardEvents: CGEventFilterMask { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var PermitLocalMouseEvents: CGEventFilterMask { get } |
To | static var permitLocalMouseEvents: CGEventFilterMask { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var PermitSystemDefinedEvents: CGEventFilterMask { get } |
To | static var permitSystemDefinedEvents: CGEventFilterMask { get } |
Modified CGEventFlags [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | Introduction | Raw Value Type | |
From | enum CGEventFlags : UInt64 { case MaskAlphaShift case MaskShift case MaskControl case MaskAlternate case MaskCommand case MaskHelp case MaskSecondaryFn case MaskNumericPad case MaskNonCoalesced } | -- | OS X 10.11 | UInt64 |
To | struct CGEventFlags : OptionSet { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt64) static var maskAlphaShift: CGEventFlags { get } static var maskShift: CGEventFlags { get } static var maskControl: CGEventFlags { get } static var maskAlternate: CGEventFlags { get } static var maskCommand: CGEventFlags { get } static var maskHelp: CGEventFlags { get } static var maskSecondaryFn: CGEventFlags { get } static var maskNumericPad: CGEventFlags { get } static var maskNonCoalesced: CGEventFlags { get } func intersect(_ other: CGEventFlags) -> CGEventFlags func exclusiveOr(_ other: CGEventFlags) -> CGEventFlags mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: CGEventFlags) mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: CGEventFlags) mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: CGEventFlags) func isSubsetOf(_ other: CGEventFlags) -> Bool func isDisjointWith(_ other: CGEventFlags) -> Bool func isSupersetOf(_ other: CGEventFlags) -> Bool mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: CGEventFlags) func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: CGEventFlags) -> Bool func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: CGEventFlags) -> Bool } extension CGEventFlags { func union(_ other: CGEventFlags) -> CGEventFlags func intersection(_ other: CGEventFlags) -> CGEventFlags func symmetricDifference(_ other: CGEventFlags) -> CGEventFlags } extension CGEventFlags { func contains(_ member: CGEventFlags) -> Bool mutating func insert(_ newMember: CGEventFlags) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: CGEventFlags) mutating func remove(_ member: CGEventFlags) -> CGEventFlags? mutating func update(with newMember: CGEventFlags) -> CGEventFlags? } extension CGEventFlags { convenience init() mutating func formUnion(_ other: CGEventFlags) mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CGEventFlags) mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: CGEventFlags) } extension CGEventFlags { convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == CGEventFlags>(_ sequence: S) convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: CGEventFlags...) mutating func subtract(_ other: CGEventFlags) func isSubset(of other: CGEventFlags) -> Bool func isSuperset(of other: CGEventFlags) -> Bool func isDisjoint(with other: CGEventFlags) -> Bool func subtracting(_ other: CGEventFlags) -> CGEventFlags var isEmpty: Bool { get } func isStrictSuperset(of other: CGEventFlags) -> Bool func isStrictSubset(of other: CGEventFlags) -> Bool } | OptionSet | OS X 10.12 | -- |
Modified CGEventFlags.maskAlphaShift
Name | Declaration | Introduction | |
From | MaskAlphaShift | case MaskAlphaShift | OS X 10.11 |
To | maskAlphaShift | static var maskAlphaShift: CGEventFlags { get } | OS X 10.12 |
Modified CGEventFlags.maskAlternate
Name | Declaration | Introduction | |
From | MaskAlternate | case MaskAlternate | OS X 10.11 |
To | maskAlternate | static var maskAlternate: CGEventFlags { get } | OS X 10.12 |
Modified CGEventFlags.maskCommand
Name | Declaration | Introduction | |
From | MaskCommand | case MaskCommand | OS X 10.11 |
To | maskCommand | static var maskCommand: CGEventFlags { get } | OS X 10.12 |
Modified CGEventFlags.maskControl
Name | Declaration | Introduction | |
From | MaskControl | case MaskControl | OS X 10.11 |
To | maskControl | static var maskControl: CGEventFlags { get } | OS X 10.12 |
Modified CGEventFlags.maskHelp
Name | Declaration | Introduction | |
From | MaskHelp | case MaskHelp | OS X 10.11 |
To | maskHelp | static var maskHelp: CGEventFlags { get } | OS X 10.12 |
Modified CGEventFlags.maskNonCoalesced
Name | Declaration | Introduction | |
From | MaskNonCoalesced | case MaskNonCoalesced | OS X 10.11 |
To | maskNonCoalesced | static var maskNonCoalesced: CGEventFlags { get } | OS X 10.12 |
Modified CGEventFlags.maskNumericPad
Name | Declaration | Introduction | |
From | MaskNumericPad | case MaskNumericPad | OS X 10.11 |
To | maskNumericPad | static var maskNumericPad: CGEventFlags { get } | OS X 10.12 |
Modified CGEventFlags.maskSecondaryFn
Name | Declaration | Introduction | |
From | MaskSecondaryFn | case MaskSecondaryFn | OS X 10.11 |
To | maskSecondaryFn | static var maskSecondaryFn: CGEventFlags { get } | OS X 10.12 |
Modified CGEventFlags.maskShift
Name | Declaration | Introduction | |
From | MaskShift | case MaskShift | OS X 10.11 |
To | maskShift | static var maskShift: CGEventFlags { get } | OS X 10.12 |
Modified CGEventMouseSubtype [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGEventMouseSubtype : UInt32 { case Default case TabletPoint case TabletProximity } |
To | enum CGEventMouseSubtype : UInt32 { case defaultType case tabletPoint case tabletProximity } |
Modified CGEventMouseSubtype.defaultType
Declaration | |
From | case Default |
To | case defaultType |
Modified CGEventMouseSubtype.tabletPoint
Declaration | |
From | case TabletPoint |
To | case tabletPoint |
Modified CGEventMouseSubtype.tabletProximity
Declaration | |
From | case TabletProximity |
To | case tabletProximity |
Modified CGEventSource
Declaration | |
From | class CGEventSource { } |
To | class CGEventSource { init?(event event: CGEvent?) class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(stateID stateID: CGEventSourceStateID) var keyboardType: CGEventSourceKeyboardType var pixelsPerLine: Double var sourceStateID: CGEventSourceStateID { get } class func buttonState(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID, button button: CGMouseButton) -> Bool class func keyState(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID, key key: CGKeyCode) -> Bool class func flagsState(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID) -> CGEventFlags class func secondsSinceLastEventType(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID, eventType eventType: CGEventType) -> CFTimeInterval class func counterForEventType(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID, eventType eventType: CGEventType) -> UInt32 var userData: Int64 func setLocalEventsFilterDuringSuppressionState(_ filter: CGEventFilterMask, state state: CGEventSuppressionState) func getLocalEventsFilterDuringSuppressionState(_ state: CGEventSuppressionState) -> CGEventFilterMask var localEventsSuppressionInterval: CFTimeInterval } extension CGEventSource { init?(event event: CGEvent?) } extension CGEventSource { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(stateID stateID: CGEventSourceStateID) var keyboardType: CGEventSourceKeyboardType var pixelsPerLine: Double var sourceStateID: CGEventSourceStateID { get } class func buttonState(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID, button button: CGMouseButton) -> Bool class func keyState(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID, key key: CGKeyCode) -> Bool class func flagsState(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID) -> CGEventFlags class func secondsSinceLastEventType(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID, eventType eventType: CGEventType) -> CFTimeInterval class func counterForEventType(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID, eventType eventType: CGEventType) -> UInt32 var userData: Int64 func setLocalEventsFilterDuringSuppressionState(_ filter: CGEventFilterMask, state state: CGEventSuppressionState) func getLocalEventsFilterDuringSuppressionState(_ state: CGEventSuppressionState) -> CGEventFilterMask var localEventsSuppressionInterval: CFTimeInterval } |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventSourceButtonState(_:_:) | func CGEventSourceButtonState(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID, _ button: CGMouseButton) -> Bool |
To | buttonState(_:button:) | class func buttonState(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID, button button: CGMouseButton) -> Bool |
Modified CGEventSource.counterForEventType(_: CGEventSourceStateID, eventType: CGEventType) -> UInt32 [class]
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventSourceCounterForEventType(_:_:) | func CGEventSourceCounterForEventType(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID, _ eventType: CGEventType) -> UInt32 |
To | counterForEventType(_:eventType:) | class func counterForEventType(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID, eventType eventType: CGEventType) -> UInt32 |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventSourceFlagsState(_:) | func CGEventSourceFlagsState(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID) -> CGEventFlags |
To | flagsState(_:) | class func flagsState(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID) -> CGEventFlags |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventSourceGetLocalEventsFilterDuringSuppressionState(_:_:) | func CGEventSourceGetLocalEventsFilterDuringSuppressionState(_ source: CGEventSource?, _ state: CGEventSuppressionState) -> CGEventFilterMask |
To | getLocalEventsFilterDuringSuppressionState(_:) | func getLocalEventsFilterDuringSuppressionState(_ state: CGEventSuppressionState) -> CGEventFilterMask |
Modified CGEventSource.init(event: CGEvent?)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventCreateSourceFromEvent(_:) | func CGEventCreateSourceFromEvent(_ event: CGEvent?) -> CGEventSource? |
To | init(event:) | init?(event event: CGEvent?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventSourceCreate(_:) | func CGEventSourceCreate(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID) -> CGEventSource? |
To | init(stateID:) | init?(stateID stateID: CGEventSourceStateID) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventSourceGetKeyboardType(_:) | func CGEventSourceGetKeyboardType(_ source: CGEventSource?) -> CGEventSourceKeyboardType |
To | keyboardType | var keyboardType: CGEventSourceKeyboardType |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventSourceKeyState(_:_:) | func CGEventSourceKeyState(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID, _ key: CGKeyCode) -> Bool |
To | keyState(_:key:) | class func keyState(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID, key key: CGKeyCode) -> Bool |
Modified CGEventSource.CGEventSourceGetLocalEventsSuppressionInterval(_: CGEventSource?) -> CFTimeInterval
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventSourceGetLocalEventsSuppressionInterval(_:) | func CGEventSourceGetLocalEventsSuppressionInterval(_ source: CGEventSource?) -> CFTimeInterval |
To | localEventsSuppressionInterval | var localEventsSuppressionInterval: CFTimeInterval |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventSourceGetPixelsPerLine(_:) | func CGEventSourceGetPixelsPerLine(_ source: CGEventSource?) -> Double |
To | pixelsPerLine | var pixelsPerLine: Double |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventSourceSecondsSinceLastEventType(_:_:) | func CGEventSourceSecondsSinceLastEventType(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID, _ eventType: CGEventType) -> CFTimeInterval |
To | secondsSinceLastEventType(_:eventType:) | class func secondsSinceLastEventType(_ stateID: CGEventSourceStateID, eventType eventType: CGEventType) -> CFTimeInterval |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventSourceSetLocalEventsFilterDuringSuppressionState(_:_:_:) | func CGEventSourceSetLocalEventsFilterDuringSuppressionState(_ source: CGEventSource?, _ filter: CGEventFilterMask, _ state: CGEventSuppressionState) |
To | setLocalEventsFilterDuringSuppressionState(_:state:) | func setLocalEventsFilterDuringSuppressionState(_ filter: CGEventFilterMask, state state: CGEventSuppressionState) |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGEventSourceGetSourceStateID(_:) | func CGEventSourceGetSourceStateID(_ source: CGEventSource?) -> CGEventSourceStateID | -- |
To | sourceStateID | var sourceStateID: CGEventSourceStateID { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventSourceGetTypeID() | func CGEventSourceGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGEventSourceGetUserData(_:) | func CGEventSourceGetUserData(_ source: CGEventSource?) -> Int64 |
To | userData | var userData: Int64 |
Modified CGEventSourceStateID [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGEventSourceStateID : Int32 { case Private case CombinedSessionState case HIDSystemState } |
To | enum CGEventSourceStateID : Int32 { case privateState case combinedSessionState case hidSystemState } |
Declaration | |
From | case CombinedSessionState |
To | case combinedSessionState |
Modified CGEventSourceStateID.hidSystemState
Declaration | |
From | case HIDSystemState |
To | case hidSystemState |
Modified CGEventSourceStateID.privateState
Declaration | |
From | case Private |
To | case privateState |
Modified CGEventSuppressionState [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGEventSuppressionState : UInt32 { case EventSuppressionStateSuppressionInterval case EventSuppressionStateRemoteMouseDrag case NumberOfEventSuppressionStates } |
To | enum CGEventSuppressionState : UInt32 { case eventSuppressionStateSuppressionInterval case eventSuppressionStateRemoteMouseDrag case numberOfEventSuppressionStates } |
Declaration | |
From | case EventSuppressionStateRemoteMouseDrag |
To | case eventSuppressionStateRemoteMouseDrag |
Declaration | |
From | case EventSuppressionStateSuppressionInterval |
To | case eventSuppressionStateSuppressionInterval |
Declaration | |
From | case NumberOfEventSuppressionStates |
To | case numberOfEventSuppressionStates |
Modified CGEventTapLocation [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGEventTapLocation : UInt32 { case CGHIDEventTap case CGSessionEventTap case CGAnnotatedSessionEventTap } |
To | enum CGEventTapLocation : UInt32 { case cghidEventTap case cgSessionEventTap case cgAnnotatedSessionEventTap } |
Declaration | |
From | case CGAnnotatedSessionEventTap |
To | case cgAnnotatedSessionEventTap |
Modified CGEventTapLocation.cghidEventTap
Declaration | |
From | case CGHIDEventTap |
To | case cghidEventTap |
Modified CGEventTapLocation.cgSessionEventTap
Declaration | |
From | case CGSessionEventTap |
To | case cgSessionEventTap |
Modified CGEventTapOptions [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGEventTapOptions : UInt32 { case Default case ListenOnly } |
To | enum CGEventTapOptions : UInt32 { case defaultTap case listenOnly } |
Modified CGEventTapOptions.defaultTap
Declaration | |
From | case Default |
To | case defaultTap |
Modified CGEventTapOptions.listenOnly
Declaration | |
From | case ListenOnly |
To | case listenOnly |
Modified CGEventTapPlacement [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGEventTapPlacement : UInt32 { case HeadInsertEventTap case TailAppendEventTap } |
To | enum CGEventTapPlacement : UInt32 { case headInsertEventTap case tailAppendEventTap } |
Declaration | |
From | case HeadInsertEventTap |
To | case headInsertEventTap |
Declaration | |
From | case TailAppendEventTap |
To | case tailAppendEventTap |
Modified CGEventType [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGEventType : UInt32 { case Null case LeftMouseDown case LeftMouseUp case RightMouseDown case RightMouseUp case MouseMoved case LeftMouseDragged case RightMouseDragged case KeyDown case KeyUp case FlagsChanged case ScrollWheel case TabletPointer case TabletProximity case OtherMouseDown case OtherMouseUp case OtherMouseDragged case TapDisabledByTimeout case TapDisabledByUserInput } |
To | enum CGEventType : UInt32 { case null case leftMouseDown case leftMouseUp case rightMouseDown case rightMouseUp case mouseMoved case leftMouseDragged case rightMouseDragged case keyDown case keyUp case flagsChanged case scrollWheel case tabletPointer case tabletProximity case otherMouseDown case otherMouseUp case otherMouseDragged case tapDisabledByTimeout case tapDisabledByUserInput } |
Modified CGEventType.flagsChanged
Declaration | |
From | case FlagsChanged |
To | case flagsChanged |
Modified CGEventType.keyDown
Declaration | |
From | case KeyDown |
To | case keyDown |
Modified CGEventType.keyUp
Declaration | |
From | case KeyUp |
To | case keyUp |
Modified CGEventType.leftMouseDown
Declaration | |
From | case LeftMouseDown |
To | case leftMouseDown |
Modified CGEventType.leftMouseDragged
Declaration | |
From | case LeftMouseDragged |
To | case leftMouseDragged |
Modified CGEventType.leftMouseUp
Declaration | |
From | case LeftMouseUp |
To | case leftMouseUp |
Modified CGEventType.mouseMoved
Declaration | |
From | case MouseMoved |
To | case mouseMoved |
Modified CGEventType.null
Declaration | |
From | case Null |
To | case null |
Modified CGEventType.otherMouseDown
Declaration | |
From | case OtherMouseDown |
To | case otherMouseDown |
Modified CGEventType.otherMouseDragged
Declaration | |
From | case OtherMouseDragged |
To | case otherMouseDragged |
Modified CGEventType.otherMouseUp
Declaration | |
From | case OtherMouseUp |
To | case otherMouseUp |
Modified CGEventType.rightMouseDown
Declaration | |
From | case RightMouseDown |
To | case rightMouseDown |
Modified CGEventType.rightMouseDragged
Declaration | |
From | case RightMouseDragged |
To | case rightMouseDragged |
Modified CGEventType.rightMouseUp
Declaration | |
From | case RightMouseUp |
To | case rightMouseUp |
Modified CGEventType.scrollWheel
Declaration | |
From | case ScrollWheel |
To | case scrollWheel |
Modified CGEventType.tabletPointer
Declaration | |
From | case TabletPointer |
To | case tabletPointer |
Modified CGEventType.tabletProximity
Declaration | |
From | case TabletProximity |
To | case tabletProximity |
Modified CGEventType.tapDisabledByTimeout
Declaration | |
From | case TapDisabledByTimeout |
To | case tapDisabledByTimeout |
Modified CGEventType.tapDisabledByUserInput
Declaration | |
From | case TapDisabledByUserInput |
To | case tapDisabledByUserInput |
Modified CGFloat [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CGFloat { typealias NativeType = Double init() init(_ value: Float) init(_ value: Double) var native: NativeType } extension CGFloat : FloatingPointType { init(_ value: UInt8) init(_ value: Int8) init(_ value: UInt16) init(_ value: Int16) init(_ value: UInt32) init(_ value: Int32) init(_ value: UInt64) init(_ value: Int64) init(_ value: UInt) init(_ value: Int) static var infinity: CGFloat { get } static var NaN: CGFloat { get } static var quietNaN: CGFloat { get } var isSignMinus: Bool { get } var isNormal: Bool { get } var isFinite: Bool { get } var isZero: Bool { get } var isSubnormal: Bool { get } var isInfinite: Bool { get } var isNaN: Bool { get } var isSignaling: Bool { get } var floatingPointClass: FloatingPointClassification { get } } extension CGFloat { static var min: CGFloat { get } static var max: CGFloat { get } } extension CGFloat : _Reflectable { } extension CGFloat : CustomStringConvertible { var description: String { get } } extension CGFloat : Hashable { var hashValue: Int { get } } extension CGFloat : FloatLiteralConvertible { init(floatLiteral value: NativeType) } extension CGFloat : IntegerLiteralConvertible { init(integerLiteral value: Int) } extension CGFloat : AbsoluteValuable { @warn_unused_result static func abs(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat } extension CGFloat : Equatable { } extension CGFloat : Comparable { } extension CGFloat : Strideable { func distanceTo(_ other: CGFloat) -> CGFloat func advancedBy(_ amount: CGFloat) -> CGFloat } extension CGFloat : _CVarArgPassedAsDouble, _CVarArgAlignedType { } extension CGFloat : _ObjectiveCBridgeable { init(_ number: NSNumber) } | AbsoluteValuable, Comparable, CustomStringConvertible, Equatable, FloatLiteralConvertible, FloatingPointType, Hashable, IntegerLiteralConvertible, Strideable |
To | struct CGFloat { typealias NativeType = Double init() init(_ value: Float) init(_ value: Double) init(_ value: Float80) init(_ value: CGFloat) init(_ value: UInt8) init(_ value: Int8) init(_ value: UInt16) init(_ value: Int16) init(_ value: UInt32) init(_ value: Int32) init(_ value: UInt64) init(_ value: Int64) init(_ value: UInt) init(_ value: Int) var native: CGFloat.NativeType static var min: CGFloat { get } static var max: CGFloat { get } } extension CGFloat : BinaryFloatingPoint { typealias RawSignificand = UInt typealias Exponent = Int static var exponentBitCount: Int { get } static var significandBitCount: Int { get } var bitPattern: UInt { get } init(bitPattern bitPattern: UInt) var sign: FloatingPointSign { get } var exponentBitPattern: UInt { get } var significandBitPattern: UInt { get } init(sign sign: FloatingPointSign, exponentBitPattern exponentBitPattern: UInt, significandBitPattern significandBitPattern: UInt) init(nan payload: CGFloat.RawSignificand, signaling signaling: Bool) static var infinity: CGFloat { get } static var nan: CGFloat { get } static var signalingNaN: CGFloat { get } static var quietNaN: CGFloat { get } static var greatestFiniteMagnitude: CGFloat { get } static var pi: CGFloat { get } var ulp: CGFloat { get } static var leastNormalMagnitude: CGFloat { get } static var leastNonzeroMagnitude: CGFloat { get } var exponent: Int { get } var significand: CGFloat { get } init(sign sign: FloatingPointSign, exponent exponent: Int, significand significand: CGFloat) mutating func round(_ rule: FloatingPointRoundingRule) var nextUp: CGFloat { get } static func abs(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat mutating func negate() mutating func add(_ other: CGFloat) mutating func subtract(_ other: CGFloat) mutating func multiply(by other: CGFloat) mutating func divide(by other: CGFloat) mutating func formTruncatingRemainder(dividingBy other: CGFloat) mutating func formRemainder(dividingBy other: CGFloat) mutating func formSquareRoot() mutating func addProduct(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) func isEqual(to other: CGFloat) -> Bool func isLess(than other: CGFloat) -> Bool func isLessThanOrEqualTo(_ other: CGFloat) -> Bool var isNormal: Bool { get } var isFinite: Bool { get } var isZero: Bool { get } var isSubnormal: Bool { get } var isInfinite: Bool { get } var isNaN: Bool { get } var isSignalingNaN: Bool { get } var isSignaling: Bool { get } var isCanonical: Bool { get } var floatingPointClass: FloatingPointClassification { get } var binade: CGFloat { get } var significandWidth: Int { get } init(floatLiteral value: CGFloat.NativeType) init(integerLiteral value: Int) } extension CGFloat : CustomReflectable { var customMirror: Mirror { get } } extension CGFloat : CustomStringConvertible { var description: String { get } } extension CGFloat : Hashable { var hashValue: Int { get } } extension CGFloat : Strideable { func distance(to other: CGFloat) -> CGFloat func advanced(by amount: CGFloat) -> CGFloat } extension CGFloat { init(_ number: NSNumber) } | BinaryFloatingPoint, CustomReflectable, CustomStringConvertible, Hashable, Strideable |
Modified CGFloat.abs(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat [static]
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result static func abs(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | static func abs(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Declaration | |
From | init(floatLiteral value: NativeType) |
To | init(floatLiteral value: CGFloat.NativeType) |
Modified CGFloat.native
Declaration | |
From | var native: NativeType |
To | var native: CGFloat.NativeType |
Modified CGFont
Declaration | |
From | class CGFont { } |
