




Selective up-scaling with Storyboards
Is there any way to configure a Storyboard Launch Screen to ignore and upscale for some devices? Or to have a Storyboard Launch Screen only for iPad and manage iPhone with Launch Images? With Launch Images, it was possible to select which devices you wanted to detect and customize for by including the LaunchImage for that device and omitting others.With LaunchImages, I omit the iPhone 6/7/8 LaunchImage to allow the UI to be upscaled from the iPhone 5 since they have the same aspect ratio. I do use larger image assets though for upscaled devices. I include iPhone X/XR/11 LaunchImages so that I can detect those devices and customize the UI for their taller aspect ratios.With the new requirements that all apps have to be edge-to-edge, I have to move to a Storyboard Launch Screen to eliminate the 2 mm border around the UI on the iPad Pro because there is no option for an iPad Pro LaunchImage, and therefore no way to detect when I'm on that device and adapt the UI. It appears that selective upscaling is not possible with Storyboards and that LaunchImages are ignored once you add a Storyboard Launch Screen.My apps are Universal, but sales are 97% iPhone and less than .1% iPad Pro.When I switch to Storyboards nearly every device UI is severely messed up now. Unless there is a way to continue to upscale some devices it means substantial work, testing, and additional code complexity just to get all of them to look exactly the way they did before switching to Storyboards Launch Screens. I'm pretty sure there's no way to upscale for some devices with Storyboards, but maybe someone else has come up with something.
Mar ’20