




NSHostingView in a NSViewRepresentable
Hello What is the correct way to use a NSHostingView in a NSViewRepresentable? Basically I want to create a wrapper around my custom NSScrollView. I cannot use SwiftUI's scrollview due to specific functionality in my custom NSScrollView. I have minimal working code that renders the NSScrollView and its NSHostingView contents correctly. But state changes stopped working for the content ... I would love to see an example where NSScrollView is wrapped and the content is again a SwiftUI view. (with state changes) Thanks & Cheers! Gerd
Dec ’23
Floating NSPanel with rounded corners, showing sheet -> corners not masked
Hello all, I am developing a swiftui macos app with a floating NSPanel with with rounded corners. The app shows a few other NSPanels as sheet on the floating panel. (about, settings, etc). This all works, with the exception that: when beginSheet is called, the parent window gets a standard overlay, to indicate that a modal sheet is shown. But this overlay is not respecting my rounded corner. What could be wrong? Check the image: Top part is my floating NSPanel with rounded corners Bottom part is where beginSheet is called -> Notice the corners. I have no idea where this overlay is rendered or how I can influence it to respect the rounded corners. What could be wrong? Thanks! Cheers Gerd
Nov ’23