To | class CGFont { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(platformFontPlatformFontReference platformFontReference: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) init(_ provider: CGDataProvider) init?(_ name: CFString) func copy(withVariations variations: CFDictionary?) -> CGFont? var numberOfGlyphs: Int { get } var unitsPerEm: Int32 { get } var postScriptName: CFString? { get } var fullName: CFString? { get } var ascent: Int32 { get } var descent: Int32 { get } var leading: Int32 { get } var capHeight: Int32 { get } var xHeight: Int32 { get } var fontBBox: CGRect { get } var italicAngle: CGFloat { get } var stemV: CGFloat { get } var variationAxes: CFArray? { get } var variations: CFDictionary? { get } func getGlyphAdvances(glyphs glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, count count: Int, advances advances: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>) -> Bool func getGlyphBBoxes(glyphs glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, count count: Int, bboxes bboxes: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>) -> Bool func getGlyphWithGlyphName(name name: CFString) -> CGGlyph func name(for glyph: CGGlyph) -> CFString? func canCreatePostScriptSubset(_ format: CGFontPostScriptFormat) -> Bool func createPostScriptSubset(subsetName subsetName: CFString, format format: CGFontPostScriptFormat, glyphs glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>?, count count: Int, encoding encoding: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>!) -> CFData? func createPostScriptEncoding(encoding encoding: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>!) -> CFData? var tableTags: CFArray? { get } func table(for tag: UInt32) -> CFData? class let variationAxisName: CFString class let variationAxisMinValue: CFString class let variationAxisMaxValue: CFString class let variationAxisDefaultValue: CFString } extension CGFont { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(platformFontPlatformFontReference platformFontReference: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) init(_ provider: CGDataProvider) init?(_ name: CFString) func copy(withVariations variations: CFDictionary?) -> CGFont? var numberOfGlyphs: Int { get } var unitsPerEm: Int32 { get } var postScriptName: CFString? { get } var fullName: CFString? { get } var ascent: Int32 { get } var descent: Int32 { get } var leading: Int32 { get } var capHeight: Int32 { get } var xHeight: Int32 { get } var fontBBox: CGRect { get } var italicAngle: CGFloat { get } var stemV: CGFloat { get } var variationAxes: CFArray? { get } var variations: CFDictionary? { get } func getGlyphAdvances(glyphs glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, count count: Int, advances advances: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>) -> Bool func getGlyphBBoxes(glyphs glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, count count: Int, bboxes bboxes: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>) -> Bool func getGlyphWithGlyphName(name name: CFString) -> CGGlyph func name(for glyph: CGGlyph) -> CFString? func canCreatePostScriptSubset(_ format: CGFontPostScriptFormat) -> Bool func createPostScriptSubset(subsetName subsetName: CFString, format format: CGFontPostScriptFormat, glyphs glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>?, count count: Int, encoding encoding: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>!) -> CFData? func createPostScriptEncoding(encoding encoding: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>!) -> CFData? var tableTags: CFArray? { get } func table(for tag: UInt32) -> CFData? class let variationAxisName: CFString class let variationAxisMinValue: CFString class let variationAxisMaxValue: CFString class let variationAxisDefaultValue: CFString } |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGFontGetAscent(_:) | func CGFontGetAscent(_ font: CGFont?) -> Int32 | -- |
To | ascent | var ascent: Int32 { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGFontCanCreatePostScriptSubset(_:_:) | func CGFontCanCreatePostScriptSubset(_ font: CGFont?, _ format: CGFontPostScriptFormat) -> Bool |
To | canCreatePostScriptSubset(_:) | func canCreatePostScriptSubset(_ format: CGFontPostScriptFormat) -> Bool |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGFontGetCapHeight(_:) | func CGFontGetCapHeight(_ font: CGFont?) -> Int32 | -- |
To | capHeight | var capHeight: Int32 { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGFontCreateCopyWithVariations(_:_:) | func CGFontCreateCopyWithVariations(_ font: CGFont?, _ variations: CFDictionary?) -> CGFont? |
To | copy(withVariations:) | func copy(withVariations variations: CFDictionary?) -> CGFont? |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGFontCreatePostScriptEncoding(_:_:) | func CGFontCreatePostScriptEncoding(_ font: CGFont?, _ encoding: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>) -> CFData? |
To | createPostScriptEncoding(encoding:) | func createPostScriptEncoding(encoding encoding: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>!) -> CFData? |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGFontCreatePostScriptSubset(_:_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGFontCreatePostScriptSubset(_ font: CGFont?, _ subsetName: CFString?, _ format: CGFontPostScriptFormat, _ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, _ count: Int, _ encoding: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>) -> CFData? |
To | createPostScriptSubset(subsetName:format:glyphs:count:encoding:) | func createPostScriptSubset(subsetName subsetName: CFString, format format: CGFontPostScriptFormat, glyphs glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>?, count count: Int, encoding encoding: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>!) -> CFData? |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGFontGetDescent(_:) | func CGFontGetDescent(_ font: CGFont?) -> Int32 | -- |
To | descent | var descent: Int32 { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGFontGetFontBBox(_:) | func CGFontGetFontBBox(_ font: CGFont?) -> CGRect | -- |
To | fontBBox | var fontBBox: CGRect { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGFontCopyFullName(_:) | func CGFontCopyFullName(_ font: CGFont?) -> CFString? | -- |
To | fullName | var fullName: CFString? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGFontGetGlyphAdvances(_:_:_:_:) | func CGFontGetGlyphAdvances(_ font: CGFont?, _ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, _ count: Int, _ advances: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>) -> Bool |
To | getGlyphAdvances(glyphs:count:advances:) | func getGlyphAdvances(glyphs glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, count count: Int, advances advances: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>) -> Bool |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGFontGetGlyphBBoxes(_:_:_:_:) | func CGFontGetGlyphBBoxes(_ font: CGFont?, _ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, _ count: Int, _ bboxes: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>) -> Bool |
To | getGlyphBBoxes(glyphs:count:bboxes:) | func getGlyphBBoxes(glyphs glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, count count: Int, bboxes bboxes: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>) -> Bool |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGFontGetGlyphWithGlyphName(_:_:) | func CGFontGetGlyphWithGlyphName(_ font: CGFont?, _ name: CFString?) -> CGGlyph |
To | getGlyphWithGlyphName(name:) | func getGlyphWithGlyphName(name name: CFString) -> CGGlyph |
Modified CGFont.init(_: CFString)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGFontCreateWithFontName(_:) | func CGFontCreateWithFontName(_ name: CFString?) -> CGFont? |
To | init(_:) | init?(_ name: CFString) |
Modified CGFont.init(_: CGDataProvider)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGFontCreateWithDataProvider(_:) | func CGFontCreateWithDataProvider(_ provider: CGDataProvider?) -> CGFont? |
To | init(_:) | init(_ provider: CGDataProvider) |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGFontGetItalicAngle(_:) | func CGFontGetItalicAngle(_ font: CGFont?) -> CGFloat | -- |
To | italicAngle | var italicAngle: CGFloat { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGFontGetLeading(_:) | func CGFontGetLeading(_ font: CGFont?) -> Int32 | -- |
To | leading | var leading: Int32 { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGFontCopyGlyphNameForGlyph(_:_:) | func CGFontCopyGlyphNameForGlyph(_ font: CGFont?, _ glyph: CGGlyph) -> CFString? |
To | name(for:) | func name(for glyph: CGGlyph) -> CFString? |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGFontGetNumberOfGlyphs(_:) | func CGFontGetNumberOfGlyphs(_ font: CGFont?) -> Int | -- |
To | numberOfGlyphs | var numberOfGlyphs: Int { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGFontCopyPostScriptName(_:) | func CGFontCopyPostScriptName(_ font: CGFont?) -> CFString? | -- |
To | postScriptName | var postScriptName: CFString? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGFontGetStemV(_:) | func CGFontGetStemV(_ font: CGFont?) -> CGFloat | -- |
To | stemV | var stemV: CGFloat { get } | yes |
Modified CGFont.table(for: UInt32) -> CFData?
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGFontCopyTableForTag(_:_:) | func CGFontCopyTableForTag(_ font: CGFont?, _ tag: UInt32) -> CFData? |
To | table(for:) | func table(for tag: UInt32) -> CFData? |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGFontCopyTableTags(_:) | func CGFontCopyTableTags(_ font: CGFont?) -> CFArray? | -- |
To | tableTags | var tableTags: CFArray? { get } | yes |
Modified CGFont.CGFontGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGFontGetTypeID() | func CGFontGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGFontGetUnitsPerEm(_:) | func CGFontGetUnitsPerEm(_ font: CGFont?) -> Int32 | -- |
To | unitsPerEm | var unitsPerEm: Int32 { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGFontCopyVariationAxes(_:) | func CGFontCopyVariationAxes(_ font: CGFont?) -> CFArray? | -- |
To | variationAxes | var variationAxes: CFArray? { get } | yes |
Modified CGFont.variationAxisDefaultValue
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGFontVariationAxisDefaultValue | let kCGFontVariationAxisDefaultValue: CFString |
To | variationAxisDefaultValue | class let variationAxisDefaultValue: CFString |
Modified CGFont.variationAxisMaxValue
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGFontVariationAxisMaxValue | let kCGFontVariationAxisMaxValue: CFString |
To | variationAxisMaxValue | class let variationAxisMaxValue: CFString |
Modified CGFont.variationAxisMinValue
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGFontVariationAxisMinValue | let kCGFontVariationAxisMinValue: CFString |
To | variationAxisMinValue | class let variationAxisMinValue: CFString |
Modified CGFont.variationAxisName
Name | Declaration | |
From | kCGFontVariationAxisName | let kCGFontVariationAxisName: CFString |
To | variationAxisName | class let variationAxisName: CFString |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGFontCopyVariations(_:) | func CGFontCopyVariations(_ font: CGFont?) -> CFDictionary? | -- |
To | variations | var variations: CFDictionary? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGFontGetXHeight(_:) | func CGFontGetXHeight(_ font: CGFont?) -> Int32 | -- |
To | xHeight | var xHeight: Int32 { get } | yes |
Modified CGFontPostScriptFormat [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGFontPostScriptFormat : Int32 { case Type1 case Type3 case Type42 } |
To | enum CGFontPostScriptFormat : Int32 { case type1 case type3 case type42 } |
Modified CGFontPostScriptFormat.type1
Declaration | |
From | case Type1 |
To | case type1 |
Modified CGFontPostScriptFormat.type3
Declaration | |
From | case Type3 |
To | case type3 |
Modified CGFontPostScriptFormat.type42
Declaration | |
From | case Type42 |
To | case type42 |
Modified CGFunction
Declaration | |
From | class CGFunction { } |
To | class CGFunction { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(info info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, domainDimension domainDimension: Int, domain domain: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, rangeDimension rangeDimension: Int, range range: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, callbacks callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGFunctionCallbacks>) } extension CGFunction { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(info info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, domainDimension domainDimension: Int, domain domain: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, rangeDimension rangeDimension: Int, range range: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, callbacks callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGFunctionCallbacks>) } |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGFunctionCreate(_:_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGFunctionCreate(_ info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ domainDimension: Int, _ domain: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ rangeDimension: Int, _ range: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGFunctionCallbacks>) -> CGFunction? |
To | init(info:domainDimension:domain:rangeDimension:range:callbacks:) | init?(info info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, domainDimension domainDimension: Int, domain domain: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, rangeDimension rangeDimension: Int, range range: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, callbacks callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGFunctionCallbacks>) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGFunctionGetTypeID() | func CGFunctionGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Modified CGFunctionCallbacks [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CGFunctionCallbacks { var version: UInt32 var evaluate: CGFunctionEvaluateCallback? var releaseInfo: CGFunctionReleaseInfoCallback? init() init(version version: UInt32, evaluate evaluate: CGFunctionEvaluateCallback?, releaseInfo releaseInfo: CGFunctionReleaseInfoCallback?) } |
To | struct CGFunctionCallbacks { var version: UInt32 var evaluate: CoreGraphics.CGFunctionEvaluateCallback? var releaseInfo: CoreGraphics.CGFunctionReleaseInfoCallback? init() init(version version: UInt32, evaluate evaluate: CoreGraphics.CGFunctionEvaluateCallback?, releaseInfo releaseInfo: CoreGraphics.CGFunctionReleaseInfoCallback?) } |
Modified CGFunctionCallbacks.evaluate
Declaration | |
From | var evaluate: CGFunctionEvaluateCallback? |
To | var evaluate: CoreGraphics.CGFunctionEvaluateCallback? |
Modified CGFunctionCallbacks.releaseInfo
Declaration | |
From | var releaseInfo: CGFunctionReleaseInfoCallback? |
To | var releaseInfo: CoreGraphics.CGFunctionReleaseInfoCallback? |
Modified CGGesturePhase [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGGesturePhase : UInt32 { case None case Began case Changed case Ended case Cancelled case MayBegin } |
To | enum CGGesturePhase : UInt32 { case none case began case changed case ended case cancelled case mayBegin } |
Modified CGGesturePhase.began
Declaration | |
From | case Began |
To | case began |
Modified CGGesturePhase.cancelled
Declaration | |
From | case Cancelled |
To | case cancelled |
Modified CGGesturePhase.changed
Declaration | |
From | case Changed |
To | case changed |
Modified CGGesturePhase.ended
Declaration | |
From | case Ended |
To | case ended |
Modified CGGesturePhase.mayBegin
Declaration | |
From | case MayBegin |
To | case mayBegin |
Modified CGGesturePhase.none
Declaration | |
From | case None |
To | case none |
Modified CGGradient
Declaration | |
From | class CGGradient { } |
To | class CGGradient { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(colorSpace space: CGColorSpace, colorComponents components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, locations locations: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, count count: Int) init?(colorsSpace space: CGColorSpace?, colors colors: CFArray, locations locations: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?) } extension CGGradient { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(colorSpace space: CGColorSpace, colorComponents components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, locations locations: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, count count: Int) init?(colorsSpace space: CGColorSpace?, colors colors: CFArray, locations locations: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?) } |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGGradientCreateWithColorComponents(_:_:_:_:) | func CGGradientCreateWithColorComponents(_ space: CGColorSpace?, _ components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ locations: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ count: Int) -> CGGradient? |
To | init(colorSpace:colorComponents:locations:count:) | init?(colorSpace space: CGColorSpace, colorComponents components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, locations locations: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, count count: Int) |
Modified CGGradient.init(colorsSpace: CGColorSpace?, colors: CFArray, locations: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGGradientCreateWithColors(_:_:_:) | func CGGradientCreateWithColors(_ space: CGColorSpace?, _ colors: CFArray?, _ locations: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) -> CGGradient? |
To | init(colorsSpace:colors:locations:) | init?(colorsSpace space: CGColorSpace?, colors colors: CFArray, locations locations: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGGradientGetTypeID() | func CGGradientGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Modified CGGradientDrawingOptions [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CGGradientDrawingOptions : OptionSetType { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var DrawsBeforeStartLocation: CGGradientDrawingOptions { get } static var DrawsAfterEndLocation: CGGradientDrawingOptions { get } } | OptionSetType |
To | struct CGGradientDrawingOptions : OptionSet { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var drawsBeforeStartLocation: CGGradientDrawingOptions { get } static var drawsAfterEndLocation: CGGradientDrawingOptions { get } func intersect(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> CGGradientDrawingOptions func exclusiveOr(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> CGGradientDrawingOptions mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) func isSubsetOf(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> Bool func isDisjointWith(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> Bool func isSupersetOf(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> Bool mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> Bool func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> Bool } extension CGGradientDrawingOptions { func union(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> CGGradientDrawingOptions func intersection(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> CGGradientDrawingOptions func symmetricDifference(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> CGGradientDrawingOptions } extension CGGradientDrawingOptions { func contains(_ member: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> Bool mutating func insert(_ newMember: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: CGGradientDrawingOptions) mutating func remove(_ member: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> CGGradientDrawingOptions? mutating func update(with newMember: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> CGGradientDrawingOptions? } extension CGGradientDrawingOptions { convenience init() mutating func formUnion(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) } extension CGGradientDrawingOptions { convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == CGGradientDrawingOptions>(_ sequence: S) convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: CGGradientDrawingOptions...) mutating func subtract(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) func isSubset(of other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> Bool func isSuperset(of other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> Bool func isDisjoint(with other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> Bool func subtracting(_ other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> CGGradientDrawingOptions var isEmpty: Bool { get } func isStrictSuperset(of other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> Bool func isStrictSubset(of other: CGGradientDrawingOptions) -> Bool } | OptionSet |
Declaration | |
From | static var DrawsAfterEndLocation: CGGradientDrawingOptions { get } |
To | static var drawsAfterEndLocation: CGGradientDrawingOptions { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var DrawsBeforeStartLocation: CGGradientDrawingOptions { get } |
To | static var drawsBeforeStartLocation: CGGradientDrawingOptions { get } |
Modified CGImage
Declaration | |
From | class CGImage { } |
To | class CGImage { func copy(maskingColorComponents components: [CGFloat]) -> CGImage? class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(width width: Int, height height: Int, bitsPerComponent bitsPerComponent: Int, bitsPerPixel bitsPerPixel: Int, bytesPerRow bytesPerRow: Int, space space: CGColorSpace, bitmapInfo bitmapInfo: CGBitmapInfo, provider provider: CGDataProvider, decode decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, shouldInterpolate shouldInterpolate: Bool, intent intent: CGColorRenderingIntent) init?(maskWidth width: Int, height height: Int, bitsPerComponent bitsPerComponent: Int, bitsPerPixel bitsPerPixel: Int, bytesPerRow bytesPerRow: Int, provider provider: CGDataProvider, decode decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, shouldInterpolate shouldInterpolate: Bool) func copy() -> CGImage? init?(jpegDataProviderSource source: CGDataProvider, decode decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, shouldInterpolate shouldInterpolate: Bool, intent intent: CGColorRenderingIntent) init?(pngDataProviderSource source: CGDataProvider, decode decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, shouldInterpolate shouldInterpolate: Bool, intent intent: CGColorRenderingIntent) func cropping(to rect: CGRect) -> CGImage? func masking(_ mask: CGImage) -> CGImage? func __copy(maskingColorComponents components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) -> CGImage? func copy(colorSpace space: CGColorSpace) -> CGImage? var isMask: Bool { get } var width: Int { get } var height: Int { get } var bitsPerComponent: Int { get } var bitsPerPixel: Int { get } var bytesPerRow: Int { get } var colorSpace: CGColorSpace? { get } var alphaInfo: CGImageAlphaInfo { get } var dataProvider: CGDataProvider? { get } var decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>? { get } var shouldInterpolate: Bool { get } var renderingIntent: CGColorRenderingIntent { get } var bitmapInfo: CGBitmapInfo { get } var utType: CFString? { get } init?(windowListFromArrayScreenBounds screenBounds: CGRect, windowArray windowArray: CFArray, imageOption imageOption: CGWindowImageOption) } extension CGImage { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(width width: Int, height height: Int, bitsPerComponent bitsPerComponent: Int, bitsPerPixel bitsPerPixel: Int, bytesPerRow bytesPerRow: Int, space space: CGColorSpace, bitmapInfo bitmapInfo: CGBitmapInfo, provider provider: CGDataProvider, decode decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, shouldInterpolate shouldInterpolate: Bool, intent intent: CGColorRenderingIntent) init?(maskWidth width: Int, height height: Int, bitsPerComponent bitsPerComponent: Int, bitsPerPixel bitsPerPixel: Int, bytesPerRow bytesPerRow: Int, provider provider: CGDataProvider, decode decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, shouldInterpolate shouldInterpolate: Bool) func copy() -> CGImage? init?(jpegDataProviderSource source: CGDataProvider, decode decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, shouldInterpolate shouldInterpolate: Bool, intent intent: CGColorRenderingIntent) init?(pngDataProviderSource source: CGDataProvider, decode decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, shouldInterpolate shouldInterpolate: Bool, intent intent: CGColorRenderingIntent) func cropping(to rect: CGRect) -> CGImage? func masking(_ mask: CGImage) -> CGImage? func __copy(maskingColorComponents components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) -> CGImage? func copy(colorSpace space: CGColorSpace) -> CGImage? var isMask: Bool { get } var width: Int { get } var height: Int { get } var bitsPerComponent: Int { get } var bitsPerPixel: Int { get } var bytesPerRow: Int { get } var colorSpace: CGColorSpace? { get } var alphaInfo: CGImageAlphaInfo { get } var dataProvider: CGDataProvider? { get } var decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>? { get } var shouldInterpolate: Bool { get } var renderingIntent: CGColorRenderingIntent { get } var bitmapInfo: CGBitmapInfo { get } var utType: CFString? { get } } extension CGImage { init?(windowListFromArrayScreenBounds screenBounds: CGRect, windowArray windowArray: CFArray, imageOption imageOption: CGWindowImageOption) } extension CGImage { func copy(maskingColorComponents components: [CGFloat]) -> CGImage? } |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGImageGetAlphaInfo(_:) | func CGImageGetAlphaInfo(_ image: CGImage?) -> CGImageAlphaInfo | -- |
To | alphaInfo | var alphaInfo: CGImageAlphaInfo { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGImageGetBitmapInfo(_:) | func CGImageGetBitmapInfo(_ image: CGImage?) -> CGBitmapInfo | -- |
To | bitmapInfo | var bitmapInfo: CGBitmapInfo { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGImageGetBitsPerComponent(_:) | func CGImageGetBitsPerComponent(_ image: CGImage?) -> Int | -- |
To | bitsPerComponent | var bitsPerComponent: Int { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGImageGetBitsPerPixel(_:) | func CGImageGetBitsPerPixel(_ image: CGImage?) -> Int | -- |
To | bitsPerPixel | var bitsPerPixel: Int { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGImageGetBytesPerRow(_:) | func CGImageGetBytesPerRow(_ image: CGImage?) -> Int | -- |
To | bytesPerRow | var bytesPerRow: Int { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGImageGetColorSpace(_:) | func CGImageGetColorSpace(_ image: CGImage?) -> CGColorSpace? | -- |
To | colorSpace | var colorSpace: CGColorSpace? { get } | yes |
Modified CGImage.copy() -> CGImage?
