What’s new in notarization for Mac apps

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Discuss the WWDC22 Session What’s new in notarization for Mac apps

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notarytool: No Keychain password item found for profile
Hi! Trying to use notarytool for an app notarization via script on CD pipeline. Build machine has an Xcode 12.5 installed and currently it can't be upgraded. So, our team decided to use utility as standalone binary, placed in the /Applications directory. The command used for notarization: '/Applications/notarytool submit '<path>' --keychain-profile '<profile-name>' --output-format 'json' --wait'. Before running the command above, we saved keychain profile with notarytool store-credentials command. However, future runs of notarization script fail with a message: 'Error: No Keychain password item found for profile: '. But we definitely see it among Keychain entries and 'security find-generic-password -l ' command approves that profile has been saved. Did anyone encounter a similar issue? Can someone suggest what how to cope with this behavior? Thank you in advance for any ideas
Sep ’23