NSUserNotification deprecated in Mojave

My searches haven't turned up an alternative solution for NSUserNotification's functionality.

TIA for any clues.

Brian Stevens

I have not used yet, but ssems that UNNotification should be used.

It appears in doc as 10.14+ Beta, which smells like the bew framework.


iOS 10.0+

macOS 10.14+Beta


A UNNotification object contains the initial notification request, which contains the notification's payload, and the date on which the notification was delivered.

Don't create notification objects directly. When handling notifications, the system delivers notification objects to your UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate object. The UNUserNotificationCenter object also maintains the list of notifications that were previously delivered, and you use the getDeliveredNotifications(completionHandler:) method to retrieve those objects.

> Looks like UserNotifications.frameworks API is the replacement.

<semi-rant - I know (think) Apple doesn't read these forums - but perhaps someone here "knows someone who knows someone"?> Then why don't they put that on the NSUserNotification page next to the "deprecated" tag?

I just submitted bug #45947634 for this. In the future, feel free to submit bug reports for problems with the documentation: https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/

NSUserNotification deprecated in Mojave