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGImageCreateCopy(_:) | func CGImageCreateCopy(_ image: CGImage?) -> CGImage? |
To | copy() | func copy() -> CGImage? |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGImageCreateCopyWithColorSpace(_:_:) | func CGImageCreateCopyWithColorSpace(_ image: CGImage?, _ space: CGColorSpace?) -> CGImage? |
To | copy(colorSpace:) | func copy(colorSpace space: CGColorSpace) -> CGImage? |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(_:_:) | func CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(_ image: CGImage?, _ rect: CGRect) -> CGImage? |
To | cropping(to:) | func cropping(to rect: CGRect) -> CGImage? |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGImageGetDataProvider(_:) | func CGImageGetDataProvider(_ image: CGImage?) -> CGDataProvider? | -- |
To | dataProvider | var dataProvider: CGDataProvider? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGImageGetDecode(_:) | func CGImageGetDecode(_ image: CGImage?) -> UnsafePointer<CGFloat> | -- |
To | decode | var decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGImageGetHeight(_:) | func CGImageGetHeight(_ image: CGImage?) -> Int | -- |
To | height | var height: Int { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGImageCreateWithJPEGDataProvider(_:_:_:_:) | func CGImageCreateWithJPEGDataProvider(_ source: CGDataProvider?, _ decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ shouldInterpolate: Bool, _ intent: CGColorRenderingIntent) -> CGImage? |
To | init(jpegDataProviderSource:decode:shouldInterpolate:intent:) | init?(jpegDataProviderSource source: CGDataProvider, decode decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, shouldInterpolate shouldInterpolate: Bool, intent intent: CGColorRenderingIntent) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGImageMaskCreate(_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGImageMaskCreate(_ width: Int, _ height: Int, _ bitsPerComponent: Int, _ bitsPerPixel: Int, _ bytesPerRow: Int, _ provider: CGDataProvider?, _ decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ shouldInterpolate: Bool) -> CGImage? |
To | init(maskWidth:height:bitsPerComponent:bitsPerPixel:bytesPerRow:provider:decode:shouldInterpolate:) | init?(maskWidth width: Int, height height: Int, bitsPerComponent bitsPerComponent: Int, bitsPerPixel bitsPerPixel: Int, bytesPerRow bytesPerRow: Int, provider provider: CGDataProvider, decode decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, shouldInterpolate shouldInterpolate: Bool) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGImageCreateWithPNGDataProvider(_:_:_:_:) | func CGImageCreateWithPNGDataProvider(_ source: CGDataProvider?, _ decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ shouldInterpolate: Bool, _ intent: CGColorRenderingIntent) -> CGImage? |
To | init(pngDataProviderSource:decode:shouldInterpolate:intent:) | init?(pngDataProviderSource source: CGDataProvider, decode decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, shouldInterpolate shouldInterpolate: Bool, intent intent: CGColorRenderingIntent) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGImageCreate(_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGImageCreate(_ width: Int, _ height: Int, _ bitsPerComponent: Int, _ bitsPerPixel: Int, _ bytesPerRow: Int, _ space: CGColorSpace?, _ bitmapInfo: CGBitmapInfo, _ provider: CGDataProvider?, _ decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ shouldInterpolate: Bool, _ intent: CGColorRenderingIntent) -> CGImage? |
To | init(width:height:bitsPerComponent:bitsPerPixel:bytesPerRow:space:bitmapInfo:provider:decode:shouldInterpolate:intent:) | init?(width width: Int, height height: Int, bitsPerComponent bitsPerComponent: Int, bitsPerPixel bitsPerPixel: Int, bytesPerRow bytesPerRow: Int, space space: CGColorSpace, bitmapInfo bitmapInfo: CGBitmapInfo, provider provider: CGDataProvider, decode decode: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, shouldInterpolate shouldInterpolate: Bool, intent intent: CGColorRenderingIntent) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGWindowListCreateImageFromArray(_:_:_:) | func CGWindowListCreateImageFromArray(_ screenBounds: CGRect, _ windowArray: CFArray, _ imageOption: CGWindowImageOption) -> CGImage? |
To | init(windowListFromArrayScreenBounds:windowArray:imageOption:) | init?(windowListFromArrayScreenBounds screenBounds: CGRect, windowArray windowArray: CFArray, imageOption imageOption: CGWindowImageOption) |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGImageIsMask(_:) | func CGImageIsMask(_ image: CGImage?) -> Bool | -- |
To | isMask | var isMask: Bool { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGImageCreateWithMask(_:_:) | func CGImageCreateWithMask(_ image: CGImage?, _ mask: CGImage?) -> CGImage? |
To | masking(_:) | func masking(_ mask: CGImage) -> CGImage? |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGImageGetRenderingIntent(_:) | func CGImageGetRenderingIntent(_ image: CGImage?) -> CGColorRenderingIntent | -- |
To | renderingIntent | var renderingIntent: CGColorRenderingIntent { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGImageGetShouldInterpolate(_:) | func CGImageGetShouldInterpolate(_ image: CGImage?) -> Bool | -- |
To | shouldInterpolate | var shouldInterpolate: Bool { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGImageGetTypeID() | func CGImageGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGImageGetUTType(_:) | func CGImageGetUTType(_ image: CGImage?) -> CFString? | -- |
To | utType | var utType: CFString? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGImageGetWidth(_:) | func CGImageGetWidth(_ image: CGImage?) -> Int | -- |
To | width | var width: Int { get } | yes |
Modified CGImageAlphaInfo [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGImageAlphaInfo : UInt32 { case None case PremultipliedLast case PremultipliedFirst case Last case First case NoneSkipLast case NoneSkipFirst case Only } |
To | enum CGImageAlphaInfo : UInt32 { case none case premultipliedLast case premultipliedFirst case last case first case noneSkipLast case noneSkipFirst case alphaOnly } |
Modified CGImageAlphaInfo.alphaOnly
Declaration | |
From | case Only |
To | case alphaOnly |
Modified CGImageAlphaInfo.first
Declaration | |
From | case First |
To | case first |
Modified CGImageAlphaInfo.last
Declaration | |
From | case Last |
To | case last |
Modified CGImageAlphaInfo.none
Declaration | |
From | case None |
To | case none |
Modified CGImageAlphaInfo.noneSkipFirst
Declaration | |
From | case NoneSkipFirst |
To | case noneSkipFirst |
Modified CGImageAlphaInfo.noneSkipLast
Declaration | |
From | case NoneSkipLast |
To | case noneSkipLast |
Modified CGImageAlphaInfo.premultipliedFirst
Declaration | |
From | case PremultipliedFirst |
To | case premultipliedFirst |
Modified CGImageAlphaInfo.premultipliedLast
Declaration | |
From | case PremultipliedLast |
To | case premultipliedLast |
Modified CGInterpolationQuality [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGInterpolationQuality : Int32 { case Default case None case Low case Medium case High } |
To | enum CGInterpolationQuality : Int32 { case `default` case none case low case medium case high } |
Modified CGInterpolationQuality.default
Declaration | |
From | case Default |
To | case `default` |
Modified CGInterpolationQuality.high
Declaration | |
From | case High |
To | case high |
Modified CGInterpolationQuality.low
Declaration | |
From | case Low |
To | case low |
Modified CGInterpolationQuality.medium
Declaration | |
From | case Medium |
To | case medium |
Modified CGInterpolationQuality.none
Declaration | |
From | case None |
To | case none |
Modified CGLayer
Declaration | |
From | class CGLayer { } |
To | class CGLayer { init?(_ context: CGContext, size size: CGSize, auxiliaryInfo auxiliaryInfo: CFDictionary?) var size: CGSize { get } var context: CGContext? { get } class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } } extension CGLayer { init?(_ context: CGContext, size size: CGSize, auxiliaryInfo auxiliaryInfo: CFDictionary?) var size: CGSize { get } var context: CGContext? { get } class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } } |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGLayerGetContext(_:) | func CGLayerGetContext(_ layer: CGLayer?) -> CGContext? | -- |
To | context | var context: CGContext? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGLayerCreateWithContext(_:_:_:) | func CGLayerCreateWithContext(_ context: CGContext?, _ size: CGSize, _ auxiliaryInfo: CFDictionary?) -> CGLayer? |
To | init(_:size:auxiliaryInfo:) | init?(_ context: CGContext, size size: CGSize, auxiliaryInfo auxiliaryInfo: CFDictionary?) |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGLayerGetSize(_:) | func CGLayerGetSize(_ layer: CGLayer?) -> CGSize | -- |
To | size | var size: CGSize { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGLayerGetTypeID() | func CGLayerGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Modified CGLineCap [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGLineCap : Int32 { case Butt case Round case Square } |
To | enum CGLineCap : Int32 { case butt case round case square } |
Modified CGLineCap.butt
Declaration | |
From | case Butt |
To | case butt |
Modified CGLineCap.round
Declaration | |
From | case Round |
To | case round |
Modified CGLineCap.square
Declaration | |
From | case Square |
To | case square |
Modified CGLineJoin [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGLineJoin : Int32 { case Miter case Round case Bevel } |
To | enum CGLineJoin : Int32 { case miter case round case bevel } |
Modified CGLineJoin.bevel
Declaration | |
From | case Bevel |
To | case bevel |
Modified CGLineJoin.miter
Declaration | |
From | case Miter |
To | case miter |
Modified CGLineJoin.round
Declaration | |
From | case Round |
To | case round |
Modified CGMomentumScrollPhase [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGMomentumScrollPhase : UInt32 { case None case Begin case Continue case End } |
To | enum CGMomentumScrollPhase : UInt32 { case none case begin case continuous case end } |
Modified CGMomentumScrollPhase.begin
Declaration | |
From | case Begin |
To | case begin |
Modified CGMomentumScrollPhase.continuous
Declaration | |
From | case Continue |
To | case continuous |
Modified CGMomentumScrollPhase.end
Declaration | |
From | case End |
To | case end |
Modified CGMomentumScrollPhase.none
Declaration | |
From | case None |
To | case none |
Modified CGMouseButton [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGMouseButton : UInt32 { case Left case Right case Center } |
To | enum CGMouseButton : UInt32 { case left case right case center } |
Declaration | |
From | case Center |
To | case center |
Modified CGMouseButton.left
Declaration | |
From | case Left |
To | case left |
Modified CGMouseButton.right
Declaration | |
From | case Right |
To | case right |
Modified CGMutablePath
Declaration | |
From | class CGMutablePath { } |
To | class CGMutablePath { func addRoundedRect(in rect: CGRect, cornerWidth cornerWidth: CGFloat, cornerHeight cornerHeight: CGFloat, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func move(to point: CGPoint, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addLine(to point: CGPoint, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addQuadCurve(to end: CGPoint, control control: CGPoint, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addCurve(to end: CGPoint, control1 control1: CGPoint, control2 control2: CGPoint, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addRect(_ rect: CGRect, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addRects(_ rects: [CGRect], transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addLines(between points: [CGPoint], transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addEllipse(in rect: CGRect, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addRelativeArc(center center: CGPoint, radius radius: CGFloat, startAngle startAngle: CGFloat, delta delta: CGFloat, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addArc(center center: CGPoint, radius radius: CGFloat, startAngle startAngle: CGFloat, endAngle endAngle: CGFloat, clockwise clockwise: Bool, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addArc(tangent1End tangent1End: CGPoint, tangent2End tangent2End: CGPoint, radius radius: CGFloat, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addPath(_ path: CGPath, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) init() func __addRoundedRect(transform transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, rect rect: CGRect, cornerWidth cornerWidth: CGFloat, cornerHeight cornerHeight: CGFloat) func __moveTo(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func __addLineTo(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func __addQuadCurve(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, cpx cpx: CGFloat, cpy cpy: CGFloat, endingAtX x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func __addCurve(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, cp1x cp1x: CGFloat, cp1y cp1y: CGFloat, cp2x cp2x: CGFloat, cp2y cp2y: CGFloat, endingAtX x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func closeSubpath() func __addRect(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, rect rect: CGRect) func __addRects(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, rects rects: UnsafePointer<CGRect>?, count count: Int) func __addLines(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, between points: UnsafePointer<CGPoint>?, count count: Int) func __addEllipse(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, rect rect: CGRect) func __addRelativeArc(transform matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, radius radius: CGFloat, startAngle startAngle: CGFloat, delta delta: CGFloat) func __addArc(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, radius radius: CGFloat, startAngle startAngle: CGFloat, endAngle endAngle: CGFloat, clockwise clockwise: Bool) func __addArc(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, x1 x1: CGFloat, y1 y1: CGFloat, x2 x2: CGFloat, y2 y2: CGFloat, radius radius: CGFloat) func __addPath(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, path path2: CGPath) } extension CGMutablePath { init() func __addRoundedRect(transform transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, rect rect: CGRect, cornerWidth cornerWidth: CGFloat, cornerHeight cornerHeight: CGFloat) func __moveTo(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func __addLineTo(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func __addQuadCurve(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, cpx cpx: CGFloat, cpy cpy: CGFloat, endingAtX x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func __addCurve(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, cp1x cp1x: CGFloat, cp1y cp1y: CGFloat, cp2x cp2x: CGFloat, cp2y cp2y: CGFloat, endingAtX x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func closeSubpath() func __addRect(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, rect rect: CGRect) func __addRects(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, rects rects: UnsafePointer<CGRect>?, count count: Int) func __addLines(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, between points: UnsafePointer<CGPoint>?, count count: Int) func __addEllipse(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, rect rect: CGRect) func __addRelativeArc(transform matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, radius radius: CGFloat, startAngle startAngle: CGFloat, delta delta: CGFloat) func __addArc(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, radius radius: CGFloat, startAngle startAngle: CGFloat, endAngle endAngle: CGFloat, clockwise clockwise: Bool) func __addArc(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, x1 x1: CGFloat, y1 y1: CGFloat, x2 x2: CGFloat, y2 y2: CGFloat, radius radius: CGFloat) func __addPath(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, path path2: CGPath) } extension CGMutablePath { func addRoundedRect(in rect: CGRect, cornerWidth cornerWidth: CGFloat, cornerHeight cornerHeight: CGFloat, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func move(to point: CGPoint, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addLine(to point: CGPoint, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addQuadCurve(to end: CGPoint, control control: CGPoint, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addCurve(to end: CGPoint, control1 control1: CGPoint, control2 control2: CGPoint, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addRect(_ rect: CGRect, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addRects(_ rects: [CGRect], transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addLines(between points: [CGPoint], transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addEllipse(in rect: CGRect, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addRelativeArc(center center: CGPoint, radius radius: CGFloat, startAngle startAngle: CGFloat, delta delta: CGFloat, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addArc(center center: CGPoint, radius radius: CGFloat, startAngle startAngle: CGFloat, endAngle endAngle: CGFloat, clockwise clockwise: Bool, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addArc(tangent1End tangent1End: CGPoint, tangent2End tangent2End: CGPoint, radius radius: CGFloat, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) func addPath(_ path: CGPath, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) } |
Modified CGMutablePath.closeSubpath()
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPathCloseSubpath(_:) | func CGPathCloseSubpath(_ path: CGMutablePath?) |
To | closeSubpath() | func closeSubpath() |
Modified CGMutablePath.init()
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPathCreateMutable() | func CGPathCreateMutable() -> CGMutablePath |
To | init() | init() |
Modified CGPath
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | class CGPath { } | -- |
To | class CGPath { func copy(dashingWithPhase phase: CGFloat, lengths lengths: [CGFloat], transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) -> CGPath func copy(strokingWithWidth lineWidth: CGFloat, lineCap lineCap: CGLineCap, lineJoin lineJoin: CGLineJoin, miterLimit miterLimit: CGFloat, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) -> CGPath func contains(_ point: CGPoint, using rule: CGPathFillRule = default, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) -> Bool class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } func copy() -> CGPath? func copy(using transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?) -> CGPath? func mutableCopy() -> CGMutablePath? func mutableCopy(using transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?) -> CGMutablePath? init(rect rect: CGRect, transform transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?) init(ellipseIn rect: CGRect, transform transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?) init(roundedRect rect: CGRect, cornerWidth cornerWidth: CGFloat, cornerHeight cornerHeight: CGFloat, transform transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?) init?(__byDashing path: CGPath, transform transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, phase phase: CGFloat, lengths lengths: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, count count: Int) init?(__byStroking path: CGPath, transform transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, lineWidth lineWidth: CGFloat, lineCap lineCap: CGLineCap, lineJoin lineJoin: CGLineJoin, miterLimit miterLimit: CGFloat) func __equalTo(_ path2: CGPath) -> Bool var isEmpty: Bool { get } func isRect(_ rect: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>?) -> Bool var currentPoint: CGPoint { get } var boundingBox: CGRect { get } var boundingBoxOfPath: CGRect { get } func __containsPoint(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, point point: CGPoint, eoFill eoFill: Bool) -> Bool func apply(info info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, function function: CoreGraphics.CGPathApplierFunction) } extension CGPath { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } func copy() -> CGPath? func copy(using transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?) -> CGPath? func mutableCopy() -> CGMutablePath? func mutableCopy(using transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?) -> CGMutablePath? init(rect rect: CGRect, transform transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?) init(ellipseIn rect: CGRect, transform transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?) init(roundedRect rect: CGRect, cornerWidth cornerWidth: CGFloat, cornerHeight cornerHeight: CGFloat, transform transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?) init?(__byDashing path: CGPath, transform transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, phase phase: CGFloat, lengths lengths: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, count count: Int) init?(__byStroking path: CGPath, transform transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, lineWidth lineWidth: CGFloat, lineCap lineCap: CGLineCap, lineJoin lineJoin: CGLineJoin, miterLimit miterLimit: CGFloat) func __equalTo(_ path2: CGPath) -> Bool var isEmpty: Bool { get } func isRect(_ rect: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>?) -> Bool var currentPoint: CGPoint { get } var boundingBox: CGRect { get } var boundingBoxOfPath: CGRect { get } func __containsPoint(transform m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, point point: CGPoint, eoFill eoFill: Bool) -> Bool func apply(info info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, function function: CoreGraphics.CGPathApplierFunction) } extension CGPath : Equatable { } extension CGPath { func copy(dashingWithPhase phase: CGFloat, lengths lengths: [CGFloat], transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) -> CGPath func copy(strokingWithWidth lineWidth: CGFloat, lineCap lineCap: CGLineCap, lineJoin lineJoin: CGLineJoin, miterLimit miterLimit: CGFloat, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) -> CGPath func contains(_ point: CGPoint, using rule: CGPathFillRule = default, transform transform: CGAffineTransform = default) -> Bool } | Equatable |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPathApply(_:_:_:) | func CGPathApply(_ path: CGPath?, _ info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ function: CGPathApplierFunction?) |
To | apply(info:function:) | func apply(info info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, function function: CoreGraphics.CGPathApplierFunction) |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGPathGetBoundingBox(_:) | func CGPathGetBoundingBox(_ path: CGPath?) -> CGRect | -- |
To | boundingBox | var boundingBox: CGRect { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGPathGetPathBoundingBox(_:) | func CGPathGetPathBoundingBox(_ path: CGPath?) -> CGRect | -- |
To | boundingBoxOfPath | var boundingBoxOfPath: CGRect { get } | yes |
Modified CGPath.copy() -> CGPath?
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPathCreateCopy(_:) | func CGPathCreateCopy(_ path: CGPath?) -> CGPath? |
To | copy() | func copy() -> CGPath? |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPathCreateCopyByTransformingPath(_:_:) | func CGPathCreateCopyByTransformingPath(_ path: CGPath?, _ transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>) -> CGPath? |
To | copy(using:) | func copy(using transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?) -> CGPath? |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGPathGetCurrentPoint(_:) | func CGPathGetCurrentPoint(_ path: CGPath?) -> CGPoint | -- |
To | currentPoint | var currentPoint: CGPoint { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPathCreateCopyByDashingPath(_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGPathCreateCopyByDashingPath(_ path: CGPath?, _ transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ phase: CGFloat, _ lengths: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ count: Int) -> CGPath? |
To | init(__byDashing:transform:phase:lengths:count:) | init?(__byDashing path: CGPath, transform transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, phase phase: CGFloat, lengths lengths: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>?, count count: Int) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPathCreateCopyByStrokingPath(_:_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGPathCreateCopyByStrokingPath(_ path: CGPath?, _ transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ lineWidth: CGFloat, _ lineCap: CGLineCap, _ lineJoin: CGLineJoin, _ miterLimit: CGFloat) -> CGPath? |
To | init(__byStroking:transform:lineWidth:lineCap:lineJoin:miterLimit:) | init?(__byStroking path: CGPath, transform transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?, lineWidth lineWidth: CGFloat, lineCap lineCap: CGLineCap, lineJoin lineJoin: CGLineJoin, miterLimit miterLimit: CGFloat) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPathCreateWithEllipseInRect(_:_:) | func CGPathCreateWithEllipseInRect(_ rect: CGRect, _ transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>) -> CGPath |
To | init(ellipseIn:transform:) | init(ellipseIn rect: CGRect, transform transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPathCreateWithRect(_:_:) | func CGPathCreateWithRect(_ rect: CGRect, _ transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>) -> CGPath |
To | init(rect:transform:) | init(rect rect: CGRect, transform transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPathCreateWithRoundedRect(_:_:_:_:) | func CGPathCreateWithRoundedRect(_ rect: CGRect, _ cornerWidth: CGFloat, _ cornerHeight: CGFloat, _ transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>) -> CGPath |
To | init(roundedRect:cornerWidth:cornerHeight:transform:) | init(roundedRect rect: CGRect, cornerWidth cornerWidth: CGFloat, cornerHeight cornerHeight: CGFloat, transform transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?) |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGPathIsEmpty(_:) | func CGPathIsEmpty(_ path: CGPath?) -> Bool | -- |
To | isEmpty | var isEmpty: Bool { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPathIsRect(_:_:) | func CGPathIsRect(_ path: CGPath?, _ rect: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>) -> Bool |
To | isRect(_:) | func isRect(_ rect: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>?) -> Bool |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPathCreateMutableCopy(_:) | func CGPathCreateMutableCopy(_ path: CGPath?) -> CGMutablePath? |
To | mutableCopy() | func mutableCopy() -> CGMutablePath? |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPathCreateMutableCopyByTransformingPath(_:_:) | func CGPathCreateMutableCopyByTransformingPath(_ path: CGPath?, _ transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>) -> CGMutablePath? |
To | mutableCopy(using:) | func mutableCopy(using transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>?) -> CGMutablePath? |
Modified CGPath.CGPathGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPathGetTypeID() | func CGPathGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Modified CGPathDrawingMode [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGPathDrawingMode : Int32 { case Fill case EOFill case Stroke case FillStroke case EOFillStroke } |
To | enum CGPathDrawingMode : Int32 { case fill case eoFill case stroke case fillStroke case eoFillStroke } |
Modified CGPathDrawingMode.eoFill
Declaration | |
From | case EOFill |
To | case eoFill |
Modified CGPathDrawingMode.eoFillStroke
Declaration | |
From | case EOFillStroke |
To | case eoFillStroke |
Modified CGPathDrawingMode.fill
Declaration | |
From | case Fill |
To | case fill |
Modified CGPathDrawingMode.fillStroke
Declaration | |
From | case FillStroke |
To | case fillStroke |
Modified CGPathDrawingMode.stroke
Declaration | |
From | case Stroke |
To | case stroke |
Modified CGPathElementType [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGPathElementType : Int32 { case MoveToPoint case AddLineToPoint case AddQuadCurveToPoint case AddCurveToPoint case CloseSubpath } |
To | enum CGPathElementType : Int32 { case moveToPoint case addLineToPoint case addQuadCurveToPoint case addCurveToPoint case closeSubpath } |
Modified CGPathElementType.addCurveToPoint
Declaration | |
From | case AddCurveToPoint |
To | case addCurveToPoint |
Modified CGPathElementType.addLineToPoint
Declaration | |
From | case AddLineToPoint |
To | case addLineToPoint |
Declaration | |
From | case AddQuadCurveToPoint |
To | case addQuadCurveToPoint |
Modified CGPathElementType.closeSubpath
Declaration | |
From | case CloseSubpath |
To | case closeSubpath |
Modified CGPathElementType.moveToPoint
Declaration | |
From | case MoveToPoint |
To | case moveToPoint |
Modified CGPattern
Declaration | |
From | class CGPattern { } |
To | class CGPattern { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(info info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, bounds bounds: CGRect, matrix matrix: CGAffineTransform, xStep xStep: CGFloat, yStep yStep: CGFloat, tiling tiling: CGPatternTiling, isColored isColored: Bool, callbacks callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGPatternCallbacks>) } extension CGPattern { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(info info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, bounds bounds: CGRect, matrix matrix: CGAffineTransform, xStep xStep: CGFloat, yStep yStep: CGFloat, tiling tiling: CGPatternTiling, isColored isColored: Bool, callbacks callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGPatternCallbacks>) } |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPatternCreate(_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGPatternCreate(_ info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ bounds: CGRect, _ matrix: CGAffineTransform, _ xStep: CGFloat, _ yStep: CGFloat, _ tiling: CGPatternTiling, _ isColored: Bool, _ callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGPatternCallbacks>) -> CGPattern? |
To | init(info:bounds:matrix:xStep:yStep:tiling:isColored:callbacks:) | init?(info info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, bounds bounds: CGRect, matrix matrix: CGAffineTransform, xStep xStep: CGFloat, yStep yStep: CGFloat, tiling tiling: CGPatternTiling, isColored isColored: Bool, callbacks callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGPatternCallbacks>) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPatternGetTypeID() | func CGPatternGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Modified CGPatternCallbacks [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CGPatternCallbacks { var version: UInt32 var drawPattern: CGPatternDrawPatternCallback? var releaseInfo: CGPatternReleaseInfoCallback? init() init(version version: UInt32, drawPattern drawPattern: CGPatternDrawPatternCallback?, releaseInfo releaseInfo: CGPatternReleaseInfoCallback?) } |
To | struct CGPatternCallbacks { var version: UInt32 var drawPattern: CoreGraphics.CGPatternDrawPatternCallback? var releaseInfo: CoreGraphics.CGPatternReleaseInfoCallback? init() init(version version: UInt32, drawPattern drawPattern: CoreGraphics.CGPatternDrawPatternCallback?, releaseInfo releaseInfo: CoreGraphics.CGPatternReleaseInfoCallback?) } |
Modified CGPatternCallbacks.drawPattern
Declaration | |
From | var drawPattern: CGPatternDrawPatternCallback? |
To | var drawPattern: CoreGraphics.CGPatternDrawPatternCallback? |
Modified CGPatternCallbacks.releaseInfo
Declaration | |
From | var releaseInfo: CGPatternReleaseInfoCallback? |
To | var releaseInfo: CoreGraphics.CGPatternReleaseInfoCallback? |
Modified CGPatternTiling [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGPatternTiling : Int32 { case NoDistortion case ConstantSpacingMinimalDistortion case ConstantSpacing } |
To | enum CGPatternTiling : Int32 { case noDistortion case constantSpacingMinimalDistortion case constantSpacing } |
Modified CGPatternTiling.constantSpacing
Declaration | |
From | case ConstantSpacing |
To | case constantSpacing |
Declaration | |
From | case ConstantSpacingMinimalDistortion |
To | case constantSpacingMinimalDistortion |
Modified CGPatternTiling.noDistortion
Declaration | |
From | case NoDistortion |
To | case noDistortion |
Modified CGPDFBox [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGPDFBox : Int32 { case MediaBox case CropBox case BleedBox case TrimBox case ArtBox } |
To | enum CGPDFBox : Int32 { case mediaBox case cropBox case bleedBox case trimBox case artBox } |
Modified CGPDFBox.artBox
Declaration | |
From | case ArtBox |
To | case artBox |
Modified CGPDFBox.bleedBox
Declaration | |
From | case BleedBox |
To | case bleedBox |
Modified CGPDFBox.cropBox
Declaration | |
From | case CropBox |
To | case cropBox |
Modified CGPDFBox.mediaBox
Declaration | |
From | case MediaBox |
To | case mediaBox |
Modified CGPDFBox.trimBox
Declaration | |
From | case TrimBox |
To | case trimBox |
Modified CGPDFDataFormat [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGPDFDataFormat : Int32 { case Raw case JPEGEncoded case JPEG2000 } |
To | enum CGPDFDataFormat : Int32 { case raw case jpegEncoded case JPEG2000 } |
Modified CGPDFDataFormat.jpegEncoded
Declaration | |
From | case JPEGEncoded |
To | case jpegEncoded |
Modified CGPDFDataFormat.raw
Declaration | |
From | case Raw |
To | case raw |
Modified CGPDFDocument
Declaration | |
From | class CGPDFDocument { } |
To | class CGPDFDocument { init?(_ provider: CGDataProvider) init?(_ url: CFURL) func getVersion(majorVersion majorVersion: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>, minorVersion minorVersion: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>) var isEncrypted: Bool { get } func unlockWithPassword(_ password: UnsafePointer<Int8>) -> Bool var isUnlocked: Bool { get } var allowsPrinting: Bool { get } var allowsCopying: Bool { get } var numberOfPages: Int { get } func page(at pageNumber: Int) -> CGPDFPage? var catalog: CGPDFDictionaryRef? { get } var info: CGPDFDictionaryRef? { get } var fileIdentifier: CGPDFArrayRef? { get } class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } func getMediaBox(page page: Int32) -> CGRect func getCropBox(page page: Int32) -> CGRect func getBleedBox(page page: Int32) -> CGRect func getTrimBox(page page: Int32) -> CGRect func getArtBox(page page: Int32) -> CGRect func getRotationAngle(page page: Int32) -> Int32 } extension CGPDFDocument { init?(_ provider: CGDataProvider) init?(_ url: CFURL) func getVersion(majorVersion majorVersion: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>, minorVersion minorVersion: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>) var isEncrypted: Bool { get } func unlockWithPassword(_ password: UnsafePointer<Int8>) -> Bool var isUnlocked: Bool { get } var allowsPrinting: Bool { get } var allowsCopying: Bool { get } var numberOfPages: Int { get } func page(at pageNumber: Int) -> CGPDFPage? var catalog: CGPDFDictionaryRef? { get } var info: CGPDFDictionaryRef? { get } var fileIdentifier: CGPDFArrayRef? { get } class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } func getMediaBox(page page: Int32) -> CGRect func getCropBox(page page: Int32) -> CGRect func getBleedBox(page page: Int32) -> CGRect func getTrimBox(page page: Int32) -> CGRect func getArtBox(page page: Int32) -> CGRect func getRotationAngle(page page: Int32) -> Int32 } |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGPDFDocumentAllowsCopying(_:) | func CGPDFDocumentAllowsCopying(_ document: CGPDFDocument?) -> Bool | -- |
To | allowsCopying | var allowsCopying: Bool { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGPDFDocumentAllowsPrinting(_:) | func CGPDFDocumentAllowsPrinting(_ document: CGPDFDocument?) -> Bool | -- |
To | allowsPrinting | var allowsPrinting: Bool { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGPDFDocumentGetCatalog(_:) | func CGPDFDocumentGetCatalog(_ document: CGPDFDocument?) -> CGPDFDictionaryRef | -- |
To | catalog | var catalog: CGPDFDictionaryRef? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGPDFDocumentGetID(_:) | func CGPDFDocumentGetID(_ document: CGPDFDocument?) -> CGPDFArrayRef | -- |
To | fileIdentifier | var fileIdentifier: CGPDFArrayRef? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPDFDocumentGetVersion(_:_:_:) | func CGPDFDocumentGetVersion(_ document: CGPDFDocument?, _ majorVersion: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>, _ minorVersion: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>) |
To | getVersion(majorVersion:minorVersion:) | func getVersion(majorVersion majorVersion: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>, minorVersion minorVersion: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>) |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGPDFDocumentGetInfo(_:) | func CGPDFDocumentGetInfo(_ document: CGPDFDocument?) -> CGPDFDictionaryRef | -- |
To | info | var info: CGPDFDictionaryRef? { get } | yes |
Modified CGPDFDocument.init(_: CFURL)
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL(_:) | func CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL(_ url: CFURL?) -> CGPDFDocument? |
To | init(_:) | init?(_ url: CFURL) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPDFDocumentCreateWithProvider(_:) | func CGPDFDocumentCreateWithProvider(_ provider: CGDataProvider?) -> CGPDFDocument? |
To | init(_:) | init?(_ provider: CGDataProvider) |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGPDFDocumentIsEncrypted(_:) | func CGPDFDocumentIsEncrypted(_ document: CGPDFDocument?) -> Bool | -- |
To | isEncrypted | var isEncrypted: Bool { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGPDFDocumentIsUnlocked(_:) | func CGPDFDocumentIsUnlocked(_ document: CGPDFDocument?) -> Bool | -- |
To | isUnlocked | var isUnlocked: Bool { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGPDFDocumentGetNumberOfPages(_:) | func CGPDFDocumentGetNumberOfPages(_ document: CGPDFDocument?) -> Int | -- |
To | numberOfPages | var numberOfPages: Int { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPDFDocumentGetPage(_:_:) | func CGPDFDocumentGetPage(_ document: CGPDFDocument?, _ pageNumber: Int) -> CGPDFPage? |
To | page(at:) | func page(at pageNumber: Int) -> CGPDFPage? |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPDFDocumentGetTypeID() | func CGPDFDocumentGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPDFDocumentUnlockWithPassword(_:_:) | func CGPDFDocumentUnlockWithPassword(_ document: CGPDFDocument?, _ password: UnsafePointer<Int8>) -> Bool |
To | unlockWithPassword(_:) | func unlockWithPassword(_ password: UnsafePointer<Int8>) -> Bool |
Modified CGPDFObjectType [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGPDFObjectType : Int32 { case Null case Boolean case Integer case Real case Name case String case Array case Dictionary case Stream } |
To | enum CGPDFObjectType : Int32 { case null case boolean case integer case real case name case string case array case dictionary case stream } |
Modified CGPDFObjectType.array
Declaration | |
From | case Array |
To | case array |
Modified CGPDFObjectType.boolean
Declaration | |
From | case Boolean |
To | case boolean |
Modified CGPDFObjectType.dictionary
Declaration | |
From | case Dictionary |
To | case dictionary |
Modified CGPDFObjectType.integer
Declaration | |
From | case Integer |
To | case integer |
Declaration | |
From | case Name |
To | case name |
Modified CGPDFObjectType.null
Declaration | |
From | case Null |
To | case null |
Modified CGPDFObjectType.real
Declaration | |
From | case Real |
To | case real |
Declaration | |
From | case Stream |
To | case stream |
Modified CGPDFObjectType.string
Declaration | |
From | case String |
To | case string |
Modified CGPDFPage
Declaration | |
From | class CGPDFPage { } |
To | class CGPDFPage { var document: CGPDFDocument? { get } var pageNumber: Int { get } func getBoxRect(_ box: CGPDFBox) -> CGRect var rotationAngle: Int32 { get } func getDrawingTransform(_ box: CGPDFBox, rect rect: CGRect, rotate rotate: Int32, preserveAspectRatio preserveAspectRatio: Bool) -> CGAffineTransform var dictionary: CGPDFDictionaryRef? { get } class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } } extension CGPDFPage { var document: CGPDFDocument? { get } var pageNumber: Int { get } func getBoxRect(_ box: CGPDFBox) -> CGRect var rotationAngle: Int32 { get } func getDrawingTransform(_ box: CGPDFBox, rect rect: CGRect, rotate rotate: Int32, preserveAspectRatio preserveAspectRatio: Bool) -> CGAffineTransform var dictionary: CGPDFDictionaryRef? { get } class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } } |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGPDFPageGetDictionary(_:) | func CGPDFPageGetDictionary(_ page: CGPDFPage?) -> CGPDFDictionaryRef | -- |
To | dictionary | var dictionary: CGPDFDictionaryRef? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGPDFPageGetDocument(_:) | func CGPDFPageGetDocument(_ page: CGPDFPage?) -> CGPDFDocument? | -- |
To | document | var document: CGPDFDocument? { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPDFPageGetBoxRect(_:_:) | func CGPDFPageGetBoxRect(_ page: CGPDFPage?, _ box: CGPDFBox) -> CGRect |
To | getBoxRect(_:) | func getBoxRect(_ box: CGPDFBox) -> CGRect |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPDFPageGetDrawingTransform(_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGPDFPageGetDrawingTransform(_ page: CGPDFPage?, _ box: CGPDFBox, _ rect: CGRect, _ rotate: Int32, _ preserveAspectRatio: Bool) -> CGAffineTransform |
To | getDrawingTransform(_:rect:rotate:preserveAspectRatio:) | func getDrawingTransform(_ box: CGPDFBox, rect rect: CGRect, rotate rotate: Int32, preserveAspectRatio preserveAspectRatio: Bool) -> CGAffineTransform |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGPDFPageGetPageNumber(_:) | func CGPDFPageGetPageNumber(_ page: CGPDFPage?) -> Int | -- |
To | pageNumber | var pageNumber: Int { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGPDFPageGetRotationAngle(_:) | func CGPDFPageGetRotationAngle(_ page: CGPDFPage?) -> Int32 | -- |
To | rotationAngle | var rotationAngle: Int32 { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPDFPageGetTypeID() | func CGPDFPageGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Modified CGPoint [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CGPoint { var x: CGFloat var y: CGFloat init() init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) } extension CGPoint { static var zero: CGPoint { get } init(x x: Int, y y: Int) init(x x: Double, y y: Double) static var zeroPoint: CGPoint { get } } extension CGPoint : Equatable { } extension CGPoint : _Reflectable { } extension CGPoint { static var zero: CGPoint { get } init(x x: Int, y y: Int) init(x x: Double, y y: Double) static var zeroPoint: CGPoint { get } } extension CGPoint : Equatable { } extension CGPoint : _Reflectable { } | Equatable |
To | struct CGPoint { var x: CGFloat var y: CGFloat init() init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func applying(_ t: CGAffineTransform) -> CGPoint static let zero: CGPoint init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func equalTo(_ point2: CGPoint) -> Bool var dictionaryRepresentation: CFDictionary { get } static func __setFromDictionaryRepresentation(_ dict: CFDictionary, _ point: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) -> Bool static var zero: CGPoint { get } init(x x: Int, y y: Int) init(x x: Double, y y: Double) init?(dictionaryRepresentation dict: CFDictionary) } extension CGPoint { func applying(_ t: CGAffineTransform) -> CGPoint } extension CGPoint : CustomDebugStringConvertible { var debugDescription: String { get } } extension CGPoint : CustomReflectable, CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable { var customMirror: Mirror { get } var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get } } extension CGPoint { static let zero: CGPoint init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat) func equalTo(_ point2: CGPoint) -> Bool var dictionaryRepresentation: CFDictionary { get } static func __setFromDictionaryRepresentation(_ dict: CFDictionary, _ point: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) -> Bool } extension CGPoint { static var zero: CGPoint { get } init(x x: Int, y y: Int) init(x x: Double, y y: Double) init?(dictionaryRepresentation dict: CFDictionary) } extension CGPoint : CustomReflectable, CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable { var customMirror: Mirror { get } var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get } } extension CGPoint : CustomDebugStringConvertible { var debugDescription: String { get } } extension CGPoint : Equatable { } | CustomDebugStringConvertible, CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable, CustomReflectable, Equatable |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPointApplyAffineTransform(_:_:) | func CGPointApplyAffineTransform(_ point: CGPoint, _ t: CGAffineTransform) -> CGPoint |
To | applying(_:) | func applying(_ t: CGAffineTransform) -> CGPoint |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGPointCreateDictionaryRepresentation(_:) | func CGPointCreateDictionaryRepresentation(_ point: CGPoint) -> CFDictionary | -- |
To | dictionaryRepresentation | var dictionaryRepresentation: CFDictionary { get } | yes |
Modified CGPoint.equalTo(_: CGPoint) -> Bool
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPointEqualToPoint(_:_:) | func CGPointEqualToPoint(_ point1: CGPoint, _ point2: CGPoint) -> Bool |
To | equalTo(_:) | func equalTo(_ point2: CGPoint) -> Bool |
Modified CGPSConverter
Declaration | |
From | class CGPSConverter { } |
To | class CGPSConverter { init?(info info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, callbacks callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGPSConverterCallbacks>, options options: CFDictionary?) func convert(_ provider: CGDataProvider, consumer consumer: CGDataConsumer, options options: CFDictionary?) -> Bool func abort() -> Bool var isConverting: Bool { get } class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } } extension CGPSConverter { init?(info info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, callbacks callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGPSConverterCallbacks>, options options: CFDictionary?) func convert(_ provider: CGDataProvider, consumer consumer: CGDataConsumer, options options: CFDictionary?) -> Bool func abort() -> Bool var isConverting: Bool { get } class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } } |
Modified CGPSConverter.abort() -> Bool
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPSConverterAbort(_:) | func CGPSConverterAbort(_ converter: CGPSConverter) -> Bool |
To | abort() | func abort() -> Bool |
Modified CGPSConverter.convert(_: CGDataProvider, consumer: CGDataConsumer, options: CFDictionary?) -> Bool
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPSConverterConvert(_:_:_:_:) | func CGPSConverterConvert(_ converter: CGPSConverter, _ provider: CGDataProvider, _ consumer: CGDataConsumer, _ options: CFDictionary?) -> Bool |
To | convert(_:consumer:options:) | func convert(_ provider: CGDataProvider, consumer consumer: CGDataConsumer, options options: CFDictionary?) -> Bool |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPSConverterCreate(_:_:_:) | func CGPSConverterCreate(_ info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, _ callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGPSConverterCallbacks>, _ options: CFDictionary?) -> CGPSConverter? |
To | init(info:callbacks:options:) | init?(info info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, callbacks callbacks: UnsafePointer<CGPSConverterCallbacks>, options options: CFDictionary?) |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGPSConverterIsConverting(_:) | func CGPSConverterIsConverting(_ converter: CGPSConverter) -> Bool | -- |
To | isConverting | var isConverting: Bool { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGPSConverterGetTypeID() | func CGPSConverterGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Modified CGPSConverterCallbacks [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CGPSConverterCallbacks { var version: UInt32 var beginDocument: CGPSConverterBeginDocumentCallback? var endDocument: CGPSConverterEndDocumentCallback? var beginPage: CGPSConverterBeginPageCallback? var endPage: CGPSConverterEndPageCallback? var noteProgress: CGPSConverterProgressCallback? var noteMessage: CGPSConverterMessageCallback? var releaseInfo: CGPSConverterReleaseInfoCallback? init() init(version version: UInt32, beginDocument beginDocument: CGPSConverterBeginDocumentCallback?, endDocument endDocument: CGPSConverterEndDocumentCallback?, beginPage beginPage: CGPSConverterBeginPageCallback?, endPage endPage: CGPSConverterEndPageCallback?, noteProgress noteProgress: CGPSConverterProgressCallback?, noteMessage noteMessage: CGPSConverterMessageCallback?, releaseInfo releaseInfo: CGPSConverterReleaseInfoCallback?) } |
To | struct CGPSConverterCallbacks { var version: UInt32 var beginDocument: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterBeginDocumentCallback? var endDocument: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterEndDocumentCallback? var beginPage: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterBeginPageCallback? var endPage: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterEndPageCallback? var noteProgress: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterProgressCallback? var noteMessage: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterMessageCallback? var releaseInfo: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterReleaseInfoCallback? init() init(version version: UInt32, beginDocument beginDocument: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterBeginDocumentCallback?, endDocument endDocument: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterEndDocumentCallback?, beginPage beginPage: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterBeginPageCallback?, endPage endPage: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterEndPageCallback?, noteProgress noteProgress: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterProgressCallback?, noteMessage noteMessage: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterMessageCallback?, releaseInfo releaseInfo: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterReleaseInfoCallback?) } |
Modified CGPSConverterCallbacks.beginDocument
Declaration | |
From | var beginDocument: CGPSConverterBeginDocumentCallback? |
To | var beginDocument: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterBeginDocumentCallback? |
Modified CGPSConverterCallbacks.beginPage
Declaration | |
From | var beginPage: CGPSConverterBeginPageCallback? |
To | var beginPage: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterBeginPageCallback? |
Modified CGPSConverterCallbacks.endDocument
Declaration | |
From | var endDocument: CGPSConverterEndDocumentCallback? |
To | var endDocument: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterEndDocumentCallback? |
Modified CGPSConverterCallbacks.endPage
Declaration | |
From | var endPage: CGPSConverterEndPageCallback? |
To | var endPage: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterEndPageCallback? |
Modified CGPSConverterCallbacks.noteMessage
Declaration | |
From | var noteMessage: CGPSConverterMessageCallback? |
To | var noteMessage: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterMessageCallback? |
Modified CGPSConverterCallbacks.noteProgress
Declaration | |
From | var noteProgress: CGPSConverterProgressCallback? |
To | var noteProgress: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterProgressCallback? |
Modified CGPSConverterCallbacks.releaseInfo
Declaration | |
From | var releaseInfo: CGPSConverterReleaseInfoCallback? |
To | var releaseInfo: CoreGraphics.CGPSConverterReleaseInfoCallback? |
Modified CGRect [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CGRect { var origin: CGPoint var size: CGSize init() init(origin origin: CGPoint, size size: CGSize) } extension CGRect { static var zero: CGRect { get } static var null: CGRect { get } static var infinite: CGRect { get } init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, width width: CGFloat, height height: CGFloat) init(x x: Double, y y: Double, width width: Double, height height: Double) init(x x: Int, y y: Int, width width: Int, height height: Int) var width: CGFloat { get } var height: CGFloat { get } var minX: CGFloat { get } var midX: CGFloat { get } var maxX: CGFloat { get } var minY: CGFloat { get } var midY: CGFloat { get } var maxY: CGFloat { get } var isNull: Bool { get } var isEmpty: Bool { get } var isInfinite: Bool { get } var standardized: CGRect { get } var integral: CGRect { get } mutating func standardizeInPlace() mutating func makeIntegralInPlace() @warn_unused_result(mutable_variant="insetInPlace") func insetBy(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) -> CGRect mutating func insetInPlace(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) @warn_unused_result(mutable_variant="offsetInPlace") func offsetBy(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) -> CGRect mutating func offsetInPlace(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) @warn_unused_result(mutable_variant="unionInPlace") func union(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGRect mutating func unionInPlace(_ rect: CGRect) @warn_unused_result(mutable_variant="intersectInPlace") func intersect(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGRect mutating func intersectInPlace(_ rect: CGRect) @warn_unused_result func divide(_ atDistance: CGFloat, fromEdge fromEdge: CGRectEdge) -> (slice: CGRect, remainder: CGRect) @warn_unused_result func contains(_ rect: CGRect) -> Bool @warn_unused_result func contains(_ point: CGPoint) -> Bool @warn_unused_result func intersects(_ rect: CGRect) -> Bool static var zeroRect: CGRect { get } static var infiniteRect: CGRect { get } static var nullRect: CGRect { get } var standardizedRect: CGRect { get } var integerRect: CGRect { get } mutating func standardize() -> CGRect mutating func integerize() func rectByInsetting(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) -> CGRect func inset(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) func rectByOffsetting(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) -> CGRect func offset(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) mutating func union(_ withRect: CGRect) func rectByUnion(_ withRect: CGRect) -> CGRect mutating func intersect(_ withRect: CGRect) func rectByIntersecting(_ withRect: CGRect) -> CGRect func rectsByDividing(_ atDistance: CGFloat, fromEdge fromEdge: CGRectEdge) -> (slice: CGRect, remainder: CGRect) } extension CGRect : Equatable { } extension CGRect : _Reflectable { } extension CGRect { static var zero: CGRect { get } static var null: CGRect { get } static var infinite: CGRect { get } init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, width width: CGFloat, height height: CGFloat) init(x x: Double, y y: Double, width width: Double, height height: Double) init(x x: Int, y y: Int, width width: Int, height height: Int) var width: CGFloat { get } var height: CGFloat { get } var minX: CGFloat { get } var midX: CGFloat { get } var maxX: CGFloat { get } var minY: CGFloat { get } var midY: CGFloat { get } var maxY: CGFloat { get } var isNull: Bool { get } var isEmpty: Bool { get } var isInfinite: Bool { get } var standardized: CGRect { get } var integral: CGRect { get } mutating func standardizeInPlace() mutating func makeIntegralInPlace() @warn_unused_result(mutable_variant="insetInPlace") func insetBy(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) -> CGRect mutating func insetInPlace(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) @warn_unused_result(mutable_variant="offsetInPlace") func offsetBy(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) -> CGRect mutating func offsetInPlace(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) @warn_unused_result(mutable_variant="unionInPlace") func union(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGRect mutating func unionInPlace(_ rect: CGRect) @warn_unused_result(mutable_variant="intersectInPlace") func intersect(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGRect mutating func intersectInPlace(_ rect: CGRect) @warn_unused_result func divide(_ atDistance: CGFloat, fromEdge fromEdge: CGRectEdge) -> (slice: CGRect, remainder: CGRect) @warn_unused_result func contains(_ rect: CGRect) -> Bool @warn_unused_result func contains(_ point: CGPoint) -> Bool @warn_unused_result func intersects(_ rect: CGRect) -> Bool static var zeroRect: CGRect { get } static var infiniteRect: CGRect { get } static var nullRect: CGRect { get } var standardizedRect: CGRect { get } var integerRect: CGRect { get } mutating func standardize() -> CGRect mutating func integerize() func rectByInsetting(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) -> CGRect func inset(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) func rectByOffsetting(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) -> CGRect func offset(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) mutating func union(_ withRect: CGRect) func rectByUnion(_ withRect: CGRect) -> CGRect mutating func intersect(_ withRect: CGRect) func rectByIntersecting(_ withRect: CGRect) -> CGRect func rectsByDividing(_ atDistance: CGFloat, fromEdge fromEdge: CGRectEdge) -> (slice: CGRect, remainder: CGRect) } extension CGRect : Equatable { } extension CGRect : _Reflectable { } | Equatable |
To | struct CGRect { var origin: CGPoint var size: CGSize init() init(origin origin: CGPoint, size size: CGSize) func applying(_ t: CGAffineTransform) -> CGRect static let zero: CGRect static let null: CGRect static let infinite: CGRect init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, width width: CGFloat, height height: CGFloat) var minX: CGFloat { get } var midX: CGFloat { get } var maxX: CGFloat { get } var minY: CGFloat { get } var midY: CGFloat { get } var maxY: CGFloat { get } var width: CGFloat { get } var height: CGFloat { get } func equalTo(_ rect2: CGRect) -> Bool var standardized: CGRect { get } var isEmpty: Bool { get } var isNull: Bool { get } var isInfinite: Bool { get } func insetBy(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) -> CGRect var integral: CGRect { get } func union(_ r2: CGRect) -> CGRect func intersection(_ r2: CGRect) -> CGRect func offsetBy(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) -> CGRect func __divided(slice slice: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>, remainder remainder: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>, atDistance amount: CGFloat, from edge: CGRectEdge) func contains(_ point: CGPoint) -> Bool func contains(_ rect2: CGRect) -> Bool func intersects(_ rect2: CGRect) -> Bool var dictionaryRepresentation: CFDictionary { get } static func __setFromDictionaryRepresentation(_ dict: CFDictionary, _ rect: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>) -> Bool static var zero: CGRect { get } init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, width width: CGFloat, height height: CGFloat) init(x x: Double, y y: Double, width width: Double, height height: Double) init(x x: Int, y y: Int, width width: Int, height height: Int) init?(dictionaryRepresentation dict: CFDictionary) func divided(atDistance atDistance: CGFloat, from fromEdge: CGRectEdge) -> (slice: CGRect, remainder: CGRect) } extension CGRect { func applying(_ t: CGAffineTransform) -> CGRect } extension CGRect : CustomDebugStringConvertible { var debugDescription: String { get } } extension CGRect : CustomReflectable, CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable { var customMirror: Mirror { get } var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get } } extension CGRect { static let zero: CGRect static let null: CGRect static let infinite: CGRect init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, width width: CGFloat, height height: CGFloat) var minX: CGFloat { get } var midX: CGFloat { get } var maxX: CGFloat { get } var minY: CGFloat { get } var midY: CGFloat { get } var maxY: CGFloat { get } var width: CGFloat { get } var height: CGFloat { get } func equalTo(_ rect2: CGRect) -> Bool var standardized: CGRect { get } var isEmpty: Bool { get } var isNull: Bool { get } var isInfinite: Bool { get } func insetBy(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) -> CGRect var integral: CGRect { get } func union(_ r2: CGRect) -> CGRect func intersection(_ r2: CGRect) -> CGRect func offsetBy(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) -> CGRect func __divided(slice slice: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>, remainder remainder: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>, atDistance amount: CGFloat, from edge: CGRectEdge) func contains(_ point: CGPoint) -> Bool func contains(_ rect2: CGRect) -> Bool func intersects(_ rect2: CGRect) -> Bool var dictionaryRepresentation: CFDictionary { get } static func __setFromDictionaryRepresentation(_ dict: CFDictionary, _ rect: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>) -> Bool } extension CGRect { static var zero: CGRect { get } init(x x: CGFloat, y y: CGFloat, width width: CGFloat, height height: CGFloat) init(x x: Double, y y: Double, width width: Double, height height: Double) init(x x: Int, y y: Int, width width: Int, height height: Int) init?(dictionaryRepresentation dict: CFDictionary) func divided(atDistance atDistance: CGFloat, from fromEdge: CGRectEdge) -> (slice: CGRect, remainder: CGRect) } extension CGRect : CustomReflectable, CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable { var customMirror: Mirror { get } var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get } } extension CGRect : CustomDebugStringConvertible { var debugDescription: String { get } } extension CGRect : Equatable { } | CustomDebugStringConvertible, CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable, CustomReflectable, Equatable |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGRectApplyAffineTransform(_:_:) | func CGRectApplyAffineTransform(_ rect: CGRect, _ t: CGAffineTransform) -> CGRect |
To | applying(_:) | func applying(_ t: CGAffineTransform) -> CGRect |
Modified CGRect.contains(_: CGPoint) -> Bool
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGRectContainsPoint(_:_:) | func CGRectContainsPoint(_ rect: CGRect, _ point: CGPoint) -> Bool |
To | contains(_:) | func contains(_ point: CGPoint) -> Bool |
Modified CGRect.contains(_: CGRect) -> Bool
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGRectContainsRect(_:_:) | func CGRectContainsRect(_ rect1: CGRect, _ rect2: CGRect) -> Bool |
To | contains(_:) | func contains(_ rect2: CGRect) -> Bool |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGRectCreateDictionaryRepresentation(_:) | func CGRectCreateDictionaryRepresentation(_ _: CGRect) -> CFDictionary | -- |
To | dictionaryRepresentation | var dictionaryRepresentation: CFDictionary { get } | yes |
Modified CGRect.equalTo(_: CGRect) -> Bool
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGRectEqualToRect(_:_:) | func CGRectEqualToRect(_ rect1: CGRect, _ rect2: CGRect) -> Bool |
To | equalTo(_:) | func equalTo(_ rect2: CGRect) -> Bool |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGRectGetHeight(_:) | func CGRectGetHeight(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGFloat | -- |
To | height | var height: CGFloat { get } | yes |
Modified CGRect.infinite
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGRectInfinite | let CGRectInfinite: CGRect |
To | infinite | static let infinite: CGRect |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGRectInset(_:_:_:) | func CGRectInset(_ rect: CGRect, _ dx: CGFloat, _ dy: CGFloat) -> CGRect |
To | insetBy(dx:dy:) | func insetBy(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) -> CGRect |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGRectIntegral(_:) | func CGRectIntegral(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGRect | -- |
To | integral | var integral: CGRect { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGRectIntersection(_:_:) | func CGRectIntersection(_ r1: CGRect, _ r2: CGRect) -> CGRect |
To | intersection(_:) | func intersection(_ r2: CGRect) -> CGRect |
Modified CGRect.intersects(_: CGRect) -> Bool
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGRectIntersectsRect(_:_:) | func CGRectIntersectsRect(_ rect1: CGRect, _ rect2: CGRect) -> Bool |
To | intersects(_:) | func intersects(_ rect2: CGRect) -> Bool |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGRectIsEmpty(_:) | func CGRectIsEmpty(_ rect: CGRect) -> Bool | -- |
To | isEmpty | var isEmpty: Bool { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGRectIsInfinite(_:) | func CGRectIsInfinite(_ rect: CGRect) -> Bool | -- |
To | isInfinite | var isInfinite: Bool { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGRectIsNull(_:) | func CGRectIsNull(_ rect: CGRect) -> Bool | -- |
To | isNull | var isNull: Bool { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGRectGetMaxX(_:) | func CGRectGetMaxX(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGFloat | -- |
To | maxX | var maxX: CGFloat { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGRectGetMaxY(_:) | func CGRectGetMaxY(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGFloat | -- |
To | maxY | var maxY: CGFloat { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGRectGetMidX(_:) | func CGRectGetMidX(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGFloat | -- |
To | midX | var midX: CGFloat { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGRectGetMidY(_:) | func CGRectGetMidY(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGFloat | -- |
To | midY | var midY: CGFloat { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGRectGetMinX(_:) | func CGRectGetMinX(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGFloat | -- |
To | minX | var minX: CGFloat { get } | yes |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGRectGetMinY(_:) | func CGRectGetMinY(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGFloat | -- |
To | minY | var minY: CGFloat { get } | yes |
Modified CGRect.null
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGRectNull | let CGRectNull: CGRect |
To | null | static let null: CGRect |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGRectOffset(_:_:_:) | func CGRectOffset(_ rect: CGRect, _ dx: CGFloat, _ dy: CGFloat) -> CGRect |
To | offsetBy(dx:dy:) | func offsetBy(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) -> CGRect |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGRectStandardize(_:) | func CGRectStandardize(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGRect | -- |
To | standardized | var standardized: CGRect { get } | yes |
Modified CGRect.union(_: CGRect) -> CGRect
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGRectUnion(_:_:) | func CGRectUnion(_ r1: CGRect, _ r2: CGRect) -> CGRect |
To | union(_:) | func union(_ r2: CGRect) -> CGRect |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGRectGetWidth(_:) | func CGRectGetWidth(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGFloat | -- |
To | width | var width: CGFloat { get } | yes |
Modified CGRectEdge [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGRectEdge : UInt32 { case MinXEdge case MinYEdge case MaxXEdge case MaxYEdge } extension CGRectEdge { init(rectEdge rectEdge: NSRectEdge) } |
To | enum CGRectEdge : UInt32 { case minXEdge case minYEdge case maxXEdge case maxYEdge } extension CGRectEdge { init(rectEdge rectEdge: NSRectEdge) } |
Modified CGRectEdge.maxXEdge
Declaration | |
From | case MaxXEdge |
To | case maxXEdge |
Modified CGRectEdge.maxYEdge
Declaration | |
From | case MaxYEdge |
To | case maxYEdge |
Modified CGRectEdge.minXEdge
Declaration | |
From | case MinXEdge |
To | case minXEdge |
Modified CGRectEdge.minYEdge
Declaration | |
From | case MinYEdge |
To | case minYEdge |
Modified CGScreenUpdateOperation [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CGScreenUpdateOperation : OptionSetType { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var Refresh: CGScreenUpdateOperation { get } static var Move: CGScreenUpdateOperation { get } static var ReducedDirtyRectangleCount: CGScreenUpdateOperation { get } } | OptionSetType |
To | struct CGScreenUpdateOperation : OptionSet { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var refresh: CGScreenUpdateOperation { get } static var move: CGScreenUpdateOperation { get } static var reducedDirtyRectangleCount: CGScreenUpdateOperation { get } func intersect(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> CGScreenUpdateOperation func exclusiveOr(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> CGScreenUpdateOperation mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) func isSubsetOf(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> Bool func isDisjointWith(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> Bool func isSupersetOf(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> Bool mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> Bool func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> Bool } extension CGScreenUpdateOperation { func union(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> CGScreenUpdateOperation func intersection(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> CGScreenUpdateOperation func symmetricDifference(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> CGScreenUpdateOperation } extension CGScreenUpdateOperation { func contains(_ member: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> Bool mutating func insert(_ newMember: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: CGScreenUpdateOperation) mutating func remove(_ member: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> CGScreenUpdateOperation? mutating func update(with newMember: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> CGScreenUpdateOperation? } extension CGScreenUpdateOperation { convenience init() mutating func formUnion(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) } extension CGScreenUpdateOperation { convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == CGScreenUpdateOperation>(_ sequence: S) convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: CGScreenUpdateOperation...) mutating func subtract(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) func isSubset(of other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> Bool func isSuperset(of other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> Bool func isDisjoint(with other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> Bool func subtracting(_ other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> CGScreenUpdateOperation var isEmpty: Bool { get } func isStrictSuperset(of other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> Bool func isStrictSubset(of other: CGScreenUpdateOperation) -> Bool } | OptionSet |
Modified CGScreenUpdateOperation.move
Declaration | |
From | static var Move: CGScreenUpdateOperation { get } |
To | static var move: CGScreenUpdateOperation { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var ReducedDirtyRectangleCount: CGScreenUpdateOperation { get } |
To | static var reducedDirtyRectangleCount: CGScreenUpdateOperation { get } |
Modified CGScreenUpdateOperation.refresh
Declaration | |
From | static var Refresh: CGScreenUpdateOperation { get } |
To | static var refresh: CGScreenUpdateOperation { get } |
Modified CGScrollEventUnit [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGScrollEventUnit : UInt32 { case Pixel case Line } |
To | enum CGScrollEventUnit : UInt32 { case pixel case line } |
Modified CGScrollEventUnit.line
Declaration | |
From | case Line |
To | case line |
Modified CGScrollEventUnit.pixel
Declaration | |
From | case Pixel |
To | case pixel |
Modified CGScrollPhase [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGScrollPhase : UInt32 { case Began case Changed case Ended case Cancelled case MayBegin } |
To | enum CGScrollPhase : UInt32 { case began case changed case ended case cancelled case mayBegin } |
Modified CGScrollPhase.began
Declaration | |
From | case Began |
To | case began |
Modified CGScrollPhase.cancelled
Declaration | |
From | case Cancelled |
To | case cancelled |
Modified CGScrollPhase.changed
Declaration | |
From | case Changed |
To | case changed |
Modified CGScrollPhase.ended
Declaration | |
From | case Ended |
To | case ended |
Modified CGScrollPhase.mayBegin
Declaration | |
From | case MayBegin |
To | case mayBegin |
Modified CGShading
Declaration | |
From | class CGShading { } |
To | class CGShading { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(axialSpace space: CGColorSpace, start start: CGPoint, end end: CGPoint, function function: CGFunction, extendStart extendStart: Bool, extendEnd extendEnd: Bool) init?(radialSpace space: CGColorSpace, start start: CGPoint, startRadius startRadius: CGFloat, end end: CGPoint, endRadius endRadius: CGFloat, function function: CGFunction, extendStart extendStart: Bool, extendEnd extendEnd: Bool) } extension CGShading { class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } init?(axialSpace space: CGColorSpace, start start: CGPoint, end end: CGPoint, function function: CGFunction, extendStart extendStart: Bool, extendEnd extendEnd: Bool) init?(radialSpace space: CGColorSpace, start start: CGPoint, startRadius startRadius: CGFloat, end end: CGPoint, endRadius endRadius: CGFloat, function function: CGFunction, extendStart extendStart: Bool, extendEnd extendEnd: Bool) } |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGShadingCreateAxial(_:_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGShadingCreateAxial(_ space: CGColorSpace?, _ start: CGPoint, _ end: CGPoint, _ function: CGFunction?, _ extendStart: Bool, _ extendEnd: Bool) -> CGShading? |
To | init(axialSpace:start:end:function:extendStart:extendEnd:) | init?(axialSpace space: CGColorSpace, start start: CGPoint, end end: CGPoint, function function: CGFunction, extendStart extendStart: Bool, extendEnd extendEnd: Bool) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGShadingCreateRadial(_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:) | func CGShadingCreateRadial(_ space: CGColorSpace?, _ start: CGPoint, _ startRadius: CGFloat, _ end: CGPoint, _ endRadius: CGFloat, _ function: CGFunction?, _ extendStart: Bool, _ extendEnd: Bool) -> CGShading? |
To | init(radialSpace:start:startRadius:end:endRadius:function:extendStart:extendEnd:) | init?(radialSpace space: CGColorSpace, start start: CGPoint, startRadius startRadius: CGFloat, end end: CGPoint, endRadius endRadius: CGFloat, function function: CGFunction, extendStart extendStart: Bool, extendEnd extendEnd: Bool) |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGShadingGetTypeID() | func CGShadingGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID |
To | typeID | class var typeID: CFTypeID { get } |
Modified CGSize [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CGSize { var width: CGFloat var height: CGFloat init() init(width width: CGFloat, height height: CGFloat) } extension CGSize { static var zero: CGSize { get } init(width width: Int, height height: Int) init(width width: Double, height height: Double) static var zeroSize: CGSize { get } } extension CGSize : Equatable { } extension CGSize : _Reflectable { } extension CGSize : _Reflectable { } extension CGSize : Equatable { } extension CGSize { static var zero: CGSize { get } init(width width: Int, height height: Int) init(width width: Double, height height: Double) static var zeroSize: CGSize { get } } | Equatable |
To | struct CGSize { var width: CGFloat var height: CGFloat init() init(width width: CGFloat, height height: CGFloat) func applying(_ t: CGAffineTransform) -> CGSize static let zero: CGSize init(width width: CGFloat, height height: CGFloat) func equalTo(_ size2: CGSize) -> Bool var dictionaryRepresentation: CFDictionary { get } static func __setFromDictionaryRepresentation(_ dict: CFDictionary, _ size: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGSize>) -> Bool static var zero: CGSize { get } init(width width: Int, height height: Int) init(width width: Double, height height: Double) init?(dictionaryRepresentation dict: CFDictionary) } extension CGSize { func applying(_ t: CGAffineTransform) -> CGSize } extension CGSize : CustomDebugStringConvertible { var debugDescription: String { get } } extension CGSize : CustomReflectable, CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable { var customMirror: Mirror { get } var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get } } extension CGSize { static let zero: CGSize init(width width: CGFloat, height height: CGFloat) func equalTo(_ size2: CGSize) -> Bool var dictionaryRepresentation: CFDictionary { get } static func __setFromDictionaryRepresentation(_ dict: CFDictionary, _ size: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGSize>) -> Bool } extension CGSize : Equatable { } extension CGSize : CustomDebugStringConvertible { var debugDescription: String { get } } extension CGSize : CustomReflectable, CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable { var customMirror: Mirror { get } var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get } } extension CGSize { static var zero: CGSize { get } init(width width: Int, height height: Int) init(width width: Double, height height: Double) init?(dictionaryRepresentation dict: CFDictionary) } | CustomDebugStringConvertible, CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable, CustomReflectable, Equatable |
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGSizeApplyAffineTransform(_:_:) | func CGSizeApplyAffineTransform(_ size: CGSize, _ t: CGAffineTransform) -> CGSize |
To | applying(_:) | func applying(_ t: CGAffineTransform) -> CGSize |
Name | Declaration | Readonly | |
From | CGSizeCreateDictionaryRepresentation(_:) | func CGSizeCreateDictionaryRepresentation(_ size: CGSize) -> CFDictionary | -- |
To | dictionaryRepresentation | var dictionaryRepresentation: CFDictionary { get } | yes |
Modified CGSize.equalTo(_: CGSize) -> Bool
Name | Declaration | |
From | CGSizeEqualToSize(_:_:) | func CGSizeEqualToSize(_ size1: CGSize, _ size2: CGSize) -> Bool |
To | equalTo(_:) | func equalTo(_ size2: CGSize) -> Bool |
Modified CGTextDrawingMode [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGTextDrawingMode : Int32 { case Fill case Stroke case FillStroke case Invisible case FillClip case StrokeClip case FillStrokeClip case Clip } |
To | enum CGTextDrawingMode : Int32 { case fill case stroke case fillStroke case invisible case fillClip case strokeClip case fillStrokeClip case clip } |
Modified CGTextDrawingMode.clip
Declaration | |
From | case Clip |
To | case clip |
Modified CGTextDrawingMode.fill
Declaration | |
From | case Fill |
To | case fill |
Modified CGTextDrawingMode.fillClip
Declaration | |
From | case FillClip |
To | case fillClip |
Modified CGTextDrawingMode.fillStroke
Declaration | |
From | case FillStroke |
To | case fillStroke |
Modified CGTextDrawingMode.fillStrokeClip
Declaration | |
From | case FillStrokeClip |
To | case fillStrokeClip |
Modified CGTextDrawingMode.invisible
Declaration | |
From | case Invisible |
To | case invisible |
Modified CGTextDrawingMode.stroke
Declaration | |
From | case Stroke |
To | case stroke |
Modified CGTextDrawingMode.strokeClip
Declaration | |
From | case StrokeClip |
To | case strokeClip |
Modified CGVector [struct]
Declaration | |
From | struct CGVector { var dx: CGFloat var dy: CGFloat init() init(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) } extension CGVector { static var zero: CGVector { get } init(dx dx: Int, dy dy: Int) init(dx dx: Double, dy dy: Double) static var zeroVector: CGVector { get } } extension CGVector : Equatable { } extension CGVector : Equatable { } extension CGVector { static var zero: CGVector { get } init(dx dx: Int, dy dy: Int) init(dx dx: Double, dy dy: Double) static var zeroVector: CGVector { get } } |
To | struct CGVector { var dx: CGFloat var dy: CGFloat init() init(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) init(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) static var zero: CGVector { get } init(dx dx: Int, dy dy: Int) init(dx dx: Double, dy dy: Double) } extension CGVector { init(dx dx: CGFloat, dy dy: CGFloat) } extension CGVector { static var zero: CGVector { get } init(dx dx: Int, dy dy: Int) init(dx dx: Double, dy dy: Double) } extension CGVector : Equatable { } |
Modified CGWindowBackingType [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGWindowBackingType : UInt32 { case BackingStoreRetained case BackingStoreNonretained case BackingStoreBuffered } |
To | enum CGWindowBackingType : UInt32 { case backingStoreRetained case backingStoreNonretained case backingStoreBuffered } |
Declaration | |
From | case BackingStoreBuffered |
To | case backingStoreBuffered |
Declaration | |
From | case BackingStoreNonretained |
To | case backingStoreNonretained |
Declaration | |
From | case BackingStoreRetained |
To | case backingStoreRetained |
Modified CGWindowImageOption [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CGWindowImageOption : OptionSetType { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var Default: CGWindowImageOption { get } static var BoundsIgnoreFraming: CGWindowImageOption { get } static var ShouldBeOpaque: CGWindowImageOption { get } static var OnlyShadows: CGWindowImageOption { get } static var BestResolution: CGWindowImageOption { get } static var NominalResolution: CGWindowImageOption { get } } | OptionSetType |
To | struct CGWindowImageOption : OptionSet { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var `default`: CGWindowImageOption { get } static var boundsIgnoreFraming: CGWindowImageOption { get } static var shouldBeOpaque: CGWindowImageOption { get } static var onlyShadows: CGWindowImageOption { get } static var bestResolution: CGWindowImageOption { get } static var nominalResolution: CGWindowImageOption { get } func intersect(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) -> CGWindowImageOption func exclusiveOr(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) -> CGWindowImageOption mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) func isSubsetOf(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) -> Bool func isDisjointWith(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) -> Bool func isSupersetOf(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) -> Bool mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) -> Bool func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) -> Bool } extension CGWindowImageOption { func union(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) -> CGWindowImageOption func intersection(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) -> CGWindowImageOption func symmetricDifference(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) -> CGWindowImageOption } extension CGWindowImageOption { func contains(_ member: CGWindowImageOption) -> Bool mutating func insert(_ newMember: CGWindowImageOption) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: CGWindowImageOption) mutating func remove(_ member: CGWindowImageOption) -> CGWindowImageOption? mutating func update(with newMember: CGWindowImageOption) -> CGWindowImageOption? } extension CGWindowImageOption { convenience init() mutating func formUnion(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) } extension CGWindowImageOption { convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == CGWindowImageOption>(_ sequence: S) convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: CGWindowImageOption...) mutating func subtract(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) func isSubset(of other: CGWindowImageOption) -> Bool func isSuperset(of other: CGWindowImageOption) -> Bool func isDisjoint(with other: CGWindowImageOption) -> Bool func subtracting(_ other: CGWindowImageOption) -> CGWindowImageOption var isEmpty: Bool { get } func isStrictSuperset(of other: CGWindowImageOption) -> Bool func isStrictSubset(of other: CGWindowImageOption) -> Bool } | OptionSet |
Modified CGWindowImageOption.bestResolution
Declaration | |
From | static var BestResolution: CGWindowImageOption { get } |
To | static var bestResolution: CGWindowImageOption { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var BoundsIgnoreFraming: CGWindowImageOption { get } |
To | static var boundsIgnoreFraming: CGWindowImageOption { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var NominalResolution: CGWindowImageOption { get } |
To | static var nominalResolution: CGWindowImageOption { get } |
Modified CGWindowImageOption.onlyShadows
Declaration | |
From | static var OnlyShadows: CGWindowImageOption { get } |
To | static var onlyShadows: CGWindowImageOption { get } |
Modified CGWindowImageOption.shouldBeOpaque
Declaration | |
From | static var ShouldBeOpaque: CGWindowImageOption { get } |
To | static var shouldBeOpaque: CGWindowImageOption { get } |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGWindowLevelKey : Int32 { case BaseWindowLevelKey case MinimumWindowLevelKey case DesktopWindowLevelKey case BackstopMenuLevelKey case NormalWindowLevelKey case FloatingWindowLevelKey case TornOffMenuWindowLevelKey case DockWindowLevelKey case MainMenuWindowLevelKey case StatusWindowLevelKey case ModalPanelWindowLevelKey case PopUpMenuWindowLevelKey case DraggingWindowLevelKey case ScreenSaverWindowLevelKey case MaximumWindowLevelKey case OverlayWindowLevelKey case HelpWindowLevelKey case UtilityWindowLevelKey case DesktopIconWindowLevelKey case CursorWindowLevelKey case AssistiveTechHighWindowLevelKey case NumberOfWindowLevelKeys } |
To | enum CGWindowLevelKey : Int32 { case baseWindow case minimumWindow case desktopWindow case backstopMenu case normalWindow case floatingWindow case tornOffMenuWindow case dockWindow case mainMenuWindow case statusWindow case modalPanelWindow case popUpMenuWindow case draggingWindow case screenSaverWindow case maximumWindow case overlayWindow case helpWindow case utilityWindow case desktopIconWindow case cursorWindow case assistiveTechHighWindow case numberOfWindowLevelKeys } |
Declaration | |
From | case AssistiveTechHighWindowLevelKey |
To | case assistiveTechHighWindow |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.backstopMenu
Declaration | |
From | case BackstopMenuLevelKey |
To | case backstopMenu |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.baseWindow
Declaration | |
From | case BaseWindowLevelKey |
To | case baseWindow |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.cursorWindow
Declaration | |
From | case CursorWindowLevelKey |
To | case cursorWindow |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.desktopIconWindow
Declaration | |
From | case DesktopIconWindowLevelKey |
To | case desktopIconWindow |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.desktopWindow
Declaration | |
From | case DesktopWindowLevelKey |
To | case desktopWindow |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.dockWindow
Declaration | |
From | case DockWindowLevelKey |
To | case dockWindow |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.draggingWindow
Declaration | |
From | case DraggingWindowLevelKey |
To | case draggingWindow |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.floatingWindow
Declaration | |
From | case FloatingWindowLevelKey |
To | case floatingWindow |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.helpWindow
Declaration | |
From | case HelpWindowLevelKey |
To | case helpWindow |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.mainMenuWindow
Declaration | |
From | case MainMenuWindowLevelKey |
To | case mainMenuWindow |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.maximumWindow
Declaration | |
From | case MaximumWindowLevelKey |
To | case maximumWindow |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.minimumWindow
Declaration | |
From | case MinimumWindowLevelKey |
To | case minimumWindow |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.modalPanelWindow
Declaration | |
From | case ModalPanelWindowLevelKey |
To | case modalPanelWindow |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.normalWindow
Declaration | |
From | case NormalWindowLevelKey |
To | case normalWindow |
Declaration | |
From | case NumberOfWindowLevelKeys |
To | case numberOfWindowLevelKeys |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.overlayWindow
Declaration | |
From | case OverlayWindowLevelKey |
To | case overlayWindow |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.popUpMenuWindow
Declaration | |
From | case PopUpMenuWindowLevelKey |
To | case popUpMenuWindow |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.screenSaverWindow
Declaration | |
From | case ScreenSaverWindowLevelKey |
To | case screenSaverWindow |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.statusWindow
Declaration | |
From | case StatusWindowLevelKey |
To | case statusWindow |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.tornOffMenuWindow
Declaration | |
From | case TornOffMenuWindowLevelKey |
To | case tornOffMenuWindow |
Modified CGWindowLevelKey.utilityWindow
Declaration | |
From | case UtilityWindowLevelKey |
To | case utilityWindow |
Modified CGWindowListOption [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct CGWindowListOption : OptionSetType { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var OptionAll: CGWindowListOption { get } static var OptionOnScreenOnly: CGWindowListOption { get } static var OptionOnScreenAboveWindow: CGWindowListOption { get } static var OptionOnScreenBelowWindow: CGWindowListOption { get } static var OptionIncludingWindow: CGWindowListOption { get } static var ExcludeDesktopElements: CGWindowListOption { get } } | OptionSetType |
To | struct CGWindowListOption : OptionSet { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) static var optionAll: CGWindowListOption { get } static var optionOnScreenOnly: CGWindowListOption { get } static var optionOnScreenAboveWindow: CGWindowListOption { get } static var optionOnScreenBelowWindow: CGWindowListOption { get } static var optionIncludingWindow: CGWindowListOption { get } static var excludeDesktopElements: CGWindowListOption { get } func intersect(_ other: CGWindowListOption) -> CGWindowListOption func exclusiveOr(_ other: CGWindowListOption) -> CGWindowListOption mutating func unionInPlace(_ other: CGWindowListOption) mutating func intersectInPlace(_ other: CGWindowListOption) mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ other: CGWindowListOption) func isSubsetOf(_ other: CGWindowListOption) -> Bool func isDisjointWith(_ other: CGWindowListOption) -> Bool func isSupersetOf(_ other: CGWindowListOption) -> Bool mutating func subtractInPlace(_ other: CGWindowListOption) func isStrictSupersetOf(_ other: CGWindowListOption) -> Bool func isStrictSubsetOf(_ other: CGWindowListOption) -> Bool } extension CGWindowListOption { func union(_ other: CGWindowListOption) -> CGWindowListOption func intersection(_ other: CGWindowListOption) -> CGWindowListOption func symmetricDifference(_ other: CGWindowListOption) -> CGWindowListOption } extension CGWindowListOption { func contains(_ member: CGWindowListOption) -> Bool mutating func insert(_ newMember: CGWindowListOption) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: CGWindowListOption) mutating func remove(_ member: CGWindowListOption) -> CGWindowListOption? mutating func update(with newMember: CGWindowListOption) -> CGWindowListOption? } extension CGWindowListOption { convenience init() mutating func formUnion(_ other: CGWindowListOption) mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CGWindowListOption) mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: CGWindowListOption) } extension CGWindowListOption { convenience init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == CGWindowListOption>(_ sequence: S) convenience init(arrayLiteral arrayLiteral: CGWindowListOption...) mutating func subtract(_ other: CGWindowListOption) func isSubset(of other: CGWindowListOption) -> Bool func isSuperset(of other: CGWindowListOption) -> Bool func isDisjoint(with other: CGWindowListOption) -> Bool func subtracting(_ other: CGWindowListOption) -> CGWindowListOption var isEmpty: Bool { get } func isStrictSuperset(of other: CGWindowListOption) -> Bool func isStrictSubset(of other: CGWindowListOption) -> Bool } | OptionSet |
Declaration | |
From | static var ExcludeDesktopElements: CGWindowListOption { get } |
To | static var excludeDesktopElements: CGWindowListOption { get } |
Modified CGWindowListOption.optionAll
Declaration | |
From | static var OptionAll: CGWindowListOption { get } |
To | static var optionAll: CGWindowListOption { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var OptionIncludingWindow: CGWindowListOption { get } |
To | static var optionIncludingWindow: CGWindowListOption { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var OptionOnScreenAboveWindow: CGWindowListOption { get } |
To | static var optionOnScreenAboveWindow: CGWindowListOption { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var OptionOnScreenBelowWindow: CGWindowListOption { get } |
To | static var optionOnScreenBelowWindow: CGWindowListOption { get } |
Declaration | |
From | static var OptionOnScreenOnly: CGWindowListOption { get } |
To | static var optionOnScreenOnly: CGWindowListOption { get } |
Modified CGWindowSharingType [enum]
Declaration | |
From | enum CGWindowSharingType : UInt32 { case None case ReadOnly case ReadWrite } |
To | enum CGWindowSharingType : UInt32 { case none case readOnly case readWrite } |
Modified CGWindowSharingType.none
Declaration | |
From | case None |
To | case none |
Modified CGWindowSharingType.readOnly
Declaration | |
From | case ReadOnly |
To | case readOnly |
Modified CGWindowSharingType.readWrite
Declaration | |
From | case ReadWrite |
To | case readWrite |
Modified IOSurfaceRef
Declaration | Module | |
From | class IOSurface { } | IOSurface |
To | class IOSurfaceRef { } | CoreGraphics |
Modified *(_: CGFloat, _: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func *(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func *(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified *=(_: CGFloat, _: CGFloat)
Declaration | |
From | func *=(inout _ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) |
To | func *=(_ lhs: inout CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) |
Modified +(_: CGFloat, _: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func +(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func +(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified +=(_: CGFloat, _: CGFloat)
Declaration | |
From | func +=(inout _ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) |
To | func +=(_ lhs: inout CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) |
Modified -(_: CGFloat, _: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func -(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func -(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified -=(_: CGFloat, _: CGFloat)
Declaration | |
From | func -=(inout _ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) |
To | func -=(_ lhs: inout CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) |
Modified /(_: CGFloat, _: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func /(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func /(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified /=(_: CGFloat, _: CGFloat)
Declaration | |
From | func /=(inout _ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) |
To | func /=(_ lhs: inout CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) |
Modified ==(_: CGRect, _: CGRect) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func ==(_ lhs: CGRect, _ rhs: CGRect) -> Bool |
To | func ==(_ lhs: CGRect, _ rhs: CGRect) -> Bool |
Modified ==(_: CGSize, _: CGSize) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func ==(_ lhs: CGSize, _ rhs: CGSize) -> Bool |
To | func ==(_ lhs: CGSize, _ rhs: CGSize) -> Bool |
Modified ==(_: CGVector, _: CGVector) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func ==(_ lhs: CGVector, _ rhs: CGVector) -> Bool |
To | func ==(_ lhs: CGVector, _ rhs: CGVector) -> Bool |
Modified ==(_: CGPoint, _: CGPoint) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func ==(_ lhs: CGPoint, _ rhs: CGPoint) -> Bool |
To | func ==(_ lhs: CGPoint, _ rhs: CGPoint) -> Bool |
Modified acos(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func acos(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func acos(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified acosh(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func acosh(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func acosh(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified asin(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func asin(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func asin(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified asinh(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func asinh(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func asinh(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified atan(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func atan(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func atan(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func atan2(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func atan2(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified atanh(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func atanh(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func atanh(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified cbrt(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func cbrt(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func cbrt(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Declaration | |
From | func CGAcquireDisplayFadeReservation(_ seconds: CGDisplayReservationInterval, _ token: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDisplayFadeReservationToken>) -> CGError |
To | func CGAcquireDisplayFadeReservation(_ seconds: CGDisplayReservationInterval, _ token: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDisplayFadeReservationToken>?) -> CGError |
Declaration | |
From | func CGBeginDisplayConfiguration(_ config: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDisplayConfigRef>) -> CGError |
To | func CGBeginDisplayConfiguration(_ config: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDisplayConfigRef?>?) -> CGError |
Modified CGBitmapContextReleaseDataCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGBitmapContextReleaseDataCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void |
To | typealias CGBitmapContextReleaseDataCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Swift.Void |
Declaration | |
From | func CGCancelDisplayConfiguration(_ config: CGDisplayConfigRef) -> CGError |
To | func CGCancelDisplayConfiguration(_ config: CGDisplayConfigRef?) -> CGError |
Declaration | |
From | func CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceCMYK() -> CGColorSpace? |
To | func CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceCMYK() -> CGColorSpace |
Declaration | |
From | func CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray() -> CGColorSpace? |
To | func CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray() -> CGColorSpace |
Declaration | |
From | func CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB() -> CGColorSpace? |
To | func CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB() -> CGColorSpace |
Declaration | |
From | func CGCompleteDisplayConfiguration(_ config: CGDisplayConfigRef, _ option: CGConfigureOption) -> CGError |
To | func CGCompleteDisplayConfiguration(_ config: CGDisplayConfigRef?, _ option: CGConfigureOption) -> CGError |
Declaration | |
From | func CGConfigureDisplayFadeEffect(_ config: CGDisplayConfigRef, _ fadeOutSeconds: CGDisplayFadeInterval, _ fadeInSeconds: CGDisplayFadeInterval, _ fadeRed: Float, _ fadeGreen: Float, _ fadeBlue: Float) -> CGError |
To | func CGConfigureDisplayFadeEffect(_ config: CGDisplayConfigRef?, _ fadeOutSeconds: CGDisplayFadeInterval, _ fadeInSeconds: CGDisplayFadeInterval, _ fadeRed: Float, _ fadeGreen: Float, _ fadeBlue: Float) -> CGError |
Declaration | |
From | func CGConfigureDisplayMirrorOfDisplay(_ config: CGDisplayConfigRef, _ display: CGDirectDisplayID, _ master: CGDirectDisplayID) -> CGError |
To | func CGConfigureDisplayMirrorOfDisplay(_ config: CGDisplayConfigRef?, _ display: CGDirectDisplayID, _ master: CGDirectDisplayID) -> CGError |
Declaration | |
From | func CGConfigureDisplayOrigin(_ config: CGDisplayConfigRef, _ display: CGDirectDisplayID, _ x: Int32, _ y: Int32) -> CGError |
To | func CGConfigureDisplayOrigin(_ config: CGDisplayConfigRef?, _ display: CGDirectDisplayID, _ x: Int32, _ y: Int32) -> CGError |
Declaration | |
From | func CGConfigureDisplayStereoOperation(_ config: CGDisplayConfigRef, _ display: CGDirectDisplayID, _ stereo: boolean_t, _ forceBlueLine: boolean_t) -> CGError |
To | func CGConfigureDisplayStereoOperation(_ config: CGDisplayConfigRef?, _ display: CGDirectDisplayID, _ stereo: boolean_t, _ forceBlueLine: boolean_t) -> CGError |
Declaration | |
From | func CGConfigureDisplayWithDisplayMode(_ config: CGDisplayConfigRef, _ display: CGDirectDisplayID, _ mode: CGDisplayMode?, _ options: CFDictionary?) -> CGError |
To | func CGConfigureDisplayWithDisplayMode(_ config: CGDisplayConfigRef?, _ display: CGDirectDisplayID, _ mode: CGDisplayMode?, _ options: CFDictionary?) -> CGError |
Modified CGDataConsumerPutBytesCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGDataConsumerPutBytesCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>, Int) -> Int |
To | typealias CGDataConsumerPutBytesCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, UnsafeRawPointer, Int) -> Int |
Modified CGDataConsumerReleaseInfoCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGDataConsumerReleaseInfoCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void |
To | typealias CGDataConsumerReleaseInfoCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Swift.Void |
Modified CGDataProviderGetBytePointerCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGDataProviderGetBytePointerCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Void> |
To | typealias CGDataProviderGetBytePointerCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> UnsafeRawPointer? |
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGDataProviderGetBytesAtPositionCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, off_t, Int) -> Int |
To | typealias CGDataProviderGetBytesAtPositionCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, UnsafeMutableRawPointer, off_t, Int) -> Int |
Modified CGDataProviderGetBytesCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGDataProviderGetBytesCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, Int) -> Int |
To | typealias CGDataProviderGetBytesCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, UnsafeMutableRawPointer, Int) -> Int |
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGDataProviderReleaseBytePointerCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>) -> Void |
To | typealias CGDataProviderReleaseBytePointerCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, UnsafeRawPointer) -> Swift.Void |
Modified CGDataProviderReleaseDataCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGDataProviderReleaseDataCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<Void>, Int) -> Void |
To | typealias CGDataProviderReleaseDataCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, UnsafeRawPointer, Int) -> Swift.Void |
Modified CGDataProviderReleaseInfoCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGDataProviderReleaseInfoCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void |
To | typealias CGDataProviderReleaseInfoCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Swift.Void |
Modified CGDataProviderRewindCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGDataProviderRewindCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void |
To | typealias CGDataProviderRewindCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Swift.Void |
Modified CGDataProviderSkipForwardCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGDataProviderSkipForwardCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, off_t) -> off_t |
To | typealias CGDataProviderSkipForwardCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, off_t) -> off_t |
Modified CGDisplayConfigRef
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGDisplayConfigRef = COpaquePointer |
To | typealias CGDisplayConfigRef = OpaquePointer |
Declaration | |
From | func CGDisplayCreateImageForRect(_ display: CGDirectDisplayID, _ rect: CGRect) -> CGImage? |
To | func CGDisplayCreateImage(_ display: CGDirectDisplayID, rect rect: CGRect) -> CGImage? |
Modified CGDisplayReconfigurationCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGDisplayReconfigurationCallBack = (CGDirectDisplayID, CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void |
To | typealias CGDisplayReconfigurationCallBack = (CGDirectDisplayID, CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Swift.Void |
Declaration | |
From | func CGDisplayRegisterReconfigurationCallback(_ callback: CGDisplayReconfigurationCallBack?, _ userInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CGError |
To | func CGDisplayRegisterReconfigurationCallback(_ callback: CoreGraphics.CGDisplayReconfigurationCallBack?, _ userInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> CGError |
Declaration | |
From | func CGDisplayRemoveReconfigurationCallback(_ callback: CGDisplayReconfigurationCallBack?, _ userInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CGError |
To | func CGDisplayRemoveReconfigurationCallback(_ callback: CoreGraphics.CGDisplayReconfigurationCallBack?, _ userInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> CGError |
Modified CGDisplayStreamFrameAvailableHandler
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGDisplayStreamFrameAvailableHandler = (CGDisplayStreamFrameStatus, UInt64, IOSurface?, CGDisplayStreamUpdate?) -> Void |
To | typealias CGDisplayStreamFrameAvailableHandler = (CGDisplayStreamFrameStatus, UInt64, IOSurfaceRef?, CGDisplayStreamUpdate?) -> Swift.Void |
Modified CGEventTapCallBack
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGEventTapCallBack = (CGEventTapProxy, CGEventType, CGEvent, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Unmanaged<CGEvent>? |
To | typealias CGEventTapCallBack = (CGEventTapProxy, CGEventType, CGEvent, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Unmanaged<CGEvent>? |
Modified CGEventTapProxy
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGEventTapProxy = COpaquePointer |
To | typealias CGEventTapProxy = OpaquePointer |
Modified CGFunctionEvaluateCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGFunctionEvaluateCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) -> Void |
To | typealias CGFunctionEvaluateCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, UnsafeMutablePointer<CGFloat>) -> Swift.Void |
Modified CGFunctionReleaseInfoCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGFunctionReleaseInfoCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void |
To | typealias CGFunctionReleaseInfoCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Swift.Void |
Declaration | |
From | func CGGetActiveDisplayList(_ maxDisplays: UInt32, _ activeDisplays: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>, _ displayCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> CGError |
To | func CGGetActiveDisplayList(_ maxDisplays: UInt32, _ activeDisplays: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>?, _ displayCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>?) -> CGError |
Declaration | |
From | func CGGetDisplaysWithOpenGLDisplayMask(_ mask: CGOpenGLDisplayMask, _ maxDisplays: UInt32, _ displays: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>, _ matchingDisplayCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> CGError |
To | func CGGetDisplaysWithOpenGLDisplayMask(_ mask: CGOpenGLDisplayMask, _ maxDisplays: UInt32, _ displays: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>?, _ matchingDisplayCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>?) -> CGError |
Declaration | |
From | func CGGetDisplaysWithPoint(_ point: CGPoint, _ maxDisplays: UInt32, _ displays: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>, _ matchingDisplayCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> CGError |
To | func CGGetDisplaysWithPoint(_ point: CGPoint, _ maxDisplays: UInt32, _ displays: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>?, _ matchingDisplayCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>?) -> CGError |
Declaration | |
From | func CGGetDisplaysWithRect(_ rect: CGRect, _ maxDisplays: UInt32, _ displays: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>, _ matchingDisplayCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> CGError |
To | func CGGetDisplaysWithRect(_ rect: CGRect, _ maxDisplays: UInt32, _ displays: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>?, _ matchingDisplayCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>?) -> CGError |
Declaration | |
From | func CGGetDisplayTransferByFormula(_ display: CGDirectDisplayID, _ redMin: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>, _ redMax: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>, _ redGamma: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>, _ greenMin: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>, _ greenMax: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>, _ greenGamma: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>, _ blueMin: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>, _ blueMax: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>, _ blueGamma: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>) -> CGError |
To | func CGGetDisplayTransferByFormula(_ display: CGDirectDisplayID, _ redMin: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>?, _ redMax: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>?, _ redGamma: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>?, _ greenMin: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>?, _ greenMax: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>?, _ greenGamma: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>?, _ blueMin: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>?, _ blueMax: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>?, _ blueGamma: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>?) -> CGError |
Declaration | |
From | func CGGetDisplayTransferByTable(_ display: CGDirectDisplayID, _ capacity: UInt32, _ redTable: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>, _ greenTable: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>, _ blueTable: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>, _ sampleCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> CGError |
To | func CGGetDisplayTransferByTable(_ display: CGDirectDisplayID, _ capacity: UInt32, _ redTable: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>?, _ greenTable: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>?, _ blueTable: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGGammaValue>?, _ sampleCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>?) -> CGError |
Declaration | |
From | func CGGetEventTapList(_ maxNumberOfTaps: UInt32, _ tapList: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGEventTapInformation>, _ eventTapCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> CGError |
To | func CGGetEventTapList(_ maxNumberOfTaps: UInt32, _ tapList: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGEventTapInformation>?, _ eventTapCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>?) -> CGError |
Declaration | |
From | func CGGetOnlineDisplayList(_ maxDisplays: UInt32, _ onlineDisplays: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>, _ displayCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> CGError |
To | func CGGetOnlineDisplayList(_ maxDisplays: UInt32, _ onlineDisplays: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>?, _ displayCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>?) -> CGError |
Modified CGPathApplierFunction
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPathApplierFunction = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, UnsafePointer<CGPathElement>) -> Void |
To | typealias CGPathApplierFunction = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, UnsafePointer<CGPathElement>) -> Swift.Void |
Modified CGPatternDrawPatternCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPatternDrawPatternCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CGContext?) -> Void |
To | typealias CGPatternDrawPatternCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, CGContext) -> Swift.Void |
Modified CGPatternReleaseInfoCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPatternReleaseInfoCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void |
To | typealias CGPatternReleaseInfoCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Swift.Void |
Modified CGPDFArrayGetArray(_: CGPDFArrayRef, _: Int, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFArrayRef?>?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFArrayGetArray(_ array: CGPDFArrayRef, _ index: Int, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFArrayRef>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFArrayGetArray(_ array: CGPDFArrayRef, _ index: Int, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFArrayRef?>?) -> Bool |
Modified CGPDFArrayGetBoolean(_: CGPDFArrayRef, _: Int, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFBoolean>?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFArrayGetBoolean(_ array: CGPDFArrayRef, _ index: Int, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFBoolean>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFArrayGetBoolean(_ array: CGPDFArrayRef, _ index: Int, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFBoolean>?) -> Bool |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFArrayGetDictionary(_ array: CGPDFArrayRef, _ index: Int, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFDictionaryRef>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFArrayGetDictionary(_ array: CGPDFArrayRef, _ index: Int, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFDictionaryRef?>?) -> Bool |
Modified CGPDFArrayGetInteger(_: CGPDFArrayRef, _: Int, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFInteger>?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFArrayGetInteger(_ array: CGPDFArrayRef, _ index: Int, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFInteger>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFArrayGetInteger(_ array: CGPDFArrayRef, _ index: Int, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFInteger>?) -> Bool |
Modified CGPDFArrayGetName(_: CGPDFArrayRef, _: Int, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Int8>?>?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFArrayGetName(_ array: CGPDFArrayRef, _ index: Int, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Int8>>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFArrayGetName(_ array: CGPDFArrayRef, _ index: Int, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Int8>?>?) -> Bool |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFArrayGetNumber(_ array: CGPDFArrayRef, _ index: Int, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFReal>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFArrayGetNumber(_ array: CGPDFArrayRef, _ index: Int, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFReal>?) -> Bool |
Modified CGPDFArrayGetObject(_: CGPDFArrayRef, _: Int, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFObjectRef?>?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFArrayGetObject(_ array: CGPDFArrayRef, _ index: Int, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFObjectRef>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFArrayGetObject(_ array: CGPDFArrayRef, _ index: Int, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFObjectRef?>?) -> Bool |
Modified CGPDFArrayGetStream(_: CGPDFArrayRef, _: Int, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFStreamRef?>?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFArrayGetStream(_ array: CGPDFArrayRef, _ index: Int, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFStreamRef>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFArrayGetStream(_ array: CGPDFArrayRef, _ index: Int, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFStreamRef?>?) -> Bool |
Modified CGPDFArrayGetString(_: CGPDFArrayRef, _: Int, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFStringRef?>?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFArrayGetString(_ array: CGPDFArrayRef, _ index: Int, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFStringRef>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFArrayGetString(_ array: CGPDFArrayRef, _ index: Int, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFStringRef?>?) -> Bool |
Modified CGPDFArrayRef
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPDFArrayRef = COpaquePointer |
To | typealias CGPDFArrayRef = OpaquePointer |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFContentStreamCreateWithPage(_ page: CGPDFPage!) -> CGPDFContentStreamRef |
To | func CGPDFContentStreamCreateWithPage(_ page: CGPDFPage) -> CGPDFContentStreamRef |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFContentStreamGetResource(_ cs: CGPDFContentStreamRef, _ category: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ name: UnsafePointer<Int8>) -> CGPDFObjectRef |
To | func CGPDFContentStreamGetResource(_ cs: CGPDFContentStreamRef, _ category: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ name: UnsafePointer<Int8>) -> CGPDFObjectRef? |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFContentStreamGetStreams(_ cs: CGPDFContentStreamRef) -> CFArray! |
To | func CGPDFContentStreamGetStreams(_ cs: CGPDFContentStreamRef) -> CFArray? |
Modified CGPDFContentStreamRef
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPDFContentStreamRef = COpaquePointer |
To | typealias CGPDFContentStreamRef = OpaquePointer |
Modified CGPDFDictionaryApplierFunction
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPDFDictionaryApplierFunction = (UnsafePointer<Int8>, CGPDFObjectRef, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void |
To | typealias CGPDFDictionaryApplierFunction = (UnsafePointer<Int8>, CGPDFObjectRef, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Swift.Void |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFDictionaryApplyFunction(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ function: CGPDFDictionaryApplierFunction?, _ info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) |
To | func CGPDFDictionaryApplyFunction(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ function: CoreGraphics.CGPDFDictionaryApplierFunction, _ info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFDictionaryGetArray(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFArrayRef>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFDictionaryGetArray(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFArrayRef?>?) -> Bool |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFDictionaryGetBoolean(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFBoolean>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFDictionaryGetBoolean(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFBoolean>?) -> Bool |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFDictionaryGetDictionary(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFDictionaryRef>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFDictionaryGetDictionary(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFDictionaryRef?>?) -> Bool |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFDictionaryGetInteger(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFInteger>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFDictionaryGetInteger(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFInteger>?) -> Bool |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFDictionaryGetName(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Int8>>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFDictionaryGetName(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Int8>?>?) -> Bool |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFDictionaryGetNumber(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFReal>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFDictionaryGetNumber(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFReal>?) -> Bool |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFDictionaryGetObject(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFObjectRef>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFDictionaryGetObject(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFObjectRef?>?) -> Bool |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFDictionaryGetStream(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFStreamRef>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFDictionaryGetStream(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFStreamRef?>?) -> Bool |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFDictionaryGetString(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFStringRef>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFDictionaryGetString(_ dict: CGPDFDictionaryRef, _ key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFStringRef?>?) -> Bool |
Modified CGPDFDictionaryRef
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPDFDictionaryRef = COpaquePointer |
To | typealias CGPDFDictionaryRef = OpaquePointer |
Modified CGPDFObjectGetValue(_: CGPDFObjectRef, _: CGPDFObjectType, _: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFObjectGetValue(_ object: CGPDFObjectRef, _ type: CGPDFObjectType, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFObjectGetValue(_ object: CGPDFObjectRef, _ type: CGPDFObjectType, _ value: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Bool |
Modified CGPDFObjectRef
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPDFObjectRef = COpaquePointer |
To | typealias CGPDFObjectRef = OpaquePointer |
Modified CGPDFOperatorCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPDFOperatorCallback = (CGPDFScannerRef, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void |
To | typealias CGPDFOperatorCallback = (CGPDFScannerRef, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Swift.Void |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFOperatorTableCreate() -> CGPDFOperatorTableRef |
To | func CGPDFOperatorTableCreate() -> CGPDFOperatorTableRef? |
Modified CGPDFOperatorTableRef
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPDFOperatorTableRef = COpaquePointer |
To | typealias CGPDFOperatorTableRef = OpaquePointer |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFOperatorTableSetCallback(_ table: CGPDFOperatorTableRef, _ name: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ callback: CGPDFOperatorCallback?) |
To | func CGPDFOperatorTableSetCallback(_ table: CGPDFOperatorTableRef, _ name: UnsafePointer<Int8>, _ callback: CoreGraphics.CGPDFOperatorCallback) |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFScannerCreate(_ cs: CGPDFContentStreamRef, _ table: CGPDFOperatorTableRef, _ info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> CGPDFScannerRef |
To | func CGPDFScannerCreate(_ cs: CGPDFContentStreamRef, _ table: CGPDFOperatorTableRef?, _ info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> CGPDFScannerRef |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFScannerPopArray(_ scanner: CGPDFScannerRef, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFArrayRef>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFScannerPopArray(_ scanner: CGPDFScannerRef, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFArrayRef?>?) -> Bool |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFScannerPopBoolean(_ scanner: CGPDFScannerRef, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFBoolean>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFScannerPopBoolean(_ scanner: CGPDFScannerRef, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFBoolean>?) -> Bool |
Modified CGPDFScannerPopDictionary(_: CGPDFScannerRef, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFDictionaryRef?>?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFScannerPopDictionary(_ scanner: CGPDFScannerRef, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFDictionaryRef>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFScannerPopDictionary(_ scanner: CGPDFScannerRef, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFDictionaryRef?>?) -> Bool |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFScannerPopInteger(_ scanner: CGPDFScannerRef, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFInteger>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFScannerPopInteger(_ scanner: CGPDFScannerRef, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFInteger>?) -> Bool |
Modified CGPDFScannerPopName(_: CGPDFScannerRef, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Int8>?>?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFScannerPopName(_ scanner: CGPDFScannerRef, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Int8>>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFScannerPopName(_ scanner: CGPDFScannerRef, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Int8>?>?) -> Bool |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFScannerPopNumber(_ scanner: CGPDFScannerRef, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFReal>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFScannerPopNumber(_ scanner: CGPDFScannerRef, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFReal>?) -> Bool |
Modified CGPDFScannerPopObject(_: CGPDFScannerRef, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFObjectRef?>?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFScannerPopObject(_ scanner: CGPDFScannerRef, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFObjectRef>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFScannerPopObject(_ scanner: CGPDFScannerRef, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFObjectRef?>?) -> Bool |
Modified CGPDFScannerPopStream(_: CGPDFScannerRef, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFStreamRef?>?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFScannerPopStream(_ scanner: CGPDFScannerRef, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFStreamRef>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFScannerPopStream(_ scanner: CGPDFScannerRef, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFStreamRef?>?) -> Bool |
Modified CGPDFScannerPopString(_: CGPDFScannerRef, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFStringRef?>?) -> Bool
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFScannerPopString(_ scanner: CGPDFScannerRef, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFStringRef>) -> Bool |
To | func CGPDFScannerPopString(_ scanner: CGPDFScannerRef, _ value: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPDFStringRef?>?) -> Bool |
Modified CGPDFScannerRef
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPDFScannerRef = COpaquePointer |
To | typealias CGPDFScannerRef = OpaquePointer |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFStreamGetDictionary(_ stream: CGPDFStreamRef) -> CGPDFDictionaryRef |
To | func CGPDFStreamGetDictionary(_ stream: CGPDFStreamRef) -> CGPDFDictionaryRef? |
Modified CGPDFStreamRef
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPDFStreamRef = COpaquePointer |
To | typealias CGPDFStreamRef = OpaquePointer |
Declaration | |
From | func CGPDFStringGetBytePtr(_ string: CGPDFStringRef) -> UnsafePointer<UInt8> |
To | func CGPDFStringGetBytePtr(_ string: CGPDFStringRef) -> UnsafePointer<UInt8>? |
Modified CGPDFStringRef
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPDFStringRef = COpaquePointer |
To | typealias CGPDFStringRef = OpaquePointer |
Modified CGPSConverterBeginDocumentCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPSConverterBeginDocumentCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void |
To | typealias CGPSConverterBeginDocumentCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Swift.Void |
Modified CGPSConverterBeginPageCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPSConverterBeginPageCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, Int, CFDictionary) -> Void |
To | typealias CGPSConverterBeginPageCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, Int, CFDictionary) -> Swift.Void |
Modified CGPSConverterEndDocumentCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPSConverterEndDocumentCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, Bool) -> Void |
To | typealias CGPSConverterEndDocumentCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, Bool) -> Swift.Void |
Modified CGPSConverterEndPageCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPSConverterEndPageCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, Int, CFDictionary) -> Void |
To | typealias CGPSConverterEndPageCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, Int, CFDictionary) -> Swift.Void |
Modified CGPSConverterMessageCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPSConverterMessageCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, CFString) -> Void |
To | typealias CGPSConverterMessageCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, CFString) -> Swift.Void |
Modified CGPSConverterProgressCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPSConverterProgressCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void |
To | typealias CGPSConverterProgressCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Swift.Void |
Modified CGPSConverterReleaseInfoCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGPSConverterReleaseInfoCallback = (UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void |
To | typealias CGPSConverterReleaseInfoCallback = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Swift.Void |
Modified CGScreenRefreshCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGScreenRefreshCallback = (UInt32, UnsafePointer<CGRect>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void |
To | typealias CGScreenRefreshCallback = (UInt32, UnsafePointer<CGRect>, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Swift.Void |
Modified CGScreenUpdateMoveCallback
Declaration | |
From | typealias CGScreenUpdateMoveCallback = (CGScreenUpdateMoveDelta, Int, UnsafePointer<CGRect>, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void |
To | typealias CGScreenUpdateMoveCallback = (CGScreenUpdateMoveDelta, Int, UnsafePointer<CGRect>, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Swift.Void |
Declaration | |
From | func CGSetDisplayTransferByTable(_ display: CGDirectDisplayID, _ tableSize: UInt32, _ redTable: UnsafePointer<CGGammaValue>, _ greenTable: UnsafePointer<CGGammaValue>, _ blueTable: UnsafePointer<CGGammaValue>) -> CGError |
To | func CGSetDisplayTransferByTable(_ display: CGDirectDisplayID, _ tableSize: UInt32, _ redTable: UnsafePointer<CGGammaValue>?, _ greenTable: UnsafePointer<CGGammaValue>?, _ blueTable: UnsafePointer<CGGammaValue>?) -> CGError |
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func copysign(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func copysign(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified cos(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func cos(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func cos(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified cosh(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func cosh(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func cosh(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified erf(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func erf(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func erf(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified erfc(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func erfc(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func erfc(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified exp(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func exp(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func exp(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified exp2(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func exp2(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func exp2(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified expm1(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func expm1(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func expm1(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func fdim(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func fdim(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func fmax(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func fmax(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func fmin(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func fmin(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified frexp(_: CGFloat) -> (CGFloat, Int)
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func frexp(_ x: CGFloat) -> (CGFloat, Int) |
To | func frexp(_ x: CGFloat) -> (CGFloat, Int) |
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func hypot(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func hypot(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified ilogb(_: CGFloat) -> Int
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func ilogb(_ x: CGFloat) -> Int |
To | func ilogb(_ x: CGFloat) -> Int |
Modified j0(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func j0(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func j0(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified j1(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func j1(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func j1(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified jn(_: Int, _: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func jn(_ n: Int, _ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func jn(_ n: Int, _ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified ldexp(_: CGFloat, _: Int) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func ldexp(_ x: CGFloat, _ n: Int) -> CGFloat |
To | func ldexp(_ x: CGFloat, _ n: Int) -> CGFloat |
Modified lgamma(_: CGFloat) -> (CGFloat, Int)
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func lgamma(_ x: CGFloat) -> (CGFloat, Int) |
To | func lgamma(_ x: CGFloat) -> (CGFloat, Int) |
Modified log(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func log(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func log(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified log10(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func log10(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func log10(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified log1p(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func log1p(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func log1p(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified log2(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func log2(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func log2(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified logb(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func logb(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func logb(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified modf(_: CGFloat) -> (CGFloat, CGFloat)
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func modf(_ x: CGFloat) -> (CGFloat, CGFloat) |
To | func modf(_ x: CGFloat) -> (CGFloat, CGFloat) |
Modified nan(_: String) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func nan(_ tag: String) -> CGFloat |
To | func nan(_ tag: String) -> CGFloat |
Modified nearbyint(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func nearbyint(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func nearbyint(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func nextafter(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func nextafter(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func pow(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func pow(_ lhs: CGFloat, _ rhs: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func remquo(_ x: CGFloat, _ y: CGFloat) -> (CGFloat, Int) |
To | func remquo(_ x: CGFloat, _ y: CGFloat) -> (CGFloat, Int) |
Modified rint(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func rint(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func rint(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified scalbn(_: CGFloat, _: Int) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func scalbn(_ x: CGFloat, _ n: Int) -> CGFloat |
To | func scalbn(_ x: CGFloat, _ n: Int) -> CGFloat |
Modified sin(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func sin(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func sin(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified sinh(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func sinh(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func sinh(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified tan(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func tan(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func tan(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified tanh(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func tanh(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func tanh(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified tgamma(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func tgamma(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func tgamma(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified y0(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func y0(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func y0(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified y1(_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func y1(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func y1(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
Modified yn(_: Int, _: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
Declaration | |
From | @warn_unused_result func yn(_ n: Int, _ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |
To | func yn(_ n: Int, _ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat |